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Swimming in the ocean. Is it possible to swim in Los Angeles? And the Pacific Ocean is not a sea! What to bring from Fiji

A person is designed in such a way that when he hears the word “resort,” his imagination automatically brings to mind beautiful beaches and the opportunity to swim once or twice in the clearest water. But the fact is that Los Angeles, although it is a year-round resort, is still not located on the shores of a gentle and warm sea, but is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, considered the deepest and largest in the world. And this fact dictates its own rules, which should not be ignored.

5 reasons not to swim in Los Angeles

● Given the enormous size of the ocean, the water in it does not warm up to a temperature suitable for swimming, even on hot summer days.

● The ocean is characterized by large waves that disturb the sand from the bottom. Some waves reach such heights that they are shown on TV with the label “urgent release”. But the main danger is their width. Leaving the shore, the wave pulls the sand with it, as a result of which, even standing in water up to your ankles, you get the feeling of the earth disappearing from under your feet. If you find yourself in such a situation, you can easily be carried away by a wave into the ocean, this is especially dangerous for children.

● During low tide, you can notice an abundance of algae and dead seagulls on the shore. Despite the fact that they try to remove them as quickly as possible, the picture that appears before the eyes of vacationers can hardly be called pleasant.

● The most popular beaches, located within the city, do not have clean water. And it’s not even the abundance of garbage, but the opacity of the water itself, which is a consequence of smog, dust and the proximity of the port.

● In winter and mid-summer, fogs often fall on the beaches, coming from overseas.

Where do you go swimming?

It must be said that local residents completely refuse to swim in the ocean. For them, the beach is more of a relaxing place where they can play volleyball, sunbathe, ride a bike or just relax from a busy day. The only ones who agree to go into the water are surfers, for whom the ocean waves are a real paradise, as well as those who like to ride jet skis, bananas, etc.

If local residents want to swim, they prefer pools that meet safety standards. Another option is a trip to southern countries, where the water is really warm and the beaches are suitable for swimming.

Of course, there will always be those who are not afraid of difficulties and consider it their duty to conquer the ocean. Usually these are visiting tourists. If you are one of those, then choose the cleanest and most comfortable beaches in the city, which include Malibu, Venice Beach, Corona del Mar, Laguna Beach, etc.

Our research and fishing vessel "Orekhovo" has been plowing the waters of the eastern Atlantic for three months in search of concentrations of fish. The echo sounder worked day and night, the trawl followed the trawl, the scientific group continuously sampled water in the hope of identifying biologically productive areas, however, apart from insignificant schools of fish and schools of dolphins rapidly moving into the distance, nothing significant for fishing was observed in these areas.

Starting from abeam of the Azores, from time to time we began to organize sea procedures - swimming in the ocean. This was preceded by long and persistent persuasion from the captain. In the end, he agreed, but ordered for safety reasons that one observer be placed on the upper bridge, and the other, along with a scuba diver, was to patrol in an inflatable rubber boat. They also lowered two storm ladders so that if something happened, swimmers could quickly get on board. Everyone was watching to see if a triangular shark fin would appear above the water.

The water temperature was almost the same as the air, and yet it was a pleasure to swim. Thanks to the high density of the water, it was possible to lie freely on your back and easily ride the wave; True, once in the mouth, the water caused disgust with its bitter-salty taste, and after swimming it left a white coating of salt on the backs of the sailors.

One day, when everyone had already gotten used to the idea that nothing threatened the swimmers, and the attention of those watching was dulled, a deafening whistle was heard from the navigator's cabin. Literally a few meters away, from the stern, a sickle-shaped fin appeared slowly floating towards the ship. From the board, the unusually shaped shark was clearly visible in the clear water. It was a hammerhead shark, the most predatory one. It reached a length of about two meters. Our sailors, like monkeys, climbed the storm ladder one after another. A minute later, everyone stood on the deck of the ship, breathing heavily and peering at the actions of the unwanted guest. The shark walked along the side and went into the depths.

Judging by the descriptions, this species of shark is usually five meters in length. A characteristic difference from other sharks is the original structure of the head, a hammer-shaped outgrowth, on the sides of which the eyes are located. This allows the predator to see everything that is happening from the front, side, bottom, back and top.

We became convinced of the strength of the hammerhead shark a little later when, while hunting for fish, it fell into a trawl. A huge carcass, having fallen into a fish box, with blows of its tail smashed the walls made of forty-millimeter boards into splinters. In addition, a hammerhead shark is capable of inflicting terrible injuries on an unwary fisherman with its sawtooth teeth.

Later, while swimming in the Gulf of Guinea, we received a special warning from the coastal administration - a ban on swimming in the Lagos roadstead due to the fact that there are many hammerhead sharks and barracudas there.

At the French biological station on Gorée Island, near Cape Verde, which we had a chance to visit, we were shown interesting exhibits: various types of sharks and objects extracted from their stomachs. What was not there! Sea animals, metal ship spoons, knives, hooks. But what made a special impression, of course, was the human foot, extracted from the belly of a hammerhead shark and fixed in formaldehyde.

