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List of oversized (dangerous) places and service passages. Regulations on the organization of work in hazardous places of electrical installations List of bottlenecks and dangerous places

10.1. The list of oversized and dangerous places (gates, ramps and walls of warehouses, supports of gantry and bridge cranes, contact network supports, lighting installations and other station facilities) located on the territory of the operational depot is indicated in this Instruction (Appendix No. 5).

10.2. Sequence order for oversized items.

All oversized areas must have a distinctive coloring of yellow and black stripes at an angle of 45˚. When approaching an oversized place, the locomotive driver is obliged to sound a warning signal, make sure that the path is clear and that there are no people, proceed through the oversized (dangerous) place with special vigilance, the speed of passing oversized (dangerous) places should be no more than 3 km/h. When passing oversized (dangerous) places, the driver's assistant, the train preparer, while on the running board of the rolling stock, before reaching the oversized (dangerous) place, must give a command to the driver to stop, get down from the rolling stock and pass the oversized (dangerous) place on foot, from a safe distance signal to the driver to move the locomotive. After passing an oversized (dangerous) place, give a signal to the driver to stop the locomotive and board the rolling stock.

10.3. When passing an oversized (dangerous) place with a single locomotive, it is prohibited to lean out of the side windows of the driver’s cabin beyond the paravan (bay window), to be on stairs and steps, and other external parts of the locomotive.

10.4. Schemes of service passages are indicated in the diagram of depot tracks in Appendix No. 1.

Occupational Safety and Health

11.1. All employees engaged in shunting work on the tracks of operational locomotive depots, when performing their job duties, must comply with all labor safety standards and requirements, be guided by the “Occupational Safety Instructions for Locomotive Crews of JSC Russian Railways”, approved by order of JSC Russian Railways
dated December 27, 2012 No. 2707r, “Rules on labor protection when operating locomotives of JSC Russian Railways”, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated December 29, 2012 No. 2753r, “Instructions on labor protection when equipping locomotives of JSC Russian Railways”, approved by the order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated December 29, 2012 No. 2757r, "Instructions for labor protection of locomotive drivers working without assistant drivers when operating the locomotives of JSC "Russian Railways", approved by the order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated October 27, 2014 No. 2517r, as well as this Instruction.

11.2. When located on the railway tracks of an operational depot, the locomotive crew must comply with the following safety requirements:

Wear a signal vest with reflective stripes and an inscription with the name of affiliation with the household and structural unit;

Comply with traffic light indications, visible and audible signals and warning signs;

Walk to and from the place of work along established service passage routes, indicated by “Office passage” signs;

You should cross railway tracks in designated places (on pedestrian bridges, tunnels, decks), and in their absence - at a right angle, stepping over the rail, without stepping on the ends of the sleepers, having first made sure that there is no approaching moving vehicle in this place from both sides. composition;

You should walk around groups of cars (locomotives) standing on the railway track at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler of the outermost car or locomotive;

Passing between uncoupled cars (locomotives) is allowed in the middle if the distance between automatic couplers is at least 10 m;

When approaching rolling stock, it is necessary to pay attention to open doors, sides of cars, objects protruding beyond the dimensions of the rolling stock;

When leaving the premises to the territory of the operational depot in conditions of poor visibility, as well as because of the corner of the building, which makes it difficult to see the path, you should first make sure that there is no moving rolling stock, and at night, wait until your eyes get used to the darkness, consciously switching your attention to ensure the safety of their movements;

At night, it is mandatory to use a hand torch to give hand signals;

11.3. When located on the railway tracks of an operational depot, it is prohibited:

Walk inside the rut;

Cross or run across railway tracks when moving rolling stock is detected (visually or audibly), and also move to an adjacent track (inside the track track or to the edge of its ballast prism) while the train is passing;

Get off locomotives while moving;

Be on the steps, ladders and other external parts of locomotives when they are moving;

Move under rolling stock standing on railway tracks, through automatic couplers or under them;

Stand or sit on rails, electric drives, track boxes, car retarders and other floor devices;

Cross turnouts equipped with electrical centralization at the points where the switches are located, and also stand between the point and the frame rail, the movable core and the guardrail in the grooves on the switch;

Be located in an oversized place when passing rolling stock;

Jump from a locomotive or from a carriage transition platform;

Use mobile cellular communications, audio and video players and other devices not provided for by technological processes.

