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Mineral springs of the Crimea. Healing Crimea: salt lakes, therapeutic mud and mineral springs Warm springs in Crimea map

Winter is ideal for exploring different parts of the Crimean peninsula. Arriving in the Republic at this time of the year, tourists get the opportunity to see the incredible snow-capped mountain peaks, sights free from crowds of people. What is interesting about Crimea in winter?


And at the seaside resort you can go skiing or snowboarding. To do this, go to one of the slopes, where they recently carried out work on its improvement. There are special lifts here. The official season here starts in December and ends in March. Even if sport is not your thing, climbing to a height is worth it for the incredible mountain scenery and fresh air.

Beauty of Demerdzhi

In Crimea, there is one fabulous place called Mount Demerdzhi. This attraction attracts the attention of tourists, both in summer and in winter. Local landscapes make the imagination turn on. The list of places to visit should include the Valley of Ghosts, located here.

It is a stone forest, walking through which you imagine heroes and other fairy-tale characters. Just imagine how the mountain and the valley are transformed with the advent of winter.

Palace complexes

There are several interesting palace complexes on the peninsula. In summer, it is almost impossible to see them completely without crowds of tourists, but in winter it is another matter. Take a look at the Vorontsovsky or Livadia palaces, and then at Massandra. Ancient halls, where balls were once held, emperors met, their children played and noble nobles walked. You may not see such bright colors here in winter, but the grandeur of the palaces remains unchanged.

Walks in the caves

The cold is not a reason to refuse a walk in the dungeon. Cave complexes are popular among tourists, but in the winter season they are even more mysterious. Take a look at the Skelskaya or Red, Marble caves, but do not forget to dress warmly, as the air temperature in the caves does not exceed 10 degrees.

winter waterfalls

This miracle of nature can please not only in summer, but also in winter. In different parts of the peninsula you can see these majestic cascades of water. But at low temperatures, they freeze and create incredible, bizarre figures. The “must see” list should include such waterfalls as Wuchang-Su, Silver Jets, Su Uchkhan.

thermal springs

The sea in Crimea is not available for swimming in winter, but there is a great alternative in the form of thermal springs. They are located on the Arbat Spit, in close proximity to the hospitals and sanatoriums of the peninsula. Here you can combine business with pleasure: improve your health and enjoy the Crimean beauties.

Tasting of Crimean wines

Wineries organize year-round tours of the wine cellars, where drinks are stored for a hundred years of aging. It is impossible to refuse this entertainment. Tourists will be offered not only to get acquainted with historical facts, but also to taste unique local wines. Particular attention should be paid to where you can then buy your favorite drinks. Nearly 7,000 bottles of massandra are located here

Crimea is a place where you can have a great rest in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. At any time of the year, you can find entertainment to your liking, and as a bonus, tourists are offered incredible nature, mountains and seascapes.

Among hundreds of popular and not so popular resorts of Crimea there is one small town - Saki. Its name is not very well known among tourists, when compared with the same Yalta, Gurzuf, Alushta, Feodosia or Evpatoria. Meanwhile, local balneological sanatoriums attract thousands of tourists all year round, and the Crimeans themselves consider these mud baths to be the best on the peninsula.

If you move from Evpatoria along the Black Sea coast to the southeast, then in about half an hour you will get to Saki. Wikipedia claims that the city owes its curious name to the Saka tribes, who lived here from time immemorial to the ancient period. By the way, in Scythian "saka" means "deer".

A sip of health from a kilometer deep

Why are Saki famous and attractive? First of all, this city can be called a real health factory - people from all over the country and from abroad go to Saki sanatoriums for treatment. In addition to the famous healing mud of Lake Saki, the resort is famous for its mineral springs (there are more than a hundred of them in the entire Crimea, but they are civilized and only about a dozen are used for treatment).

This source was discovered in the 50s of the last century. Geologists drilled a well 960 meters deep (the so-called Neocomian aquifer) and took samples. Studies have shown that the water is slightly alkaline, hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium in composition, contains nitrogen and a balanced amount of trace elements. The water was called "Crimean" and subsequently it won many awards at international competitions.

