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Tropical Paradise Park Sanya. Yalongwan Forest

How strange it is not to find a single review of this fabulous place... Travelers, lovers of beautiful landscapes, lovers of China, you will love this place, I promise. And since I happen to write the first review of it, let me tell you everything...

The evergreen island of Hainan never ceases to amaze with its beauty, its beautiful mountains, coastline, bays... I don’t like the word “attraction” - a boring gray monument and a crowd of tourists turning their camera lenses on it immediately appear in my head, this place is something else , magical. It’s even impossible to photograph it, because it’s not a traditional park in the sense of the word, it’s a multi-tiered miracle of nature. This is also the place where the film was filmed. Yes, yes, no matter how skeptical you may be about Chinese melodramas with comedy elements, the second part of the film was filmed here ""I ask you not to disturb those who are dishonest" or "If you are the one" (Chinese: 非誠勿擾)."

Get there You can get there by city buses No. 15 and 24

Opening hours from 7.30 to 17.30 - it is advisable to arrive early, around 10 somewhere - there are fewer people, and you can see a lot of things, expect to spend 4-5 hours

Price 120 yuan, the price includes travel in eco-mobiles around the territory, along very steep winding roads. There is a cafe on the territory, but until you get there... Also, an additional 100 yuan - a cable car, 80 yuan - an ostrich ride, 20 yuan - a walk along the hanging bridge, 50 yuan - a visit to the house where the film was filmed.

At the entrance to the park there is a stone with the inscription “Where the sky ends and the sea begins...”, tempting, isn’t it? The park is conventionally divided into “levels”; at each there is a stop where an eco-mobile (free) picks up a group and goes to the next “level”. We get on the bus and go on a trip along the serpentine road...

"Orchid Gorge" - literally a kingdom of tropical greenery and beautiful flowers, interesting bridges lead to flowering gazebos, and all around there are mountains, a lake with lilies and fish - very beautiful! The abundance of stone blocks creates labyrinths through which you can wander, but to be honest, after the Chinese orchid exhibition you won’t spend much time here, curiosity to find out what’s next is overwhelming... But if you’ve climbed up and down through the labyrinths, you can go down the cable car on the highway - a pleasant extreme.

Suspension bridge "Bridge of Lovers" (length 160 m) is our next stop. The heroine of the film walked along this bridge, but in fact, walking with other tourists is quite scary - everyone walks in their own way, shaking the bridge, someone is already squealing in fear, you try to keep your balance and at the same time you notice that the bridge is smeared with yellow oil - your hands are dirty and smell bad, but the landscape is so mesmerizing that you involuntarily stop and take a couple of shots - and let the whole world (walking behind) wait!

Giant Buddha Stone, Dragon Square, gazebo-umbrella on the rock- It’s just worth seeing, wandering around, looking around - the landscapes around you will change, but will always be beautiful!

Main Dragon Peak (450 meters above sea level) - the place where all tourists strive to get when they are there - the peak of the park, very high and very beautiful - absolutely everything is visible. From this place, by the way, you can start your adventure by getting there by bus, and going down on foot, as you prefer.

Yanoda Tropical Park in Hainan is a national park and top-class tourist attraction (AAAAAA class), located in the south of the island, near the city of Sanya, in the autonomous territory of the Li and Miao peoples.

The name of the park was not chosen by chance: in the local dialect, “Ya-no-da” means greeting, as well as friendship and well-being. The main idea of ​​the park is the development of eco-tourism and respect for nature. All park employees constantly greet guests with the exclamation “Ya-no-da.”

The Yanoda Protected Rainforest covers an area of ​​123 square kilometers. km, 45 sq. km are reserved for the cultural and tourist zone. km.