When using portable radio stations to communicate between an assistant driver and a driver on a locomotive, it is prohibited to be in the track of the railway track and in the oversized area to the adjacent track.

11.4. Clearing turnouts from snow on the tracks of the operational depot must be done during breaks between shunting operations. When cleaning turnouts equipped with electrical centralization, it is prohibited to go inside the track, and in the case of blowing turnouts with compressed air, the presence of a second worker is necessary as a signalman.

When clearing snow from turnouts, the worker must wear safety glasses; a hand-held flashlight with a red light at night and a red shield during the day must be installed inside the track.

11.5. While the locomotive is moving, it is prohibited to lean out of the side windows of the control cabin beyond the rear-view mirrors and the rotating safety panel, paravan (bay window).

11.6. An employee of a locomotive crew performing shunting movements may enter the space between the rolling stock only after the rolling stock has completely stopped.

It is prohibited for a locomotive driver to set the rolling stock in motion in the absence of an assistant driver in the locomotive cabin, as well as until he is completely convinced that there are no people in the space between the rolling stock.

11.7. In the absence of visual control of persons participating in shunting movements, as well as in the absence of radio communication, the locomotive driver is obliged to immediately stop and find out their location.

11.8. Employees of locomotive crews are required to notify their immediate or superior manager about every accident that occurs at work, about a deterioration in their health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning), as well as about the occurrence of a situation that threatens the life and health of people.

11.9. In the event of an injury or deterioration in the health of one of the employees of the locomotive crew, the other employee is obliged to stop shunting movements, provide first aid to the injured person and report the incident to the duty officer at the operational depot, the station duty officer (if necessary).

11.10. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a mandatory preliminary (upon employment) medical examination, passed qualification exams, as well as briefings, internships, tests of knowledge of labor protection, fire safety rules, tests of knowledge of norms and rules of work in electrical installations are allowed to work. to the extent appropriate to the duties performed.

11.11. During the work process, the employee must undergo mandatory periodic medical examinations, in the prescribed manner, instructions and training on labor protection, fire safety standards, first aid to victims, regular and extraordinary testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements, fire safety, norms and regulations for working in electrical installations and duplication.

11.12. The employee must know, to the extent appropriate to the duties performed:

Design and purpose of locomotive devices;

Human exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors that arise during work and measures to protect against their exposure;

Rules for staying on railway tracks, routes of service passages, oversized places in the work area; safe work practices;

Methods of providing first aid to victims of industrial accidents;

First aid kit storage location;

Locations of primary fire extinguishing equipment and warning signals in case of fire;

Requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety, fire safety;

Chemical factors affecting the human body through the respiratory tract, digestive system and skin;

Physical overload;

11.13. The employee is prohibited from:

Start performing work without undergoing the required instructions on labor protection and the next test of knowledge of labor protection requirements;

Start performing new work that is not related to his direct duties, without receiving targeted instruction from his immediate supervisor on safe methods of performing it;

Start performing work without personal protective equipment, the use of which is specified by the relevant instructions, rules and other regulatory and technical documentation, as well as use faulty personal protective equipment or their testing period has expired;

Stay in places marked with the safety sign “Caution! Oversized place!” during rolling stock maneuvers;

Climb and go onto the roof of a locomotive located under the contact wire or wires of an overhead power line and when there is voltage in the contact network of the equipment position;

Carry out any work on equipping rolling stock during maneuvers;

Enter the protective fences of electrical equipment;

Touch broken electrical wires, clamps (terminals) and other easily accessible live parts;

Touch the wires of the contact network, overhead power lines and foreign objects located on them, regardless

depending on whether they touch or do not touch the ground, grounded structures.

