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World event tourism. What is event tourism

Event tourism is a type of tourism focused on visiting an area at a certain time, associated with an event. There are many countries in the world, and in each of them events take place in the field of culture, sports, art - something of historical, cultural, sports value and importance.

In the case of event tourism, an event should be understood as a set of phenomena that stand out for their ambiguity and significance for a given society or humanity as a whole, for small groups or individuals. It may take the form of a one-time, unique phenomenon or a periodic observed phenomenon, observed annually or during certain periods of time. The tourism business always actively uses events to shape the tourism product and attract tourists to the event. The most important thing when organizing tours of this kind, as a rule, is advance planning.

If in the life of a tourist site there is no event that has developed historically as a tradition, it is invented on purpose. Consequently, there is a campaign to promote an event-oriented tourism product, attracting a mass of visitors, and therefore generating income from tourists who want to visit the area not only for the purpose of sightseeing, but also to participate in the celebration with the local residents and share their joy.

During the period of a planned event, tourism activities of tourism industry facilities sharply intensify. Foreign countries occupy the leading positions in recreation of this kind, but Russia is no exception; there is a great desire and work is underway to become one of the countries with high “event” potential and obtain the rights to hold mass events, and accordingly attract many thousands of wealthy tourists.

What events can the tourism market offer for visiting in the current 2008? The answer to this question is formulated individually for each person wishing to attend the event, depending on his preferences (sports, art, carnival, film premiere, concert, etc.) and the funds available for this tour. Also of great importance is the desired place of visit, whether it will be a trip solely for the purpose of visiting the selected event, or whether it will be a multi-day tour, the event in which will only be the reason for the trip.

Event tourism is understood as tourism activities associated with a variety of significant social events, as well as rare natural phenomena that attract large masses of compatriots and tourists from foreign countries with their uniqueness, exoticism, and originality. The event tourism block includes a number of cultural, sports, ethnographic, exhibition (business) tourism events. But not all of the events carried out should be attributed to it, only those that generate some income and, therefore, can be considered a resource component of the place (country) where they are held.

Business tourism is a type of tourism performed by representatives of companies, organizations, institutions, etc. for commercial purposes. Such as:

· attending conferences and meetings

· conducting negotiations, including personal ones

· establishment of business contracts

· participation in exhibitions and presentations,

· business trips of administrative employees (mostly short-term)

Like ordinary tourism, business tourism can be external and internal.

An event tour is a bright, unique journey, the purpose or one of the purposes of which is to attend an event that interests you - a concert, a football match, a carnival, a film festival, a Fashion show, etc. Unique tours that combine traditional holidays and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet, including, for example, the carnival in Rio de Janeiro and the world football championship, are gradually gaining more and more popularity among travelers seeking to spend their holidays as interesting, fun and varied. Traditional acquaintance with history and sights, culture and features today can be combined with visiting wonderful events that will later be pleasant to remember. After all, the main feature of event tourism is a lot of bright and unique moments! These events can be included in the program of visits during business trips to exhibitions, seminars, conferences and meetings, or be part of the program of incentive tours.

Incentive - (English incentive) official encouragement as a reward for something (success in work, product promotion, etc.); motivational event. An incentive tour is one of the most effective ways to express gratitude to your clients, employees, distributors, dealers for excellent work, to encourage and stimulate your best employees, this is a great opportunity to unite and motivate the work team and strengthen its team spirit.

Incentive programs are that rare case when business is combined with pleasure.

Event tourism activities are of great economic importance. During the period of their holding, the activity of all objects of the tourism industry intensifies. Consumer demand significantly exceeds supply. There is a revival of local cultural traditions, customs, and the development of folk art.

Event tourism is a relatively young and extremely interesting direction. The main purpose of the trip is dedicated to some event. Unique tours that combine traditional recreation and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet are gradually gaining more and more popularity. Event tourism is an enduring holiday atmosphere, individual recreation conditions and unforgettable impressions. This is a promising and dynamically developing type of tourism. In event tourism, several thematic types can be distinguished: 1) national festivals and holidays;

2) theatrical shows;

3) film and theater festivals;

4) gastronomic festivals; 5) festivals and flower exhibitions; 6) fashion shows; 7) auctions; 8) music festivals and music competitions;

9) sporting events.

Participants in event tours place increased demands on accommodation facilities, especially their classic type - hotels, transport (convenience of delivery to the event site), catering establishments and the services of interpretive guides. The peculiarity of event tourism is that every year it is replenished with new event tours, which from random become regular. The Olympics - the Summer and Winter Olympic Games - have occupied a strong place in event tourism. Currently, “carnival” tours are a large and stable segment of event tourism.

When organizing "carnival" tours, a number of tourists' requirements should be taken into account: - hotel location - near the place where carnival events take place; - availability of restaurants and quality food; - hotel architecture - ancient style; - room interior and color scheme; - number of service personnel; - availability of shops or rental points for carnival costumes.

It should be noted that event tourism is a unique type of tourism, since it is inexhaustible in content. A number of experts believe that in the near future the number of participants in event tours will exceed the number of participants in sightseeing tours.

Tourism is the basis of the economy of many developed and developing countries. The formation of a tourism business in a particular region, as a rule, is determined by the availability of tourism resources. Therefore, high and constant profitability of tourism is ensured by careful planning for the rational use, conservation, restoration and conservation of tourism resources. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that in Russia there are a huge number of cities and towns with rich cultural, historical and natural potential. But most of the tourism resources of these regions are potential and unclaimed due to either the inaccessibility and absence of the tourism industry, or the impossibility of generating and organizing the consumption of a tourism product due to any other objective or subjective factors. Therefore, travel companies are faced with the task of targeted and reasonable use of all tourism resources in their region. Considering this type of tourism as event tourism, it can be noted that, having traveled around the world, at one fine moment you realize that you have already been almost everywhere. There is one way out - this is to join the few ranks of “event people”, tourists who focus on local holidays, fairs, and festivals. Of course, event tourism and international tourism are two compatible concepts, since you will often have to travel abroad.

