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The most visited countries in the world. The most visited countries in Europe according to the World Tourism Organization Countries leading in the number of tourists

France is a leader in tourism, with more than 80 million tourists visiting each year. France primarily attracts travelers for its stunning history and culture. The country's attractions are Alpine ski resorts, beaches of the Cote d'Azur, picturesque French villages of Provence, beautiful historical gardens and parks, churches and monasteries stunning in their architecture, medieval fortresses and of course the most visited museum in the world - the Louvre. The country is home to 37 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which are well known throughout the world for their outstanding value.

The United States of America is a huge country with a staggering number of attractions of all kinds, ranging from natural to gaming, like in Las Vegas. Many US cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas rely on tourists. Top natural attractions include the Grand Canyon in Arizona, Yellowstone National Park, Alaskan Subarctic Park, Hawaiian beaches and many other gems. In 29 states, the tourism industry is one of the top three industries generating the maximum number of employment opportunities. The US receives the largest number of foreign tourists from Mexico, Canada and the United Kingdom. In 2014, the country received more than 74.8 million tourists and earned $1.47 trillion from them. It is estimated that by 2025 the country will earn almost US$2.5 trillion from the tourism industry.

3. Spain

Tourism is the main industry in Spain, contributing almost 11% of the country's GDP to the state treasury. In 2014, 65 million tourists visited Spain. The country's historic cities such as Barcelona and Madrid, world-class resorts on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, popular festivals, 15 national parks, well-developed winter tourism, and vibrant nightlife are among the main tourist attractions in Spain. 13 Spanish cities are also considered UNESCO World Heritage Sites, attracting foreign tourists with their unique charm and significance.

The Great Wall of China is one of the seven modern wonders of the world, you can come to China just to visit the wall, and there is also the Shaolin Temple, Huangoshu Falls, the Forbidden City, the Three Gorges and many other wonderful attractions. China truly is one of the most desirable travel destinations in the world. The country was visited by 55.6 million foreign tourists in 2014 and the income from them amounted to 45.8 US dollars. The number of tourists in China is estimated to increase sharply in the coming years.

For many, Italy is one of their life's dream destinations. With 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, countless cultural artefacts, buildings and archaeological sites from the Roman Empire to the Renaissance, along with charming Alpine villages and towns in the north of the country and a sunny Mediterranean coastline to the south, Italy is rightfully considered the 5th most visited country in the world. world. Some of Italy's most visited cities are Rome, Venice, Florence, and Milan, each with their own unique attractions, history, culture, and cuisine. In 2014, 48.6 million tourists visited the country.

Turkey, the 6th most visited country in the world, is well known for its rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity. The country has a large number of historical, cultural and archaeological monuments and charming seaside resorts along the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts. In 2014, the country received 39.8 million international visitors. However, in 2015, the Turkish tourism industry suffered losses in the tourism sector due to a series of accidents, such as an Islamic State (IS) attack allegedly shooting down a Russian plane from Turkey, and the ensuing tensions between the two countries. The capital of Turkey is Ankara.

7. Germany

Germany is considered one of the safest travel destinations in the world. In 2014, the country was visited by more than 33 million foreign tourists. In 2014, international tourism contributed more than US$38 billion to the German economy. The tourism industry in Germany accounts for 4.5% of GDP and 2 million jobs. Cultural tourism is the most popular in the country, with Berlin, Munich and Hamburg being the most visited cities.

With an interesting history, rich culture and developed tourism infrastructure, the UK ranks 8th among the most visited countries in the world. In 2014, the country welcomed 32.6 million tourists, who spent approximately $17.2 billion in the UK. Most foreign tourists come from other parts of Europe, while tourists from the USA and Canada form the second largest group of tourists. The country's tourism industry is thriving, and London is the most visited city in the United Kingdom.

Russia, a country with 23 World Heritage Sites, is naturally one of the most visited countries in the world. People come to Russia for its beautiful and diverse nature and, of course, culture and art. Lake Baikal, volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, the Black Sea coast, the snowy mountains of Altai and Elbrus are some of the natural attractions in the country. Historical and cultural attractions are concentrated in large cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Novgorod, Kazan and others with their numerous churches, museums, historical buildings, theaters and palaces with a rich, centuries-old history. The popularity of tourism in Russia is evidenced by the fact that in 2014, about 28.4 million tourists visited the country, which left $11.2 billion US dollars.

