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The old town of Nessebar. The most interesting places in Nessebar Nessebar Bulgaria attractions excursions

Having visited the old town of Nessebar, I was convinced that the historical sights of Bulgaria are in no way inferior to those in Greece, Italy and other European countries, which we associate more with beach holiday. Take, for example, the resort of Nessebar: the old town, whose history spans several millennia, still retains traces of several eras. This is a unique attraction that Bulgaria can rightly be proud of.

Old city Nessebar occupies a small peninsula, connected to the coast by a thin isthmus, along which a highway passes.

History of old Nessebar

The first Thracian colony on the territory of present-day Nessebar existed 1000 years ago BC. A few centuries later, the Thracian Greeks settled on the peninsula, who were replaced by the Romans. Today, only archaeological finds that can be seen in museums remind of the ancient period of the history of Nessebar.

When the Roman Empire collapsed, the territory of present-day Bulgaria became part of Byzantium. Since then, the remains of military, civil and religious buildings have been preserved in Nessebar.

At the end of the 12th century already AD, as a result of an uprising led by the Bulgarian aristocrats Ivan and Asen, the Second Bulgarian Kingdom was formed, which included Nessebar. During this period, numerous churches were built on the territory of the peninsula, made in the Byzantine architectural traditions using opus mixtum masonry, which involves the simultaneous use of brick and limestone. These structures are much better preserved than the buildings of the Byzantine period.

The Ottoman period of the city's history, which began at the end of the 14th century, when Bulgaria fell under the onslaught of the Turks, reminds of itself with an abundance of characteristic houses with a stone bottom and a second floor made of wood. These buildings belong to the period of the so-called Bulgarian Renaissance, which began at the end of the 18th century against the backdrop of a weakening Turkey.

How to get to Old Nessebar

Since Nessebar is not just a piece of land, but almost an island, you can get there not only with the help of land transport but also on water.

By land

The most affordable option is by bus.

From Burgas and Pomorie, buses 10 and 11 will suit you, the ticket price is 6 leva or just over 3 euros. They go once every hour and a half.

Bus number 1 runs from Sunny Beach 4-6 times per hour (fare 1.3 leva or about 0.7 euros), and also buses 5 and 8 pass three times per hour, which capture and (fare 1.5 leva or about 0.8 euros). The ticket is purchased from the conductor and is strictly for cash.

Also from Sunny Beach you can get to Nessebar and on an open "train". This attraction costs around 3 leva (about 1.6 euros) and runs 2-3 times per hour. At the same time, I did not notice that this type of transport had some kind of rigidly fixed point of departure, but in any case they leave from the central part of the resort, and a ticket is bought upon landing from a barker standing nearby.

The most expensive option is by taxi. Here the amount starts from 10-15 leva (5-8 euros), but it makes sense to resort to this method only if you are returning from Nessebar late at night. In this case, be sure to bargain.

By sea

Pomorie and have a permanent water connection with the peninsula. There are two ports in Old Nessebar - the northern one, where a sea taxi arrives from Sunny Beach and St. Vlas, and the southern one, where ferries from Sozopol and Pomorie sail. In the diagram below, the places where water transport arrives are located at the places where the dotted lines come from.

Boats from Sunny Beach and St. Vlas leave 2-3 times per hour, and the ticket price is 15 leva (about 8 euros) one way per person and is purchased on the spot.

I also draw your attention to the fact that water communication with Nessebar may be suspended if the sea is stormy.

Architecture of old Nessebar

Old Nessebar is a real museum city, so it is not possible to list all the architectural monuments without exception in one article. The main ones are shown in the diagram below.

Byzantine monuments

Churches of the Byzantine period have survived to this day in a badly ruined state. I will talk about some of them in the section devoted to the religious buildings of Nessebar, but for now let's go through the monuments of civil and military architecture.

City walls and gates

In fact, my acquaintance with the old Nessebar began with them. Although the gates are now in a semi-ruined state, they look very picturesque. Here, tourists are waiting for another attraction of Nessebar - this time alive.

Sometimes it seems that this person plays all day without rest and, according to eyewitnesses, the piper played on the remains of the Byzantine walls back in the 80s of the last century - I don’t know if it was this one or another. Although the musical performance on the walls is free, anyone can donate as much as they see fit to the indefatigable piper.


Today, only the ruins of the lower level have remained from them, which anyone can see, but it is difficult to touch the ancient stones, since a barrier has been installed around the ruins of the thermae.


