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Holidays on the Greek island of Hydra: beaches, entertainment and attractions. Order excursions Online Hydra island on the map of Greece

Hydra was the last island on our 10 day Aegean sailing trip.
And I must say that we have not in vain left the most delicious for the end.
Hydra is an incredibly colorful island, not at all like the others we visited on this trip, soulful and completely devoid of cars...
No one is in a hurry here, there is always a forest of yacht masts in a small cozy marina, here is one of the most delicious cappuccinos in the world.
The famous film "Boy on a Dolphin" with Sophia Loren was filmed here. leading role and many celebrities like to visit here ...

2. Hydra Island is located just off the east coast of the Peloponnese and is part of the Saronic Islands.
The relative proximity to the large port of Piraeus made this island one of the favorite vacation spots for the inhabitants of Athens.
At the peak of the season, the resident population, which is approximately 3,000 people, is simply lost among the numerous tourists.

3. In ancient times, Hydra was a sparsely populated island, Herodotus mentions it only in passing, and the first major settlement dates only from the Mycenaean era.
But everything changed in the 16th century. At this time, Hydra became a refuge for those who tried to hide from the constant clashes between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire. They were mostly refugees from the territory of modern Albania.
In the middle of the XVIII century, the inhabitants of the island began to build ships and engaged in maritime trade. At the same time, do not disdain piracy.
They sailed to Egypt and the Black Sea, and during the Napoleonic Wars they transported goods to England, despite the prohibition stipulated by the law on the Continental Blockade.

4. Since the island paid taxes on time, the Ottoman Empire practically did not pay attention to it, and by XIX Idra had gained power and strength. The vast majority of the majestic mansions on the island were built with the money of local merchants. At the zenith of Hydra's power in 1821, the population of the island was 28 thousand inhabitants (now about 3 thousand). During the Greek War of Independence, the island provided 150 ships for combat.
Moreover, it was this island that gave Greece outstanding military leaders - Admiral Andreas Miaoulis and Commander of the Greek Navy Georg Kanduriotis.

5. After the liberation of the country, the sea and trade centers began to gradually move, initially to Ermoupolis, the island of Syros, and then to Piraeus. With the introduction of steamships and steel shipbuilding in the fleet, Hydra fell into decay by the beginning of the 20th century.
At the same time, the island gave Greece several famous artists and inspired the work of world-famous artists such as Picasso, Pablo and Chagall, Mark Zakharovich. Since 1936, a branch of the Athens School of Fine Arts has been operating here.
Today, Hydra is an island for tourists, and in its small marina, even in the off-season, it is quite difficult to find a free place to moor a yacht.

6. The main port of the island is the city of the same name, Hydra.
This is far from being an ordinary port. Here you always clearly feel how this place is connected with the past thanks to the rising amphitheater of cafes and mansions, creating the atmosphere of a spectacle, the main participant of which is the island itself.

7. The history and entire existence of the island is inextricably linked with Athens. Now it is a place of rest for representatives of the aristocracy and bohemia of the Greek capital, who are tired of the rhythms of life in the metropolis and strive to change their daily routine as much as possible, enjoy the virgin beauty of the island, stretch themselves on foot - and all this is an hour's journey from the port of Piraeus. Therefore, this kind of "island of the capital" attracts a lot of famous people from Greece and from all over the world, among the fans of the island are: Brigitte Bardot, Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Quinn, Joan Collins, Arius Onassis, Maria Calas, Jackie Kennedy-Onassi, fashion designer Valentino . For a long time, the owner of the enchanting timbre, Leonard Cohen, lived on the Hydra. The island enjoys great love among representatives of creative professions. During the semi-annual season, various creative exhibitions and meetings are constantly held on the island.

8. The tourist fame of the island was facilitated by the film "Boy on a Dolphin", filmed on the island in 1957 with Sophia Loren in the title role.
In 2006, a sculpture of the same name dedicated to the film was even installed here.

9. One important feature of Hydra is that it is the only island in Greece where the use of motor vehicles is completely prohibited - from a car to the smallest scooter. There aren't even bicycles here.

