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Free higher education in Europe. In which European countries can you get a free education Learn chemistry abroad in English

In Europe, there are three main types of bachelor's and master's programs:

  • research - train future scientists;
  • educational - similar to the programs of Russian universities;
  • career-oriented - include a practical block lasting a semester or a year, during which time students gain work experience or are engaged in applied research.

Bachelor's degree in Europe is the first stage of higher education, which lasts 3-4 years and upon completion allows you to apply for employment in the country of study. Undergraduate studies in English with the widest choice of specialties in Europe are offered by the UK and the Netherlands.

Master's programs in Europe are necessary for those who plan to develop a professional or scientific career. They last 1-2 years and involve writing and defending a dissertation or practical project. At this level, there is a good selection of programs and internships leading to a double degree, which are jointly organized by partner universities.

Requirements for entering a bachelor's degree or a second higher education in Europe depend on the country and are described in detail in guides and articles for entering the UK, Holland, Germany.

In an effort to make education as open and accessible as possible, universities also offer distance master's programs in Europe. One of the European leaders in distance education is the Open University in Britain.

Universities in Europe with teaching in English

Some universities in Europe, located outside the UK, offer the opportunity to study in English. Many European universities offer some degree of English-language programs, but Holland is the leader here.

Bachelor's programs in English are also offered by the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries, but the choice of subjects and specialties is limited here, and there are even fewer master's programs in these countries. It is convenient to choose a program of higher education in Europe in English using the search engine on our website.

How to get higher education in Europe

You can get higher education in Europe at universities and colleges. Entry requirements for European universities vary from country to country. At first glance, the organizational aspects associated with admission look simple, but in reality they require a lot of attention, time and effort from the applicant, who is preparing and taking tests at the same time. In order to get maximum support at all stages of admission to a European university and focus entirely on preparation, order the full support service for applicants EducationIndex.

As for the minimum set of documents for admission, in Germany, Austria or the Czech Republic, you need to provide a document on previous education, an extract with grades and an international certificate of language proficiency. When applying to the UK, in addition to the above, you will need a motivational and recommendation letter, to Holland - a resume and recommendations from teachers and / or employers. German, Czech and Austrian universities often offer applicants their own exams.

Separately, we note that a Russian school certificate is not always enough to enter a bachelor's degree in Europe, since in many countries secondary education lasts longer than 11 years or the educational system does not provide for the transition from school to university without an additional year of study. So, when entering a British undergraduate program, an applicant will need an A-level diploma or equivalent. Preparatory programs at the university must be completed by those who enter the first higher education in Austria and sometimes in Holland.

You can learn more about the requirements for studying at European universities in the relevant sections or clarify your questions with our consultants.

The cost of education in Europe

Higher education in most European countries is paid, while the price of education in Europe varies significantly from country to country. In most countries, universities independently set the cost of education, and for foreigners it will always be higher than for local residents. However, universities and governments in many countries offer scholarship programs that reduce the cost of education.

Where to get free higher education in Europe

In Europe, there are countries with free higher education for foreigners - Germany, the Czech Republic, France, Norway, etc. Foreign students of most state universities studying in the national language of the country do not pay the cost of programs - only small organizational fees and student fees. Payment for housing and meals is also the responsibility of the student.

In addition, studying at universities in Europe can become free if you receive a 100% scholarship that fully covers tuition and living expenses, although such scholarships are rare and the competition is high. At the undergraduate level, there are only a few such scholarships, but at the second higher level, their choice is much wider.

Higher education system in Europe

Since the middle of the last century, the European educational space has been regulated by the Bologna process, the purpose of which is to make higher education in Europe open, and educational levels, diplomas and degrees of different countries comparable.

Higher education in European countries is developing with the active participation of the state, which assigns funding, legally approves general educational standards and controls their implementation, nevertheless, the existence of more or less strong universities is a reality, partly reflected in international rankings. To learn how to choose a university that suits you in all respects, read the guide for the country you are interested in or ask our consultants for information.

Many European universities offer bachelor's and master's degrees to students from abroad in English. Often such education is free or there is a real possibility of obtaining a scholarship.

Higher education in European countries has rich traditions and deservedly high reputation. Students from all over the world strive to obtain European diplomas that open up the possibility of a successful international career. However, such education is often quite expensive, and it is not easy to find an opportunity to enter a European university.