It is a rectangular reservoir for collecting water - the only thing left of the water supply system of ancient Nessebar. Unfortunately, only the walls and foundations of the columns that once supported the ceiling have survived to this day.

Monuments of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom

From this period (XIII-XIV centuries) only churches have survived to this day, which largely borrow Byzantine traditions, but they are predominantly of the cross-domed type, while religious buildings dating back to the period when Nessebar was part of the Eastern Roman Empire are 3-5-nave basilicas. Read more about the medieval temples of Nessebar in the section dedicated to churches.

Monuments of the Ottoman period

This period, which was not the most rosy for the inhabitants of Nessebar, had two characteristic features in terms of architecture. Firstly, the height of Christian churches was limited by the height of the rider sitting on a horse, so that the temples of this period are more like barracks or barns. Secondly, closer to the decline of Turkish rule, the era known as the Bulgarian Revival began.

Architecture of the Bulgarian Revival period

These are residential buildings, which are one and a half to two centuries old. Distinctive features are the second floor finished with wood, as well as the fact that the upper level protrudes and, as it were, hangs over the lower one.

In addition, not far from the entrance to the old town, on the isthmus connecting Nessebar with the mainland, a wooden mill attracts attention. Unfortunately, I could not determine exactly when it was built, but judging by the appearance of the boards, its age is at least 1.5-2 centuries. Today, the windmill is one of the symbols of Nessebar and is very popular with birds.

Museums of old Nessebar

But there are not so many museums in the classical sense of the word in Old Nessebar.

Film Museum

This small museum, it would seem, does not fit at all into the atmosphere of antiquity that reigns on the streets of Nessebar. At the same time, once inside, you understand how self-sufficient this place is.

Unfortunately, the inscriptions on the exhibits are rather sparse, so I cannot say which of them is the original and which is a copy, but, in my opinion, in this case this issue is not fundamental. Before us is not just a museum of wax figures, among which movie characters predominate, - so one of the exhibits is the torso of the "mercury" from the second part of the movie "Terminator" at the moment of "tightening" the wounds. There is also a Freddy Krueger glove, and a copy of Darth Vader's lightsaber, and the dark lord himself is presented in the museum without a helmet. There are also more banal figures - Batman, Joker, Iron Man and others. In any case, this is an institution where I personally took a lot of cool selfies, many of which I consider to be full-fledged souvenirs of visiting Nessebar.

The entrance to the museum is usually guarded by an imperial stormtrooper from Star Wars, who also willingly takes pictures with everyone.

The entrance ticket costs 10 leva (5.2 euros). Opening hours are best checked locally, but during my visit it was open until 21 or 22 pm.

How to get to the Film Museum

The museum is located on Messembria Square near the Church of Christ the Pantocrator. The facade of the building faces the main street.

Archaeological Museum of Nessebar

It is here that the ancient heritage of this ancient city. The museum has a rich collection of antique dishes, coins, reliefs depicting scenes from ancient mythology, but in terms of these indicators it is inferior to large museums in Italy and Greece, but this is compensated by an excellent Russian audio guide, thanks to which even inconspicuous at first glance exhibits turn out to be interesting. In addition, the museum presents gold items from Thrace, as well as evidence of contacts between Nessebar merchants and the cities of medieval Russia.

Opening hours and ticket prices

An adult ticket costs 6 leva (3.1 euros), a child ticket costs 3 (about 1.6 euros). In addition, for 20 leva (10.4 euros) you can buy a ticket that gives you the right to visit the ethnographic museum and five churches, which I will discuss below. The cost of an audio guide is 5 leva (2.6 euros), despite the fact that you can listen to it together.

The museum is open daily from 9.00 to 19.00.

How to get to the archaeological museum

Getting into the museum is very easy: as soon as you pass through the main gate, it will be on your right hand.

Ethnographical museum

First of all, its visit should be considered as an opportunity to visit inside a typical Bulgarian Revival house. The main highlight of the interior are the richly decorated ceilings against the background of an ascetic decoration in general. As for the exhibits, these are details of national costumes, and ancient icons, and photographs from the beginning of the 20th century, through which one can trace the recent history of Nessebar.

Opening hours and ticket prices

During the season, the museum is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and the entrance ticket costs about 3 leva (1.6 euros). For more information about opening hours and prices, you better find out on the spot or at the ticket office of the archaeological museum.

