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Traveling around the state of Hawaii. Hawaii is a resort state with amazing tropical nature Topology and relief

State of Hawaii

The state of Hawaii is the only island state in the United States. Almost 4 thousand kilometers separate it from the Pacific coast of the United States. It occupies the Hawaiian Islands archipelago, as well as some individual islands in the central part Pacific Ocean, not related to the archipelago. At the same time, some small islands of the archipelago (for example, Palmyra Atoll) do not belong to the state, remaining US territory. The state owns about 130 islands and islets, including coral atolls. However, only seven islands are inhabited. The Hawaiian Islands are either volcanic in origin or made of white coral limestone. The largest islands lie in the southeastern part of the archipelago, and to the northwest their size decreases. The largest islands of the Hawaiian archipelago (from southeast to northwest) are Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Oahu and Kauai. The chain of Hawaiian islands stretches for 2600 kilometers. However, due to the smallness of the islands, the territory occupied by the state is only 16,729 square kilometers.

The island of Hawaii is not only the largest, but also the highest. There are two huge volcanoes on it - Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. The height of the first is 4205 meters above sea level, the second is 4170 meters. If the height of the volcanic cones were measured from the seabed, then both mountains would become the greatest peaks on earth, exceeding the 10-kilometer mark and surpassing the height of Everest by one and a half kilometers. Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano, Mauna Loa is an active volcano. There are many others on the islands active volcanoes, for example, on the island of Hawaii there is also Kilauea. The slopes of the volcanic mountains gently descend to the coast, forming fertile valleys and coastal lowlands.

All the inhabited Hawaiian islands lie south of the Tropic of Cancer, which, along with the mild northeast trade winds, determines the paradise climate of this corner of the earth. The beautiful nature of the islands is incredibly diverse. There are mountains and valleys, amazing coastlines, bordered by groves of navigation palms found only in Hawaii, which got their name because their leaves are located in the same plane, like the feathers in the open tail of a peacock, and from them you can determine the position of the cardinal points. In a mild climate, tropical forests with their characteristic lush vegetation feel great. The well-groomed rectangles of cultivated land are also pleasing to the eye.

The capital and the only big city The state is Honolulu, located on the island of Oahu. The population of the capital is about 380 thousand people. At the same time, 89 percent of Hawaiians consider themselves urban residents. The state of Hawaii has a population of approximately 1.2 million. The ethnic composition of the state's population is unique: less than half are local residents 22.3 percent are Japanese, 33.3 percent are white, and more than 6 percent are Filipino. Given the extreme diversity of the population and very large quantities mixed marriages, we can say that the population of the state consists of only national minorities. Hawaiians consider themselves Americans, but at the same time they feel unique. It even manifests itself in the desire to use diacritics in writing, especially when writing toponyms and proper names.

The name of the state was given to the Hawaiian archipelago, but the meaning of this word is unclear, although it is known that it is of Polynesian origin. About a thousand years ago, the archipelago was inhabited by people from Polynesia. However, Europeans discovered them only in 1778. Using the right of a discoverer, the famous English captain James Cook named these Sandwich Islands in honor of his patron John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. In 1796, the Hawaiian Islands became an independent kingdom, so today in the capital of Honolulu you can see the former royal palace - the only one in the United States. However, in 1893, the last island queen, Liliuokalani (1838–1917), who ruled Hawaii for only two years, was overthrown by Americans who had settled on the islands. The Hawaiian Islands were a republic for five years before being annexed by the United States, becoming a U.S. territory in 1900.

In the 20th century, the Americans established the Pearl Harbor naval base in Hawaii. On December 7, 1941, the base suffered a surprise attack by the Japanese, resulting in heavy losses of ships and personnel to the U.S. Navy. The attack on Pearl Harbor accelerated America's entry into World War II.

Hawaii received statehood on August 21, 1959, becoming the youngest state in the United States and adding the last, fiftieth star to the state flag countries.

After the war, the Americans took care of the development of the economy of the Hawaiian Islands. Large pineapple and sugar cane plantations appeared there, where not only local residents, but also thousands of emigrants from Asian countries found work. Hawaii produces a fifth of raw sugar and produces the largest pineapple crop in the world. Coffee is successfully grown on the western coasts of the islands - the area allocated for it is constantly increasing. Of course, in the tropical trade wind climate, bananas, guava, papaya and other exotic tropical fruits ripen well. Smaller farms raise cattle. An important source of income for the ocean state is fishing for fish and other seafood. Agriculture and fisheries in Hawaii are focused not so much on meeting local needs as on exporting products. Therefore, food industry enterprises began to develop on the island. Suffice it to say that the state accounts for 40 percent of the canned pineapples and 70 percent of the pineapple juice produced worldwide.

