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Bus tours are a short educational program. Traveling by bus in Europe: description, reviews

A trip to Europe is an excellent springboard for a novice traveler. Firstly, it is economical, secondly, if you wish, you can cover several countries at once, thirdly, you have the opportunity to see much more than the airport, hotel, beach and several tourist spots, which means you will understand and feel the country better.

There are other advantages too. These are the wonderful autobahns of Europe and stops in the middle of the picturesque Alps or Apennines (if you are driving through them), these are hamburgers in cafes at gas stations, which are just a blast from the road and seem tastier than any delicacy, this is watching films and listening to ethnic music, when outside the windows, the landscapes change one after another, there is a lack of check-in procedures at airports, and for those who are afraid of airplanes, there is practically no alternative type of travel.

But, as with any other type of trip (and bus tours are a much greater adventure than air tours), there can be pitfalls, inconsistencies, and various unpleasant moments. And all of them are often associated with the wrong expectations of the tourist, as well as the lack of basic behavior skills on a bus trip.

Choose the right company

This is the first and most important thing to do. A bus trip is a responsible matter, because here the group leader will be with you all days of the trip, you will spend the maximum amount of time with him and other tourists in the group, which means that the travel agency must be very reliable so that with its help you can minimize all unpleasant situations.

If the tour operator with whom you are traveling is unreliable, a huge number of troubles can arise - from banal disorganization and delays at destinations, to ripping off tourists in the form of additional payments right on the road, about which you were not warned in advance.

The question of how to choose a tour operator is quite sensitive, and this is rather a topic for a separate publication. Here we note that he must have been working in the market for many years, he must have a positive credit history, good feedback tourists, recommendations, its activities should be as transparent as possible for the consumer.

Be patient

When choosing a bus tour, in the program we see something like: “Hungary – transfer to Austria – overnight – crossing the border with Italy.” Many in such a situation will think that moving is as quick and insignificant as reading the names of countries and cities from a piece of paper. In fact, the journey takes a long time, sometimes almost a day. Therefore, when we see some destinations on the route, we must understand what we are dealing with. And the daily changes of cities or even countries should make you think that the journeys will be long, and the breaks between them will be short. This makes you very tired. Although, in essence, this is neither good nor bad. You just need to be prepared for this and be aware of all the difficulties of long journeys in advance.

Find out if there will be night crossings

This is a fundamental question. Because there are tours with them, and there are ones without. If you know that you won’t be able to get enough sleep on the bus, choose the second option. Typically, tours without overnight transfers are designed so that you do not spend the whole day on the bus, but still get to your destination in half a day, settle down there and then go on excursions from there. Therefore, your journey does not turn into a continuous trip. But still, if you really regret this time, and you sleep very well on a bus, choose tours in which you will spend the night in transport, and during the day you will enjoy only excursions.

About included holidays

Pay attention to whether each day of the program is packed with travel and transfers, or whether you will still be given time to rest, perhaps even for several days. Ideal tours are those that include several days at the resort and several days of a purely excursion program. On such trips you can get some sleep, get a little healthier, swim in the sea, and get a lot of fresh impressions. But they are more expensive. Firstly, because such tours are usually longer, and secondly, they try to include more expensive hotels for the recreational part. That is, these are no longer transit two or three stars, but, for example, fours.

In general, there is such a huge number of variations that you will even get confused at first. These are now popular weekend tours, and tours for two weeks or longer, combining relaxation and travel, and tours with included accommodation in the mountains, and only with the beach and sea... Any whim of a tourist!

Choose a vacation by status

The people you travel with will spend the entire journey with you. Each of them has their own character, habits, their own needs, their own social status. You will have to put up with a lot, turn a blind eye to a lot. This is something to remember and take lightly if you are already on the road.

But first you can try to minimize the risk that you will not like the trip. How? If you have enough money, do not choose tours that are too cheap. Then your bus will not be filled with, for example, poor students who will always be late everywhere, drink alcohol in the last rows and have loud fun when you want to fall asleep.

