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Italian colonies in the Black Sea region. Development of a lesson on the topic: “Italian colonies on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus Population Italian colonies on the Black Sea coast

Italian colonies on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

Target: 1. to form students' knowledge about the emergence of Italian colonies on the Black Sea coast.

2. To instill a love for history and cultural monuments of world significance.

3. Form a spiritually developed personality with a stable national identity.

Equipment: map of the medieval Kuban 10-13 centuries, atlas, textbook, contour maps.

During the classes.

    Organizing time

    Knowledge update

    Learning new material.

Almost simultaneously with the establishment of Mongol-Tatar dominion over the tribes and peoples of the Black Sea region, the peaceful penetration of Italian merchants into these territories began. The Italians sought to expand their trading activities, markets for products and extract the maximum profit from this. Colonization was accompanied by rivalry between two major cities - Venice and Genoa.

The desire of both maritime republics to establish a trade monopoly in the Black Sea region results in a sharp competitive struggle and direct armed clashes between them. By the middle of the XIV century, the predominance of Genoa becomes clear. The colonial policy of Venice was almost entirely determined by the state, and its trade was largely based on operations with expensive oriental goods, the supply of which was completely dependent on the vicissitudes of the political situation in the region, the state of trade routes along their entire length, including not only the sea route, but and caravan routes. In contrast, Genoa relied more on the activities of individuals, on merchant companies and associations.

At the same time, Genoa had at least a dozen and a half scattered trading posts in the Black Sea region, through which not only eastern goods passed, but also the flow of local products intended for regional trade. For a number of reasons, the Kaffa colony took the leading place among them. When it was created, the Genoese merchants could not but take into account the experience of the neighboring Soldaya (Sudak) - a trading center widely known in Western Europe, Rus' and Asia.

At the same time, Genoa had at least a dozen and a half scattered trading posts in the Black Sea region, through which not only eastern goods passed, but also the flow of local products intended for regional trade. For a number of reasons, the Kaffa colony took the leading place among them. When it was created, the Genoese merchants could not but take into account the experience of the neighboring Soldaya (Sudak) - a trading center widely known in Western Europe, Rus' and Asia. At the end of the 13th century, its new rise was facilitated, in particular, by the fact that it was much closer than Kherson to the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Kerch Strait, through which ships passed. The largest colony was Kaffa, which was a developed center of crafts.

In 1266, representatives of Genoa agreed with the rulers of the Golden Horde on the transfer of Kafa to them, however, on the basis of an agreement on the division of trade income, clashes arose that ended in predatory raids by the Tatars.

From the Genoese period in the Crimea, the remains of fortress walls, towers and palaces in Kaffa and Chembalo, a fortress and a consular castle in Soldaya built under the guidance of Italian architects have been preserved. In 1951, in Feodosia, on the territory of the Genoese fortress, archaeological excavations were carried out, which provided valuable material for studying the history of the city, its crafts and trade.

Working with text (administration of the Genoese colonies pp. 84-85)


How the Genoese managed to win the trade rivalry with Venice.

With what goals did the Genoese attract the local nobility to the management of the colonies and become related to it.

Show on the map the approximate location of the main Genoese settlements on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas (work in the contour map).


Italian colonization of the northern and eastern coast of the Black Sea in the XIII-XV centuries.

Testimonies of travelers Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta about the devastation of the North Caucasus by the Mongols and the resettlement of part of the Circassians to the Volga and China. Lack of statehood among the peoples of the Kuban region. Genoese colonies on Taman and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Unequal trade. development of the slave trade. The raids of the Crimean Tatars on the Kuban in the XY century. The beginning of Turkish aggression in the North. Caucasus in the 2/2 XY century. The message of the Austrian ambassador in Moscow S. Herbershtein about the Pyatigorsk Cherkasy-Christians.

Empire of Genghis Khan at the beginning. 13th century Reconnaissance campaign of Subudei and Jochi from the southern Caspian to the North Caucasus. The defeat of the Alanian and Polovtsian troops. Mongol campaigns in the Caucasus in 1237 - 40 AD. North Caucasus as part of the Ulus of Jochi. The struggle between Tokhtamysh and Timur on the Terek and Kuban in 1396ᴦ. Formation of the Nogai Horde, its settlement in the Kuban steppes.


Microbe - for 1 year develops resistance to it!

Οʜᴎ rule the world!

Mi/o are not a primitive life form!

Resistance is a lifestyle mi/o!

It is necessary to ban the sale of A / B without a prescription !!!


A/B-Vorobiev- p.95-103

Before the antibiotic era

died from wound infection, puerperal fever.

The era of antibiotics

Population explosion: decrease in mortality, increase in the birth rate.

(the head is not needed in medicine - it's all about penicillin)

The era of multidrug resistance

In pediatrics

Children are prescribed 40 tons of A / B per year -

There is a protocol for diagnosis and treatment - with the determination of the resistance of the pathogen to A / B and the choice of therapy, taking into account the toxicity of the drug.

In surgery -

preoperative prophylaxis is harmful: reduced immunity

postoperative - pointless

tender - intraoperative- 30 minutes before incision

Paul Erlich- the principle of the magic bullet:

ʼʼkill the living in the living - without harming the living!ʼʼ

Difficult task -

Let's remember Louis Pasteur's words:ʼʼFor microbes the last!!!

The microbe lived, the microbe is alive, the microbe will live!!!ʼʼ

Who is Goliath? Man or microbe?

A man has been developing a new A / B for 20 years,

Abstracts of lectures for full-time and part-time students

for the direction of preparation of bachelors 131000 - ʼʼOil and gas business. Operation and maintenance of oil production facilitiesʼʼ,

140400 - ʼʼElectric power industry and electrical engineering. Power supplyʼʼ,

151900 - ʼʼDesign and technological support of machine-building industries. Engineering Technologyʼʼ,

190600 - ʼʼOperation of transport and technological machines and complexes. Automobile serviceʼʼ, 230100 - ʼʼComputer science and computer engineeringʼʼ

for 1st year students of full-time and part-time forms of study


................................................................................................................ 8

.............. 11



..................... 22

Lecture 7. Socio-economic development, culture, life, religion of the peoples of the Kuban in the XYI - XYIII centuries. ............................................................................ 24

Lecture 8. Relocation of the Black Sea Cossacks to the Kuban. .................. 27

Lecture 9. Cossack settlement of the Old and New Lines. Caucasian war 1817 - 64 years. ................................................................................................................... 31

Lecture 10. Decembrists in the Kuban. .......................................................... 35

Lecture 11. The development of capitalism in the Kuban. Culture of the peoples of the Kuban in the XIX century. ........................................................................................................................ 38

Lecture 12. Kuban and the North Caucasus at the beginning of the 20th century. ................... 44

Lecture 13. Civil war 1918-20. in the Kuban. ........................ 49

Lecture 14. The tragedy of collectivization in the Kuban. ............................... 52

Lecture 15. Social and economic development of the North Caucasian Territory in 1920 - 30 years. ................................................................................................................... 55

Lecture 16. Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. .................. 61

Lecture 17. Culture of the Kuban in the XX century. ........................................................ 66

Lecture 1. Primitive communal system in the North-Western Caucasus.

Nature and geographical location of the Kuban region. Eneolithic and Bronze Age. Tribes of Maikop culture. Kuban culture. Cimmerians. Scythians and Sarmatians in the Kuban. Meotian tribes in the stories of ancient authors. Allans and Huns in the North Caucasus in the II-V centuries AD. Folk beliefs of the Kuban tribes, the penetration of world religions in the 1st millennium AD.

It has been established that the Kuban is one of the oldest centers of human appearance in Europe. It is assumed that the first groups of people came here from more southern regions (Transcaucasia, the Middle East). The Bogatyrka site has been discovered on the Taman Peninsula, whose age is estimated at about 1 million years. Almost as ancient (750-500 thousand years) are the finds in the Triangular Cave in the upper reaches of the river.
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Urup. This era is called the ancient or lower Paleolithic. Pithecanthropes living then used tools from roughly beaten pebbles (the so-called choppers and choppers), but they also made more advanced hand axes and jibs. The main occupations of the people were hunting and gathering.

The beginning of the most severe glaciation - Wurm (150-100 thousand years ago) - coincided with the appearance of a more perfect type of man - the Neanderthal. Cave sites of this time were found in the gorge of the river.
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Guba (Monashskaya and Barakaevskaya caves, Gubsky canopy No. 1) and in the Khosta area (Akhshtyrskaya, Vorontsovskaya, Navalishenskaya, Atsinskaya, Khostinsky I and II caves). The remains of an artificial dwelling were investigated during excavations of an ancient camp of buffalo hunters near the village. Ilsky.

The end of the Ice Age or the Upper Paleolithic (40-13 thousand years ago) is marked by the appearance of modern humans. Monuments of this time are known in the Gub gorge and the region of modern ᴦ. Sochi. Hunting remained the main occupation and source of food. The inhabitants of the Gubsky Gorge hunted wild horses, and in the Sochi-Adlerovsky region, cave bears were the main game.

The Neolithic monument of the most ancient pastoralists of the Kuban can be considered the parking lot in the Atsinskaya cave of the 6th millennium BC, where the bones of domesticated dogs, pigs, bulls, goats or sheep were found. Flint tools and fragments of rough clay pots with round and flat bottoms were also found there. Parking lots of farmers who cultivated fields with hoes from split pebbles are open in the Sochi region.

In the IV millennium BC. the population of the Kuban began to master the metal. Burial mounds - burial monuments of steppe pastoralists, who led a semi-mobile lifestyle, became a completely new phenomenon. It is from the burials under the barrows that the oldest copper items in the region originate - a small dagger and pendant plaques from a necklace.

