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The most ancient cities of Russia. Age of cities in Russia

Veliky Novgorod - big and beautiful city, located in the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation and has a population of 222,594 people. For the courage, heroism and steadfastness of the inhabitants, Veliky Novgorod received the honorary title of “City of Military Glory”.

This article will focus on the history of the founding of the city of Veliky Novgorod. The year of formation, legends and other information related to this event will be considered. However, first, let's briefly get acquainted with the city itself and its main characteristics and attractions.

Geographical and climatic conditions

Before you find out in what year Veliky Novgorod was founded, you should find out exactly where it is located.

The city is located on the large river Volkhov, the length of which reaches 224 kilometers. Not far from Novgorod (only six kilometers) there is a picturesque area which, depending on the water level, can reach two thousand kilometers.

How far from major cities Is Veliky Novgorod located in Russia (the year of foundation, interesting facts and history of occurrence will be given below)? From Moscow - the capital of the Russian Federation, Novgorod is 552 kilometers away, and from St. Petersburg - only 145 kilometers.

Due to its geographical location, the city is located in the temperate continental climate zone, characterized by frosty snowy winters and dry cool summers. The average winter temperature is about 10 degrees below zero, and the average summer temperature is about 18 degrees plus.

Industry and infrastructure

How was this state formed? Ever since the beginning of the 11th century, Novgorod wanted to gain independence from Kievan Rus, since the boyars, having enlisted the support of the common people, refused to pay taxes to Kyiv and were eager to create their own army. Popular unrest ended with the expulsion of the local prince Vsevolod Mstislavovich, after which a republican form of government was established in the city. And although, starting from 1259, the Novgorod land fell into tax dependence on the Tatar-Mongol Horde, local princes sat on its throne, less often - Moscow and Lithuanian.

Politic system

What is characteristic of the political system of the Novgorod state? Power in the republic was exercised by the prince, who was elected at the veche from the neighboring principalities. Such a ruler was responsible for the judicial system in his lands, as well as for defense and military power. He largely depended on the vecha - the popular assembly of prominent city men.

Veche was endowed with great powers. It elected the prince and judged his actions, elected the head of the city and military commanders, created laws and regulations, established taxes and their amounts.

In addition to city posts and the people's assembly, the republic had a supreme chamber, or council of lords, consisting of an archbishop, a posadnik, a thousand and several elders.

The population was divided into: townspeople (who had the right to buy city lands), boyars (representatives of the upper class), living people (small landowners), merchants, black people (artisans, workers, small merchants), villagers (various kinds of peasants).

Economic relations

The main factor in the economy in the Novgorod principality was not land, but capital. And although most of the inhabitants of the state were engaged in agriculture, fishing and hunting, most of the relations were based on trade (both external and internal). Novgorod stood on the trade route from Scandinavia to Byzantium and was an important part of the "Varangian route".

In addition, the city was famous for its crafts. For example, about 215 domnitsa were equipped here, where 503 domnitsa smelted iron. The metal was processed by blacksmiths, the total number of which reached 130 people.

Also in the Novgorod principality, they were engaged in salt production, pearl mining, jewelry, and locks. The city was famous for woodworking, leather and footwear, iron ore craftsmen, as well as weavers, potters and other artisans.

Fall of the principality

In 1478, the state was forcibly annexed to the Moscow principality. Many local boyars were executed, others were deported to Moscow lands and deprived of any privileges. Veche in Novgorod, as well as its administrative and political institution, was abolished.

As a conclusion

From the foregoing, it follows that Veliky Novgorod is an important economic and political state structure in the history of the formation of the Russian state. The city has its own unique and inimitable history, significant dates and events, outstanding and famous personalities.

Throughout history, Novgorod, Kyiv and Moscow (as the capitals of three influential principalities) were united by complex political, economic and nationwide relations.

As for the dates of the emergence of these cities, the year of foundation of Veliky Novgorod and Kyiv is considered to be 859 and 482 years, respectively (according to official and generally accepted data). The first mention of Moscow dates back to 1147 AD.

Russia is a huge country with its own unique culture. Each Russian city also has its own history, its architectural and planning appearance, its sights, its contribution to historical events, its prominent figures who glorified the city. In almost every city there are places that leave a mark on the mind of a person, enriching him spiritually and aesthetically.