Take some snacks

On the autobahns, cafes offer very high prices. If this is Europe, then a couple of hamburgers and cups of coffee will cost you 10-15 euros. For residents Western countries It’s pennies, but for our people it’s a tangible amount. Therefore, the ideal option is to take something quickly eaten and non-perishable with you on the bus: nuts, chips, cookies, dried fruits, bananas, apples, breadsticks. This is enough goodness for you to have a snack when everyone is spending extra money at a roadside cafe and trying to fit it into the allotted 15 minutes.

And, by the way, divide all things into two categories - those that are needed on the bus, and those that can be hidden in luggage. In the first category, include some food, a blanket, comfortable shoes, woolen socks or slippers, safety glasses, earplugs, a pillow under your head, wet sanitary napkins, and medications.

Know your money in advance

European bus tours are usually not very expensive: from 2 thousand UAH to 20 thousand UAH per trip for two. This amount usually includes medical insurance, a visa, bus travel, some excursions, and the services of a group leader. For everything else you will have to pay extra.

How to calculate the final cost of the tour? There is one simple rule: you need to multiply the fee you pay to the travel agency by two. That is, another 50% of your expenses will go towards food, souvenirs, excursions and other needs. Thus, the tour that you purchased for 400 euros will ultimately cost 800 euros.

Bus tours- the most affordable travel option. They are incredibly popular because they provide the opportunity to see a lot of new things and get a lot of impressions in a fairly short time. Traveling by bus in Europe is in greatest demand. These are the ones that will be discussed in our article.

Advantages of bus tours

Traveling by bus in Europe is a very exciting trip that is relatively affordable and therefore incredibly popular. During one tour you can see several countries and a number of cities, and the cost of such a vacation is much less than a classic trip with overnight stays in hotels. According to experienced tourists, such trips are very interesting because they allow you to feel the romance of real distant travels. The dynamic change of countries, cultures, cities and landscapes occurs quite quickly and right before our eyes, thanks to which the entire tour is filled with emotions.

Why Europe?

Why are tourists interested in traveling by bus in Europe? Everything is quite simple. Since ancient times, European lands and the culture of the camps located on them were of great interest to our ancestors. Whole centuries passed, the borders of states, their rulers, and morals changed, but Europe still attracted people. Probably, the desire to see something better and borrow the best achievements has been living in our people since the era of Peter I, who was the first to radically approach this issue.

In order to see life in other countries and get as close to it as possible, as well as to imprint outstanding historical values ​​in their memory, people use bus tours. Traveling by bus in Europe is very convenient as the tour routes are deliberately laid out through the most prominent capitals and cities.

Travel time

If you are planning a trip, then you should think in advance about what period to choose. There is a huge variety of tours, so you need to choose a trip based on your wishes and preferences. If you want to combine sightseeing with a beach holiday, then you can go on a voyage from late spring to mid-autumn. It won’t be hot on the bus, you don’t have to worry about that, but a large number of tourists in museums and near attractions is simply guaranteed. If the purpose of your trip is only to see outstanding monuments, then you can purchase a tour at any time of the year. The fewest tourists in Europe are in late autumn and winter.

Benefits of European tours

Nowadays you can go on a trip from many major cities, including from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Traveling by bus in Europe has a number of advantages. First of all, such tours are good because the journeys are not too long, and there are an incredible number of attractions. Modern travel agencies offer an incredibly large selection of bus travel around Europe (reviews are given in the article). Therefore, every tourist has the opportunity to choose a program that suits him. Operators have long developed such routes, thanks to which during one tour you can see up to five to eight capitals and a number of other large cities. For example, you can go to France through Poland and Germany, then continue the voyage through Spain, and then end the tour in France.

Also an excellent option is a two-week trip to European capitals - Berlin, Paris, Luxembourg, Prague and Warsaw. If you want to see as many objects as possible, then while in these cities, you can also see nearby attractions. For example, while in Paris, it is worth not only seeing Versailles, but also going to Rouen. Besides large quantities advantages of such trips, there are also disadvantages. The most important of them is the limited amount of time for viewing architectural monuments and other places. In addition, it is worth understanding that on such tours tourists have practically no free time to explore anything on their own.