10. Only motor boats, mules and donkeys are used as transport and means of transportation around the island (I will talk about this in a separate post)

11. The architecture of the island is very organic and is thoroughly saturated with Mediterranean flavor and the spirit of history.

12. Narrow streets with a huge number of cafes and taverns sprawl from the harbor in different directions along the hills. Tables often stand right on the pavement, attracting tourists

13. Everything is mixed in the narrow streets - different eras, shops, cafes, people, live plants in tubs and pots.

14. You never know where a narrowing street will lead you.

15. Geometry of Hydra

16. Crossroads

17. Residential buildings

18. Dark lane...

19. .... at the end of which you suddenly find yourself on top of another hill with a beautiful view of the roofs of the city

20. Geometry again

21. Locals..

22... very good-natured and friendly

23. Trade is carried out right on the narrow streets. Cafe-shop-shop-vegetable rows-residential building..

24. Hardware store. You can immediately see which goods are most in demand on the island.
Try it, buy an anchor for a boat in Moscow or Kyiv)

25. Construction shop

26. And again vegetable rows

27. Vegetables are sold here the most. after souvenirs

28. And early in the morning, fishermen sell fresh catch directly from their boats.

29. The tiles of houses on Hydra are not at all similar to those used in our country.

30. Lemon. Female...

31. Cactus. male

32. Still life with shorts and a basket

33. Lanterns and pillows

34. Cafe right at the pier. Woke up on a yacht, took two steps, and now you are already drinking an incredibly delicious cappuccino

35. Cafe and town hall

36. If anything, everything is quite inexpensive here ....

37. Early in the morning on May 9, we left the yacht parking of the island of Hydra, heading for our last crossing - to the port of Piraeus ...

My previous photo essays and photo stories:

To be honest, we didn’t even hear about the island of Hydra in Greece (aka Hydra) before we began to draw up the route of our trip. There is little information about it on the Internet, there are no sights as such. Why did we decide to go there, and for our five-year wedding anniversary?

What attracted us to the island of Hydra in Greece?

I love places with traditions. It is interesting to visit places where the way of life is not similar to what you are used to (only we are not talking about Afghanistan, not about African primitive tribes, and not about expeditions to the North Pole). Let these traditions manifest themselves in one thing, that is enough. What is so unusual about the island of Hydra in Greece, what is its traditional character? We noted three things.

1. The island is very, very! - many cats

More than once we have seen reviews from other travelers in Greece that the island of Hydra is the most feline island in the country. “The level of catness here just rolls over!” someone wrote in their LiveJournal report. We agree one hundred percent: it seems that you didn’t end up on an island, but in a cat cafe. Cats of all colors meet you right on the pier and wait in every alley. And everyone is so well-groomed, healthy, affectionate - it is clear that the locals and guests of Idra treat the cats well, they do not offend.

Hydra has the most red cats, so the gray ones turn their faces away from the camera with annoyance.

2. There is no motorized transport on Hydra Island

Not 100%, of course - there is a garbage truck on the island, and we even happened to see it. Regarding bicycles, the information varies: somewhere they write that they are, somewhere - that they are not. We walked around the island all day and did not see bicycles - neither saddled nor parked. In general, this ban on the island of Hydra was not introduced in order to look interesting in the eyes of tourists: traffic on Hydra is prohibited by law (it seems like a large nature reserve in which everything needs to be kept as it is). But we still don’t understand how the ambulance works on Hydra 🙁

Hold on tight, girls, now it will carry!

3. Despite the abundance of tourists, the appearance of Hydra does not change over the years

In 1957, the film "Boy on a Dolphin" with Sophia Loren was released. They filmed a movie on Hydra, and after that a string of various travelers reached here. It has been dragging on for all these decades, and so successfully that real estate prices on Hydra have become exorbitantly high: now only very wealthy people can buy housing here. They write on the Internet that some world and Greek celebrities have bought houses on the island of Hydra in Greece, but which ones are not specified. 🙂

The island of Hydra in Greece cannot boast of huge villas and mansions; such a house is already considered large.

Since traditionally the facades of all houses on the island should be made in white and with a minimum of decoration, the owners transfer all the beauty of the design to the front doors and the fence.

