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Are there mountains in Evpatoria? Evpatoria (city)

Average temperature in the city by month:

Evpatoria through the eyes of a resident. About climate, ecology, areas, real estate prices and work in the city. Pros and cons of living in Evpatoria. Reviews from residents and those who moved to the city.

General information and brief history of Evpatoria

Modern Evpatoria is an amazing city, a city of colorful colors, different architectural structures and a diverse population. "City of contrasts"

In terms of its age, Evpatoria can compete with many capitals of European countries. The city dates back 2,500 years, and almost every stage of development affected the architectural, cultural and historical appearance of modern Evpatoria, leaving a number of monuments that organically fit into the building ensemble of the resort town. To understand this city, you need to come and see with your own eyes its distant historical past, relive all eras with it, walk through the northwestern part of the city, which is saturated with antiquity - narrow crooked streets, cozy little courtyards with high whitewashed walls.

Geographically, the resort city of Evpatoria is located in the northwestern part of Crimea on a flat steppe terrain and stretches for many kilometers along the Kalamitsky Bay.

Essentially, Evpatoria is washed by water on three sides. On the south side there is the coast of Kalamitskaya Bay with sandy beaches. You will hardly find pebbles or dust particles in the sand of the beaches. And the sand is so fine-grained that when you walk on it, it feels like you’re walking on velvet. From the eastern side, Lake Sasyk-Sivash, which is the largest in Crimea, approaches the outskirts of the city. On the western side there are a number of estuary lakes and the well-known Moinak Lake with its unique healing mud. The northern side is a steppe that amazes with the variety of colors and fragrance of medicinal herbs and flowers. All this beauty is what lures the steppe land.

In the 4th century BC. e. The ancient Greeks, immigrants from Ionia, dropped anchor on the shore of the current resort city of Evpatoria and founded the city of Kerkinitida here. From century to century there has been a struggle for this land - Scythians, Huns, Goths, until nothing remains of the ancient settlement, only ashes.

In 1475, after the invasion and conquest of the Crimean land by the Ottomans, a well-fortified trading fortress city was again built on the site of Evpatoria, and they called it Gezlev, Crimean Tatars they called him Kezlev. The city later became a slave market. It was a city of wealth and power. It flourished for another 300 years.

At the end of the Russian-Turkish War, by decree of Catherine II on April 8, 1783, Gezlev annexed the Russian Empire, and received its current name Evpatoria and the status of a county town on January 30, 1784.

XIX - XX centuries Evpatoria experienced a lot: civil revolution, World War II. But the Evpatorians rose up and rebuilt their city, which turned into the most beautiful children's health resort.

And in 2003, the resort celebrated its anniversary - its 2500th anniversary.

Climate and ecology of Evpatoria

Some scientists compare the climate of Evpatoria with the climate of the best resorts in Italy and the southern resorts of France. The climate in the city is coastal-steppe.

In more detail, the sun shines in Evpatoria almost the whole year, the main months are the period from April to October. For comparison, in Moscow the average annual number of hours of sunshine is 1560, and in Evpatoria - 2430.

The average annual air temperature is approximately +11 °C, in the summer months the average temperature is between 22 - 23 °C, in the winter - about 0 °C. Winter in Evpatoria is mild and almost snowless, but piercing winds often blow, which lower the temperature.

Evpatoria is located so that it is open to winds from all directions. In winter, the predominant winds are considered to be north-east, and in summer - south-west, in the form of a sea breeze. Precipitation in the form of rain falls very rarely in Evpatoria, which is why the grass in the middle of summer is already dry, scorched by the sun.

Winter in the port of Evpatoria. Photo by vasyukova2011 (

What can we say about the ecology of Evpatoria? Today the city is considered the most environmentally friendly resort on the Crimean coast. There are no industrial enterprises in Yevpatoria that would pollute the atmosphere.

The main environmental problem of the resort is the loss from year to year of the coastal strip, its main wealth. In some areas, the shore has been reduced by three meters, and the cause of this disaster is sand mining on Lake Donuzlav.

Population of Evpatoria

The population in Yevpatoria is diverse and includes about 94 different nationalities and nationalities. Russians make up the majority of the population - 57%, then Ukrainians - 32%, Crimean Tatars - 10% and 1% are made up of other nationalities (Belarusians, Karaites, Jews, Azerbaijanis, Poles, Moldovans, Greeks, Germans, Bulgarians, Koreans, Armenians, Georgians, Uzbeks). The population is peaceful and educated (34% have higher education) and adjoin each other wonderfully.

Today, the population of Evpatoria has increased and is about 123 thousand people, and 10 years ago it was 117 thousand. Population growth is increasing due to internal migration, due to the arrival of young couples for permanent residence and the arrival of students to study.

Open Evpatoria Championship of “living statues”. Photo by Dr.Soad (

IN summer time the city's population can increase to 1 million people due to holidaymakers.

Due to favorable living conditions in the resort city, the average life expectancy is 77 years. The age of the population is different - from a baby to an old man; in the courtyards you can see a lot of mothers with babies walking, as well as grandmothers on benches. There are a lot of small children in Evpatoria, and this is explained by the fact that the city has all the conditions to give birth and raise a child. The city also has a sufficient number of preschool, school and higher educational institutions.

During the inter-resort period, Evpatoria is in peace and quiet - taking a break from the holiday season, since with its beginning turmoil, fun, constant movement and noise begin.

Districts and real estate of the city of Evpatoria

In addition to Evpatoria itself, the Evpatoria region of the Crimean Peninsula includes 3 more villages: Zaozernoye, Mirny, Novoozerny (Donuzlav). Evpatoria is not the largest city by Crimean standards, its area is 65 km², but still the Evpatorians managed to divide it into many districts and give each district its own name.

In Evpatoria, the cost of housing mainly depends on its location; the most expensive real estate is in the sanatorium-resort (coastal) zone, the cheapest is on the outskirts. If you compare them, the difference can be 20-30%.

Sanitary and resort microdistricts

Yevpatoriya residents often combine these two microdistricts into one - a resort and sanatorium. Both of these microdistricts originate from Lenin Ave. and stretch to the Gorky embankment and to Lake Moinaki. These microdistricts got their name because of the huge number of health resorts, boarding houses and hotels located here. All conditions have been created here for a comfortable stay for holidaymakers. Convenient transport interchange, good roads with marked pedestrian crossings, many small shops, cafes and nightclubs, beaches. We can say that almost all entertainment venues and entertainment are collected here, especially during the holiday season. In this microdistrict there is the well-known Kursaal and the park named after. Frunze.