If you intend to travel to the north-west of Europe, then keep in mind that the most popular trips are to Scandinavia - France. True, such tours cannot be called purely bus tours, although, as a rule, people travel from St. Petersburg to Helsinki by bus. The next part of the journey is by sea by ferry from Stockholm. Next on the program is Copenhagen, after which travelers take a bus to Amsterdam. Well, at the end, beautiful France awaits tourists, for which three or four days are usually allocated. If you want to see some other interesting places, you can diversify your days with trips to other cities in France. However, such tours are paid separately.

Another favorite for bus tours is Italy. It is about her that all travelers leave the warmest compliments. And there are reasons for this, because the mild climate, abundance of historical monuments and beaches can conquer any heart. Such tours usually include the following cities: Venice, Vatican, Rome, Verona, Florence, Naples, Pisa, Pompeii, Siena. Well, on the way to Italy, tourists can get acquainted with Vienna, Krakow, Berlin and Salzburg. As a rule, tours in Italy are very busy and full of excursion trips, but travelers always have a choice: go to see architectural monuments or have a great time at sea.

Tour operators: Petrotur

European tours are quite popular, so many major tour operators offer them. One of them is Petrotur. Traveling by bus in Europe is no less popular than beach holiday. Tourists can visit the Czech Republic, Italy, France, Croatia, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Austria, the Netherlands, Norway, Scandinavia, and Greece. A well-known travel company offers wonderful trips from St. Petersburg around Europe, and it is worth noting that they will try to find you a tour that will best suit your interests. Traveling by bus across Europe from Petrotour can cover only sightseeing and sightseeing, but can also combine sea ​​holiday or be oriented towards natural objects. Everything directly depends on the wishes of the clients. In addition, all trips are organized in such a way that there are free days in the program. At this time, tourists can go on additional excursions or spend their time in some other way.

It is worth noting that most tours last for 5-15 days, but there are also very small trips for 3-4 days. For example, a short trip is possible to Finland - Sweden. Such a trip will provide an opportunity to see the Scandinavian countries.

"Bon Tour"

Another well-known representative of the tourism business that organizes trips around Europe by bus is Bon Tour. The company's arsenal includes trips to Italy, Spain, France, Finland, and Germany. "Bon Tour" offers not only purely bus tours, but also trips in which ferry crossings are possible or the choice of tours is very huge, ranging from short weekend voyages to extensive trips over two weeks.

Duration of travel

The duration of tours can vary greatly. It all depends on what the trip program is. If you are going on such a voyage for the first time, then it makes sense to choose a short trip with a minimum set of countries and the least number of overnight journeys. The cost of traveling by bus in Europe from Moscow, St. Petersburg or Brest, as a rule, does not include payment for a transfer to these cities. If you are unlucky enough to be a resident of one of them, then you will have to get to them yourself.

On average, a typical European trip lasts approximately five to six days. At the same time, nearby cities are included in the program. Such tours do not differ in depth; this should be taken into account when choosing a program. Such trips are aimed at superficially familiarizing tourists with the country. In addition, week-long tours are often used to explore one country, such as France or Italy. During such a trip, you can get acquainted with the history and culture of the country in more detail.

Night travel

As we have already mentioned, travel companies have a variety of travel options in their arsenal. If you are afraid of spending the night in transport, then you can choose to travel by bus across Europe without overnight travel. Such tours are not at all uncommon, they have their advantages.

Tourists spend the night in hotels along the route, have breakfast in the morning and then go to the next city. For such trips, cities are selected that are fairly close to each other. Such trips, according to tourists, are less tiring, since there is the opportunity to have a good rest in comfortable conditions. Tourist trips Not only older people, but also children can cope without night travel.

Necessary things for the trip

What to take with you on a bus trip in Europe? Since during the trip you will spend a lot of time in transport, it is worth taking with you everything that will help pass the time - players, maps, crosswords, etc. The most important items - food, passport, hygiene items, water - must be placed in a separate bag, which will be with you in the cabin. All other items will have to be sent to the luggage compartment.

Experienced tourists recommend not taking a large suitcase on the road, but dividing your luggage into two moderate bags, since you don’t need all your things to spend the night at a hotel. And not all hotels have elevators, so carrying large bags will be inconvenient.