How to get to the ethnographic museum

The museum is located on Messembria Street. To get there, you need to go a little deeper into the old city.

Churches of Nessebar

To begin with, a few words about the five churches, inside which museum expositions are located today. Perhaps these places of worship are the best preserved.

Since I visited them on a single ticket, I recommend finding out the cost of visiting each temple separately on the spot, but I think it will be within 1-3 leva (0.52-1.6 euros).

Church of St. Stephen

Built in the 11th century, it is notable for the fact that a real garden with fruit trees adjoins it, and I was quite surprised when a hospitable museum employee unexpectedly treated me to figs grown in it. In the same garden, the foundations of ancient columns are on display for everyone to see.

It was built in the traditions of Byzantine architecture using opus mixtum masonry. Inside, icons and frescoes have been preserved, while many biblical scenes are distinguished by cruelty.

Church of Christ Pantocrator

This is already the period of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom - the XIV century. It is also well preserved, and inside you will find an exhibition of old maps as a reminder that Nessebar has always been an important trading hub. In addition, some archaeological finds are exhibited there - in particular, slabs from the Roman period of the city's history.

Church of John the Baptist

Built in the 10th century, it looks like Russian churches of the pre-Mongolian period, many of which have survived in Veliky Novgorod and the Vladimir region. Inside there is an exhibition of icons.

Church of the Holy Savior

This is already the 17th century, that is, the period of Ottoman rule. Deprived of a dome, elongated and having a sloping roof, outwardly it resembles a barn, and this was done for a reason.

The fact is that when these lands were under the Turkish protectorate, Christian churches had a strict height limit. The wall frescoes are very well preserved in the church itself.

Church of Paraskeva

Another example of the architecture of the period of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom of the XIII century. The church is notable for the fact that the entrance to the bell tower was carried out not from the inside, but from the street. The bell tower itself has not been preserved, and the steps have survived to this day. Inside, preserved frescoes from the demolished in 1958 church of George Golemi are exhibited.

Other churches of Old Nessebar

Below I will talk about the main temples in the old city, which are now not used as museums. The condition of some of them today is extremely deplorable.

Basilica of Hagia Sophia

It’s a paradox, but the most popular monument of religious architecture in Nessebar is the 5th-6th century Hagia Sophia, which is now in ruins. The facade, the remains of the walls and the internal arched colonnade have survived to this day. The cathedral is open to everyone, which is what lovers take pictures in the arches.

Church of Our Lady Eleusa

Built in the 6th century, today it is in a frankly deplorable state. At the same time, it is even strange that a barrier from vandals was not built around it. From Greek, the name translates as "Church of the Tenderness of the Virgin".

Church of Archangels Michael and Gabriel

A well-preserved picturesque monument of the era of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom of the XIII century.

Despite the high degree of preservation, it is impossible to get inside today.

Church of St. Todor

It is also a monument of the 13th century, but as a result of the restoration, the temple looks more like a covered garage. Probably, such a step was taken in order to strengthen the historical masonry itself. Entrance inside is currently closed.

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin

Built in the 19th century, it is the newest of the churches of old Nessebar and the only functioning temple on the peninsula. Although outwardly it bears little resemblance to the temples of the Byzantine period, in some places one can observe the masonry of opus mixtum.

Entrance to the church is free, and it is better to check the opening hours and schedule of services on the spot. Important note: photography is not allowed inside.

Church of St. John Alyturgetos

Another architectural monument of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom, which was closed for restoration during my visit. The architectural feature of this church is the presence of two entrances inside. The word "aliturgetos" is translated from Greek as "unlit"

Modern monuments of Nessebar

This is, first of all, the sculpture of St. Nicholas, located in front of the entrance to the city, who at all times was considered the patron saint of fishermen, sailors and travelers, so he has the right place in the port.

Infrastructure of old Nessebar

Despite the fact that we have before us a 100% open-air museum, if you wish, you can find all the necessary attributes of the tourist infrastructure there.


As for the hotels located on the territory of old Nessebar, I can only say that there are a lot of them, and for details I refer to the sites of popular booking systems.


Strangely enough, there are beaches on the peninsula, if you can call it that a few small patches of sand, on which there was even a place for sunbeds and umbrellas. Sand, as elsewhere in Europe, belongs to everyone, and as for the infrastructure and operating hours, I recommend checking on the spot.