Be under the raised load and in the path of its movement.

Work near rotating parts of equipment that are not protected by protective nets or shields;

Unnecessarily remove guards and protective covers of mechanical and live parts of equipment;

Go beyond the fences of dangerous places;

Use mobile phones, players, headphones and other attention-distracting devices when performing your work duties at workplaces, except for specially designated rest areas.

11.14. Labor protection requirements during work.

11.14.1. After being placed in a repair position, the rolling stock must be braked with a hand brake, and brake shoes must be placed under its wheel pairs (on the inside of a two-axle bogie or on both sides of the middle wheel pair of a three-axle bogie).

11.14.2. Before cranking the crankshaft or starting the diesel engine, the driver must check that there are no workers in the diesel room, sound a sound signal (one short whistle), and warn the locomotive crew workers, outfitters and other service personnel: “Attention! I’m cranking the diesel!” or “Attention! I’m starting the diesel engine!”

11.14.3. Valves and taps must not be opened or closed with hammer blows.

11.14.4. When accepting diesel locomotives, check the availability and serviceability of fire extinguishing equipment.

11.14.6. The worker must fill and drain cooling water from the cooling system of diesel locomotives using serviceable pipelines, hoses and other devices that prevent water spillage.

11.14.7. It is prohibited to dispense cooling water and its components for purposes other than refueling the cooling systems of diesel locomotives.

2.5.1. Dangerous places on the contact network include:

· mortise and sectional insulators separating frequently disconnected and grounded loading and unloading paths and inspection of roof equipment;

  • places where consoles or clamps of various sections of stages and stations approach each other at a distance of less than 0.8 m;
  • supports with anchor waste of catenary suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work on which to live parts is less than 0.8 m;
  • common racks of clamps of various sections of double-track consoles of hauls and stations, where the distance between the clamps is less than 0.8 m;
  • supports where 2 or more disconnectors, arresters are located;
  • piercing the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m, cables of disconnectors and arresters with other potentials;
  • places of passage of supply feeders, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars;
  • location of electro-repellent (bird-scaring) protection;
  • supports with a horn arrester, on which the suspension of one of the paths is mounted, and the arrester cable is connected to the other path.

2.5.2. Dangerous places on overhead lines include:

· supports with joint suspension of overhead line wires 6.10 kV and up to 1000 V with a distance between them of less than 2 m;

  • sections of overhead lines in the span of the intersection of two lines, if the intersection is made in deviation from the requirements of the rules for the construction of electrical installations;
  • supports on which 2 or more disconnectors, 2 or more cable couplings of various connections are installed;
  • supports on which wires of intersecting lines with voltages up to 1000 V of various connections are attached;
  • sections of lighting lines for pedestrian bridges located above the contact network, and lighting lines for passenger platforms on a cable suspension attached to the lower fixing cables of the crossbars;
  • wooden supports with rotting more than permissible, according to the instructions for the maintenance and repair of signaling power supply devices.

2.5.3. Depending on local conditions, by decision of the EC management, other dangerous places may be installed within the contact network areas.

2.5.4. Dangerous places must be determined by a commission headed by the deputy head of the electric control center in charge of the operation of the contact network, consisting of a labor protection engineer or a contact network engineer, and the head (senior electrician) of the electric control room. The results of the inspection of electrical installations are documented in a report indicating the reasons for the danger. Each dangerous place must be fenced off with a warning sign “Attention! Dangerous place”, in accordance with the regulations on safety signs at railway transport facilities.

2.5.5. The list of dangerous places and their cards (Appendix 6 to these Rules) must be approved by the management of the electrical control center and be kept by the energy dispatcher and in the electrical control committee. Instead of cards, the energy dispatcher may be given a list of dangerous places indicating safety measures when performing work in each place. A list of dangerous places with safety measures should be posted in the safety corner of the ECHK.

