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The most visited countries in the world. Rating of the best countries for tourism Famous countries in the world list for holidays

An experienced traveler tries to choose an interesting and original place for each new trip, but everyone was once a beginner. When I first started traveling, like most ordinary tourists, I first visited those countries that I had heard and knew about most. So which countries are the most visited today? Where do crowds of tourists flock?

No. 10. Mexico - 29.1 million visitors per year

Mexico ranks 10th in the ranking of the most visited countries in the world. In the ranking of countries on the continent of America, Mexico ranks second in terms of attendance after the United States, even ahead of Canada! The number of visitors to Mexico per year is greater than the number of visitors to the entire Caribbean (22.8 million per year). The most visited region in Mexico is the Yucatan Peninsula. People come here for the stunning beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, lush rainforests and bustling nightlife.

No. 9. Russia - 29.8 million visitors per year

In recent years, Russia has been among the top 10 most visited countries in the world, only slightly behind the UK. There are 26 sites in Russia that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Lake Baikal, volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, the Black Sea coast, the snowy mountains of Altai - just a few of the thousands famous places for visiting.

Russia is rich not only in natural sites, but also in cultural attractions. The main cultural centers - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Novgorod, Kazan, etc. - are famous for their numerous churches, museums, historical buildings, theaters, palaces, fortifications and other objects with a rich, centuries-old history.
The popularity of Russia as a country to visit is growing every year. About a million people in the Russian Federation work in the tourism sector.

No. 8. UK - 32.6 million visitors per year

The tourism business annually brings $17.2 billion to the state treasury. The majority of UK tourists are Europeans; the second largest group of tourists comes to the UK from the USA and Canada. London is the most visited city in the United Kingdom and the Tower is the most visited place.

No. 7. Germany - 33.0 million visitors per year

Germany is considered one of the safest travel countries in the world. Tourism is developed in Germany both for its own citizens and for foreign ones. According to statistics, 30% of Germans prefer to vacation within the country.

In Germany, 2 million people work in the tourism sector, and the share of tourism in Country's GDP- 4.5%. The cultural tourist centers of Germany are Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, they are also the most visited cities in the country. Of the natural attractions in Germany, the most famous are: Saxon Switzerland National Park, Vorpomeranian Lagoons National Park, Jasmund National Park. These parks are visited by millions of tourists every year.

No. 6. Türkiye - 39.8 million visitors per year

Türkiye is in 6th place in terms of attendance. The country is known for its rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity. In Turkey a large number of historical, cultural and archaeological monuments, and in addition to this enchanting seaside resorts on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. Istanbul is the most visited city in Turkey.

In 2015, Turkey's tourism industry suffered losses due to a number of accidents associated with terrorist groups. Türkiye lost a third of its total tourist flow.

No. 5. Italy - 48.6 million visitors per year

Visiting Italy is the dream of many people. 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, countless cultural artifacts, Roman and Renaissance archaeological sites, Mediterranean coastline and much more! Italy rightfully ranks 5th in terms of attendance.

The most visited cities in Italy: Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan. 48.6 million tourists a year bring huge amounts of money to the country's treasury.

No. 4. China - 55.6 million visitors per year

The great Wall of China, Sacred Mountains China, Shaolin Monastery, Huangoshu Falls, Forbidden City, Three Gorges Power Station and many other attractions make China one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. According to the World Trade Organization, by 2020 China will become the world's number one destination country.

No. 3. Spain - 65.0 million visitors per year

Tourism is the main industry in Spain. The share of tourism is 11% of the country's GDP. People travel to Spain to visit Barcelona and Madrid, the Mediterranean resorts, and take part in Carnivals and Encierro (a Spanish national custom consisting of running away from bulls, cows or calves specially released from a pen).

15 national parks attract nature lovers. Spain is also famous for its ski resorts. 13 Spanish cities are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and attract tourists from all over the world.

No. 2. USA - 74.8 million visitors per year

The vast country of the United States can surprise both new and experienced travelers. In cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, the flow of tourists does not stop all year round. Among the natural attractions of the USA: the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, the wonderful landscapes of Alaska, the beaches of Hawaii and much more. In 29 US states, tourism is the main industry that brings in a lot of money to the treasury.

The largest flows of tourists to the USA come from Mexico, Canada, and the UK. According to statistics, by 2025 the United States will earn 2.5 trillion. US dollars on tourism.