10. Thailand

Sunny sandy beaches, tropical islands, rich wildlife, archaeological sites, temples and monasteries, and moreover, Thailand is a global tourist destination that is gaining momentum every year and more and more tourists are eager to visit this country.

Vibrant and lively festivals, a thriving nightlife, world-class shopping and delicious Thai cuisine are all major tourist attractions in the country. It is estimated that directly and indirectly, tourism contributes almost 20.2% of Thailand's GDP. It is also expected that by 2032, about 100 million tourists will visit Thailand per year. 2016 was a successful year for the country's tourism industry, with more than 14 million visitors. An increase of 13.6% compared to the previous year.

An experienced traveler tries to choose an interesting and original place for each new trip, but everyone was once a beginner. When I first started traveling, like most ordinary tourists, I first visited those countries that I had heard and knew about most. So which countries are the most visited today? Where do crowds of tourists flock?

No. 10. Mexico - 29.1 million visitors per year

Mexico ranks 10th in the ranking of the most visited countries in the world. In the ranking of countries on the continent of America, Mexico ranks second in terms of attendance after the United States, even ahead of Canada! The number of visitors to Mexico per year is greater than the number of visitors to the entire Caribbean (22.8 million per year). The most visited region in Mexico is the Yucatan Peninsula. People come here for the stunning beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, lush rainforests and bustling nightlife.

No. 9. Russia - 29.8 million visitors per year

In recent years, Russia has been among the top 10 most visited countries in the world, only slightly behind the UK. There are 26 sites in Russia that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Lake Baikal, volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, the Black Sea coast, the snowy mountains of Altai are just a few of the thousands of famous places to visit.

Russia is rich not only in natural sites, but also in cultural attractions. The main cultural centers - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Novgorod, Kazan, etc. - are famous for their numerous churches, museums, historical buildings, theaters, palaces, fortifications and other objects with a rich, centuries-old history.
The popularity of Russia as a country to visit is growing every year. About a million people in the Russian Federation work in the tourism sector.

No. 8. UK - 32.6 million visitors per year

The tourism business annually brings $17.2 billion to the state treasury. The majority of UK tourists are Europeans; the second largest group of tourists comes to the UK from the USA and Canada. London is the most visited city in the United Kingdom and the Tower is the most visited place.

No. 7. Germany - 33.0 million visitors per year

Germany is considered one of the safest travel countries in the world. Tourism is developed in Germany both for its own citizens and for foreign ones. According to statistics, 30% of Germans prefer to vacation within the country.

In Germany, 2 million people work in the tourism sector, and the share of tourism in the country's GDP is 4.5%. The cultural tourist centers of Germany are Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, they are also the most visited cities in the country. Of the natural attractions in Germany, the most famous are: Saxon Switzerland National Park, Vorpomeranian Lagoons National Park, Jasmund National Park. These parks are visited by millions of tourists every year.

No. 6. Türkiye - 39.8 million visitors per year

Türkiye is in 6th place in terms of attendance. The country is known for its rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity. Turkey has a large number of historical, cultural and archaeological monuments, and in addition to this there are charming seaside resorts on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Istanbul is the most visited city in Turkey.

In 2015, Turkey's tourism industry suffered losses due to a number of accidents related to the activities of terrorist groups. Türkiye lost a third of its total tourist flow.

No. 5. Italy - 48.6 million visitors per year

Visiting Italy is the dream of many people. 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, countless cultural artifacts, Roman and Renaissance archaeological sites, Mediterranean coastline and much more! Italy rightfully ranks 5th in terms of attendance.

The most visited cities in Italy: Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan. 48.6 million tourists a year bring huge amounts of money to the country's treasury.

No. 4. China - 55.6 million visitors per year

The Great Wall of China, Sacred Mountains of China, Shaolin Monastery, Huangoshu Falls, Forbidden City, Three Gorges Power Station and many other attractions make China one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. According to the World Trade Organization, by 2020 China will become the world's number one destination country.

No. 3. Spain - 65.0 million visitors per year

Tourism is the main industry in Spain. The share of tourism is 11% of the country's GDP. People travel to Spain to visit Barcelona and Madrid, the Mediterranean resorts, and take part in Carnivals and Encierro (a Spanish national custom consisting of running away from bulls, cows or calves specially released from a pen).