2.5.6. A dangerous place may be excluded from the list if the necessary technical reconstruction of the electrical installation is carried out to ensure safe working conditions without taking additional safety measures.

At power supply distances, work is carried out to identify dangerous places in the contact network. Lists and photographs of these places, indicating the necessary measures to ensure the safe performance of work, power supply distances approved by management, are located with the energy dispatcher and in the area of ​​​​the contact network, where they are posted in the premises of duty stations, in the occupational safety corner, and cards for the completion of work in these places are handed over to the work manager along with a work permit.

The following are considered dangerous places on the contact network (Fig. 12.5).

  • 1. Mortise and sectional insulators separating frequently disconnected and grounded loading and unloading paths, inspection of roof equipment, etc. (Fig. 12.5, A).
  • 2. Places where consoles or clamps of various sections of hauls and stations come together at a distance of less than 0.8 m (Fig. 12.5, d).
  • 3. Supports with anchor waste of contact suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work to live parts is less than 0.8 m (Fig. 12.5, g).
  • 4. Common racks of clamps of various sections of double-track consoles of hauls and stations, where the distance between the clamps is less than 0.8 m (Fig. 12.5, e).
  • 5. Supports where two or more disconnectors, an arrester, a disconnector and an arrester are located (Fig. 12.5, V).
  • 6. Stitching the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m are the cables of disconnectors and arresters with other potentials (Fig. 12.5, b).
  • 7. Places for passage of supply feeders, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars (Fig. 12.5, d).

Rice. 12.5. Dangerous places on the contact network and layout of signs: A - mortise and sectional insulators separating frequently disconnected and grounded loading and unloading paths, inspection of roof equipment, etc.; b - piercing the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m, cables of disconnectors and arresters with other potentials; V - supports where two or more disconnectors, arrester, disconnector and arrester are located; d - places of approach at a distance of less than 0.8 m of consoles or clamps of various sections of stages and stations; d - places of passage of supply feeders, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars; e - common racks of clamps of various sections of double-track consoles of hauls and stations, where the distance between the clamps is less than 0.8 m; and- supports with anchor waste of catenary suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work on which to live parts is less than 0.8 m; h - locations of electro-repellent protection on the crossbars of the AC contact network to prevent nesting of birds; And - supports with horn arresters

  • 8. Locations of electro-repellent protection on the crossbars of the AC contact network to prevent bird nesting. The length of the antenna should be 180-190 m, the distance to the catenary wires should be at least 2.5 m, in addition, to protect the insulators from birds, special structures should be used on both sides of the insulator (Fig. 12.5, h).
  • 9. Supports with horn arresters, on which the suspension of one of the tracks is mounted, and the arrester loop is connected to the contact network of another track or feeder. Horn arresters mounted on a rigid crossbar, except for horn arresters, the loops of which are connected to the paths closest to the support (Fig. 12.5, And).


The list of dangerous places can be supplemented by the management of the power supply distance, based on local conditions.

The work order for work in a dangerous place must have a difference: a red stripe diagonally from the lower left corner to the upper right corner. The same strip should be on the map of the technological process of preparing work in a dangerous place. The routing number must be indicated in the upper right corner of the work order.

On the contact network, dangerous places are indicated by warning signs (red arrow) and posters “Attention! Dangerous place".

Control questions

  • 1. How is the contact network grounded for work?
  • 2. What electrical safety groups are there?
  • 3. What are the conditions for performing work on the contact network and what is their essence?
  • 4. Which devices on the contact network belong to dangerous places?
  • 5. What is induced voltage?
  • 6. How is compliance with safety rules monitored?
  • 7. What is the procedure for working from insulating removable towers and working platforms of railcars and handcars?
  • 8. Who has the right to issue orders, permission orders?
  • 9. Who is responsible for the safe performance of work?
  • 10. What is the responsibility of the observer?
  • 11. What is the responsibility of the work contractor?
  • 12. How are combined works performed?
  • 13. What organizational and technical measures are available?
I. Scope of application