Creativity, the cultural heritage of Russia stands out in world culture. There are galleries in the cities where local artists exhibit their works, and maybe one day some of them will take their rightful place in the Hermitage or the Tretyakov Gallery.

Many cities are interesting objects for tourism, recreation, centers of unique Russian crafts. Certain associations arise, for example, when talking about a Russian samovar, we always talk about, about a downy scarf - we remember Orenburg. And how much admiration causes Gzhel porcelain, Khokhloma, Zhostovo trays. A person who has seen all this beauty at least once will forever find a place in his heart for these creations of human hands.

The cities of Russia have long been famous for their greatness, their unique beauty. The glory of the Russian land was provided by many cities and, and, Murom and many others. Everyone knew that if you come to Russia with a sword, you will die from it. was famous not only for the courage and courage of its people. Russian architecture has made a huge contribution to the glorification of Russia.

Few cities in the world can boast of being unique in nature. architectural structures. There are a huge number of them in Russian cities. Temples, cathedrals, monasteries - each with its own history, its own unique beauty. And nature... Every city, small or large, has its favorite places with beautiful corners. The beauty of our nature was sung by many Russian poets in their works.

The most interesting tourist route the Golden Ring of Russia passes through the ancient Russian cities, capturing several regions of Russia: Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Moscow. Unique monuments of culture and history, centers of folk crafts are preserved here. Yaroslavl is the capital of these cities. There are 140 monuments of architecture in it alone!!! The Church of John the Baptist of the 17th century, the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, the Church of Elijah the Prophet and many, many others stand out for their unique architecture.

Each city is unique, and we must teach the younger generation to respect and love the heritage of the Russian people. And save all our wealth...

Before naming the most ancient cities of Russia, it is necessary to clarify what is meant, a primordially Russian city that originally arose on the lands of Rus', or a settlement located on the territory of modern Russia. In the second case, the answer will be unequivocal - this is Derbent. It has been known about him since the 6th century BC, when there was no Rus' at all.

Inhabited since time immemorial territory

Of course, the ancient settlements were, as excavations show, everywhere and on the territory of Moscow too. And in the Crimea, on the White Rock, a skeleton of a mother with a child, who is 150,000 years old, was found.

Later, during the Copper Age (Eneolithic), the settlements were already protected in every possible way, a prototype of fortresses appeared - the settlement was erected on a high place, a fence was built near the river. Archaeologists still have a lot of work to do - already now on the territory of our country there are hundreds of excavated settlements belonging to various temporary cultures. Herodotus mentions the wooden city of Gelon, which, according to some scientists, could be located on the territory of present-day Saratov. Much is known about the existence, especially in the Crimea, of ancient cities such as Tiras and Olbia, Tanais and Phanagoria. These cities and many others shaped medieval Rus'. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that Rurik did not come from scratch.

One of many

There are many lists of ancient Russian cities, and they all differ. In some, some settlements are indicated, in some others, the dates of formation do not always coincide. Scientists argue, and new data appear. Below is one of the lists.

Founding dates

Velikiy Novgorod

Rostov the Great


Great Izborsk




Several Yet

The most ancient cities of Russia are those whose names sound more familiar, and their appearance is dated closer to us - the 9th century. Researchers do not have full agreement on which city of Rus' should be considered the most ancient, all lists differ - somewhere the first line is occupied by Veliky Novgorod, somewhere Staraya Ladoga (in another version it occupies the fifth line), somewhere Murom. Izborsk, which under Princess Olga (X century) was a suburb of Pskov, is rarely found in articles, and in some list it occupies the second line. The founding year is 862. Polotsk and Rostov, Mur and Ladoga, Beloozero, Smolensk and Lyubich are considered to be of the same age. The list of "The most ancient cities of Russia" continues with Pskov, whose date of birth is 903, followed by Uglich, Trubchevsk, Bryansk, Vladimir, Rostov. Suzdal was founded in 999. Kazan in 1005, Yaroslavl in 1010.

Novgorod is the oldest

Most often, the list is headed by Veliky Novgorod, first mentioned in the Novgorod Chronicle of 859. The mention is connected with Rurik, who came to Rus' from Ladoga (based on this information, in some lists this settlement is indicated under the first number). By the middle of the 9th century, the advantageous location makes Novgorod the center of the northwestern lands and the first capital of Ancient Rus'. The city is a major cultural, political and commercial center, leading the exchange of goods with many foreign countries.

