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Kastoria (Greece). Fur coat town of kastoria in northern greece Historic center of Veria

With the exception of the monasteries of Agios Athos, Kastoria is the only city in Greece that has preserved an unbroken Byzantine tradition until today. This is evidenced by 72 Orthodox churches, one of which is the Church of St. Stephen.

Saint Stephen (Greek) - the first Christian martyr, brought to the court of the Sanhedrin and stoned for Christian preaching in Jerusalem around the year 33-36. He is honored all over the world - there are temples dedicated to this saint in Jerusalem, Rome, Nessebar, etc. One of the oldest temples on this list is the church of St. Stephen in Kastoria.

The exact date of its construction is unknown, but it is obvious that it was erected in the Byzantine or post-Byzantine period, most likely in the 14th century. The temple is a basilica, the architecture of which is archaic and clearly testifies to the antiquity of the church.

St. Stephen's Church is interesting not only from the outside - inside it is decorated with wonderful wall frescoes and a unique episcopal throne, unique ceramic tiles and other decorative elements.

Despite the fact that there are several dozen functioning churches in Kastoria, it was in the church of St. Stephen that the divine liturgy was held as part of the program of the medieval Byzantine festival "Alexiada" in September 2012.

Coordinates: 40.51975300,21.27345700

Lake Orestiada

Orestiada is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Balkans. The lake is distinguished by a wide variety of flora and fauna, is a natural monument and is very popular with tourists and the Greeks themselves.

The lake is located at an altitude of 630 meters above sea level, surrounded by green thickets and is home to many species of fish, birds and mammals. Here you can meet wild ducks, thrushes, starlings, black grouse, ibis, cormorants, as well as gulls, swans and pelicans. In addition, carps, perches, catfish, turtles and salamanders live in the lake. Bears, foxes, wolves, wild boars and deer are found in the forests surrounding the lake.

The lake is a great place to relax - swimming, fishing, sailing, water skiing and boat trips on the lake are available here, and in winter part of the lake turns into a huge ice rink.

Coordinates: 40.51666600,21.30000000

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Castagna Gorge

The appearance of the village of Kastania dates back to the Byzantine period, which is clearly confirmed by the numerous Byzantine churches located in the immediate area. This picturesque mountain village is located at the very beginning of a large gorge leading down to a beautiful beach. Wonderful landscapes open up to the eyes of travelers - a panorama of the gorge and mountains surrounded by agricultural land. This route has become especially popular due to the nearby cave, which is now open to travelers.

Coordinates: 40.45844200,22.45433800

The cave of lakes Spileo-Lminon is located in a place called Kastria, fifteen kilometers from Kalavryta. Attractive for its lakes and stalactites.

Spileo Limnon consists of fifteen underground reservoirs, which are located at different levels and are separated by partitions created by nature. In hot and dry weather, the water level reaches only the edges of the lakes, but in the rainy season and in spring, the water overflows the lakes and overflows from one to another. Unusual waterfalls amaze with their beauty, you can also see stalactites and stalagmites - the cave is famous for them.

Along the perimeter of the lakes, a footpath has been laid, which will allow you to get around and view the lakes.

Near Castria there is a beautiful place called Platinero, where you can taste delicious trout.

Coordinates: 37.94658300,22.13422900

House-Museum of Alvazi Folk Life

In the Greek city of Kastoria, there is a museum of folk life, which is housed in an old building of the 17th century, known as the house of Alvazi.

Until 1972, the house was residential, and then it was converted into a museum with household items, costumes from different times, tools, a kitchen, a wine cellar of local Greeks. Also in the museum you can see the tools that are used in the fur trade, because the fur trade in those days brought the Greeks a lot of income, which, in turn, made it possible to build beautiful mansions.

The Alvazi mansion is the only mansion that can be viewed from the inside. Next to it there are many more very beautiful mansions, the upper floors of which are residential, and the lower ones are used for domestic needs.

Coordinates: 40.51924300,21.26815300

dragon cave

According to legend, in ancient times the cave was a gold mine, and the entrance to it was guarded around the clock by a dragon belching fire and poisonous gases. The king who ruled in those years promised a generous reward to those who dared to kill the dragon. At first, no one agreed, but still a daredevil was found, and after each blow the cave and the water in the lake shuddered. The cave is 18 meters deep and 300 meters long. Tourists are attracted here by picturesque stalactites and stalagmites, for convenient inspection of which special routes have been developed inside the cave.

A great impression is made by the floating bridge, from which you can see the seven underground lakes located inside the cave.