By the end of IV-III millennium BC. include monuments of the so-called. Maikop-Novosvobodno-Bodnenskaya culture. It was formed on the basis of local Neolithic tribes and people from Transcaucasia. World famous finds from the mounds of the nobility in ᴦ. Maykop and near the village of Novosvobodnaya. They found gold, silver and bronze vessels, gold jewelry, a canopy on a silver frame with a bedspread embroidered with gold plaques, bronze and stone tools and clay pots, which were already made on a potter's wheel, the oldest sword in Eastern Europe.

Black Sea coast between 2700 and 1300 rᴦ. BC. occupied the so-called dolmen culture. Fame was brought to her by peculiar funerary structures - dolmens. These are quadrangular stone tombs with a flat roof. It is believed that their ancestors arrived in the Caucasus from the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts. Having settled on the Black Sea coast, they were engaged in hoe farming, livestock breeding, and hunting and fishing played a significant role in their economy.

The steppes of the right bank of the Kuban in the III millennium BC. occupied by semi-nomadic tribes of the Yamnaya and Novotitarov cultures.
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Only burials under barrows have been preserved from them, in which primitive vessels, a few tools made of stone, bone and, less often, bronze, jewelry were found. Of interest are the remains of the wagons that served the ancient pastoralists not only as a means of transport, but also as a dwelling. The body of the wagon was assembled from wooden blocks or beams, and the four wheels were massive, small and had no spokes. It is believed that the carriers of the Yamnaya culture moved to the territory of our region from Ukraine, and the ʼʼʼʼʼʼʼ’ came from the south.

The beginning of the Iron Age in the Kuban refers to the end. IX - beg. 8th century BC. By that time, tribes lived in the region, which are called places in ancient sources (after the ancient name of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov - Meotida). It is believed that their origin is associated with the carriers of the Kobyakovo culture of the Bronze Age.

The ancient Greeks considered the Meotian tribes of the Taman Peninsula and the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov: Sinds, Dandaris, Tarpets, Sittakens, Doskhs, Fateevs, Psesses, Torets and Kerkets. Tribes of the Black Sea coast are mentioned, which were not included in the number of Meotians: Achaeans, Zikhs and Geniokhs.

The Psesses, Doskhi, Zikhs and Geniokhs probably spoke languages ​​of Adyghe-Abkhazian origin. The name ʼʼ Sindiʼʼ is of Indo-European origin, and ʼʼ dandariaʼʼ is Iranian.

Meots were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. Οʜᴎ cultivated the floodplains of the Kuban and its tributaries, obtaining high yields. Meots bred large and small cattle, were engaged in pig breeding and horse breeding. Fishing was developed. Significant changes took place at the turn of II - III centuries. AD At this time, monuments of the Meotian and Sarmatian cultures disappear in the Kuban.

Lecture 2. Greek colonization of the Northern and Eastern coasts of the Black Sea.

Causes of colonization YII - YI centuries. BC. Olbia, Chersonese, Panticapaeum. History of the Bosporan Kingdom (Y century BC - IV century AD). Transit trade is the reason for the rise of Panticapaeum and Phanagoria. Greek colonies on Taman. Archeology of the Black Sea coast of the North Caucasus about the life and religion of the Greek colonists; terracotta of Kuban. The beginning of the Great Migration of Nations and the decline of the Bosporan kingdom.

Not later than the 7th century BC. regular contacts of the tribes of the Kuban region with the ancient world were established. Note that the development of the north-eastern shores of the Black Sea by the Hellenes was only a stage in the so-called. The great Greek colonization, which began in the VIII century. BC. and encompassed the basins of the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

In the 11th-10th centuries BC. the first ancient colonies appear on Taman and in the Crimea. Among them are Phanagoria (modern.
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settlement Sennoy), Hermonassa (modern.
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Taman), Kepy, Patrey, Tiramba (modern.
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Peresyp), Bata (region of Novorossiysk) and Torik (region of Gelendzhik). In the IV century. BC. On the site of Anapa, a colony of Gorgippia appeared. The colonists probably entered into agreements with the Sinds and Kerkets, on whose lands they settled. The peaceful relations of the Greeks with the tribes of the Kuban are evidenced by the finds of antique painted dishes of the 6th century BC. BC. in the Meotian settlements. However, the relations of the Hellenes with the barbarians cannot be called idyllic. This, for example, is evidenced by the appearance of fortifications among the colonists, starting from the 6th century. BC.

In 480 ᴦ. BC. (according to the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus) a number of Greek colonies of the Eastern Crimea and Taman rallied around the ruler of Panticapaeum (modern.
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Kerch), creating a single Bosporan kingdom. Panticapaeum was by that time the richest Greek colony in the region. It was he who was the first to mint his own coin here. The Greeks called the Bosporus the Kerch Strait, on both sides of which the territory of the first state formation in the history of the entire Caucasus stretched. The ruling dynasty in the Bosporus was the Archaeanactides, whose representatives succeeded each other on the throne until 438 ᴦ. BC. At the same time, not all colonies agreed to lose their political and economic independence. For this reason, in the future, the territory of the kingdom expanded not only at the expense of the lands of the barbarians, but also of the colonies, recalcitrant to Panticapaeum.

The Greeks and the tribes of the Kuban region equally suffered from the seasonal movements of the Scythians. For this reason already in 479 ᴦ. BC. Sinds helped the Greeks in the construction of a rampart that blocked the Kerch Peninsula and put an end to the Scythian raids. The colonies strengthened their position within the framework of a single state. This was facilitated, for example, by trade with Greece. For many years, Athens was the main trading partner of the Bosporan kingdom. The export items were grain (the supplies of which were of a strategic nature), fish, leather, honey, timber, etc.
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A shameful page in the history of the development of the Black Sea region by the Greeks is the slave trade, which they encourage in every possible way among the local population. Luxurious items, wines, fabrics, weapons, etc. were imported to the Bosporus.

The Greeks sought to develop peaceful relations and a profitable exchange with the tribes of the Kuban region. According to the Greek model, the capital of one of the local tribes, Labryta, was fortified. Under the influence of the Greeks, the Meotians already by the end. 5th century BC. mastered the potter's wheel. In turn, the Greeks adopted the costume, combat techniques, and elements of weapons from the local tribes. Under the influence of the ʼʼbarbariansʼʼ, the Greek funeral rite was partially changed.

In 438 ᴦ. BC. power in the Bosporus passed to a new dynasty - the Spartokids, perhaps already of ʼʼbarbarianʼʼ, and not of Greek origin. At the end of V BC. the kings of the Bosporus entrenched themselves in the Kuban and began the gradual subjugation of the Meotian tribes. The subjugation of the Meotian tribes only contributed to their further development.

To con. 4th century BC. The Bosporan kingdom weakened. The campaigns of Philip II and Alexander the Great hindered the normal foreign trade of the Bosporus. In 310 ᴦ. BC. an internecine war broke out between the sons of King Perisad for the Bosporan throne. In the war, according to written evidence, the Greeks, Thracians and Scythians participated.

Very soon, the Bosporan colonies and the tribes of the Kuban allied to the Bosporus were drawn into the wars that Mithridates waged against Rome in 89-63 AD. BC. The sources mention the Meotian leader Olfak, who tried to kill the Roman commander Lucullus by cunning. The Mithridatic wars, which invariably ended in victories for Rome, depleted the resources of the Greek cities, causing discontent and a palace coup. The ruler of the Bosporus was the son of Mithridates Farnak II. Phanagoria, which led the uprising against Mithridates, received autonomy from the hands of Rome.

In the III century. AD a protracted crisis began in the Bosporus. It was associated both with the general crisis of ancient slavery, and with the departure of a significant part of the local barbarians, who previously provided the Greeks with agricultural products and slaves. However, in the III century. the raids of the German Goths and their allies hit the Black Sea region. Power in Panticapaeum was seized by usurpers. At this time, many rural settlements perished, in the 230s. Gorgippia was destroyed. Finally, in the 370s. Bosporan cities were invaded by the Huns, who emerged from the depths of Asia.

Lecture3. Tmutarakan Principality on Taman in the 10th - 11th centuries.

Campaigns of Svyatoslav against the Khazars, Yases and Kasogs. Tmutarakan is the refuge of outcast princes. The victory of Mstislav Vladimirovich over the Kasogs, the inclusion of the Kuban squad in the army of the prince. The enmity of the Tmutarakan prince with Byzantium. The discovery of the “Tmutarakan stone” by the Black Sea Cossacks. The loss of Taman by the Russian princes due to the Polovtsian invasion. The similarity of the military customs of the Scythians and Pechenegs. Traces of Polovtsian nomad camps in the North Caucasus; "Polovtsian women" - monuments of the nomads of the Kuban region of the XI - XII centuries.

Trans-Kuban and Taman in Khazar times were inhabited by the ancestors of the Circassians, united in two tribal unions: Zikh and Kasozh. Zikhs settled on the coast of the North-Eastern Black Sea region up to Taman. The Kasogs occupied the interior territories of the Trans-Kuban region.

The fate of the Kasogs was different. The most famous leader of the Kasogs was Prince Inal, who managed to subdue the Zikhs for a short period. The memory of him was preserved in the Adyghe-Kabardian genealogies. According to legend, he became the ancestor of most of the Adyghe princely families. The Kasogs faithfully served the Khazars, taking part on their side in all wars, holding back the Alans and Zikhs from raids on the lands of the Khaganate. Zikhs were distinguished by militancy and are mentioned among the hired soldiers of the Byzantine army. By the X century. The territory of the Black Sea coast from Abkhazia to Taman was called Zikhia. Their southern neighbor was Abkhazia.