Another thing is that I don’t see any point at all in visiting the beaches of old Nessebar, since the new part of the city is much more suitable for such a holiday, which you can read about.

A few words about food outlets

There are many food outlets in old Nessebar, and I will not recommend any specific ones here. Let me just say that the cost of lunch decreases as you move away from the main entrance to the city. At the same time, restaurants in Nessebar in the old town, located next to the Byzantine gate, are distinguished not only by high prices, but also by extremely slow service, since there is always a full house there. Bulgarian cuisine prevails in most cafes and restaurants, but if you wish, you can find something else: for example, the Czech cuisine restaurant “Praha”.

In addition, on the territory of old Nessebar, as well as in other resort towns in Bulgaria, here and there there are stalls with delicious ice cream, which is sold at 1.69 leva (about 0.9 euros) per 100 grams, excluding the weight of a waffle cup, which is free . However, it was in the old Nessebar that I saw trays with prices of 1.99 leva (about 1 euro) per 100 grams, but there are few of them. In addition, there are also stalls with ice cream at a price of 1 lev per scoop, but there the range of flavors is less wide.

Souvenirs in Old Nessebar

There are many souvenir shops in the old town. At the same time, in addition to magnets, mugs and hand-painted ceramics, I was struck by the abundance of items with the symbols of the Third Reich - flasks, ashtrays, orders, etc. Moreover, many of the finds, at least according to the sellers, are genuine artifacts from the Second World War.


Unfortunately, it bears little resemblance to an ancient monument, but it is actively used during the holidays, when free performances are held there. In particular, I had the pleasure of watching the ballet "Swan Lake" on the stage of the amphitheater, albeit in a truncated version.

A couple of words in the end

Despite the crowds of tourists, I sincerely believe that if you are relaxing on the Bulgarian coast, Old Nessebar is a must-see. At the same time, even if you are not a history buff, this place with the embankments open to all winds and picturesque multi-tiered buildings is simply saturated with serenity and relaxation. To feel it, just turn off the main streets towards the sea.

Nessebar is the pearl of Bulgaria: a masterpiece of architecture that has survived to our times. The city is located on a rocky peninsula 850 m long and 300 m wide, 37 km north of Bourgas.

Nessebar is one of the oldest cities in Europe. It has been proven that its history dates back at least three millennia: every year archaeologists discover new traces of ancient cultures and civilizations that lived on the peninsula. Nessebar is included in the list of world cultural heritage: in 1956 it was declared a city-museum, and since 1983 Nessebar has been under the auspices of UNESCO.

Old Nessebar is an example of a miracle. Several centuries ago, he went under water, only a piece of land 850 by 300 meters remained in place, where all 40 city temples are collected. "Underwater Nessebar" is clearly visible from the boat in good weather.

By railway you need to go to Varna and Burgas only through Minsk and only in the summer, from June to September. By bus, you can get to Nessebar through Sofia with the help of Ecolines or through Chisinau, from where you can go to Burgas or Sofia by bus of EuroLines Moldova. Those who decide to drive from Moscow will have to drive along the roads of Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria for a total of 3,000 km, spending about 32 hours on the road.

The ways in which you can arrive in Nessebar are described in detail on this page.

Search for flights to the city of Burgas (nearest airport to Nessebar)

Video test for knowledge of Bulgaria | 10 tricky questions for tourists:

Hotels Nessebar

Rest in Nessebar is economical. There is a good selection of two- and three-star hotels at reasonable prices. For those who are not constrained by funds and want to stay with maximum comfort, Nessebar offers luxurious 5 * and 4 * hotel complexes in the new part of the city and next to it, in the village of Ravda. Tourists often settle in old houses of the past centuries, which also have all modern conveniences.

You can refresh yourself in the city at almost every step - there are many restaurants, cafes and taverns offering dishes from fresh seafood. In the old part of Nessebar, you can taste exotic dishes - shark meat, frog legs, lobster tail or mussels in batter. The price for a good lunch does not exceed 50 BGN. In some restaurants, subject to their daily visits, you can negotiate with the owners for a 10% discount.

Prices on the page are for October 2018.


Many consider the beach in Nessebar to be the most beautiful in Bulgaria. Such a high praise, as well as the international environmental award "Blue Flag", was awarded to a wide strip of pure golden sand, stretching between Nessebar and the village of Ravda.

