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Bicycle tours in Karelia. Penza tourists traveled through Karelia on bicycles Bicycle tours around Karelia in August

Penza tourists traveled around Karelia on bicycles. There were children in the group. Route: Lodeynoye Pole - Megrega - Olonets - Tuloksa - Vidlitsa - Pitkäranta - Rautalahti - Ruskeala - Kaalamo - Sortavala.

Traveling around Karelia on bicycles

Participants: Anna Morozova, Evgenia Morozova, Sasha Kozhevnikov, Sergey Matveev, Oksana Garkavenko, Matvey Teryaev, Anastasia Uraltseva - author of the article.

The idea of ​​organizing a trip around Karelia on bicycles arose spontaneously, like everything else in my life. I would never have thought that I could organize something, much less carry it out. But somehow unexpectedly, my thoughts, carelessly spoken out loud, turned into plans in two days, and as a result, all this flowed into a real campaign; it was too late to retreat. The only problem was that I had no idea how to organize bike trips! So I had only one way out - to distribute responsibilities among all participants, and pretend that I was in charge of all this disgrace.

The trip around Karelia was planned with the participation of children, so the mileage should not be more than 30 km per day. That is, the entire mileage should be no more than 200 km. This turned out to be very difficult because I wanted to cover as much as possible. When I sat down to develop the route, I realized that no matter how hard we tried, we couldn’t make it to 200 km. Tactics had to be changed. We decided to increase the daily mileage to 40-50 km, and to do this, train the children before the hike. Looking ahead, I will say that we drove almost 400 km.

Traveling around Karelia. Difficulties of moving

07/09/2016. I’m starting the report with the landing, because my greatest concerns were related to loading and unloading bicycles. To make it clear: I personally did not usually participate in loading bicycles, i.e. The number of men always exceeded the number of women many times over. Everything was different here. Of the 7 participants, there were only two men and two children! They escorted us from Penza, everything went without any problems. But we had to load ourselves onto the second train in 5 minutes!

07/10/2016. We had to change trains at Liski station. We managed to find out in advance which platform the train was arriving at, but there were 3 tracks! We took the most convenient position in order to start on the announced path. But the path was not announced... The path was announced in 3 minutes. before the train arrives. The minutes of waiting were very tense. Everyone stood in complete silence and at the words: “Fast train...” everyone took a low start and then “.. No. such and such” - everyone exhaled.

The loading plan was worked out to the smallest detail; the special forces would be jealous. The train has arrived. The conductor announced: we are waiting for 2 minutes!!! the train is late. The first time I encountered the fact that the conductor was helping to load the bikes; he didn’t even look at the documents when boarding. In general, it loaded in 3-4 minutes! The worst is over today. But no, the faces of the passengers were also scary when we burst into the carriage with such speed, so many things, and crazy eyes.

07/11/2016 (20 km). We arrived at Lodeynoye Pole station at 15.30. The task was the same, to unload in 5 minutes, but it was no longer scary. Once again, I would like to note that the conductor actively participated in helping unload the bicycles. Unloaded in 3 minutes. The north greeted us with sun and heat of +300C. On the first day we drove 20 km. We stopped for the night on the shore of Vehkozero.

Traveling around Karelia. White Nights

Despite the fact that everyone knew what white nights were, this phenomenon amazed everyone, it was 12 at night, but it was light. And what was even more amazing was the amount of blueberries. She was everywhere.
07/12/2016 (68 km). The start was scheduled for 10.00. We left as planned. We stopped at the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery, and here we were caught by the first Karelian rain, which we safely waited out in the monastery. And they peacefully rolled into the Republic of Karelia.

The problems started when we drove along the Olonka River. There were houses on both sides of the river, and one village passed into another.

At first we looked for a parking lot next to the water, then we realized that it was somehow normal without water, and we were ready to stand in the field, but it was impossible to get close to the field. All fields were surrounded by a moat with water. And then Zhenya suspected something was wrong and said that she was promised no more than 30 km a day, but we had already covered 60, and it was unknown how much more we would travel. We had to put on a smart face and convince that everything was going according to plan, although we ourselves were already close to panic. As a result, local residents suggested the place where we stopped - on the edge of a rye field.

Mead bought at the monastery marked the beginning of the “children’s hike”, 68 km instead of the planned 35. We drove from 10 am to 9 pm, with a stop at the monastery and a stop for lunch. The children made us happy; they survived.