The ancestors of the Circassians remained the main settled population of the Kuban in the 10th-19th centuries. Associations of Zikhs and Kasogs break up into separate tribes that settled in the North-Eastern Black Sea region, in the Trans-Kuban region and in the South-Eastern Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

In the Kuban region, Great Bulgaria became such an early state formation. Even at the beginning of the 7th century, after the collapse of the first Turkic Khaganate in the North Caucasus, new tribal associations arose. In the east of the region, a tribal union led by the Khazars was gaining strength. In the central and western parts of the Ciscaucasia and in the mountains, the Alans grew stronger, and in the Eastern Sea of ​​Azov, an association of nomads led by the Bulgarians took shape. In Byzantine historical writings, the Azov nomads appear under different names: Huns, Gunnogundurs, Utigurs, Onogurs, etc. Their country is often called Onoguria, and from the 7th century. also Black Bulgaria

This was taken advantage of by their eastern neighbors, the Khazars, who by that time were at the head of a strong young state formation that occupied the steppes of the Eastern Ciscaucasia and the Northern Caspian. During the second half of the 7th c. The Khazars broke the resistance of the Bulgarians and subjugated the steppes of the western part of the North Caucasus and the Northern Black Sea region.

In such a situation, Christianity became for many peoples of the North-Eastern Black Sea region a symbol of spiritual independence. Christianity has a long history here. According to Christian tradition, the inhabitants of the North-Eastern Black Sea region were baptized by the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Secret communities of the first Christians existed in Bosporan cities. Already at the beginning of the IV century. n. e. on the territory of the Bosporan kingdom, a Christian diocese arises, headed by Bishop Domnus.

In the X century. the diocesan center was transferred to Tamatarkha (now the village of Taman), which became one of the basic Christian centers in the Northwestern Caucasus. Byzantine priests preached among the Zikhs and Kasogs and contributed to temple construction in the region. This important status was retained by the Tamatarkha or Zikh diocese later, in the 11th century, when Tamatarkha, under the name of Tmutarakan, became one of the appanages of Kievan Rus. For the first time, the city of Tmutarakan was mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years, under 988 ᴦ., when Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich allocated this principality to his son Mstislav, who was then still a child. Tmutarakan, according to many scientists, was located on the site of the modern village of Taman. However, the way for the mass Slavic colonization of the Don, Azov and Black Sea regions was opened not by the ʼʼbaptizer of Russiaʼʼ, but by his great father, Svyatoslav Igorevich, who defeated in the middle.
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960s. Khazar Khaganate.

The reign of Mstislav Vladimirovich - the heyday of the Tmutarakan principality and at the same time - the growth of the territory of Kievan Rus. In this regard, it is extremely important to emphasize that despite the absence of common borders with the Old Russian state, the Tmutarakan principality was a Russian principality and, accordingly, a part of Kievan Rus. It is believed that the boundaries of the Tmutarakan principality reached the lower reaches of the Don, where the principality included the city of Belaya Vezha. The structure of the Tmutarakan principality (initially small in size - about 25-30 sq. Km) also included the Kerch Peninsula with the city of Korchevo (now Kerch).

During the reign of Mstislav, the principality determined the policy, perhaps, in the entire North Caucasus. There is a lively trade with Byzantium, the rest of Russia, the peoples of the North Caucasus. The city was surrounded by fortified walls made of raw (unbaked bricks). It minted its own coin.

The population of the city of Tmutarakan, like the principality, was multinational. Greeks, Slavs, Jews and Khazars lived here. It should be noted that during the reign of Mstislav Vladimirovich, a significant part of the population of the principality were Adygs, incl. Christians, natives of the Black Sea and Kuban Adyghe communities.

Between 1016 and 1017, Mstislav made the first campaign against the Kasogs (ancestors of the Circassians). The leader of the Kasogs, Rededya, proposed to decide the outcome of the war by single combat. Mstislav, agreeing, defeated the prince of Kasozh, ordering to erect and commemorate the victory in Tmutarakan a stone church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. It was one of the first stone churches in Rus'. Kasogi, having submitted, were included in the squad of Mstislav. It is noteworthy that Mstislav, acting as a talented politician, did not deal with the family of the enemy he had killed. The sons of Rededi, according to some Russian genealogical legends, were brought up by the prince, who later married his daughter to one of them. Thus, using the social institution of atalism (education) common among the Kasogs and marriage ties, Mstislav was able to actually strengthen his influence not only in the Rededi family, but also in the entire Adyghe community.

Soon after the victory, Mstislav entered the struggle for the throne of the Grand Duke with his brother Yaroslav the Wise. In the battle near Listven near Chernigov, Mstislav's squad won. The Russian lands were divided into two parts: Yaroslav remained to reign in Kiev, and Mstislav became a prince in Chernigov. In 1036 ᴦ. Mstislav, having gone hunting, fell ill and soon died, leaving no heir. The unity of Rus' was restored. The chroniclers spoke of Mstislav with praise, emphasizing his courage and generosity to the squad. Another Tmutarakan prince - Rostislav Vladimirovich - wanted to make a campaign against Byzantium. At the same time, a Byzantine kotopan (official) poisoned the prince during a feast. Another Tmutarakan prince - Gleb Svyatoslavich - became famous for ʼʼmeasuring the sea on ice from Tmutorokan to Korchevʼʼ. Information about this came to us thanks to the discovery of the famous Tmutarakan stone - a marble slab with the corresponding inscription. The plate was found in the village of Taman during the construction of the fortress in 1792 ᴦ.

After that, Tmutarakan needs to become a refuge for rogue princes for a long time. So called the princes who lost the right to the throne. One of the brightest such princes was Oleg Svyatoslavich.

The Principality becomes for Russia ʼʼthe land of the unknownʼʼ. The prerequisites and reasons for the disappearance of the principality took shape over decades: 1) the absence of common borders with the center; 2) weak ways of communication (mainly through church channels) and itself, which is usually called the ʼʼinfrastructureʼʼ of the principality, including the administrative apparatus; 3) the all-Russian turmoil of the times of feudal fragmentation, 4) the conquest of the southern Russian steppes by the Polovtsians; 5) a devastating earthquake at the end of the 11th century. in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, the powerful waves of which, finishing off the city, even spread across the Kerch Strait.

The memory of Tmutarakan was preserved only in legends. This city was mentioned more than once in the ʼʼWord about Igor's Campaignʼʼ. Prince Igor Svyatoslavich, setting off on a campaign against the Polovtsy, wanted to "search for the city of Tmutorokanʼʼ". Mentioned in the ʼʼWordʼʼ and the mysterious ʼʼTmutorokan idolʼʼ. The sorcerer-prince Vseslav ʼʼ traveled overnight from Tmutorokan to Polotskʼʼ. Soon the principality becomes a Byzantine possession.

Lecture 4. Kuban lands during the Tatar-Mongol invasion

The Mongol-Tatars began the systematic conquest of the region during the time of Batu, the grandson of Genghis Khan. When their main forces went on a campaign against Rus' in 1236 ᴦ., then part of the troops was sent to the North-Western Caucasus. Autumn 1237 ᴦ. invaders, led by the Batu brothers, invaded the lands of the Adygs. This campaign was not an ordinary raid, since it lasted several months, and large military leaders were at the head of the troops. It can be assumed that the Circassians were defeated, since one of the sources speaks of the death of the Circassian (Adyghe) ʼʼsovereʼʼ.

Then the Mongol-Tatars began to conquer the Crimea. According to the prominent ethnographer L.I. Lavrov, it is possible that the campaign in Adygea provided them with the opportunity to invade the Crimea through the Kerch Strait. In 1223 ᴦ. their troops raided Sugdeya (Sudak), located in the Crimea. Having devastated the city and its valley, the invaders soon left - the winner of the Polovtsians and Russians on the Kalka, the commander Subudai, did not wait for the arrival. Khan Jochi (son of Genghis Khan), led his soldiers to Asia. At the end of 1238 ᴦ. The Mongol-Tatars began a new stage in the conquest of the North Caucasus, striking a blow at the Alans, who lived in its central part. After taking the Alanian capital by storm, the nomads remained here for several more months, continuing to suppress other pockets of resistance. During the Alan campaign, Batu sent his troops to conquer Dagestan (1239-1240). The invasion was accompanied by the destruction of villages, the mass extermination of the inhabitants. At the same time, the campaigns of 1237-1240 gᴦ. did not lead to the final conquest of the North Caucasus by the Mongols-Tatars.

At that time, a new ulus (province) of the Golden Horde arose in Crimea - a state formation within the Mongol Empire. After another internecine massacre in the 1360s. The Golden Horde was divided into two parts - eastern and western, in the Northern Black Sea region and Crimea in 1367 ᴦ. Temnik Mamai came to power.

In the first half of the XV century. centrifugal processes covered the vast territory of the crumbling Golden Horde, leading to the isolation of the Kazan, Astrakhan and Crimean khanates. Back in the XIV century. in the Crimea, several feudal families acquired special power due to their wealth: the Shirins, the Baryns, the Sidzhiuts, the Argins, the Suleshovs, and then the Mansurs. In their possessions (beyliks), they had significant immunity rights, being almost independent of the khan's will. The Crimean Khanate arose as a result of the desire of these owners of the Crimea to obtain complete independence. It was the settlement in the Crimea of ​​several noble families that formed beyliks - large feudal principalities - most of all contributed to the emergence of a new state. The Golden Horde could no longer stop the escalation of separatist sentiments in Crimea. With the death of Edigey in 1420 ᴦ. The Golden Horde period in the history of Crimea ended. The first khan, who founded a new dynasty in the mid-1420s, was Hadji-Girey, a protege to the throne of powerful beys, a Chingizid by origin. It should be noted the role of the Turks and Genoese in the formation of a new state. The khanate included the lands between the Danube and the Dnieper, the Azov region and a significant part of the Kuban. Actually, Crimean Tatars lived in Crimea, and beyond its borders, incl. in the Kuban - Nogai Tatars, subordinate to the Crimean Khan. The largest number of Nogai Tatars moved to the Kuban from the Volga region in the 16th-17th centuries.