1.1. This Regulation establishes general rules for organizing work in hazardous areas of electrical installations and applies to all electrical installations that are on the balance sheet of the structural divisions of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure - a branch of JSC Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as the CDI), not related to electrical installations of the electrification and power supply sector.
1.2. The regulation was developed on the basis of the technical instructions “On identifying dangerous places on the contact network, traction and step-down substations, sectioning posts, parallel connection points and power lines”, signed by the head of the Department of Electrification and Power Supply on September 26, 2005 No. O-04/05, “Electrical Safety Rules” for employees of JSC Russian Railways when servicing electrified railway tracks", approved by JSC Russian Railways on July 3, 2008 No. 12176 (hereinafter referred to as Rules No. 12176), "Inter-industry Rules for labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations", approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 5, 2001 No. 3, by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated December 27, 2000 No. 163 (hereinafter referred to as POT RM-016-2001); Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 (hereinafter referred to as PTEEP).

II. General provisions

2.1. The procedure for ensuring the safety of workers when performing work in electrical installations up to and above 1000 V is regulated by the relevant rules and instructions, regulations, and job responsibilities for compliance with safety measures during work.
2.2. Timely identification of dangerous places is aimed at reducing risks and preventing cases of industrial electrical injuries.
2.3. Workers servicing electrical installations up to and above 1000 V must observe safety precautions when performing work in hazardous areas.
2.4. An approximate list of hazardous locations in electrical installations up to and above 1000 V in the structural divisions of the Central Distribution Center, except for electrical installations for electrification and power supply, is presented in Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.
2.5. The form of the technological process map for preparing work in a dangerous place (hereinafter referred to as the map) is presented in Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.
2.6. The form of the list of dangerous places is presented in Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations.

III. Terms and Definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in these Regulations.
3.1. A source of electrical energy is an electrical product (device) that converts various types of energy into electrical energy (in accordance with PTEEP).
3.2. An electrical network is a set of electrical installations for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy, consisting of substations, switchgears, conductors, overhead and cable power lines operating in a certain territory (in accordance with PTEEP).
3.3. Electrical equipment is a set of electrical devices united by common characteristics. Signs of an association, depending on the objectives, may be: purpose, for example, technological; conditions of use, for example, in the tropics; belonging to an object, for example, a machine, a workshop (in accordance with PTEEP).
3.4. An electrical installation is a set of machines, apparatus, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with the structures and premises in which they are installed) intended for the production, transformation, transformation, transmission, distribution of electrical energy and its conversion into another form (in accordance with PTEEP).
3.5. Operating electrical installation - an electrical installation or part thereof that is energized, or to which voltage can be applied by turning on switching devices (in accordance with PTEEP).
