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What tourists need to know. What do tourists need to know? Types of local population

One of the most famous Chinese cities among the Far East is Heihe. This border town is a favorite place for shopping among the residents of Blagoveshchensk. Such love is explained by the fact that the cities are separated only by a river crossing across the Amur with a length of just 800 meters. It is very easy for Annunciators and guests of the city to be abroad. Heihe is located in the visa-free free trade zone between Russia and China.

Relax on the weekend, update your wardrobe or celebrate a family holiday - with such goals, people usually go to this border town. Buying a fur coat in Heihe has become the norm among residents of the Russian border.

The most difficult thing is to pass the border post, since there are many who want to, do not forget the scurrying shuttles, which the border guards let through in the first place. You need to pay a port tax to pass through Chinese customs. from 45 yuan and customs duty in the amount of 50 yuan, currency can be exchanged there, but our wooden ones are also accepted.

For those who travel to China for the first time, it is worth enlisting the support of already experienced tourists, since in Heihe itself everyone is trying to get several times more for their services and goods than they can really cost.

Hotels in Heihe

Don't be afraid to book your hotel rooms in advance. There are more establishments offering accommodation for the night than prospective guests. You can find the best combination of price and quality. It is better to immediately specify in detail what is included in the price, so that unpleasant and unexpected excesses do not come out. Do not forget that in this city you can bargain everywhere, including in a hotel or hostel. For a relatively inexpensive fee of 150 yuan in a small hotel, you can get a comfortable small room, even with a computer and Internet access. For very budget tourists, there are hostels where for 15-20 yuan a bed is provided in a room for several guests. As they say for every taste and budget.

Transport in the city

As soon as you go through customs and the city begins, you immediately find yourself surrounded by taxi drivers. It is worth haggling with them and immediately clearly specify the cost, and otherwise you can overpay at the place of the trip and not get where you wanted. Every second driver offers the services of a personal guide and translator for a certain commission, but it is still easier to move around the city unaccompanied, as these dubious services are not worth it. But otherwise, sometimes you come across more honest and respectable taxi drivers who can help and not out of a desire for net profit and easy money. You can ask your friends in advance and ask for the contact details of “verified” people.

Getting around on foot in the city is difficult, as the traffic is somewhat chaotic and does not lend itself to well-known traffic rules. Despite this, it is difficult to see cars on the streets after an accident, drivers must be able to skillfully operate vehicles.

Attractions and entertainment

Despite the fact that Heihe is usually considered mainly a trading city, there are places to go and things to see.

Amusement park

For tourists who escaped for the weekend in Heihe with children, they will like General Vansu Park, known for attractions for all tastes. Ferris wheel and rollercoaster are great options for family vacation or goodbye. There is also a mini zoo in the park, which is also open to visitors.

Russian-Chinese Park of National Traditions

This amazing place is a 20-minute drive to the lower reaches of the Amur. It is notable for several reasons. This park presents the dwellings and history of the peoples of the north of China, those who lived before the first Russian settlers came to the other side of the Amur. A bit of the history of the Evenks, Manchus, Nanais, excellent reconstructions are presented in the park. In the same park, the Russian Ancient was also built. By and large, there is little in common with real villages that are in our homeland. Initially, this "attraction" was priced as a set for the Chinese version of the well-known Soviet film "The Dawns Here Are Quiet." The creators of the television series turned out to be enterprising and fake huts have become a favorite destination for Chinese tourists. And for compatriots, it is almost like a piece of the motherland. Entrance to the "Russian village" is free, which makes visiting it even more pleasant. The path from the "village" leads to Russian style street, on which cute brick houses and an Orthodox church are built. The most successful time of the year to visit the national park is summer - and walk around the objects, take pictures, explore, and a lot of street cafes will please tourists who have worked up an appetite during the walk with delicious inexpensive food.


After a long day of shopping, it is so nice to take a walk along the promenade. The lights of the night city, reflected from the water, turn the surrounding landscape into a magical place. On the embankment in summer there are street cafes with pleasant music and dancing. And it is so interesting to look at a familiar Russian city from the coast of another state.