No. 1. France - 83.7 million visitors per year

For the most part, people are attracted by the local flavor and special atmosphere, in addition, France is famous for its exquisite cuisine and wines.

Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world, thanks to the Eiffel Tower. In addition to Paris, people go to Lyon, Strasbourg and other cities. France is famous for its magnificent ski resorts, alpine mountains, beaches, picturesque French villages, beautiful gardens and parks and much more.

According to the world data tourism organization, more than a billion people visit foreign countries every year. Where do modern tourists and travelers most often go, what are the most popular countries for tourism? We will not take into account those people who come to other countries for just one or a few days; we are interested in those who spent at least a week there.


The most popular countries for tourism in Europe are led by France. Paris, in particular, is the most visited city by foreign tourists and is quite often called the most romantic place on earth. Right here at the top Eiffel Tower, a huge number of marriage proposals have been made, the newlyweds come to Paris. In a word, everything here is shrouded in an atmosphere of love and romance.

Of course, not all tourists who come to France are lovers; there really is something to see and be surprised by. Huge cultural heritage, amazing national cuisine, exquisite wine, gorgeous nature - this is what attracts tourists from different parts of the world. If you want to spend a few days at sea, feel free to go to the Cote d'Azur - here are the most fashionable resorts and luxury hotels.


This country will satisfy taste preferences and lovers beach holiday, and connoisseurs of attractions that are part of the world cultural heritage. A comfortable climate, a lot of cultural and historical attractions, excellent Mediterranean cuisine and the friendliness of the locals are what many tourists note.

Be sure to visit Barcelona - one of the most beautiful cities not only Europe, but also the world.


In recent years, the world's leading tourism destination has welcomed China into its “community.” This country is visited by an increasing number of tourists from different parts of the globe, and Russians have also “tasted” it. The incredible natural beauty and originality of culture will not leave even the most sophisticated tourist indifferent.

If you like traditional Asian countries, for example, be sure to visit China at least once in your life - you will be truly delighted. There is no less color and exoticism here, but the quality of recreation and the development of infrastructure are impressive. More than 55 million tourists visit China every year.


Surely every second person in the world would like to visit the USA. If you are looking for the most popular countries for tourism, you will probably find America in every ranking. The country of enormous opportunities has been attracting not only emigrants, but also tourists for more than a century. Entertainment lovers and megacities are attracted to New York, Las Vegas, and Chicago. In turn, connoisseurs of local beauty will find a lot of interesting things here. How do you like the Grand Canyon or, say, Yellowstone? national park?

The standard of living in America is impressive, and some tourists really begin to think about moving after their trip. That is why the United States has tightened visa requirements, especially for Russians.

Great Britain

It is difficult to call England a classic holiday destination, however, the most popular countries for tourism include it in their list. The country certainly does not experience a shortage of tourists.

Of course, most tourists go to London, which offers attractions for every taste: from art to traditional football. But there are also those travelers who visit remote corners of the country where they can admire stunning scenery.


The most popular tourism countries, or rather the list of those already listed, need to be supplemented with Turkey. This is a favorite resort for beach holidays among Russians and not only. You are guaranteed wonderful weather, a warm and gentle sea, gorgeous beaches with a wide coastline.

If you want to get to know Turkey better, feel free to go to Istanbul - a city with a centuries-old history and a huge cultural heritage, connecting Europe and Asia.

It would seem that we all know the answer to this question. The word “tourist” refers to countries that are interesting for travel. But we always evaluate this “interestingness” from our own point of view, without thinking that a country may be interesting to someone, but someone else will not see anything attractive in it.

For example, any Russian will immediately call Turkey and Egypt tourist countries. Everyone knows that Russians come here to the beaches of the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Antalya, and everyone knows it.

But if you ask ordinary people about it, not everyone recognizes this country as a tourist country. However, more people come to Vienna each year to see it than live in Austria itself.

Or another striking example -. Every year, twice as many foreign tourists come here as in Egypt. Many people want to see and. If you ask the average person in Russia, not everyone will call China a tourist country. Our fellow citizens associate this country with cheap smartphones and huge overpopulation.

Types of tourist countries

We divide all tourist countries into several groups.

The first group is beach holiday countries. The leaders among Russians are Türkiye, Egypt and Greece. Further descending in the statistics of the tourism industry we will find Spain, Bulgaria, Italy, and. Almost all of these countries are described on our website with varying degrees of detail.

The second group is excursion holiday countries. These are Austria, China, Japan and other states. We are proud of our informative Keith section, which is already approaching the size of 100 articles.