Lecture 5. Circassia in the XIII - XY centuries. Genoese colonies in the North Caucasus.

The assertion of the Italians in the region was accompanied for decades by a sharp struggle between various forces that claimed influence here: Byzantium, the Crimean Khanate, Genoa, Venice, Pisa .. As a result of fierce rivalry with the Venetian Republic, which founded at the beginning of the XII century. colonies in the form of trading posts on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula, Genoa became the monopoly owner of the sea trade routes along the Crimean coast. The interest of Italian merchants in the Black Sea was caused primarily by the fact that the traditional trade routes between the East and Europe (passing mainly through the Mediterranean) were disrupted as a result of the Mongol-Tatar conquest of the world. The main importance was acquired by the northern transit routes passing through Central and Central Asia to the Black Sea, which explained the revival of the Black Sea trade. But the power of Genoa rested primarily on mediation in the delivery of oriental goods to European markets. For this reason, the Italians were forced to look for new ways (through the Black and Azov Seas) to maintain their monopoly position in this area, not wanting to lose huge profits. At the same time, Byzantium, which retained significant positions in the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region, stood in the way of establishing merchant republics here. Back in 1142 ᴦ. the Genoese tried to conclude an agreement with Emperor John (Comnenus), however, to no avail. It happened that the Byzantine emperors officially forbade the Italians to visit points of great commercial importance, incl. Taman and Kerch. Nevertheless, the weakened Byzantium gradually retreated from its possessions in the Crimea.

Genoa received the exclusive right to trade on the Black Sea, unhindered passage through the Black Sea straits (connecting the Black Sea with the Mediterranean), duty-free trade in all the Possessions of the empire, etc.

So, in the 1260-1270s. active Genoese colonization of the Black Sea coast begins. First, the southern coast of Crimea is colonized. Trading posts appear in Bosporo (Kerch), Chembalo (Balaklava). Several colonies were founded in the North-Eastern Black Sea region - Kopa (Slavyansk-on-Kuban), Matrega (Taman village), Mala (Anapa), Kalolimen (modern.
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Novorossiysk), Mavrolako (Gelendzhik). Tana (Azov), which had the richest fish market and was of strategic importance in the system of trade points lying between Europe and Asia, was of the greatest importance for maintaining the position of the Genoese in the Sea of ​​Azov. Bread, salted fish and caviar were massively exported from Tana - mainly to Constantinople and Genoa. Tana was of great economic importance - a transit route to Central Asia and the Far East ran through it.

Kafa became the political and economic center of all the Genoese colonies, the center of all Black Sea (transit) trade. The Genoese behaved like at home on the Black Sea, completely driving out the Greek merchants from there. It should be noted that all Italian colonies in the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region were multinational in composition. Over time, the differentiation of the Genoese colonies takes place, among which the following can be distinguished: 1) retaining commercial importance (Kafa, Tana); 2) having the value of fortresses and centers of agricultural districts (Soldaya, Chembalo); 3) colonies, in which power was actually exercised by local (Circassian or Genoese) princes, despite the presence of officials from Kafa (Mala, Barir, Matrega, Kopa).

The administrative apparatus created by the Genoese gradually became more complex and expanded - as their entire colonial system on the Black Sea expanded. Already in 1290 ᴦ. Kafa had its own charter, which essentially determined the entire internal organization and structure of the Black Sea colonies, for which Kafa was the administrative center. Formally, the government had a republican character.
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The position of the Italians in the region has never been secure. Kafa itself was destroyed several times by the Tatars - in 1298 ᴦ., 1308 ᴦ., and the Genoese were forced to flee. During the reign of Khan Uzbek (1312-1342), the Genoese reappeared on the shores of the Feodosia Gulf. In 1313 ᴦ. an embassy from Genoa was sent to the Horde, agreeing with the khan on the conditions for the return of the Genoese to the ruins of Kafa, and in 1316 ᴦ. the resurgent city received a new charter. By the middle of the XIV century. Kafa became a powerful fortress, and in the 1380s. the outer line of defense of the city was erected. Despite the complication of relations with the Tatars (since 1434, the Genoese began to pay constant tribute to the Crimean Khan Hadji Giray, their worst enemy), Genoa goes to great expense to restore its presence in the Crimea. After all, it undoubtedly received large incomes from trade with the local population, the export of colonial goods and slaves to Europe. The Genoese made attempts to develop silver mines in the Caucasus mountains. Exploring local lands, they carefully mapped them.

Documents dating back to the 13th century. they talk about the exchange of goods with the Circassians at the mouth of the Kuban, about the fair in Kop. In exchange for caviar and fish, the local population received coarse fabrics, and the Genoese received huge profits, which sources even mention in the 16th century. The following goods were exported to Europe: salted fish, caviar, timber, grain (millet, barley, wheat), fruits, vegetables, wine, meat, furs, wax, leather, resin, hemp. Numerous documents testify to the importance of grain supplies from the colonies. When in the early 1340s. trade through Tana and Kafa was interrupted, in Byzantium a serious shortage of rye and salt soon arose. In the contracts of Kafa for the XIII century. often appear large transports of rye, barley and millet sent to Trebizond and Sam-sun. The grain crops of the Alans and Circassians were quickly sold by the Tatars in the barren Crimea. In exchange for goods provided by the Circassians, the Genoese offered them salt, rice, mustard, spices, cotton fabrics, raw cotton, soap, incense, incl. frankincense, ginger (interfering with honey, the Circassians brewed a strong drink). The Circassian nobility willingly acquired expensive types of fabrics, luxury items - carpets, jewelry, art glass, richly decorated weapons. Trade was predominantly of an exchange nature, monetary relations hardly penetrated into this sphere.

A shameful page in the history of the Italian presence in the North Caucasus is the slave trade, which is encouraged in every possible way by Genoa and the Kafa administration. Most of the slaves sold in the Cafe were of Caucasian origin: Circassians, Lezgins, Abkhazians. They also traded in slaves from among the Georgians and Russians. Mid 15th century - a turning point in the history of the Genoese colonies. In 1453 the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire ceased to exist, and the sea route connecting the Genoese colonies on the Black Sea with the mother country was taken under control by the Turks. But the mortal blow to the colonies was dealt only after the Ottoman Turks concluded a truce with Venice (1474 ᴦ.). May 31, 1475 ᴦ. the Turkish squadron approached the Cafe. Kafa, which had powerful fortifications, surrendered a few days later. In the second half of 1475 ᴦ. the Turks made a campaign towards the Don and the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, capturing Matrega, Kopa, Tana and others.
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Kafa became the center of Ottoman possessions in the Black Sea region, where the Sultan's governor was located.

Lecture 6. Russian-Adyghe relations in the XY - XYII centuries.

Italian colonization of the northern and eastern coast of the Black Sea in the XIII-XV centuries. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Italian colonization of the northern and eastern coasts of the Black Sea in the XIII-XV centuries." 2017, 2018.

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Italian colonies on the coastAzov and Black Seath

italian trading post colony

In the XIII-XV centuries. in the Black Sea and Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, Italian trading posts appeared, founded by Genoa, Venice and Pisa. After the crusaders captured Constantinople in 1204, Italian merchants settled in Byzantium, and from Constantinople penetrated into the Crimea and the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. One of the first trading posts - Porto Pisano (near modern Taganrog) was founded by Pisa in the first half of the 13th century. The process of intensive commercial colonization of the Black Sea region began in the 60s. XIII century, after in 1261 Genoa concluded the Treaty of Nymphaeum with the Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, according to which she received the right to sail and duty-free trade on the Black Sea. In 1265, the Venetians also received such a right. The process of colonization of the Black Sea and Azov regions was accompanied by a sharp competitive struggle both between Genoa and Venice, and between the factories founded by them.

The Venetians and Genoese also concluded agreements with the khans of the Golden Horde, according to which part of the territory in the Crimea and on the Azov coast was assigned to them in order to create trading colonies (with recognition of the supreme power of the khan). In the 60s. 13th century Genoa settles in Kaffa (modern Feodosia), which becomes the largest port and trade center in the Black Sea region. The Venetians set up trading posts in Soldaya (Sudak in the Crimea, c. 1287) and Trebizond (in the 80s of the 12th century). In total, in the Crimea, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Caucasus, there were about 40 Italian trading posts-colonies.

These colonies were ruled by consuls-bailo, elected in the metropolis for 1-2 years. Together with the consuls, the factories were run by elected city councils of noble merchants (citizens of the metropolis) and citizens of the factories. The citizens of the factories were mainly Italians (who constituted a minority of the townspeople), although the composition of the urban population was extremely diverse: Greeks, Armenians, Russians, Jews, Tatars, etc. Non-Italians had certain legal rights, freedom of religion, could carry out military and civil service (except for employment elected positions), participate in joint trading companies. But the Genoese and Venetian colonies, like their mother countries, were constantly at war with each other, although in the same colony (for example, Trebizond or Tana) there could be trading posts of two trading republics. Periodically, the colonies were also ruined by the Tatars, but they were destroyed only by the Turkish conquest. In 1453, after the fall of Constantinople, the trading posts were cut off from the metropolises and were gradually conquered by the Ottomans.