Anyone can try Krymskaya from the inexhaustible pump room on Kurortnaya Street for free. By the way, there are quite a few of them, and at the height of the season, a queue usually lines up to the source. A beginner, weary of the subtropical heat, will be a little puzzled by the temperature of the water - it is hot, about 43 degrees. But fatigue takes off like a hand. The water is delicious, reminiscent of Essentuki No. 4, however, taken directly from a natural well, it slightly gives off hydrogen sulfide (bottled mineral water is relieved of this taste).

The mineralization level of the spring is 2.2 g/l, which is quite suitable for drinking treatment. "Crimean" mineral water is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder, kidneys, obesity. In addition, you can swim in this water - mineral baths are actively practiced in the local health resorts.

A few words about moderation

Despite all the wonderful properties of mineral waters, doctors advise not to abuse their drinking, especially during periods of exacerbation of diseases and in the presence of contraindications. Those who are undergoing treatment in a sanatorium, in any case, will take water as prescribed by a doctor. But ordinary vacationers often forget about moderation. The inhabitants of Sak themselves know about this - many warning posts have been written on local forums.

Note to the tourist

“The effect depends on the temperature (cool, warm, hot), the time of intake (before meals 35-40 minutes or 15-20 minutes, etc.), small or large sips - it affects the gallbladder, stomach, intestines in different ways. There are details on the Internet, but it is better to discuss with gastroenterologists. Otherwise, they first drink liters from the pump room, and then suffer from an upset stomach, ”comments user niknik:

And finally, let's add a few words about bottled water. If for some reason it was not possible to get to the pump room, then Sak residents recommend buying only “authentic” mineral water, which is produced at the Saki plant. The label says “Krymskaya”, the source is the resort city of Saki, at the bottom there is a note “original”.

The Saki mineral pump room is a landmark, but far from the only attraction of this resort. Everyone will find something interesting here - despite their modest size, Saki surprises and fascinates with its comfort, the spirit of antiquity and, most importantly, its unique nature.

How to get to the Saki mineral water spring

The Saki mineral pump-room gushes right in the central park, on Kurortnaya Street, 70, near the Saki sanatorium.

Nizinnoye is a small village in the Saksky district at the beginning of the road connecting the highway to Krasnoperekopsk and Armyansk through the village of Krymsky with Evpatoria Highway. This small settlement would not be known by anything if it were not for one of its attractions: a well of pressure thermal waters, located 480 meters from the turn of the road in front of the entrance to the village from the side of the Krasnoperekopskaya highway, behind the village cemetery. The flow of the high-pressure Yevpatoriya-Novoselovsky artesian basin, abundantly pouring out of it, rises to the surface from almost a kilometer deep. The well was drilled according to local approval in 1984. Water feels 45 degrees to the touch (Internet specifies: 47), has a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide, is used in a shower located at a distance of 95 meters from the well.

The building of the bathhouse (45 ° 12.595 "N 33 ° 54.696" E) was built of shell rock without plastering and did not look presentable at all. About 6 years ago, when I got here for the first time, it looked like a barn. Everything looked no better inside: the tiles of the interior lining of the premises covered with a brown-rusty coating of mineral water and the completely rusted pipelines made a depressing impression. Over time, the capital structure and water-bearing communications fell into almost complete disrepair, and on May 13, 2017, repairs began here, which I found during my second visit to this place (see photo).
The well itself (45° 12.647 "N 33° 54.672" E) is hidden under a small but powerful reinforced concrete structure made of foundation blocks, the entrance to which is closed by a metal door, and the roof is made of hollow-core floor slabs. From the head of the well located inside, a pipe blocked by a valve extends to the shower and the main pipeline with a shut-off valve, which simply ejects water in a northerly direction onto the ground, where it spills over the steppe with a long, more than 100 meters, puddle, swamping the adjacent land. Everything, both stones with pieces of concrete under running water, and the inner surface of the booth protecting the well, have a rich brown tint.
There are no signs, equipped entrances and any additional amenities in these places and never were; just a well, just a building of a shower room (bath) and just a gift of the thermal water of the Crimean subsoil that we get.