You shouldn't take a lot of clothes on a trip. It is imperative to choose only comfortable shoes, since you will have to walk a lot. You should also take indoor slippers on the bus so that you can take off your street shoes and rest your feet. It is worth taking care of electrical appliances; it is better to take a charger, a hairdryer and a kettle. On any bus trip you will need a blanket and a small pillow. Of course, the cabin is warm even in winter, but falling asleep or just relaxing is much more comfortable under a blanket. When traveling, you need to choose comfortable clothes; traveling in skinny jeans will be difficult and uncomfortable.

On the road, you definitely need to take medications for headaches, antispasmodics for the stomach, and remedies for diarrhea, since you will have to eat unusual foods.

Bus tours in Europe: where to go, how to choose a route, what hotels offer. All the most interesting things about bus travel in Europe.

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Subtleties and routes of bus tours around the Old World

Bus tours, which, due to their accessibility, became the main “pioneers” of Europe for Russian tourists, are not going to leave the scene today, although it would seem that air tours at reasonable prices are now in abundance. Apparently, the matter is not only and not so much in the number of banknotes that a traveler is willing to pay for a trip: there were and are simply people who truly relax only on the road and are not ready to spend all the precious time of their vacation on staying in one place. We will now talk about what Old Lady Europe is ready to impress them with. But before we get into the details, let's take a closer look at a few important issues.

Important points

First of all, you need to find out whether the tour program includes overnight travel, during which a significant distance is covered without stopping at the hotel. On the one hand, such routes will cost a much smaller amount, but on the other hand, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to guarantee good health after such a trip. Any modern bus provides minimal comfort in the form of a reclining seat and air conditioning, but “bells and whistles” like almost full-fledged sleeping places are a very rare thing.

Those who are going on a bus tour for the first time should look for short trips with a minimum number of overnight journeys.

Secondly, much depends on what type of transport the tourist will use to get to the place where the journey begins. The most common option is the train to Brest. Recently, however, air travel and rail travel have become popular, for example to Berlin. By the way, the most expensive option is not even a plane, but a train trip to one of the European cities. The cheapest is the already mentioned Brest as the bus departure point.

Thirdly, you should definitely calculate your strength. No matter how tempting a long list of cities covered in one trip may look, visiting two settlements with excursions and trips to museums during the day is quite tiring. On the other hand, there will definitely be no shortage of impressions.

Where to go?

When choosing options for bus tours, it is important not to make a mistake in choosing the route. Those who are going on a bus tour for the first time should look for short trips with a minimum number of overnight journeys. The ideal option is an affordable “express tour” that covers a significant number of countries.

Experienced bus travelers, as a rule, are interested in more detailed tour options with “unpromoted” new cities. At the same time, night travel is no longer a problem for many experienced tourists, but on the contrary, it is a noticeable plus, since it leaves more time for daytime excursions.

Neighbors on the bus

Absolutely different categories of tourists go on bus tours. Some are traveling with children, others are going with a small group. Newlyweds, pensioners and students travel. They have only one thing in common: they are curious and energetic people who enjoy everything new and interesting - regardless of age. However, if we consider the issue in more detail, the age of tourists who go on bus trips depends on the season. During school holidays - October, January and March - young travelers become clients of bus companies. And during the holiday season, from May to September, office and enterprise workers, that is, middle-aged tourists, go for impressions. Recently, due to the growing “aviophobia”, the contingent of older people is gradually being added to the participants of bus tours.

Different income levels of tourists, of course, affect preferences when choosing a tour. However, the cost of a trip is not always an indicator of a tourist’s wealth: often in the spring a friendly tourist family goes on an “Austria - Switzerland” tour costing from 600 EUR, and in the winter they go on a short trip to Finland and Sweden with a base cost of about 200 EUR.

Very often, having met on a trip, tourists agree among themselves about further travel and book the next tour together.

What to expect from hotels and service?

Bus tours usually include accommodation in “tourist class” hotels and hotels from 2* to 4*. Meals in “kopeck-room apartments” and establishments of a similar level are “continental breakfasts”, and in hotels of a higher level - “buffet”. An important nuance: bus operators often book hotels not in the city center. This is due (in addition to the cost of accommodation) to the fact that hotels on the outskirts are more spacious, they have many “twins” - rooms with separate beds (this is the accommodation that is most popular on bus tours), there are spacious dining rooms for the whole group to have breakfast at the same time, and several elevators (an important condition for rapid settlement). Finally, it is easier to drive a bus to such hotels - right to the doors.