So, event tourism is exhibitions, fairs, festivals, concerts, sports and cultural events. In order to fully understand this concept, it is necessary to take a closer look at each type of event tourism using the example of World Events.

1. National festivals and holidays.

In terms of their role and place in tourism, sporting events are similar to various theatrical ones: carnivals, festivals (the French word from the Latin festivus - festive), national holidays, song and beauty competitions. Even in Ancient Greece (6th century BC), in honor of the god Apollo, the Pythian Games began to be held - musical competitions, which attracted participants and spectators from all over the Greek Oecumene. The prize for the winner was a laurel wreath.

The Edinburgh Festival is one of the most famous events in modern cultural life. The world's best opera, ballet and theater groups, as well as various folk ensembles, come to Edinburgh (Great Britain). Fans of eternal art also flock here. International festivals in Santander (Spain; held for 50 years) and Lucerne (Switzerland) are popular among classical music lovers. Classical art festivals can attract up to 55 thousand people. Film festivals have become the most important events in the world of creativity. They are traditionally held in Cannes (France), Venice (the world's first international film festival in 1932), Berlin, Tokyo, Moscow, Cairo (the largest film festival in the Arab world).

But carnivals are truly world famous. The origin of carnivals dates back to a ceremony in honor of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris. The origin of the word “carnival” (from Italian carne vale - goodbye meat) is associated with the holiday of gluttony on the eve of the 40-day Christian fast before Easter, when you can eat meat, drink wine and have fun. This tradition takes place among many Christian nations (in Russia - Maslenitsa, in France - Fat Tuesday). A week before the start of Lent, carnivals take place in almost all major cities in Latin America and Europe (Malta, Germany). Carnivals have historically implied liberation in entertainment and sex. This is where masquerades become widespread at carnivals - men and women put on fancy costumes and masks, trying to be attractive and not be recognized. In the Middle Ages, the French established the tradition of carnival as a universal holiday with copious libations, dancing and love games, and political parties used the holiday to playfully criticize the authorities. In Italy, carnivals took place in parades through the streets of Rome, Naples and other cities.

Jokes, laughter, and fun were present everywhere on the streets and in the houses. Guests from many overseas countries arrived to watch the Italian masquerade. The complex interweaving of human destinies, comedic, sublime and tragic, in connection with carnivals and masquerades became the theme of many outstanding literary works, which became the basis of the classics of this genre.

The high aesthetics and often exotic nature of carnivals attract many tourists. Many of them are held regularly at certain dates, which coincide with numerous tourist trips. Examples include the famous carnivals in Brazil, carnivals and masquerades in Italy.

The most famous festival event in the world is the Brazilian Carnival. This national holiday embodies the special spirit and lifestyle of a unique country. The population of Brazil was formed as a fusion of the indigenous Indian population, descendants of African peoples, and immigrants from Asian and European countries. The combination of different cultures and religions became the basis of new traditions, the crown of which was the Brazilian carnival - a national holiday that has no analogues in its scale, activity, significance in the life of society and the financial costs of its holding. The origins of the Brazilian carnival date back to 1641, when the governor of Rio de Janeiro declared a whole week a national holiday in honor of the coronation of the King of Portugal.

Currently, the carnival is held in February, officially for 4 days, but actually for a week or more. The streets and squares of all cities are filled with parades and processions, dancing and having fun with people in a variety of bright and fantastic costumes, regardless of their nationality, position, age and gender. Participation in the carnival procession is a great honor for any resident of the country. Numerous schools of samba, a rhythmic group dance with characteristic body movements, add a special charm to the holiday. Samba schools spend the whole year dreaming up and rehearsing their performances and sewing expensive costumes. They become the center of the carnival in their city, and the winners of the competitions receive the right to represent their city or region at the main festival in Rio de Janeiro, where the carnival procession will last three days without a break, after which the judges will announce the winner - the samba school, which will symbol of the country for the whole year.

The main parade of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro is held at a special sambadrome. The Sambadrome is a straight, more than kilometer-long street with huge, spacious stands for judges and spectators on both sides. Up to 1.5 million participants and spectators gather for the main carnival procession. Getting to Rio de Janeiro during the carnival period is difficult and expensive.

Reservations are made more than a year in advance and prices are very high. Hence the significant income of the local treasury, amounting to $100 million in 1995.

Festival events that attract thousands of tourists include: bullfighting (Spain, Portugal, France), parades and flower festivals (Holland, Thailand), Royal Horse Guards parade in London (UK), wine festivals (France, Switzerland) and beer (Germany) ), beauty pageants (the oldest of its kind - “Miss World” was founded in 1951 and is held annually in Sun City, South Africa). And also exotic ones - buffalo races and elephant races (Thailand), lizard races (USA), international sheep shearing championship “Golden Scissors” (New Zealand)

2. Gastronomic events.

Any national cuisine has its own exclusive recipes, but in some countries the art of cooking has been elevated to a cult. This means there is a special food culture there. Nowadays, so-called gastronomic tours are gaining popularity in the world. Almost every country in the world annually hosts gastronomic festivals, which attract spectators from different parts of the world, and the festivals themselves resemble one giant restaurant in which the public is constantly entertained and surprised.

Gastronomic travel is very popular all over the world. France has the most developed gastrotour system. Gourmet tourists come here from all over the world to enjoy the local cuisine. The French have always taken a responsible approach to the process of preparing and eating food. One of the main destinations for gastronomic tours is the north-west of France, namely Brittany. Here you will enjoy amazing seafood, preserved seaweed, local pancakes with pates and amazing cheeses. In France, the attitude towards food is special, so eating here is like a small ritual.

Another mecca of gastronomic travel is Italy. Lunches and dinners in the cities of Lombardy and Tuscany will provide an opportunity to appreciate top-class Italian cuisine. Carpaccio, pizza or polenta will satisfy any hunger, and no true lover of Italian dishes refuses spaghetti.