In terms of recreation, these are the favorite neighborhoods of both vacationers and Evpatoria residents themselves. During the holiday season, due to blaring music and the constant movement of holidaymakers, it is problematic to sleep and relax here. Most often, apartments in these areas are purchased not for permanent residence, but to be rented out to vacationers in the summer. The cost of real estate here is quite high. One-room apartments start from 45 thousand dollars, two-room apartments from 70 thousand dollars, three-room apartments from 100 thousand dollars. Lives in these areas local population approximately 10,000 people.


This microdistrict starts from the railway station and stretches towards the embankment. Toward the embankment there are 5- and 9-story buildings; the infrastructure in this area is well developed. In the center of Evpatoria there are main administrative buildings, clinics and large supermarkets.

A street in the center of Evpatoria. Photo by madam-marleon2010 (

We can say that this is an area of ​​constant movement of public transport; from the railway station you can go to all directions of the city. Because of this movement, the hum of cars is constantly heard. Approximately 30,000 people live in this microdistrict. The cost of housing is cheaper than in other neighborhoods. One-room apartments start from 35 thousand dollars, two-room apartments from 45 thousand, three-room apartments from 80 thousand.

Moinaki microdistrict

This is a fairly quiet area, with poorly developed infrastructure. It is located next to the Moinaki estuary and the Moinaki mud baths. To shop, you need to drive a couple of stops towards microdistrict 8, where there is a food and clothing market and a number of supermarkets.

There are mainly 5- and 12-story buildings here, and there are also a handful of private houses. Housing prices are average. One-room apartments in this microdistrict start from 32 thousand dollars, two-room apartments from 40 thousand dollars, and three-room apartments from 45-48 thousand.

A couple of years ago, elite town houses with their own park area, swimming pool, and beach began to be built in this area. Price per 1 sq. meter in this complex from $750.

Microdistrict Old Town

This microdistrict is a historical value for the people of Evpatoria. The buildings and streets of this area are more than a century old. The Old Town stretches from International Street all the way to Tereshkova Embankment. The microdistrict can be described as relatively quiet, it has its own market (“Kolkhozny”) and a number of shops.

Its significant disadvantage is the lack of normal roads. In this area there are mainly private houses, as well as houses divided into apartments with several owners. Such apartments are inexpensive, their cost is from 25 thousand to 50 thousand dollars, and detached households start from 105 thousand dollars.

Microdistrict st. Perekopskaya

The microdistrict originates from the automobile ring, the entrance to the city from Saki and Simferopol, and completely covers the street. Perekopskaya. The residential area consists of high-rise buildings located on both sides of the street. Perekopskaya and the private sector. Due to the proximity to the sea shores, housing prices are a little high. So, for a one-room apartment they ask from 40 thousand, and for a three-room apartment - from 50 thousand, for private households they ask from 100 thousand dollars.

Microdistrict "Beyond the Line"

The microdistrict is located behind the railway line, from the railway station through an underground passage the area begins and stretches to the street. 9th May. Mostly in this area you can find five-story buildings. The area itself is quiet, except for the rumble of passing trains nearby. The infrastructure is rather poorly developed. Housing prices are also not very high; a one-room apartment can be purchased for 30 thousand, and a three-room apartment for 45 thousand dollars.

Microdistrict "Plans"

If you are interested in this area, now the main thing is not to forget that the emphasis in the name of this area falls on the letter “Y”.

The area itself is not small, it is built up with private households, high-rise buildings of relatively new construction, and its own infrastructure has been developed. The cost of a house with a plot is from 80 thousand dollars and above.

7, 8 and 9 microdistricts

These are three residential microdistricts that are adjacent to each other and built up with 5 and 9-story buildings. The areas are quiet, with well-developed infrastructure. Here, “everything is nearby”: several schools, kindergartens, transport, large supermarkets, shopping and market complexes. The areas are very convenient for permanent residence. You can buy a 3-room apartment in these areas for 45 thousand dollars.

Microdistrict Slobodka

A fairly large area, which consists of a private sector. You can find both one-story and two-story houses and private boarding houses. The small streets of the area are relatively quiet, the infrastructure is rather poorly developed. And on such large streets as Internatsionalnaya, the noise of traffic can be heard far away. In this microdistrict, as in other microdistricts of the resort city, the cost of a house depends on its proximity to the seashore. You can buy a house for 40 thousand or 200 thousand dollars.

Microdistrict Aviagorodki 5th and 29th

The names of the neighborhoods speak for themselves. There are aircraft workshops, now defunct, and a military camp located here. The microdistricts themselves are located between the Tovarnaya railway station and the brand new business center.

The area is calm, if you don't pay attention to the roar of passing trains; with its own developed infrastructure, since it’s a bit far to get to the city center. The buildings in this area are different: there are private houses, five-story buildings, nine-story buildings and two-story buildings. The cost of housing is average and varies from 30 thousand for a one-room apartment and 60 thousand dollars for a three-room apartment in new buildings.

Microdistrict Nakhalovka and station. Commodity

Microdistricts Nakhalovka and st. Tovarnaya is adjacent to Aviagorodki, and they are also united by one railway lane. These are areas with a bad reputation and a high crime situation; Evpatorians try to avoid them at late times of the day. Area of ​​drug addicts and abode of gypsies. The housing stock consists of private houses, their prices vary from 25 thousand to 100 thousand dollars. In this area there are supermarkets, small shops, kindergartens, a clinic and non-through roads.

Microdistrict Peresyp

Peresyp is a small microdistrict, on one side it borders on Lake Sasyk-Sivash and stretches along the shore of the Black Sea to the “New Beaches”. Previously, in this microdistrict, during the cold season, the waters of the Black Sea flooded almost the entire area adjacent to the houses; as a result, a concrete dam was built along the houses, and life became easier for the residents. In this area there are only private houses and expensive boarding houses.

Lake Sasyk-Sivash in Evpatoria. Photo by Yuri (

Microdistrict Sputnik

This is a young, well-equipped microdistrict, which is located on the steppe plains of Evpatoria. The main type of real estate is private luxury houses and cottages; there are also many land plots for sale for development. House prices vary and depend on the comfort of the property.

Zaozernoye village

The village is located on the western side of Evpatoria and stretches along Black Sea coast for several kilometers. Along the sea coast there are health resorts, camps, hotels, boarding houses, and if you walk deep into the village, you can see cottages and five-story buildings from the buildings. Zaozerny has everything for comfortable stay. Every year, in August, the international rock music festival “Rock Wave” is held here.

The distance to the city of Evpatoria is about 7 km. Prices for cottages vary: from 60 thousand to 500 thousand dollars.