At the same time, the EU countries themselves are interested in attracting qualified specialists from abroad and are ready to finance their education. Therefore, more and more higher education programs in English appear in European universities, some of which are free or provide an opportunity for able students to receive a study grant. In a number of European countries, English-language programs are paid, but you can get inexpensive or preferential higher education by learning the language of the country, for example, in the Czech Republic or France.

Holland: study is not free, but with a scholarship

Higher education in the Netherlands is paid, but the real possibility of obtaining a scholarship for education significantly reduces its cost. The Universities of Applied Sciences, which can be entered without exams immediately after high school, provide many partial grants for undergraduate and graduate studies.

Read a detailed description of scholarships from universities such as Saxion , Hanze , NHTV Breda , The Hague UAS , HAN , and Wittenborg .

Research universities in the Netherlands (Research Universities) offer scholarships that can partially or fully cover the cost of studying, and in some cases living in the country. For example, these are scholarships for the master's program of the University of Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam) and the bachelor's program of Amsterdam University College.

You can also get a scholarship to study at a Dutch university with the help of Nuffic Neso, an organization representing higher education in the country abroad. In particular, under the Orange Tulip Scholarship program, which has been operating in Russia since 2014.

Read more about the types of scholarships at universities in the Netherlands. In the database on our website you can also find bachelor's, master's and MBA programs from Dutch universities with the possibility of obtaining study grants.

Europe: study abroad in English

In the Scandinavian countries, Finland, Germany and the Czech Republic, many programs can be taught in English, often for free or at a nominal cost. In some universities, it is possible to first learn the language of the country (also free of charge) and then receive education in this language in the future.

Due to the inconsistency with the Russian education system, it is impossible to enter some universities in European countries immediately after graduating from high school, you need to complete 1-2 courses of a higher educational institution in Russia.

Free higher education abroad. Where to get?

In the following European countries, tuition fees at public universities and higher schools for bachelor's and master's degrees are low or non-existent:

  • In Iceland, there is only an administration fee of 100-250 euros.
  • In Germany, education is free at public universities.
  • In Norway, Slovenia and Luxembourg there is no fee for study programs.
  • In Finland, most study programs are free.
  • In France, tuition for a bachelor's degree costs 188 euros per year, for a master's degree - about 259 euros, and for postgraduate and doctoral studies - 393 euros per year.
  • In the Czech Republic, education in the Czech language is free, the cost of programs in other languages ​​starts from 1,000 euros per semester.

Costs while studying in Europe are cheaper than in Moscow

Often, students only have to pay a formal semester fee of 40-150 euros, which goes towards teaching materials, paper, photocopying, etc. A separate item of expenditure is housing and food, which are sometimes cheaper than in Moscow. For example, the cost of renting a room in European countries is on average 200-400 euros, and the total amount required for accommodation is 600-900 euros per month.

Learn more about tuition fees and other expenses while studying in the Netherlands.

Attention! Since 2012, Sweden has introduced tuition fees for international students.


Education in continental Europe is a combination of high academic standards with the most modern learning technologies. European diplomas are recognized all over the world.

Did you know that public universities in Germany, Norway and Finland offer free degrees? And. this applies equally to undergraduate and graduate programs. Often you only need to pay a semester registration fee (from 200 euros), which includes the cost of study materials, paper, photocopying and (often) a travel ticket.

Students pay for their own accommodation and meals (which is sometimes cheaper than in Moscow). In terms of a month, the fee for a hostel or for renting housing in the European Union is, for example, somewhere around 200-400 euros, and the total amount for accommodation is about 700-1000 euros.

Unfortunately, the discrepancy between the education systems of Russia and the EU does not allow graduates of Russian schools to start studying at European universities in the year they receive their Russian diploma. The condition here is the successful completion of one or two first courses of a university in Russia.

In the aforementioned countries it is possible to study free of charge in English. To enroll in such programs, you must submit the results of IELTS or TOEFL. Admissions committees consider all applicants on a competitive basis, without entrance exams (with the possible exception of the Czech Republic), but with the possibility of an interview.

IMPORTANT: enrollment in European universities takes on average from three months to one year, so preparation for admission should begin in advance. In some universities, the deadline for applying for next fall ends already on the eve of Christmas.

Higher education in Germany

Freie Universitaet Berlin (1948):

Description: Freie Universitaet Berlin - belongs to the largest universities in Germany and constantly occupies a leading position among universities with a pronounced research component. The university is included in the galaxy of nominees for the government program "Initiative for Excellence". According to the ratings of the influential German newspaper Die Zeit, this university ranks third in the country. More than a hundred master's and bachelor's programs are running here at the same time, incl. and English speakers.