For example, in Lombardy (Italy) an unusual international film festival “Big Grub” is taking place. Eight paintings that arrived in Italy from different countries in Europe, America and Asia were devoted to the theme of food, winemaking and gastronomy. Film screenings took place in small towns and villages famous for their wine and cheese production.

In Spain, every year since 2005, the “Year of Gastronomy and Culinary Art” campaign has been held. Spain, and in particular Catalonia, is considered the birthplace of the most exquisite dishes. In the early Middle Ages, about 600 years ago, cooks from Catalonia had the right to be the first to print recipes in Romance languages. Nowadays gourmets call Barcelona “The New European Capital of Gourmets”. 9 restaurants in this city have been awarded a Michelin star. Starting in March, visitors to the country will be treated to top chefs, street fairs, cooking demonstrations, tastings, food tours, fiestas, exhibitions and a variety of delicious Spanish dishes. Each month is dedicated to the unique cuisine of a particular region: truffles - in March, snails - in May, mushrooms - in September, hot sauce - in November, etc. Throughout the year, tourists can take part in walking food tours through the Old City. The city's bustling markets host omelet-making competitions, and on one Tuesday each month there are cooking demonstrations by celebrity chefs. One of Europe's most spectacular food markets, La Boqueria, is lined with small stalls selling excellent regional cuisine. About 2,500 visitors visit this market per day - the same number as the city's Picasso Museum.

The Oyster Festival in Ireland is held in September (where you can try oysters, smoked salmon and Guinness), Oktoberfest in Munich takes place for 3 weeks starting in mid-September (beer and German snacks, sausages, duck). Moselfest in Bernkastel-Kues and Beaujolais Nouveau in France - new wine and snacks, San Fermin in Spain in July (national Spanish food), Olive Festival (first weekend of November) - Baena (Spain).

3. Auctions, exhibitions, fairs.

International exhibitions and fairs are a kind of review of achievements in the most important areas of human activity. The main functions of international exhibitions and fairs are the dissemination of world culture, the exchange of scientific and technical information, advertising of products and the expansion of foreign trade relations.

Many exhibitions and fairs are held systematically at the same time, and sometimes twice a year. The most popular times for such events are spring and autumn, which allows the tourist season to expand. The duration of an exhibition or fair is usually 2 weeks. During this time, they are visited by tens of thousands to several million people.

The status of “exhibition” and “fair” cities is given, first of all, to the capital and largest cities, which have a significant potential of visitors (city residents) and many foreign tourists. Very often, such events are organized in coastal cities, which are included in the cruise tourism visit program. About 80% of exhibition events take place in Western Europe and North America. There are especially many of them held in the USA, France, Germany and the UK.

The largest centers of exhibition activity in Europe and America are: Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Berlin, Brussels, Hanover, Washington, Vienna, Geneva, Copenhagen, London, Madrid, Paris, Strasbourg, Davos. These cities have the appropriate material and technical base and have opportunities for organizing leisure activities for foreign guests.

Exhibitions and fairs are most often organized to demonstrate the achievements of science and technology, industrial and agricultural production. Since the end of the 19th century. For centuries, World Exhibitions have been regularly held to demonstrate the achievements of mankind in various fields. For the World Exhibition of 1889, the Eiffel Tower was built according to the design of the French engineer A. G. Eiffel, which today has become a symbol of United Europe. The last and final World Exhibition of the second millennium, Expo 2000, was held in Germany in Hannover, a famous exhibition center.

Examples of traditionally held exhibitions include the air show (international exhibition of aeronautics and rocket science) in Bourges (France), annual exhibitions of books and printing equipment in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), and the largest motor show in Geneva (Switzerland).

In the last three decades, due to the rapid development of international tourism, tourism exhibitions and fairs are increasingly being held in order to familiarize ourselves with the tourism products of various companies, conclude commercial transactions and contracts, establish business contacts, exchange information, and advertise. The number of such events is constantly growing. In Europe alone, over 200 international tourism exhibitions and exchanges are organized annually.

The world's largest tourism fair, the International Tourism Exchange (ITB), has been held annually since 1966 in Berlin with the participation of tourism enterprises, representatives of national tourism organizations, transport and insurance companies, and specialized publishing houses. In 1998, more than 7 thousand exhibitors from 188 countries took part in the exhibition. Over the five days of operation, it was visited by 55 thousand tourism industry specialists and travel enthusiasts. The work of the Berlin Stock Exchange is based on the principle of thematic days, each of which is dedicated to certain areas in the development of the tourism industry (for example, eco-tourism, tourism prospects in certain regions of the world). As part of the work of the Berlin Stock Exchange, an international competition for tourist films is held, the highest award of which is the “Golden Compass”

Every year since 1980, at the end of January - beginning of February, the International Tourism Exhibition and Exchange FITUR is held in Madrid. This event occupies a special place in the calendar of international tourism events. In Madrid, at the beginning of the year, price and other trends in the tourism market for the new season are determined. FITUR is a demonstration primarily of tourism products from Spanish-speaking countries (Spain, Latin American countries). Also taking part in the exhibition are travel companies from the countries of northern, central and Eastern Europe, the USA and Canada, where holidays in Spain are invariably in demand among the population. In 1998, the Madrid exhibition was visited by about 300 thousand people, including 40 thousand specialists. About 6 thousand travel companies from 170 countries took part in its work.

The International Tourism Exchange in Milan also attracts thousands of participants. It attracts representatives of the tourism business from all over the world. Within the framework of the exhibition, various thematic programs are held annually, new projects are announced, and presentations of the latest technologies in tourism are organized.

The World Travel Market (WTM), organized since 1980 in London, is becoming increasingly prestigious. It takes place annually in mid-November. This purely professional exhibition is intended to establish direct contacts between specialists from different countries. More than 60 thousand representatives from 150 countries take part in it.

