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Find the best place to live in Russia - the most comfortable and favorable cities. Where to move for permanent residence in Russia - where it’s warm and there’s work Which cities are more important for the life of our country

Continuing the description good places for life, it's time to turn your gaze to your homeland. So, Russia

It’s a good country overall, I think there are quite a few places on Earth where life is significantly worse, and, at first, I studied options for living in Russia.
The advantages of our country are clear and obvious.

In general, there are also disadvantages, but I will still list the main ones (from my point of view):

  • Most of the territory is polluted from an environmental point of view, and where everything is in order with the environment, everything is often sad with the economy, and accordingly, the adequate population often leaves there.
  • low level of culture and high level of aggression of a significant part of the population, as a result - low personal safety and many places where garbage lies right on the streets.
  • high level of alcoholism and drug addiction
  • huge corruption
  • a clear division into boyars and serfs, while if a person falls into the category of boyars, then he can not care about all the laws (as long as he is in this category).

Now let's move on to the cities. There are many cities in our country, I will describe here only those that I myself considered for moving. If the city you live in is located in Russia, and is clean, beautiful, well-groomed, with a good climate, excellent ecology, developed infrastructure and low crime rate, and is not included in this list, write about it to me, and I don’t think so just interesting to me


I never got around to going, because... more on that below.
I studied the city using Internet materials.
What emerges is such a clean, beautiful, well-groomed small town, with a good climate, excellent ecology and the lowest crime rate in the country.
It would seem, live and be happy.
There is only one, but BIG, minus that prevented me from considering this city as a potential place of residence:

The church in the Belgorod region is not separated from the state. This is a land of VICTORIOUS ORTHODOXY, in which there is no place for pluralism. Accordingly, God’s law has been mandatory in schools, on the streets there is a curfew at night for teenagers under ... years of age, vigilantes are marching, rock concerts are canceled, the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day is prohibited, as “corrupting our youth,” etc.

That is, if you are an Orthodox person who is calm about the restriction of your freedoms in exchange for cleanliness and order, then welcome to Belgorod. Somehow, I think there will be a few of these among the readers of my blog

Well, the second, already small minus - no work / no good salaries. Thanks to this, everything is quite inexpensive - real estate, public utilities, products…. It will be expensive - the population simply won’t be able to cope with such and such incomes... So, maybe it’s even the other way around, not a minus, but a plus

UPD: 60 km away is Kharkov, where everything is cheaper and there is more entertainment...


Perhaps the most interesting city in the sense of permanent residence in our country. Many Kaliningrad residents have not been to Russia and do not see the point in going there; there are embassies of most European countries, the city is the closest to Europe - it is convenient to travel. From what was especially pleasing - there is virtually no industry = excellent ecology (not counting pollution from cars), COMPARATIVELY inexpensive Czech, German, Lithuanian beer (it used to be much cheaper), delicious cider, a lot of greenery - parks, fountains, helpful people - We asked for directions many times - everyone tried to help.

What was surprising was that the prices for windbreakers at the Central Market turned out to be more expensive than on sale in the company boutique of one of the shopping centers. I have long developed a habit - the cheapest things on the market, this is not the case here...

In Kaliningrad there is the Museum of the World Ocean and the Amber Museum. Cool idea to make most of the exhibition on ships in the ocean museum. It's great to crawl around a submarine and a research vessel that has sailed almost the entire world many times and collected a rich collection.

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Amber Museum - I think one of the most interesting museums in our country, fancy pieces of amber of different colors and shapes, some even with insects frozen in them + exquisite jewelry - definitely worth a look. The museum itself also sells amber, and next to the museum there is a whole amber market! In general, amber, pressed amber and fake amber are sold EVERYWHERE - in Kaliningrad, Svetlogorsk, Zelenogradsk... many, many amber sellers.