But in 882, Prince Oleg conquers Kyiv and makes it his capital and leaves Novgorod. The city continued to develop quite successfully, becoming the first "window to Europe" for Rus'. It can be noted that the first bishop arrived in Veliky Novgorod in 989.

Construction boom year

The second number in some list of "The most ancient cities of Russia" is Belozersk, founded in 862. I wonder whose efforts so many cities were founded this year? Beloozero (the second name of the city) was transferred several times - either it would flood it, or a pestilence would destroy half of the population. Trade routes along the Sheksna and Mologa rivers to the Volga and beyond passed through it. Both Novgorod and Belozersk are cities with a rich history, they still exist, but in this article they are interesting precisely as the ancient cities of Russia.

The list continues with the well-known, thanks to the great inmate Ilya, Moore. The history of this outpost originates from the settlement of the Oka by the Finnish Muroma tribe. The city was the capital of the Muromo-Ryazan principality. Due to the fact that he was in the border zone, the city was constantly subjected to raids. In 862, at the mouth of the Polota River, at its confluence with the Western Dvina, Polotsk (Polotesk) was founded. Polotsk became part of the Old Russian state in 907, there is documentary evidence of this. At the same time, the city of Rostov, which later became part of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality, was being built on the shores of Lake Nero.

Next on the list

Smolensk was founded a year later in 863. It is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. The favorable position on the Dnieper contributed to the rapid formation of the capital of the Krivichi. Smolensk is part of Kievan Rus as a strong principality. Pskov and Uglich, Bryansk and Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Kursk and Ryazan, Vladimir, Kostroma and Tver are also ancient cities of Russia. The list is supplemented by Moscow. But these are younger formations. So, Tver was founded in 1208. Initially, the city was part of the Novgorod principality, and then was annexed to the Vladimir-Suzdal lands. All these cities are the historical heritage of our country.

The history of the famous route

About 40 years ago, the newspaper "Soviet Russia" published a number of articles about ancient Russian cities, concentrated on the territory of several nearby regions. The golden-domed churches of these cities, located in a closed circle, gave the name to the new tourist route. The "Golden Ring of Russia" was born from newspaper essays, the term was coined by the writer Yuri Bychkov. Initially, this route included only eight of the most ancient Russian cities - Moscow and Sergiev Posad, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and Rostov the Great, Uglich and Yaroslavl, Kostroma and Ples, Suzdal and Vladimir, between them there is one more point - Bogolyubovo. These cities were selected according to a certain principle. For example, they represent all types of ancient Russian architecture, the development of which can be traced in stages.

unofficial center

The route gained popularity, it became a cult, but many ancient settlements were not covered. And now, the "Golden Ring of Russia" already includes 20 cities, special routes are being created in order to visit something else famous points.

There are cruises on the Volga under this name. The unofficial, but generally recognized capital of the entire "Golden Ring" is Vladimir - a city located 193 km from Moscow, where the route begins and ends. The Pearl of the Ring was founded in 1108. Vladimir Monomakh, who was actively engaged in urban planning, laid and surrounded the wooden fortress with an earthen rampart. His grandson Andrei Bogolyubsky, the city owes its flourishing. The famous Vladimir icon was brought to the city by him, and he also built for it the amazing church of the Assumption of the Mother of God. In 1157, Vladimir became the capital of the Old Russian state. The city continues to develop further. Since that time, many monuments have been preserved, and this center of ancient architecture impresses with its beauty preserved in its original form. The main attractions of the city are the Golden Gate, erected in 1164, the Assumption Cathedral, painted by Andrei Rublev in the 12th century, Demetrius Cathedral famous for its white stone carvings. These are far from all the historical and architectural monuments that Vladimir is rich in.

Glorified by warriors

All cities of the Golden Ring amaze and fascinate with primordially Russian beauty. Some occupy special niches. So, the city of Murom, instead of which Ivanovo sometimes appears in the list of 8 cities, is the oldest city in Russia. He, mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years, remained pagan for a very long time. After the murder of the great-grandson of Yaroslav the Wise Mikhail in Murom, his father, the namesake of his grandfather, Prince Yaroslav laid siege to the city, and, taking it, baptized the inhabitants by force in 1097. Murom was destroyed by Batu, later ruined by the Tatars three times, it was plundered in the Time of Troubles, but his soldiers were always in the forefront of the defenders of the Motherland. City of Murom

gave Rus' the most famous hero Ilya Muromets.