The Moscow International Travel and Tourism Exhibition (MITT) recently became one of the largest tourism fairs. In 2002, it was held for the ninth time. This type of event tourism, as a rule, involves well-to-do people, so the income from one tourist is 2-3 times higher compared to the average tourist, and the total income is 5-6% of global

Such events are of great importance for smoothing out seasonality in tourism, since they are timed to coincide with an event - a specific meeting, conference, fair, congress, etc. About 1/5 of such events held in the world take place in September. Organizing tourist flows is easier than tourism in general, since information about various conferences is sent out many months in advance. Modern electronic communications make it easy to keep track of the planning of these types of events. In particular, on the Internet, many international organizations continuously update pages with a list of international conferences in various fields of activity and fields of scientific knowledge.

4. Theatrical show. All kinds of theatrical shows are held in various countries around the world. For example, the show “Lord of the Dance”. Lord of the Dance (“Lord of the Dance”, a more common translation of “King of the Dance”) is an Irish dance show staged by choreographer Michael Flatley in 1996. The soundtrack was composed by Ronan Hardiman. The story-based show, based on Celtic folk music and Irish folk dancing, has gained wide popularity. The troupe has toured Europe and the USA several times. The Lord of the Dance soundtrack has sold 9 million video recordings and 1.2 million audio discs.

The Lord of the Dance numbers are united by a plot that is a fairy tale in the fantasy style. The show has no dialogue and delivers the story through intuitive scenes, character gestures and movements, music and dance. Some of the information is conveyed in the intervening songs. Circus festivals take place regularly and annually in Monte Carlo at the beginning of the year, usually in January. This is the most prestigious and significant festival of world circus art.

In Belgium, the city of Liege also hosts annual festivals, but usually in November or December. In France, in Paris, 2 festivals “Circus of Tomorrow” and “Circus of the Future” are held annually, usually in January. Children participate in them. In Hungary, in Budapest, every 2 years. Festivals are held annually in China. But acrobats mainly gather there.

5. Festivals and flower exhibitions. Flower festivals are held all over the world. The Venice Flower Festival is an unforgettable spectacle that tourists from different countries come to see. No one can be indifferent to the endless string of gondolas decorated with flower garlands and multi-colored lanterns, smoothly gliding along the surface of the canals, majestically reflected by the water. There are flowers all over the city, in squares and on decks young couples dance with bouquets in their hands. The clothes and hairstyles of the girls are decorated with flowers, wreaths, garlands and even symbolic arched gates that seem to grow straight out of the water are woven from them. And in Madeira, the Flower Festival is opened by the smallest residents of Funchal. On the main square of the capital they are building a real large wall of thousands of fresh flowers - the “wall of hope” - a symbol of peace and faith in the victory of good over evil. Then the city is overwhelmed by a whole wave of entertainment: competitions for the best lawn carpet of flowers and the best floral window decoration, competitions for street musicians and flower exhibitions. One of the main events of the festival is, of course, the grand flower parade. The carnival costumes of both parade participants and spectators are decorated with flower petals, buds and herbs. To the sounds of cheerful music, floats in the form of exotic flower beds with parade participants singing and dancing on them smoothly move through the city streets. The streets of the city, crowded with admiring spectators, shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. For several days the entire city is under the power of flowers.

6. Music festivals. In the world of music, as in sports, there are a number of events and dates that you should never miss. Therefore, the most popular music festivals in the world eventually become traditional, thus forming a musical calendar for the whole year, in which each event is unique and colorful in its own way, and you can talk about each of them and share impressions for a very long time.

American Microtonal Music Festival, founded in 1981 by composer and performer Johnny Reinhardt. The festival program includes both contemporary works and classical music in special arrangements for microtonal instruments.

The International Choir Festival in England, one of the oldest music festivals in the world, dates back to the 18th century. It takes place annually in the summer, alternately in three English cities - Worcester, Gloucester and Hereford. The festival includes concerts of choral music, chamber and organ concerts, musical performances, exhibitions, etc.

The Turku International Music Festival, founded in 1960, is held annually. One of the largest music festivals in Finland and Northern Europe. The festival includes classical and jazz music concerts, musical performances, concerts for children, and master classes for students.

The Bach Festival in Carmel (USA) was founded in 1935 and is held annually. The festival aims to show the influence and connection of Bach's music with other eras and cultures, therefore, in addition to Bach himself, the festival performs a wide range of works from Palestrina and Monteverdi to Britten and Barber. The festival has its own Festival orchestra and choir.

The Organ Music Festival in the Italian city of Bari has been held annually since 1996.

Soundwave. This dance music festival takes place in Croatia in July and usually lasts three days. All these three days in the old fishing village will be filled with rhythm, sun and a wonderful atmosphere of comfort on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. The musical performance itself takes place alternately in the ancient amphitheater and on the beach terrace drenched in the daytime sun, which only adds new colors and emotions to the already diverse event. The huge advantage of these places is their natural virginity and the friendliness of the population, who are always ready to welcome tourists with all the necessary living conditions and delicious cuisine.

7. Film and theater festivals.

The International Short Film Festival Oberhausen was founded in 1954 and is considered one of the largest and most respected short film festivals in the world. Over the 55 years of its existence, it has become one of the most significant events in the field of cinema. This festival was attended by directors and filmmakers such as Martin Scorsese, George Lucas, Roman Polanski, Alexander Cluj and Werner Herzog, as well as more recent directors Ulrik Oettinger, Romuald Karmakar, Pipilotti Rist, Jean-Pierre Jeunet and François Ozon. Being the largest film market in Europe, the festival attracts a huge number of journalists, producers, directors and other film professionals. Thus, the average viewer (as in Cannes or Venice) almost never manages to enter the halls of premiere shows. Therefore, at the end of the festival, the best films go on a worldwide tour to finally give everyone the opportunity to see what the world of cinema will be like this year and make their own film discoveries. This year, St. Petersburg will become the first Russian city to host the programs of the International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen.

The Cannes International Film Festival (French: Festival international du film de Cannes) is an annual film festival held at the end of May in the resort city of Cannes (France) at the Palace of Festivals and Congresses on the Croisette. Accredited by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF) among thirteen competitive feature film festivals (so-called “category A festivals”). The Cannes Film Festival is one of the oldest (first held in 1939) and most prestigious in the world.