Now about what I didn’t like about Kaliningrad - in the morning it’s almost impossible to buy anything if the smallest bill you have is 500 rubles. - almost no one has change; (As I understand it, the last thing I, as a buyer, should care about is where the seller will get the change - but no - with pockets full of money, it’s quite possible to fly by and not get what you want - from museum tickets to hot -dog or ice cream... Sad :(

Another big disadvantage is that the narrow German roads of the city cannot cope with the flow of cars (considering that cars are cheaper there than in Russia, sometimes looking at this traffic flow one gets the feeling that the majority of the population has cars), and there is no money for a radical expansion of the roadway parts - as in the entire Russian province... In general, it is felt that with a good injection of money from the city it would be possible to make a complete “candy”; for now, only certain areas are equipped “in a European way”, however, against the backdrop of the vast majority of Russian cities and You are already happy about this.

We visited the Curonian Spit. The first 6 km at the entrance to the spit we were accompanied by the disgusting smell of blooming algae and rotting fish; as it turned out, algae bloom here for two weeks a year and the smell is VERY sad.

In general, Spit is an interesting place - a dancing forest with curved, forked, strange trees, the dunes on which “Long Road in the Dunes” and certain episodes of “White Sun of the Desert” were filmed and which I really wanted to walk through, but unfortunately they are low... White-white sand beach, with perfect sand and convenient entrance to the sea...

We went to the Kaliningrad water park. It is located in the Olympic Hotel on Moskovsky Prospekt. The cost on weekdays is 500 rubles - adults / 450 rubles - children - for 3 hours. There is also a sauna complex (for a fee) and the opportunity to take monthly passes. The water park has 3 slides, a jacuzzi, a river, a sauna, a children's pool, a large swimming pool, and hydromassage. In general, the water park is small, but a huge plus is, firstly, that there is a waterpark in the city, secondly, on weekdays there are not many people, and thirdly, the prices are generally affordable.
Kaliningrad has a great zoo! I have been to many zoos both in Russia and abroad, and so - in terms of the composition of animals - Kaliningrad is one of the best. The territory of the zoo itself lacks polish and well-grooming; some of the enclosures should have been made differently - the polar bear was obviously VERY HOT in the summer, and large birds had nowhere to fly properly. But despite this, you can safely be proud of the zoo! Well, improve it of course

One of the signature dishes of the local cuisine is smoked eel.

First we tried it in a restaurant (so that there was a standard), and then we bought smoked eel at the market. The fish is quite expensive - 850 rubles / kg, but... it's worth it - one of the most delicious fish of my life, yum-yum... I highly recommend it.

The general impression is - if you have never been to Europe, Kaliningrad will seem like an ideal place to live, if you have been to Europe but live in any other city in Russia - you will notice the shortcomings, but still want to move if you already live in one From European cities, Köning is unlikely to charm you. In general, it is no longer Russia, not yet Europe...

Utility bills, prices for many local and imported products from Russia are more expensive than in Russia. True, people are getting out of it - they bring tasty and inexpensive products from Poland and sell them directly from their cars...

Also, since the city is located “abroad”, it is constantly in direct dependence on the current relations of Russia with border states...
To summarize, despite some shortcomings, for me, Kaliningrad is definitely the best place to live in Russia.


The city, which is, in fact, ANOTHER country, is so different from the rest of Russia.


  • the country's best specialists in all fields gathered there,
  • no matter what your hobby is, you can always find friends with similar interests,
  • all transport hubs, all cargo flows go through Moscow, so you can get almost EVERYTHING that is produced on Earth, and if you look, it is often cheaper than in other cities, since they are transported there from Moscow...
  • a lot of people and entire organizations work clearly and efficiently, differing favorably from residents of other Russian cities. It’s really, it’s just a pleasure to work with Muscovites; you feel a different level of attitude towards the work. Although, I won’t generalize, Moscow is a big city, maybe I was just so lucky.

Of the minuses:

  • an overpopulated city, with huge distances, traffic jams and poor ecology.
  • many “guests” from the Caucasus and other equally “pleasant” places.
  • very expensive: real estate, vacation, health, decent catering...

Bottom line: For a person earning money remotely, this is probably not the best choice. You have to compete for a place in the sun with people receiving 5 - 10 - 20 K or more of NON-VARIANCE income...

Middle lane

(cities located near Moscow, but not in the Moscow region)
Somehow poor/unkempt/sad. A significant part of the adequate population has left for Moscow, and this is clearly felt...