Of course, on other sites you will find more pages about China, but our reviews are distinguished by their large volume, completeness of information provided and rich photographic material. We do not make small pages where only general information, and some promises of a wonderful vacation without any evidence were published. We describe everything in detail, we give specific and valuable advice. Just remember our articles “”, “” or “”.

We place special software modules on the website that provide the visitor with up-to-date information. In the article “” you can always see the current exchange rate of the Chinese currency, which is updated four times a day.

The third group is the countries of sports and extreme tourism. First of all, it is described with its famous tracking and. Many beach and excursion countries boast opportunities for sports and extreme sports. Remember Egypt, where it is an important destination for aquatic species sports. Popular for surfing in China. – one of the most interesting entertainments.

Which country should you choose for your holiday?

This is a difficult question that every tourist answers independently. We will try to tell you about our view on this problem.

Listen to yourself and ask yourself what exactly do you want? Do you want to just lie on the beach in a sun lounger, or do you want to watch? Follow your heart, and there will always be options for planning your vacation. The choice of a modern tourist is simply gigantic. You can buy a package tour, you can book a hotel and buy air tickets yourself. You can buy a cruise or go to the desired location by car. Just 50 years ago, our grandparents did not have such opportunities.

Having chosen the desired country and purpose of the trip, you need to decide on the form of purchasing services. Will it be a package tour or independent travel. When we talk about package tours, we mean not only tours to beach hotels, which occupy an overwhelming position in the Russian market of tourism services. Exist sightseeing tours, loved by many travelers. Very popular Bus tours to Germany, Austria or Italy. It often turns out that on excursion holidays they can save a lot of money, although they will somewhat limit your freedom of movement.

Independent travel always means complete freedom of choice. But for this type of vacation it is desirable to know foreign languages, and this causes problems for many Russians.

Many are embarrassed that they do not know languages ​​well and are not confident in their abilities. In fact, you don't need to be fluent in English, German or French. Remember the film "Brother 2", how did Sergei Bodrov's character speak English? Barely, but that was quite enough.

Understand that no one will laugh at you if you speak badly. On the contrary, you will be encouraged. If you can say it in such a way that you are understood, that’s already good.

Don't be afraid of travel, don't be afraid of anything. Go to a travel agency or a ticket and hotel booking site, buy the package you need and enjoy realizing your dream. We will always help with our articles and bring to you the most important information, no matter which country you choose for your holiday.

The uniqueness of this country lies in the combination of smoking volcanoes and hot geysers with eternal ice. It is important to look at the most interesting places: Blue and Ice Lagoons and Geysers.

The Blue Lagoon is a natural complex of pools among lava piles. The water in the Lagoon is milky in color, and in addition to it, it contains quartz and blue-green algae.

The ice lagoon is also incredibly beautiful! This is one of the few places where you can see iceberg life on close range: New icebergs break off from the glacier and fill the lake, drifting along the coast in winter and melting in summer.

They are of different colors: white, green, blue, etc. And you can see the seething geysers of Iceland by going to the Haukadalur Valley. Its symbols are the geysers Strokkur and Geysir, which erupt with different frequency and power.

For example, Strokkur throws out jets of hot water every ten minutes to a height of up to 20 meters, while Geysir is calmer.

Most Unique Country: Tanzania

The most interesting country Africa in terms of diversity and uniqueness of flora and fauna. This country is rich in natural values: 15 national parks, 17 reserves, lakes, mountains, including Kilimanjaro, and the giant Ngorongoro crater.

It is here, in the crater of the Ngorongoro Nature Reserve - a huge tropical park, more than 30 thousand animals live: buffalos, zebras, gazelles, leopards, wildebeests, lions, and there are also elephants, hippos and rhinoceroses.

White and black rhinoceroses are an endangered species in the world.

Tanzania also has the only plant-based national park in tropical Africa, Kitulo. Due to the variety of flowers: more than 350 species of plants and more than 40 species of orchids, it is rightly called the “Garden of God”.

In addition to orchids, the park contains giant lobelias, kniffophias, proteas and other plants. Kitulo Park is also the only habitat in Tanzania for the rare Kaffir Bustard.

Most Unique Country: Japan

There are also many attractions in India that are considered UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Ajanta cave temples, Ellora cave temples, Taj Mahal, numerous unique churches in the city of Goa, Hampi monuments, Qutub Minar, etc.