Despite the abundance of mountains, the state is poor in mineral resources. However, local stone is used to build houses and roads. The same applies to timber: although industrial timber harvesting in Hawaii is in its infancy, it fully meets the basic needs of the local population. Clothing and footwear, paper, and metal products are produced on the island.

However, the main income for the state of Hawaii comes from tourism. The wonderful climate and stunning white sand beaches attract huge numbers of tourists from all over the world. It is no coincidence that locals call Hawaii “paradise.”

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The last, most remote and most fabulous state of the USA is state of hawaii. This is a dream for lovers of sandy beaches and exotic nature. The Hawaiian Islands are considered one of the best resorts USA.

The last territory to join, on August 21, 1959, was the Hawaiian Islands. The state of Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean at a considerable distance from the mainland. It consists of several islands, which annually increase in area due to volcanic eruptions.

The largest, central island is the island of Hawaii, after which the archipelago and state are named. However, the capital of the state of Hawaii, Honolulu, is not located on it, but on a smaller one - Oahu.

City of Honolulu

The Hawaiian Islands were inhabited in the 3rd-4th centuries by Polynesians, who became the indigenous population. The first Europeans appeared here in 1778, after the discovery of the territory by the English traveler James Cook.

The warm climate and rich fertile lands actively attracted settlers from the continents, and the US government tried to control the economic and political affairs of the Hawaiian kingdom that existed at that time. In 1893, a coup was carried out and the queen was overthrown. In 1898, America annexed the Hawaiian Islands, and since then it was only a matter of time before the territory became the state of Hawaii.

Features of relief and climate

The state of Hawaii consists of a chain of islands formed due to volcanic activity. On the largest and youngest island of the archipelago, Hawaii, there are as many as seven volcanoes. Almost all of them are valid. The remaining areas are occupied by savannah and tropical forests.

The Hawaiian Islands have a trade wind climate with high rainfall. It is warm here all year round: even in the winter months the temperature does not drop below 16° C. There is a high probability of heavy rains, so the main tourist areas are located in the south or west of the archipelago.

The state of Hawaii could well be called fabulous, but the whole picture is spoiled by frequent tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as periodic volcanic eruptions. You can look at the island from home using an online web camera. link .

Racial identity of the population and preached religions

The state of Hawaii is the only state where residents with Asian roots predominate. These are the Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the 19th century they were actively brought here as workers on sugar cane plantations.

The second largest population is occupied by immigrants from Europe: Irish, English, Germans, Spaniards and French. They are followed by Mestizos (14.7%) and Native Hawaiians (10%).

Most of the population of the archipelago preaches Christianity (about 60%). Followers of Judaism and Buddhism are represented here in considerable numbers. Atheists make up 21%. Interestingly, just 15 years ago their number was many times higher and amounted to 51%. By this indicator, the Hawaiian Islands were significantly superior to other states.

Education on the islands

University of Hawaii

University of Hawaii is the largest public educational institution in the state. It consists of several units located on different islands of the archipelago. He is mainly engaged in research activities; the humanities are very developed here. In addition to this university, the state of Hawaii has seven colleges and seven universities.

Basics of Economics

Historically, the state of Hawaii is famous for its sugar cane, where it is grown in large quantities. Coffee, rice, pineapples, guava and bananas are also brought from here to the mainland. Floriculture is sufficiently developed here. And, of course, a significant share of the economy is occupied by tourism and the service sector.

The Hawaiian Islands are the most popular resort in the United States with a large number of beaches and natural attractions, which can be appreciated via webcam by following the link.

It's worth the attention of tourists

First of all, the Hawaiian Islands attract tourists as a resort area. The mild climate and wonderful nature made it possible to organize many beaches and tourist areas on the territory. Here the waves of the ocean await travelers, sandy beaches and all kinds water activities(surfing, diving, etc.).

