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Marine entertainment and water sports in Cyprus. Fun in kindergarten

Summer is the time for vacations, when most of the population rushes to the sea coasts to get a good rest: lie on the beach under the warm sun, cool off in the healing sea ​​water to restore strength and get a boost of energy and vitamins necessary for health and vitality. Mostly (if you are not an avid swimmer) relaxing on the beach by the sea or any other body of water (lake, river, etc.) implies a passive type of recreation, that is, basically spending time on the beach under the sun and periodically taking water procedures (swimming ).

These two types of pastime are the main ones in the idea of ​​relaxing on the beach, but it is natural for a person to strive for diversity in order to best meet their needs and desires, including during the holidays. As a result, a lot of additional entertainment has arisen that accompanies a beach holiday. This article will focus on a variety of additional "options" beach holiday(paid and free), currently available on certain beaches. The listed activities are sorted according to their availability and complexity.

Construction of sand structures.

Undoubtedly, everyone who has ever been on a sandy beach must have tried to build some kind of sand structure, whether it be a small hill or a beautiful castle or something more significant. This activity requires a bit of imagination and diligence. Here anyone can feel like a sculptor.

Inflatable beach slides, trampolines.

Currently there are on every major public beach. They are structures made of inflatable blocks in the form of towns, castles and other structures that include slides, springboards and trampolines. They give the opportunity to jump and somersault cheerfully, “fall into childhood”, give an emotional boost even to adults, not to mention teenagers and children.

Mobile beach games.

For those who try to keep their body in good physical shape, there is always a place for various outdoor games on almost every beach or in shallow water near the coast. The most common team games are: volleyball, football, badminton, throwing a flying saucer, chasing in the water and many others are also interesting. One of the necessary conditions is being under the sun with a covered head, so as not to get heat or sunstroke.

Bathing on a mattress/circle.

Tired of wiping your sides on a sunbed on the shore and you want more thrills, then you can enjoy smooth rocking on the waves, lying on an air mattress or a circle, next to the cool freshness of the sea.

Water balloon, zorbing.

Also quite a fun entertainment when one or more people (depending on size) are placed in an inflatable transparent ball or zorb. Such a ball (zorb) descends to the water surface and makes it possible to literally “walk on water”. The difference between a zorb and a ball is that the first has holes for ventilation, and the usual solid ball.

Riding on a catamaran, boat.

Do you want to become the captain of a small ship and surf the expanses of the water surface yourself? Then take the oars in your hands or put your feet on the pedals of the catamaran and go. True, most likely it will not be possible to sail beyond the horizon, because these ships are not intended for long-term travel.

Banana riding, tablet.

Those who want to ride sit on an air mattress in the form of a banana or tablet / cheesecake, and a boat or a powerful jet ski pulls them along on a cable, using various maneuvers to enhance the impression of the trip. This type of entertainment is semi-extreme, because it is associated with speed and risk, so you must wear a life jacket while skiing.

Riding on a jet ski, boat or yacht.

Are you confident in your abilities and want to test yourself as a real "sea wolf"? At your service are walks on various modern watercraft: from jet skis (jet skis) to cruise yachts. Riding a jet ski is the most attractive because the roar of the engine, spray, speed and endless possibilities for movement and route selection give a feeling of superiority over the elements. An incredible surge of emotions is guaranteed. If you want a more calm and safe conquest of the sea, you can rent a boat or yacht.

Many people want to see the sea from a bird's eye view and feel extraordinary freedom. Such an opportunity is provided by a parachute flight, which is tied to a boat with a cable. From a height you can see the beauty of the sea and the coastal zone and get a huge dose of adrenaline.

Surfing, windsurfing.

These types of entertainment will appeal to fearless and extreme-loving people. In surfing, a person slides on the water, standing on a special board, using the forces of nature: for ordinary surfing, this is power big wave, for windsurfing, is the strength of the wind that windsurfers catch with a sail mounted on the board. These activities require certain skills and physical fitness.

Water skiing, wakeboarding.

These are already more extreme types of entertainment, which have already grown into sports. Both are associated with speed and extreme and require certain skills and coordination of movements. Suitable for many who at least once in their lives went skiing or skiing and skateboarding or snowboarding. In wakeboarding, a special board (wakeboard) is used, which is also tied to a boat or jet ski.