A well on the outskirts of Nizinny

shower room

The Crimean peninsula is interesting for tourists for its natural attractions: gorges, caves, forests, rivers, lakes and a long beach line. Thermal springs serve as an alternative to swimming in the sea. In winter, they are especially popular in the Crimea. All sources are located near health resorts and sanatoriums. Here you can combine a pleasant stay with a useful one. Contemplating the beauty of nature, you simultaneously heal the whole body.

Rest in Crimea: thermal springs

Thermal springs can be found in many especially famous Saki springs. They were discovered in 1956 and are famous for helping in the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis, obesity and peptic ulcers. Locals say that the Saki springs can replace the thermal waters of Essentuki, Pyatigorsk and Borjomi.

Water here comes from almost a kilometer deep and at the outlet its temperature reaches +43.5 ° C, while its mineralization is 2.18 mg / l.

In the same area there are several villages whose waters attract tourists:

  • Ilyinka. The water in these sources contains a large amount of substances useful for the body: bromine, beryllium, zirconium, manganese and zinc. And its temperature reaches +60 degrees. The source itself is located at a depth of 800-1100 meters.
  • Lowland. On the outskirts of this village there is another thermal spring of the Crimea, the water here has the smell of hydrogen sulfide, and its temperature is +47 °C. People come here to treat infectious diseases and lung diseases, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Here, not far from the source, there is a popular bathhouse among tourists, into which water is supplied directly from the well.

Thermal springs of Crimea: Evpatoria

Glory to this resort town was brought not only by a good climate, but also by healing springs with thermal water with a temperature of +39 ° C, which helps in the healing of postoperative injuries. In addition, gastritis is successfully treated here and children's health is restored after poliomyelitis.

In the village of Novoselovskoye, which is located just 35 km from Evpatoria, there is another thermal spring of Crimea. Its water is enriched with ammonium, sodium, bromine, calcium and iodine. The outlet temperature is +53 °C, and the degree of mineralization is 38.2 mg/l.

Arabat arrow

This source is located in the Kherson region of Crimea, between the villages of Schastlivtsevo and Strelkovoe. The outlet water temperature is +55…+65 °C. Experts do not recommend staying in it for more than 15 minutes. The study of the source showed that the water in it is saturated with radon, iodine, bromine and silicic acid. This composition contributes to the treatment and prevention of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and also has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Pyatikhatka village

Here is another unique thermal spring of the Crimea. Healing water has a temperature of +60 ° C, it rises from a depth of 1190 meters. The chemical composition of the source has a beneficial effect on the skin and removes toxic substances from the body.

This place is popular among pilgrims. The fact is that not far from the thermal spring is the temple of St. Panteleimon, and for a long time believers come here for liturgy and bathing in a healing spring.

Village New Life

This place is located in the Dzhankoy region of Crimea. Healing water at the outlet has a temperature of +45 °C. The spring water contains a large amount of salt and iodine, which is why it is impossible to drown in it, such water pushes the swimmer to the surface. Experts advise people with heart problems to reduce the time spent in this source.

The disadvantage of this place is the lack of infrastructure. But on the other hand, the thermal waters of the village of Novaya Zhizn can be visited completely free of charge, no entry fee is charged here.

Thermal springs of Crimea attract a large number of tourists. They help to heal the body and relax. And the views of these places will undoubtedly remain in the memory of vacationers for a long time.

On the title photo: decorative pool with sculptures of dinosaurs near the pavilion of the hydropathic center of the Saki military sanatorium.

Mineral waters of Crimea not as well known as the Caucasian ones, and the thermal springs are almost unknown to the general public.
In this review, we will get acquainted with the natural resources of the Crimea for the development of resorts and experience in the treatment of many serious diseases.
"dead water" And " living water"Russian folk tales are probably related to the ancient realities of the Crimea, the resort regions of Saki and Kerch. It is here that there are nearby mineral water sources of completely different effects, the combination of which in treatment has been giving amazing results for many thousands of years.
Hydrogen sulfide water has pronounced acidic properties is called "dead" water. Hydrogen sulfide is the strongest oxidizing agent, which explains its disinfectant and bactericidal properties.
"Dead" water is used for the treatment and prevention of colds, tonsillitis, flu. "Dead" water has a wide range of effects on the body: it lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, and calms the nervous system. "Dead" water dissolves stones on the teeth, stops gum bleeding, helps in the treatment of periodontal disease. Reduces joint pain, helps with intestinal disorders.

carbonic waters("living water") are rich in trace elements, and at the same time eliminate heavy metals and radioactive elements from the body. First of all, these are waters of the type of the Caucasian source Narzan, which are also found in the Crimea. But at the same time, in the Crimea, they are next to hydrogen sulfide springs, therapeutic mud and brine of healing lakes.