I’ve been to Ufa several times, I didn’t have the chance to go to Kazan, but almost everyone says that “Kazan is like Ufa, only cooler and richer.” So, I decided to unite these two cities.

What can I say to the residents of the capitals? national republics, whose budget is formed from oil refining, and to whom Moscow leaves money for development, so as not to aggravate the national issue, in my opinion, they are lucky. Quite interesting places for life, one of the minuses can be noted that they are geographically far from Europe, well, the republics are still national... As long as there is money, everything is fine, but what will happen next, for the Russian population - who knows... What else - no career having a titular nationality, you can’t do that; the boss in any state and semi-state office will definitely be a Bashkir/Tatar. Clanism is strong, important issues are resolved exclusively through connections. This is of course true in many places, but especially in these places. But, at least before the crisis, housing and roads were actively built under government programs, everything was developing well. I hope now that the crisis has not affected these good trends. In general, the impression remains that these cities are not like an ordinary Russian province.

South of Russia (Rostov region, Krasnodar region, etc.)

Personally, the climate does not suit me. According to eyewitnesses, it was quietly captured by representatives of the Caucasian republics, and the Russian population is now actively leaving there, because living in such an environment is not particularly comfortable.

UPD: Only some villages were captured. Big cities remain Russian and are quite comfortable there (if you like a hot climate).


A beautiful ancient merchant city, on the banks of the Volga, one of the main disadvantages, in addition to those systemic ones that I described at the beginning of the post - a lot of dirty industries = a bad environmental situation.

I would like to apologize for the small number of photos; I only inserted those that I managed to copy to my computer in advance. The wife has already packed the portable hard drive, where ALL the photographs are located, into a suitcase (it barely closed :)) and it is not possible to get it out of there. Accordingly, the continuation of posts about choosing good places to live will follow AFTER our move. I hope to connect to the Internet in a new place quickly enough.

When choosing the best place to live in Russia, you should pay attention to the rating of the most comfortable and favorable cities, however, the final decision should be made based on personal preferences.

When thinking about moving, people strive to choose the best place to live in Russia; this is, as a rule, the most comfortable and favorable city in every sense. Which region of Russia is better to move to? Russians and foreigners often ask this question for a variety of reasons. Someone is looking for the best, most favorable climate, someone is looking for a clean ecological environment, someone is trying to find a suitable area due to chronic diseases, someone is simply looking for a job in their specialty.

It's hardest for big cities to be among the cleanest. This is not surprising, because heavy industry is developed in megacities, the roads are overloaded with cars, and the streets are littered with garbage. Of course, this causes great harm to the environment.

The cleanest sparsely populated cities in Russia

The city of Derbent is located in a very picturesque area. Here both water and air meet the standards. There are practically no enterprises that harm the environment. Those that exist mainly belong to the food industry, which does not cause much harm. The streets are always neat: local population They are very respectful of the places they live in and honor their culture.

In recent years, the environmental situation in Taganrog has improved greatly. The city has a developed industry that damages the environment. In response to this, a number of serious decisions are being made, the purpose of which is to improve the environment. These events really made it possible to effectively improve the environmental situation. In addition, proximity to the Sea of ​​Azov and its ability to self-purify play an important role. Taganrog is a fairly clean, comfortable and well-kept city with dozens of beaches, a large number of parks, squares, and green areas. It should also be noted that the climate is mild and favorable. The relatively low air humidity is perfectly complemented by the proximity to the sea.

Thus, Russia has a fairly large selection of cities with favorable and comfortable living conditions. Which one is better, everyone determines for themselves. If successful employment and high wages come first, preference should be given to large metropolitan areas. In cases where environmental conditions and health are particularly important selection criteria, it is better to choose a sparsely populated city for moving.

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The international human resources consulting company Mercer annually ranks the world's cities by quality of life. To do this, the organization’s analysts rate large populated areas based on 39 criteria: economic indicators, social environment, degree of freedom (lack of censorship and other restrictions), personal safety, development of healthcare, transport system, and so on.

1. Vienna, Austria

Advantages: infrastructure, public transport, banks and finance, security, culture and free time.