On the beach of the resort you can play volleyball, rent a scooter or a yacht, hire an instructor for diving or windsurfing. By sea you can get to Sunny Beach, St. Vlas or Burgas and take advantage of the entertainment offered there.

Maps of Nessebar

Guides in Nessebar

Entertainment and attractions of Nessebar

Nessebar is divided into two parts: New, mainland, where comfortable cottages and private hotels, cafes and bistros, restaurants and shops are built, and Old - on a small peninsula connected to the land by a narrow isthmus about 400 meters long. In the Old Town, the remains of medieval churches, the ancient port and fortress walls, old houses with wooden bay windows and external stairs create a unique atmosphere. Cobbled streets and wooden buildings from the 19th century give Nessebar a special charm.

The main attraction of Nessebar are churches. Each of them has its own architecture. The Metropolitan Church (5th century) is the oldest in the city. According to legend, it was built on the ruins of the Temple of Apollo. The three-nave Metropolitan Church of St. Stephen (already built in the 9th century) has well-preserved frescoes of the 16th century, a carved iconostasis of the same period, a throne and a bishop's chair from the era of the Bulgarian Renaissance.

Museum City Nessebar

One of the most beautiful not only in Nessebar, but throughout Bulgaria is the Church of Christ Pantokrator (Almighty) (12-14 centuries). It strikes with the richness of forms and ceramic inlays in the decoration. Now the building of the temple houses an art gallery. The Church of St. Paraskeva (13th century) in the northern part of Nessebar is interesting for its richly decorated facade.

According to world statistics, Nessebar is the city with the largest number of churches per capita in the whole country. In the middle of the century there were about 80 chapels and temples, more than half remained intact, the rest - in the form of ruins, which still impress tourists.

Off the coast of sunny Bulgaria on the Black Sea, there is a small rocky peninsula, the size of which is only 850 meters long and 350 meters wide, where 3 thousand years ago, the beautiful ancient city of Nessebar arose, which is a masterpiece of European culture.

In the 12th century BC, the peninsula was settled by the Thracians, who founded the city of Melsambria. In the 6th century BC, Greek settlers appeared, and in the 1st century AD, the peninsula was occupied by the Romans and became part of the Roman Empire until 812, when the Bulgarian ruler Khan Krum conquered the peninsula and renamed it Nessebar. In 1452, the city was captured by Turkish troops and, together with all of Bulgaria, for more than 420 years, it falls under the destructive yoke of the Ottoman Empire. Only in February 1878, during the Russian-Turkish war of liberation, Nessebar was liberated by the Russian army.

Sights of Nessebar

Nessebar is called the city of forty churches and is considered a sacred place of prayer, where Orthodox believers have come for centuries. One of the oldest churches, which was built in the 5th century, is the Basilica of the Holy Virgin of Eleusa. Only the foundation of the church has survived to this day.

The Church of Hagia Sophia, called the "Old Metropolis", is also one of the earliest buildings, created in the 5th century. It is located in the center of the peninsula - now you can only see the walls and a large arched vault.

The church of St. John the Baptist, built in the 11th century, has remained in good condition. Fragments of frescoes of the 13th century have been preserved in it and a small archaeological museum has been organized.

Next to the port is the Church of St. Stephen, also called the "New Metropolis", built in the 11th century. Inside, the ancient frescoes of the 13th century and the iconostasis of the 16th century are well preserved.

Partially restored are two small churches built in the 13th century and located not far from each other - this is the Church of St. Theodore, with an area of ​​36 sq.m. and St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, with an area of ​​50 sq.m.

The Church of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, built in the 13th century, and the Temple of Christ Pantocrator, built in the 14th century, are the best preserved in Nessebar, both internally and externally. Also in good condition is the church of St. John Alyturgitos, during the construction of which a person died, so the temple was not consecrated and no services were held in it. Hence the name Aliturgitos, which means in Greek "without liturgies."

In addition to numerous churches, there are other sights. For example, the ruins of baths built during the reign of the Roman Emperor Justinian I the Great.

The city, in addition to the richest architectural heritage, is famous for regular summer time a large number of festivals, concerts and open-air exhibitions. Most activities for tourists are free of charge.


On the territory of the entire peninsula, a large number of residential buildings built from the 15th to the 19th centuries in a special romantic style of the Bulgarian Revival have been preserved. The people living in these historical buildings have organized all kinds of souvenir shops and art exhibitions on the first floors, where you can buy paintings with views of Nessebar.