According to the agreement of 1332, concluded by the ambassador A. Zeno and Khan Uzbek, Venice received a piece of land on the left bank of the Don, near the city of Azak. Here the most remote Venetian trading post Tana was founded. It was ruled, like other trading posts, by the Venetian consul. Almost simultaneously with the Venetians in Tana, the Genoese also create their trading post. Factories paid Khan Uzbek a three percent duty on goods passing through them. Living conditions in Tana were not easy, the Genoese and Venetians were often at enmity with each other. In addition, the inhabitants of trading posts experienced a constant threat from the nomads, who were both trading partners and enemies.

The competitive struggle between Venice and Genoa for Tana ended with the victory of Genoa. Under Khan Dzhanibek in 1343, Tana was captured by the Tatars, and the Venetians were expelled for five years (the reason for this expulsion was the murder of a Tatar in Tana). Following the expulsion from Tana, Venice was defeated in the war with Genoa and in 1355 access to Tana was closed to her for another 3 years. In 1381, Venice was again defeated by Genoa, after which it lost access to Tana for another 2 years. Thus, the Genoese began to dominate in Tana. italian trading post colony

Wheat, fish and caviar, furs, wax, spices and sandalwood (in transit from the East), leather, honey were exported from Tana to Italy. Tana imported fabrics, copper and tin. One of the main sources of income was the slave trade. Representing the continuation of Azak, Tana was also surrounded by stone walls and turned into a fortress. Many interesting monuments remained from the Italian Tana. Among them is a tombstone made of white marble on the grave of Giacomo Cornaro, envoy and consul of the Venetian Republic, who died in Tana in 1362.

Like Azak, Tana suffered during Timur's campaign against the Horde in 1395. Around 1400, it was rebuilt again. Tana was attacked several times by the Tatars: in 1410, 1418, 1442. In the last period of Tana's existence, the Genoese and Venetians were forced to show solidarity and mutual assistance in the face of an external threat. However, it was not the external danger that led to the gradual decline of Tana, but the cessation of transit trade with the countries of the East, as a result of Timur's defeat of Khorezm, one of the main partners in the East. By the time the Ottomans captured Tana in 1475, she had already fallen into disrepair.

The Italians also penetrated into the Caucasus. The most important Genoese colonies were Matrenga, Kopa (on the right bank of the Kuban), Mapa (Anapa), Pesche (at the mouth of the Kuban), and others. Venice had only two significant trading posts here - in Tana and Trebizond.

The largest Italian colony in the Caucasus was Matrenga (former Tmutarakan on the Taman Peninsula). Until the beginning of the XV century. Matrenga was under the rule of the Circassian prince. In 1419, after the marriage of the Genoese Gizolfi with the daughter of the Circassian prince Bika-Khanum, Matrenga became the property of the Gizolfi family. The number of Italians - residents of Matrenga - was insignificant; predominantly Greek and Adyghe population. Matrenga was a trading outpost in the North Caucasus. The basis for trade with Genoa was the export of fish and caviar, furs, skins, bread, wax and honey. One of the most important items of export were slaves, who were captured during military raids. Slaves were supplied to the Genoese by Tatars, Circassians, Alans and other peoples of the Caucasus. Often the Genoese themselves organized expeditions for slaves. The Italians imported to the North Caucasus a variety of fabrics, carpets, raw cotton, Venetian glass, soap, saber blades, spices, etc.

From Matrenga and other colonies, the Italians moved further into the mountains of the Northwestern Caucasus. This is evidenced by the ruins of castles, towers and churches in the mountains, stone tomb crosses. From here came the missionary activity of the Catholic Church. After the formation of the Crimean Khanate in 1433, the Genoese colonies were forced to pay tribute to it. The end of Matrenga and other colonies was put in the 70s. 15th century Ottomans captured Kaffa and Tana.

Other cities of the peninsula did not legally belong to the Golden Horde, but their actual dependence on the Mongols, both politically and economically, was very great. On the other hand, the Saray khans were interested in the activities of the Italian trading colonies, which represented an important link in relations between
East and Western Europe 7th century. Without a description of these settlements, the picture of the urban life of the Crimean peninsula will be clearly incomplete.

Vosporo (Kerch). In the XIII century. this settlement was abandoned and did not play any significant role in the life of the peninsula. Visited it in the 30s of the XIV century. Ibn-Batuta reports very briefly about it, mentioning only the church that existed here 77. Around the same time, the Venetians 78 established themselves in Vosporo, who were later replaced by the Genoese79. The role of this settlement in the economic life of the peninsula was extremely small.

cafe. The modern city of Feodosia. Until the 60s of the XIII century. was a small village. In 1266, the Mongols allowed the Genoese to establish a trading colony here80, which in the 14th century. turned into the administrative center of all the Genoese possessions in the Northern Black Sea region. In the middle of the XIV century. the city is fortified with powerful stone walls and towers, which replaced the wooden ones. Visited here in the 30s of the XIV century. Ibn-Batuta reports that the city was large, emphasizing that there were “up to 200 military and cargo ships, small and large” in the harbor 81. Furs, leather, silk, expensive fabrics, oriental spices, dyes were exported from here to Western Europe82. Slaves constituted a special export article. According to Ibn-Batuta, the main population of the city were Christians83 (Genoese, Greeks, Armenians), but besides them, Muslims also lived here, who had not only mosques, but also their own judge84. The Genoese city existed until 1475, when the Ottomans captured it: by this time there were only 300 Genoese, and the bulk of the population consisted of Greeks and Armenians. Along with trade, the most diverse types of handicraft production* were widely developed in the Cafe.

Soldaya (Sudak). Before the heyday of Kafa, this city was one of the largest centers of the Black Sea trade. Rubruk, who visited here in 1253, draws it as a busy transit point connecting the regions of Northern Europe and the Mediterranean 87. The competition of Kafa and the defeat of Soldaya by Nogay in 1299 dramatically changed the position of the city, as evidenced by the message of Ibn-Batuta about the destruction of most of it. Taking advantage of this, the Genoese captured the city in 1365 and fortified themselves here, erecting powerful fortifications.

Cembalo (Balaklava). Until the middle of the XIV century. this city, with a very convenient harbor, belonged to the Principality of Theodoro. In the 50s of the XIV century. it was captured by the Genoese, who immediately began building fortifications here. * The inclusion of Cembalo in the sphere of possessions of Kafa extended its control to the entire Crimean southern coast and significantly undermined trade competition from the rulers of Theodoro. The main role assigned to the new fortress was to limit the commercial and political activities of the princes Theodoro in the western part of the peninsula. This is confirmed by the attacks of the Genoese on another port of the Theodorites - Calamita91.

Theodoro. The capital of the small principality of the same name in the western Crimea; its remnants are located on Mount Mangup 92. In order to maintain their power, the rulers of the principality had to maneuver between the Mongols and the Genoese, and the latter, apparently, represented a great danger. Despite this, the city and the principality existed until 1475, when the Ottomans invaded the Crimea.

The described settlements of the southern coastal strip of the Crimean peninsula include only large cities. In addition to them, along the entire length of the coastline there was a significant number of small and medium-sized towns, villages and castles, which in the XIV century. were also in the possession of the Genoese. A.M. Berthier-Delagarde counted 32 such points from Kafa to Chembalo93. All of them constituted a rural district of colonial cities, the population of which was engaged in agriculture. In general, the Crimean peninsula with its Genoese colonial cities played a very special role in the economic life of the Golden Horde during the 13th and 14th centuries. It was here that all land caravan trade routes ended and the sea route to the countries of the Middle East, Egypt and Western Europe began. The largest trade artery of the medieval world led to the Crimea from the Far East, from where numerous luxury items were supplied: expensive dishes, silk and brocade fabrics, metal products and jewelry, precious stones and various spices. Goods flocked here from the northern regions - Rus' and the Urals, - the most valuable of which were furs, Bulgarian skins of special dressing, honey, wax, linen fabrics. Finally, the trade route from Lvov connected the Crimea with the regions of Central Europe.

In addition to numerous goods that came to the Crimea from the deep and very remote regions of Northern Europe, East and Central Asia, India and Iran, there were specific items of constant local trade, the source of which was the surrounding steppes. They were based on grain, horses, fish and slaves. All four categories of exports were in relentless constant demand.

The port cities of the peninsula remained the most important points of transit international trade throughout the 13th-14th centuries. As for the Golden Horde city of Crimea, its role in trade operations somewhat decreased in the 14th century. in connection with the emergence of a more convenient transit center at the mouth of the Don - Azak, where the Italian trading post also settled. Her appearance significantly reduced the path to Kafa, which now passed not through the steppes, but through the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

Don basin. The Don basin belonged to the central regions of the state and, according to its natural conditions, was divided into two zones. The northern zone had a forest-steppe character, where, along with open spaces, there were large forests. The southern zone (the lower and partly the middle reaches of the Don) was steppe. In full accordance with the distribution of plant belts, archeological data allow us to speak of a greater distribution of settled settlements in the northern part of the region under consideration. To the south of Perevoloka (the place where the Volga and Don are closest to each other), archaeologists have so far identified only one Golden Horde city - Azak, which, however, can only testify to the insufficient study of this area, since rare settlements are marked here on some medieval maps.

Azak. Remains of the ancient city of the XIII-XIV centuries. located on the territory of the modern city of Azov. The Golden Horde name of the city is well known from written sources and coins minted here. The excavations carried out allow us to speak about the wide development of various handicraft industries in it. In the 30s of the XIV century. the importance of Azak as a major trading center increased in connection with the emergence of the Genoese and Venetian colonies here, which in Italian sources were called Tana 102. According to the agreement with Khan Uzbek, both colonies were two city blocks adjacent to each other. Fortifications around the Venetian Tana were erected only in the 15th century.