So, despite the fact that the island of Hydra in Greece is especially loved among tourists, you really won’t feel it at all. Only on the embankment, where, after the arrival of the boats, a crowd with cameras appears, and everyone starts taking pictures of the parked donkeys (and more often on camera than for a walk). But then once - and all these people disappeared somewhere, and you yourself have already dived into the first street that came across, and that's it - goodbye, noise and din. And inside the island, nothing at all will remind you of tourism: there are not very many cafes, there are no tour agencies, there are no catchy signs of Hotel and Bar, there is no music rumbling and in general - in general! - there are no touts.

This is how the street of that Greek island, where tourists are known only on TV, could look discreet.

Hydra was the last island of our 10 day sailing trip in the Aegean. And I must say that we have not in vain left the most delicious for the end. Hydra - an incredibly colorful island, not at all like the others we visited on this trip, soulful and completely devoid of cars ... Nobody is in a hurry here, there is always a forest of yacht masts in a small cozy marina, here is one of the most delicious cappuccino in the world. The famous movie was filmed here. boy on a dolphin"with Sophia Loren in the title role and many celebrities like to visit here ...

Hydra Island is located just off the east coast of the Peloponnese peninsula and is part of the Saronic Islands group. The relative proximity to the large port of Piraeus made this island one of the favorite vacation spots for the inhabitants of Athens. At the peak of the season, the resident population, which is approximately 3,000 people, is simply lost among the numerous tourists.

Hydra Island is located just off the east coast of the Peloponnese peninsula and is part of the Saronic Islands group. The relative proximity to the large port of Piraeus made this island one of the favorite vacation spots for the inhabitants of Athens. At the peak of the season, the resident population, which is approximately 3,000 people, is simply lost among the numerous tourists.

In ancient times, Hydra was a sparsely populated island, Herodotus mentions it only briefly, and the first major settlement dates back only to the Mycenaean era. But everything changed in the 16th century. At this time, Hydra became a refuge for those who tried to hide from the constant clashes between the Venetian Republic and the Ottoman Empire. They were mostly refugees from the territory of modern Albania. In the middle of the XVIII century, the inhabitants of the island began to build ships and engaged in maritime trade. At the same time, do not disdain piracy. They sailed to Egypt and the Black Sea, and during the Napoleonic Wars they transported goods to England, despite the prohibition stipulated by the law on the Continental Blockade.

Since the island paid taxes on time, the Ottoman Empire practically did not pay attention to it, and by XIX Idra had gained power and strength. The vast majority of the majestic mansions on the island were built with the money of local merchants. At the zenith of Hydra's power in 1821, the population of the island was 28 thousand inhabitants (now about 3 thousand). During the Greek War of Independence, the island provided 150 ships for combat. Moreover, it was this island that gave Greece outstanding military leaders - Admiral Andreas Miaoulis and Commander of the Greek Navy Georg Kanduriotis.

Since the island paid taxes on time, the Ottoman Empire practically did not pay attention to it, and by XIX Idra had gained power and strength. The vast majority of the majestic mansions on the island were built with the money of local merchants. At the zenith of Hydra's power in 1821, the population of the island was 28 thousand inhabitants (now about 3 thousand). During the Greek War of Independence, the island provided 150 ships for combat. Moreover, it was this island that gave Greece outstanding military leaders - Admiral Andreas Miaoulis and Commander of the Greek Navy Georg Kanduriotis.

After the liberation of the country, sea and trade centers began to gradually move, initially to Ermoupolis, the island of Syros, and then to Piraeus. With the introduction of steamships and steel shipbuilding in the fleet, Hydra fell into decay by the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, the island gave Greece several famous artists and inspired the work of world-famous artists such as Picasso, Pablo and Chagall, Mark Zakharovich. Since 1936, a branch of the Athens School of Fine Arts has been operating here. Today, Hydra is an island for tourists, and in its small marina, even in the off-season, it is quite difficult to find a free place to moor a yacht.

After the liberation of the country, sea and trade centers began to gradually move, initially to Ermoupolis, the island of Syros, and then to Piraeus. With the introduction of steamships and steel shipbuilding in the fleet, Hydra fell into decay by the beginning of the 20th century. At the same time, the island gave Greece several famous artists and inspired the work of world-famous artists such as Picasso, Pablo and Chagall, Mark Zakharovich. Since 1936, a branch of the Athens School of Fine Arts has been operating here. Today, Hydra is an island for tourists, and in its small marina, even in the off-season, it is quite difficult to find a free place to moor a yacht.