Now it is especially important in the treatment of complex wounds from military operations and terrorist attacks, complex industrial accidents and car accidents .
It is quite clear that the art of doctors of the Crimea is a centuries-old experience, which is based on the works of ancient doctors. The diagnostic and medical base of the Crimean sanatoriums is constantly developing and improving. Plus effective operation of resort parks, health paths. And of course, dance, sports, art therapy. All this provides Crimea with a leading position in the world in the treatment of such diseases as female and male infertility, congenital pathologies in children, and restoration of health after injuries and wounds.

Map. Hydromineral regions of the Crimean peninsula

A. Hydromineral folded area Mountain Crimea with the predominant development of sulphate and chloride (partly thermal in depth) mineral waters carbonated with nitrogen, in a subordinate sense methane, hydrogen sulfide and rarely carbon dioxide.

B. Kerch hydromineral area of ​​carbonic waters in deep aquifers, as well as hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen and methane cold and thermal in tertiary and underlying sediments.

V. Crimean hydromineral area of ​​hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, methane and mixed gas composition of brackish and salt waters ( Plain Crimea), cold in the upper and thermal in the deep parts of the artesian basins.

Water types
carbonic waters:
1 - carbonic mainly chloride-hydrocarbonate and hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium waters with a mineralization of 8.8-15.6 g / l (and others).

Hydrogen sulfide waters:
2 - chloride, sodium, predominantly saline waters with a high content of hydrogen sulfide everywhere (total H2S from 50 to 850 mg/l) and salinity from 7.8 to 32.5 g/l;
3 - sodium waters of variable anionic composition (hydrocarbonate-chloride, chloride-hydrocarbonate, etc.), with mineralization mainly up to 10 g / l and with very different content of total hydrogen sulfide - from several tens to more than 300 mg / l and weakly hydrogen sulfide waters with a content of H2S about 10 mg/l. Nitrogen, methane, mixed gas composition and other waters.

4 - nitrogen fresh hydrocarbonate sodium with mineralization up to 1 g/l. Temperature 26-35°C;
5 - predominantly nitrogen chloride-hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate-chloride and chloride sodium (sometimes magnesium) with a mineralization of 1 to 3-7 g / l. Temperature 20-46°C;
6 - nitrogen, methane-nitrogen, nitrogen-methane and methane chloride and chloride-hydrocarbonate sodium, saline waters (mineralization 10-35 g / l) with a temperature of 30 to 40 ° C and above;
7 - nitrogen-methane and methane-nitrogen (sometimes methane) chloride calcium-sodium waters of marine mineralization (35-40 g / l) with a temperature above 50 ° C (up to 100 °);
8 - predominantly nitrogenous very hot over (45-50 ° C) waters in composition sodium or calcium-sodium chloride, sulfate-chloride, hydrocarbonate-chloride and chloride-hydrocarbonate with a mineralization of 8-50 g / l.

9 - sulfate (pure sulfate, chloride-sulfate and sulfate-chloride (sodium-calcium and others) weakly mineralized from 1.5 to 10 g / l of water;
10-chloride and bicarbonate-chloride sodium, as well as calcium-magnesium waters with a mineralization mainly from 3 to 20 g/l;
11 - chloride-sulfate and sodium chloride highly mineralized waters (brines) with salinity above 50 g/l.

The waters are insufficiently studied: 12 - fresh carbon dioxide-nitrogen with rare gases (according to the assumption).

13 - the border of the areas of mineral waters;
14 - source;
15 - well;
16 - mud hill with the release of carbon dioxide.