With the advent of the Italian colony in Azaka, it was here that all goods delivered by caravans from the East began to arrive. Here they were loaded onto ships and taken to the countries of the Mediterranean. At the same time, the old route through the Black Sea steppes to the city of Crimea, and from there to Kafa, lost its significance, although it continued to function, judging by the message of Ibn-Batuta”*. Thanks to the vigorous activity of the Italians, Azak in the 14th century. becomes the final point of several major trade routes at once. One of them walked from the north along the Don; on it it was possible to get to the capital of the Golden Horde, Saray al-Jedid, as well as to Rus' and the Kama region. The second path led through the steppes to the east, to the city of Khadzhitarkhan, located in the Volga delta, from where the road to Khorezm opened; She has been active since the 15th century. 105, although its value has fallen sharply. From the south, a road from the large North Caucasian city of Madzhar approached Azak; it was on it in the 30s of the XIV century. passed Ibn-Batuta, m. one of the main export centers of the Golden Horde.

The greatest expert on world trade of the XIV century. Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, in his treatise on trade, gives an extensive list of goods that passed through Azak and its Italian colony 107. First of all, Asian spices were exported from here: pepper, ginger, saffron, nutmeg and various oils used in medicine. Then came all kinds of fabrics: silk, brocade, cotton and linen. Barbaro reports that in the XIV century. “only from Venice alone, six or seven large galleys were sent to Tana to take these spices and silk.” From there they brought honey, wax, leather. Individual merchants specialized in trading in such permanent items of demand as dried and salted fish, caviar, various types of grain and cereals (wheat, rye, buckwheat, millet), as well as in the sale of slaves.

Significant reserves of salted fish and caviar, accumulated in Tanya by the time navigation was opened, are reported in his notes by Barbaro, m. Moreover, wheat and rye were loaded onto ships not only in Azax itself, but also in several small ports located on the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov "". This can serve as reliable evidence in favor of the local origin of the exported grain. There is repeated evidence of the development of the slave trade in the Golden Horde from Eastern and European authors. Slaves were not only prisoners captured by the Mongols in wars, but also the children of the poor strata of the Golden Horde population, who were sold parents in critical situations "2. The sale of livestock, mainly horses, bulls and camels, was also a local specific item of trade. Judging by the words of Barbaro, livestock was sold to the countries of Western Europe, up to Italy, as well as to the Near and Middle East, and herds and herds were distilled by land roads w.

The counter flow of goods entered Azak from the Mediterranean countries. These were various production of cloth and linen, iron, copper, tin, and also wine.

In 1395, Azak, together with the Italian colony, was destroyed by Timur's troops. After that, the Golden Horde city never revived, but the Venetians in the 15th century. again arranged here, a trading colony, securing it with fortress walls, which lasted until the appearance of the Ottomans in the Northern Black Sea region (1475)

Matrega. The city was located on the Taman Peninsula, on the site of modern Taman; founded long before the appearance of the Mongols in Europe. The name of the city is well known from Italian sources 288. Its significance increased markedly after it was founded here at the beginning of the 14th century. Genoese colony, which launched a brisk trade with local tribes. The population of Matrega mainly consisted of Greeks and Circassians. In the XV century. the city completely fell under the control of the Genoese, who hurried to fortify it due to frequent conflicts with the surrounding Circassian population.

Kopa. The city was located at the mouth of the Kuban. Known since the end of the 13th century. as a Genoese colony that specialized in the trade of fish and caviar 289. Sources report an annual spring fair held here, which was attended by numerous fish merchants.

Along the eastern coast of the Azov and Black Seas in the 14th century there were 39 Italian colonies 200. Insufficient archaeological research of this area does not allow to accurately localize most of them, but they are known from medieval maps. The colonies themselves were small settlements, but such a large number of them testifies to the brisk trade carried on by the Italians with the local population. Among the goods exported from here, the sources mention fish of various preparations (dried and salted), caviar, leather, furs, cotton paper, bread, wax, wine, saffron, silver ore, fruits and slaves 291. In turn, the Italians offered the local population cotton, cloth and various expensive types of fabrics, salt, raw cotton, carpets, spices, saber blades 292. In general, the North Caucasus and the Kuban region were one of the important economic regions of the Golden Horde, as evidenced by the scale of its participation in international trade.

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Italian colonies on the coast of the Azov and Black Seas

italian trading post colony

In the XIII-XV centuries. in the Black Sea and Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, Italian trading posts appeared, founded by Genoa, Venice and Pisa. After the crusaders captured Constantinople in 1204, Italian merchants settled in Byzantium, and from Constantinople penetrated into the Crimea and the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. One of the first trading posts - Porto Pisano (near modern Taganrog) was founded by Pisa in the first half of the 13th century. The process of intensive commercial colonization of the Black Sea region began in the 60s. XIII century, after in 1261 Genoa concluded the Treaty of Nymphaeum with the Byzantine Emperor Michael VIII Palaiologos, according to which she received the right to sail and duty-free trade on the Black Sea. In 1265, the Venetians also received such a right. The process of colonization of the Black Sea and Azov regions was accompanied by a sharp competitive struggle both between Genoa and Venice, and between the factories founded by them.

The Venetians and Genoese also concluded agreements with the khans of the Golden Horde, according to which part of the territory in the Crimea and on the Azov coast was assigned to them in order to create trading colonies (with recognition of the supreme power of the khan). In the 60s. 13th century Genoa settles in Kaffa (modern Feodosia), which becomes the largest port and trade center in the Black Sea region. The Venetians set up trading posts in Soldaya (Sudak in the Crimea, c. 1287) and Trebizond (in the 80s of the 12th century). In total, in the Crimea, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Caucasus, there were about 40 Italian trading posts-colonies.

These colonies were ruled by consuls-bailo, elected in the metropolis for 1-2 years. Together with the consuls, the factories were run by elected city councils of noble merchants (citizens of the metropolis) and citizens of the factories. The citizens of the factories were mainly Italians (who constituted a minority of the townspeople), although the composition of the urban population was extremely diverse: Greeks, Armenians, Russians, Jews, Tatars, etc. Non-Italians had certain legal rights, freedom of religion, could carry out military and civil service (except for employment elected positions), participate in joint trading companies. But the Genoese and Venetian colonies, like their mother countries, were constantly at war with each other, although in the same colony (for example, Trebizond or Tana) there could be trading posts of two trading republics. Periodically, the colonies were also ruined by the Tatars, but they were destroyed only by the Turkish conquest. In 1453, after the fall of Constantinople, the trading posts were cut off from the metropolises and were gradually conquered by the Ottomans.

According to the agreement of 1332, concluded by the ambassador A. Zeno and Khan Uzbek, Venice received a piece of land on the left bank of the Don, near the city of Azak. Here the most remote Venetian trading post Tana was founded. It was ruled, like other trading posts, by the Venetian consul. Almost simultaneously with the Venetians in Tana, the Genoese also create their trading post. Factories paid Khan Uzbek a three percent duty on goods passing through them. Living conditions in Tana were not easy, the Genoese and Venetians were often at enmity with each other. In addition, the inhabitants of trading posts experienced a constant threat from the nomads, who were both trading partners and enemies.

The competitive struggle between Venice and Genoa for Tana ended with the victory of Genoa. Under Khan Dzhanibek in 1343, Tana was captured by the Tatars, and the Venetians were expelled for five years (the reason for this expulsion was the murder of a Tatar in Tana). Following the expulsion from Tana, Venice was defeated in the war with Genoa and in 1355 access to Tana was closed to her for another 3 years. In 1381, Venice was again defeated by Genoa, after which it lost access to Tana for another 2 years. Thus, the Genoese began to dominate in Tana. italian trading post colony

Wheat, fish and caviar, furs, wax, spices and sandalwood (in transit from the East), leather, honey were exported from Tana to Italy. Tana imported fabrics, copper and tin. One of the main sources of income was the slave trade. Representing the continuation of Azak, Tana was also surrounded by stone walls and turned into a fortress. Many interesting monuments remained from the Italian Tana. Among them is a tombstone made of white marble on the grave of Giacomo Cornaro, envoy and consul of the Venetian Republic, who died in Tana in 1362.

Like Azak, Tana suffered during Timur's campaign against the Horde in 1395. Around 1400, it was rebuilt again. Tana was attacked several times by the Tatars: in 1410, 1418, 1442. In the last period of Tana's existence, the Genoese and Venetians were forced to show solidarity and mutual assistance in the face of an external threat. However, it was not the external danger that led to the gradual decline of Tana, but the cessation of transit trade with the countries of the East, as a result of Timur's defeat of Khorezm, one of the main partners in the East. By the time the Ottomans captured Tana in 1475, she had already fallen into disrepair.

The Italians also penetrated into the Caucasus. The most important Genoese colonies were Matrenga, Kopa (on the right bank of the Kuban), Mapa (Anapa), Pesche (at the mouth of the Kuban), and others. Venice had only two significant trading posts here - in Tana and Trebizond.

The largest Italian colony in the Caucasus was Matrenga (former Tmutarakan on the Taman Peninsula). Until the beginning of the XV century. Matrenga was under the rule of the Circassian prince. In 1419, after the marriage of the Genoese Gizolfi with the daughter of the Circassian prince Bika-Khanum, Matrenga became the property of the Gizolfi family. The number of Italians - residents of Matrenga - was insignificant; predominantly Greek and Adyghe population. Matrenga was a trading outpost in the North Caucasus. The basis for trade with Genoa was the export of fish and caviar, furs, skins, bread, wax and honey. One of the most important items of export were slaves, who were captured during military raids. Slaves were supplied to the Genoese by Tatars, Circassians, Alans and other peoples of the Caucasus. Often the Genoese themselves organized expeditions for slaves. The Italians imported to the North Caucasus a variety of fabrics, carpets, raw cotton, Venetian glass, soap, saber blades, spices, etc.

