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The largest cities in China. How many cities are there in China? The largest cities in China All major cities in China

China is a unique and inimitable country in the world, harmoniously combining the traditions of the historical past with modern modernization. It has many densely populated cities worth visiting, home to more than 10 million people and moving at a breakneck pace. They are characterized by: dense buildings, developed infrastructure, their own development programs, and unique cultural traditions. Many of them are popular resorts in the country.

The largest metropolis, in which the cultural, financial, scientific, technical, commercial, cultural and historical center of the country, and a huge industrial port are concentrated. It is difficult to imagine that there was previously a fishing village here. It is located in the east of the country, near the mouth of the Yangtze. The city's population exceeds 14.5 million people. It has a flat landscape, washed by both the Hanzhui Bay and the East China Sea. The architecture of the city has its own unique style: on the upper floors of skyscrapers there are cozy cafes and restaurants that look like flying saucers. The city is famous for its ancient architectural monuments: temples, ancient streets, museums. The city TV tower “Pearl of the East”, the bridge on the Huangpu River, the embankment, and road overpasses are noteworthy. The garden, planted in the 16th century, has been preserved and occupies 5 hectares.

The metropolis is surrounded by a mountain range, protecting it from the winds, 120 km from the sea. Located at the source of the Grand Canal. This is the most ancient city in the world. It is home to approximately 21 million people. « northern capital"is a large large city, which is the political, administrative, cultural center of the state. New innovative technologies in pharmaceuticals and electronics are constantly being developed. Currently, it has become the largest industrial center, with developed mechanical engineering, chemical, textile industries, and ferrous metallurgy. In terms of architecture, the city reflects the traditions of ancient China. Conventionally, it is divided into Old and New Beijing.

The most famous popular attractions of the capital: the tombs of the emperors, the Temple of Heaven, the imperial palace, the Great Wall of China, the Yiheyuan park ensemble, as well as the Olympic Park built for the Olympics.

Situated in the very center of the country, the city occupies an important place in both industrial and commercial activities. The city is located on the banks of the Yangtze River, has a dam and a port, so large ships can enter it. Mechanical engineering is developed: 5 factories produce cars, metallurgy, and dye production. It houses hundreds of different factories, so it is often covered in smog.

Transport infrastructure is well developed. He is rightly called " Mountain City", since it is surrounded on all sides by mountains. It covers an area of ​​about 82 thousand square meters. Currently it contains 19 districts. There are many beautiful natural landscapes and cultural and historical monuments here: museums, bas-reliefs, fortresses, rock carvings, and there is a memorial complex.

Currently, the “Pearl of the East” is a developing, modern city, which is a financial and commercial center. The money business is concentrated in this city: about 160 banks have licenses here, located in 900 offices. The population of the city is more than 7 million inhabitants. The city can be divided into several levels. The mansions of rich people are located on the island in elite modern buildings. On the level below are people living in rented apartments with bright balconies. And the very last level is the families of sailors living literally on the water, in boats and barges. The city offers plenty of entertainment and a vibrant nightlife.

An amazing panorama of Hong Kong can be seen from the Peak (552 m), which is the highest place in the city. The double-decker trams carrying passengers are interesting. The most beautiful places The city has parks with gardens, fountains, and swimming pools.

The city is called the “Land of Heavenly Plenty” as all agricultural crops are grown here. It is located inland on a plateau, surrounded on all sides by mountains. It is a center of science, finance, technology, trade, transport, and economics. Population - 4.3 million vests.

The industrial park produces aerospace equipment and produces hundreds of thousands of cars, as the city is an automotive manufacturing center. There is a large railway junction here, there are 3 high-speed railway lines, 4 stations, a subway, an airport, and a television tower - the tallest in western China. The city has many temples, museums, monasteries, high-rise skyscrapers, and a panda nature reserve. You can enjoy the beauty of the world's largest building, which opened in 2013.

The city harmoniously combines ancient architecture with modern high-rise buildings, hotels, commercial buildings. Population is about 12 million inhabitants. The city is located in southern China, near the Zhujia River, near the coast of the South China Sea. Now it is the center of the economic, political, scientific and technological center of southern China, the center of international trade. The Canton Fair is held in Guangzhou twice a year. Cantonese cuisine, known for its delicious light snacks, has become widespread.