Mirny village

The village of Mirny is located northwest of Yevpatoria, at a distance of about 30 km. The village has a very good location - on one side the sea coast, and on the other the Donuzlav Bay. It has its own infrastructure, there is everything for a comfortable stay: pharmacies, kindergartens, schools, entertainment centers, supermarkets and markets. The main type of development is five-story houses, there are also private houses, sanatoriums, and boarding houses. The cost of a one-room apartment in the village will be from 30 thousand dollars.

In the area of ​​the village of Mirny, the well-known Kazantip festival takes place every year. The village is also famous for its wind turbines.

Novoozernoe village (Donuzlav)

The village of Novoozernoye is located north-west of Yevpatoria on the shores of Donuzlav Bay. Novoozernoe is a former military settlement, which has now begun to be actively built up with boarding houses and private houses. This is a place of peace and quiet, the infrastructure is quite developed, everything you need for a normal life is at hand here. In the village you can only find five-story buildings and summer cottages; the cost of apartments is not high, for 1 room. asking from 25 thousand dollars.

Novoozernoe has one of the main attractions - the dolphinarium.

City infrastructure

On the Crimean Peninsula, since 1990, every year among resort cities with a population of more than 60 thousand people. The so-called competition “Settlement for the best improvement and support of public order” is being held. Evpatoria has been the winner more than once. Repair and reconstruction of the city is happening gradually and not in fragments, as in other resort cities, but comprehensively. The city hall's plans are to transform Evpatoria into a European resort and preserve all cultural monuments.

Problems such as broken roads, clogged drains, and lack of lighting still occur in the city.

For example, in the Moinaki area, closer to the lake, there are no lanterns, and after dark it is scary to walk there. Road repairs along central streets are carried out every year, but in courtyards and distant microdistricts there are practically no roads. But the main problem is clogged and non-functional city drains throughout the city. After heavy rains, the water can stand 60 centimeters and last a long time. Plus, when it rains, a terrible sewer smell emanates from the drains.

But there is also good news for lovers of such transport as a bicycle. In the city, in the microdistricts of Center, Moinaki and Sanitarno-resortny, bicycle paths have been created where cars are prohibited from entering, as well as about 30 bicycle parking lots near supermarkets and markets.

Evpatoria also has a well-developed transport hub. It has its own railway station, sea cargo and passenger port, and bus station.

The city has transport links of both internal and interregional importance.

Minibuses, buses and city taxis travel around the city itself. There are no problems getting to any point in Evpatoria. True, during the holiday season, minibuses and buses are overloaded towards the embankment, and during this period there are frequent traffic jams. There is also a unique type of transport in the city - a tram, it is called a “single-track”, it can take you to the railway and bus stations, as well as to the city embankment.

The social sphere in the city is well developed. Each district has preschool and school educational institutions. It is difficult to get into kindergartens; an application must be written immediately after the birth of the baby. There are also specialized kindergartens in the city: speech therapy, orthopedic, and those with visual and hearing impairments. In Yevpatoria there are about 30 preschool institutions and about the same number of schools.

Also in Yevpatoria itself you can get secondary and higher education. There are also enough medical facilities, because the resort is aimed at treating and relaxing holidaymakers and local residents.

Enterprises and work in Evpatoria

Work is a perennial problem in the resort city. The season ends, and half of Evpatoria residents are left without work, since most of the jobs are provided by health resorts and boarding houses. Only a small part of the sanatoriums operate year-round, salaries range from 200 to 600 dollars, depending on the position. You can, of course, try to get a job at a company.

What can we say about the city's enterprises? There are no longer large industrial enterprises in Yevpatoria, only food and light industry enterprises remain.

One of the leading food enterprises is the bakery plant OJSC Krymhleb, which provides bakery products to Evpatoria itself and nearby settlements. About 200 people work here, the salary is about 200 dollars.

JSC "Evpatoria City Dairy Plant" produces all types of dairy and fermented milk products. Dairy plant employees try to produce high-quality products, but for this they are paid pennies, 200 - 300 dollars.

For the same salary, you can go to work at the Yevpatoria garment factory, which specializes in sewing bed linen and underwear, or at a winery that produces its products under the brand name “Golitsyn Wines”.

One of the largest and most popular enterprises is the Evpatoria sea passenger and commercial port. About 250 employees are involved here. The salary is an order of magnitude higher than at previous enterprises.

Seaport of Evpatoria. Photo by Vladimir Korolev (

The oldest enterprise in Yevpatoria, the Stroydetal plant, was created in 1944 to restore the city after the Nazi occupation. Now the company is engaged in both its main activity - repair and construction work, and in parallel produces products: mortar, concrete, reinforced concrete and carpentry. The plant employs about 100 people, salaries vary, but promotions and a full benefits package are possible.

There are many smaller enterprises in Evpatoria. Real estate agents, cooks, medical workers, educators, service personnel, and animators have always been in great demand in the resort city, but only for seasonal work.

Crime in Evpatoria

After the last gangster group, which was engaged in robbery, racketeering and brutal murders, led by A. Yukhnenko, was caught in Yevpatoria in 1998, the crime situation in the city improved and became more or less calm.

During this period there were several sensational criminal cases. In 2007, a maniac began to operate in Yevpatoria. From May to August he kept the Yevpatorians on edge. On his account, three women were brutally killed and one was seriously wounded. Based on the testimony of the surviving woman, a composite sketch was compiled, which was used to later catch the maniac. It turned out to be a local resident.

In 2011, there were two sensational cases in the resort city: “Good Uncle” and “Familiar Uncle” - two pedophiles. They raped a 7-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl. Both pedophiles were detained and are serving their sentences.

IN last years The city is quiet and calm, only corruption, bribery and small thefts are rampant.

Sights of Evpatoria

Evpatoria is a city rich in attractions. You can start your journey around the resort city from the Old Town, namely from the “Gezlev Fortress Gate” or “Wooden Market Gate”, which are located on the corner of two streets: Karaimskaya and Karaev. The construction of the Gezleva settlement began in the 15-16th century.

Gezlev fortress gate. Photo by Optic (

If you walk further along Karaimskaya Street, you can reach the Karaite Kenas - a beautiful complex of temples of the Crimean Karaites. It is a must visit. Construction of the kenas began in 1803, after which the complex was rebuilt several times. Now the complex has been restored and is in perfect condition; services are still held there. Excursions are conducted during the holiday season; a tour with a group of 5-6 people and a guide will cost about $2.50, and an independent tour is even cheaper - about $1.50. You will see the Big and Small Kenas, a marble courtyard with decorated patterns, an alley of vineyards, and funeral tombstones of the Karaites.