The main port of the island is the city of the same name, Hydra. This is far from being an ordinary port. Here you always clearly feel how this place is connected with the past thanks to the rising amphitheater of cafes and mansions, creating the atmosphere of a spectacle, the main participant of which is the island itself.

The main port of the island is the city of the same name, Hydra. This is far from being an ordinary port. Here you always clearly feel how this place is connected with the past thanks to the rising amphitheater of cafes and mansions, creating the atmosphere of a spectacle, the main participant of which is the island itself.

The history and the whole existence of the island is inextricably linked with Athens. Now this is a resting place for representatives of the aristocracy and bohemians of the Greek capital, who are tired of the rhythms of life in the metropolis and strive to change their daily routine as much as possible, enjoy the virgin beauty of the island, stretch themselves on foot - and all this is an hour's journey from the port of Piraeus. Therefore, this kind of "island of the capital" attracts a lot of famous people from Greece and from all over the world, among the fans of the island are: Brigitte Bardot, Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Quinn, Joan Collins, Arius Onassis, Maria Calas, Jackie Kennedy-Onassi, fashion designer Valentino . For a long time, the owner of the enchanting timbre, Leonard Cohen, lived on the Hydra. The island enjoys great love among representatives of creative professions. During the semi-annual season, various creative exhibitions and meetings are constantly held on the island.

The history and the whole existence of the island is inextricably linked with Athens. Now this is a resting place for representatives of the aristocracy and bohemians of the Greek capital, who are tired of the rhythms of life in the metropolis and strive to change their daily routine as much as possible, enjoy the virgin beauty of the island, stretch themselves on foot - and all this is an hour's journey from the port of Piraeus. Therefore, this kind of "island of the capital" attracts a lot of famous people from Greece and from all over the world, among the fans of the island are: Brigitte Bardot, Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Quinn, Joan Collins, Arius Onassis, Maria Calas, Jackie Kennedy-Onassi, fashion designer Valentino . For a long time, the owner of the enchanting timbre, Leonard Cohen, lived on the Hydra. The island enjoys great love among representatives of creative professions. During the semi-annual season, various creative exhibitions and meetings are constantly held on the island.

The tourist fame of the island was facilitated by the film "Boy on a Dolphin", filmed on the island in 1957 with Sophia Loren in the title role. In 2006, a sculpture of the same name dedicated to the film was even installed here.

One important feature of Hydra is that it is the only island in Greece where the use of motor vehicles is completely prohibited - from a car to the smallest scooter. There aren't even bicycles here.

As transport and means of transportation around the island, exclusively motor boats, mules and donkeys (I will talk about this in a separate post)

As transport and means of transportation around the island, exclusively motor boats, mules and donkeys (I will talk about this in a separate post)

The architecture of the island is very organic and is thoroughly saturated with Mediterranean flavor and the spirit of history.

The architecture of the island is very organic and is thoroughly saturated with Mediterranean flavor and the spirit of history.

Narrow streets with a huge number of cafes and taverns sprawl from the harbor in different directions along the hills. Tables often stand right on the pavement, attracting tourists

Narrow streets with a huge number of cafes and taverns sprawl from the harbor in different directions along the hills. Tables often stand right on the pavement, attracting tourists

Everything is mixed in the narrow streets - different eras, shops, cafes, people, live plants in tubs and pots.

Everything is mixed in the narrow streets - different eras, shops, cafes, people, living plants in tubs and pots.

You never know where a narrowing street will lead.

You never know where a narrowing street will lead.

Geometry of Hydra

Geometry of Hydra



Residential buildings

Residential buildings

Dark alley...

Dark alley...

At the end of which you suddenly find yourself on top of another hill with a beautiful view of the rooftops of the city

.... at the end of which you suddenly find yourself on top of another hill with a beautiful view of the rooftops of the city

And geometry again

And geometry again



Very kind and welcoming

... very good-natured and friendly

Trade is carried out right on the narrow streets. Cafe-shop-shop-vegetable rows-residential building..