The appearance of a shark near the ship while swimming discouraged people from taking “sea baths.” But some time passed, the danger was forgotten, and again everything went as usual, although the “defense” was now occupied by two scuba divers with guns, who monitored not only the surface of the ocean, but also the depth. And yet, one incident finally put an end to our entertainment on the open ocean.

We were at the latitude of the Madeira Islands when, after a busy day at work, it was allowed to swim. The weather was calm and calm, and it was time for sunset. Most of the crew, having already swam, settled on board. Everyone peered intently at the horizon, waiting for the appearance of a “green ray”, which, according to legend, brings happiness and prosperity. Some of us have already observed this “green ray”. An amazing vision: within two or three seconds your eye catches the appearance of a miracle of nature, as if somewhere near the horizon in the last rays of the “drowning” sun someone lights up a greenish spotlight for a moment, after which it becomes dark. In the tropics, darkness comes instantly.

The last swimmers climbed on board, followed by scuba divers, but one of the researchers hesitated, tearing off the shells that had stuck to it from the ship’s hull. Having received the last warning from the senior mate, he, grabbing the ladder bars with his hands, with a sharp movement pulled his legs out of the water, and at that moment some large shadow quickly crashed into the place where the lower part of his body had just been. He quickly flew onto the deck, and in the thickness of the water, turning over and glistening with his silver belly, a torpedo-shaped monster with a long sword-shaped outgrowth on his head slowly swam along the side. The blow to the side of the metal hull of the ship was so strong that we heard it on the upper bridge. This time we met swordfish in rather dramatic conditions.

Swordfish in the Atlantic reach a length of six meters and weigh more than half a ton. She has a terrible weapon - a sharp sword formed from fused bones of the upper jaw. It is an amazing structure: it does not consist of solid bone, but rather of fused bone crossbars that ensure its strength. That is why the sword resembles the shape of a crane boom. This is an entire engineering structure embodied in a living organism, another example of natural “savvy.” The swordfish feeds on small fish, but is sometimes capable of attacking a whale and inflicting severe, deep wounds on it.

The swordfish has repeatedly terrified sailors and fishermen, attacking sailing ships piercing fishing boats with a sword. At the end of the Second World War, the English tanker Barbara was attacked by a swordfish. A one and a half meter long sword pierced the skin; then, pulling its weapon out of the body, the fish rushed into a new attack. By the way, this fish reaches the speed of a courier train.

An incident that occurred in 1948, when a swordfish attacked the American schooner Elizabeth, spread around the world, and a few years later the English warship Leopold was attacked. Science has not yet explained the reason for swordfish attacks on ships and large marine animals. Perhaps it's just an instinct to attack a large potential enemy...

After our meeting with the swordfish, the captain finally canceled swimming in the ocean.

A few days later, dense bottom schools of sardines were discovered, and active fishing began. There was no time left to stop the ship and have fun, especially since no one was thinking about “sea baths.”

Physalia's burning kiss

While near Cape Verde - Cape Verde (west coast of Africa), I saw up close a physalia - a seemingly charming and delicate creature. The trembling, unusually beautiful comb attracted my attention.

As an ichthyologist, I knew that the sail bladder of this jellyfish from the siphonophore order is a complex hydrostatic apparatus that allows it to change its weight. If the ridge is filled with air, the animal, driven by the wind, swims. But as soon as the wind gets stronger and the waves clear up, the physalia contracts the walls of the ridge, squeezing out excess air from it, and sinks to depth. The excitement is over and special glandular cells produce gas, it enters the swim bladder, the physalia floats to the surface again, where it finds the most favorable environment for itself. You can pay attention to the fact that in some cases the ridge is located perpendicular to the surface of the water; apparently, this position should be characterized as “marching”; in others, it seems to be lying on the water, the animal is in a state of rest. Under the air bubble of this glorious jellyfish there are long, up to a meter long, branched tentacles equipped with many stinging cells that can paralyze them upon contact with fish or other animals.

It is generally accepted that the most dangerous predators in the sea are the shark and the toothy barracuda (sea pike), which attack a person swimming in the water. But in fact, poisonous and venom-bearing fish are no less dangerous than the most voracious and most predatory shark. Some are dangerous due to bites, others due to punctures from sharp fins and spines located on the gill wings; in still others, the muscles and entrails are poisonous. Wounds received from fish are very painful and do not heal for a long time, and poisonous fish accidentally prepared for food can cause severe poisoning of the ship's crew.

Moreover, having been swimming for several years, I know that in some tropical countries there is a rule to warn visitors that during certain seasons of the year it is not recommended to eat certain types of fish.

In Japan, there has been a strict custom for many centuries. People who decided to die held funeral feasts, where they poisoned themselves with poisonous fuku fish and died among their comrades and friends. In order to eliminate this custom, numerous decrees were issued according to which the children of samurai and high-ranking officials who died in a similar manner were deprived of their inheritance, and relatives of commoners who attempted to poison themselves with fish were subject to the death penalty...

How often our book and theoretical knowledge is forgotten when we need to act! So here too, seeing the physalia, I hooked it from the side of the ship and almost pulled it onto the deck, when suddenly it began to slide off the hook and seemed about to fall into the water. Forgetting caution, I grabbed it with my hand and immediately felt unbearable pain, as if my hand had been plunged into boiling oil. It was a terrible, crushing volley from the Physalia's stinging batteries, and it hit the target. Thousands of tiny arrows pierced the skin, muscles, and under the nails. A feverish attempt to get rid of the tentacles wrapped around her hand with her second hand only worsened the situation - more and more new cells sent their poisoned arrows at her.