The government annually funds the development of Yanoda Park billions of yuan. A visit to a natural park is not a wild extreme in the jungle, but a well-organized and safe walk through the tropical forest.

entrance to the park

The entrance to Yanoda Park is designed in the form of the “Chinese Zodiac Square”, which is located on the border of the reserve. This is a whole complex that looks like a large train station with a huge area, a ticket hall, a waiting room, cafes and souvenir shops. Tall paired sculptures of animals from the Eastern calendar are placed around the square.

A 17 km long road leads into the jungle, along which you can travel by comfortable buses or electric cars. After a 15-minute journey, the bus drops off passengers at the pass, from which the beach line of Hainan Island is visible to the south.

Audio guide

At the entrance, the visitor receives an audio guide equipped with a GPS system. Thanks to this, even in such a vast territory it is impossible to get lost. If someone cannot get out on their own, park employees will come to their aid.

This portable audio guide with map is available in Chinese, English, Russian, Japanese and Korean, providing detailed information about the park. Tourists will hear legends associated with the park, as well as about the plants they pass by.

The audio guide starts automatically when the visitor approaches a certain point. According to tourists' reviews, the audio guide is set up for a leisurely walk and slows down while loading information when moving quickly around the park.

What to see in Yanoda Park

The national park is a mountain covered with tropical jungle. This natural area has been slightly improved and prepared for safe visiting. To make walks more exciting, man-made objects were also built in the park: the Gate of Lovers, the Gate of Happiness, caves, etc.

Along the mountain, covered with virgin tropical forest, there are many roads, paths, stairs and bridges, and observation platforms. Visitors can choose excursion routes of varying degrees of difficulty, including routes of extreme difficulty, which are permitted from 12 years of age.

In the lower part of the mountain the routes are simpler, where most of the visitors are concentrated. Those who want solitude in the silence of the tropical forest, or dream of taking the most difficult route, need to climb higher. There are no wooden paths at the top, only paths among huge boulders and hanging tangled vines.

The territory of the reserve is divided by a gorge into two valleys connected by a suspension bridge, which are called the Valley of the Jungle and the Valley of Dreams. A beautiful mountain river with boulders and waterfalls flows through the park.

Valley of Dreams

It is not for nothing that visitors call this valley the best example of the tropics. There is a lot to admire here: stunning waterfalls surrounded by huge trees and rocks, small streams babbling under your feet, and exotic birds flying overhead. The waterfalls are especially beautiful during the rainy season, from August to October.

Jungle Valley

The valley will be remembered for its giant boulders and deep gorges. Huge trees wrap their knotted powerful roots around rocks covered with fluffy moss, and above, overhead, flexible vines intertwine. There are comfortable wooden paths, bridges and gazebos for tourists.


The rainforest has beautiful lakes that you can walk around. The most daring tourists can cross the lake on large boulders, forming a kind of bridge across the water surface.

Near the lake, in which black swans and a 200-year-old turtle swim, there is a special area for a musical show by the Aboriginal Lee people. The lake also has a nursery for carp, which can be bottle-fed. Children really like this entertainment.

From the lakes a route begins that leads up to the waterfalls.


In Yanoda Park, most of the trees grew naturally, but there are also specially planted plants.

Visitors will not be left indifferent by the thousand-year-old banyan tree, which is also called the grove tree, because from one banyan root an entire forest can grow, emerging from rooted branches.

In Yanoda Park you can see medicinal plants, as well as tropical fruits of various colors and shapes. Visitors can admire orchids growing in their natural environment.

Rope crossing

The bravest visitors to Yanoda can experience the park's main attraction by taking a ride on the gently sloping rope crossing located above part of the valley. During the “flight” at an altitude of 50 m, you can enjoy breathtaking views, but not for long. After all, the distance that can be covered is small - only 680 m.

Climbing the waterfall

The Chinese are very fond of this extreme entertainment - they storm wet boulders in a chain like climbers. To climb, you need special comfortable shoes and a helmet, which are provided on site. Everyone gets to the top wet, but happy. The waterfall is especially beautiful during the rainy season.