The Berlin International Film Festival (German: Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, Berlinale) is an annual international film festival, held since 1951 in Germany. The main prize is the “Golden Bear” (the bear is the heraldic symbol of Berlin). Held annually in February (but until 1978 it was held in the summer), the year of the first festival was 1951

Unlike the Cannes Film Festival, the Berlinale is focused on progressive geopolitical cinema. The jury pays special attention to ensuring that the festival program includes films from all over the world, including films from countries of the former Eastern Bloc. The premieres take place at the Berlinale, located at Marlene-Dietrich-Platz 1.

The Savonlinna Opera Festival is the most famous international cultural event in Finland and one of the popular destinations for event tourism. Its special feature is the vibrant performances and concerts that take place in the medieval fortress of Olavinlinna against the backdrop of the epic landscapes of the Saimaa lake region. The festival dates back to 1912, but it became annual only in 1967 and is now one of the top ten opera festivals in the world. Last year, about 61,000 spectators attended the Savonlina Opera, 10% of them were foreigners and only 2% were Russians.

8. Fashion shows.

Milan Fashion Week is a special event that is always looked forward to. People from all over the world come here to attend exclusive shows of famous Italian designers, visit exhibitions and be the first to know what awaits the fashion world in the coming season.

Paris shows are a completely different story compared to rebellious New York, extravagant London and chic Milan. Paris Fashion Week is characterized by a mixture of styles and unexpected concepts from talented designers with big names.

Since 2003, Moscow Fashion Week has been held twice a year, at the end of March (autumn-winter shows) and at the end of October (spring-summer shows) and presents ready-to-wear clothing (French pret-a-porter). ).

9. Sports events. International sports competitions (Olympic Games, World and Continental Championships, Universiade) attract millions of people. And even the development of modern communication systems and television does not reduce the flow of tourists traveling to other countries in order to personally participate in a sports festival and support the team of their country. It can be considered that attending sports competitions is one of the oldest types of travel. In the modern stream of sports event tourism, athletes and their accompanying persons make up a small part; they are mainly represented by fans. For example, at matches of the European football championships there are up to several tens of thousands of fans of a team arriving from another country. Trips to sporting events, as a rule, are short-term and are not accompanied by large monetary expenditures per tourist, but due to their mass nature they provide the corresponding country with considerable tourist income.

Among all sporting events, the Winter and especially the Summer Olympic Games stand out in terms of the size of tourist flows and income. The Olympic Games in Ancient Greece were held from 766 BC and attracted many spectators from different parts of Hellas. Nowadays, visiting the Olympic Games costs fans 1,000-2,000 dollars. It is characteristic that the venues for the Olympic Games are mainly world centers of attraction for tourists: Paris (1900, 1924), Rome (1960), London (1908, 1948), Athens (1896), Mexico City (1968) g.), Moscow (1980). The Winter Olympic Games are often held at ski resorts - Chamonix (France, 1924), Grenoble (France, 1968), Innsbruck (Austria, 1964, 1976), Sapporo (1972), Nagano (Japan, 1998). The Olympic Games often increase the tourist value of a particular center. For example, holding the Olympic Games in South Korea, firstly, made it possible to create a powerful material and technical base for tourism in preparation for the Olympics, and secondly, to demonstrate the attractiveness of Seoul as a tourist center, which ultimately led to the rapid development of inbound tourism in the country.

The Royal Regatta in London, held annually on the river, also has an attractive force for tourists. Thames since 1839 (five days of exciting races cost the organizers $1.2 million), Europe's largest yacht race on Lake Geneva (Switzerland), Grand Slam tournaments (the most prestigious tennis games held in Melbourne, Wimbledon , Munich and Paris), World Football and Figure Skating Championships, Formula 1 (the most significant competition in the world of motorsport).

Thus, the types of event tourism are quite extensive and often come into contact with each other. Event tourism is a unique chance to become a living witness to the greatest events in the world of sports, culture and art anywhere in the world.

Event tourism

Event tourism - this is a type of tourism focused on visiting an area at a certain time, associated with an event. An event should be understood as a set of phenomena that stand out for their ambiguity and significance for a given society or humanity as a whole, for small groups or individuals. It can take the form of a one-time, unique phenomenon or a periodic one, observed annually or during certain periods of time.

Event tourism for the most part is an individual type of recreation, which is filled with a constant holiday atmosphere. People who go on such a trip will undoubtedly experience many bright, unforgettable moments that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

The peculiarity of event tourism is that every year it is replenished with new event tours, which from random become regular.

All event tourism can be divided into several categories, which are selected according to the scale of the event. On this basis, national and international events are distinguished. Also in event tourism there are several areas that are divided depending on the topic: film festivals, theatrical shows, carnivals, fairs, fashion shows, folk festivals, flower festivals, gastronomic festivals, sporting events, music festivals, religious holidays, economic forums, etc. .

If in the life of a tourist site there are no events that have developed historically as traditions, it is invented on purpose. For example, in the city of Suzdal (Vladimir region) many thematic holidays are held - these events attract a large number of both Russian and foreign tourists. The Goose Fights and the Cucumber Festival, held on the territory of the Museum of Wooden Architecture, have already become famous. Tourists are also attracted by New Year's Eve, Christmas, Epiphany, Trinity, the Russian Fairy Tale festival, Maslenitsa, Rusal Week, the international Indian Summer festival and other events.

In event tourism there are several thematic types:

1) national festivals and holidays:

Summer holiday “Ysykhak” (Yakutia);

International Festival “Fashion and Style in Photography” (Moscow);

All-Russian Military History Festival "Borodin Day" (Borodino, Moscow region);

Military-historical festival “Kulikovo Field” (Tula region).

2) theatrical shows:

International folklore festival “World Village” (village Roshchino, Leningrad region);

Festivals of historical reconstructions (Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Vyborg, etc.);

Equestrian theatrical show (knight's tournament) in the Lion's Head castle (Sukko village, Anapa, Krasnodar region).