Trade is carried out right on the narrow streets. Cafe-shop-shop-vegetable rows-residential building..

Hydra Island (Hydra) - a small rocky island - it is also the southernmost point on the globe, where I have so far had a chance to visit and one of the most beautiful places Greece. The distance to Piraeus is 37 nautical miles, the travel time by ship is 3 hours.

Lying between the Saronic and Argolis gulfs, the island of Hydra has an area of ​​50 sq. km, and the length of its coastline is 55 km. Hydra is a mountainous island. The most high mountain- Eros (593 m), population - less than 3000 inhabitants. Unlike the other islands of the Argosaronic Gulf, Hydra is for the most part an island devoid of vegetation, and pine trees grow only in the southwest. The oldest settlement discovered on the island dates back to the Mycenaean era. Hydra was subsequently captured by Ermioni, who then sold her to the Samians. Hydra continued to drag out an inconspicuous existence until the 17th century, when the island gradually acquired a powerful merchant fleet, which later, during the Napoleonic Wars, monopolized transportation throughout the Mediterranean.

It is difficult to find another such island city. A round port with yachts, surrounded by rocky mountains, on which two- and three-story houses stand almost close to each other from the embankment and almost to the very mountain peaks.

Since the Middle Ages, Hydra has been inhabited by fishermen and sailors, who with each generation have become more and more professional sailors and successful merchants, thanks to which, by the beginning of the 19th century, Hydra began to be called “little England” - the number of wealthy shipowners was so large for such a small island. The population of the island at that time was about 25,000 people, and the fleet consisted of about 120 modern, well-equipped ships, which made it possible to conduct maritime trade without fear of the ships of the Ottoman Empire and Mediterranean pirates. Then rich mansions, 6 monasteries and more than 300 churches were built, which make up the modern picture of the island.

I ran around the deck with my camera, trying to capture the views of the rapidly approaching island:

These houses with tiled roofs of traditional architecture make an unforgettable impression from the first minute of your stay on the island.

Near the port of Hydra there are massive old rich houses of captains of 1821 (built by Genoese and Venetian architects) - Kunturiotis, Tobazis (in which the department of the Faculty of Fine Arts is located), Voulgaris, Miaoulis, Kriezis and Tsamados (where the Merchant Navy School is located).

I must say that by the beginning of the national liberation war against the Turks in 1821, the population of Hydra was about 30,000 people (the majority were people who arrived here in search of asylum), and the number of ships reached 150. Then there were rich shipowners - the brothers Kountouriotis, Miaulis, Sakhturis , Tobasis, and others who equipped the ships at their own expense, spending fortunes to aid the rebellion. The fleet of Hydra, in cooperation with the fleets of the islands of Spetses and Psara, inflicted very significant damage on the Turkish fleet. The exploits and heroism of these sailors were known throughout Europe. The sailors of the islanders, in addition to the ships, also used the so-called "firebrands" ("arsonists") - small boats loaded with explosive materials that sailed up to the Turkish ships at night and blew them up. The victories of the inhabitants of Hydra and their comrades-in-arms at sea became the main factor in the success of the struggle of the Greek people.

Some of these houses are open to the public, which gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the interior - with marble floors, wooden ceilings and antique furniture. At the exit from the port there are old cannons that defended the city.

These houses are cubic in shape with only one terrace, sometimes with one yard. Flowers grow in the courtyards, which are not easy to see from the outside, because the stone walls are high. The color of the houses is usually grey. The severity of forms and lines dominates everywhere. However, the white frame around the window is enough to break the monotony and give the houses a welcoming look.

The first among the admirers of Hydra are people of art, especially artists. Therefore, the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Athens Polytechnic Institute opened its department here.