One of the youngest entertainments on the water. It is a special board connected by a hose to a pump, from the lower surface of which a pressure of water escapes through the nozzles, so that due to the resulting pressure it is possible to soar above the water surface. It looks very impressive, requires some coordination and stability. According to some reports, you can take off on such a board up to 12 meters high!

Diving, spearfishing.

Diving into the depths of the sea, the diver can see the incredible beauty of the underwater world: a variety of marine life, the remains of ancient civilizations. You can just enjoy the views, but lately spearfishing has become widespread, when you can catch some sea creature with the help of special underwater weapons. In this type of entertainment, an experienced instructor must be present nearby.

This is not the whole list of events presented on different beaches of the world. You can also visit and have fun with your family and children in large water parks, water stadiums and other larger complexes. Here are collected only certain types of leisure most often found on beaches and reservoirs. Choose according to your taste, the main thing is not to be afraid and you will succeed! And be sure to follow safety precautions!

What is the most popular vacation in summer? One way or another, it is associated with water - life-giving cool moisture. This is especially true during the hot summer season. Which water attractions most popular and why? What must be researched and evaluated by everyone? Our review will help you answer these questions.

Popular water attractions

It is absolutely natural that summer rest mainly associated with water. What else will help to cool off in the heat and enjoy the coolness, refresh and cheer up?

And it's not just about swimming in a variety of water bodies. We want thrills, extreme, novelty of impressions. And this will not be the case. Today, there is simply an abyss of opportunities for an active, rich, memorable vacation. Water attractions - that's what every vacationer needs, regardless of age.


Water slides are very popular attractions, loved by both children and adults. Of different lengths, heights, shapes, with bends and plumes - each slide gives the riders their own sensations.

Ways of descent are also different, using all sorts of watercraft and devices. Entertainment, of course, fun, giving maximum positive emotions.

But do not forget about safety - each slide has its own rules for descent and restrictions on the age, height and weight of the riders.

In the American Kansas City water park you can ride from the highest in the world water slide(52 meters). You will fly at a speed of about 80 km per hour. But it's still not the fastest descent.

Some attractions allow you to fly down at speeds of more than 100 km per hour. Does the brave man enjoy such super-extreme entertainment? Something hard to believe.


Do you know water rides that allow you to literally walk on water? These are such transparent balls made of plastic - aquazorbs. Not only kids like this entertainment.

Adults also want to jump and somersault inside the zorb, sliding along the water surface.
It is difficult to maintain balance, but falling is absolutely painless. On the contrary, this process is fun both for the “zorbonaut” and for the audience.


Would you like to take off sharply above the surface of the water at one fine moment with the help of a powerful water jet? Today it is quite real, such entertainment is called flyboarding. It's more like an extreme sport.

Actually, a flyboard is a board that is connected by means of a flexible hose to the water jet of a jet ski. The most powerful pressure of water is supplied to the boots fixed on the board. A flyboarder can regulate his movement with the help of water cannons.

You can, like a bird, soar sharply upwards and immediately dive into the abyss of water, like a dolphin. These flights give an unforgettable experience, but are available to those who take risks and are not afraid of extreme sports.


Water attractions are very diverse - popular bananas and various slides are known to everyone. Do you know a device called aquaskipper - is it aquaplan or a waterplane?

Simply put, this is a water scooter that moves due to muscular strength. A person jumps and thus moves along the water surface. Jumps and pushes provide movement at a speed of about 30 km per hour.

The weight of the aquaskipper is about 12 kg, it is made of aluminum and foam. They ride it both in calm and in the presence of waves.

Blob or water catapult

In fact, water rides are a fascinating thing. At least for those who are not afraid to take risks and get new experiences.

Are you ready to experience the water catapult? The mechanism of its action is as follows: the so-called blob (that is, a catapult) is installed at a depth of at least 2.5 meters. Nearby is a tower from which the daredevil makes a jump to one end of the blob. And at the other end, another jumper (blober) soars up sharply and then jumps into the water.

Attractions on the water are so diverse that everyone can choose the right entertainment for themselves - from banana riding to kitesurfing and water skiing.