This event occurred on August 21, 1959. After joining the United States, the islands began to experience rapid growth in their economy and population, which in 2015 is about 1.5 million people. The vast majority of the population live in cities, the largest of which are: the capital Honolulu (400 thousand people), the cities of Hilo (42 thousand people), Kailua-Kona (12 thousand people).

History of development

It is believed that the Hawaiian Islands were settled around 300 AD. immigrants from Polynesia and Tahiti. This led to the formation of several island kingdoms on the islands. The mainstay of Hawaii's economy at the time was the harvesting of fruits and the catching of fish and crabs using various versions of canoes. Before the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands by European navigators, the indigenous population did not know writing, although they mastered the art of painting rock walls, many of which are well preserved to this day.

The discoverer of these territories was the British navigator James Cook, who ended up here by luck in 1778. For quite a long time he was considered a deity by the indigenous population, who, after the British stopped bringing them nails, “brought him down to the ground” by piercing his neck with a spear and cutting his body into pieces.

British sailors under the command of the captain of the Discovery ship, Charles Clarke, could not restrain themselves and carried out a land operation to search for Cook's body, but after the massacre of the local population, the leaders were able to return only Cook's head, and then without the lower jaw.

At the bottom of Kileikqua Bay, where James Cook's remains were supposedly buried, today lies a cast iron slab bearing his name.

At the end of the 18th century, King Kamehameha I, thanks to weapons received from European sailors, managed to subjugate the entire territory of the Hawaiian Islands to his power.

In the 19th century, the acreage of the Hawaiian Islands began to interest industrialists from the United States. People from all parts of the world began to actively come to Hawaii, which led to epidemics among the local population, which had no immunity to most diseases of that time. The indigenous population decreased tenfold from 300 thousand to 30 thousand.

Due to a shortage of workers, capitalists, owners of sugar cane production, begin to import labor from China, the Philippines, Korea and Japan.

In 1887, the white population, with the support of soldiers, carried out a coup d'etat and proclaimed the Hawaiian Republic instead of the monarchy. Eleven years later, in 1898, realizing the strategic importance and importance for the economy, the United States seizes the territory of the islands and gives them the status of broad autonomy, which does not suit the population, but suits the capitalists who do not want to bind themselves to American legislation in their relations with workers of factories and plantations.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Hawaii was ruled by the "Big Five" - ​​a group of large oligarchs who owned sugar cane plantations.

In 1908, near the city of Honolulu, the United States built the port of Pearl Harbor and turned it into the largest naval base in the Pacific region. The treacherous attack on this base by Japan on December 7, 1941 was the main factor that forced the United States to join the anti-fascist coalition in World War II.

The most important historical stage in the development of Hawaii was June 27, 1959, when 93% of the population in a referendum supported joining the United States as a separate state. On August 21, 1959, Hawaii, along with Alaska (49th state), officially received the status of US states and became the 50th state, receiving the nickname Aloha State.

Geography and climate in Hawaii

Today, Hawaii is the fastest growing landmass in the world. This is due to high volcanic activity. In Hawaii, the volcanoes Mauna Loa and Kilauea continue their volcanic activity, and there is also a passive dormant volcano Mauna Kea. The area of ​​the islands is 28,311 square kilometers. Most of the islands are covered with tropical rainforests and savanna.

The climate in Hawaii is very favorable for recreation, tourism, and agriculture and is characterized as a tropical trade wind. During the year the average temperature is 18-26 degrees Celsius.

Population of the State of Hawaii

The structure of the population and its characteristics are determined mainly by the descendants of migrants who most actively populated the islands in the 19th century.

According to the 2014 US Census, Hawaii's population was 1,419,561. In 2015-2016, the population may approach one and a half million.

By ethnic composition the population structure is dominated by people from Asia (about 40%) - Filipinos, Chinese and Japanese, the next group is Americans of European descent (25%), mestizos (14%), indigenous people (10%), Latinos (8%) and African Americans (3%).

Among the religious beliefs, Christianity predominates, occupying the minds of 29% of the population (Protestants 40%, Roman Catholics 28%, Mormons 19%) and Buddhism (10%). Other religions make up about 10%. Atheists make up more than half of the population (51%).

Economy of the State of Hawaii

GDP in 2015 was 78 billion US dollars. Per capita income is about 31 thousand US dollars. The state's unemployment rate is about 7%. The Hawaiian Islands are located along the North Pacific trade routes connecting North America And East Asia, Australia.