Walk along suspension bridges

One of the attractions is a walk along shaky, swaying suspension bridges. They look fragile in appearance, but in fact they are absolutely safe.

Reviews of Yanoda Park on Hainan Island

Yanoda Park on your own

You can visit Yanoda Park in Hainan on your own, although traveling with a guide has a number of advantages: a specialist will help you choose the right walking route that suits the health and level of physical fitness of travelers, and at the same time tell you which tropical plants and insects you should not touch.

Tourists who arrive at the park on their own are usually put on a bus at the entrance to some group to get to the part of the park where the walking routes are located.

Tourists can reach Yanoda Park by on the bus"Haiqi", departing from the Sanya bus station (address - Sefanstreet, 16) to Baoting or Wuzhishan. Boarding is at Baoting Qixianling Terminal and exiting at Sandao Nongchang Lukou Stop. The bus runs from 7:00 to 16:30 every 20-30 minutes, the ticket price is about 13 yuan.

From Sanya, the easiest way to get to Yanoda Park is by Taxi. Considering that neither taxi drivers nor taxi fleet dispatchers usually speak English, it is most convenient to use the Uber or Didi Chuxing mobile application, which are available in English. The trip will cost 400-500 yuan.

It is also convenient to get to the park as part of an excursion group. If your itinerary does not include a visit to Yanoda Park, please ask for an adjustment to your itinerary.

Yanoda National Park can be reached by car. free bus, which departs from the bays of Sanya. The green body of the bus features the park's logo. However, there are situations when an ordinary white bus comes to pick up tourists.

Seats on this bus must be reserved in advance. Given the language barrier, it is better to ask the hotel staff for help.

Free shuttle bus departure locations

  • Sanya, Sanya Pearl Square in City Center, from Mingzhu Plaza: to the park at 09:00, from the park at 16:00;
  • From Junyi Hotel: to the park at 08:00, 09:00, 10:30, from the park at 14:30, 15:30, 17:30.

For questions related to transport to Yanoda Park, please call: 400-0463-888.

Entrance to Yanoda Park on Google Maps panoramas

Video: overview of the Yanoda rainforest

Tropical Paradise Park is located just a few kilometers from Yalong Bay. It is a huge pristine tropical forest with an area of ​​1506 hectares.

The park is divided into three thematic tiers, on each of which we will have an interesting walk. And we will move from one zone to another on small open tourist buses. We did not get to the first level - the alley of orchids, because it was closed, and all the shuttle bass did not stop there. The next stop is at the observation deck, which offers views of the park and the bay.

And the main point of the level - the suspension bridge or lovers' bridge (dragon bridge). The length of the bridge is 168 meters.

The bridge is suspended and very narrow, located at a fairly high altitude. Walking along it is very, very scary :) If someone decides to go back in the middle of the path, he will not be able to do so, since it is almost impossible to stretch on the bridge, much less go against the flow. Some staged entire photo sessions in the middle of the bridge. Naturally, we had to go around them, squeezing along the “handrail,” and the entire suspended structure began to sway terribly. At some point, I overtook everyone taking pictures, and in front of me was an empty bridge.

The bridge offers a stunning view. The slopes of the mountains, between which a bridge is built, the endless sea and the Yalongwan Valley.

By the way, at the end of the bridge there is a park employee with a camera. When another brave tourist approaches him, the Chinese begins to rock the bridge with his foot and wave joyfully at you, saying, smile, they’ll take your picture:) You can pick up a photo with the most frightened smile of your life in the pavilion a little further along the trail.

For those who find the bridge too unreliable, there is a downhill path that runs along the slopes of both mountains. In one place we need to go through a narrow hole in the stones. This is the Monkey King Gorge.

Nearby there is a sign with some information about the gorge, even translated into Russian... Absolutely all the translations from Chinese into Russian brought a lot of fun))) I quote the verbatim text: “In the park, the taiga is cramped, many wild animals live in the taiga. Among them are attractive landscapes - groups of wild macaques. The regime of the monkey group is relatively strict, the monkey king has the highest right in the monkey group, this cave is the resting place of the macaque king.”