"Karaite kenas". Photo by qnak1 (

Opposite the “Gezlev Fortress Gate” is the “Tekie Dervishes” - a Muslim temple. The temple was built in the 15-16th century, but even today it is in good condition. Visitors can see a mosque with a minaret, 19 cells, a cemetery where temple servants were buried, and a small exhibition about the life of the “Dervishes”.

"Tekie Dervishes". Photo by Wanderer (

A little further down Krasnoarmeyskaya Street there is another historical monument, the Turkish Baths. Their construction dates back to the 16th-19th centuries. Having visited them, you can see the men's and women's sections, which are located in parallel, the reservoir where the water was stored, the water supply and heating system of the baths. The condition of this historical monument is disheartening. But there is hope that it will be restored this year.

Turkish baths. Photo by yapet1 (

Another one of the most beautiful monuments is the Khan Mosque “Khan-Jami”. The date of construction of the Khan Mosque is considered to be 1552. Now the mosque is in perfect condition and is used for its intended purpose.

Khan-Jami Mosque. Photo by july-76 (

In the Old Town, it is worth visiting the amazingly beautiful St. Nicholas Cathedral and the architectural monument of culture, the Yegie Kapay Synagogue.

Art lovers visit the A.S. Theater Pushkin, which was built in 1910 in the Art Nouveau style, is also home to one of the main squares of Evpatoria - Theater Square, where all the city's holidays are held.

A favorite place for both Yevpatorians and holidaymakers is the Kursaal (Frunze Park), where almost all entertainment is located: nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, attractions, etc.

The Kursaal is home to the most popular youth nightclub, Malibu. The music played is electronic (klubnyak), famous DJs often come, the hit of the club is the foam parties. The entrance price varies depending on the season and starts from $3. For lovers of romance, the Southern Cross nightclub is nearby. I am glad that there is an open dance floor, which is so important in the summer - fresh air, stars, a show program before the disco.

During the hot season, you can please yourself and the kids gentle sea and water attractions. Extreme sports enthusiasts will appreciate the ultra-modern water park “Banana Republic” - 25 water attractions and 8 swimming pools. Here, after a stormy holiday, you can have a snack. The water park is located 7 km from Yevpatoria in the Saki district. Entrance to the “Banana Republic” is a little expensive for Evpatorians; it is more aimed at holidaymakers who are ready to spend everything on vacation. Prices for adults are $25, children between 90cm and 130cm are $18, and children under 90cm are free. The cost is based on a five-hour stay.

The Crimean peninsula has prepared many resorts for tourists. Evpatoria is one of the most amazing and definitely the best on the West Coast. Situated in a relatively flat area, without mountain peaks and peaks, it will delight you with a truly excellent coastline, which is covered, as a rule, with sand - only small pebbles are found here and there. So, let’s look in detail at why holidays in Evpatoria are so in demand. Go)))

Where is Evpatoria on the map

The map of Crimea shows us this resort on the northern coast of the Kalamitsky Bay of the Black Sea. Coastline Yevpatoriya practically reaches 20 km, not counting the city of Saki (in the southeast) and the neighboring village of Zaozernoye (in the west). It is also adjacent to the villages of Pribrezhnoye, Limannoye, Kamenolomnya, Suvorovskoye and Uyutnoye. From here it is 70 km along the highway to Simferopol, 120 km to Sevastopol, 160 km to Yalta.

Brief history of the resort

Evpatoria can rightfully be classified as one of the oldest in the world. It was founded in the 6th century BC, at the height of the Greek colonization of the Black Sea region, by immigrants from Ionia. During its existence, the city was known by two names, not counting the current one - Kerkinitida and Gezlev. Accordingly, the cultural and economic significance of the policy also changed.

The Greek colonists named their settlement Kerkinitida - it was a classic polis, whose inhabitants were engaged in both crafts and trade, as well as agriculture. During its heyday, it had about 2 thousand inhabitants (a lot for that time). He was dependent on, but had many rights, including the ability to mint coins. The city was destroyed by the Scythians at the end of the 2nd century BC.

Nothing is known about the early Middle Ages of Yevpatoria, but during the period of the Crimean Khanate the city of Gezlev arose in its place. There is a version that the Russian fortress became the basis for it. It was the only full-fledged port of the Khanate, had a large fortification, and the largest mosque in Crimea, Juma-Jami, was built there. The population of Gezlev was multinational, but lived peacefully.

Private sector of Evpatoria

The kids will also be overly happy to be on the shores of which Western Evpatoria is proud. Relaxing here means not only smearing each other with silt and healing mud, but also wonderful healing air, which is rarely found in the steppe zone of Crimea.

The Evpatoria embankments will give your child a lot of entertainment. In the period from June to July, children's towns with a variety of amusements are literally set up there. Here you will find a shooting range, mini-car rides, and inflatable slides that land children in.

Near the Dinopark there is also an analogue of and. Although it is inferior to its counterparts in size, it is still very interesting, especially for children. Next to it there is another entertainment center - “Rioland”. You can also find .

Where to eat deliciously in Evpatoria?

We have already told you in detail about the best cafes and restaurants in the city. Here we will mention only the best establishments near the sea in order to orient beachgoers as to where to have an inexpensive, but satisfying and tasty snack.

Not far from, just north of the Postal Museum, on Karaeva, 4, there is an inexpensive canteen for budget holidaymakers. Reviews indicate that the food here is delicious, the atmosphere is pleasant, and most importantly, it’s inexpensive and safe, unlike eating on the beach when buying food from merchants.

Wonderful coffee is served at the Prokofiev coffee shop. The staff here is well-trained, but the prices are still a little high. At Revolyutsii, 46 there is a pizzeria “Chicago”, one of the most popular in the seaside part of Yevpatoria. The cost is not low, but you will get quality service almost right next to the sea.

You can drink strong drinks at the Leto wine bar, which has also earned mostly positive reviews. It is located near the City Beach. In this same part of Yevpatoria you can also have a full meal - in the Mario Park cafe. It has delicious food and a stunning interior, but if it’s windy outside, it can be quite chilly to be here.

You can also eat in other catering establishments, such as “Fregat”, “U Volodya”, “Mari”, “Dulber”, “Kerkinitida”, “Edatoria”, “Shchedraya Khata”, “Pobeda”, “Lyon”, “ Tasty-Spicy”, “Riviera”, “Spoon-Fork”, etc. If you liked it in some other place, don’t hesitate to write about it in the comments, this way you help make our resource more useful.