The successful economic development of the Hawaiian Islands is based on tourism and related services (weddings, beach holiday, festivals). The Hawaiian Islands have a wide network of resort towns and settlements, a lot of natural and historical attractions, including impressive natural parks. The tourism and entertainment industry accounts for 25% of Hawaii's GDP.

The industrial sector is based on the production of rice, sugar cane, fruit cultivation and their subsequent preservation. 1 million hectares are cultivated on the islands. land for growing rice, cane, pineapples, coffee, bananas, which are exported to different parts of the world.

An important part of the economy is made up of US military personnel, 75 thousand of whom live on the islands. Thus, about 10 billion dollars are allocated annually for the development of the Navy and Army located in Hawaii.

Hawaii has the fourth highest number of millionaires per capita in the United States.

Due to high taxes, prices in the state are quite high, but tourists are the main payer of taxes and fees.

The cost of living in Hawaii, particularly Honolulu, is quite high compared to most other places. major cities USA. However, the cost of living in Honolulu is 6.7 percent less than New York and 3.6 percent less than San Francisco.

Hawaiian Electric Industries, a private company, provides electricity to 95% of the state's population, mostly from fossil fuel power plants. Average electricity prices in October 2014 (36.41 cents per kilowatt hour) were almost three times higher than the US average (12.58 cents per kilowatt hour) and 80% higher than the second most expensive state of electricity, Connecticut. .

The state of Hawaii is an archipelago lost in the Pacific Ocean, consisting of eight large and many tiny islands. Honolulu – main city state, a major tourist center in the United States, located on the island of Oahu.

Hawaii is a paradise that annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. A variety of natural landscapes, marvelous plants and fruits, sandy beaches, fire-breathing volcanoes, coral reefs, warm Pacific waters, fabulous waterfalls- they will not be able to leave more than one tourist indifferent. The Hawaiian Islands provide excellent places for surfing and diving, snorkeling and yachting, hundreds of sports grounds await all fans active rest, and for lovers of peace and quiet, their magnificent beaches are the best choice.

State history

The history of the state dates back to the 12th century. It was during this period that the first settlements of Hawaiians, immigrants from the island of Tahiti, appeared on its territory. The tribes were led by leaders, the islanders sacredly revered the religious laws of the “kapu” and gradually ousted the indigenous inhabitants, each new tribe appointed its own king. Internecine wars broke out in Hawaii every now and then, as a result of which the islands either united into one union or fell apart again.

The first Europeans landed on the islands only in 1778, under the leadership of the famous English navigator James Cook. Trying to teach the natives a culture of behavior, he met fierce resistance, and as a result of the conflict that broke out, he was killed by the natives. At the end of the 18th century, the leader of the largest Hawaiian island, Kamehameha, was able to unite the islands into one huge union. During his reign, peace and tranquility were established in the archipelago, and minor civil strife ceased. After the death of the leader, his son Liholikho came to power.

Later, Christians arrived on the islands, and part of the archipelago was overrun by English whalers. Cities began to grow like mushrooms, the first cane plantations appeared, and emigrants from all over the globe flocked here in search of free land. In 1898, as a result of a coup d'etat that broke out in the United States, the Hawaiian archipelago became part of America.

In 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan. It was this conflict that led to America's entry into World War II. Hawaii officially received the state title in 1959.

Russian navigators Yuri Lisyansky and Ivan Kruzenshtern also made a small contribution to the development of the islands. One of the islands of the archipelago was named in honor of the latter.

Traveling through the archipelago

Six large Hawaiian islands are widely popular among tourists: extreme Hawaii, quiet Molokai, modern Oahu, luxurious Maui, tropical Kauai and the diving king Lanai.

Hawaii Island

The largest island in the state of Hawaii is the island of the same name. There are several active volcanoes on its territory, and the most high mountain world - Mauna Kea. Its base goes deep into the water, so if you measure the height of the mountain from the base, it easily bypasses Everest. Despite the volcanic terrain, the island has remarkably well-developed infrastructure. Within Hawaii there are two international airport– “Kona” and “Hilo”. There is a large bus station and sea ​​ports– “Kivaye” and “Hilo”.