Vienna has been the perennial leader of the Mercer rankings throughout recent years. The city is located at the foot of the Alps near the borders with Slovakia and Hungary. A strong economy, OPEC and OSCE headquarters, the seat of the UN, and many universities make Vienna attractive in terms of work and study. The recreational opportunities are also extensive: the Vienna Opera, the world's oldest zoo, museums, galleries, squares and palaces for years to come.

2. Zurich, Switzerland

Advantages: security, banking and finance, infrastructure, education.

Zurich is one of the most important European financial centers. This industry provides a quarter of the jobs in the city. Together with innovative, industrial and IT enterprises, this provides many employment opportunities.

Zurich is considered a safe city with a good environment. It is relatively small: the population is only 400 thousand people. However, everything that is usually expected from a metropolis is available here: universities, cultural sites. The headquarters of the International Federation of Association Football and the International Ice Hockey Federation are located in Zurich.

3–4. Auckland, New Zealand

Advantages: high human development index, life expectancy, gross income per capita.

Auckland is New Zealand's largest city, home to a third of the country's population. There is a labor migration system here, within which you can find work even before leaving your country. Auckland has developed agriculture, manufacturing and food industries, and tourism.

This city is the warmest and sunniest in New Zealand, and issues are a priority for the country as a whole.

3-4. Munich, Germany

Advantages: infrastructure, public transport, culture.

Munich is a major industrial and research center. The city is clean and green, with well-developed public transport, rich historical and cultural heritage. It also has such qualities characteristic of German cities as a developed health care and social security system, mainly free education and low crime rates.

5. Vancouver, Canada

Advantages: economics, transport system, ecology.

Vancouver consistently ranks among the most comfortable places to live settlements. For example, he occupies high positions in the ranking Vancouver is the third most livable city in the world: the Economist best cities on Earth from the British The Economist. This is the industrial center of the country with a port, logging, mining enterprises, and IT companies.

In Vancouver, both trees native to the area and those brought from different parts of the continent grow. The transport system includes not only traditional land transport methods, but also ferries. Separately, it is worth noting the bike paths that run through the city.

6. Dusseldorf, Germany

Advantages: economics, transport, culture, education.

Many large companies have their headquarters in Düsseldorf. For example, Henkel, Vodafone, Degussa, Metro AG, WestLB, which are quite willing to hire qualified specialists from other countries. A significant contribution to economic development is made by the presence of large international airport and exhibition center.

Other advantages include a developed infrastructure, many museums, theaters and galleries, as well as a mild climate.

7. Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Advantages: infrastructure, economy, transport.

In terms of quality of life, Frankfurt am Main differs little from others major cities. It is clean, the infrastructure, healthcare and social support systems are developed. It is a center of commerce, culture, education and tourism. And an overwhelming number of international companies make it possible for a qualified specialist to find a highly paid job.

Frankfurt was the richest city in 2001 European cities outperform their English counterparts European city based on GDP per capita. According to a 2016 survey, 65% Bindungen an die Stadt und Zufriedenheit mit Lebensbereichen residents are happy with it.

8. Geneva, Switzerland

Advantages: economics, climate, ecology, transport.

In 2014, Geneva was named in the Global Liveable Cities Index Geneva ranked as best city in the world the best city for life, ahead of Singapore, German and Scandinavian cities in the ranking. It has a temperate maritime climate, ski resorts are nearby, and land and water passenger transport is developed.

The city has a positive attitude towards foreigners. They are the ones who buy 44% of real estate in Geneva. This is also explained by the fact that there are many headquarters of international organizations here.

9. Copenhagen, Denmark

Advantages: security, economy, social support, infrastructure.

In 2016, Copenhagen became the second most populous city in the world. 67% of respondents were very satisfied with life, and only 5% were completely dissatisfied. This is due to the moderate maritime climate, developed economy, high incomes, clean streets, good ecology, and extensive recreational infrastructure.

10–11. Basel, Switzerland

Advantages: ecology, transport, industry, culture.

The small city in the north-west of the country is a center of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries with the headquarters of Novartis and Hoffmann-La Roche. Local trams are international and can take passengers to France or Germany. Basel is a green city in the literal and figurative sense: there is a lot of vegetation and much attention is paid to the environment.

10–11. Sydney, Australia

Advantages: economy, infrastructure, climate.