For adults and fun companies in the city of Black River (this is a translation from Chinese Heihe) there are bars, restaurants, karaoke clubs and much more. At almost every intersection you can find something that you might like. Almost the entire infrastructure is tied to the tourism and entertainment business, so you can find a suitable institution for every taste.


In Heihe, you can buy almost everything. But at the same time, you need to skillfully bargain so that the allocated budget is enough for the entire shopping list. You can start shopping from the very border post on the Chinese side, in the building itself there are shops with clothes and souvenirs.

The most famous place for shopping among our compatriots is the island "Big Heihe". Any taxi driver will take you to this place. Here you can buy any product for a relatively low price: from electronics to a winter coat made of elite fur. How much you spend and buy depends only on the ability to bargain.

morning market

If you went shopping for several days the next day early in the morning you can go to the morning market, which opens at 5 am local time. You can buy everything on it. Often, early risers can find a good product for less than if they went to the mall at lunchtime. The most remarkable thing is that the market is actually more like a spontaneous one and opens right on one of the streets, on Kultury Street. The market closes quite early after 9 am. And the street again becomes an ordinary busy avenue.

Pedestrianized street

In Heihe there is a kind of local Arbat - Pedestrian Street. It is lined with small shops, boutiques and cafes. Everything that was sold a couple of hours earlier on the Morning Market can be found on the Arbat, but perhaps at an inflated price. When buying products, you should pay attention to the fact that prices are called for half a kilogram, and not, as we are used to, for a whole kilogram. Having passed almost the entire street, you will get to a fork in other streets, there, as in a fairy tale, only there is no pointing stone. On one side, seeds, sesame oil, on the other, home chemicals and perfumes. And in the third, ready-made food and all this mixed with clothing stores.

Food in Heihe

In Heihe, the question often arises of where to go for dinner, and not because there are few places, but quite the contrary, because of the large selection. The hotels chosen by travel agencies usually provide breakfast only, with lunch somewhere along the way between shopping trips. If you want to taste real Chinese food, then you should move a little away from the city center and go to a cafe where locals usually eat. But it is better to do this before or after dinner, which is not entirely “impressed” with the local color, since the culture of behavior at the table differs between us and in China. The names of cafes and restaurants aimed at Russian tourists usually have Russian names in their names, for example, “At Lena”, “At Natasha”, “Putin”.


One of the famous places among fellow citizens is the cafe "At Lena's". Reviews about the cafe among visitors are polar, but it's worth a try. Prices are not large, and portions, on the contrary, are designed for the appetite of several adult men. The waiters understand Russian and do not bother guests much. If you come not at lunchtime, but, for example, closer to dinner, then they can make a present in the form of a free cut and a discount coupon for the next time. In the cafe, you should definitely try Peking duck. The locals say that you can't go to China and eat Peking duck. In fact, this is not even one, but several dishes, so you need to eat it with a whole company.

Xin Yu

A restaurant with slightly above average prices, but nice interior and good service. Like many cafes, they received both praise and criticism from visitors. The restaurant itself has an aquarium; guests of the cafe can order a dish from one of the inhabitants of this aquarium. You should also try Heihe's signature salad. There are as many variations of Heihe in the cafes of the city as there are borscht recipes from our hostesses.

There are also the usual fast foods like KFS, but you can also eat at home in them.


There are several samovar-type establishments in Heihe where customers cook for themselves in small pots. And on the same principle of "self-heat". One of the representatives is a cafe Spam, despite the inappropriate name, it's worth a look there. This is "self-heat". In this establishment, visitors are offered to fry food cut into thin strips in small pans on their own. Entrance is paid, but the cafe operates on the principle of a buffet. It is better to come before lunch, when there are not so many visitors and the table with food is still full.

Heihe is a city for easy relaxation and of course shopping. Shopping is excellent, you can buy a lot and bargain for little money. It is better to go to it in companies, preferably with an experienced guide, so as not to get into the network of street "helpers" who earn on tourists. It is also a great option for celebrating birthdays and, oddly enough, dental treatment. This service is becoming more and more popular among the Far East.

Photo courtesy of V. Borisov (

The official language of the Kingdom of Nepal is Nepali. But in the main tourist centers, English is common.