From another observation deck there is a view of the Bird's Nests Hotel. It is built in the style of a classic tropical village. The cottages stand on stilts at the height of the forest canopy. And at night, from Yalong Bay, the rare lights of the hotel complex look like fireflies lost in the tropical forest.

At the top of the mountain is the theme park of the patron saint of Dragon Bay.

The park's well-maintained paths can lead you to a shop selling traditional Hainanese products.

Here you can buy delicious coffee with coconut cream, coconut powder (for coffee and cooking), coconut cookies, coconut candies and much, much more made from coconut, because coconut is the main crop of the island.

Guests of the Bird's Nests Hotel are invited to swim in the pool above the abyss overlooking the bay.

This gazebo bridge was being repaired, pay attention to the “scaffolding” :)

And a sign :)

You can climb to a three-story gazebo in a traditional Chinese style, which offers beautiful views of the bay, park and other viewing platforms.

The main highlight of the park is the bronze statue of the patron saint of Yalong Bay - the Dragon.

Just below there is an observation deck with a place where you can light incense to honor the Dragon.

From the observation deck at an altitude of 450 meters above sea level there is a magnificent view of the sea and hotel complexes.

And also to a Chinese military base.

Of course, no photograph can convey the magnificent beauty that opens from the heights of the mountains. But I hope the panoramas will help you imagine it :) Both panoramas are clickable

More than 1,500 hectares of tropical forest await visitors, stretching between sea and mountains. Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park is divided into several thematic zones, each of which has its own landscape and vegetation.

Visitors to the evergreen forests of Hainan will be able to walk along the 160-meter suspension bridge (Lovers' Bridge), admire the Orchid Valley, see the Buddha Stone, visit the Dragon Square and climb to the very top of the mountain (450 meters) to enjoy magnificent views of the coast of Hainan Island. Some entertainment in the park is paid separately (from 20 to 100 yuan), so when going on an excursion, take extra money.

It is worth warning you right away that the territory of the park is large and only well-physically prepared tourists can fully explore it. Those who do not fall into this group will be able to move around some places in the park not only on foot, but also on excursion buses and special eco-mobiles, but in this case the route will be much shorter.

If you get tired and hungry, there are several restaurants and cafes in the park where you can eat and relax while enjoying the magnificent views.

In addition to entertainment in the park, there is also a first-class hotel, Yalong Bay Earthly Paradise Birds Nest Resort 5, offering accommodation in cozy houses on the mountainside with stunning views from the window.

How to get to Tropical Paradise Park in Hainan

Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park is located in the southeastern part of Hainan Island, about 25 kilometers from Sanya. You can get here on your own by taxi, bus No. 15 and No. 24, or as part of an excursion group.

If you have already vacationed in Tropical Paradise Park in Sanya, leave your reviews and share your impressions of your vacation in Hainan!

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Yalongwan is the most luxurious and prestigious resort on Hainan Island

(Yalongbey) is located in the south of Hainan Island, 25 km from the major tourist city of Sanya. This is one of the amazingly beautiful places on Hainan Island.

The Chinese call the bay Yalun Bay "The First Gulf of the Celestial Empire", paying tribute to the magnificent landscape of the area. The bay is surrounded by a series of hills containing untouched tropical forests. The 7 kilometer long coastline is shaped like a moon.

The beaches in the bay are quite wide and uncrowded. The combination of a transparent turquoise sea with dazzling white sand seems to transport you to paradise. It’s not for nothing that the locals themselves call this bay Yaochi - "heaven on earth"

You can relax at the resort all year round(see water and air temperatures below for more details).

How to get there

Phoenix Airport (Sanya). The closest airport to Yalongwan Resort is Phoenix Airport. From Phoenix International Airport, it takes 30 minutes by car.