So, everything is more or less clear with hotels, let’s move on to the service. All tour buses are equipped with air conditioning, a dry closet and a washbasin. Plus, in the vast majority of cases, there is also a kitchenette, a device for supplying boiling water, and audio and video systems. Bus tours always have a pronounced excursion “bias”, so tourists are provided with a considerable amount of information materials: guidebooks, maps, phrase books, museum maps, etc. In general, in bus tours the main emphasis is always on the richness of the excursion program, and not on the “stardom” » hotel (unlike the same beach tours), as well as the comfort of transport, the professionalism of the guide, the volume and quality of the information provided.

What's not to like?

On long bus trips, anything can happen: traffic jams, tourists who are late to the meeting point after excursions, and punctured tires... In addition, we should not forget that a bus trip is not individual trip, but traveling as part of a group. Therefore, it is especially important, even before purchasing a tour, to thoroughly study the trip program, descriptions of hotels, performance characteristics of the bus and the list of services included in the price of the tour: no conscientious tour operator will make secrets of any of these points.

What will they show and when to go?

So, the nuances and possible pitfalls when choosing a bus tour have been sorted out. It's time to move on to the details. So, what kind of bus tours around Europe are there these days and what will they show your tourist?

Bus tours to European cities are very diverse. Operators offer a variety of travel options, during which you can see from five to eight capitals, as well as several major cities in one trip. The duration of European “rides” is from a week to two and a half.

The choice of destination, of course, primarily depends on the tourist’s area of ​​interest. For example, you can travel through Poland and Germany to France, visit several cities, and then continue your journey through Spain, ending the trip on French territory. Another option is to go on a two-week tour of European capitals: Warsaw, Prague, Luxembourg, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and Berlin. Those who want to get the absolute maximum experience from their trip will be able to additionally visit something interesting nearby during their stay in the listed cities. For example, if you are in Paris, in addition to Versailles and the castles of the Loire, you should also visit Rouen. The disadvantages of the maximum density of excursions during this type of travel are obvious: there is limited time for exploring local attractions, long journeys between cities and the almost complete lack of free time for tourists to travel independently.

One of the most popular bus routes in Europe includes visits to five European capitals: Warsaw, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris.

In addition, it is worth considering in advance what time of year to choose for your trip. If a trip to Europe is combined with a seaside holiday, then you can go on a trip from late spring to early autumn. It won't be hot inside the bus, but crowds of tourists on the streets and in museums are guaranteed at the height of the season. If a traveler chooses a tour that includes only an excursion program, then almost any season is at his disposal. The smallest number of guests in European cities is in winter (except for the New Year and Christmas period) and late autumn.

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Five capitals of Europe

One of the most popular bus routes in Europe includes visits to five European capitals: Warsaw, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris. In some programs, the Belgian capital is replaced by Luxembourg.

As a rule, the capital of Poland is chosen as the starting point of the route, and the excursion program tour (usually it does not exceed a day). As you know, the Second World War did not spare local historical sights: the Old Town was practically wiped off the face of the earth. However, Warsaw was restored, and, thanks to a carefully carried out reconstruction, today you can see both the beautiful Royal Castle with the square and the main catholic church- Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, and other architectural monuments. It is significant that the restored historical Center is under the protection of UNESCO, included in the list of valuable cultural objects as a wonderful example of scientific restoration.

The funniest linguistic discovery for tourists is how Poles refer to shops. The word “crypt,” which Russians associate far from being with food, means “shop” in Polish.

The next stop on the way is Berlin, the most Big city Germany, divided until 1989 by a wall into two parts with different political systems. There you can not only stroll through memorable historical places, visiting the medieval quarter of Nikolaifirtel in the Mithe district, seeing the symbol of the city in person - the famous Brandenburg Gate, but also climbing the Reichstag or visiting one of the many thematic Berlin museums. Some travel companies organize afternoon excursions to Potsdam, the former royal residence. The palaces and park of Sanssouci in Potsdam deserve the attention of everyone who is partial to luxurious grandiose architectural complexes. A whole day is also usually allotted for visiting Berlin.