The main asset of the island is the Hawaiian Volcanoes Natural Park. This is the only place on Earth where you can admire a volcanic eruption without fear. The most active volcano is Kilauea. An extraordinary picture appears before the eyes of tourists - fiery lava, flowing along steep cliffs, sweeping away all living things in its path, flows in a purple stream straight into the arms of the ocean. The Thomas Jagar Museum is of great interest, within the walls of which you can learn a lot about the nature and landscape of the island. Nearby is an old hotel called the Volcano House. Today, within its walls there is a small souvenir shop, several hotel rooms and a rich restaurant. Co observation deck The hotel offers a breathtaking view of the local island panorama.

The most dangerous place island is the Manua Loa volcano. But the Mauna Kea volcano is an official recreation area. Hunting enthusiasts flock here mountain air and walking. In the northern part of the island lies the Kohala Volcano, an extinct volcano. Several wonderful beaches have been created at its foot. A tropical jungle world opens up from the rocky shores of Ka Lae. There is a beautiful botanical garden here, striking in its diversity. flora and the beauty of the waterfalls.

Oahu Island

The main city of the state of Hawaii, Honolulu, is located on the island of Oahu. In its vicinity there are the best hotels in the state, an airport, a chain of expensive restaurants, a huge number of shops and entertainment centers. And fans of the sun and sea will find beautiful sandy beaches. Among the most famous is Sunset Beach. Favorite place surfers. Tourists have the opportunity to go on an exciting sea voyage on a motor ship - visit the legendary Pearl Harbor and visit the site of a sunken battleship. Helicopter rides are also offered. The state capital has few historical attractions, including the Bishop Museum, known for its incredible collection of Polynesian artifacts and ancient artifacts. The museum's archives contain unique manuscripts, photographs, maps, and works of art. The Hawaiian Theater, which stands majestically in the heart of Honolulu, is extremely popular among tourists. Within its walls you can enjoy wonderful performances, concerts, films, and shows. The Honolulu Zoo, located in the middle of the Kapiolani Natural Park, awaits the youngest guests of the capital. The zoo territory is divided into several zones - zone tropical forests, African savanna and tropical islands. Currently, the Honolulu Zoo is home to several thousand different animals, birds, and reptiles.

Molokai Island

For lovers of quiet relaxing holiday The island of Molokai is perfect. Golden beaches, a minimum number of cars, picturesque natural landscapes, excellent bicycle paths and ancient ruins preserved from medieval buildings.

Maui Island

The island of Maui has a fairly developed infrastructure - fashionable hotels, elite restaurants and cozy cafes, numerous shops, excellent transport links. Wailea is famous for its modern diving and surfing areas. For fans of extreme recreation, walks to the Haleakala volcano are organized. As well as exciting sea excursions on a boat.

Kauai Island

Kauai is a true tropical paradise, a treasure trove for ecotourists. It amazes with the diversity of its natural landscapes. The island resembles a huge nature reserve, covered with mighty mountain ranges and dense tropical forests, dotted with ravines and canyons. Tourists will not find modern entertainment here; lovers of secluded recreation and connoisseurs of wild nature flock here.

Lanai Island

Lanai is the calmest island in the state, with one small village located on its territory. Once upon a time there were pineapple plantations in its place. Lanai – real paradise for divers. Excellent places for diving, hunting and swimming.

  • Except in English, the Hawaiian language is also spoken in the state of Hawaii.
  • The Sandwich Islands were the original name given to Hawaii by the famous navigator James Cook.
  • “The Hospitable State” is what locals call Hawaii.
  • The state is famous for its coffee and pineapple plantations.
  • According to historical documents, the island of Kauai, which belongs to the Hawaiian archipelago, is about 6 million years old.
  • Interestingly, there are no traffic lights or shopping centers on the island of Molokai.

The state of Hawaii is the last state (50th) to be annexed to the United States. It is surprising that geographic remoteness was not a reason for denial of status. It is located more than 3,500 km from the main part of the country. The capital of the state of Hawaii, Honolulu, is a city that has become a real bestseller for the creators of all kinds of scanwords and crosswords. Other significant cities are Hilo, Kailua and Kaneohe. The number of inhabitants is about 1.5 million people. The name comes from the Proto-Polynesian language, literally meaning “homeland”. This word has become a household name for many Americans.

Hawaii State Symbols

Hawaii State Tree - Lumbang (Aleurites moluccana)

Hawaii's state flower is the Hawaiian hibiscus.

The state animal of Hawaii is the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

Hawaii's state bird is the Hawaiian goose (Branta sandvicensis).