Number of students:~33,000, incl. ~ 6,000 - foreigners

Law, chemistry, physics, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, molecular medicine, international relations, linguistics, culture, European and international business

Duration of study: two years

Start of classes: April and October

Attention: many programs have different application deadlines!!!

Entrance requirements: Bachelor's degree (by profile) IELTS 6.0-6.5 / TOEFL (ibt): 100+

Accommodation: 700-1"100 euros | month

Location: Berlin

Description: this is a new university, the result of the merger of the Berlin University of Applied Sciences and the School of Economics.

Number of students: ~8 000

Management and International Business; (Master's): MBA, European management, macroeconomics, economics and finance (including international), accounting.

Start of classes: October

Duration of study

Entry Requirements (magistracy): bachelor's degree (by profile), IELTS: 6.5 / TOEFL (ibt): 100

Accommodation: 250-400 euros/month (single in a private hostel or residence, no meals)


Description: The Technical University of Dresden is one of the most respected in its niche (according to CHE (National Center for Higher Education) and Die Zeit), one of the best technical universities in the country (TU 9). Education here is conducted at one and a half dozen faculties.

Number of students: ~35 000

Start of classes: February and October

Directions of study (Master's): molecular bioengineering, forest industry management, IT engineering, biophysics, biosciences.

Duration of study: two years

Entry Requirements: bachelor's degree (by profile), IELTS 6.5 / TOEFL (ibt): 100.

Accommodation: 250-500 euros/month (single in a private hostel or residence, no meals)


Description: This is one of the oldest universities in the country, the alma mater of a galaxy of outstanding minds in Germany.

Number of students:~30,000, of which ~1,000 are foreigners.

Faculties: IT, biology and related sciences, veterinary medicine, oriental studies, art, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, management, pedagogy, sociology, sports, theology, physics and chemistry, philology, philosophy, economics, law.

Directions of study (Bachelor's degree): American Studies (economics + political science + linguistics)

Directions of study (Master's): economic integration, chemistry, sustainable development program, management (including European)

Start of classes: April and October

Duration of study: from two (master's) to three years (bachelor's)

Accommodation: 400-500 euros/month


Description: The University of Halle is one of the oldest in Germany, according to the CHE (National Center for Higher Education) and Die Zeit magazine rankings, it is among the top 50 universities in the humanities.

Number of students:~18,600, of which ~1,000 are foreigners.

Faculties: IT, biological sciences, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, pedagogy, theology, physics and chemistry, philosophy, economics, law.

Directions of study (Bachelor's degree): international business and economics

Directions of study (Master's): international business, international financial management, taxation, economics.

Start of classes: April and October

Duration of study: from two (master's) to four years (bachelor's)

Accommodation: 120-200 euros/month (single in a private hostel or residence, no meals)


Number of students: ~13 000

Faculties: economics, philosophy, sociology, medicine, mechanical engineering, mathematics, IT.

Directions of study (Bachelor's degree): European Studies, Environment, Economics and Management

Directions of study (Master's): IT, international economics and finance, international business, chemical engineering, electrical engineering

Start of classes: April and October

Duration of study: from two (master's) to three years (bachelor's)

magistracy- higher specialized education (bachelor's degree), IELTS: 6.5, TOEFL (ibt): 100;

Accommodation: 180-270 euros/month (single in a private hostel or residence, no meals)

See also universities in Germany:

Higher education in Norway


Number of students: 30 thousand

UIO is the largest and oldest university in Norway. Initially, it was called Royal (in honor of King Frederick). The London Times traditionally calls the University of Oslo the best Norwegian university and one of the leading universities in the Scandinavian countries.

Directions of study (Master's): IT, humanities, mathematics and natural sciences, medicine and health care, social sciences, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, dentistry, theology, economics, jurisprudence (international law).

Start of classes: august

Duration of study: one - two years

Entry requirements (master's)- Bachelor's degree (by profile), IELTS 7.0, TOEFL (ibt): 100.
Education: NOK 5"550 per year

Accommodation and meals: 30"000 euros per year (single in a private hostel or residence), 600- 950 euro/month (apartment)


Number of students: 14.5 thousand

Description: Established in 1946, the University of Bergen is relatively young, however, despite its short history, its professors have already managed to accumulate an impressive scientific base and gain a reputation as the most international UIB in Norway.