Just a few minutes later, my hands became paralyzed, and the aching, aching pain spread to the lymph nodes under my arms. The skin on my hand turned blue, swollen and shiny. At the same time, strong pains in the stomach, attacks of suffocation, and convulsions began to be felt. Injections to maintain cardiac activity and novocaine somewhat alleviated the pain, but within an hour the attacks of suffocation and convulsions were repeated twice more. In total, the painful condition lasted about two hours, after which the pain began to subside, but there was still a lot of pain in the elbow joints and forearm. A few days later, when I was transferring to another ship, with great effort, overcoming muscle pain, I was able to climb aboard the storm ladder. That's what I need! That I didn’t remember how the fisherman grabbed the physalia in the water, hanging his hand over the side of the boat? In this case, the siphonophore has not yet “shot” most of its charges, as it did when I hooked it with a hook. The fisherman lost consciousness, was between life and death for 24 hours, and survived only thanks to his strong body.

Once on our vessel, a caught physalia was placed on the T-shirt of one researcher before being recorded. Then my friend soaked the T-shirt for a while in water with washing powder, rinsed it thoroughly, even dipped it in an alcohol solution and dried it in the sun. The next day he put it on and after a few hours, feeling itching on his back, he took off the shirt. And what? In the place where the physalia lay, a large red spot appeared on the body. After some time it disappeared, but this case once again testifies to the persistence and power of the poison, and to the fact that the “beautiful” physalia is a terrible fish!
Sardinella hunters

As we move south, to Canary Islands, schools of sardine became less dense and less common, while extensive and dense schools of Sardinella aurita appeared more frequently. This was noticed not only by us, but was established as a pattern by many French and Soviet researchers. The density of accumulations of these fish is even mentioned in the sailing guide for the West Coast of Africa, which says that boatmasters often mistake schools of sardinella for underwater dangers, so dense do they appear on the echo tape.

From a fishing vessel it is very interesting to observe the behavior of surface schools, especially sardinella: they either disappear, sinking to depth, or move along the surface with a noise reminiscent of the sound of rain, or quickly move from side to side. The chaotic movement of fish is explained by the presence in tropical waters of numerous and varied predators that attack schools from different sides.

Transparent waters allow you to see all the details of the hunt. Sharks are still visible from a distance by their triangular fin sticking out above the water. They usually approach the school slowly and, only after approaching, quickly rush towards it.

No less dangerous enemies of sardinella are huge stingrays, or sea devils. Stingrays swim lazily near the surface of the ocean, arching and raising the ends of their fins above the water, and sometimes jump out of the water very noisily.

Together, fast dolphins attack the sardinella in herds of several hundred heads. They jump high out of the water and fall with a loud splash, raising fountains of spray. They either suppress the sardinella or disperse the school, since it is much easier to hunt individual fish and schools. From a distance, the dolphin feeding area looks like a boiling cauldron. The seagulls do not dare to grab fish at this time, but circle screaming over the scene of the massacre.

But they enjoy catching sardinella thrown to them from the side of the ship. But suddenly they stop diving for the fish and circle over it, not daring to grab it. This behavior of the seagulls remained a mystery to us, and only after some time we were able to solve it: the seagulls stopped feasting on fish long before we noticed the flickering shadow of a shark at great depths. Apparently, their vision allows them to see predators at great depths.

You can often see sailfish or marlin resembling them hunting for sardinella. Sailfish are predators that reach three meters in length. They have a strongly elongated upper jaw, resembling a sword, studded with many spines and tubercles. They got their name from their high dorsal fin, which is almost two and a half times the width of the body. The peculiarity of the structure of sailboats is the grooves on the back and abdomen, into which the dorsal and ventral fins fold. When folded, with a long, sword-shaped upper jaw and a sickle-shaped tail-fin, sailfish resemble a rocket. They are frequent “guests” of tuna fishermen, as they are caught on longlines (a type of cast), their meat is exceptionally tasty in any form. Fishermen should be wary of blows from sailfish swords: ulcers and ulcers may appear at the site of the blow (mucus is released from the sword).

Typically, sailfish hunt sardinella alone. Rapidly rushing into the center of the school, sailfish jump high above the water and fall flat, stunning the fish, and then devour them.
But you can often observe an organized, group hunt of sailfish, similar to the hunt of a pack of wolves, among which there are “beaters” and “catchers.” Ten to fifteen fish with a deployed front crash into a school of sardinella. Having driven away some of the fish, they surround them with a dense ring. With the movements of their high dorsal fins and strong tail, they drive the fish to the center. The dorsal fins form a kind of wavy, swaying hedge, or rather a loose fan, which is in continuous movement. At this time, another part of the “hunters” devours the prey from below, increasingly densifying the flock. It is typical that the beaters and catchers change places. This organization of hunting is very clearly visible from the ship; some of the beaters, as the area of ​​the sardinella accumulation decreases, dive and feast on fish.