On the shore of Lake Ladoga

07/13/2016 (38 km). We woke up late. We left at 11:30. On the way we ate blueberries and picked chanterelles. We drove 38 km, and as soon as we reached the shore of Lake Ladoga, remembering the experience of the previous day, we immediately decided to stop for the night. Moreover, it was time to clean up and do laundry. Lake Ladoga amazed with its “sea” waves. The children floundered and rode on the waves, and, in my opinion, they were not at all embarrassed that the water was 15 degrees.

The fact that we had not traveled much today became clear when Matvey cut down two trees and broke the saw.
07/14/2016 (82 km). Most of the route passed along the shore of Lake Ladoga, and was impressive with its views. There were a lot of blueberries and wild strawberries, and sometimes there were raspberries and boneberries. So during this trip we got a full dose of vitamins. We stopped at Lake Nietjärvi, where our fifth overnight stay was planned. All days we were ahead of schedule and saved one day.

07/15/2016 (63 km). The route ran through the highway. The asphalt was perfect and it rolled very well, but it soon got boring. It was decided to diversify the route, and we turned to the dirt.

The last 5 km passed directly along the shore of Lake Ladoga. On one side of the road there are rocks, on the other there is a lake and perfect asphalt. When we were looking for a place to camp, it started to rain and rained all night. In the morning we also gathered in the rain. Only then did we realize how lucky we had been with the weather before.

Ruskeala Mountain Park

09/16/2016 (32 km). It rained all day, it started and then stopped. “Ruskeala Mountain Park” was planned for today. First we stopped at the waterfalls.

There we met a group of cyclists. They traveled “light,” and the car carried their belongings. Commercial tours are a very popular type of recreation for these places. We tried “wickets”. This national dish is an open pie made from rye flour with various fillings. Edible, but our pies are tastier, but the wickets are very filling. In general, everything that is needed for the northern people. The mountain park is a marble quarry filled with water.

You can walk along the shore of this quarry, or you can rent a boat and swim along the quarry itself. The only negative is that we arrived on Saturday and there were a lot of people. We had to stand in line to get the boat.

There was an attraction in the park, a rope jump into a marble quarry. Only Matvey made up his mind, which earned everyone a shout of approval.

When they were looking for a parking spot, Zhenya stepped in a wasp’s nest, then she counted 32 bites on her legs, and on her head, face and arms. There was a campsite nearby, they treated her legs with foam, and she shook for another 2 hours. The next day everything went away. We stayed at the campsite. The hot shower was very welcome, and the place was very beautiful. We took a free gazebo and finally had dinner, clean and sitting at the table. And in the morning, some participants in the hike tried to fish.

Last walking day

07/17/2016 (45 km). The last walking day in Karelia was planned for today. We were driving along a good dirt road and met a couple of Finns. They got lost and didn’t know how to get to Sortavala. They were in complete shock: “We are driving and driving, but the road is getting worse and worse...”. This is an ideal road for Russia!

Finding a place to stay overnight in Sortavala turned out to be difficult. There is a lake, but there is no access to it. Some dachas. One summer resident said that there was a dead end here, and there was no access to the lake, and with a sigh she added: “I feel sorry for you, cyclists,” offering to put up tents right at her dacha. We happily agreed.

The place was gorgeous, view of the lake and a beautiful sunset. The next day we were going to the island of Valaam, but as it turned out in the morning - no luck.

07/18/2016 (day). In the morning it was raining, and everyone, without saying a word, slept until 10, although at 8 they were already planning to leave for Valaam. In general, the question to go or not to go was open for us. On the one hand, being in these parts and not visiting the island of Valaam... And on the other hand, all the locals with whom we talked told us that this place has become very commercialized, and the combination of holy places and security in the black leaves a not very good imprint glasses that accompany you throughout the island.

In general, the rain solved all our problems, and we hung out at the dacha all day. We were actually very lucky; it rained all day and stopped towards evening. And we sat on the dry veranda. Towards evening we divided into groups and went for a ride into the city.

The journey through Karelia is completed

07/19/2016 (38 km). The Karelian campaign is over. Next is Peter. We got up at three in the morning, because... The train was at five. Local summer residents told us that the train is called a “foundling” because it carries cyclists who have not calculated their strength. But everything went according to plan. Cyclists were clearly not uncommon there. Two more were loading with us.

The train turned out to be not an electric train at all, but a diesel locomotive consisting of two cars. At first, only one carriage was opened. And they told us to go to another one and opened it especially for us! Surprisingly, with bicycles - go ahead!

We got to Kuznechnaya station, wait 7 hours for the next train. We decided to ride bicycles to Priozersk and visit the Korela fortress-museum. We cooked pasta on the park lawn and took the next train to St. Petersburg.