Directions of study (Master's): economics, ecology, physics, sociology, psychology, social sciences, mathematics and natural sciences, linguistics, humanities, archeology, administration, IT.

Start of classes: August

Duration of study: two years

Entrance requirements: bachelor's degree (specialization), IELTS 7.0, TOEFL (ibt):100

Accommodation and meals: NOK 9"250 per year


Number of students: 20 thousand

Description: The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the second largest in the country, is the main engineering and technology laboratory at the national level, where more than thirty English-language master's programs are taught simultaneously

Directions of study (Master's): engineering sciences, IT, biology, chemistry, physics, economics, sociology, linguistics, mathematics, project management, psychology

Start of classes: august

Duration of study: two years

Entrance requirements: bachelor's degree (by profile), IELTS 7.0; TOEFL (ibt):100
Training: NOK 6"000/month

Accommodation (without food): 4"000 euros / month.

See also universities in Norway:

Higher education in Sweden

Attention! Since 2012 Sweden introduces tuition fees for international students. The cost of a master's degree per year will be? 11 "000.

Location: Stockholm

As one of the largest in Scandinavia, Stockholm University traditionally occupies a leading position in Europe (according to Times and Newsweek), and is included in the top hundred universities in the world. There are more than a dozen scientific laboratories, where research is carried out in the field of natural sciences and modern technologies.

Number of students:~27,000, where 20% are foreigners

Directions of study (Master's) (more than eighty English-speaking specializations): humanities, journalism, health care, computer science, art, cinematography, linguistics, management, musicology, sociology, physics, X imitation, choreography, economics, jurisprudence.

Start of classes: august

Duration of study: two years

Entrance requirements: bachelor's degree (by profile), IELTS 7.0, TOEFL (ibt): 100

Education: EUR 9,000 - 14,000 (SEK 90"000-140"000)

Accommodation and meals: SEK 500/month

Location: Stockholm

The Stockholm School of Economics is considered one of the leading schools in Northern Europe and is in the top ten of the national ranking.

Number of students: ~2 000

Directions of study (Bachelor's degree) in English: economics and business

Directions of study (Master's): administration, economics and business, management, finance, marketing.

/ School subjects in English... / Chemistry

Chemistry in English

“Chemistry is the area of ​​miracles, the happiness of mankind is hidden in it, the greatest conquests of the mind will be made in this area,” wrote M. Gorky. It is simply impossible to imagine life today without chemistry and its achievements! With the help of this science, scientists create new materials, make soils fertile, produce vital medicines, change the appearance of people, facilitate human work, and explore space. Chemistry clothes, shoes, decorates everything around, feeds and waters. Many phenomena are of a chemical nature, and the task of a real teacher is to teach them to recognize and explain. The teachers of the educational center "Intellect-Tour" brilliantly cope with this, they are able to instill love for such a complex, multifaceted subject and help them figure it out. The periodic table, the Pauli principle on the distribution of electrons in an atom will become understandable and quite simple!

In individual lessons in chemistry:

  • You will conduct chemical experiments and experiments. Can you describe them and summarize the results?
  • Learn to apply the knowledge gained in the lessons in everyday life
  • Develop the skill of independently acquiring new knowledge from various sources
  • Understand the relationship of chemistry with other sciences

Why study chemistry in English?

Is your child 13 years old or older? Have you decided to send him to a foreign school?
He will definitely need it!
Is your child already studying abroad but having trouble with chemistry?
We propose to take advantage of the holidays and eliminate gaps in education. You can choose from one-on-one or Skype lessons that can be continued throughout the school year. As soon as there is a misunderstanding, you can consult with the teacher and quickly get a guaranteed result.

Teaching chemistry in English will help:

  • Easier to adapt and learn terminology
  • Understand the requirements for completing assignments in foreign schools
  • Fill gaps in the study of topics that have arisen due to the difference in school programs.
  • Learn the wording of the most common tasks
  • Work out test tasks
  • Perform practical experiments

The duration, intensity and content of classes depends on the level of language proficiency, age, readiness. We also take into account the requirements of the foreign school where your child is enrolled. In the classroom, we work out tests and examination tasks in chemistry from previous years. A set of exercises and textbooks will be individually selected.

Registration for classes is available all year round.

At the end of the course, the student receives methodological recommendations from the teacher, and a certificate in English is issued on completion of the course.