Handsome Suzdal

Even a page is not enough to list the monasteries, churches and bell towers of Suzdal, the open-air museum. Ancient monastery walls, belfries and gate churches - dozens of the most beautiful objects represent Russian architecture from the 12th to the 19th century. The city of Suzdal has a special attraction. White-stone churches and ancient monuments, of which there are up to 200 units in the city-museum, are under the protection of UNESCO. For the first time this beautiful city is mentioned in chronicles from 1024. Now everything is being done to attract more tourists. Street vendors of souvenirs and mead, buffoons and horse teams created an atmosphere of an endless holiday in the city.

Veliky Novgorod, due to its remoteness, is not included in the Golden Ring of Russia.

Moscow is one of the largest cities in Rus', founded in the 12th century and subsequently uniting the whole country under its control. Moscow in the 16th century became the capital and continues to be so to this day.

Moscow was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky on Borovitsky Hill at the confluence of two rivers - the Moscow River and the Neglinnaya River. The favorable geographical location of the city was one of the main reasons due to which the city very quickly gained economic independence and, consequently, political influence.

Historical settlements and the founding of Moscow

To date, little information has been preserved about what was on the territory of modern Moscow long before its construction. There is evidence that on the river bank on the site of the modern Cathedral of Christ the Savior, long before the founding of Rus', the Dyakovo settlements (Iron Age) were located, they are considered the first settlements on this earth.

Later, shortly before the appearance of the Russian state, these lands were chosen by the Finno-Ugric tribes living along the coast in scattered farms. Soon Slavic villages and villages belonging to the Vyatichi tribe began to appear here. At that time, there was no single centralized settlement in this place, and the lands were inhabited separately.

The exact date and even the century of the founding of Moscow is unknown; historians are still arguing about this. Scientists have put forward a version that Moscow was founded already in the 9th century by Prince Oleg, but there is no convincing evidence for this. A more generally accepted version says that the city was built in the 12th century, but the exact month and year are unknown.

The first mention of Moscow appeared in Russian chronicles (Ipatiev Chronicle) in 1147. During this period, Kyiv gradually begins to lose its power, the Russian lands cease to obey a single, centralized authority. The chronicle tells how the Grand Duke of Kiev Yuri Dolgoruky convenes a military council and calls for a conversation with Prince Svyatoslav Olegovich. The council takes place, presumably, on the territory of the future Moscow, since the call "To Moscow" is mentioned in the annals. It is believed that at the time of the mention in the annals of the city, this place did not yet exist, but there was a fairly large settlement.

As for the more precise date of the founding of the city, there is a little confusion. According to one version, Moscow was founded in 1156 by Yuri Dolgoruky, who ordered to build a wooden fortress on the site of the old settlement and lay the foundation for the city. This version is criticized, since during this period the prince was in Kyiv, and the chronicle very vaguely mentions his visits to Moscow lands. Another version claims that the laying of the fortress took place a little earlier, in 1153. There is also an opinion that it was not Yuri Dolgoruky himself who could have founded Moscow, but his son Andrei.

Nevertheless, despite the disputes of scientists, it is generally accepted that Moscow was founded in 1147 (according to the date of mention in the annals) by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Since the exact date of foundation is a mystery, City Day in Moscow is celebrated on the first Saturday of September.

Built in the 12th century, Moscow quickly began its rise, but only by the 15th century acquired the status of the capital, when Ivan the Terrible ascended the throne. In 1712, with the coming to power of Peter 1, Moscow lost its capital status, giving it to St. Petersburg, but after the revolution in 1918 it again became the capital and remains so to this day.

Moscow Kremlin

The history of any ancient Russian city begins with the construction of a fortress. The first fortifications on the territory of Moscow were built by Yuri Dolgoruky, had wooden walls, a small diameter and served mostly for living and household needs. Only in the 14th century the old fortress was rebuilt, the walls were made of white stone, the territory was expanded. From here Moscow received the name Belokamennaya. The Kremlin was rebuilt twice more, in the 15th and 18th centuries, after which it acquired its final form.

City name

The name of Moscow, like many other cities, is associated with the name of the river on which it stands. As for the name of the river itself, there are several versions of the origin of the word. Firstly, according to the Old Slavic, the word "Moscow" comes from the root "mosk", which has a dual meaning and means both "wet, wet" and "mind". The second version is connected with the Finno-Ugric tribes living in this territory. Moscow in this case is the result of a combination of several Mari words, meaning "Bear" and "Mother" in translation.