3.6. Admission to work - checking the adequacy of the measures taken to ensure the safety of work, as well as the compliance of the composition of the team and the qualifications included in the order (order) of the persons, briefing the admitting team members (in accordance with the Standard “Occupational Safety and Health Management System at JSC Russian Railways”. Electrical safety. General provisions" STO Russian Railways 15.013-2011, approved by the order of JSC Russian Railways dated September 13, 2011 No. 2003r (hereinafter referred to as STO Russian Railways 15.013-2011)).
3.7. Targeted briefing – instructions for the safe performance of specific work in an electrical installation, covering the category of workers determined by the order or order, from the person who issued the order, who gave the order, to a team member or performer (in accordance with POT RM-016-2001).
3.8. Safety sign is a color graphic image of a certain geometric shape using signal and contrasting colors, graphic symbols and (or) explanatory inscriptions, intended to warn a person about the immediate or possible danger of prohibiting, ordering or permitting certain actions, as well as for information about the location of objects and means , the use of which eliminates or reduces the impact of dangerous and (or) harmful factors (in accordance with the “Instructions for the use and testing of protective equipment used in electrical installations”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 30, 2003 No. 261).
3.9. An order is an assignment for the performance of work, defining its content, place, time, safety measures (if required) and the workers who are entrusted with its implementation, indicating the electrical safety group (in accordance with POT RM-016-2001).
3.10. Permission work order (hereinafter referred to as work order) is a task for the performance of work, drawn up on a special form of the established form and defining the content, place of work, time of its beginning and end, conditions for safe conduct, composition of the team and workers responsible for the safe performance of work (in accordance with with POT RM-016-2001).
3.11. A dangerous place is a connection or electrical installation, during the maintenance of which additional measures must be taken to ensure the safety of personnel (in accordance with the “Safety Instructions for the operation of electrical installations of traction substations and power supply areas of the Russian Railways JSC”, approved by Russian Railways JSC on 17.03. 2008 No. 4054).
If, after emergency recovery or other work, preparation of the work site requires increased attention and the implementation of additional safety measures, then it is necessary to draw up an inspection report of the dangerous place (hereinafter referred to as the report).
3.12. The person responsible for electrical equipment is an employee from among the administrative and technical personnel who is entrusted with the responsibility for organizing the safe maintenance of electrical installations in accordance with the current rules and regulatory and technical documents (according to POT RM-016-2001).
3.13. Electrical technical personnel - administrative and technical, operational, operational repair, maintenance personnel who organize and carry out installation, adjustment, maintenance, repair, control of the operating mode of electrical installations (in accordance with POT RM-016-2001).
3.14. A production unit is an integral part of a structural unit (in accordance with STO Russian Railways 15.013-2011).
3.15. Work with voltage relief - work when the voltage is removed from the live parts of the electrical installation on which work will be carried out, by disconnecting the switching devices, disconnecting the buses, cables, wires and measures are taken to prevent the supply of voltage to the live parts to the place of work (in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova -016-2001).
3.16. Switching device - an electrical device designed for switching an electrical circuit and removing voltage from a part of an electrical installation (switch, load switch, separator, disconnector, circuit breaker, circuit breaker, package switch, fuse, etc.) (in accordance with POT RM-016- 2001).