Hawaii's state fish is the chevron triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus)

Hawaii State Jewel - Black Coral or Antipataria

Hawaii State Product - Coconut Muffins

State of Hawaii. Geography and climate

The Hawaiian Islands are surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, which annually brings 4000 mm of precipitation per year. Almost the entire landmass is formed by underwater volcanoes. This feature has become the reason for such an unusual relief, attracting artists, directors and photographers from different parts of the world. There are about two dozen volcanoes here, half of which are active. The climate is humid and hot, without significant changes or differences. The weather can be divided into two seasons: wet and dry. Temperatures throughout the year range from 18-25 °C. There are no cold and harsh winters here.

State of Hawaii. Economy

The economy is built on three main areas: agriculture, tourism and maritime transport. More than 1 million hectares have been allocated for growing vegetables, fruits, nuts and cereals. Hawaii USA is the largest supplier of sugar cane, bananas and coffee. Our own factories produce sweet semi-finished products, canned foods and sugar. The tourist focus is dictated by the location features. The world's best resorts with unique underwater design of coastal areas were organized on the islands with minimal investment. How sea ​​transport helps you earn money? There are several naval bases here, supported by government funding. A huge number of services providing military support operate in local ports. Moreover, the most important Pacific routes pass through Hawaii. The state connects the United States with Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other developed countries.

State of Hawaii. Population and religion

The population density is high, approximately 80 people per 1 km². Hawaii, the US state, is one of the few places in America where Asians have a leading majority. There are almost 40% of them here. Representatives of the white race are about 25% (Germans, Spaniards, French, Russians, Portuguese, British), and there are about the same number of mestizos. Despite the great difference and national diversity, there are never civil conflicts here. Religious preferences: atheists - 50%, Jews 1%, Muslims - 2%, Buddhists - 9%, Christians - 30%. The bulk of the inhabitants settled on the island of Oahu, known for its excellent ecology and large amount of vegetation.

State of Hawaii. Interesting Facts

Mauna Kea Volcano

  • The Mauna Kea volcano is considered the largest on earth, taking into account its parameters located under the water surface (more than 10 thousand meters total height).
  • The Vaialeale volcano has created a unique climate around itself. This natural object collects a huge amount of moisture (about 12 thousand mm), which is anomalous for our planet.
  • The mild and even hot climate does not prevent snow from lying on the tops of the mountains.
  • The center of the state of Hawaii often became the location for filming films, and the film “Jurassic Park” was created on the island of Oahu.
  • Every year tourists spend about 12 million dollars here.
  • The Kilauea volcano is distinguished by its activity, which attracts thousands of spectators from all over the world.
  • The state of Hawaii looks very unusual on the map. It consists of 8 large islands and more than 100 small ones.
  • Officially, the local alphabet consists of only 12 letters.
  • Almost 70% of women work here, which is a record for America and many other developed countries.
  • The legendary Waikiki Beach was created by human hands. All the sand was imported from California.
  • The area of ​​the state of Hawaii increases every year. This is due to volcanic eruptions that form land from solidified lava.
  • More than 120 islands are uninhabited. Many of them serve the local population, who work on a rotational basis.

State of Hawaii. Attractions

City of Hilo

The city of Hilo is known for its diversity of vegetation. A huge number of flowers grow here, the smell of which spreads throughout the island. Outside is the majestic Kilauea volcano, one of the largest on the planet. Local population believes that the goddess Pele lives inside him. When a mythical creature becomes angry or cries, an eruption occurs. The nature of the lava flows determines the mood of the goddess.

Village of refuge. State of Hawaii

The village of refuge is an ancient temple that forgave any, even mortal, sins of people. The path here is quite difficult, and therefore only a select few could overcome it. As a reward for his labors, the traveler received complete freedom and the blessing of the gods. The ancient buildings of this place create a unique atmosphere, motivating tourists to exploits and bright deeds.

Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor, which is still the home base of the American military, is known to every inhabitant of the earth. Based on the events of 1941, a huge number of films were made and books were written. Part of the famous harbor is open to tourists, immersing guests in the details of the conflict with Japan.

Waimea Canyon

Waimea Canyon is part of various tourist routes. The natural object was formed as a result of the eruption of the Kauai volcano. The canyon stands out for its unique atmosphere and picturesque views. Currently there is a tourist park here with all amenities.