Modern technical means made it possible to equip the cave with air processing and microclimate maintenance systems, thanks to which specialists can track any rock fluctuations, the slightest geological shifts and other changes.

Coordinates: 40.49147900,21.27656900

Historic center of Veria

During the Roman period, Veria was a place of worship for Christians, since the apostle Paul preached here after he arrived from Thessaloniki.

During the Byzantine Empire, the rapid development of the city took place, which was interrupted by the capture by the Bulgarians in the 9th century. Then Veria was conquered several more times - in 1185 by the Normans, in 1204 by the Franks, in the middle of the XIII century by the Serbs. In 1436, the city was captured by the troops of the Ottoman Empire, under whose rule Veria was until 1912. From ancient times, sections of streets, baths, burials of the Roman and Hellenistic eras, ruins of temples have been preserved. Not far from Veria, in the monastery of the Virgin Sumela, a miraculous icon is kept.

Coordinates: 40.52423900,22.20680200

Fur center Chrisos Kranias

Every year, CHRISOS FURS designers create models that meet the latest fashion trends, as well as classic collections. Raw materials for the production of fur products are purchased, as a rule, from the most famous fashion houses in the world. The production is located in the company's workshop located in Kastoria, and all work is carried out by qualified craftsmen who are well aware of their responsibility for product quality both to the customer and to the enterprise.

Every year, collections of fur products are exhibited at the most famous fur exhibitions, which take place in the largest cities of the world - in Hong Kong, Milan and even in Moscow. As for the exhibition salon in Kastoria, it is open all year round and new customers are always very welcome here.

Coordinates: 40.51758400,21.25571300

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Greece is a sin to complain about the number of attractions, but there are areas in it that do not quite fit into the tourist trails trodden by millions of feet. There is an amazing place in this country, where even the winter is not Greek, but with real frost and snow. And here, on a peninsula washed from three sides by a lake, the city of Kastoria is located. Greece in the Middle Ages became famous as a country producing fur products.

It has remained so to this day. In the city, where only 17,000 inhabitants live, there are numerous small workshops and large factories for the production of fur coats, and the largest fur center in Europe, EDIKA, is located.

City `s history

There is a beautiful legend that around 2000 BC. e. founded by the demigod Kekrop, who has the body of a man, standing on two snakes instead of legs. At his command, a wall was erected around Kastoria, which received his name and protected the peninsula from attack.

According to another version, Kastoria (Greece) was founded in 840 BC. e. and got its name thanks to the beavers living in huge numbers on the lake (“castoras” in Greek). Everyone is free to choose for himself what to believe in, but the wall really existed - on its ruins in 525, by decree of the Emperor of Byzantium, Justinian 1, a tower with a fortress wall was erected.

At that time (3rd-4th centuries AD) the city was the bastion of Byzantium on its western outskirts. Since that time, many ancient monuments have been preserved, there are objects dating back to the Neolithic and the Roman era. Thanks to Byzantine culture, 70 temples were built in Kastoria and have survived to this day, the oldest of which dates back to the 9th century.

Travelers who want to learn more about what ancient Kastoria (Greece) was like are waiting for the ethnographic and Byzantine museums. The latter, for example, contains one of the largest collections of the 12th-14th centuries.

This place is not suitable for those who like to spend their holidays on the beaches, as they simply do not exist here, and it is not customary to swim in the local lake, although it is considered good form to fish and feed waterfowl here.

Dragon Cave

Just 15 m from Lake Orestiada is the entrance to the cave, reminiscent of its outlines of the mouth of a dragon. Maybe that's why it is called Dragon, although there is a legend that he once lived here and guarded the entrance to a gold mine with a myriad of gold. Like it or not, it is not known, but there is no gold under the arches of the cave, but there is an extraordinary beauty of the most bizarre form.

There are a dozen halls and 7 lakes with fresh water, and the cave itself goes down 600 meters, of which only 300 meters are open to tourists. Speleologists do not let people go further for their safety. You can view the beauty hidden from human eyes from the floating bridge, which offers stunning views of the lakes and galleries of the cave. This is the attraction that the city of Kastoria (Greece) keeps in itself. The reviews of those who have been under the arches of the cave say that the ventilation and lighting of its arches allow you to stay there for a long time without harm to health.

Church of Panagia Mavriotissa

Built to commemorate the victory of the Byzantine emperor Alexios 1 Komnenos over the Normans in 1082, this church has been preserved and is still in use today. Today it is located in the city center at the intersection tourist routes so it will be hard to miss it.