Australia's largest city is famous primarily for its local opera house. But cultural sites are not the only thing that makes life here comfortable. The city is home to more than 90 bank headquarters and more than 500 regional offices of international companies. Every year, Sydney's population increases due to its population, so it is a multicultural city with a high level of tolerance.

When buying a home, the choice of area is no less important than the number of rooms in the apartment or the floor of the house. The difference is especially obvious in major cities. Which areas of Moscow are the best to live in 2020?

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Moscow is a large metropolis and life in different areas can differ significantly. There are both elite places of residence and areas that are more like provincial towns.

When choosing a place to live in the capital, you should focus on criteria that are important for a particular person. Which metropolitan areas are recognized as the best to live in 2020?

What you need to know

As in any big city, Moscow has places that are more suitable for entertainment, and there are areas where it is better to live. Choosing the best area to live in is usually based on the state of the infrastructure.

If we evaluate the area of ​​residence by infrastructure, then a convenient place is considered to be a place from where you can walk to the necessary organizations in 10-15 minutes. That is, there is a school nearby, kindergarten, clinic, grocery store, pharmacy.

In addition, areas convenient for living should have at least a minimum of entertainment. It’s good if there is a cafe or restaurant, cinema, entertainment centers, parks, etc. within walking distance.

Transport accessibility is also essential. The presence of a metro station and a bus stop near the house significantly increases the convenience of living.

If we evaluate the convenience of life in Moscow by district, then Arbat, Tverskoy and Zamoskvorechye are recognized as the most convenient. The best districts include the following: Tagansky, Basmanny, Meshchansky.

High positions are occupied by Kotlovka, Cheryomushki, Savelovsky district, Konkovo, Medvedkovo. The bottom lines of the ranking include the Donskoy and Danilovsky districts, Nekrasovka, Severny and Molzhaninovsky districts.

But still, more often than not, choosing a convenient area to live in Moscow means choosing an administrative district.


Moscow is divided into ten districts, which were formed to simplify the administrative management of individual territories. Each individual district covers several districts.

This takes into account historical, geographical, urban planning features, socio-economic characteristics, location of transport communications, and the presence of engineering infrastructure.

The territory of Moscow includes 130 districts, as well as 16 rural settlements, 2 urban settlements and 2 urban districts. Obviously, assessing each region separately is not very practical.

Therefore, in the capital's real estate market, the criteria for place of residence are assessed in relation to the administrative district.

What criteria should be taken into account

When choosing a district (administrative district) of residence, you need to pay attention to the following facts:

  • ecological situation;
  • transport accessibility;
  • availability of developed infrastructure;
  • population density;
  • landscaping;
  • crime level.

Often, when choosing an area to live, people are guided by the prestige indicator. In fact, elite residential complexes are not always comfortable for living.

Lack of proximity to public transport or poor infrastructure significantly reduces the attractiveness of the most prestigious housing.

Construction is actively underway in Moscow. And often multi-storey buildings are built in environmentally unfavorable areas.

It is unlikely that the developer will inform the potential buyer about the existing disadvantages. Therefore, when choosing future housing, you need to independently evaluate the place of residence from various positions of convenience and comfort.

It would be useful to check the availability of all necessary facilities - hospital, school, store, etc.

If such verification is not possible, you can rely on the rating of Moscow districts that are convenient for living according to real estate experts.

Which areas of Moscow are considered good for living?

The best areas of Moscow for living are determined taking into account the combined assessment of various criteria.

However, it is impossible to single out one particular best or worst district of Moscow. Any rating is compiled on the basis of certain criteria.

At the same time, some pros and cons may simply not be taken into account. Therefore, it is more advisable to evaluate the place of residence as a whole, taking into account all significant factors.

Central district

The Central District of Moscow is considered the most expensive area of ​​residence. Housing in the premium and business segments is constantly being built here.

There is a lot of secondary housing here, and the average cost per square meter is 350,000 rubles. Land here is expensive and there is no affordable housing.

Mostly business owners, top managers of companies, and oil industry workers buy apartments in the Central Administrative District.

But with all the prestige of living in the Central District, one cannot help but note problems with the environment and transport.