The national currency of the country is the Nepalese rupee, which consists of one hundred pise. $1 is worth 8 rupees. You can only exchange currency through a bank or an official exchange office. Banks are open from 10.00 to 14.30 from Sunday to Thursday and from 10.00 to 12.30 on Fridays. On Saturdays - a public holiday in Nepal - banks are closed.

The climate in Nepal is monsoonal, with a pronounced altitudinal zonality. In the Kathmandu Valley, the most visited region of the country by tourists, the year is divided into two seasons: dry (October-May) and wet (June-September). In May-June, the temperature in Kathmandu exceeds 30°C, in winter it drops below 0°C.

Russian citizens need a visa to visit the country. To receive it at the Nepalese Embassy in Moscow, you need one photo, a valid passport. The minimum processing time is two days. The consular fee is $30. While in the country, you can extend your visa at the Immigration Department.

Special permission is required for tourists arriving in Nepal for trekking. It is issued in four main mountain areas: Kanchenjunga and Lower Dolpa, Upper Mustang and Upper Dolpa, Manaslu and Jumla. At the same time, each tourist is charged a fee in Nepalese rupees at the rate of $10 to $700, depending on the area and length of stay.

Tourists are allowed to bring in a mini-computer, audio and video equipment with an appropriate mark in the passport on mandatory export. When leaving the country, a note is made in the passport about the export of the inscribed item. Special permission must be obtained from the Department of Archeology when exporting items of any historical or artistic value from the country.

All people in Nepal are deeply religious. This should be remembered by tourists visiting places of worship. As a mark of respect, before entering a Hindu temple or Buddhist holy site, visitors remove their shoes. Therefore, during temple tours, open sandals are more comfortable than any other footwear. Some temples are restricted to Hindus only. It is forbidden to enter the temples with any leather goods. It is better not to touch the faithful or the offerings made for the gods. Traditionally, the temple or stupa is walked around from left to right.

In order to make life easier for foreign tourists, a special police department operates in Nepal. His phone: 2-20-18. In case of problems, you can also call the Department of Tourism by phone: 24-70-41.

While in the country, one should beware of suspicious individuals who introduce themselves as representatives of various companies and offer to conclude trade deals at low prices.

The hotel is better to use safes for storing valuables and documents. Under no circumstances should they be left unattended in a hotel room.

When departing from the country, an airport tax of 700 Nepalese rupees is charged. For domestic flights, the airport tax is 50 rupees.

It is allowed to take pictures of temples and stupas, religious processions and monuments. But before photographing, it is better to ask permission.

Traveling abroad for the first time is an ordeal. I would like to have a good rest and avoid troubles that can happen due to ignorance or unpleasant incidents. Here are some tips for a beginner tourist who will teach you what to do if you are still in trouble.
1. The main thing is not to lose your passport. Therefore, make several paper photocopies, and be sure to send a photocopy of the documents to yourself by e-mail.
2. Before the trip, find out the phone numbers of Russian embassies in the countries you are going to visit.
3. Do not keep money near documents, do not carry a lot of money with you. Never put money in your purses.
4. Before crossing the border, find out the list of things and products that cannot be exported. Pay special attention to meat and dairy products when entering the European Union.
5. Don't buy jewelry on the street. 100% of the time it's fake.
6. Avoid demonstrations and large crowds. There will definitely be pickpockets in the crowd. And if this is some other unauthorized demonstration, then in a bad combination of circumstances, you can get into the police, and there no one will be in a hurry to establish your identity.
7. Avoid people who impose themselves on you: they try to show something, to see you off somewhere. Most likely, you will be escorted to the nearest nook, and there they will strip you to your underpants.
8. Do not let go of the camera.
9. Find out about discounts at museums you want to visit. Some museums have big discounts on tickets on certain days of the week.
10. Try to find as much information as possible about the country you are going to before the trip. It is useful to know that in Germany almost all shops are closed on Sunday, and in Arab countries you should never take pictures of women.
11. Always carry your hotel card with you. It usually has a small map, tips on how to get to the hotel. Even if you do not know a foreign language, you can still explain to the locals with gestures that you are looking for a hotel whose name is written on the card.
12. Each hotel at the reception has free maps of the city, these maps usually show the main attractions and how to get to them from the hotel.
13. Be sure to buy health insurance. Treatment abroad is very expensive.
14. You should not play with fate and wander alone through an unfamiliar city. If you are attacked, then run away and shout not "police", but "police".
15. In Arab countries, street vendors are very clingy. They grab tourists by the hands, by the clothes. But it is worth pronouncing the magic word “polis”, “police” several times, as in a second the crowd of traders disperses.
16. Feel free to ask the administrator at the reception how to get there and whether it is worth going there. Administrators will give you helpful tips and even draw a map.
17. If you have been robbed, then just shout “POLICE” on the street, in a few minutes someone will come up to you and show you where the nearest police department is.
18. In the event of an unforeseen situation, one should not explain to representatives of local law enforcement agencies, as well as sign any protocols and other documents in a foreign language in the absence of employees of the consular office of the Russian Federation in the host country, since such testimony under the legislation of a number of countries may be laid the foundation for a criminal charge.