15 national parks attract nature lovers. Spain is also famous for its ski resorts. 13 Spanish cities are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and attract tourists from all over the world.

No. 2. USA - 74.8 million visitors per year

The vast country of the United States can surprise both new and experienced travelers. In cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, the flow of tourists does not stop all year round. Among the natural attractions of the USA: the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, the wonderful landscapes of Alaska, the beaches of Hawaii and much more. In 29 US states, tourism is the main industry that brings in a lot of money to the treasury.

The largest flows of tourists to the USA come from Mexico, Canada, and the UK. According to statistics, by 2025 the United States will earn 2.5 trillion. US dollars on tourism.

No. 1. France - 83.7 million visitors per year

For the most part, people are attracted by the local flavor and special atmosphere, in addition, France is famous for its exquisite cuisine and wines.

Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world, thanks to the Eiffel Tower. In addition to Paris, people go to Lyon, Strasbourg and other cities. France is famous for its magnificent ski resorts, alpine mountains, beaches, picturesque French villages, beautiful gardens and parks and much more.

Tourism statistics from third world countries show that in monetary terms this area accounts for up to 50% or more of domestic gross income. Employment in the service sector ranges from 70 to 90%. However, across countries, the situation in the tourism services market is ambiguous and quite dynamic. It is influenced not only by the standard of living in the regions where the largest influx of tourists comes from, but also by the socio-economic, political and demographic situation in the world.

In addition to the purposes of arrival, there are also divisions into three types, depending on the direction of departure and the location of tourists. According to this criterion, the following are distinguished:

  1. Entry – visiting the country by foreign tourists.
  2. Outbound – departure of citizens of one country to another for the purpose of recreation and recovery.
  3. Internal – movement within one’s own state.

Statistical data

As in other sectors of the national economy of any country, a separate section of such science as statistics is involved in assessing the efficiency of this sector. With the help of data collected, analyzed and systematized by this discipline, anyone can identify priority countries for visiting with the most positive indicators for themselves. Key indicators of tourism statistics:

  • number of arrivals– the number of tourists visiting the state in a calendar year;
  • length of stay(tourist days) – a value equal to the product of the average duration of a tourist’s stay on the territory of the state by their total annual number. The unit of measurement is man-days;
  • the amount of tourist spending in a calendar year– all funds invested in the service sector, transport of a particular country by tourists.

World situation

General information about tourist flows and financial expenses of tourists is provided on the website of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The data is published in periodic electronic publications (reports), in addition to which on the information resource you can find a list of literature used for its work.

According to the latest report of this organization, tourism statistics for 2016 total 1 billion 235 million people who visited various countries. This is 46 million people (7%) more than in 2015. Steady growth in tourism statistics in the world has been observed for 7 years now.

Compared to 2008, the number of tourists increased by more than 300 million people.

A significant increase in tourist visits was noted in the countries of Africa, Central Asia and Oceania. Among the main destinations preferred by tourists are the following regions:

  1. Europe.
  2. North and South America.
  3. Asian-Pacific area.

Countries in these regions account for about 91% of tourist arrivals. On the European part, the largest number of visits was recorded in Italy, France and Spain. In North America, the United States is the leader in terms of attendance, and in Asia, China is the leader.

Over the previous year, the tourism industry brought about 1.2 trillion to the budgets of countries. US dollars. The most favorable tourism statistics are in China, the USA, Germany, and the UK.

Statistics on types of tourism in 2016 show the greatest popularity among health and educational destinations. Ecotourism is gradually beginning to be in demand. Increased statistics of educational tourism in 2016 are typical for China, Western European countries, and the USA. Tourists from all over the world visited these regions in order to explore all kinds of attractions and historical monuments.

In addition to health, statistics show rapid growth. Every year more and more tourists combine vacation with treatment in clinics in Israel, the USA, and European countries. Here you can not only undergo a course of medical procedures, but also, if there is such a thing as a donation program, perform a qualified transplant of a healthy organ.

In 2016, business tourism also reached a significant level. Statistics in this area show 1 trillion. US dollars in spending and more than 350 million people traveling to other countries for business meetings, training, charity, or to learn best practices from colleagues.