There are no industrial enterprises in the Central Administrative District. But 90% of atmospheric pollution is caused by the number of cars, for which the Central District is the champion.

The air pollution level is three times higher than permissible standards. Among other things, the Central District has a high population density.

And that's not only local residents, but also a large number of employees of various institutions. But it should be noted that the districts of the Central Administrative District are recognized as the best for families with children when it comes to studies and sports.

The most elite schools and kindergartens are concentrated in Khamovniki, and in Krylatskoye there is the largest number of children's sports sections.

If you choose by the criterion of infrastructure development or transport accessibility, then the Central Administrative District is undoubtedly the leader. But in terms of environmental factors, this is far from the best area to live.

Southwestern District

The South-Western District is considered densely populated. However, compared to the Central Administrative District, the transport situation here is better.

Successful design of a transport network is reflected in a large number of bypass routes. The district is remote from the center, but if necessary, there are no problems with transport accessibility.

From an environmental point of view, everything is good in the South-Western Administrative District - there are no industrial zones, and a third of the region is represented by forest park areas. The air in the district is recognized as the cleanest in Moscow.

In addition to parks, there are ponds, lakes and small rivers. There are not many new buildings here. Mostly expensive luxury housing is being built.

The main buildings are represented by “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnevka” buildings. A square meter of housing on the secondary market will cost approximately 210,000 rubles.

Western district

After the Central District in terms of solidity, prestige and comfort comes the Western District. The transport situation here is also good.

This is due to the presence of large highways - Vernadsky, Michurinsky, Kutuzovsky avenues. But at the same time, there is no metro in remote areas of the district.

The houses in the closed joint-stock company are mostly modern - brick, monolithic, panel. The secondary real estate market is quite diverse.

The average price per square meter of secondary housing is 190,000 rubles. If you evaluate the cost of housing in new buildings, you need to take into account that almost 80% of the apartments are business class.

It is in the closed joint-stock company that the most elite residential areas of Moscow are located. The price per square varies from 150,000 to 300,000 rubles.

The environmental conditions for life in the Western District are quite favorable. Despite the proximity to the center, the air here is clean.

This is due to the large number of park areas - Moskvoretsky Park, Rublevsky Forest, Serebryany Bor, the Krylatsky Hills Nature Reserve, the Setun River Valley reserves, Vorobyovy Gory, Troparevsky and South-Western forest parks.

From time to time, the air becomes too polluted when the wind brings vehicle exhaust fumes from the highway. But as soon as the wind direction changes, the atmosphere immediately improves.

Northwestern District

The North-Western district of Moscow is considered quite environmentally friendly. According to statistics, it is in this district that the longest life expectancy of people is recorded.

There are no large industrial zones here; almost half of the territory is occupied by forests. There are ponds, rivers, and lakes in the area.

The presence of water and forest resources significantly reduces the harm, reducing it to almost a minimum, from three thermal power plants and a nuclear facility located in Penyagino, Mitino and Strogino.

With transport accessibility, everything is also quite good. The metro is present in all areas, with the exception of Kurkino. At the same time, Volokolamsk Highway and transport infrastructure in general are actively developing.

The demand for housing in the district is consistently high. The primary real estate market in Northwestern Administrative District is promising and diverse.

Here they build housing of different formats, price and quality characteristics. The cost of a comfort-class apartment in a new building will be approximately 7,000,000 rubles.

As for the secondary real estate market, you can purchase an apartment in modern buildings and standard houses. A square of housing will cost an average of 170,000 rubles.

Northern District

One of the most promising areas is the Northern District of the capital. Construction here is very active; plans include the commissioning of a number of metro stations.

Among other things, it is planned to move part of the industrial zones outside the Moscow Ring Road. But at the moment the environmental situation in the district is difficult.

The powerful industrial zone in the area of ​​the Voykovskaya metro station is recognized as the most harmful facility in the district. There are almost no green spaces in the Northern Administrative District.

In addition, continuous traffic along the Leningradskoe Highway poisons the air with exhaust gases. In principle, the situation with transport here is tense - not only Leningradka, but also Dmitrovskoye and Volokolamsk highways are overloaded.