Most Unique Country: Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest island nation in the world: about 18,000, of which only about 7,000 have their own names. The largest of the islands are New Guinea, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, and all the other islands are much smaller.

For large islands Characterized by a combination of mountainous terrain and plains covered with dense tropical rainforests. On many islands, the mountain slopes rise steeply almost from the very shore and end in peaks.

One of the natural features of Indonesia is that many islands are covered with snow, despite being close to the equator. Indonesia can also be considered a country of volcanoes: there are more than 500 of them, and 129 are active. The island of Java is especially famous for its numerous volcanoes.

And the most famous volcano Indonesia - Krakatoa, which is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The largest are Rinjani in Lombok and Agun in Bali.

Most Unique Country: Bolivia

The uniqueness of Bolivia is that it can be called the highest mountainous country, and in its isolation from the world. It’s not for nothing that Bolivia is called the “Tibet of America.” Unfortunately, the country lost access to the Pacific Ocean as a result of the war with Chile, so now it is in the middle of the continent. Here is the highest de facto capital - La Paz.

Bolivia is home to the highest navigable lake in the world, Titicaca. Unlike other Latin American countries, most of its population are indigenous people, the Indians are one of the main Indian tribes of Bolivia.

Its population is more than 2 million people. Tourists have a unique opportunity when visiting Bolivia to meet representatives of this people, who still follow their traditions and customs.

Photo: open sources on the Internet, collage: Svetlana Karmadonova

Every person sometimes wants bright emotions, new impressions, but where, no matter how on vacation, to look for them? Only there can you shake off your daily routine and gain strength for new achievements. By changing the environment while traveling, a person rests his soul and body, and new impressions do not allow him to become sour.

1. Thailand

Over the past few decades, the Kingdom of Thailand has made it one of its main sources of income. international tourism. Only for Last year 27 million vacationers came there from all over the world, of which 15 million were in Bangkok, which is a record for cities in the world. Thailand has a rich cultural heritage, vibrant national cuisine, luxury hotels were built here near snow-white beaches. Thanks to all this, new travelers flock there, and many return to Thailand more than once.

2. Brazil

The whole world knows the cheerfulness of Brazilians, who literally ignite at the mention of the words “samba” or “football”. For tourists in Brazil real paradise: Here you can take part in a jaguar hunt in the jungle or just lie on the beautiful beach, sipping a local Caipirinha cocktail with bossa nova. There are over 2,000 beaches along the Atlantic coast of Brazil, and along it there are thousands of small islands - here you can find a secluded lagoon and wonderful surfing spots. In general, there are so many interesting and unusual things in Brazil that it’s impossible to list them all. You can take a risk and go on a long journey deep into the Amazon, where you can catch a huge pirarucu fish. Much less effort will be required to visit Rio de Janeiro - a magnificent South American city with its famous beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, where you can listen to plenty of bossa nova and samba, engage in extreme local sports - ride a piece of plastic from a high sand dune straight into the ocean.

3. Australia (Great Barrier Reef)

Australia's Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral formation on the planet. It is even considered one of the wonders of the world. This is a real paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts; divers can see a huge variety of fauna here. Pacific Ocean: amazingly beautiful fish, cetaceans, mollusks and the corals themselves. But environmentalists believe that due to global warming, the water temperature is slowly rising, which, together with its pollution, leads to the death of corals. The most pessimistic forecasts give the reef life for another few decades, and after that it may happen that there will be nothing to see. So hurry up to Australia!

4. Croatia

Having joined the European Union, Croatia, beloved by Russians as a holiday destination, has become more accessible to them, since it is constantly introducing the abolition of the visa regime. Therefore, compatriots happily go there to relax in the mild Mediterranean climate of Croatia. It's never too hot here, just just right. An excellent addition to the climate are the picturesque Adriatic beaches and the surrounding landscapes. Croatia is a very “homey” country that did not build huge all-inclusive hotels, at the entrance of which there is a constant doorman in livery. Instead, there are many apartments for rent local residents, in which tourists truly feel at home.
Croatia has a lot of greenery and very clean air, in which subtle aromas of pine resin and sea salt can be felt. Local beaches are framed by lacy tree crowns. Once you move away from big cities to the outback, you can enjoy peace and quiet even at the height of the tourist season. But Croatian beaches are not the only entertainment here, because Croatia is rich in historical and natural attractions - it is no coincidence that it is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe.

Many of our compatriots have one persistent stereotype regarding the amount of strong drinks consumed by Russians. No one should be surprised...