In Russia, the tourism sector is quite stable and successful. Over the past 10 years, despite minor downturns, there have been trends toward an increase not only in visits to the country by foreign tourists, but also in an increase in the number of Russian vacationers who prefer domestic resorts to foreign ones.

In 2016, Russia saw an increase in the number of foreign tourists. According to Rosstat, about 24.5 million people visited the country. The increase was 11%. The total annual income brought by tourism in Russia, according to statistics, amounted to about 25 billion dollars.

Domestic tourism statistics have also improved significantly over the past 5 years. Attendance by Russians to domestic resorts and vacation spots increased by 18% compared to the previous year. In Russia, the following tourist areas are the most popular among both foreigners and Russians:

  1. Northern Caucasus - Dagestan, Mineralnye Vody, the coast of the Black and Azov Seas, Kabardino-Balkaria (ski resort).
  2. Siberia – Lake Baikal, Altai, Yakutia.
  3. Far East – Primorsky Krai, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands.
  4. Republic of Karelia.

In these zones it is most developed. The statistics of this direction have grown significantly due to the growing popularity among tourists from near and far abroad countries. After the situation in Crimea has stabilized, a gradual increase in tourist attendance at resort areas of the peninsula begins. In 2016, tourism statistics in Crimea exceeded the mark of 5.5 million people who came on vacation from different regions of the Russian Federation.

According to experts, in the coming years the number of foreign tourists entering Russia will increase. In 2030, tourism statistics in the Russian Federation will be able to reach 40 million people. Against the backdrop of stabilization and strengthening of the domestic market for tourism services, outbound tourism statistics have somewhat deteriorated. In connection with terrorist attacks in the Middle East and in a number of African countries, Russians began to travel abroad less on vacation.

CIS countries

There is a positive trend in the development of the tourism services market in the CIS countries, excluding Russia. The statistics of incoming tourism in them varies from 10–12 to 20–30 million people over the years. Among the Commonwealth countries, Ukraine is one of the first in the field of tourism. Over the past year, according to statistics, Ukraine has been a fairly stable and profitable industry. During the year, 13.6 million tourists visited the country. This is 5.6% more than in 2015.

In other CIS countries, the situation with incoming tourism is also very promising. About 3.5 million people visited Kazakhstan last year, and almost twice as many visited Georgia - about 6.3 million. Such activity statistics in these countries can bring tourism to the position of one of the leading industries. World tourism statistics for 2016 by region and country are presented in the table:

Name of the region and its constituent states Number of tourists visiting the region/state, million people % of the total number of tourists in 2016 Tourist expenses

billion US dollars

% of total tourist spending in 2016
North and South America200 16 240 20
USA77,5 6,3 122 10,1
Europe615 50 504 42
France84,5 6,8 41 3,4
Spain68,5 5,5 65,1 5,4
Italy50,7 4,1 45,5 3,8
Great Britain31 2,6 64 5,3
Germany32 2,5 81 6,7
Asia309 25 216 288
China56,9 4,6 201 16,7


Positive dynamics in tourism statistics will allow many countries to improve the state of their economies, attract foreign tourists, and increase their authority and reputation in the international arena. The determining factors for growth are the absence of tension and military conflicts, political and economic stability. International tourism statistics are not only a measure of the profitability of this industry, but also an indicator of the sustainability and well-being of the global community.

France © Depositphotos

USA © Depositphotos

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Türkiye © Depositphotos

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Mexico© Depositphotos

Photo 1 of 10: France © Depositphotos

There are so many interesting places in the world. However, there are countries to which tourists are willing to return again and again. Which countries in the world are the most popular?

No. 1. France

76.8 million tourists. It is not surprising that France, which has a huge number of world-famous architectural monuments and museums, has been the most popular country among foreign tourists for several years in a row. Here every traveler can find something interesting: the Louvre or the Eiffel Tower in Paris, winemaking in Bordeaux or the castles of the Loire. In addition, France is a fairly compact European state, which allows tourists to quickly get from one region to another.

France © Depositphotos

No. 2. USA

59.7 million tourists. The United States is attractive primarily for its diversity: there are several climate zones, huge national parks and dynamic metropolises. The most visited and popular American cities are New York, Los Angeles, Washington and San Francisco.