In St. Petersburg

Raf was waiting for us. In general, I don’t know about others, but for me it was an amazing evening. Well, firstly, my first campaign was completed successfully, and secondly, it was some kind of atmosphere of unity. A friend came to visit Raf, who also travels by bicycle (then he gave us a tour of St. Petersburg).

Misha arrived, we knew each other from the Georgian campaign, and I was incredibly glad to see him. And we met Raf only a year ago on a bike trip around Belarus. And then I couldn’t even imagine that a year later we would have a “drink” at his home in St. Petersburg. And it was so surprising that all the people at the table, completely different professions, genders and ages, from different cities and with different life experiences, were united by a thirst for adventure and an eternal friend - a bicycle.

07/20/2016. The morning started off hard. But a majestic city awaited us, and there was not a moment to lose. As true connoisseurs of architecture from different eras, we began our journey through the cultural capital of our homeland with a visit to the water park. Then we walked around the city.

Personally, I was in St. Petersburg for the first time, and most of all I was impressed by the number of palaces, parks, and public gardens. A city that is pleasant to just wander around. Everyone really enjoyed the water excursion, and Matvey enjoyed the soft sofas on the boat; he slept peacefully throughout the excursion. We returned home very late.

07/21/2016. Not everyone went to the city. To our great joy, the children decided to stay at home. And without whining, Peter turned out to be even more beautiful. In the evening we tried to organize a communication session with Penza, but it was not very successful; Vadim stubbornly refused to hear or see us.

07/22/2016. We split up again. Some people went to the aquarium. I was very impressed by the feeding of the stingrays and how colorful the fish are in nature. And the other part went on a bike tour of the city, which Andrey organized.

Raising St. Petersburg bridges

But the main goal of today was to raise bridges. We looked at the schedule in advance. The first is Dvortsovy, then Troitsky, Liteyny, along Bolsheokhtinsky we had to move to the other side and finally look at the opening of the Alexander Nevsky Bridge. We met on Palace Square. Various musical groups performed there. It was great.

We looked at the draw of the bridge with fascination; the spectacle shocked us with its grandeur and scope. I was very surprised by the number of people, this is an everyday occurrence for St. Petersburg and we did not immediately attach great importance to this, but in vain! When we decided that it was time to start to admire the next bridge, it turned out that it was completely impossible to go. The people are like in India, and also cars and motorcycles.

We got out with difficulty, when we approached the second one, he was already divorced, and so was the third one. Our speed involuntarily increased, and we were already turning it all the way. Somehow I didn’t really want to stay in the city until the morning. We arrived at the fourth bridge, through which we planned to cross to the other side, simultaneously with its opening.

There was one last chance left - the Alexander Nevsky Bridge or in St. Petersburg until the morning. Racing through St. Petersburg at night on adrenaline is such a drive! Well, in time we emerged victorious from this race! And we got home safely at half past five in the morning! The rise was scheduled for seven. We had a way home ahead of us!

Traveling around Karelia. conclusions

The budget for the trip was 16-18 thousand rubles. The terrain is very easy. Suitable for trained children and unprepared adults. There were no problems with shops along the entire route. We were very lucky with the weather, and the most amazing thing is that there were absolutely no mosquitoes or midges. And most importantly, we were lucky with people who helped us load our bikes, suggested parking spots, and told us about the sights we should definitely visit.

Thanks to Anya, who sheltered us at the dacha, Raf and his entire family: Natasha, Ksyusha and Artyom, for the warm welcome and hospitality! Thanks to Andrey for the excursion and Misha for the sincere company! And to all the participants of the campaign for making it happen. Traveling around Karelia is an unforgettable life event!

Anastasia Uraltseva.

Traveling around Karelia - by water, by bicycle or on foot - will be remembered for a lifetime. To ensure a successful hike, tourists are recommended to take a drug to increase endurance - LEVETON FORTE. This innovative, completely natural drug is designed specifically for athletes and tourists, and is recommended by leading sports specialists in Russia.

The bike tour takes place on bicycles through the picturesque places of southern Karelia.

3 days / 2 nights

12200 rub./person.

Cycling tours in Karelia: speed, adventure, fabulous views

Discovering new facets of the world while traveling by bicycle, you feel how your life is filled with energy and new impressions, how you conquer new obstacles and peaks.

For those who love their bike, movement and the spirit of adventure, cycling tours in Karelia have been created, which are balanced in intensity, duration and level of difficulty. At the same time, you do not have to bring your faithful iron horse with you; we provide it for rent along with all the equipment (included in the tour price).