5. Morocco

Morocco is considered the pearl of North Africa, and even relatively recently it was closed to tourism, but recently it has been making up for itself, receiving a huge number of travelers from all over the world. This country has diverse natural conditions: the sands of the Sahara here face the sea, and on the other side they abut the mountains. Therefore, it makes sense to come here for those who like to soak up the beach near warm sea, and those who prefer to spend their holidays more actively.
Among several Moroccan resorts, Agadir, which is located in a valley on the Atlantic Ocean, is especially famous. There are beaches of golden sand, camel rides into the dunes and a lot of other entertainment are organized. In the town of Essaouira there is one remarkable fishing port, in which colorful boats of fishermen crowd, and clouds of seagulls fly above them. Islam is widespread in Morocco, so Russians who do not profess this religion are not very comfortable here during Ramadan, because at this time even foreigners are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages.

6. Bulgaria

In the wonderful country of Bulgaria there is a gentle sea, sandy beaches and green parks. Local beach resorts and club hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis. This country can be called ideal for a family holiday - here you can find... mineral springs, and sports facilities. The pride of the country is its endless vineyards and rose plantations. Although Bulgaria is a fairly close neighbor, it has a highly developed tourism service that is of European quality and offers a decent entertainment program. The beaches in Bulgaria are clean and well maintained.
While vacationing in Bulgaria, you can’t help but come to Sofia, which is one of the oldest cities on the continent - settlements from prehistoric times have been found here. An important landmark of the capital is the Church of Hagia Sophia, which even appears on the city’s coat of arms.

Many women prefer shopping tourism as the best option to relax, have fun, and enjoy shopping. What could be nice...

7. Greece

Greece can be called the golden mean in all respects. There are many small home-style hotels here that maintain hotel service with daily cleaning, and offer a buffet breakfast, but at the same time make you feel welcome with good friends. Greece has given the world many great historical attractions, but it is also rich in a variety of beaches: sandy, pebble or sand-and-pebble. You can have fun going from beach to beach and comparing them. On many of the countless greek islands you can stay in a hotel where, instead of a veranda, there is a small swimming pool, where you can spend the whole day without leaving your home. In addition, you can take easy walks on the sea on various boats, exploring picturesque bays and looking for new beaches. It is also worth mentioning the excellent Greek cuisine, which is famous throughout Europe. Dinner at a national Greek restaurant will give both adults and children a lot of gastronomic delights.

8. Tunisia

Tunisia can be called a fairly young tourist country, since it began to widely attract travelers only in the 80s of the last century. But these days it boasts 1,200 km of beaches, near which there are numerous modern hotels, and many historical monuments. Also based on local thermal springs Popular thalassotherapy centers have been created. There are resorts here that are already teeming with crowds of tourists attracted low prices and excellent beaches, but there are also those that are just gaining popularity - in these you can relax in a much more relaxed atmosphere.
Tabarka is just such a sparsely populated resort, located in the north of the country - the “coral coast”. Diving lovers should come here. The small resort town of Magdia, located on the Mediterranean coast, offers a peaceful family vacation on snow-white beaches. A holiday in Tunisia can be a solution to problems for those who are afraid to fly by plane, since you can sail here from Genoa or Marseille by ferry, taking your own car in which you can travel around the country.

9. Cambodia

Cambodia has incredibly picturesque landscapes, a lot of antiquities and very cheap food. Until recently, prices here were probably not just low, but indecently low. This was explained by the fact that tourists did not come here due to the terrible recent fate of this country, and only recently the situation began to change dramatically for the better. Now it’s mostly young people who are flocking to Cambodia, who like a lot here.

10. Italy

With its incredible history, Italy could not help but become a tourism destination associated with educational excursions. Countless routes around classic Italy will always attract tourists who prefer not to fry on the beach all day long, but to get to know the country with their ears and eyes, constantly traveling around it. The most curious seek to leave the beaten path and climb into unfamiliar villages of the Italian outback. Those who need sun and sea can head to the resorts of the Adriatic Sea, Amalfi and Naples, or settle in the resorts of Tuscany and Lazio. Russian tourists have long mastered such destinations in Liguria as Portofino, San Remo or Santa Margherita Ligure, where bohemians and the elite prefer to have fun. Of course, you shouldn’t forget about the Italian islands: Sicily, Sardinia, Ischia can reward you with magnificent views of nature and allow you to enjoy a quiet, relaxing holiday.