Some areas of the district do not have metro stations, which complicates the process of movement if you do not have a personal car.

In terms of the real estate market, the Northern District allocates a large number of apartments, of which more than 80% are in new buildings. The minimum cost per square meter of housing starts from 140,000 rubles.

It is assumed that the existing empty industrial buildings on the territory will be reconstructed into residential premises.

The secondary real estate market is represented mainly by panel and brick houses. The price per square meter starts from 160,000 rubles.

North-Eastern District

The highest population density is recorded in the North-Eastern District. There are more than 13,500 people per square kilometer.

The transport situation in the district is also difficult - Dmitrievskoye, Yaroslavskoye and Altufevskoye highways are overly congested and have long been in need of reconstruction.

A number of areas have difficulties with public transport; the metro is not present everywhere.

Environmental issues are also quite complex. On one side there are the Botanical Garden, Elk Island with your forest.

But at the same time, there are more than a hundred different enterprises operating in NEAD. Some consolation is that they are dispersed throughout the county, which somewhat reduces their negative impact.

However, there are environmentally hazardous facilities here, such as chemical and oil refineries, and the Aeroelectromash plant. A waste incineration plant is located in the Otradnoye district.

There are also problems with construction in the Northern District. There is almost no free space here, and there is simply nowhere to build new buildings. For this reason, apartment prices are steadily rising.

Video: the best areas to live in Moscow

The real estate market is represented mainly by secondary housing in panel houses and brick five-story buildings. A square of living space on the secondary market will cost approximately 150,000 rubles.

The cost per square meter of housing in a few new buildings varies from 155,000 to 190,000 rubles. Moreover, more than half of the primary real estate are apartments.

Eastern District

The Eastern District of Moscow is recognized as the most unfavorable both from an environmental point of view and from the point of view of transport accessibility.

The Entuziastov Highway and Shchelkovskoe Highway located here are considered the most problematic in the city. Kaloshino is considered one of the dirtiest industrial zones.

The situation is somewhat smoothed out by the large number of deciduous trees in the area. Largely due to this, people buy housing here.

The Eastern Administrative District has the most brick houses. The cost per square meter of living space on the secondary market is about 148,000 rubles.

The primary market is quite small, only 5% of the total housing stock. These are mainly inexpensive business class apartments with a cost per square meter of about 160,000 rubles.

But there is no need to talk about the prospects of developing the Eastern Administrative District. There are few suitable construction sites in the district, and the existing ones are of low quality.

Southern District

The southern district of the capital is considered the record holder for road congestion, but at the same time, it has the largest number of new buildings. The prospects for development in the district are very high.

Since it is planned to redevelop industrial zones. This should affect the improvement of the environmental situation and infrastructure development.

On given time Environmental problems in the Southern Administrative District are caused precisely by the large number of industrial enterprises. Moreover, three of them work with radioactive materials. Plus, there is a radioactive waste dump here.

Considering that the terrain makes air exchange difficult, the air in the area is saturated with harmful substances to the maximum. The situation is little mitigated by the existing green spaces.

For this reason, a decision was made to close outdated enterprises that cannot be converted to new technologies. Perhaps this will solve the problem with the bad atmosphere.

But although the environment in the Southern Administrative District leaves much to be desired, apartments are being sold very actively. The primary real estate market in the district is considered the most saturated in Moscow. The cost of a square of housing is at the level of 105,000-250,000 rubles.

On the secondary market in the Southern Administrative District you can buy the most inexpensive apartments inside the Moscow Ring Road. The price per square meter of space on the secondary market starts from 140,000 rubles.

South-Eastern District

Perhaps the most unfavorable for living is the South-Eastern district of the capital. There are so many industrial zones concentrated here that they occupy a third of the district.

It is here that the famous Kapotnya oil refinery is located, the closure of which has been demanded by public organizations and local environmentalists for many years.

People call the plant nothing more than “The Fiend of Hell,” since it probably emits the entire existing list of harmful gases into the atmosphere.

A special feature of the district is that the territory is located in a lowland. All the fumes of the city are blown here and remain here.

So, for example, the Pechatniki district is recognized as the lowest point in Moscow and the specific gravity of gases accumulating here is lower than the specific gravity of air.