Points of mineral waters

Plain Crimea: 1 - outskirts of Dzhankoy, 2 - southwest of Dzhankoy, 3 - Sernovodskoye, 4 - Glebovo, 5 - Cretaceous (Tarkhankut), 6 - Northern Novoselovskaya well, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6d - Southern Novoselovskie wells, 7 - Nizhnegorsk. 8 - Evpatoria - Moinaki, 9 - Evpatoria - near the sea, 10 - Saki - behind the railway, 11 - Saki - resort, 12 - Saki - against Chebotarskaya beam, 13 - Novo-Andreevka, 14 - Novo-Aleksandrovka, 15 - Novozhilovka, 16 - Vasilievka, 17, 17a - Beloglinka, 18 - south of Belogorsk, 19 - Lechebnoye spring, 20 - Obruchev spring, 21, 21a - Goncharovka, 22 - Babenkovo, 23 - Akmelez source, 24 - hydrogen sulfide water near the city Feodosia, 25 - the source of Feodosia, 26 - the source of Kafa, 27 - Novo-Moskovskaya street in Feodosia.

Kerch Peninsula: sources: 28 - Syuartash. 29 - Karalar. 30 - Dzhailavsky, 31, 31a - Chokraksky, 32 - Tarkhansky, 33 - Baksinsky; mud hills: 34 - Burashsky, 35 - Tarkhansky, 36 - Bulganaksky, 37 - Yenikalsky, 38 - Kamysh-Burun, 39, 39a - Seit-Elinsky springs, 40 - Kayaly-Sart springs, 41 - Moshkarevskoye, 42 - Maryevsky, 43 - Kostyrino (former Chongelek).

Mountain Crimea: 44 - Koktebel, 45 - Kizil-Tash springs, 46 - Sudaksky spring, 47 - Karabakh source, 48 - Black waters source (Adzhi-Su bay), 49 - weakly carbonic water in the northern portal of the Yalta tunnel, 50 - sulfate water in southern portal of the Yalta tunnel, 51 - hydrogen sulfide water in the southern portal of the Yalta tunnel, 52 - Yalta deep well, 53 - Vasil-Saray source, 54 - Melas source.

Modern use of mineral waters and thermal springs of Crimea

Map. Deposits of mineral and thermal waters of Crimea
Compiled by N. N. Kapinos. Published: Atlas of Mineral Resources of the Crimea and the adjacent waters of the Black and Azov Seas. Authors Khmara A.Ya., Khlebnikov A.N. et al., Simferopol: Tavria-plus, 2001

As a result of medical practice, numbering about 3 thousand years, healing recognized 26 Crimean salt lakes(estuaries), as well as more 100 deposits and sources of mineral waters different chemical composition. Many springs are located near estuaries, creating unique opportunities for complex treatment.

The most famous and accessible mineral water "Crimean". This is thermal hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium water with a mineralization of 2 g/l, similar in properties to "Essentuki-4", is used both for drinking treatment and balneotherapy (washing, irrigation, baths, healing showers). The natural spring has a temperature of 45°C - the most comfortable for a person, this gives an additional effect, and in many health resorts saki shower or bath with this water can be taken right in the room!
Silt sulfide mineral muds of the Saki deposit are recognized all over the world, especially in the region infertility treatment .

At the resort Feodosia treat serious illnesses such as heart disease, myocardial infarction, as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nervous system . This is provided by sources of thermal (40°C) sodium chloride water, climatotherapy, aerotherapy, as well as mud and brine from the Old Lake.

Alushta- in several sanatoriums, treatment is carried out with unique water from the source Savluh-Su(healing water, Turk.). Water became famous after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as it was installed ability to remove radionuclides from the body .
The spring is located at an altitude of 700 m above sea level, in the central basin of the Crimean Natural Reserve, where Monastery of Saints Cosmas and Damian.
The water in the spring is always cold (6–8°C), clear as a tear, clear as crystal, and extremely tasty.
The uniqueness of the water of this source lies in the fact that at a pH value close to neutral and low mineralization, it contains silver ions in a balneologically active concentration. It is these qualities of water that give it healing power in a wide balneological spectrum.
Waters like the Savlukh-Su spring are so rare that they are not even included in the classification of mineral waters. Data in the literature on similar sources were not found. There is indirect evidence that a source of water similar to "Savlukh-Su" was found in the United States.
24-day course water intake is a protective factor in stress stomach ulcer . It can also be taken to prevent other diseases.