A variety of experiences is what the Lesnaya Skazka company offers: classic bicycle tours in Karelia, multifaceted adventures combining cycling, rafting, and motorboats. We strive to create the best adventure for a variety of tourists: even those who do not have a lot of free time can enjoy a tour (such as Ladoga).

Bike Tours 2018: Conquer and Conquer

The shortest hike takes 3 days and 2 nights and starts in Petrozavodsk. You will see such pearls of Karelia as the Ruskeala waterfall, which will amaze you with its beauty and amazing history. You will see several unique and little-known lakes, the purity of which is simply impeccable. You will be amazed at how enchanting the famous Ruskeal marble canyon is from afar and up close; you will meet the sunset over the transparent surface of the lake formed in an old marble mine.
An amazing spectacle of the harmony of man-made and natural awaits you during your visit to the Finnish Hydroelectric Power Station, which will become a spectacular finale to our route;

Cycling tours to the Kola Peninsula are longer, they take 7 days. So, during the “Road to Ladoga” tour you will not only have an adventure on bicycles, but also cross the lake on motorboats, admiring its endless expanses and the beauty of the rocky shores and picturesque northern beaches. The nature here is very rich, albeit harsh. And our most eventful adventure is crowned with rafting on the Janis River. A tour of Finnish farmsteads, preserved from the times of the Finnish War, will immerse you in the history of this region and the 20th century.

. “Bike Week” is an opportunity to savor the atmosphere of the Republic, see its main cultural attractions and even taste it. Tourists especially enjoy visiting the village of Rubcheila with real historical buildings and houses. You will also enjoy a tour of the most beautiful lakes: Syamozero, Nizh. - Nelgomozero, Naidomozero. Tasting of the famous Marcial waters discovered by Peter.
Any cycling travel scenarios are possible, including original ones developed specifically for your group. We are constantly looking for new exciting routes, not similar to the typical ones, which will fully reveal to you the beauty of the Karelian land and give you new sensations from cycling.

Bicycle tours in Karelia and the Kola Peninsula are a pleasure for the elite!

If you have any questions about cycling tours, please contact us.

And, again Karelia!

We really love riding bicycles in Karelia. Rumors that Karelia is only suitable for water tourism are greatly exaggerated.

It took place.

This is the plan awaiting us for the August week from August 6 to 14, 2016, including travel time to the starting point and return to Moscow.

date What Kilometers by bike
6th Saturday Transfer, train 092h Moscow - Murmansk, departure from Leningradsky station at 20:50.
7th Sunday Bear Mountain station at 14:35. I'll meet you at the station. We get on our bikes and go to the Penguin cafe. Let's have lunch.
Further to the shore of Lake Onega is approximately 25 km. We set up camp and have dinner. Swimming optional. Dream.
8th Monday Wake up (usually at 7 o'clock), breakfast, get ready. Departure is usually at 9. We go to the Klim Nos peninsula. On the way, stop for lunch. We set up camp on the peninsula. We walk, have dinner, swim if desired. If you're lucky, we'll watch the sunset. Perhaps we feed the ducks. Dream. 68
9th Tuesday Getting up on schedule, breakfast, getting ready. We don't travel much that day. On the way there is a source - Tsaritsyn Spring, shungite mines. We set up camp in the forest near the lamba. Let's have lunch. We go for a walk through the forest to the tectonic fault and back. Walking distance is approximately 10 km. Dinner, sleep. Bathing in the lamb is optional. 48
10th Wednesday Getting up on schedule, breakfast, getting ready. Let's look at Vegorux. Next is Lambasruchey, a beautiful forest road. You can visit the Three Ivana spring + 5 km. We set up camp on the shore of Vanchozero. The escort car with us can get to Lambasruchya, then our paths with the car will diverge until the evening. Then continue as usual. 80
11th Thursday We follow a diet and sleep schedule. We drive along roads with beautiful views. Overnight stop in the vicinity of Lizhma. Perhaps parting with the car on some sections of the road. 88
12th Friday We follow a diet and sleep schedule. We pass through Kondopoga. Overnight on the shore of Konchozer. 77
13th Saturday After breakfast and getting ready, we arrive in Petrozavodsk. Depending on which train you take tickets for, we walk around the city more or less. 40
Just for a bike ride. 430
14th Sunday Arrival in Moscow.

The route may be adjusted due to weather and other conditions.
We live in tents. Tents personal equipment. You can read about personal equipment on the page with Recommendations and.

Things and bicycles can be previously placed in the car in Moscow, so as not to carry them on the train. Also back. We will agree on loading and unloading times closer to the point.