Next, travelers go to Amsterdam. This city that has gained fame Northern Venice, is well known to many tourists not so much for its historical sights (of which there really are a lot) but for its red light district and the freedom of morals that reigns there. However, do not think that brothels and coffee shops are all that the capital of the Netherlands can offer a guest. Beautiful medieval buildings, excellent gastronomy based on seafood, various museums and cultural centers, among which the Van Gogh Museum occupies a special place, and finally, the countless number of canals that captivate the heart of any resident far from waterways - all this is just a small part of what it’s worth come to Amsterdam.

Next stop is the Belgian capital Brussels. There's plenty to see, from the unique collections of Flemish paintings at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts to the Comics Museum. Local architectural attractions are under the protection of UNESCO, among them the Grand Place, the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula, as well as buildings on the Mount of Arts. The statue of the famous Manneken Pis is known far beyond the borders of Belgium, as is the Atomium, a model of a gigantic iron crystal lattice.

The next point of the European journey is a city that romantic natures wish to see and die, and lovers of figurative expressions often mention the opportunity to fly over it as a piece of laminated wood. It must be admitted that sightseeing bus tours reveal the beauty of the French capital very, very superficially. True, often the stay in Paris lasts for several days - then travel participants have a chance to feel the hidden magic of the Parisian streets, the famous Louvre, the entrance to which is symbolized by a glass pyramid, echoing the Egyptian obelisk and other traces of one of the most ancient cultures on earth, Eiffel Tower, the original ugliness of which over time turned into a symbol of the city, the famous Notre Dame Cathedral and much more. Additionally, if France is one of the longest stops on the itinerary, travelers have the opportunity to see the unique UNESCO-protected castles of the Loire on a day trip outside of Paris. At the beginning of this trip, tourists inevitably face the question: is it worth “spreading” the already short time of a visit for a sightseeing trip across several palaces at once? We answer: it’s worth it if travelers are not planning another trip to France in the foreseeable future.

The final stop on the journey is the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Despite its big name, this is a very miniature state. A distinctive feature of its capital, which bears the same name, is its exceptionally beautiful landscapes. Luxembourg is a very picturesque city with beautiful parks and many ancient bridges, among which the most famous is the Pont Adolfo. The local Cathedral of Our Lady is one of the main attractions of the capital.

Best destinations for bus tours

All articles about bus tours on Subtleties

  • By bus throughout Europe or by Benelux
  • Germany Berlin)
  • France Paris)
  • Czech Republic, Prague)
  • Baltics: Estonia (Tallinn) and Latvia (Riga)
  • Scandinavia: Norway, Finland (

Admiring the historical and cultural centers of old Europe, taking a walk in the parks of London, Paris or Prague is a vacation prospect that is increasingly attracting Russians, despite the crisis, tour operators say. And they offer “anti-crisis” bus tours.

“Interest in going on vacation abroad this year has decreased by 25-30%. Bus travel is the only segment of the tourism market that has hardly suffered from the difficult economic situation, has maintained its popularity and even attracted new clients,” says Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR). The secret is in the price. Road trips have always been cheaper than tours with flights, and this fall even more attractive offers have appeared.

Thus, operators have increased the number of programs with overnight travel (a night on the road, a day in the country), thereby saving on hotels. In addition, they refused the services of expensive hotels, choosing hostels, hotels along the road or on the outskirts. “You shouldn’t be afraid of such apartments. These are not luxurious, but very good in terms of the quality of service and interior decoration,” added Lomidze. Two stars in Europe are far from two stars in Turkey. European motels, unlike Asian guest houses, guarantee quality accommodation.

"Price and details sightseeing tours— the main advantages of bus tours,” says the executive director travel company « Old city» Lyudmila Davydova. For example, an eight-day trip to Paris with flights, a hotel (three stars) and three meals a day will cost 1,500 euros per person, not counting additional costs for excursions, souvenirs, and shopping. A two-week trip Vienna - Venice - Milan - Paris - Prague by bus with overnight stays in roadside hotels, a couple of excursions, several night transfers, breakfasts, overview stories from a guide and a visa - 380 euros (not counting additional expenses for food).