USA © Depositphotos

No. 3. China

55.7 million tourists. In recent years, the number of foreigners visiting China has increased sharply, which is primarily due to the growth of the Chinese economy. Today, almost all the largest foreign companies, banks and retailers have representative offices or production facilities in China. In addition, China is also interesting as a tourist destination, where you can visit ancient cities, historical sites and try exotic cuisine.

China © Depositphotos

No. 4. Spain

52.7 million tourists. Spain always attracts crowds of Europeans to its stunning beaches. In summer, the Costa del Sol and nearby islands are filled with Germans, British and Dutch. Many tourists visit other areas of Spain, some are attracted by sunny Barcelona, ​​others by the historical cities of Andalusia and Castile. Tourists who have once visited Spain go there again and advise others, because wherever you go in this country, you will always find first-class hotels, excellent service and excellent cuisine.

Spain © Depositphotos

No. 5. Italy

43.6 million tourists. There is no doubt that there is a lot to see in Italy: the romantic canals of Venice, the ancient squares of Rome, the magnificent architecture of Milan, Fairytale Florence, or the yellow beaches of Amalfi. The country offers routes for every taste, and that is why millions of tourists come here every year.

Italy © Depositphotos

No. 6. Great Britain

28.1 million tourists. The island state is rich in attractions. Even the most demanding tourists will find something to see here. Some will choose the charming countryside of England, some the varied landscape of Scotland, and some the coastline of Wales. Everyone should visit London. who visits Britain, because this city is, in fact, a world in miniature.

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No. 7. Türkiye

27 million tourists. Turkey is known for its distinctive culture, centuries-old traditions and diverse nature - from the snow-capped mountain peaks of Nemrut to the hot valleys of Cappadocia. In the distant past, Turkey was home to a unique civilization, with impressive ruins of the Roman Empire and expressive architecture of the Ottoman Empire. The main magnet for foreign tourists and business people is Istanbul, a city in which different cultures and religions coexist harmoniously. The country's largest city is home to ancient mosques, first-class hotels and small restaurants.

Türkiye © Depositphotos

No. 8. Germany

26.9 million tourists. According to the World Tourism Organization, Germany spends the most in the world on tourism development, and, as we can see, the money invested is not wasted. Many large German cities have become a real magnet for foreign tourists, especially during various festivals (Christmas, beer gardens and summer). Of course, the most famous and popular is the Munich Oktoberfest, which attracts a huge number of tourists. Many guests also come to Berlin and Frankfurt.

Germany © Depositphotos

No. 9. Malaysia

24.6 million tourists. The economy and trade industry of Malaysia is developing very rapidly, as a result, this eastern country attracts not only foreign businessmen, but also numerous tourists. Most of all, foreigners in Malaysia are attracted by the capital Kuala Lumpur, the luxurious sea coast in Terengganu and the jungles of Borneo.

Malaysia © Depositphotos

No. 10. Mexico

22.4 million tourists. Miles of turquoise beaches on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula attract hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. The Riviera Maya, which is called a tourist paradise, was built especially for foreign guests. But beach holidays aren't all Mexico has to offer. Historical sites of the Mayan Indians, colonial cities and colorful festivals are of interest to a huge number of travelers from all over the world.

Mexico © Depositphotos

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World capitals and European countries are increasingly welcoming tourists. Here you can not only relax, but also taste the culture of the people, try national cuisine and see many different sights. Italy, Great Britain, Germany - all these and many other countries annually welcome millions of guests from all over the world. According to statistics, some cities, especially capitals, accommodate thousands and hundreds of thousands of people in their hotels every year. Just imagine how many people know everything that is written on the Internet about cities.

Today we will find out from our top 10 most visited cities in Europe how much people are still willing to give for a few nights in the countries of the continent where most of all humanity lives. Foreigners are always happy to make new friends, who are also not averse to giving away their savings for the sake of memories, impressions and souvenirs that will decorate their home upon returning home. And we are opening our ranking of the most popular cities, and this is what awaits us next.

10. Amsterdam

A huge territory of Holland is given over to Amsterdam, a city known as the capital of poppies and not entirely legal drugs. It is very beautiful here: the Nordsee Canal connects the city with the North Sea, and there are parking lots and bicycle parking along the shores. You can take a ferry across the entire city, just like in Venice. Here you will see unusual houses that resemble small fairy-tale mansions. Narrow streets, sidewalks, gondolas, crooked windows and rooftops with decorations - all this fascinates with its beauty.