3) film and theater festivals:

Film Festival "Kinotavr" (Sochi, Krasnodar region);

Theater festival "Golden Mask" (Moscow);

Moscow International Film Festival of Mountain and Adventure Films (Moscow);

Children's Film Festival "Fairy Tale" (Moscow).

4) gastronomic festivals:

Great Moscow International Beer Festival (Moscow);

Festival "Sea of ​​Beer in Sochi" (Krasnodar Territory);

International gastronomic festival “Food Show” (Moscow);

Cucumber Festival (Suzdal, Vladimir region);

Holiday-festival dedicated to tomatoes (Syzran, Samara region).

5) festivals and flower shows:

International Flower Festival (St. Petersburg);

International Festival “Flowers of Sakhalin” (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region);

All-Russian Flower Festival in Anapa (Krasnodar Territory).

6) fashion shows and festivals:

International fashion festival “Velvet Seasons” (Sochi, Krasnodar region);

Festival of fashion and theatrical costume "Volga Region Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev" (Samara);

International festival "Fashion. Russia. Style" (St. Petersburg);

Fashion festival “Ples on the Volga. Linen palette" (Ples, Ivanovo region).

7) auctions:

Real estate auction (Moscow);

Numismatic auction (St. Petersburg);

Antique auction (Moscow).

8) music festivals and music competitions:

Musical competition named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky (Moscow);

International Festival of Russian Classical Music named after. S.V. Rachmaninov (Veliky Novgorod);

International Arts Festival “Russian Music in the Baltic” (Kaliningrad);

9) sporting events:

UEFA Champions League (Moscow);

International tennis tournament “Kremlin Cup” (Moscow);

Winter Olympics 2014 (Sochi).

10) international technical salons:

Aviation and Space Salon "MAKS" (Zhukovsky, Moscow region);

Motor show in Moscow;

Exhibition of state security equipment “INTERPOLITEX”;

Naval Salon (St. Petersburg);

The tourism business actively uses events to shape the tourism product and attract tourists.

Today, event tourism is developing dynamically in Russia. Almost every city in Russia is interesting for its cultural and sporting events, which take place in front of a large crowd of spectators. Sports events such as the Kremlin Cup tennis, hockey tournaments and football matches are also popular in Russia. A significant increase in the incoming flow of tourists was also ensured by the Eurovision 2009 music competition. The Moscow International Film Festival and various ethnic, folklore and military-historical holidays are held annually. Music festivals dedicated to world-famous Russian composers have great potential to turn into high-level world events.

It should be noted that event tourism is a unique type of tourism, since it is inexhaustible in content. A number of experts believe that in the near future the number of participants in event tours will exceed the number of participants in sightseeing tours. - the first Russian portal about event tourism, became a member of the Russian Union of Travel Industry. The portal is positioned as a guide for active tourists and independent travelers attending various events and activities in Russia and abroad.

Tourism is one of the most dynamic phenomena of the modern world. Recently, it has acquired enormous growth rates and the scale of influence on the level of development of the world community as a whole, and in many countries it is a basic sector of the economy.

Event tourism is a relatively young and extremely interesting direction. The main purpose of the trip is dedicated to some event. Unique tours that combine traditional recreation and participation in the most spectacular events on the planet are gradually gaining more and more popularity. Event tourism is an enduring holiday atmosphere, individual recreation conditions and unforgettable impressions. The main feature of event tourism is the many bright, unique moments. This is a promising and dynamically developing type of tourism. Such tours are becoming more and more popular; more and more people are appearing who want to spend their vacation or weekend as interesting as possible.

Event tourism is gaining popularity among energetic, modern people who know what they want and plan their own vacation. After all, so many interesting things happen on the planet every day. Event tourism is a holiday chosen directly by the tourist and prepared specifically for him.

As a rule, the target audience of event tourism is wealthy tourists with above-average income, as well as companies consisting of several couples.

Event tourism is a type of vacation for those who want to spend their vacation as interesting, eventful and vibrant as possible, and enjoy new experiences. Event tourism is a unique opportunity to become not only a witness, but also an active participant in unique events of culture, art and sports.

The definition of “event tourism” first appeared in the 80s in Europe. At that time, event tourism did not stand out as a separate direction in tourism, but was part of such areas of tourism as adventure tourism, eco-tourism, gastronomic tourism and some others. Later it separated and established itself as a separate branch of tourism. However, the phenomenon of event tourism itself has very deep roots. Most modern festivals are based on historical events, holidays, and traditions.

Event tourism includes a number of cultural, sports, ethnographic, and exhibition tourism events. But not all of the events carried out should be attributed to it, only those that generate some income and, therefore, can be considered a resource component of the place where they are held.

Event tourism activities are of great economic importance. During the period of their holding, the activity of all objects of the tourism industry intensifies. Consumer demand significantly exceeds supply. There is a revival of local cultural traditions, customs, and the development of folk art.

Now event tourism is one of the most dynamically developing and promising areas in tourism.

There are the following classifications of event tourism:

  • 1. By event scale:
    • a) international level;

b) national level;

  • c) regional level;
  • 2. By event topic:

a) national festivals and holidays

b) theatrical shows:

c) film and theater festivals:

d) gastronomic festivals:

e) fashion shows:

f) auctions:

g) music festivals and music competitions:

h) sporting events:

i) Carnivals:

Events are an important motivator in tourism. Event tourism is based on attracting a large number of tourists to some event in the life of the region that is attractive to tourists.

Professor at the Canadian University of Calgary Donald Goetz classifies events that are a reason for tourism.

  • 1. Cultural celebrations:
    • - festivals;
    • - carnivals;
    • - religious events.
  • 2. Political and government events:
    • - summit meetings;
    • - official visits;
    • - elections.
  • 3. Events in the field of education and science:
    • - conferences;
    • - seminars;
    • - scientific prizes;
    • - student Olympiads.
  • 4. Arts and entertainment events:
    • - concerts;
    • - award ceremonies;
    • - exhibitions, fairs;
    • - business, trade.
  • 5. Sports events and competitions:
    • - professional competitions (Olympiads, championships, etc.)
    • - amateur competitions.
  • 6. Social events.
  • - holidays in the country.
  • 7. Private events:
    • - weddings and other holidays.