Meilan Airport (Haikou). If you arrived at the international airport located in the north of the island - Meilan, then you need to take a taxi or bus to the railway station Haikou East. Buy a ticket to YaLongWan (or SanYa) station and in 1 hour 45 minutes you will be there. The cost depending on the class of service is from 85 yuan. Note! Not all trains stop at YaLongWan Station.

Direct flights to Phoenix Airport are operated from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Khabarovsk and other Russian cities. Direct flights from Moscow are operated on Thursdays and Sundays by AzurAir. Organized group transfer by bus to hotels for tourists.

From the central resort city of Sanya Yalongwan can be reached by bus in forty minutes and 7 yuan, or by taxi in half an hour and 50 yuan. Prices may vary, check the exact cost on site.

Beaches of Yalongwan

The entire beach line- and this is 7 kilometers - this is amazing beach with very fine white sand. The water at the resort is crystal clear, visibility here remains at a depth of up to 10 meters. Hotels located along the coastline have their own beaches with free sun loungers and umbrellas.

It's beautiful here sandy entrance to the sea, there are no pebbles or corals, so Yalongwan is an ideal place for families with children. In addition, at the resort no ebb and flow.

Yalong Bay Hotels

Upscale hotels stretched along the coast, and today they are one of the best hotels on the island, meeting all international standards. The resort features almost all of the world's most famous chains of hotel brands, such as The Rirz Carlton, Hilton, Marriot, Sheraron, Gloria, Holiday Inn, Mangrove.

Almost all hotels are located on the first coastline and everyone has their own private beach. The main entertainment takes place on the territory of the hotels themselves, as a rule, these are live musical performances and interactive activities with hotel guests. Some hotels have Russian-speaking staff.

When vacationing even in 4* hotels, rest assured that you will definitely receive quality service.

When vacationing in 5* hotels in the Yalong Bay resort, it’s quite easy to forget that you are in China, since Yalongwan has the atmosphere of a world-class resort.

The most economical hotels in the resort are the following hotels: Cactus Resort 4*, Universal 5*, Golden Palm 4* and Palace Resort 5* .

See the cheapest prices for hotels in Yalong Resort below.

Map of the location of hotels in Yalongwan Resort

Attention! In our tour search system you can see an interactive map of the location of each hotel. Check out the location of the hotel and nearby infrastructure on the map and satellite.

5* hotels

Hotels 4*

Considering the level of hotels located in the Yalongwan resort, hotel spas guarantee the highest quality of service.

Fun on Yalongwan

Yalongwan Resort is quite a calm place and what can be called entertainment is mainly centered around Central Square.

There are cafes and restaurants, a small entertainment area for children.

In the theater hall of the Universal Resort Yalong Bay 5* hotel you can see enchanting show of Chinese masters.

Resort nightlife concentrated mainly in bars or around hotel pools. Almost all 5* hotels provide an evening program for guests: live performances and interactive activities with vacationers.

For more dynamic experiences, tourists go to the city of Sanya.

Excursions and attractions

From the sights Yalongwanya you can note central square, on which it is installed stone totem 27 meters in size.

"Museum of Tropical Sea Shells" which presents unique exhibits.

"Valley of the Butterflies"– one of the largest butterfly breeding centers located opposite the Cactus Resort4* hotel (entrance to the park is free for residents of this hotel).

Yalong Bay Tropic Paradise Forest Park - we can say that this is a natural, cultural and entertainment place, since here you will not only touch the natural beauty, but also be able to test your endurance.

You can walk along the suspension bridge, visit the Dragon World theme park and, having already climbed to the very top, you will see the most gorgeous panorama of Yalong Bay.

Note: There is a shuttle bus available in the park.

Suspension bridge in Yalongwan Park

Climate and weather in the resort of Yalunwan

You can relax at the resort all year round. The water temperature does not drop below 21 degrees even in the winter months.

Wed.month t, °C

during the day

at night