How to get there (get there)?

Now it’s not difficult to get to Yevpatoria, there are a lot of options, and very different. The most popular are buses that connect the resort with Simferopol, Krasnodar, Moscow, Black Sea, Yalta, Saki, and other cities and towns. Here is the bus schedule for the nearest routes at the Evpatoria bus station:

You can also get to Yevpatoria by train. If you travel from Moscow (two days), then it is through Krasnodar or Anapa, where there will be a bus transfer. Evpatoria is connected by electric trains only to Crimean railway junctions - at Simferopol airport. During the holiday season, the number of flights increases to a maximum, so there is enough space for everyone.

Evpatoria is indeed a popular place, allowing every adult to find himself at least for a moment in childhood, or in a fairy tale. There are ideal conditions for complete rest and absolute beach relaxation. Yes, there are no beautiful mountains and waterfalls near the city, which abound in the same places, but there are healing lake, a lot of entertainment and a lot of health resorts, not inferior to the leading Russian sanatoriums, clean sandy beaches and a smooth entry into the sea. In conclusion - a video about Evpatoria, enjoy watching!

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Yevpatoria is the main resort in the western part of Crimea, an all-Union children's health resort, which remains so today. On the territory of the city, located on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay, children's health camps, boarding houses, and sanatoriums continue to operate, accepting children from all over Russia. Adults also come here for treatment. Evpatoria borders on two mud lakes - Moinaki and Sasyk, where medicinal mud is extracted that helps with many ailments.

The resort is surrounded by steppes, which has a beneficial effect on its climate. In summer the weather here is dry and sunny. Precipitation occurs mainly in winter. From November to March it is windy and cold in Evpatoria.

The high season at the resort begins early - in mid-May. This is explained by the fact that the shallow sea in Evpatoria Bay warms up well and retains its heat for a long time. The water near the shore turns out to be 4-5 degrees warmer than in the open sea. Strong winds causing storms are a rare occurrence in the high season. The last sea bath lovers leave the resort in mid-October.


Tourists come to Crimea by bus, their own car, or fly by plane. In any case, the road to Evpatoria runs through the capital of the peninsula - the city of Simferopol. If travelers arrived in Crimea by air, they can get to Evpatoria by minibus or train. These types of transport depart to the western coast of Crimea, where Evpatoria is located, from the Simferopol railway station. They will have to spend from 40 to 90 minutes on the way.

Evpatoria - quite Big city. By historical center, which is located near the sea, you can get around on foot. Transport may be needed if tourists are staying in residential areas of the city, far from the coast.

You can get to the sea by buses (there are more than 20 bus routes in the city) and by trams (4 lines). Tram No. 1 will take you from the Sputnik-2 microdistrict to the intersection of Eskadronnaya and Simferopolskaya streets. It runs along the central streets of Lenin and Revolution. Tram number 2 departs from the City Theater towards Moinak Lake. Tram number 3 runs from the railway station along Frunze Street to the pump room mineral water. Tram number 4 will take you from Simferopolskaya Street to New Beach.

You can get from Yevpatoria to other cities of Crimea either by bus or by train.


Children and adults will certainly enjoy the historical sights, of which there are quite a few in Evpatoria. It's worth setting aside a couple of days to study them. Evpatoria is not just a beach and balneological resort, but also ancient city, founded more than 2500 years ago. It was owned by many peoples who left reminders of themselves in stone here.

The famous Ottoman architect Haji Sinana built the beautiful Juma-Jami Mosque here. Another Islamic architectural monument dates back to the same period - the tekie (dormitory) of the dervishes, where an ethnographic museum is now open. From the Karaite Turks who settled in Evpatoria in the 18th century, the Big and Small Kenas, which were used for worship, have been preserved. Today, in the complex returned to this small ethnic group of Crimea, you can visit a museum dedicated to their history and way of life, and the Karaman cafe, where they serve exclusively national cuisine. Here you should definitely try the small dumplings khamur-dolma and chibureks chir-chiry.

From the times of the Russian Empire, the city has preserved the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, which rises behind the mosque.

In 1914, a narrow-gauge tram line opened in Yevpatoria, which is still in use today. Now everyone can ride on the old tram.

Health tourism

Evpatoria is a recognized balneological resort, where thousands of tourists come every year to improve their health. They are accepted in sanatoriums, recreation centers, children's camps, and boarding houses, where unique treatment methods are used using mud from the Saki and Moinak lakes and mineral water.

Even just staying in Evpatoria has a positive effect on health. The local dry climate, the absence of changes in atmospheric pressure throughout the day, and the abundance of sunny days in the high season contribute to the overall strengthening of the body. People who do not want to see doctors in sanatoriums, but who are not averse to experiencing the miraculous effects of local mud, independently go to Lake Moinak, where there is a tram and minibuses. There, vacationers have at their disposal fatty healing mud, which can be used to smear the entire body. True, any independent treatment should be approached with caution.

In Evpatoria sanatoriums they help patients with diseases of the spine, joints, skin, nervous, hematopoietic, and digestive systems.

Beach holiday

Most vacationers come to Evpatoria for the sun, the sea, wide long beaches, and sea activities. Many beaches in Evpatoria have a sandy surface, which means they are great for families with children. True, even here there are sections of the coast that are not very convenient for children. These, for example, include the beach on Tereshkova embankment. It is equipped on concrete slabs that do not have a gentle descent into the water. There are steps into the sea covered with slippery algae. Despite these inconveniences, this beach is always crowded with divers.

Beaches that belong to sanatoriums and hotels are paid, but in the city center there are also several municipal free places to relax by the water. These include the “General” beach, which is adjacent to Frunze Street. The most comfortable and cleanest free beach in the city is considered to be New.

Paid beaches are quite accessible to visit. To use the beach infrastructure you will have to pay about 30 rubles per day. The clean and not crowded beaches belonging to the boarding houses “Solnyshko”, “Planeta”, “Mriya” are very popular among holidaymakers.


What to do in Yevpatoria for lovers of active entertainment? Numerous travel agencies take care of the leisure of such travelers. For example, you can go fishing on a yacht on the open sea. Five hours of fishing on board a yacht will cost 1,800 rubles. Mullet fishing is excellent near the coast of Evpatoria.

Scuba diving is also possible near Cape Tarkhankut. Diving clubs, of which there are many at the resort, will offer rental of all necessary equipment and the accompaniment of an instructor. Dive prices start from 1800 rubles.

A horse ride along the beach will also be interesting. Not only adults, but also children are invited to attend. The cost of such a horseback excursion will be 1,700 rubles. If desired, your horse riding lessons will be recorded by an experienced photographer. His services are priced from 3,000 rubles per hour.