In addition, in the South-Eastern Administrative District there is the Kuryanovskaya treatment station, around which there is a stench all year round. In the Vykhino-Zhulebino area, the atmosphere is polluted by exhaust gases from the Moscow Ring Road and smoke from a waste incineration plant.

Residents of Brateevo and Lyublino live close to thermal power plants, which causes a consistently increased level of radiation. As for the real estate market, it is mainly represented by the Khrushchev era of the 60s and 70s.

The new buildings are located outside the Moscow Ring Road, but most of them are located in Nekrasovka, where the waste incineration plant is located, and nearby are the Lyubertsy aeration fields for sewage drainage.

For these reasons, the cost of housing in the South-East Administrative District is low. If secondary housing in a panel house can be purchased at a price of 135,000 rubles per square meter, then in a new building with economy-class apartments, a square meter costs 90,000-135,000 rubles.

Zelenograd administrative district

The smallest district in Moscow in terms of territory is the Zelenograd district. It is located entirely outside the Moscow Ring Road and one-third is covered with green spaces. The main activity of the district is research and production.

ZelAO has firmly established its status as the main Russian microelectronics center. Advanced research centers are concentrated in this district.

Mostly scientific and industrial enterprises are located here. The district is considered very attractive from an environmental point of view. But a significant disadvantage is poor transport accessibility; getting from here to the center is quite problematic.

Did you think that Russia doesn’t really value you as a citizen of its country and decided to quit? We will not dissuade you; on the contrary, we will recommend some places where it is relatively comfortable to live.

1. Iceland

In addition to its magnificent landscapes, Iceland's other assets are its 100% literacy rate and low homicide rate (1.8 per 100,000 people per year).
In addition, Icelanders are very tolerant of representatives of various kinds of minorities.

2. Denmark

The Danes are considered the happiest people alive.
Their country has the best social security system in the world.

3. New Zealand

The least polluted corner of the planet. 90% of those who have already moved there say they would recommend this country to friends. In addition, this country has a tradition of giving generous holiday pay, so New Zealanders have a very good holiday.

4. Austria

Austria boasts an excellent environmental condition, amazingly clean streets, low crime rates and an excellent transport communications system.

5. Switzerland

Excellent education and medical care are what sets Switzerland apart from many other countries.

6. Japan

Japan is a country of perfectly clean public restrooms, impeccably polite people and excellent quality food.

7. Finland

There is virtually no corruption and no class divisions in Finland. In addition, Finland has the best school education in the world.

8. Canada

Canada has one of the most developed economies in the world today.

9. Sweden

Sweden is a country of increased social comfort and beautiful snow-covered landscapes.

10. Belgium

If you love beer and chocolate, and don't mind rainy weather, then Belgium is for you. In addition, from Belgium it is a stone's throw to two of the largest European capitals - Paris and London are an hour and a half away by express.

11. Norway

Norway has a very low crime rate and prison population.

12. Ireland

The Irish are incredibly friendly and have a great sense of humor. In addition, this country has the best golf courses in the world.

13. Slovenia

Slovenia is a small Eastern European country with a mild climate, excellent cuisine and low crime rates.

14. Czech Republic

Excellent cuisine, a huge selection of beer for every taste, stunning architecture and a cosmopolitan atmosphere - this is what awaits you in the Czech Republic.

15. Germany

In Germany, an appreciation for the art, history, and culture of the homeland is not considered a sign of elitism. It's just one part of German life. In addition, high standards of living make this country an ideal place for a comfortable stay.

16. Australia

The climatic conditions of this country are conducive to a healthy, active lifestyle. Moreover, preferably in the fresh air. The average life expectancy here is 82 years.

17. Singapore

Regarding work on the conservation of water resources, the environment, etc. Singapore has no equal.

18. Portugal

A paradise for golf lovers. The excellent climate, relaxed lifestyle of the Aboriginal people and low crime rate make this country attractive in all respects.

19. Qatar

One of the richest countries in the world, where the cost of gasoline can be less than the cost of water.

20. Butane

An amazing country, very different from most countries around the world. The only corner on the planet that continues to resist with all its might the growing expansion of Western civilization.