The flock of sardinella is noticeably decreasing. And then the moment comes when all the predators rush to the center - the rest of the sardinella instantly disappears. Such hunting can only be observed occasionally in tropical waters.

Evgeny Prosvirov, ichthyologist

France is an incredibly beautiful country that has attracted travelers at all times with its eventful history, stunning culture and unique monuments of architecture and art. But an important factor of attraction for tourists are the absolutely amazing resorts of France on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. They are ideal for family holidays with children, for honeymoon newlyweds, just have a relaxing holiday or active pastime combined with educational excursions to interesting French sights or balneotherapy. France owns more than three thousand kilometers of coastline, both on the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Our article today is dedicated to the popular resorts of France on the picturesque Atlantic coast, located in the regions of Normandy, Aquitaine and Brittany.

It is worth immediately warning that the French Atlantic resorts are characterized by rather cool water, which even at the height of the summer season does not warm up more than twenty to twenty-two degrees, but it is incredibly clean and is excellent for a variety of wellness procedures. Swimming season on the Atlantic coast of France lasts only three months: June, July, August. The beaches of the Atlantic resorts of France are wide with white and pleasant sand. For the Atlantic coast of France, there is an urgent problem of constant ebb and flow of tides, when water can recede from the coastal strip by almost a kilometer. This is very typical for the French regions of Brittany and Normandy. That is why vacationers have to take water baths only during high tide. Like the French resorts of the Cote d'Azur, located on the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic resorts of France have an excellent infrastructure, and tourists have at their disposal not only wonderful beaches, but also a wide variety of entertainment: casinos, golf clubs, discos, nightclubs, as well as ample opportunities for medical procedures. Thalassotherapy is remarkably developed here, working wonders in healing various diseases, and this is understandable, because France is the birthplace of thalassotherapy. The country has dozens of excellent centers for the treatment of rheumatism, spinal problems, as well as places for post-traumatic rehabilitation.

French resorts on the Atlantic Ocean in Brittany. Brittany is located in a picturesque area, just west of the French region of Normandy. Here, vacationers will enjoy incredible views of the surrounding area and discover captivating fishing villages. This region has a rich and fascinating history, introducing you to ancient pirate cities, ancient monasteries and unique fortresses.

- the place where the first thalassotherapy center appeared in France, this was in 1899. Roscoff is an excellent Breton beach resort, famous for its chic hotels and luxury villas. It is not as noisy as the Dinard resort, so it is considered an ideal place for a relaxing family holiday, especially with small children. At the local “Institute and Center for Thalassotherapy”, you will be able to undergo a preventive course of treatment, during which the most modern balneological complexes of procedures will be used: a variety of showers, baths, bathing in healing thermal springs, mud or algae wraps, massages with medicinal herbs, essential oils and cosmetic treatments will be performed. Along the way, you can engage in active sports, physical education, and fitness. And thanks to experienced specialists, you will begin to eat properly after selecting an individual dietary menu.

– it is known as the place where the largest ebbs and flows occur on our planet. Saint-Malo has a unique history, inextricably linked with sea robbers, because it is a real “pirate city”, which turned into such in the sixteenth century, although it was previously a quiet monastic refuge. In those days, a formidable fortress appeared here, which tourists admire to this day. Very often, “pirate” holidays take place here, which generates the interest of travelers to choose their place beach holiday, precisely this French Atlantic resort. The diving here is very interesting, because at the bottom of the sea there are many sunken pirate frigates. As for the local beaches, they are magnificent: sandy and quite uncrowded, even at the height of the high season. A sea dam for swimming, protected from the tides, was built on the Bon Secours beach. The resort of Saint-Malo is home to a major French port for cruise ships. From here you can take ferries to England, Ireland, and Spain in two hours. Also, in Saint-Malo there is the famous Thalassotherapy Center “Les Thermes Marins”, which has been operating since 1963. Numerous visitors come to it to improve the health of their facial and body skin through SPA and thalasso treatments, as well as treatment using natural science methods. It is impossible to say that it is hot in the resort of Saint-Malo on summer days, because not even every year the record temperature can reach twenty-two degrees Celsius, but swimming in ocean water with a temperature of twenty or eighteen degrees is quite acceptable, and you can sunbathe perfectly . This Atlantic resort in France will be comfortable for people who cannot tolerate high temperatures. In addition, it is worth mentioning the huge swimming pools with sea ​​water located in the local thalassotherapy center, where swimming is possible all year round.

The largest seaside resort in the French region of Brittany. The resort appeared under Emperor Napoleon III and developed rapidly in the nineteenth century. Today, holidays here are considered prestigious and respectable and are very popular among world celebrities. The resort is famous for its magnificent sandy beaches, picturesque natural attractions, amazing entertainment events and events that take place here, gathering world-famous stars every year at this French resort. A summer stay in Dinard will give you an exceptional holiday, especially when visiting the local thalassotherapy center, which offers guests one of several options for thalassotherapy courses: these can be general health treatments, sleep treatments, tonic treatments. By paying for a day of relaxation at the thalassotherapy center, which costs about one hundred euros, you will have a great time: visiting various wellness treatments, Finnish and Turkish saunas, swimming in a seawater pool, enjoying an underwater massage, relaxing in a jacuzzi. And in the evening, you can take a promenade from the beautiful central square to the sea, admiring the bright illumination and listening to music. The most impressive beach of the Dinard resort is Ecluse, located in the central part of the resort. Luxurious Victorian villas stretch along it, and in the center there is a casino.