From Matrenga and other colonies, the Italians moved further into the mountains of the Northwestern Caucasus. This is evidenced by the ruins of castles, towers and churches in the mountains, stone tomb crosses. From here came the missionary activity of the Catholic Church. After the formation of the Crimean Khanate in 1433, the Genoese colonies were forced to pay tribute to it. The end of Matrenga and other colonies was put in the 70s. 15th century Ottomans captured Kaffa and Tana.

Other cities of the peninsula did not legally belong to the Golden Horde, but their actual dependence on the Mongols, both politically and economically, was very great. On the other hand, the Sarai khans were interested in the activities of the Italian trading colonies, which were an important link in relations between the East and Western Europe7c. Without a description of these settlements, the picture of the urban life of the Crimean peninsula will be clearly incomplete.

Vosporo (Kerch). In the XIII century. this settlement was abandoned and did not play any significant role in the life of the peninsula. Visited it in the 30s of the XIV century. Ibn-Batuta reports very briefly about it, mentioning only the church that existed here 77. Around the same time, the Venetians 78 established themselves in Vosporo, who were later replaced by the Genoese79. The role of this settlement in the economic life of the peninsula was extremely small.

cafe. The modern city of Feodosia. Until the 60s of the XIII century. was a small village. In 1266, the Mongols allowed the Genoese to establish a trading colony here80, which in the 14th century. turned into the administrative center of all the Genoese possessions in the Northern Black Sea region. In the middle of the XIV century. the city is fortified with powerful stone walls and towers, which replaced the wooden ones. Visited here in the 30s of the XIV century. Ibn-Batuta reports that the city was large, emphasizing that there were “up to 200 military and cargo ships, small and large” in the harbor 81. Furs, leather, silk, expensive fabrics, oriental spices, dyes were exported from here to Western Europe82. Slaves constituted a special export article. According to Ibn-Batuta, the main population of the city were Christians83 (Genoese, Greeks, Armenians), but besides them, Muslims also lived here, who had not only mosques, but also their own judge84. The Genoese city existed until 1475, when the Ottomans captured it: by this time there were only 300 Genoese, and the bulk of the population consisted of Greeks and Armenians. Along with trade, the most diverse types of handicraft production* were widely developed in the Cafe.

Soldaya (Sudak). Before the heyday of Kafa, this city was one of the largest centers of the Black Sea trade. Rubruk, who visited here in 1253, draws it as a busy transit point connecting the regions of Northern Europe and the Mediterranean 87. The competition of Kafa and the defeat of Soldaya by Nogay in 1299 dramatically changed the position of the city, as evidenced by the message of Ibn-Batuta about the destruction of most of it. Taking advantage of this, the Genoese captured the city in 1365 and fortified themselves here, erecting powerful fortifications.

Cembalo (Balaklava). Until the middle of the XIV century. this city, with a very convenient harbor, belonged to the Principality of Theodoro. In the 50s of the XIV century. it was captured by the Genoese, who immediately began building fortifications here. * The inclusion of Cembalo in the sphere of possessions of Kafa extended its control to the entire Crimean southern coast and significantly undermined trade competition from the rulers of Theodoro. The main role assigned to the new fortress was to limit the commercial and political activities of the princes Theodoro in the western part of the peninsula. This is confirmed by the attacks of the Genoese on another port of the Theodorites - Calamita91.

Theodoro. The capital of the small principality of the same name in the western Crimea; its remnants are located on Mount Mangup 92. In order to maintain their power, the rulers of the principality had to maneuver between the Mongols and the Genoese, and the latter, apparently, represented a great danger. Despite this, the city and the principality existed until 1475, when the Ottomans invaded the Crimea.

The described settlements of the southern coastal strip of the Crimean peninsula include only large cities. In addition to them, along the entire length of the coastline there was a significant number of small and medium-sized towns, villages and castles, which in the XIV century. were also in the possession of the Genoese. A.M. Berthier-Delagarde counted 32 such points from Kafa to Chembalo93. All of them constituted a rural district of colonial cities, the population of which was engaged in agriculture. In general, the Crimean peninsula with its Genoese colonial cities played a very special role in the economic life of the Golden Horde during the 13th and 14th centuries. It was here that all land caravan trade routes ended and the sea route to the countries of the Middle East, Egypt and Western Europe began. The largest trade artery of the medieval world led to the Crimea from the Far East, from where numerous luxury items were supplied: expensive dishes, silk and brocade fabrics, metal products and jewelry, precious stones and various spices. Goods flocked here from the northern regions - Rus' and the Urals, - the most valuable of which were furs, Bulgarian skins of special dressing, honey, wax, linen fabrics. Finally, the trade route from Lvov connected the Crimea with the regions of Central Europe.

In addition to numerous goods that came to the Crimea from the deep and very remote regions of Northern Europe, East and Central Asia, India and Iran, there were specific items of constant local trade, the source of which was the surrounding steppes. They were based on grain, horses, fish and slaves. All four categories of exports were in relentless constant demand.

The port cities of the peninsula remained the most important points of transit international trade throughout the 13th-14th centuries. As for the Golden Horde city of Crimea, its role in trade operations somewhat decreased in the 14th century. in connection with the emergence of a more convenient transit center at the mouth of the Don - Azak, where the Italian trading post also settled. Her appearance significantly reduced the path to Kafa, which now passed not through the steppes, but through the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

Don basin. The Don basin belonged to the central regions of the state and, according to its natural conditions, was divided into two zones. The northern zone had a forest-steppe character, where, along with open spaces, there were large forests. The southern zone (the lower and partly the middle reaches of the Don) was steppe. In full accordance with the distribution of plant belts, archeological data allow us to speak of a greater distribution of settled settlements in the northern part of the region under consideration. To the south of Perevoloka (the place where the Volga and Don are closest to each other), archaeologists have so far identified only one Golden Horde city - Azak, which, however, can only testify to the insufficient study of this area, since rare settlements are marked here on some medieval maps.

Azak. Remains of the ancient city of the XIII-XIV centuries. located on the territory of the modern city of Azov. The Golden Horde name of the city is well known from written sources and coins minted here. The excavations carried out allow us to speak about the wide development of various handicraft industries in it. In the 30s of the XIV century. the importance of Azak as a major trading center increased in connection with the emergence of the Genoese and Venetian colonies here, which in Italian sources were called Tana 102. According to the agreement with Khan Uzbek, both colonies were two city blocks adjacent to each other. Fortifications around the Venetian Tana were erected only in the 15th century.

With the advent of the Italian colony in Azaka, it was here that all goods delivered by caravans from the East began to arrive. Here they were loaded onto ships and taken to the countries of the Mediterranean. At the same time, the old route through the Black Sea steppes to the city of Crimea, and from there to Kafa, lost its significance, although it continued to function, judging by the message of Ibn-Batuta”*. Thanks to the vigorous activity of the Italians, Azak in the 14th century. becomes the final point of several major trade routes at once. One of them walked from the north along the Don; on it it was possible to get to the capital of the Golden Horde, Saray al-Jedid, as well as to Rus' and the Kama region. The second path led through the steppes to the east, to the city of Khadzhitarkhan, located in the Volga delta, from where the road to Khorezm opened; She has been active since the 15th century. 105, although its value has fallen sharply. From the south, a road from the large North Caucasian city of Madzhar approached Azak; it was on it in the 30s of the XIV century. passed Ibn-Batuta, m. one of the main export centers of the Golden Horde.

The greatest expert on world trade of the XIV century. Francesco Balducci Pegolotti, in his treatise on trade, gives an extensive list of goods that passed through Azak and its Italian colony 107. First of all, Asian spices were exported from here: pepper, ginger, saffron, nutmeg and various oils used in medicine. Then came all kinds of fabrics: silk, brocade, cotton and linen. Barbaro reports that in the XIV century. “only from Venice alone, six or seven large galleys were sent to Tana to take these spices and silk.” From there they brought honey, wax, leather. Individual merchants specialized in trading in such permanent items of demand as dried and salted fish, caviar, various types of grain and cereals (wheat, rye, buckwheat, millet), as well as in the sale of slaves.

Significant reserves of salted fish and caviar, accumulated in Tanya by the time navigation was opened, are reported in his notes by Barbaro, m. Moreover, wheat and rye were loaded onto ships not only in Azax itself, but also in several small ports located on the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov "". This can serve as reliable evidence in favor of the local origin of the exported grain. There is repeated evidence of the development of the slave trade in the Golden Horde from Eastern and European authors. Slaves were not only prisoners captured by the Mongols in wars, but also the children of the poor strata of the Golden Horde population, who were sold parents in critical situations "2. The sale of livestock, mainly horses, bulls and camels, was also a local specific item of trade. Judging by the words of Barbaro, livestock was sold to the countries of Western Europe, up to Italy, as well as to the Near and Middle East, and herds and herds were distilled by land roads w.

The counter flow of goods entered Azak from the Mediterranean countries. These were various production of cloth and linen, iron, copper, tin, and also wine.

In 1395, Azak, together with the Italian colony, was destroyed by Timur's troops. After that, the Golden Horde city never revived, but the Venetians in the 15th century. again arranged here, a trading colony, securing it with fortress walls, which lasted until the appearance of the Ottomans in the Northern Black Sea region (1475)

Matrega. The city was located on the Taman Peninsula, on the site of modern Taman; founded long before the appearance of the Mongols in Europe. The name of the city is well known from Italian sources 288. Its significance increased markedly after it was founded here at the beginning of the 14th century. Genoese colony, which launched a brisk trade with local tribes. The population of Matrega mainly consisted of Greeks and Circassians. In the XV century. the city completely fell under the control of the Genoese, who hurried to fortify it due to frequent conflicts with the surrounding Circassian population.