No adult would refuse a jeep safari to the remote natural attractions of Crimea, for example, Mount Ai-Petri. The walk takes from 8 to 10 hours and costs 8,000-10,000 rubles.

Vacation with children

There is probably no better place than Yevpatoria for a holiday with children in Crimea. This resort is rightly called a children's resort, as it has the best conditions for children on the entire peninsula. The beaches are covered with fine soft sand, from which it is so convenient to build castles, the sea near the shore is shallow, safe and well-warmed, the descent into the water is convenient and not traumatic.

On the embankment near the central beaches there are various attractions for children. A children's train runs along Frunze Street. There is also an amusement park where you can spend several pleasant hours riding small cars around the race track and proving your courage to everyone around you on extreme roller coasters. There are carousels in the park for kids.

Another children's entertainment venue in Yevpatoria is the dolphinarium, where four shows a day are held during the high season. They also offer swimming with dolphins in Lake Donuzlav, which is located near Yevpatoriya.

On Shevchenko Street, which runs parallel to the main resort artery - Frunze Street, there is a Fairytale Park, where you can find sculptures depicting the most popular characters of Russian and not only folklore.

It is also worth visiting the Dinopark with moving figures of dinosaurs, which houses the “Jungle” entertainment complex with trampolines, ladders, etc.

Food and souvenirs

The best cafes and restaurants are concentrated in the most tourist part of the city - on the embankment and Frunze Street. The prices in these establishments are different, but all are designed for wealthy vacationers who come to spend money. There are also inexpensive canteens in Evpatoria, where you can have a meal for 150-200 rubles. Local fast food will cost about the same: shawarma and pancakes.

In Yevpatoria you can find many souvenir stalls and shops selling wonderful things that will remind you of your trip to Crimea. An excellent gift for yourself or your family would be shells, shell products, paintings on large round pebbles. Wooden and ceramic figurines, coasters made from juniper or cypress and exuding a subtle aroma, and original designer jewelry made from natural materials are also bought as souvenirs. If among your friends there are smokers, then bring them a pipe or mouthpiece.

Useful gifts include essential oils and cosmetics containing local medicinal mud or blue clay. Any lady will love soap made by hand by Crimean craftswomen. “Edible” souvenirs include herbal teas that are brewed and drunk instead of tea, wine, and sweets.

Evpatoria - the city is located 64 kilometers from Simferopol in the steppe northwestern part Crimean peninsula and is one of the best seaside resort towns in the Russian Federation on the Black Sea coast. Population 120 thousand people.
The name of the city was given by ancient Greek colonists from the word eupator - “noble”, believed to be in honor of the Bosporan king Mithridates Eupator (132-63 BC).

The history of urban settlements on the site of modern Evpatoria goes back more than 25 centuries.
In 2003, Evpatoria celebrated its 2500th anniversary. Throughout its 2500-year history, the city bore three names: in ancient times - Kerkinitida, in the Middle Ages - Gezlev, in modern times - Evpatoria.
The three-fold change of the city's names reflected major historical eras: Greek colonization, the emergence of the Crimean Khanate and entry into the Ottoman Empire, and the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire in 1783.

The resort of Evpatoria stretches along a 12-kilometer coastal strip along the Kalamitsky Bay.
Summer here is warm without sweltering heat, air temperature +24 - +28, water temperature +24 - +26. The swimming season lasts from late May to mid-October.
Shallow-water, well-warmed by the sun and therefore warm near the shore; lack of surf, ebb and flow; unique mud and medicinal brine; thermal springs and mineral waters; healing plants, air and sun; ease of acclimatization and low prices, relative to other resorts in Crimea - they attract people here and help restore strength and health.

The beaches of Evpatoria are the best in Crimea. Clean golden sand, a gently sloping bay bottom, clear sea water and 50 kilometers of beaches make them the most attractive for families with children.
The resort area is located in the southwest of the city. Entertainment centers, the Golden Key children's theater, a dolphinarium, aquariums, the Banana Republic water park, Disneyland, and amusement parks will make your vacation eventful and interesting.

Evpatoria has been a children's health resort since the times of the USSR, and also famous resort for the treatment of cerebral palsy.
It is no coincidence that the Paralympic sports base is located in Evpatoria.

A lot of tourists await in Evpatoria interesting places, aimed at absolutely any age of vacationers. Therefore, it simply cannot be boring here.
Not far from Yevpatoria there are estuaries and salt lakes, including the famous Moinak Lake and Sasyk-Sivash. In the center of Evpatoria in 2004, at the entrance to Frunze Park, the “Buvette Mineral Water Source” appeared.

Evpatoria is divided into two parts, the old city and new buildings. In the old city, the streets are located in a chaotic order.
According to local legend, in early times the city was built without taking into account geographical features. Higher clergy came to the supposed place and one of them threw a stone behind his back, where the stone rolled - in that direction the street. The development of the old city is a little reminiscent of a game of chess between two amateurs (whoever wants to does so). In addition, the restorers did their best; each street (like a twin sister) is similar to its predecessor. It is very easy to get lost, so it is best to buy a map and travel around the city.

The most important amusement park in Evpatoria - Central Park named after Frunze. The youngest guests of the city will be able to get a lot of pleasure in a place called “Town of Fairy Tales”. The park contains more than 30 characters from everyone’s favorite Soviet cartoons. All characters are skillfully made of wood and painted with bright colors. Children “have a blast” climbing into Baba Yaga’s hut, sitting astride the Serpent-Gorynych. At night, the park turns into a nightclub and concert hall, where artists come. Located at: Evpatoria, st. Gorky, st. Shevchenko or st. Frunze.

The Dolphinarium in Yevpatoria is not quite ordinary; in addition to spectacular tricks, you can purchase the “dolphin therapy” service here. Many doctors claim that joint communication with these animals helps to recover from large quantity diseases associated with the nervous system. There are a large number of people who want to get a positive effect. Dolphinarium opening hours are daily from 11-00 to 20-00. Located at: Evpatoria, st. Gorky, 16.

The water park "Banana Republic Aquaparkos" can offer guests of Evpatoria super extreme slides for adults ("Blue Fog" and "Red Pepper" - the height of a 7-story building) and about 15 children's slides. In aquapark: attractions, cascading pools, geysers and waterfalls. There is parking, restaurants, cafes, and a tennis court on site. Admission is paid except for children under 90 cm tall. The water park is open every day from 10 to 19. The only caveat is that during the high season, there are a lot of people here, and therefore there are long queues for the slides. Located at: Evpatoria, Pribrezhnoye Station.