As Lyudmila Davydova said, the cheapest places to travel are to Finland, Poland and the Czech Republic (280-330 euros for five days); now these destinations are the most popular among clients. If you get to transit points by plane or train, the cost of travel increases by 30% (plus air or train tickets).

Route selection

There are three ways to go on a bus cruise: go directly from Moscow to St. Petersburg or Brest by bus; get to St. Petersburg or Brest by train, and then transfer to a bus; The most comfortable and expensive option is to fly into the country by plane, and from there begin your journey with a guide and other group members.

The trip takes from 7 to 15 days, but the road eats up 2-4 days of rest due to traffic jams, queues at the border and the crossings themselves. Therefore, five-day tours, although the cheapest, are not the most productive. The buses offered by most companies are equipped with a toilet, reclining seats for sleeping, TV monitors with DVD players, air conditioning, and sometimes even a small kitchen with a microwave, refrigerator and coffee maker. Your time on the road will be more fun if you grab a couple of CDs with your favorite films. However, get ready that another 30-60 people will share your leisure time and everyday life with you. You will have to be together with your fellow travelers almost around the clock.

“This vacation is not for misanthropes, but lonely travelers looking for companionship will have fun,” says Dmitry Fomintsev, head of the travel company Turtrans-Voyage.

Experts recommend taking care of your seat on the bus in advance - when purchasing, reserve a specific seat and make sure that it is indicated on the voucher or ticket. If you are seated in the back, then unpleasant shaking is inevitable; you may be bothered by foreign odors near the toilet and kitchen, and there may be drafts near the entrance. Most comfortable places located in the center of the salon.

Be ready

You will be taken either through several European capitals, or through large and small cities of one state, depending on the tour program. Stops for sightseeing and a snack at a cafe are provided every two hours. This brings variety and prevents you from getting bored. Almost every evening the bus arrives at a new one locality. Travelers spend the night at a local hotel and after breakfast go on excursions.

The day for a bus tourist begins very early - at 6 am. The organizers arrange a free breakfast, and then take the group to see local attractions. These can be like museums and architectural ensembles, as well as local diamond processing plants and watch factories. If along the way there is a bar or a pastry shop offering tastings, tourists will definitely be taken there. It is absolutely impossible to refuse or change the given route. An additional excursion can only take place for a fee and only at the request of the majority.

But after the “compulsory” program, everyone will have 1.5-2 hours of free time and can go wherever they want. The main thing is to stock up on parking maps - the guides do not provide them. Free time- at the same time a big minus. During this time, you won’t have time to go to the museum, and you’re afraid to go far from the bus, so as not to get lost. As a result, it turns into confused fermentation within a radius of 100 meters from the parking lot. And if the weather is bad, then most sit out in the cabin.

“Operators provide only free breakfasts and sightseeing excursions; the costs of other meals and trips to places not covered by the program are borne entirely by our clients,” says Dmitry Fomintsev.

He recommends taking extra funds with you up to a maximum of 50 euros per day per person. About 15 euros will be spent on food (150 euros for a ten-day trip), and the rest on gifts, souvenirs and others personal shopping. To be prepared for unpredictable weather, pack both lightweight and very warm layers. The main thing is that they are comfortable.

What awaits a tourist on a bus trip?

  • Cheap (280-330 euros depending on the number of days of travel)
  • Getting to know several countries in one trip
  • Many new friends among fellow travelers
  • Visits to bars and pastry shops for free tasting of local wines and delicacies
  • Opportunity to save on food (particularly thrifty tourists stock up on smoked sausage and canned food)
  • The opportunity to see not only the capitals, but also the provinces
  • Bus tour - good reconnaissance for a future more detailed trip
  • Limited time in cities
  • Inability to change the route at personal request
  • Lack of comfort
  • Noisy company of fellow travelers
  • Problems with obtaining a visa, since illegal immigrants also travel to Europe through bus tours
  • Lost time at the border, in traffic jams and during breakdowns
  • Unpredictable weather means you will have to stock up on both light and warm clothes.