When organizing event tours, a number of tourists’ requirements should be taken into account:

  • - hotel location - next to the place where the event is taking place;
  • - availability of quality food;
  • - the opportunity to visit the main attractions of the area;
  • - presence of shops and souvenir shops.

The main advantages of event tourism are its all-season nature and high profitability. However, in Russia, event tourism, which brings profit, has not yet received widespread development. The country has not yet formed any periodically recurring socially significant events that attract large masses of not only Russian, but also foreign tourists.

Also, the advantages of event tourism include the fact that every year it is replenished with new event tours. Tourists visiting the region with the aim of participating in the event are potential consumers of other types of tourism in the region.

Event tourism is a unique type of tourism, as it is inexhaustible in content.

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight only the impossibility of predicting demand for an event.

Having a good time is the natural desire of every person. After all, the pace of life is incredibly stressful now, so much so that it often does not allow for proper rest. Therefore, many of those who, for whatever reason, cannot allocate enough time to relax, put it off for the duration of their vacation. How to spend it as brightly as possible? For many, an ordinary beach holiday is no longer of particular interest, as are standard sightseeing tours. That is why some people prefer to plan their vacation around the time of an event, which allows them to make their vacation truly bright and unforgettable. This type of travel is called event tourism. What else can be said about the essence of this type of travel? What are its advantages both for tourists themselves and for host communities? How did this direction develop? What events are particularly popular? What can be said about event tourism in the Russian Federation? You can find out detailed answers to all these questions by reading this article.

The essence

To begin with, it is important to thoroughly understand what event tourism is. A small but very clear example will help you figure this out. Suppose there is a small, nice town that has a number of attractions, which, however, do not really attract tourists to it. At a certain point, the city government makes an important decision: to establish a flower festival in this locality. Just a few years have passed, and now thousands of interested tourists visit this city to plunge into the sea of ​​colors and aromas. This is event tourism. In other words, it is the deliberate, purposeful movement of travelers to attend a specific event that takes place outside their home city or country. It can be any show, ceremony, concert, various theatrical performances, festivals. Sports tourism is also very popular. For example, visiting the Olympic Games or the World Cup. As you can see, the essence of this term is extremely simple and understandable. The situation is a little more complicated with its other features.

Event tourism: development and role

Tourism of this kind became firmly established in the theory and practice of the international tourism industry only at the end of the previous century. And over the past fifteen years, this special area of ​​travel has developed incredibly dynamically. Every year, a huge number of people leave their native area in order to attend some attractive event. Why are these types of events interesting for their guests?
As a rule, they are absolutely unique; their analogue cannot be found in another territory. This is an affordable way to get new vivid impressions. However, for this, the tourist must be at a specific time and in a specific place.

What role does event tourism play? Projects are varied and perform a number of important functions. Among them are the following:

  • provoke further development of the infrastructure of a certain locality;
  • create an attractive image of the area;
  • attract new tourists;
  • revive “stagnant” settlements.

And although the role of event tourism is not often discussed, the above functions of this type of travel confirm that it is of great importance for the economic situation of certain territories. It would be extremely unwise to ignore this fact. After all, not every locality has the opportunity to discover this kind of additional source of income. Therefore, those cities that have such potential should use it to the maximum. Within a short time such efforts will bring noticeable results.

Main types

There are various areas of event tourism. They differ, for example, in the goals that their organizers set for themselves. Some events are intended solely for entertainment, amusement and relaxation, while others are intended to promote certain sports. And some have even more worthy goals (for example, educational or educational).

So, what types of events are distinguished within the framework of event tourism? Among them are the following:

  • Cultural tourism. This type includes exhibitions, carnivals, concerts and festivals. The subject matter does not matter.
  • Sports tourism. Within this type, events such as the Olympic Games, as well as European and world championships in various sports are distinguished.
  • Business events. Namely: presentations, meetings, business fairs and meetings.
  • Scientific and educational events. This type includes symposiums, conferences, lectures and seminars.
  • Children's event tourism. Entertaining and educational activities for children of all ages.

Such variety will help everyone find something to their liking. Don't be afraid to try new things, expand your horizons. Attending an event that was not previously interesting to you may give you a new hobby or even completely change your tastes and preferences. Be open to new information. And then life will be able to sparkle with truly bright colors.

What to consider when organizing

Often the organization of event tourism is the task of specialized organizations. However, they sometimes make mistakes. What needs to be taken into account when organizing weekend tours or carnival tours? There are a number of special requirements for the place of residence of tourists during the trip. Among them are:

  • Correct location of the hotel. It must be located near the venue of the event.
  • The hotel's architecture should be a reflection of the ancient style.
  • The hotel must have an appropriate number of service staff.
  • The color scheme of the room and its interior should look decent and harmonious.
  • It is important that there are restaurants and other quality food establishments nearby.
  • There should be shops nearby where you can purchase themed goods that match the event.

If the organizers take into account all these rules for accommodating travelers established by international standards, event tourism will give guests only the most pleasant emotions. After all, this is exactly what they expect from such trips.

Most famous events

Youth event tourism, along with its other types, is developing extremely dynamically today. This is partly due to the fact that this type of travel not only provides an opportunity to gain new emotions and relaxation, but also to become an integral part of a large family united by common interests. Such events give people unforgettable impressions and memories that warm them for a long time.

For example, among carnivals around the world, the most popular are the Brazilian and Venetian ones. What impresses tourists most is their duration and scale. After all, these cities become festival sites of colossal size for several weeks.

Amsterdam attracts flora lovers year after year. Every September there is a Flower Parade. Others like to visit the Bonsai festival that is held in Japan. Connoisseurs of good alcohol gather at the Wine Festival in Moldova and the world-famous Oktoberfest in Germany. You can follow fashion trends by attending shows held in Paris and Milan, which attract the close attention of socialites. Others prefer sporting events or a variety of music events (for example, the Montreux Jazz Festival, the Salzburg Music Festival, and the international popular music competition Eurovision).