The Dinopark amusement park is aimed only at children. There are a large number of dinosaur models, a play area, a bowling alley, an ice skating rink and a fish restaurant. Opening hours from 10 to 23. Admission is paid, except for children under 3 years old. Located at: Evpatoria, park named after. Lenin.

Right in the center, on the Embankment, is the fabulous city “Aqualand near Lukomorye”. There are not just slides here, but a whole interactive area for games, where children are always under the supervision of animators. Water attractions: Serpent Gorynych, Tail Gorynych, Swan Princess, Bogatyrskaya Gorka, Storm, Throne of Guidon. Admission is paid except for children under 1 meter tall.

Entertainment complex "Solnyshko" - for those who want to dance. The complex is located directly on the seashore and includes: a large three-level open dance floor, water activities on the beach, animation programs throughout the day, diving center, restaurants, cafes and bars. The place is famous for its popularity among young people. Located at the address: Evpatoria, along the P25 highway from Evpatoria in the direction of the city of Saki.

Theater Square of Evpatoria is the center of the city, it houses: Theatre, library named after. Pushkin and park. Located at: Evpatoria, Theater Square.

The landmark of the city is an old red and yellow tram, which, grunting and creaking, will take you to the Old Town or to the market and square.

The main attraction for vacationers is the embankment (Gorky and Tereshkova), with endless entertainment venues and cafes. It is on the embankment that the people’s favorite statue of the “local nudist” is located.

Not far from the embankment, along various shops, there is a small alley where people dressed in costumes from historical eras of past centuries stand on pedestals all day long, pretending to be statues.
At the bottom of each pedestal there is a bank where everyone throws money (to whomever you care).

Moinak Lake with healing water - brine (mineral highly concentrated salt water). The depth of the lake is from 0.5 to 1 meter.

From the sea there is an amazing view of the domes of temples and churches in Evpatoria.
Evpatoria is not at all a boring health resort town, but a vibrant crossroads of different religions and cultures - with museums of different nationalities, with the cries of Muslim heralds and minaret towers, spiers rising into the sky, an ancient functioning mosque and synagogues, with Orthodox churches and Karaite kenas.
A variety of religious architecture forms the unique appearance of the Old Town, located in the east of the city and consisting of a labyrinth of narrow streets of the medieval Gezlev (Kezlev).

A tourist route The old part of the city is called “Little Jerusalem” due to the mixture of religions, cultures and traditions. The ancient buildings of the city preserve the memory of centuries.
You can start exploring “Little Jerusalem” from the ancient Gezlev Gate. Gezlev - that’s what Evpatoria was called before, it was Big City, which was even planned to be the capital of the Crimean Khanate. To this day, the entrance to the fortified city, which is called the Gate of the Wood Market, has been preserved here.

The Old City, where the excursion walking route “Little Jerusalem” is open - an excursion into the past with a visit to 12 architectural monuments.
The former monastery of the Sufi order of Muslim monks - “tekie dervish” (XVI-XVIII centuries) - consists of a monastery of dervishes, the ancient Shukurulla Jami minaret and the Crimean Tatar museum in a tea house. The temple is a place for meditation and “dancing” of monks. It is worth listening to the music and watching the dervishes dance.

Juma-Jami Mosque (Friday Mosque) - 1552, Merchant and Crafts synagogues, restored Yegie Kapay synagogue, Yoskin Kot museum-cafe, where you can try Jewish Olivier, Armenian Church of St. Nikogaios (1885).

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the Embankment is a majestic Orthodox church with a huge dome, a square bell tower and small domes around. On the facade of the temple there are three types of crosses: Greek, St. George and Orthodox.

Karaite kenas is a masterpiece of the national architecture of the Crimean Karaites, a temple - a museum, a house of worship.

Temple of St. Elijah (1911-1918) is a Greek church located on the embankment itself.

Walking along the quiet streets of Evpatoria, even aimlessly, you can still get into some attraction. After all, there are 15 museums in the city alone.
The “Museum of Local Lore,” opened back in 1921, has more than 80,000 exhibits, including rich collections of ancient Greek and Scythian monuments, numismatics, and weapons. The museum exposition is open daily, except Wednesdays, from 10.00 to 16.30. The museum is located on Duvanovskaya Street, 11, and its branch is on Gagarin 16.

The “Maritime Museum” provides the opportunity to see the most interesting exhibits that were raised at different times from the bottom of the Black Sea near Yevpatoria. Mostly these are dishes, household items, fragments of sunken ships, etc. The most interesting exhibit is the pre-war archive of the Evpatoria Resort Administration.
Like other exhibits in the museum, this archive rested on the seabed for a long time, but when it was found, it was found to be in excellent condition, which created a wonderful opportunity for its study. The museum is located on Barteneva Street and is open until 5 o’clock.

"Museum of World Sculpture and Applied Arts", opened in the city in August 2007. Every year there are many visitors, because the museum is a real island of culture that attracts true connoisseurs of art.
It has already become a good tradition to hold an international plein air every summer on the basis of the Museum of World Sculpture for the best graduates of art universities in the CIS countries. Moreover, young sculptors from St. Petersburg and Belarus always prepare for it in advance: under the guidance of experienced teachers, they make sketch models, on the basis of which a sculpture is then born.

It is curious that one of the interesting exhibits of the museum was a copy of the world famous statue of Christ the Redeemer. The famous monument is installed on the top of Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro and is a symbol of Brazil. Now you can see the statue in miniature in Evpatoria. The height of the copy is 3 meters, and the pedestal is 2 meters. The author of the work is Yalta artist-sculptor Vladimir Shevchenko.

Currently, the museum's holdings include more than 500 exhibits. This is a monumental sculpture, sculptural and decorative portraits. Their themes are different: ancient Greek legends, the history of Crimea, fairy-tale characters, humor in stone, copies of world masterpieces.
The museum is located in the open air on the territory of the Evpatoria seaport, in Shelkovichny Square. The museum is open from 10.00 to 20.00.

Art Gallery "Ha-Ra-Sho!" opened in Evpatoria in May 2007 in the hall of the only Children's Theater Center in Europe "Golden Key". The concept of the gallery “Ha-Ra-Sho!” sounds like a “contemporary art gallery”, it provides the opportunity to view photographs, paintings, children's drawings and small art. The gallery in Evpatoria cooperates with many photography and painting institutes, including children's institutions, and also attracts many independent artists and photographers. A special feature of the gallery is that children can exhibit their works here. The main rule of “Ha-Ra-Sho!” – “Down with the rules!”, so that all authors are given complete freedom of expression.
The gallery is open daily except Mondays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., admission is free. Gallery address: St. Barteneva 1-5.