close Toplovsky monastery, Belogorsky area, (slightly above the village Topolevka near the highway Feodosia - Simferopol) beats several sources - source of St. Paraskeva, St. George the Victorious, Three Hierarchs(Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom.)
Source of St. Paraskeva is finished with local stone, a chapel with an iconostasis is built near it. Water from the source of St. Paraskeva Friday helps well with eye diseases .
There are two fonts on the territory of the monastery. One, closed, in marble, is located next to the temple, where water flows from all three sources - St. Paraskeva, St. George and the Three Saints. You can take a dip in this font both in winter and summer, the water of this spring cures diseases of the eyes and head. A huge white marble Angel from a jug pours water into the bath.
To the second font, St. George, you will need to walk about one km along a forest road. The water of this spring has a healing effect on musculoskeletal system.

IN Krasnogvardeisky region of Crimea in a small village Pyatikhatka there is a unique healing thermal spring with a water temperature of 60 degrees, beating from a depth of 1190 meters. Nearby in the adapted premises of the hostel there is a modest small temple in the name of St. Panteleimon the Healer.
The healing properties of natural water have been known since ancient times. There are many healing springs in the world. Famous spas invite you to be treated with the divine gift of healing water. Some sources are radon, others are hydrogen sulfide, others contain iodine and bromine. The source, which is located next to us, is simply unique. Its composition is close to the waters of Matsesta, Karlovy Vary, and even surpasses them in a number of mineral components. Source investigated by doctors: biologically active water displays salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, has good choleretic, diuretic and antiviral properties. Bathing in it, people get relief from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin.

Many residents of the Crimean peninsula are unaware of the existence of hot healing springs in the Crimea, now in Russia. These springs were discovered by hydrogeologists back in the days of the Soviet Union. There are rich reserves of thermal waters with high mineralization in Pervomaisky, Nizhnegorsky, Dzhankoysky, Saki and Krasnogvardeisky areas.

How to get to the geothermal springs of Crimea ? We leave from Simferopol on North. We drive along the highway to the city of Armyansk. We pass the village of Gvardeyskoye and turn towards the village of Krymskoye, this is already the Saksky district. Stopping in the village Lowland.
The inconspicuous structure hastily built of shell rock. Here, at a depth of more than 1000 meters, there is a thermal source. Its constant temperature is about 60 degrees Celsius. Having made an analysis, the experts came to the conclusion that this water, in terms of the number of useful microelements, surpasses the Saki mineral water known in the Crimea.
Local residents drink mineral water straight from the tap and vying to praise its healing properties. Well, it helps with pulmonary diseases, with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, with infectious diseases such as tonsillitis.
For a long time this well was the only source of water for the villagers. Therefore, a bathhouse was built next to it. Now people from all over the Crimea come here to swim. During the season, tourists also come to bathe in the village. Sometimes even foreigners visit. In the bath, you can feel a strong hydrogen sulfide smell and the water tastes like hydrogen sulfide. Locals say that it makes excellent yeast pancakes.

Another hot spring is located in the village Ilyinka Saki district. This is 30 kilometers west of Lowland. The local aquifer lies at depths of 800 to 1100 meters. The water is sodium chloride. Its temperature reaches almost 60 degrees. Immediately at the entrance to Ilyinka, we see a familiar typical structure, built from local limestone-shell rock.
Ilyinsky water contains: iodine, bromine, boron, iron, manganese, titanium, zirconium, lithium, aluminum, silicon, strontium, barium, vanadium, zinc, scandium and beryllium. In addition, water has a mixed composition of gases. Carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and rare gases - this is the gas composition of water. There is no more hydrogen sulfide in it.
The source gushed throughout the room. Useful baths were taken inside and next to the building itself. Local residents took water in basins and baths. It is said that the procedures were very effective for those suffering from rheumatism, osteochondrosis and sciatica. And the water perfectly healed wounds and helped with skin diseases. The taste of water gives iodine. But she can't wash her hair. They will be like wood when dry.