It was decorated on the outside with rich frescoes in the 11th century, now only small fragments of them remain. Something was destroyed by time, and something by the Turks, who did not stand on ceremony with Christian relics during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. The interior decoration is better preserved.

Once a monastery grew around the church, but today only one bell tower of the 13th century and a thousand-year-old plane tree, a witness to many events in the city, have survived. To make it easier to get to all the sights, you can stay at the Esperos Palace Hotel (Greece, Kastoria). It is located just 3 minutes from the center and offers its guests not only comfortable rooms, but also relaxation in the SPA with a swimming pool.

Lake Orestiada

Located at an altitude of 600 m above sea level, this picturesque lake is "home" to numerous varieties of birds, mammals, amphibians and waterfowl. Not inferior to them in terms of quantity of flora and underwater inhabitants, including: catfish, carp, perch, tench and roach. Fishing is very popular among the locals, and tourists often join it, arranging real competitions.

According to legend, the lake is named after Orestes, one of the heroes of ancient myths beloved by the Greeks, but the reservoir itself is millions of years older than any of them. Today you can go water skiing or rent a boat, feed cormorants, pelicans, wild ducks and swans. This is a favorite vacation spot for residents of the city of Kastoria (Greece).

Limneos Ikizmos

How many more secrets does the earth keep in itself? Sometimes they open up to people completely unexpectedly, as was the case with the ancient village of Limneos Ikizmos. In the 1930s, the waters of Lake Orestiada receded and exposed unknown structures.

If Greece is called ancient, then what can we say about the find, which was declared the oldest settlement in Europe? As it turned out, it was located on an artificially created island on piles and has preserved to this day unique Neolithic household items, among which is a tablet with unknown inscriptions.

An exact copy of it was built on the site of the settlement, which became an open-air museum, and in the huts you can see the same utensils, tools and tools.

Fur coats of Kastoria

Having visited these places, one cannot but pay attention to the main source of income of the city - fur products, known all over the world no less than its sights.

Many local hotels, for example Esperos Palace 4 * (Greece, Kastoria), offer free accommodation with the purchase of a fur coat. This offer is readily used by tourists from the CIS countries, combining leisure and shopping. Every year in May, a grandiose exhibition of leather and fur products takes place, where more than 1,200 factories present their goods.

Since at this exhibition prices are from the manufacturer, in May the most popular route for tourists is Kastoria (Greece). Rhodes, a beloved holiday island 1,000 km from this city, is empty when the sale of fur coats and leather jackets begins. Such is ancient and modern Kastoria.

On a picturesque peninsula surrounded by the waters of the famous mountain lake Orestiada, in Western Macedonia, there is a magical city - Kastoria. Crystal clear waters stretch in the heart of the plain, hidden by two Greek massifs - Vitsi and Grammo. The second occupies a third of the territories of the prefecture of Kastoria in the southwest. Mountain ranges rise to a height of a thousand to 2520 meters above sea level, and the waters of the Aliakmon River rush along their slopes.

Those who only dream of a trip here should imagine a charming picture of these lands: the tranquility of a small town, the purest mountain air filled with the aromas of plants and herbs, cozy streets where old churches are found everywhere, as well as incredibly beautiful landscapes - this is the essence of Kastoria. The mirror lake completes the picture, as if embracing the city, located 650 meters above sea level.

In summer, the air warms up to an average of 25 degrees, and in winter it rarely drops below 5 degrees. It happens that during cold periods at temperatures below 0 the lake freezes. For such atypical frosts for Greece, Kastoria was called the Greek “Siberia” for a long time. Swimming in Orestiada is not accepted here, so the inhabitants of the city use the lake for fishing, which is very successful.

City `s history

Tracing the beginning of the history of Kastoria is an impossible task, because it is lost somewhere in the distant past. Research by some scientists suggests that the first settlers appeared on the territory of the present city around 5500 BC. The myths about the divine king Kekrop with a human body and serpentine legs tell about Kefalonia. The date of foundation of the city is considered to be 840 BC, therefore it is considered one of the oldest in Western Macedonia.

Under the power of a semi-mythical king, it was ordered to build a "Kekrop wall." The construction blocked the only passage to the peninsula hidden by the waters of Lake Orestiada. The reservoir was named after the leader of the Hellenes Orestes of Argos from southern Greece, who was persecuted by the Dorians in the 11th - 10th centuries BC.