Kopa. The city was located at the mouth of the Kuban. Known since the end of the 13th century. as a Genoese colony that specialized in the trade of fish and caviar 289. Sources report an annual spring fair held here, which was attended by numerous fish merchants.

Along the eastern coast of the Azov and Black Seas in the 14th century there were 39 Italian colonies 200. Insufficient archaeological research of this area does not allow to accurately localize most of them, but they are known from medieval maps. The colonies themselves were small settlements, but such a large number of them testifies to the brisk trade carried on by the Italians with the local population. Among the goods exported from here, the sources mention fish of various preparations (dried and salted), caviar, leather, furs, cotton paper, bread, wax, wine, saffron, silver ore, fruits and slaves 291. In turn, the Italians offered the local population cotton, cloth and various expensive types of fabrics, salt, raw cotton, carpets, spices, saber blades 292. In general, the North Caucasus and the Kuban region were one of the important economic regions of the Golden Horde, as evidenced by the scale of its participation in international trade.

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Lesson type: Learning new material.

Technology problem-based learning, collaboration.

Methods: verbal, visual, interactive, personifying.

The purpose of the lesson: to form the moral and patriotic consciousness of students.

Lesson objectives: achieving the following results:

  • personal- to develop the ability to evaluate historical events from the standpoint of humanistic moral values, to form an idea of ​​people's lives in the Middle Ages.
  • subject- develop the ability to extract and critically evaluate information, systematize historical information, develop the creative potential of students.
  • metasubject- to cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride in their country and people.

Equipment: Microsoft PowerPoint presentation”, interactive whiteboard, photos of Venice, Genoa, Italian merchants.

Preliminary preparation: the children learned poems about their homeland, drew pictures corresponding to the theme.

Organizational structure of the lesson

I. Organizational moment


Guys, let's go with you, define the topic and purpose of our lesson.

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

That's right guys.

Today we will talk about the Italian colonies of the Black Sea

Let's get acquainted with the life of medieval colonists.

III. Knowledge update.

Guys, remember from the course of general history the chronological framework of the Middle Ages.

That's right guys.

Teacher/slide 2/

The chronological framework of the Middle Ages is different for different continents and even individual countries. On the territory of the North Caucasus, the beginning of the Middle Ages is associated with the era of the Great Migration of Peoples and, above all, with the aggressive campaigns of the Huns.

But today we will consider the XIII-XV centuries.

What happened at that time on the shores of the Black Sea.

Students (students justify their answers)

Teacher/slide 3/

Here is the name of the colonies that were located on the coast of the Caucasus.

Uch-Xia read

Monlaco, Kopa, Matrega, Mapa, Kafa, Sebastopolis, Bata.


How many of you have heard or read about these territories?

See what interesting names of settlements. What do you know about these settlements?


Guys, we live with you in the Krasnodar Territory, we have a rest on the shores of the Black Sea, and we should know the history of our region. And today at the lesson we explore and learn a lot of new things about our region.

But in order to continue our lesson, you need to remember such terms as colony and colonization.

Students answer.

  • The colony is a settlement founded outside the state
  • Colonization– development and settlement of new territories inside or outside their country

Teacher. /slide 4/

Let's check if you answered correctly

Well done! All right! Let's take a look at the picture before you.

Students look at and comment on the drawing.

Teacher/slide 5/

Italian merchants in the Middle Ages penetrated the Black Sea region. Colonization was accompanied by rivalry between two major cities - Venice and Genoa.

Map work./slide 6/

Guys, look at the map. What peninsula are Venice and Genoa on?

What is the name of the country?

Look closely, what thing does the peninsula look like?

Right. Well done (the peninsula is Apennine, the country is Italy, the thing that the peninsula looks like is a boot)

Teacher/slide 7-8/

Trade rivalry between Venice and Genoa lasted until the second half of the 13th century. Well, the Genoese managed to change the situation. In 1260, they helped to restore the Byzantine Empire and Emperor Michael Palaiologos concluded an agreement with the authorities of Genoa, according to which merchants from Genoa received the right to sail and trade in the Black and Azov Seas. Freed from certain taxes, the Genoese increased their income. The process of colonization of the Black Sea and Azov regions was accompanied by a sharp competitive struggle both between Genoa and Venice, as well as between trading posts founded by them. In the 60s of the XIII century, Genoa settled in Kaffa, which became the largest port and trade center in the Black Sea region. The Venetians set up trading posts in Soldaya (now the city of Sudak in the Crimea). In total, in the Crimea, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Caucasus, there were about 40 Italian trading posts-colonies.

Who ruled these colonies, and who lived in these territories?


The colonies were ruled by consuls - bayolos, elected in the metropolis for 1-2 years. With the consuls in trading posts, merchants-nobiles (citizens of the metropolis) and citizens of the trading post and elected city councils ruled. The citizens of the factories were mostly Italians.

The composition of the population was extremely diverse: Greeks, Armenians, Russians, Jews, Tatars. They had certain legal rights, were free to practice religion, performed military and civil service, and participated in joint trading companies. Periodically, the colonies were ruined by the Tatars.

The most important Genoese colonies in the Caucasus were Matrega, Kopa, Mapa and others.


Why did the Genoese end up on the shores of the Black and Azov Seas?

Brainstorm/Slide 9/

Guys, before you are the goods that the Genoese exported and imported to the Black Sea coast.

Name the goods you brought.

List the goods that were exported from the Black Sea colonies.

And whether all the goods that are in front of you could be purchased in the markets of the medieval Caucasus.

Uch-Xia answer.

Products that imported -

  • From Germany and Italy - cloth.
  • From Greece - oil and wine
  • From Asian countries - spices, musk, precious stones.
  • From Africa - ivory

exported - grain, salt, leather, furs, wax, honey, timber, fish, caviar, slaves

All goods were delivered only by sea?

Teacher/slide 10/

That's right guys. Goods were delivered not only by sea but also by land. And this way was from China to the Crimea and from the Crimea to China.

Teacher/slide 11/

There is a picture in front of you. Look at it and say what goods the merchants brought for sale.

Among the trading operations of the Genoese, the slave trade occupied a special place. Prisoners of war, victims of sea robbery, the poor who failed to pay off their debts on time became slaves. The slave trade was a very profitable occupation and brought income to everyone who came into contact with it.

Work on the text of the source / slide 12 /

And now the guys will go on a trip / slide 13 /

In front of you is a map - this is our guide that will help you uncover the secrets of the names of the settlements.

Look closely at the map.

Tell me in which settlement all trade routes connect.

What state did Feodosia previously belong to?

Right. And now as part of which state.

Right. Well done!


Student/slide 13/

Kafa (Feodosia). In 1266, the representatives of Genoa, having agreed with the Golden Horde, received Kafa (modern Feodosia in the Crimea) in possession. It became the center of the Black Sea colonies. The Golden Horde made predatory raids on Kafa and other settlements. From Kafa, other trading settlements were administered through appointed officials - consuls. Consuls were only in the most important trading centers. (Kopa, Tana, Sebastopolis). The consul received no salary and lived on part of the proceeds from the collection of fees and fines. The Genoese involved the Circassian nobility in managing the colonies. To strengthen their position, the colonialists used marriages with representatives.

Student/slide 14/

Matrega (Taman) The largest Genoese colony in the Northwestern Caucasus. It was located on the Taman Peninsula (on the site of the former Tmutarakan). It was an important port in which there was an overload from large ships that were not capable of sailing on the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and rivers. Matrega was a fortified city inhabited by representatives of various tribes and peoples. The Bosphorus Strait and the Dardanelles Strait connect the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Aegean. Buying wax, fish, furs and other goods from the highlanders, Italian merchants brought Eastern and Western goods to the Caucasus. A Catholic diocese was created in Matrega, which led the process of the transition of the local population, but it did not achieve much success.

Student/ slide 15 / Lo-Kopa or Kopario, and today the city is Slavyansk-on-Kuban

The population of this colony was engaged in fishing, salting fish and cooking caviar. Caviar and delicacy fish species were purchased by foreign merchants. It is also known that the Genoese kept fish rows in the capital of the Byzantine Empire. In the XIV century. Kopa has become the largest center of fish trade in the Northern and Eastern Black Sea region. The Consul of Copa had the right to mint coins. The charter of the colonies determined the basic rules of trade. The price of fish was jointly set by the consul, merchants and local nobility.

Work according to the text of the source / slide 16 / “From the charter of the Genoese colonies”


1. What ensured the high profits of the Genoese merchants?

2. What was the reason for the high price of salt and how was it possible to maintain it?

Student/slide 17-18/

On the site of ancient Gorgipia (Anapa) on the steep coast of the Black Sea, the Genoese erected their fortress - the Mapu trading post. It was from her that the then famous Genoese road to the upper reaches of the river went. Kuban. The road at that time was well equipped, had transshipment bases and, obviously, was well guarded. The Genoese were vitally interested in the safety of their merchant caravans, which moved through the Caucasian territory. The Adyghe nobility saw great benefits in trade cooperation with the Genoese

Repetition and consolidation of knowledge./slide 19/

Exercise. You have envelopes with the task on the tables. You now have to correlate the name of the colonies with the name of the cities of modern times. For example, Kafa - Feodosia, etc.

Reflection. /slide 20/

  1. What did I learn in the lesson?
  2. What have I learned
  3. What else would I like to know?


Write an essay "The adventure of a trading caravan on the way from Genoa to Cafu."