An overview of the most extreme water fun - in this video:

Take it, tell your friends!

Read also on our website:

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- to consolidate ideas about marine life, water transport;

- develop imagination, memory, pantomimic and speech expressiveness, orientation in space, physical skills;

- to form the ability to play together, interest in marine life, professions of people associated with the sea.

The teacher tells the children that they will go on a sea voyage, become real sea wolves, as experienced sailors are called. He asks what mode of transport can be used to travel by sea, on its surface and under water.

The children answer.

The teacher offers to get to the sea by train. Children are built by a locomotive. "They go" and sing the song "Merry Friends".

Journey to the sea

(Difficult words)

Good old locomotive

They took us to the sea in the summer.

The beach and waterfalls are waiting for us,

Fruit will also be welcome.

Fast motor ship

We will be taken by sea.

We will become divers

We will get different treasures.

Children come to warm sea. The teacher asks who was at sea? What did you like on vacation? What unusual things did the children see there? How is a seaside holiday different from a riverside holiday in our area?

The children answer.

The teacher offers to explore the bottom of the sea. Put on a diving suit and go down into the water. Under water, you can’t normally communicate, talk, so you can communicate with the help of movements.

My skillful hands

My hands are waves

(Children make waves with their hands.)

The wind drives them forward.

(Sharply throw hands forward.)

My hands are the wings of seagulls

(Slowly raise and lower hands.)

Heaven is calling them.

(Pull hands up.)

My hands are fish in the sea

(Connect fingers with pads, perform smooth movements.)

They swim here and there.

(Half-bent fingers point down, move them.)

My hands are crabs

They fled in all directions.

Let's go down to the bottom of the sea -

(They sit down.)

There are corals, like branches,

(Depict branches with fingers spread apart.)

Algae downstream

Rocked without wind.

(They lower their hands, shake them gently.)

Here a playful horse swam,

(One arm is bent at the elbow, the hand is lowered, depicting the head of a skate.)

Like a snake crawling moray eels,

(Make wave with hand.)

And the shark is resting.

(Put two arms outstretched.)

She's probably dreaming of the sea.

(Put palms under cheek, close eyes.)

The teacher asks the children what else they saw under water.

The children are talking.

The teacher draws attention to the sea. It worries. Offers to play the outdoor game "The sea is worried", depicting marine animals.

The teacher says that it's time to go to sea on a ship. Before going to sea, you need to sing the favorite song of Norwegian sailors. She asks the children to help her with this.

We raise anchors

And we sail a little dawn.

The sea is calling

The wind is singing.

We raise anchors

And we sail a little dawn.

Remember your end!

Cheer up!

The captain is chosen. The teacher offers to test the courage of the captain.

Bold Captain

I'm standing on the bridge

(Children spread their legs wide, hands on their belts.)

And I have binoculars in my hands.

(Depict binoculars with fingers, bring to the eyes.)

The waves are gently lapping

(They represent a light wave with their hands.)

The pitch is quiet so far.

(Slightly swaying from side to side.)

The waves suddenly became strong

(They represent a strong wave with their hands.)

And everyone fell from the pitching.

(They sit down.)

I hold tight to the rope

(The fists are tightly clenched, depicting the pulling of the rope.)

Suddenly the wind tore off the cap,

(The hand is brought to the head, they are sharply taken aside.

I began to catch with my hand,

(Imitate catching caps.)

Nearly fell off the bridge.

(They balance with their hands.)

The captain passed the test. The ship is moving on. Dolphins appear ahead. The teacher offers to show how dolphins spin, jump high, dive, etc., sing a song about dolphins from the cartoon "Katerok".

Ahead, the captain sees a sailboat.


Under white sails

blown by the winds,

A beautiful sailboat glides

Splattered by the waves.

He doesn't need peace

He keeps moving forward.

And for the movement of the wind

He will only need it.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the sailboat suddenly stopped. The wind stopped blowing. The sea is calm. Offers to help the sailboat - ask the wind to blow again. The teacher asks the children to remember how Prince Elisha from A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" asked the wind. Only we will ask him not for the princess, but for him to help the sailboat.

Wind, wind! You are powerful

You drive flocks of clouds

You excite the blue sea

Everywhere you fly in the open ...