A good beach resort in the south of Brittany, located along a narrow spit jutting far into the sea. It is worth noting that the swimming season here is very short and lasts only two months: July and August. But there are magnificent sandy beaches, with high snow-white dunes, surrounded by majestic pine forests, and the local thalassotherapy institute is the best in the world. People suffering from nervous disorders and metabolic disorders come to relax at the Atlantic resort of Quibron. By the way, not far from this resort there is the largest collection of ancient megaliths in Carnac - a popular natural attraction in France.

– this beach spot on the French Atlantic is often called the “pearl of the Emerald Coast.” The resort of Cancale stands on the shores of the beautiful bay of Mont Saint-Michel, from here you can see this world-famous island with the abbey. Oysters are bred in the cold and crystal clear local ocean waters. There are huge oyster farms here, covering an area of ​​four hundred hectares. This is probably why Cancale is called the “oyster capital of France.” Those tourists who choose a holiday in the French Atlantic resort of Cancale can expect long walks along very clean and picturesque, but completely deserted beaches, and visits to numerous cafes where you can taste inexpensive seafood dishes.

French resorts on the Atlantic Ocean in Normandy. The French region of Normandy stretches for six hundred and forty kilometers along the northern cliffs bordering the coast of this country. There are not as many beaches here as in other Atlantic regions of France, but the level of development of the seaside resorts of Upper and Lower Normandy is at the highest level.

– located in the northwestern part of France and belongs to the Basse-Normandie region. The resort town is located on the picturesque coast of the English Channel, there is a lot of greenery, excellent sandy beaches and great leisure opportunities. At this resort you can meet various world celebrities who love to relax in this beautiful corner of France. There are many hotels, cafes, bars, restaurants, nightclubs, shops, sports complex, with tennis courts and numerous exercise equipment. In summer, the air temperature ranges from sixteen to twenty-two degrees, the ocean warms up to twenty degrees. In addition to standard beach activities at the Deauville resort, you can receive treatment at the Algotherm Thalassotherapy Center, equipped with the most modern equipment: kinesiotherapy departments, a variety of baths and pools, and they also perform procedures for applying seaweed applications, there are gyms, beauty salons, a sauna, solarium, dietary restaurant. As for the beaches of the French resort of Deauville, this is a magnificent and very well-groomed strip of sand, with a wide wooden deck, along which you can walk in the evening, enjoying the fresh sea breeze and a magnificent sunset. The Deauville resort has everything for wealthy vacationers and their luxurious life: a casino, a golf club, and hippodromes.

– there used to be a small fishing village here, which arose on the territory of Normandy back in Viking times. But the popularity of Trouville as a French seaside resort began with the opening of a hydropathic clinic here in 1860. It must be said that Trouville is simpler and more democratic, unlike its neighbor Deauville, separated by an isthmus. Life here concentrates on the Atlantic coast, with a beautiful promenade and magnificent sandy beaches, surrounded by picturesque surroundings. By the way, the Trouville resort is home to several families who have been fishing for centuries, and it is thanks to them that the city has an excellent fish market where you can buy the freshest seafood. It even has its own casino, located on a separate miniature island.

– located in the department of Calvados and belongs to the region of Basse-Normandie. The town of Cabourg has two magnificent beaches where tourists in search of shells love to stroll during low tide. There is a lot of space on the beaches of the Cabourg resort, and the water sometimes warms up to a record twenty-three degrees, with an air temperature of twenty-six degrees, but this is rather rare. You can stroll along the beautiful local embankment in the evening, breathing in the fresh sea air. The resort of Cabourg has excellent SPA centers specializing in thalassotherapy. Here there is something to keep active recreation lovers busy: there is a golf club, at the hippodrome you can take horse riding lessons, you can ride a map, play tennis, go to a yacht club, and do water sports. Every year in Cabourg the romantic film festival “Days of Romance in Cabourg” is held, at which time you can unexpectedly see some world celebrity leisurely walking along the embankment or leaving a restaurant. Also, the city of Cabourg is the center of French equestrian sports. At its hippodrome, the racing season begins in April and ends in October. Night races are considered especially spectacular; you can watch them not even from the stands of the hippodrome, but from a table in a local restaurant with panoramic windows.

- located at the mouth of the Seine River. It is popular among travelers looking for the flavor of antiquity in Normandy, walking along the picturesque city promenade of St. Helena, peering at the austere features of the Gothic temple next to the harbor, walking along the narrow ancient streets with neat houses. This Normandy resort in France has a lot of antique shops where you can find stunning works of art. Of course, the beaches of Honfleur are not competitors to the beaches of Deauville or Trouville, but it’s pretty good to swim, sunbathe, walk along the seashore, for which Honfleur is very loved by Parisians, and also for its simplicity and lack of ostentatious luxury and chic.