The erected wall was destroyed, and in its place in 525 of our time, Emperor Justinian I ordered the construction of a fortress wall with tower structures. This is due to the fact that Kastoria in the Byzantine era served as the western bastion of the empire.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the settlement. Popular is the one according to which the name of the city is associated with the word "castor" from the ancient Greek language. It is translated as "beaver": many of these animals really live in the lake. The second hypothesis explains the origin of the name of Kastoria with the help of myths. Castor is the name of the ruling god Zeus. According to legend, the young man lived on the mountain. Seli, which is located near the city. In the mornings, he peered into the waters of Lake Orestiada, only then he was able to meet his great father, whose wrath terrified the Greeks.


The most famous entertainment of this Greek city is the local theater. Noisy concerts and festivals gather hundreds of guests. In anticipation new year holidays the carnival "Ragutsariya" is held here, originating from the Winter Dionyssia. The carnival procession covers everyone who is in Kastoria these days. Noise, songs, dances, brass bands sounding from all over the city - and all this is backed up by local wine.

The name of the carnival comes from the Latin "beggars". Discharged citizens come to houses asking for gifts, and in return they offer to exorcise the evil spirits that live in their homes. Initially, the costumes resembled various animals, the Byzantine period introduced a ban on such outfits, so since that time the set of images has expanded significantly.

Another advantage of winter in Kastoria is Mount Vitsa, where a modern ski complex is located. Skiers come here from all over the world. Also at a distance of 16 kilometers you can visit the hydropathic village of Ammoudara, famous for its healing mineral springs.

The city itself is rich in various bars, taverns, fun discos and shops. In summer, the theater offers a wide range of concerts and performances for all tastes and ages. A lot of entertainment is available thanks to the lake: water skiing, fishing, sailing, water rowing - every tourist can choose what is closer to him.

Fur history of Kastoria

The rich history of the city, covering more than one century, is filled with numerous sieges and invasions by the Bulgarians, Normans and Turks. But even such a dangerous situation in Kastoria did not affect the preservation of the churches of the Byzantine era, historical relics and luxurious mansions, testifying to the heyday of the city. It fell on the period when an active trade in fur products with large European cities began.

Fur products were considered a sign of the nobility of their owners, a manifestation of social status, therefore, for wealthy people of that time, such an element of clothing was a necessity. Antoine Olivier, a 17th-century traveler, said that Constantinople women of that era had about 12 fur-trimmed outfits, each of which cost fabulous money. The poor Greeks also wore furs, but cheaper animal skins were used: hares, jackals, sheep. The enterprising people immediately reacted to such attention to fur from the nobility, so fur craftsmen became especially appreciated, and trade in products expanded all the way to Holland, Austria and Hungary.

The glory of Kastoria as one of the fur capitals of Greece is known even today. Numerous fur coat workshops sell their products throughout Europe, and the quality of the manufactured products makes them truly luxurious and not accessible to everyone. Every year a large-scale fur exhibition is held here, and it is an honor for local manufacturers to take part in it.

Despite the attractiveness of a relaxing holiday and the opportunity to touch the history of Greece through the old churches, tourists still prefer "fur" trips to Kastoria. The city's fur factories form an important part of the budget. Almost all the families of Kastoria own either a fur factory or a store, from where the products are sold all over the world. Such a highlight of the city has become a defining feature that attracts guests from all over the world. High quality products is not the only difference. Local manufacturers follow fashion trends, so when you buy a fur coat or cape here, you get a really modern thing. Of course, following the fashion significantly raises the cost of the purchase, but those who try to follow the currents of the fur industry are willing to pay rather big sums.


Kastoria nestles on a peninsula surrounded by the crystal waters of Orestiada. The local landscape looks like a picture of a talented artist, and the views of the city are created to become a filming location for a wonderful film: streets paved with colored stone, intricate architectural solutions of buildings, various flowers, greenery - and all this complements the hospitality of the local population, joyfully meeting the guests of the city.

The historical wealth of Kastoria is an important distinguishing feature that cannot be ignored once in the city. Byzantine churches, which have retained their original appearance, amaze with filigree frescoes and paintings. You should definitely visit at least a few of the 72 surviving shrines. The oldest of them is the Church of the Virgin Mavriotis of the 10th century. But ancient icons can be seen in the Byzantine Museum, located nearby.

A visit to the fish market, the marina, and Homonim Square will help make your walk around Kastoria complete.

A unique place is located near the city: having moved away from it for 24 kilometers, the tourist finds himself in the town of Mostimo. It is here that the stone forest is located, where the petrified trunks of ancient trees and the remains of animals have been preserved. The age of this find, made during the extraction of coal, is about 15-20 million years. Once there was a bottom of the sea, and later a tropical forest grew. The volcanic lava and ash that poured out on this place stopped time, hiding all living things in stone. Marine inhabitants have retained their shape almost entirely, trunks of chestnuts and palm trees have also been found, these plants were the basis of the flora of antiquity. More fossils can be seen in the museum. The most interesting exhibits are a 25-meter jaw of a shark, huge teeth of herbivorous creatures that lived here many millennia ago.