Enough for you, wind, to sleep,

Raise the sails again.

Children turn to the wind, and then depict it.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that the sailboat has moved and is approaching them. It turned out to be a small sailing motor vessel - a boat. Offers to swim on the boat.

sea ​​adventure


By chance we got on the bot.

Never been on a ship before.

We sail forward

The sea distance calls to itself.

For some reason they took the bots with them.

The bot was immediately lost.

A wave took them to itself -

She is such a fashionista!

Two children use their hands to represent a sail, the rest represent a pitching.

You can use the song “White Capless Cap” (music by V. Model, lyrics by 3. Alexandrova), to which children dance a sailor dance on the deck of a sailboat.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that some kind of pipe sticks out of the water ahead. He asks what could it be? Children come to the conclusion that this is the periscope of a submarine. The teacher offers the children to become such a military submarine, to swim under water so quietly that the enemy does not hear the movement of the car.

Children stand in a column one after another, squat down, cling to each other by the shoulders, lower their heads. In complete darkness at the bottom of the sea, the captain (the very first one) controls the boat. Children squat behind him very quietly, skirting coral reefs, seamounts, swimming past whales and sharks.

The submarine sails into the harbor. All the sailors are happy, congratulate the captain, sing to him the song “There once was a brave captain” (music by I. Dunaevsky, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach).

In conclusion, the children remember where they were and what they saw. Plan further sea voyages.


The coolest entertainment in my opinion is a mechanical dolphin. In fact, this is a personal submarine designed in the image of an animal by Innespace Productions back in 2009. "Mechanical Dolphin" can reach speeds of up to 65 km / h and effectively jump out of the water.


Just like the dolphin Hydrodome BOB moves underwater. The design, in appearance, resembles a scooter or scooter with a sealed helmet, for one person. This is a real underwater moped with a drive. It contains an oxygen tank, and the head area is covered with a transparent dome, which provides excellent visibility.


Jetpack powered by a jet ski. The cost is 4900 euros. Device inventor Franky Zapata and his company Zapata Racing. It rises into the air due to four jets of water - two main platforms spew out from under the feet of the rider, two more additional ones - from under the hands of a person. The backpack is connected with a 9-meter hose to a jet ski and uses its jet stream. Traction control takes place on the motorcycle, however, as an option, it is possible to control the motorcycle engine from a satchel.


The fastest of today's vehicles on water, driven by human muscle power. The design is extremely simple. Several metal parts, legroom and the so-called steering wheel. Combining jumps and pushes, the rider sets in motion a device that slides through the water due to hydrofoils.


Riding on a board driven by the force of the wind through a kite. Who came up with this entertainment is hard to say, too many people were doing it. But it is known that Bill Rosler, a Boeing specialist, and his son Corey patented the "KiteSki" - a system that includes water skis and a 2-line delta kite.


A very dynamic attraction on the water, familiar from childhood. It was on such skis that the hare from the cartoon "Just you wait" rode. It was also one of Yuri Gagarin's favorite pastimes.

7 Water catapult or Blob (blob)

The blob (water catapult) is installed on the water, and the depth at the point where it ends must be at least 2.5 m. The water cushion is fixed to special attachment points on the sides. There is a tower next to the blob, from which the first "blober" jumps onto the catapult. At this time, another "blober" is sitting on the other end of the Blob. The air inside the blob (blob) moves to the opposite side of the airbag, where the second "blob" takes off into the air. But these are all the words that come out of it, see for yourself.

8 Bananas, tablets etc

It is also a rather dynamic attraction, but unlike the other passive ones, the rider does not have any control options. At the request of the organizers of the attraction can ride with a coup. On the banana, there is one chip in the last place, you can hang down and slide through the water holding only your hands, did this many times.

9 Zorb

Zorb entertainment is rather for children, an inflatable ball inside which a person is launched and he slides through the water, rolling and somersaulting. A zorb is a plastic ball consisting of two spheres, the space between which is filled with air. In the inner sphere of the zorb there is a suspension system (harness) for secure fixation of the passenger of the zorb, who is called the "zorbonaut".


Or water passages, allow you to walk on water as if on land. The device is an inflatable galoshes that are worn on the feet and due to their lightness and large area, the option of the gods becomes available - to walk on water.