French resorts on the Atlantic Sea in Aquitaine. The region of France is Aquitaine, a magnificent and very green Atlantic coast, incredibly popular among surfers and yachtsmen, thanks to the strong winds that are constantly present here. The resorts of Aquitaine are well planned and incredibly comfortable for relaxation. There is a very mild and healthy maritime climate, beautiful and green nature, the cleanest and most transparent sea. The real pride of Aquitaine is a two hundred and fifty kilometer strip of magnificent sea beaches covered with golden sand, as well as fifty more internal beaches on the banks of rivers and lakes. In general, the territory of Aquitaine is divided into four main zones: the Medoc Peninsula, the Bay of Arcachon, the Landes - “Silver Coast”, the Basque Coast.

Resorts of the French Medoc Peninsula in Aquitaine on the Atlantic Ocean– these are ninety kilometers of excellent beaches, with a dozen small towns located on the ocean shore, where there is a mild climate, ideal for climatotherapy, including “light therapy” and “naturism”.

- famous for its seven-kilometer well-groomed sandy beach, where there are numerous schools and clubs for surfing, bodyboarding, an excellent equestrian and sailing center, a parachuting center, tennis, various flying clubs, day groups or beach children's clubs. And ten kilometers from the resort grow the stunning Medoc vineyards, where tourists come to taste and purchase world-famous French wines: “Medoc”, “Haut-Médoc”, “Saint-Estephe”, “Poyac”, “Saint-Julien” , “Listrac”, “Mulis”, “Margot”. The resort of Soulac-sur-Mer is located ninety-five kilometers from the French city of Bordeaux, where the nearest international Airport.

- famous nudist, opened in 1950. Every summer season, more than fourteen thousand tourists come here - lovers of naturism, and forty percent are French themselves. On the shores of the Montalivet resort, the capital of French nudism, there are one thousand eight hundred campsites, many shops, one hundred and seventy-two bungalows, sports centers, water activities.

is a small town located in the Gascony Bay of the French region of Aquitaine, in the southeastern part of the country. It grew up on the site of a modest fishing village in the nineteenth century, quickly gaining popularity among representatives of French bohemians thanks to its healing air and miraculous mineral springs. The French themselves love to relax at this resort. They come here to swim in the clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean, sunbathe on the beautiful sandy beaches, admire the amazing natural views, indulge in balneotherapy and taste amazing seafood delicacies - the freshest oysters. Arcachon is often called the "City of the Four Seasons", due to its quarters named "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn". The resort of Arcachon is surrounded on all sides by excellent beaches. The city is located on the shore of a bay, which is the “inland sea of ​​Aquitaine,” so you can swim there even in the cold season, because the water is “heated” by hot springs. Another advantage of a holiday in this Atlantic resort in France is that there are no big waves, which is ideal for families with children.

Resorts Cote d'Argent– this coastal strip of French Aquitaine has become famous throughout the world for its amazing, very fine and silvery sand. There are many resort towns, smoothly transitioning from one to another.

The most popular resort in Landov is the “Silver Coast”. The city is famous for the production of perfume oils, the Lemon Festival, and the blooming of lush and fragrant citrus orchards. The beaches of the French Atlantic resort of Mimizan are incredibly well-groomed and clean, they are equipped with shower cabins and everything necessary for tourists.

– the most fashionable French resort with excellent beaches and opportunities for yachting. Here travelers will find a wonderful climate and breathtaking views of the Pyrenees mountains. Biarritz has a wide variety of beaches to suit every taste: picturesque stretches of fine sand, secluded coves and secluded bays, beaches surrounded on all sides by cliffs. The resort of Biarritz attracts thousands of fans of crazy parties and upscale luxury holidays. This resort is often called “The King of Beaches and the Beach of Kings.” Biarritz is the oldest resort on the Bay of Biscay coast, located forty kilometers from the Spanish border. The most popular beach here is “Grand”; around it there are stunning villas, restaurants, casinos, and a high-class hotel - the “palace”. The beaches of Biarritz are no less loved by tourists - “Chambre d'Amour”, “Miramar”, “Milady”. But here, like other French resorts in the Atlantic, there are ebbs and flows. Biarritz is an excellent place for windsurfers, it is here that the most the best European schools for teaching this type of sailing. The most ideal conditions for surfing await you on the Cote des Basques beach. And for a holiday with children, it is better to go to the PortVieux beach - there are no strong winds and large waves. In addition, the resort of Biarritz is one of the most popular French thalassotherapy resorts.On the beaches of Biarritz there are specially equipped sections of the coast where it is customary to hold regular sports competitions.

– a place where you can get acquainted with the attractive Basque culture. It used to be a small village, but has become popular with holidaymakers thanks to the development of its famous neighbor Biarritz, located just five kilometers away. Bidart is a quiet and peaceful city where people come for relaxation and relaxation. There are well-organized beaches, of which there are five. They are divided by natural boundaries - rocky ledges extending into the sea. The largest beach is Central Beach, access here is very convenient, there is also good parking for cars. Thanks to the huge waves of the Atlantic, surfers love to relax here. There is also a surfing club in Bidart. For tourists coming with children, we can recommend visiting the Bid’a Park hydropark, which has three pools and a slide. It stands on the banks of the Uabya River, in the southern part of the city.