Hidden from the eyes of the traveler, the miracle of Kastoria is located next to the monastery of the Virgin. The Dragon Cave is named so due to the natural shape of the entrance, similar to the open mouth of this mythical creature. Another version of the origin of the name is associated with an ancient legend, according to which a dragon lived here, guarding the gold mines.

There are about a dozen underground rooms and freshwater lakes, cave galleries descend 600 meters, causing the delight of researchers. The cave is notable for natural ventilation and incredible internal microclimate. Stalactites and stalagmites continue to grow, so the cave is constantly changing. Tourists are allowed to dive to 300 meters, which, although not the full depth of the place, allows you to feel the scale of the natural monument. Equipped paths for travelers and lighting make it possible to see in detail the unique growths and deposits, the birth of which goes far back into the depths of centuries.

A real open-air museum is Limneos Ikizmos (also called Dispilio). A unique object was discovered about a century ago during excavations. Scientists have discovered an ancient European settlement that arose about 7 thousand years ago and belongs to the Neolithic era. A detailed study of the memo, carried out at the beginning of the twentieth century, made it possible to determine that approximately in the 5th millennium BC. an island was artificially created here, where houses were built on piles, and pavements were made of wood.

The researchers also found various artifacts - household items, weapons, as well as a tablet from Dispilio containing icons resembling ancient writings. These objects can be seen in the museum, and the reconstruction erected at the excavation site helps to see what the settlement itself looked like.

Kastoria (Greece) is a famous city located in the northwestern part of the country. The resort is located on the peninsula. Not far from it is the famous lake Orestia. This is one of the most ancient cities, which was founded in 840 BC. The name came from the fact that the city was named so, because there used to be a lot of beavers on the lake. At the moment, there is a large factory for tailoring fur coats, and the Greek town is famous for its fur production. Craftsmanship has been passed down from generation to generation, and today Kastoria (Greece) is one of the most popular places where tourists come for fur coats.

Weather in Kastoria

The climate in the town is quite cool for a southern country, the locals even call it "Siberia", as it is the coldest of all places in Greece. AT summer time the thermometer rises to about +25 °C, and in winter the air temperature warms up to only +5 °C. It is not uncommon to have winter days when the thermometer shows 0 °C.

Kastoria Greece

Resort attractions

Kastoria on the map of Greece is located on the peninsula. Here vacationers can find beautiful historical places that can be visited by the whole family. This place is rich in ancient Byzantine temples, there are more than seventy of them. The oldest is the Church of Our Lady of Mavriotis, built in the tenth century.

Travelers are offered excursions, during which vacationers will see not only architectural monuments and buildings, but also visit the surroundings of the resort. You can go on a sightseeing tour of the city, choose an overview of the monasteries or go out of town to the "Dragon Cave", where there are seven small lakes. Also, guests can visit the prehistoric stone forest, see the Byzantine and Macedonian museums, walk through the village on stilts built in the Neolithic era, and besides, see Orestiada Lake.

Advice! To see the sights and learn their history, you should contact a guide who knows Russian.

Dragon Cave


How to get to this town, you can see on the map. There are many city routes in Kastoria that buses run on, so it will not be difficult to get to one of the sights. If you need to get to the resort from Russia, you should first fly to Athens, and from there take buses.

The beaches of Kastoria

There are no beaches in this city, so there will be nowhere to swim. Swimming is strictly prohibited in the nearby lake, but tourists can go fishing.

Kastoria beach


Travelers have the opportunity to ride on beautiful lake Orestiada, it is considered one of the famous places in Greece. Back in 1974, the lake was recognized as a natural monument. Today, about two hundred species of birds live on it, and you can also meet very rare species of birds. And there are a lot of fish here, and fishing is not prohibited.

Interesting! In August there are "River Parties". This celebration is held every year near Kastoria. Musicians from all over the world come to the town for the festival.


The city hosts the largest fur exhibition in Europe, which is called "Edika". In fur coat stores, they offer to look at catalogs with goods, tourists can pay in cash or by card. You can also buy souvenirs and quality clothes here. Feta cheese and local olive oil are highly valued.

Kastoria on the map of Greece is not difficult to find. This small town will appeal to vacationers for its historical sites and landscapes. Every tourist will find entertainment to their liking. It can be fishing, sightseeing or shopping.