Museum of the Heroes of Chernobyl "Star of Wormwood" in the park in memory of the Heroes of Chernobyl. The museum is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10.00 to 16.00.

The Museum of the History of the Crimean War on Revolution Street, 61, is open all days except Wednesday and Saturday from 10.00 to 16.30.

The Pirates of the Black Sea Museum, located on Revolution Street, 56, is open daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Mondays.

The House of Wine Museum in the center of Evpatoria will present an exhibition dedicated to the history of winemaking in Crimea. All wines are genuine. In the museum you can see ancient Greek finds related to culture and wine consumption. And, of course, traditional tasting. Located at: Evpatoria, st. Brothers Buslaev, 30

The original “Post Museum” and “Museum-Pharmacy” in Yevpatoria are considered unique; there are no others like them in Crimea.

The “Post Museum” in the old quarters of the city, on Karaeva Street, 2, tells about the development of postal services in Crimea and Evpatoria.

The Old Marine Pharmacy Museum is open from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 21.00, and Sunday from 8.00 to 17.00.

You can visit the dilapidated but unique Turkish Baths complex, built back in the 16th century.

There are many theaters in Evpatoria.
The Pushkin Theater and the Marionette Puppet Theatre, the Wolfram Fire Theater and the World Dance Theater, the unusual theater on stilts, the live sculpture theater and the Gender Interactive Theater.

It is worth paying attention to the absolutely amazing children's theater near Evpatoria, which is called “Golden Key”. This is not just a theater, it is an International Children's Center-Complex, which includes theater studios for children of different ages, a maritime professions club, various hobby groups and art and craft workshops. The theater is located at Barteneva, building 1-5.

The city has the HARASHO Contemporary Art Gallery and the Clown House interactive museum, which hosts performances and excursions, master classes for children, and a children's club for kids, where you can temporarily leave your child with caring nannies.

Every year from July 1 to July 7, for more than 20 years, the theater has been holding the International Festival “Earth. Theater. Children”, which attracts theater groups from all over the world.
These days, not only the area in front of the Golden Key, but the whole city turns into one big stage, into a single cheerful, colorful carnival, with a festive procession, performances by artists, singers, dancers, fireworks and a parade of stars. This is an unforgettable sight.

For those who love sightseeing tours, you can book a city tour of the city, and there are excursions by car, walking and tram.
Cinema lovers will be interested in walking through the places where the famous films “We Met Somewhere”, “Walking Through Pain”, “It Was by the Sea”, “The Money Changers” were filmed.

Appeal to the authorities of Evpatoria

In Russia, Law No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” includes a section on silence, which clearly limits the permissible noise level day and night and time limits. The most common concern is violation of the law at night, when a person usually rests before the next working day. The noise level from 7-00 to 23-00 should not exceed 40 dB, and from 23-00 to 7-00 - 30 dB. To understand how loud such a sound is, it is enough to say that, for example, the noise level from an alarm going off in a car parked near a house is 80-100 dB.

Please draw the attention of the authorities to the fact that the city of Evpatoria is identified by everyone as children's resort, but in practice in Evpatoria it is very noisy at night, from a large number of nightlife establishments. Those who come on vacation have to listen to night discos until the morning.

The authorities of the city of Evpatoria put things in order at night and give people the opportunity to sleep peacefully at night.

Establishments open 24 hours a day:

Crimea (history, geography, population)

Evpatoria is a famous resort city on the western coast of Crimea. The permanent population is just over 105 thousand people, but during the holiday season it increases several times.

On the territory of the modern city there was once an ancient Greek settlement called Kerkinitida.

After its destruction, the site remained empty for centuries. During the conquests by the Crimean Khanate, the city of Kezlev, or Kozlov in Russian, was built on the wasteland. The city received its modern name only after the annexation of Crimea to the territory of the Russian Empire.

The city is located along the Kalamitsky Bay, distinguished by its shallow waters. The area is practically not elevated above sea level, average height is only 10 meters. In the southwest there is a resort area where a significant portion of tourists stay. It is noteworthy that Evpatoria, like many cities of Crimea, has a so-called old city with winding narrow streets that have an interesting grid of interlacing. Many houses here have a rich history, and were built during the Crimean Khanate. The northwestern part of the city is the so-called “Modern City”, where multi-storey buildings (up to 18 floors) are located. Here the street layout is radically different from the Old Town. Wide ears and avenues dominate here. The northern part of the city is completely given over to industrial enterprises.

The territory of the city is conventionally divided into several districts, including the Old Town, where the distance to the sea is only 700 meters, the Sanatorium-Kukort zone, whose permanent population is no more than 7,000 people, as well as others. The central part of Evpatoria occupies a place north of the resort area. There are multi-storey buildings and the majority of shops here. 30,000 people live here permanently. The area of ​​Perekopskaya Street is located near the automobile ring and combines private houses with high-rise buildings. Population 10,000 people. Microdistrict 8 is adjacent to Lake Moinaki. Near it there is a mud clinic with the same name. This area is relatively remote from the sea, 1-3 kilometers. Behind the railway station there is another part of the city, popularly called “behind the line”. The population here is 20,000 people.

Slobodka and Peresyp are occupied exclusively by private houses and several new boarding houses. A dam was built here several years ago to avoid disasters during winter storms. And finally, the Ismail Bay district, where exclusively Crimean Tatars live in private houses.

If you want to go to Crimea for treatment, then choose Evpatoria. Mud baths and brine waters, unique in their composition, air saturated with sea salt, sun, sand and medicinal plants will help you improve your health.

Within the city there are many public and private beaches, both sandy and pebble. Outside the city you will find numerous small reservoirs, lakes, and estuaries with healing mud and highly concentrated salt solutions. Unfortunately, in 1990, Lake Moinak lost its status as a health resort of regional importance due to the uncontrolled discharge of fresh water here.

In the middle of the last century, the first source of mineral water was discovered on the territory of the city, precisely on the territory of the Moinak mud baths. The water from here was extracted at a temperature of 39 degrees Celsius, sodium chloride in its chemical composition. Later, 3 more healing mineral springs were discovered in Yevpatoria.

If you want to get to know the city better, then follow the three existing excursion routes. “Little Jerusalem”, “Chaika Settlement” and “Modern Evpatoria” will open up the history of the city and introduce you to the modern state of the region. If you come to the city during the holiday season, then you may also be lucky enough to get on other sightseeing tours around the city.