We wish you a safe and fun holiday

“For the first time abroad. What a Newbie Tourist Needs to Know
in the newspaper "Northern Territory"
March 14, 2011

Chief State Sanitary Doctor in the Krasnoselkupsky District
E.Yu. Gerasimov

Almost everyone who works tirelessly has a desire to have a good rest at least once a year. Some prefer to spend their holidays actively, others go to quiet places where they can relax and put their thoughts in order. In order not to spoil your vacation and spend your free time with benefit, you need to follow a few simple rules. A novice tourist, having no experience in the field of travel, can get into an awkward situation with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before you go to an unfamiliar city or country, you should prepare well.

Many people love to travel spontaneously. As soon as free days are released, they rush to leave where their eyes look. Such trips can be dangerous and not accompanied by positive emotions at all.

It is worth planning a vacation or weekend in advance. Preparation is very important. For example, for outdoor recreation, it is necessary to collect a large number of things that are sure to come in handy in field conditions. These include:

  1. Tent, sleeping bags, bedding, folding chairs, etc. That is, all the necessary things for spending the night, relaxing, cooking and eating (kitchen utensils and sets).
  2. Food and drinking water. Mostly vegetables and cereals are taken on a hike. That is, those products that do not spoil without a refrigerator.
  3. Protective equipment. On the nature you need to take a first-aid kit without fail. It should contain not only remedies for insect bites, but also antiseptics, painkillers, antiviral, antipyretic drugs. As well as medicines that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.
  4. Tools. On nature you need to take a shovel, saw, ax, etc. It is also advisable to grab a brazier, a grill net, and fishing gear (if you plan to rest near the river). I advise you to take a closer look at the multitools and.
  5. Warm clothes. In nature, the weather changes often, so you should take care not to freeze during rain or at night.

All the details should be thought out so that later nothing could spoil the vacation. Those who go on vacation to the resort and plan to stay in hotels or boarding houses should also plan everything well. You need to decide in advance on the choice of hotel. Make sure that the rooms have all the conditions for a comfortable stay. You need to take things with you that are suitable for the season. It is also worth knowing in advance what is the best way to get to your place of residence.

  • type of recreation (in nature or resort);
  • vacation pastime (season, duration);
  • geographical location of the place for recreation;
  • necessary things and documents that will be needed;
  • cash costs;
  • the number of vacationers, as well as their age and gender;

You should not go on vacation if you have serious health problems. Changes in climate and the usual environment can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Subsequently, acute attacks, severe pain and other complications occur. It is advisable to undergo a comprehensive medical examination before the vacation and make sure that there are no contraindications for this or that type of vacation.

Also, you should not go on a trip with unfamiliar people. It is better to relax with your family or friends. In this way, you can only strengthen your relationship.

What does a beginner traveler need?