The most common version today is the origin of the word "Moscow" from the Komi language, in which the term means "Cow River". The river itself and the settlements located along its banks were called Moscow.

When did humanity first learn about Russia? Who was its founder? What is the date of foundation of Russia? The first mention of the state appeared in chronicles in the tenth century. The memoirs of the Byzantine king mainly tell about the ceremonies that took place in the state and how it was ruled.

Our compatriot chroniclers mentioned the word "Russia" in Cyrillic four centuries later, and in the title of one of the metropolitans, Kipran, it was indicated that he was "Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia." The modern spelling with two letters “s” appeared in the middle of the 17th century, and was finally fixed during the reign of Peter I. Four centuries have passed since then, and Russia has become one of the most powerful states in the world. When did she declare herself as a power?

Date of foundation of Russia as a state

The country has come a thorny path to the present day and has reformed at least five times. But everyone knows that it was a single state with a vast territory. The first mention of Russia as a state occurred in the 13th century, when all the Slavs united under the banner of the Rurikids, and it was called Kievan Rus in 862.

List of the most ancient cities

A list of the founding dates of Russian cities is presented to clearly show the oldest cities of the state. The most interesting thing is that neither Moscow nor Tula were included in this list, although they are also considered one of the most ancient cities in Russia. All data are presented as of 2014.

  • Ryazan. With a population of 533 thousand people, this city is known for its tourist places, because this is one of the most ancient lands of Russia. A lot of architectural monuments attract tourists from all over the country and the world, making it possible to feel that time and that atmosphere.

As chronicler Cyril Murom mentioned?

City Murom first mentioned in the chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years". Only with the help of her was it possible to find out the origin and name of this city. A long time ago, tribes of Finno-Ugric Slavs lived on the site of the city, who called themselves "muroms". In 988, this city came under the control of Prince Vladimir's son Gleb. Tourists are showing interest in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, which is called one of the most ancient in the whole country.

In ancient chronicles for 1024 the name of the city is mentioned Suzdal, as well as the uprising of the Magi, which glorified this city. There are also earlier records that this settlement was created from the merger of several villages. Interesting fact in the fact that on the territory of this city there is a huge number of different monuments, and only 10 thousand people live there, but every year more and more tourists arrive there.

Smolensk is our hero

Hero City Smolensk with a population of 330 thousand people, for the first time, like the city of Murom, it is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years in 946 as a settlement in which the Krivichi lived - a mixture of East Slavic tribes. According to the chronicle, Prince Oleg, who captured this city and, having made it his own, put his son Igor to rule there, who could not cope with his task due to his young age.

Velikiy Novgorod can rightfully be considered one of the most famous cities in Ancient Rus', as well as one of its centers from the beginning of the date of the founding of Russia. Until 882, it was its center, until the city of Kyiv, located on the territory of Ukraine, became one. Sophia Cathedral is the oldest landmark in Veliky Novgorod along with the Novgorod Kremlin. All tourists traveling along the Golden Ring visit this city, because only there you can feel the very atmosphere of ancient Rus'. At the moment, 200 thousand people live there.

Staraya Ladoga used to stand on the border with all the warring states with the ancient Russians. It was destroyed and rebuilt countless times, and in one of the so-called restorations, it was made into a city, not a frontier fortress. This restructuring dates back to 753 and is notable for the fact that it was here that the first of the Ruriks lived. The population of Staraya Ladoga is only two thousand people.

Independent Russia

In 1990, when the first president Boris Yeltsin was elected, and the country itself gained independence and became the Russian Federation, it can rightly be considered the Day of Russia, and the date of the founding of the state is June 12. Having gone through a thorny path, the state turned out to be completely free and began to proudly bear the name - Russia. Since 1991, June 12 is a non-working day; currently, on this day, the president of the country issues state awards in the Kremlin. Across the territory of the state, it is customary to consider the date of the founding of Russia as City Day, which means that at the end of the day, festive fireworks rumble throughout the country and ceremonial events take place.

Political party ruling the country

The most famous political party is " United Russia”, the date of foundation of which is considered to be December 1, 2001. It is considered in the country as the “party of power”, which has been at the head of the country for many years. The leader of the party is Dmitry Medvedev, who holds office under the current president, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In addition to this party, there are more than 15 political blocs in the country