There are many small hotels in Amsterdam that are happy to accommodate up to 400 people. There are also more modest hotels, and even overnight accommodations for tourists who come to the country on their own. There are not many hotels, about 40-50. And each of them is distinguished by its greeting and hospitality. Every year, carnivals, open doors of the city, and national holidays are held here, and all this is free for city guests. You can even visit the “red houses”, the so-called brothels, if, of course, you have the money.

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 8.9 million nights - almost 25,000 people per day.

9. Munich

A German city, and therefore a German civilization, which inspires with its cultural centers of the capital and the architecture of the city. Here you will not find a single building that was built in a different style from all the others. Gothic postmodern and neo-classical fascinate the eyes of tourists, because Munich was known as an ordinary “strict” town, where there was no place for art and beautiful ornate lines on the facades. There are few high-rise buildings here, but many hotels that are closely located to each other. Some guests of the German principality are surprised at how much the city resembles St. Petersburg.

True, there are not so many churches and straits here, the houses are built using new standards of technology, there are no confusing streets and courtyards. However, the appearance of buildings and structures, which are almost all built at the same height, remind Russians of home. Despite the history, many people choose to stay here as long as possible. The city on the river will pleasantly surprise you with its wide streets. By the way, Munich can be classified as upper Bavaria and Germany. But the district itself remains on the federal land of its neighbors.

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amount to 10 million nights - more than 27,000 people per day.

8. Vienna

Austria is famous for its lands - Vienna is part of the lower city, at the same time a city within the province. It's hard to imagine, but easy to see. There is nothing unusual - it’s like a country within a country, but with a city. Villas, hotels, inns, hostels, apartments, and separate houses for rent were specially built for tourists. Whatever your heart desires, you will find in Austria. Vienna is also famous for its monuments and museums. If you want to take a walk, we recommend going to the main street of the city. Here you will be fed and watered.

You can dance and have fun in the central square - many tourists don’t even think about going somewhere to a club - it’s expensive and uninteresting. Since the country is coping with the new laws with a bang, same-sex marriages with children can be found here. True, not every tourist will like this, so be aware. During the day you can visit the green fields where they sell hot dogs with onions. Young people love onions, especially the aftertaste - it's great to kiss your spouse or friend after eating something spicy.

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 10.4 million nights - almost 29,000 people per day.

7. Prague

Have you long dreamed of going to the Czech Republic? Then head straight to the capital, where the brewing atmosphere reigns. They will give you so many types of this drink to try that you won’t be able to reach the hotel on your own if you don’t know your limits. Speaking of hotels, there are very few good rooms in the city. Tourists always complain about cockroaches and other living creatures. Insects, of course, will not cause much harm, but they will definitely ruin your mood. Therefore, head to large hotels where you will be offered cheap rooms, spacious, but without a shower. Don't worry, there is a bath, but it's shared. Yes Yes…

Private hotels also offer tourists cheap rooms even with breakfast. But they can only be rented for a day, and every evening you need to wait in a short line to get an overnight stay. Some kind of wrong city with so many tourists. Maybe the country wants to get rid of people? The influx occurs in spring and summer, when beer is brewed and sold. This is how they fight addiction and alcoholism - drink beer, but sleep wherever you want. If you still have nowhere to go, you can stay in the bar until the morning, but you won’t be able to go without sleep for long. Moreover, the cafe owners will misunderstand you - “here are cheap rooms for you, but you’re turning your nose up.”

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 11.3 million nights - almost 31,000 people per day.

6. Barcelona

Not a well-known country, especially in terms of hospitality, but very visited, since it closes the first half of our ranking. This is a city, a Catalan province, and the center of all civilization in Spain. Barcelona is a large industrial city, and there is no point in just walking around it - it’s boring and uninteresting. France is very close by, so the locals began to consider themselves descendants of the counts. Indeed, such a thing happened here. But today it is the world capital of football and sports.

Every kid here dreams of being famous and bringing honor to their homeland. Tourists will enjoy museums and shopping - but they can't offer much more. True, purchases will cost you so little that, compared with prices in the CIS countries, you can eat, drink, sleep and buy a bunch of other things. In terms of population, it is the second city after Madrid. And there are plenty of tourists from various countries - from Alaska to India.