We told you about famous resorts France on the Atlantic Ocean, located in the regions of Brittany, Normandy and Aquitaine. We hope that we were able to help you decide on your choice of vacation spot.

It seems simpler - you climb into the water and swim. This is exactly what many people do for the first time. And the wave hits them painfully, picks them up and drags them somewhere from the shore, after which they no longer want to swim...

This article is a letter from our regular reader from Australia aurum— gives all novice ocean swimmers some useful tips. It's probably worth listening to them - personal experience after all. // editors of "Rest"

And then it turns out that in ten to fifteen minutes they managed to get sunburned and get a headache. The most annoying thing is that the locals splash around looking happy. And their secrets are quite simple.

Preparing for swimming begins with applying sunscreen fifteen minutes before swimming.

Preferably SPF +30. Moreover, you need to smear it all over - smear both your ears and your toes. The lips are smeared with a special balm, and the nose and cheekbones are smeared with zinc cream. The cream should be waterproof - withstand 4 hours in water, and after swimming it is advisable to re-apply every time the skin dries.

It’s also good to buy a special beach tent and sunbathe only in it.

And don’t forget to drink as much as possible - headaches as a result of dehydration on the beach will not torment you.

You should only swim on equipped beaches - with shark nets and where lifeguards are stationed. Because due to the uneven coastline in some places, rip currents can carry hundreds of meters out to sea in a few minutes.

The ocean, unless it is a bay or a beach on the side of some island opposite the open ocean, is almost never calm. Therefore, they usually don’t swim in the ocean, but stand in the surf - away from the shore, since the water near the shore is muddy - and jump or ride the waves.

You need to enter the water sideways, then the waves don’t hit you so painfully. It is better to dive under large waves with white foam on top, and when small ones approach, it is better to jump. When a big wave approaches, you can swim to the shore in advance, catch the wave and ride it about twenty meters. Loose long hair in such a situation is a terrible nuisance; it is better to take a hair tie with you and braid your hair tightly.

Burns on jellyfish and physalia - or "Portuguese man-of-war" - are quite common.

The main thing is not to panic: although they wrote in Russian books that burns of the physalia are almost fatal, in reality everything is not so scary; as a rule, people do not die from burns of the physalia.
It's just that burns from physalia are not only quite painful, but also take a long time to heal - months - and at the same time they itch terribly. A hot shower and tea tree oil help here.

Jellyfish can also be extremely dangerous, but if the pain is mild, applying an ice pack as first aid is sufficient.

And if you swim in a special T-shirt and long shorts for swimming and surfing (borders, not only men and boys swim in them, there are also women’s borders) - then the risk of burns is significantly less.

Yes, indeed, in Australia you shouldn’t go to the beach without good sunscreen. But zinc ointment and a beach tent are rather overkill. Perhaps for small children or people with overly photosensitive skin.

You can also swim for real, and not rock on the waves, in the ocean. You just need to swim beyond the surf line - 20-30 meters from the shore or further. The waves there are very small, even if close to the shore they are one and a half to two meters high. If you feel that a strong reverse current is carrying you into the ocean, do not try to fight it - it will only be in vain...

The same Sienkiewicz wrote elsewhere about how they dealt with burns from physalia in the future: they used an ancient folk remedy - urine - with much better results.

Thousands of people drown in the oceans every year. Moreover, many of them are not
somewhere far away on deserted beaches, and in the most crowded and
popular places. Literally 50 meters from the shore. If you are planning
It is imperative to include a stay on ocean beaches in your vacation
We recommend that you read this article.

So why do people, most of whom are quite good at
swim, die on busy beaches, close to the shore, literally on
in front of other vacationers? And they drown regardless of age, gender and
physical condition - even good athletes sometimes cannot
swim out. Because they behave incorrectly in the ocean, they don’t know the basics
safety precautions and panic at a critical moment.

The author of this material has been swimming professionally for more than 10 years.
and has the rank of master of sports in swimming. In this note he will talk about
the most common accidents in the ocean. About reverse currents,
about the so-called channels, once in which a person is instantly carried away into
open ocean. In English this phenomenon is called rip current.

Let's start with the theory.

The ocean is not a sea or a river, and certainly not a lake with a calm
water. The ocean is a much more complex and dangerous thing. Ebbs and flows
are created by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun on the Earth and its oceans, having a direct effect on the nature of the waves.

At low tide you may encounter exposed rocks or
reefs that were not there six hours ago. As a rule, in
In this case, the waves become steeper and break further away from

During high tides, softer, slower tides are usually created.
crashing waves. Tides can also cause rip currents,
which are formed when waves hit rocks or sandbanks on
coast and ricochet back to the sea.

Imagine ocean waves rolling in over and over again.
ashore and bring more and more water. But this water mass is not
remains on the shore and returns back to the ocean. How? Through the channels
which are formed as a result of waves breaking on the shore. That's how it is
looks schematically:

That is, the wave breaks on the coastal shallows, and then, accumulating in a certain place, goes back into the ocean, forming reverse current. It looks like a river in the ocean. And this is the most dangerous place all over the beach!
The current speed in the channel reaches 2-3 meters per second and once in
it, you will instantly be carried away from the shore. At this moment most people
panic seizes them, they begin to frantically fight against the current and that
I have the strength to row towards the shore. And the waves cover and cover and
Having lost all strength, the person drowns.