In souvenir shops, in addition to traditional T-shirts, magnets, caps and flags with images of the sights of the peninsula, you can buy the famous Bulgarian oil and cosmetics from rose petals, wonderful silver and turquoise items, ceramic dishes, as well as national teas and spices.

In small grocery stores located on the territory of Nessebar, tourists are happy to buy delicious Bulgarian goat cheese in beautiful gift boxes, as well as brandy - grape vodka with excellent taste and quality.

Cafes and restaurants

Appetizing smells of Bulgarian cuisine emanating from the numerous restaurants and cafes of Nessebar literally drive you crazy.

It is impossible to resist and not try the Bulgarian "peche agne na shish" - a young lamb on a skewer with a crispy delicate crust, baked in wine with spices. Or how can you not taste the delicious "pig's sach" - stewed pork with potatoes, onions, vegetables and lemon, which is cooked and immediately served piping hot in a huge clay pan? Restaurant menus are full of hot dishes, soups, appetizers, salads, cold cuts, as well as amazing sweet desserts.

Photo from

In fact, most catering establishments offer a similar Bulgarian national menu, but at different prices. If you want to relax in a restaurant located in the center of Nessebar on a hill with a good panoramic view, then you need to be prepared to pay exactly twice as much as for the same , no less delicious food, but in a small national cafe, which will be located right at the edge sea ​​water or near the pedestrian promenade.

Portions in Bulgaria are striking in their size. For example, a frying pan of pork sacha is barely eaten by two adult tourists, and a standard portion of Shopska salad with goat cheese will feed a child to the full.

About prices in Nessebar

A special priority for holidays in Nessebar, as in all of Bulgaria, are low prices. The value of the lev, the national local currency, is pegged to the euro - 1 Bulgarian lev always costs 0.5 euros. On average, any hot dish in an inexpensive restaurant costs 10-15 levs, a salad 5-6 levs, a whole large pizza 7-8 levs, a bottle of wine from 7 levs, a mug of beer 2 levs, a bottle of raki from 12 levs. The average cost of a dinner for two is 25-30 lev.

The cost of souvenirs is also not high - magnets from 1 lev, spices from 3 lev, all cosmetics from 4 lev, silver jewelry from 15 lev.

The city's attractions

Bulgaria Nessebar attractions photo

If you are going to the Bulgarian city of Nessebar, then it is better to find out immediately its sights or Nessebar attractions. In fact, we have not described all the sights of the resort and the sea town of Nessebar, because excavations are underway in this city and it is the more ancient heir to the Roman Empire.

Nessebar attractions photo old town reserve of historical significance

The old part of the town of Nessebar contains all the fun for everyone, those who are passionate about history and archeology.

Nessebar attractions photo old town and its buildings

Main Attraction

Among the main attractions of the city of Nessebar are: the archaeological museum, the ethnographic museum, churches, temples, (Poseidon and.

Bulgaria Nessebar attractions map

Archaeological Museum

Archaeological Museum - founded in Nessebar in 1956. Included in and ranked 6th in it. The exhibition area of ​​the museum includes a foyer and 4 halls.

Nessebar Bulgaria attractions photo - old town

Address: Nessebar 8230; st. Mesambria, №2A (at the entrance to the city of old Nessebar)
Phone: 0554 46019; 0554 46012
Working time:
Mon-Fri: 9.00 – 19.00
Sat and Sun: 9.00 – 13.00; 13.30 - 18.00
Official site Archaeological Museum Nessebar

Ethnographical museum

The purpose of the Ethnographic Museum in Nessebar is to show mostly great Bulgarian art. The house-building museum itself consists of two floors, the first floor is made of stone, high with double gates. Moskojani's house is one of the most interesting monuments - a typical representative of non-Serbian residential architecture from the late period of the Bulgarian Revival.

The address and phone number are the same as those of the Archaeological Museum.

Architectural, historical and archaeological reserve "Old Nessebar"

Also included in the list (in 6th place). Covers the old part of the town of Nessebar. Visitors can enter the old part of the city and see the city port with the remains of fortifications from the 4th-6th century period. They were created on the old foundation of the 10th century (V-VI century BC)

Nessebar Bulgaria attractions- churches and temples

Nessebar attractions photo church "St. John"

Nessebar Old town video

Architectural and historical reserve town of Nessebar video