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New Year in Andorra. New Year in Andorra Andorra for the New Year package tour

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of the tourist services included in the tourist product and an authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give my consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of the persons (tourists) contained in the Application: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; address of residence and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my personality and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those that are part of the tourist product formed by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without using such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such means corresponds to the nature of actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, to search for personal data recorded on a material carrier and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as for the transfer (including cross-border) of these personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) in order to fulfill this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, providing information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me to the Agent are reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and the Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.
I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and I undertake to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with the sanctions of the inspection authorities.

I agree (to) that the text given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, consent to the processing of personal data is stored electronically in a database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be revoked by me at any time, and in terms of a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person, by sending a written notification to the Agent by mail.
I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.
I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.
This Consent is an annex to this Application.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of the tourist services included in the tourist product and an authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give my consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of the persons (tourists) contained in the Application: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; address of residence and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my personality and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those that are part of the tourist product formed by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without using such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such means corresponds to the nature of actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, to search for personal data recorded on a material carrier and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as for the transfer (including cross-border) of these personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) in order to fulfill this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, providing information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me to the Agent are reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and the Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and I undertake to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with the sanctions of the inspection authorities.

I agree (to) that the text given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, consent to the processing of personal data is stored electronically in a database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be revoked by me at any time, and in terms of a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person, by sending a written notification to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

If you want new experiences and don’t want to part with the snow, welcome the New Year 2020 in Andorra! Treat yourself to new experiences! The choice of places for New Year's travel is very large and it is not limited only to hot countries. Andorra can be called one of the most successful places for celebrating; tours to Andorra can be purchased from Veltra right now! This small state has no access to the sea, but it has excellent ski resorts. Therefore, if you want to spend the New Year holidays in Andorra, snow and winter mood will be provided for you. A trip to the mountains always brings a lot of joy and pleasure, even for those who do not know how or are afraid to ski. Just walking through picturesque places, breathing crystal clear fresh air is already a joy for a traveler, and even more so for residents of megacities. How to note New Year in Andorra? The White Principality invites everyone to celebrate the holiday. You will definitely get new impressions from the trip. Here you can not only have fun celebrating holidays, but also admire the beauties, learn the traditions of the inhabitants of the country. Such impressions will be remembered for many years and, most likely, after a year or even several years, you will return here again to spend a few more unforgettable days here. Choose New Year tours to Andorra and planning holidays. Today, many companies offer such vouchers, as this direction is in great demand. Moreover, the choice of hotels is quite large. There are five-star hotels with deluxe rooms, there are budget options for budget travelers. But, it is worth noting, no matter which hotel you choose, the New Year's holiday in Andorra will still please you with its beauty and hospitality. Those who want to unusually meet this event, the country "invites to visit" on the eve of Catholic Christmas. This holiday is especially honored by the inhabitants of the country. Houses, churches and shops in the cities of Andorra are decorated with amazing candles for Christmas, and by the evening the whole city becomes like a fairy tale come to life, when flames flicker everywhere and people rejoice at the new holiday. The new year 2020 in Andorra will be unforgettable for you, by the way, tours are already on sale! If you decide to spend holidays in this country, it is best to book tours in advance. This will save some early booking and choose the best options, because it is known that the closer to the day of the celebration, the more difficult it is to find free places. Today, many people try to go in search of new experiences, especially during such magical New Year holidays in Andorra, when you want a fairy tale.

How to celebrate New Year in Andorra

For those who love a snowy and frosty New Year, Andorra is the best option to celebrate this magical holiday. The White Principality invites everyone to the New Year holidays to get new impressions from the trip and from the holiday itself. Tourists will be able to celebrate Christmas, New Year, admire the beauties of this state, learn the traditions of the country's inhabitants. Such impressions will be remembered for many years, and after a year or several years you will return here again to spend a few more unforgettable days in this country.

Choosing New Year's tours to Andorra and planning New Year's holidays in Andorra

Today New Year tours and holidays in Andorra offer many travel companies This area is very popular among tourists. Moreover, the choice of hotels is quite wide. There are five-star hotels with deluxe rooms, and there are more budget hotel options for those tourists who cannot afford frills. But it is worth noting, no matter which hotel you choose, the New Year's holiday in Andorra will delight anyone with its beauty and hospitality. For those who want to fully experience the holiday and remember this New Year for a long time, Andorra offers to go to this country on the eve of Catholic Christmas. This holiday is especially honored by the inhabitants of the country, diligently decorating their homes. Houses, churches and shops in the cities of Andorra are decorated with amazing candles for Christmas, and by evening the whole year becomes like cities from a fairy tale, faintly flickering with cute flames. Gradually, Christmas turns into the celebration of the New Year, and you, too, will be able to celebrate the New Year 2012 in Andorra with pathos and fun, tours are already on sale! If you decide to spend the New Year or any holiday in Andorra, it is best to book tours in advance. This will allow you to save a little on early booking and choose the best, because it is known that the closer to the New Year, the more difficult it is to find free tours. Nowadays, many people try to go in search of new experiences, including spending the New Year holidays in Andorra, where fairy tales and magic reign.

Tours for the New Year in Andorra will make your vacation unforgettable! It would seem that such a small country that does not even have its own international airport - but offers its tourists all the opportunities for a first-class ski holiday!

Snow-capped mountain peaks, magnificent slopes, hotels with excellent service - all this attracts winter sports enthusiasts from all over the world. However, there are two more pluses, in addition to the ski slopes: this is shopping, since the country is a duty-free zone, and the climate. Winters here are very mild and sunny, with an abundance of snowfalls. During the winter months, the temperature rarely drops below -13 degrees, which makes the stay here especially pleasant and comfortable.

A trip to Andorra for the New Year is a good option for young couples and groups of friends, as well as for families with children, as well as people who prefer to travel alone. The variety of hotels will allow you to choose a room for every taste and budget. You can stay at one of the country's resorts, where it is equally close to any ski slope. In addition, there are excellent restaurants, cafes, shops, spas and nightclubs where you can have fun.

You can also choose from hotels located in close proximity to the slopes, on the slopes of the mountains. They are a little more expensive than city ones, but they attract guests not only with the convenience of their location, but also with excellent service and magnificent views from the rooms.

Holidays to Andorra for the New Year is also a great opportunity to admire the incredible beautiful nature this mountain country and plunge into thermal springs. One of the most popular places is the Caldea thermal complex, where you can strengthen your immune system and improve your health.

New Year's tours to Andorra will give every traveler unique emotions and will be remembered for a long time not only by the dizzying descent from the top of the mountains on skis, but also by going to the perfume museum, shopping, the beauties of the village of Llorts, which is considered one of the most picturesque in the country. And, of course, it is worth mentioning the excellent cuisine and the traditional hospitality of the locals.