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 12.7 million nights - almost 35,000 people per day.

5. Madrid

And here it is - the first most populous city in Spain. The famous Madrid opens its doors to all tourists who love to eat and walk the streets of the city. We don’t promise shopping, but you’ll have a walk around all three zones. Start with the first - this is an ancient city with squares, the second zone - a new quarter, hotels and museums. But the third part is the most fashionable area of ​​the city. If you conditionally divide the city, then in the old you will find history, and in the new - expensive and luxurious buildings, be it cafes, restaurants, etc., and at the appropriate price.

If you don’t have money, then immediately go to the old city, otherwise you will simply get lost in the new one. No one will even give you information for free. There are signs, there are points and information centers - so turn to them. Why do not hospitable people attract the attention of tourists so much? No, not them, but buildings in the old style. Local residents think that poor people are coming to them, not understanding one thing - people are interested in history, and not in places where to spend money. There are plenty of such establishments in our homeland, give us art!

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 13.5 million nights - almost 37,000 people per day.

4. Vatican

Yes, this is it - the Vatican - a dwarf state that has surpassed Rome itself in importance. Although all roads lead to the capital, the Vatican remains a great center of religion and history. There are no large hotels in the city-state, and people do not stay here for long. Basically, some tourists passing through come to look at the streets and buildings. Cafes and restaurants are not about the Vatican. It's too beautiful here to sit in one place. For guests of the state, shops with valuables illuminated in the local church are open. If you need a medallion, earrings, bracelet, you will find everything here.

Silver products are made by hand, which is why they cost a little more than a regular silver bracelet. The square in the city center is a convenient area for exploring architecture and walking in the fresh air. No, there will be no hotels or cafes nearby where you could relax, only walking! If there is a meeting, thousands of people gather here to meet the Pope. Paintings hang inside, the walls are decorated with gold, and the ceilings are painted with artistic moldings that reflect the stained glass. Believe me, this is the only thing you can watch, but it's worth it.

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 18.9 million nights - about 52,000 people per day.

3. Berlin

Berlin is very highly regarded in the European Union. It is the fifth largest city in the country, and the second largest in Germany. Berlin is the capital, and every year you can see so many tourists here that it seems that the city was created only for them. The indigenous population does not like guests, but accepts them as ordinary strangers. The city on the rivers attracts tourists, and hotels are built along the main main streets, offering a rich variety of hobbies. On behalf of the main builders, in some hotels you can purchase the entire package of excursions at once.

If you like the hero city, as it is often called by locals, you can send here if you have saved up funds. One night will cost you almost 1000 euros, and if you want to have breakfast and lunch, not to mention dinner, it will cost you the same amount of money. Cafes and restaurants here are very expensive, because you have to imagine what the salaries of local residents are and who comes as tourists. There is nothing here for free, but every year the number of visitors increases several times.

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 19.2 million nights - more than 52,000 people per day.

2. Paris

The city of love and hope is the name of the capital of France. This is incomparable architecture, very beautiful gardens and alleys, flower benches and unusual squares. Here, too, there are “red light” streets, there are brothels, there are even separate hotels created for overnight stays. Tourists, of course, can take advantage of such an offer, but they will be misunderstood. Although, tourists don’t care where they are going, or with whom they spend the night and have breakfast.

There are a lot of hotels here, ranging from cheap to expensive. Cheap hotels cost from 50-100 euros per hour, and this is still very divine. They won't bring you anything to your room; there is a shower and toilet. And you don’t need more. Expensive hotels - a full range of services, and the cost increases - from 1000 euros and above.

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 34.3 million nights - almost 94,000 people per day.

1. London

Here it is, the most visited city in Europe by tourists, which became the winner of our rating. If you've ever been to London, you know how dark and beautiful it is at the same time. The cost of hotel accommodation is high, but you will be offered to visit all the road routes, see museums and go on excursions.

You can even book multiple rooms at different hotels if you pay in advance. Each offers different breakfast options and different beauty and treatment centers. This is the dream of every tourist!

Tourist visits to the city in 2016 amounted to 46 million nights - more than 126,000 people per day.

Our top 10 most visited cities in Europe are now complete. Stay tuned, maybe your hometown will one day become the world capital for tourists.