IV. Procedure for identifying dangerous places

4.1. Identification of dangerous places is carried out on a commission basis with the execution of a local administrative document (order, instruction). The commission for identifying dangerous places is appointed by order (order) of the head of the structural unit. The commission includes: the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the structural unit, the head of the production (site, workshop) unit, a labor protection specialist of the structural unit, a representative of the production and technical (operational) department (engineer, technologist).
Electrical installations up to and above 1000 V are subject to inspection to identify dangerous places. If necessary, specialists from power supply distances can participate in the commission by agreement of the parties, in order to provide methodological assistance (in terms of identifying dangerous places) to structural divisions of infrastructure directorates: signaling distances, centralization and blocking; paths; engineering structures; operational car depot; Centers for diagnostics and monitoring of infrastructure devices; mechanization services and their structural divisions.
The results of the inspection are documented in an act, which is drawn up regardless of the results of the inspection of the electrical installation and is signed by all members of the commission.
4.2. The act reflects the fact of the survey, regardless of the identified results (presence or absence of a dangerous place), indicates the objects of the survey, where the dangerous place is located, its boundaries (for signaling distances, centralization and blocking; tracks; engineering structures; operational car depots; diagnostic centers and monitoring of infrastructure devices; mechanization services and their structural units - stage, station, support number, name of the electrical installation, device, cell number or other specific location of work) and the reason why the place is classified as dangerous.
4.3. The reports are kept by occupational safety specialists, copies are kept by the heads of production departments, engineers (technologists) of production and technical (operational) departments for planning work on the elimination of hazardous areas associated with capital investments. The list of storage locations for the specified documents can be expanded and determined by order (instruction) for the structural unit.
4.4. Commission inspection of electrical installations is carried out at least once every 2 years.
If, after carrying out emergency recovery or other work, the preparation of a place of work requires increased attention and the need to develop and take additional safety measures, such a place of work is formalized within a week by an act as a dangerous place upon the proposal of the head of the production unit in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations.
4.5. Based on the inspection report, within two weeks, those responsible for electrical equipment, together with the head of the production unit, draw up technological maps for work in high-risk areas, signed by members of the commission (Appendix No. 2).
It is allowed to draw up one map for supports with rotting above the permissible values, but on the diagrams such places must be indicated at each stretch or station.
Maps are approved by the head of the structural unit.
Maps are reviewed annually and re-approved once every three years.
4.6. Based on reports and maps, the engineer (technologist) of the production and technical (operational) department develops consolidated lists of hazardous places (hereinafter referred to as the lists) in the established form (Appendix No. 3).
In the column “Security measures; switchings that must be performed” indicate objects, connections and switching devices that must be disconnected when preparing the work site, the number of portable groundings and other safety measures.
The lists are signed by the person responsible for electrical equipment, approved by the head of the structural unit.
The lists are stored by the person responsible for electrical equipment, the labor protection engineer, dispatchers (if there is a structural unit on staff), persons authorized to issue permits, orders, the engineer (technologist) of the technical (operational) department, in the production divisions of the structural unit.
The dispatcher of a structural unit (if there is an enterprise on staff) and the person who has the right to issue orders, orders, lists are stored in a separate folder.
4.7. The lists are posted in the labor protection corners, adjusted and re-approved by January 1 of the following year.
4.8. Heads of structural and production departments are required to ensure that the lists are studied by personnel servicing electrical installations. The knowledge of the lists and maps by the involved personnel is checked during periodic tests of knowledge of the norms and rules of work in electrical installations.
4.9. The preparation of a local administrative document (order, regulation) on the creation of a commission to identify dangerous places is the responsibility of the person responsible for electrical equipment.
4.10. The person responsible for the electrical equipment of the structural unit is responsible for:
complete coverage of electrical installations of production departments by commissions to identify hazardous areas;
drawing up the necessary documentation;
registration of work permits in dangerous places in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations;
the presence of an engineer (technologist) of the production and technical (operational) department, a dispatcher (if there is a structural unit on staff) and persons authorized to issue permits, orders, and the necessary documentation.
V. Designation of dangerous places

5.1. According to OST 32.4-76 in electrical installations, dangerous places on lines must be marked with posters “Attention! Dangerous place".
5.2. On single-line power supply diagrams (hereinafter referred to as diagrams), the presence of each dangerous place is marked with a sign (red arrow or red triangle). Diagrams with hazardous locations marked on them (a sample is given in Appendix No. 4) are stored in the production department, the person responsible for electrical equipment, the dispatcher (if there is a structural unit on staff) and persons authorized to issue permits and orders.

VI. Carrying out work in dangerous places

6.1. Work in dangerous places is carried out with the issuance of a work order.
6.2. The work order for performing work in a dangerous place must have a difference: a red stripe diagonally from the lower left corner to the upper right corner, at least 3 mm wide. The stripe is applied by the person issuing the outfit when it is issued. The same strip should be on the map of the technological process of preparing work in a dangerous place. The card number is indicated in the upper right corner of the order.
6.3. The issuing order, having discovered a sign of a dangerous place on the diagram within the work boundary, must, when determining safety measures, be guided by a map of the technological process of preparing work in a dangerous place.
6.4. When issuing a work order to carry out work in a dangerous place, the issuing work order must instruct the work performer and team members on the features of the work to be done, the procedure for its implementation, and the safety measures reflected in the technological process map for preparing work in a dangerous place. The fact of carrying out instructions on the work order and the card for performing work in a dangerous place is recorded in the work order and in the work log for work permits and orders (with filling out all the columns), the form of which is given in Appendix No. 5 to these Regulations.
A technological map for carrying out work in a dangerous place is issued to the work manufacturer without fail.