The most dangerous thing is that you can end up in such a channel, even
standing waist-deep or chest-deep in water. That is, feeling confident under oneself
bottom. But suddenly one day, and you suddenly begin to be sucked into the ocean! So what
what to do if you end up in a rip current and, despite all your
effort, you are carried into the ocean?

There are several basic rules that you need to remember and always keep in mind:

1. Don't panic!

Panic is the enemy in any extreme situation. When a person
panics, instead of soberly assessing the situation and making the right decisions,
he is guided by his instincts and most often does something completely different
what is needed.

2. Save energy!

There is no need to fight the current and row with all your might back to the shore.
It's useless. It is unlikely that you will have enough strength to overcome the force of the current in
channel. You need to row not towards the shore, but sideways, that is, parallel to the shore!

3. Don't swim in the ocean alone!

The golden rule is: if you’re not sure, don’t interfere! Try to swim on
busy beaches, where besides you there are other people and preferably lifeguards.

Here is a schematic diagram of the correct actions in case of getting caught in a reverse current:

There are a number of other important points that you need to know and remember:

the channel will never drag you to the bottom! Reverse
the flow occurs on the surface and does not form funnels or whirlpools.
The channel will drag you along the surface from the shore, but not to the depths.

The channel is not wide! Typically the channel width does not exceed
50 meters. And most often it is limited to 10-20 meters in total. That is, by swimming
literally 20-30 meters along the shore, you will feel like you have swum out of

channel length is limited! The current is quite fast
weakens, the channel ends its “work” where the waves reach
their peak and begin to break. In surfer parlance this is the place
called “line up”. In this place all the surfers usually
dangling and trying to ride the incoming waves. Usually this is no further than
100 meters from the shore.

This is what the channel looks like in real life:

That is, you see that the canal, even in the color of the water, differs from
the rest of the water mass. In this case, it is raised by waves from the shore
shallow sand that the canal carried into the ocean. That there is sand on the surface
water just shows that the reverse flow is surface and
forms only on the surface.

How to “see” a channel?

All channels have their own distinct attributes.

1. A visible channel of rushing water perpendicular to the shore.

2. A gap in the general structure of tidal waves (a continuous strip of waves, and a 5-10-meter gap in the middle).

3. Coastal zone with changed water color (say, everything around is blue or green, and some area is white).

4. An area of ​​foam, some kind of marine vegetation, bubbles, which is steadily moving from the shore into the open sea.

If you see any of the things described, consider yourself lucky and just
don't go swimming in this place. What if you don't see any of them?
four signs? So you're out of luck, because 80 percent
dangerous spontaneously occurring “channels” (flash rips) in no way visually
do not show themselves. That is, these places are professional rescuers after all.
They will be able to determine it, but ordinary tourists are unlikely to.

Most tourist beaches in the world have
professional rescuers. In most cases, on the beaches there are
flags that can change their location throughout the day.

The color of the flags is the same all over the world and is very easy to remember.

The red and yellow flag means that there are lifeguards on the beach and that it is safe to swim between these flags.

Red flag - swimming in this area (between the red flags) is strictly prohibited!

Sometimes you look at the ocean
— the waves seem to be small, but there is a red flag on the beach. And if this
moment you still want to climb into the ocean for a swim - remember about
currents and about what is written here.

“The first time it happened was right in front of the most popular beach club in Bali,
where we rested with friends. There was a red flag on the beach, there were waves
about 2 meters high and there was no one on the water. Confidently walking
“ride the waves”, I easily swam about 30 meters from the shore and calmly
“caught waves”, dived, etc. However, when I bought myself and decided
go ashore, I found myself in a “channel”, but not a strong one. I'll be honest,
after 5-7 minutes of desperate struggle with the current, I really wasn’t sure anymore.
that this time I will be able to go ashore. I rowed with all my might and
dived towards the shore, but in fact simply floundered in place. And the most
interesting thing is that it was literally 30-35 meters from the shore, right
opposite the beach club which at that time had several hundred
man and everyone who watched me (including my friends) were sure
that everything is absolutely fine and I’m just splashing around in the ocean. As a result, in
between waves, I began to simply dive and, clinging to the bottom with my hands,
struggle to “climb” to the shore. 10 minutes in total for me
it took to finally stand confidently on your feet at a depth of
belt" and go ashore. There was absolutely no strength! I barely made it to mine
a sun lounger, on which I still came to my senses for about 30 minutes.

The second time this happened after I learned about the features
reverse flow. The waves were small, about a meter high, and we
A friend went for a swim in the ocean. At a certain moment I felt
that I was “dragged” from the shore. And quite strongly - in a couple of seconds I
turned out to be 10 meters further. This time I already knew what to do.
Calmly, breaststroke swam along the shore. The channel turned out to be quite small
and literally after 5 meters I swam out of it and quickly returned to the shore with the incoming waves.”

Theory is a great power. Sometimes basic knowledge of some basics can save your life.

Therefore, if you are flying to relax on the ocean, always remember
basic safety precautions. Tell your friends about it and
relatives. This information will obviously not be superfluous in your luggage.