Anchor dropped in the port of Hydra:

As already mentioned, the inhabitants of Hydra have long been engaged in navigation and shipbuilding, they made a significant contribution to equipping the Greek fleet during the national liberation war against the Turks. Another view of the fort with cannons:

At present, the main occupation of the island's population is tourism, petty trade and the extraction of sea sponges. On these horses, lined up on the embankment, it was possible to ride:

Garbage trucks are the only motorized transport on this piece of land. All other motor vehicles are outlawed - cars, motorcycles and even bicycles! Therefore, locals and tourists, in addition to their two, use everything possible - from "water taxis" to donkeys. The owner of this vehicle, which clattered past us, is a typical Greek, tanned, thin, unshaven:

The central part of the town, the so-called. Chora, picturesque and colorful:

And the merchants on the Hydra seem to speak all languages, and, nodding their heads that their prices outside are "all lies", they rush to lure their shops inside.

In the middle of the embankment, near the sea, stands the monastery of the Assumption of the Virgin, where the Hydra Cathedral is currently located.

In the courtyard stands a statue of the Hydra hero Miaulis.

The second bust, most likely, Saint Macarius Notaras, Metropolitan of Corinth, the founder of "philocalism", who lived here for some time:

A few more pictures of the inner courtyard of the monastery:

In the 20th century, Hydra became the first Greek island open to foreign tourists, on Hydra in 1956 John Negulesco shot his famous film "Boy on a Dolphin" with Sophia Loren and Alan Ladd, and in 1960 Jules Dassin - the film "Phaedra" with Anthony Perkins, Ralph Vallone and Melina Mercury. Among the fans of the island are: Bridget Bardot, Audrey Hepburn, Anthony Quinn, Joan Collins, Aristotle Onassis, Maria Callas, Jackie Kennedy-Onassis, fashion designer Valentino. For a long time, the owner of the enchanting timbre, Leonard Cohen, lived on the Hydra.

On this, our cruise around the islands was completed and on the way back we admired the bizarre play of clouds and the setting sun:

There, at dawn, waves will come
On the sandy and empty shore,
And thirty beautiful knights
A series of clear waters emerge,
And with them their uncle is sea ...
- looks like it, doesn't it?

Hydra (Ύδρα) is the southernmost island of the Saronic Gulf, with an area of ​​50 square kilometers and a rocky coastline, with a length of 56 km. This is one of the most developed tourist islands.

Hydra is famous for its cosmopolitan atmosphere, in the 60s and 70s the island was a favorite summer resort of the Athenian aristocracy and many Greek magnates.

Hydra climate dry Mediterranean, with long summers and mild winters. Light rains occur from November to the end of March. The dry climate of Hydra is one of the key factors for a large tourist flow.

The only city on the island, the city of Hydra, with picturesque alleys and mansions, is built in an amphitheater around the harbor. Hydra retains its traditional architecture and today: imposing mansions with tiled roofs and small courtyards, decorated with original decor, are surrounded by narrow cobbled streets.

On the rest of the island there are only small settlements: Vlychos in the west, Episkopi in the southwest and on the eastern side of the island - Mandraki. There are many monasteries on Hydra, such as St. Euphrasia, Elijah the Prophet, St. Matrona, St. Nicholas, Holy Trinity and the Birth of the Virgin Mary.

The tourist life of the island is mainly concentrated in the city of Hydra. Here is well developed night life, many cafes, restaurants, hotels. The peculiarity of Hydra is that any kind of transport is prohibited here. The only "transport" allowed is donkeys.

The island has a rich maritime history that began in Byzantine times and reached its peak in the 17th and 18th centuries when the inhabitants of Hydra created a large fleet of commercial ships in the Mediterranean. During the Greek Revolution (1821), together with the islands of Psara and Spetses, they served as one of the main strongholds of the Greek fleet.

How to get to Hydra Island:

The distance from Hydra to the port of Piraeus is about 36 miles, making it relatively quick to reach the island from Athens. Hydra is also connected by ferries to nearby Peloponnesian cities, such as Porto Heli, Nafplio and Ermioni.

Ferries depart daily from the port of Piraeus (berths E8 and E9), travel time - 3 to 3.5 hours.

On the "dolphin" travel time from the port of Piraeus to Hydra is 1 hour 15 minutes.

By car, you can drive to Ermioni, where you can leave the car and from there take a boat or water taxi to Hydra.

Phone information:

Tourist Police: +30 22982 53360

Port about. Hydra: +30 22890 52279

Water taxi about. Hydra: +30 2298053690

Port of Piraeus: +30 210 4226000, 4511310 - 7; +30 2104199000