VII. Elimination of dangerous places

7.1. Based on the results of identifying dangerous places in electrical installations, the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the structural unit, together with the engineer (technologist) of the production and technical (operational) department, develop proposals for inclusion in the plan for eliminating dangerous places on a five-year cycle, broken down by workshop and deadlines. Plan items should subsequently be included in the appropriate repair programs, indicating the cost of the work and the expected source of financing. The consolidated plan for the elimination of dangerous places for a structural unit is summarized by the head of the technical (operational) department, agreed upon by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the structural unit and approved by the head of the structural unit. The approved master plan is kept by the person responsible for the electrical facilities. A copy of the approved consolidated plan for eliminating hazardous areas, indicating the workshops and deadlines for elimination, is transferred to the labor protection specialist of the structural unit to monitor the elimination of hazardous areas. Based on the approved plan for the elimination of hazardous areas and electrical equipment repair programs, the person responsible for electrical equipment, together with the head of the production unit and the engineer (technologist) of the technical (operational) department, includes the elimination of hazardous areas in the annual schedule of preventive maintenance of the structural unit with monthly planning.
7.2. A dangerous place may be excluded from the list if the necessary technical reconstruction of the electrical installation is carried out, which will ensure safe conditions for work that do not require additional safety measures.
7.3. The liquidation of a dangerous place must be formalized by an act of the commission in the composition specified in paragraph 4.1 of these Regulations, and approved by the head of the structural unit, followed by the execution of an organizational and administrative document (order, instruction) for the structural unit.

Deputy Head of the Directorate for
technical policy and development N.N. Baluev

Head of Labor Safety Service,
industrial safety and ecology A.V. Morkovnikov

At power supply distances, work is carried out to identify dangerous places in the contact network. Lists and photographs of these places, indicating the necessary measures to ensure the safe performance of work, power supply distances approved by management, are located with the energy dispatcher and in the area of ​​​​the contact network, where they are posted in the premises of duty stations, in the occupational safety corner. Cards for the execution of work in these places are presented to the work manager along with the work permit.

Dangerous places on the contact network include:

Mortise and sectional insulators separating loading and unloading routes, inspection routes for roof equipment, etc. (Fig. 11.2, A);

Stitching the contact suspension and passing above it at a distance of less than 0.8 m are the cables of disconnectors and arresters or surge arresters of another section of the contact network with different potentials (Fig. 11.2, b);

Supports where two or more disconnectors, arresters or anchorages of various sections are located (Fig. 11.2, V);

Places where consoles or clamps of different sections come together at a distance of less than 0.8 m (Fig. 11.2, d);

Places for passage of supply, suction and other wires along the cables of flexible crossbars (Fig. 11.2, d);

Common racks of clamps of various sections of the contact network with a distance between clamps of less than 0.8 m (Fig. 11.2, e);

Supports with anchor waste of contact suspension of various sections and grounded anchor waste, the distance from the place of work on which to live parts is less than 0.8 m (Fig. 11.2, g);

Location of electrorepellent protection (Fig. 11.2, h);

Supports with a horn arrester or surge arrester, on which the suspension of one track is mounted, and the loop is connected to another track or feeder route (Fig. 11.2, And).

Dangerous places on the contact network are indicated with special warning signs and indicators (red arrow or

Rice. 11.2. Dangerous places on the contact network and layout of signage signs

poster "Attention! Dangerous place", the arrangement of which is shown in Fig. 11.2. Work to ensure safety in such places is carried out in accordance with the “Card of Work in a Dangerous Place of the Contact Network”.

Card of work in a dangerous place on the contact network (example):

Name of the dangerous place and its location Diagram or photograph of a dangerous place Measures to ensure safe mining conditions
Sectional disconnectors Cl, C2 are located on one support, connected to the sectioning post directly and to the contact network through mortise insulators in the loops Station_____________ Sectioning station Fig. 11.3. General view of a dangerous place on a contact network with two sectional disconnectors on one support To carry out the work, turn off the sectional disconnectors Cl, C2 and disconnect the shunts from the mortise insulators of the disconnectors C1, C2. Install grounding rods on the loops on both sides on disconnectors Cl, C2 and install shunts on disconnectors C 1, C2. Performer of work - group V. Performers: when removing the shunt - group V, during work - IV