Benefits of event events

Why is event tourism so attractive to travelers? There are a number of obvious advantages of various event events. Among them are the following:

  • As a rule, this event is harmoniously woven into the overall outline of the trip. In this case, the audience experiences a feeling of deepest immersion, which helps to achieve extremely high receptivity.
  • Emotions are formed en masse among tourists as a group, and not as individuals. This creates a feeling of unity, belonging to the common. This way, much stronger impressions are generated.
  • These kinds of events are attended by tourists on a voluntary basis. This means that they do not feel as if they are being pushed with a variety of advertising information.
  • The positive emotions that a successfully held event evokes are transferred to the territory in which it took place. This helps to form the population’s loyalty to tourists.
  • Events of this kind provide an opportunity to establish contact with journalists and create a good reputation for the event in the press.
  • If the event is successful, it can become a brand within a short time. This is quite easy to use in the future in order to competently build a strategy for the development of the region.
  • Sales of thematic attributes and souvenirs related to a specific event are significantly increasing.
  • Such events provoke active cooperation between business and city authorities in order to significantly reduce the costs of their implementation.
  • Opportunity to organize a long-term marketing campaign. It should begin long before the event (creating posters, announcements, invitations, holding thematic press conferences), and such a campaign will continue for a long time after the event (articles in the media, tours, various final speeches).
  • Among other things, travel companies can consider the audience of the event as a large focus group in which various offers and services are tested. This helps to collect preliminary information about consumers.
  • Event marketing can be used even in places where advertising would not normally work or would even be prohibited.

All of the above proves that event tourism can bring a lot to the territory in which the event is held. This cannot be ignored when planning long-term.

Brazilian Carnival

Cultural tourism attracts a huge number of tourists. One of the popular events in this context is the carnival in Rio de Janeiro (however, similar events are held in other cities of this country). The roots of this holiday relate to approximately the same ancient traditions as the Russian Maslenitsa. Carnival marks the beginning of Lent. This is how Brazilians say goodbye to their usual food for forty days. The carnival has become one of the most important holidays of this state. This unusual tradition came from Portugal 400 years ago. Over the course of several centuries, the carnival has undergone changes under the influence of the culture of other European countries (in particular, Italy and France). And only in the 19th century this holiday was enriched with colors, unusual costumes and colorful characters. This is why tours to Brazil for the carnival are such a success. Should you attend a similar event? Judge for yourself.


What else is event tourism? Examples can be given for a long time. One of the most striking is Oktoberfest. This is a large-scale annual Munich beer festival. This holiday lasts about two weeks. Beer really flows like a river there: during each festival, its guests drink about six million liters of this drink.

How many tourists does Munich receive during this period of time? About six million people. In general, the financial turnover of the festival is about 450 million euros. Of course, not every body is capable of staying at a festival of this type for two weeks without damage to health. In order to help those who feel unwell, more than a hundred competent medical workers are constantly on duty at the festival.

Event tourism in Russia

What can you say about the Russian Federation? How developed is this subtype of tourism on the territory of our state? Despite the opinion of some, Russia also offers a number of interesting and well-organized events for foreign tourists. What events can be attributed to this group? Among them are:

  • Film festival in Sochi "Kinotavr".
  • Theater festival "Golden Mask".
  • Yakut summer holiday Ysykhak.
  • Victory Day at Borodino.
  • Kaliningrad International Arts Festival.

Of course, in terms of the variety of topics, event tourism projects in Russia are on par with foreign ones in many respects. However, the level of organization and preparation, the scale of holding and the amount of financing of Russian events are significantly inferior. While event tourism could become an inexhaustible source of income for certain regions of the Russian Federation. This is clearly demonstrated by the situation in Tobolsk. This city is home to more than two dozen diverse events. Every year they bring the city budget more than fifty million rubles. What is the essence of the problem of Russian event tourism?

  • Poor infrastructure development in the state, including an insufficient number of hotels of a decent level, and poor quality road surfaces.
  • The passive position of officials, reluctance to take measures that would contribute to the development of event tourism.


So, what is the type of travel in question? This is the movement of people from their locality to a certain place at a specific period of time when some event of interest to the tourist is taking place there. For the travelers themselves, this means a colossal amount of positive emotions, vivid impressions and colorful memories. This is an opportunity to have a pleasant weekend or vacation, to feel like a part of something big and whole.

For the localities in which the event is actually organized, this means significant additional income. For example, hotels, restaurants and other catering establishments, shops selling souvenirs and other themed paraphernalia make money. However, the city itself must meet certain requirements in order to be able to host such events. Moreover, the larger the event, the higher the demands placed on the locality. It must contain a sufficient number of decent hotels with a good level of service, the required number of cafes and restaurants, and it must have a well-developed infrastructure (good roads, for example).

Unfortunately, as far as the Russian Federation is concerned, not all cities that have potential in this regard meet the established requirements, and there is no need to talk about outback settlements, even if they are unusually original and colorful. So, Russian cities, which have many attractions and which could become an excellent venue for festivals and other cultural events, are losing this opportunity only because local officials do not pay enough attention to the development of their subject. Meanwhile, such investments in development would be an excellent investment, and would pay off very soon. After all, interest in event tourism is growing uncontrollably. Competent specialists have long seen this as an opportunity to significantly increase revenues to the local budget.

Is it difficult to make your locality an event tourism destination? Of course, this requires certain efforts, including financial investments, creating a team of creative specialists who would plan events. By the way, the organization of such events also requires an extremely responsible approach. It is necessary to take care of a colossal number of nuances. And not only about those that relate to the event itself, but also about those that relate to the accommodation of guests.

Event tourism is definitely worth your attention. A detailed study of this topic can help you choose your type of tourism, have an unforgettable time and preserve warm memories for a lifetime. Be bolder! Develop yourself and live an interesting life!