Always, leaving your home, you need to take care of your safety. Valuables, documents and money should be kept with you, and so that you can get to them quickly, and it’s hard for a stranger. A tourist for scammers is noticeable from afar. Therefore, it is easy to rob. Going on a trip you need:

  1. Be vigilant. It is necessary to carefully draw up all documents, carefully check the data. Keep track of the departure and arrival times of buses, trains and planes (if the trip involves travel by these methods). For each flight, it is advisable to appear in advance to avoid haste and loss of things. And in order not to get bored on a trip, be sure to read the article about.
  2. To make yours the most interesting, make a travel route, as well as a vacation plan. It is better to schedule each day of rest in advance. This will help you spend your weekends better, as well as avoid spending extra money. On the first day, you can conduct an introductory tour, on the second - visit the main ones, on the third - go to the SPA, etc.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the laws and traditions of the country where you plan to rest. It is also desirable to learn a few basic words and expressions of a foreign language. Ignorance of the laws does not exempt from responsibility, therefore, in order not to answer to the state for certain actions, not to spoil your mood, it is better to find out all the important information.

When choosing a company that will provide all the conditions for his comfortable stay, he should also be guided by some recommendations. This is the key to a good time. A travel company is selected according to the following criteria (both beginners and experienced tourists should know this):

  1. Reputation. The firm should have a predominant amount of positive feedback from customers. Before you finally decide on the choice of a company, it is worth monitoring all organizations involved in tourism activities in your locality or nearby cities.
  2. Work experience. It is better to choose a company that has been working in this area for a long period and has managed to gain the trust of tourists. There are many cases where "young" organizations deceive their customers for large sums of money.
  3. Personnel qualification. Only experts can choose a tour for any client based on his taste preferences and financial capabilities. It is better to trust professionals.
  4. The cost and quality of the services provided. The price of tours and resorts should be justified. Many travel companies provide for their customers to take advantage of the system of discounts.

A beginner, as well as an experienced tourist, should also take care of medical insurance. Recovering to travel to another country, it is necessary to issue it. If you suddenly need hospitalization, medical insurance will help reduce the cost of treatment by several times.

Rules for a novice tourist

Travelers should always observe:

  1. personal hygiene. You should always take personal care products with you on vacation. The set includes - toilet soap, toothpaste and brush, shampoo, etc. Also, do not forget about washing powder or its analogue.
  2. Proper nutrition. Many, going on a trip, prefer to eat food on the go. It is worth avoiding excessive consumption of fatty, smoked, fried foods, as well as fast food and fast foods.
  3. General rules of behavior in public places, on the street, etc. It is necessary to adhere to discipline. A huge number of people do unacceptable things while in a foreign city, country or nature, which is unacceptable.

Do not share personal information with strangers. It won't benefit in any way. Especially you should not indicate your financial situation, number and numbers credit cards other.

It is strongly recommended to monitor the dose and degree of alcohol you drink. An intoxicated person is easier to deceive, rob, and also attract to hooliganism. The main rule of a vacationer is to get healthier and recharge with vital energy. The use of alcohol, drugs, and smoking have nothing to do with healthy tourism.

You should also abandon resort romances and casual sex. One passionate night spent with a stranger can lead to long-term cures for various but related ailments.

A couple more tips:

  1. Transport. Upon arrival in another city or country, you should not use the services of taxi drivers who are on duty at the entrance to the station (airport). Usually they charge their customers an amount 2-3 times higher than the real price, guided by the fact that the tourist does not know what the real fare is. It is better to use local transport or call a taxi by phone, specifying all the nuances with the dispatcher.
  2. Purchases. When purchasing souvenirs, it is worth clarifying what can be transported abroad, and in what quantity. Prohibited goods will be forced to leave at customs and the money for their purchase will not be returned. In each country there are specially designated places for tourists, where it is possible to buy clothes, dishes and other things.
  3. Exotic products and extreme craze. Arriving on vacation in another country, almost everyone wants to try something new - taste unusual food, participate in a traditional ritual, etc. This may not always be good for health. Therefore, caution should be exercised. For example, after us, acclimatization was a little battered.
  4. Book your accommodation in advance! Especially when there is a long and painful journey ahead. There is nothing better after a long journey to take a shower and fall on the bed:

Having a good time, relaxing your body and soul is obtained by people who treat their vacation wisely. Those tourists who rely on chance usually end up in the police station, as their documents and money quickly disappear.

You can have a good rest in nature, and in an upscale resort, no matter how much you have to spend on it. The choice of the type of vacation depends on each individual separately, as everyone has different desires and preferences.

On one of them I will finish my article. The main thing to remember is not to complicate your life, but travel more! Bye everyone! =)

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