You can physically prepare for the trip in time if you start from the beginning of the 2016 season. The trip requires a total of 450 km of travel. Riding 20 km around the house does not count.
You can also have time to prepare your equipment. It is better to plan on equipment for cool weather.

According to finances, if there are six participants, then the food that we prepare ourselves and the accompanying car is $340 per participant.
In addition to these costs, the participant buys train tickets.

Also, if for some reason we visit a cafe or suddenly go on an excursion, take a boat or spend the night in a guest house, this is not taken into account in the calculation.
But, if the number of participants is greater, I will recalculate the amount downward.
However, the group is no more than 10 people.
When moving by active means - prohibition.

Participants over 18 years old. Not epileptics.

Before the trip, joint skates are required, also known as PVD.

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If you decide to go, you can make an advance payment - at least 150 dollars (banknotes can be different, even in rubles at the exchange rate). We will determine the exchange rate at the time of transfer of money. Depending on the number of participants, you transfer the remaining amount until July 5, 2016 at the exchange rate on the day of transfer or in any other banknotes that can be exchanged in our country.
If someone refuses and there are fewer than 6 participants, the trip will not take place. I will return the money in the same quantity and quality in which it was handed over minus 40 dollars (if handed over on November 29th, then at the rate on this date, if different, then on another), if everything happens earlier than a month before the start of the event . If it is later, then most likely the costs incurred will be greater and the deductible will increase.

If you want to go, but are hesitating, you have the opportunity to hesitate until there are 10 people.

The first meeting of the participants took place on November 29, 2015 at the Nasushny Bread coffee shop on Kamergersky Lane in Moscow.

If for any reason I have to cancel my trip, all deposits will be refunded.

I reserve the right to refuse travel without explanation.

Winter Active in Karelia
Snowmobile tours in Karelia
Rafting in Karelia
Fishing and hunting in Karelia

Tours in the Murmansk region, the Kola Peninsula and the Khibiny Mountains

Tours to Karelia– an excellent choice for people who want to escape from the concrete jungle of the city into the bosom of nature. Tours to Karelia from Moscow are very affordable. Just a night on the train and you are already there. The variety of tours to Karelia will allow you to choose what you like: there are rafting on wild rivers on catamarans for extreme sports enthusiasts, and rafting on calm rivers on rafts, in which the whole family can participate.

All conditions have been created here. You will visit fascinating places, enjoy centuries-old forests and crystal lakes, ride along winding paths, see masterpieces of Karelian architecture - look into the mysterious world of Karelian natureand culture . For your convenience, your belongings on bicycle tours in Karelia are transported by an escort vehicle. All you have to do is choose a tour based on your physical fitness. Weekend cycling tours in Karelia are available to beginners, but a week-long cycling tour requires good preparation.

And if you are interested in trying several types of recreation in Karelia, welcome to. In such tours you can combine rafting, kayaking, cycling and rock climbing.

If you don’t know what to do in winter, go to Karelia. Here you will find snow-covered forests, sparkling sun, and fresh frosty air. In winter in Karelia you canride on visit the Three Bears zoo complex and the Karelian village of Rubcheyla, get acquainted with Karelian hospitality and Karelian cuisine. Only here you can feel like a conqueror of the northern lands, because man’s friends of amazing beauty and endurance - huskies - will help you in this. You can ride like a breeze through the endless winter expanses on snowmobiles and see all the splendor of winter Kizhi - you can do it over the weekend. You don't have to take time off from work. Just buy tickets for Friday evening and on Monday morning you will already be in Moscow, full of new impressions and positive emotions.

Geography: The Republic of Karelia is part of the Northwestern Federal District. The capital is Petrozavodsk. It is washed by the White Sea in the northeast.

Climate: mild with plenty of precipitation. It changes on the territory of Karelia from marine to temperate continental. Winter is snowy, cool, but usually without severe frosts; if frosts occur, it is only for a few days. Summers are short and warm, with plenty of precipitation.

Relief, rivers, lakes: a hilly plain, turning in the west into the Western Karelian Upland. There are about 27,000 rivers in Karelia, of which the largest are: Vodla, Kem, Onda, Unga, Chirka-Kem, Kovda, Shuya, Suna with the Kivach waterfall, Vyg. There are also about 60,000 lakes in the republic. Ladoga and Onega are the largest lakes in Europe. Other large lakes of Karelia: Nyuk, Pyaozero, Segozero, Syamozero, Topozero, Vygozero, Yushkozero.

Timezone: coincides with Moscow.