The city has 3 railway stations, a metro, and a river ferry. Hovercraft are popular. Very popular with local population uses a bicycle. About 100 parking lots are located throughout the city offering vehicles for rent. The city is home to the oldest Buddhist temple, which is more than 1,700 years old. Taxi is a popular transport among tourists.

One of the largest cities in China( 8.3 million people), located in the center of the country. The city is very congested with transport. There are 3 bridges with 6 lanes each. They are capable of providing a throughput capacity of 50 thousand cars per day.
The symbol of the city is the Yellow Stork Tower, located on the banks of the Yangtze. This is the largest tower located in China. There are many attractions, picturesque places, and 35 higher educational institutions.


10th place - Chengdu

  • Population: 7 million
  • Location: southwest China, Sichuan province
  • GDP per capita: $10 000

Ch endu - administrative center Sichuan Province, a monument city with 3000 years of history. For its rich natural resources, mild climate and abundance of cultural and historical attractions, Chengdu is called a “heavenly abode”. In addition, it is a major tourist and transport hub, from where you can get to the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, Tibet, Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, and the Museum of Terracotta Statues of Horses and Warriors in Xi'an.


9th place - Hangzhou

  • Population: 7 million
  • Location: southeast China, Zhejiang province
  • GDP per capita: $15 000

Xangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang Province and one of the seven ancient capitals of China. Italian traveler Marco Polo described it as the most beautiful and luxurious city in the world. In the picturesque area of ​​the Western Lake there are more than 60 ancient cultural monuments and several very beautiful natural attractions.


8th place - Hong Kong

  • Population: 7 million
  • Location: southern China, Kowloon Peninsula
  • GDP per capita: $39 000

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. It has one of the largest ports in the world, is one of the leading financial centers in Asia and the world, and represents a fusion of Eastern and European cultures. Hong Kong is also called Hong Kong. The Pearl of the Orient is the most common title used to describe Hong Kong. This city-state is sometimes called Asian New York. It’s difficult to call Hong Kong a Chinese city; it doesn’t look like a Chinese city, if only because almost all the residents speak English. At the same time, Hong Kongers, despite the colonial history of the city, never became British, but they still ceased to be Chinese. Although Hong Kong is legally part of China, the former British colony has its own laws. The country has all the rights and freedoms characteristic of a democratic state.


7th place - Dongguan

  • Population: 8 million
  • Location: southern China, Guangdong province
  • GDP per capita: $10 000

Dunguan is a city in Guangdong Province, one of the fastest growing cities in the world. This important industrial city is located in the Pearl River Delta, neighboring Guangzhou, Huizhou, Shenzhen and Foshan. Home to more than 15,000 international companies, Dongguan is the center of the global furniture industry and one of the largest centers for the production of computer equipment.

The world's largest shopping center has been built in Dongguan. Seven million square feet included space for 2,350 stores, a full-size indoor roller coaster, a 1.3-mile waterway (with gondolas) and an 82-foot replica Arc de Triomphe. The only problem is that no one wants to open their own store in this center. Very little of the retail space is occupied. One of the reasons for this failure is location shopping center: Dongguan County is home to only about 10 million people, most of whom are factory workers.


6th place - Taipei

  • Population: 7 million
  • Location: southern China, Taiwan province
  • GDP per capita: $50 000

Taipei is the capital of the Republic of China (officially referred to by the authorities of the Republic of China as “the temporary seat of the government of the Republic of China during the communist rebellion”). According to the point of view of the PRC leadership, Taipei is the capital of Taiwan Province within the PRC.

The city is home to many enterprises specializing in the production of all types of electronics - from banal calculators, televisions or tape recorders, to ultra-precise calculating machines, ultra-modern computers and other equipment. The manufactured products reach store shelves not only in the province itself, but are also exported abroad.

Taipei is rich in mineral deposits, in particular coal. Its mining is actively carried out here, and the metallurgical industry and automotive industry are thriving. Due to the large concentration of factories and cars, the main problem of the city is smog, which does not disappear at night. The Taiwanese government is taking all possible measures to combat pollution and waste recycling.


5th place - Shenzhen

  • Population: 11 million
  • Location: southern China, bordering Hong Kong
  • GDP per capita: $22 000

Shenzhen is a city in the south of Guangdong Province in China, located in the Pearl River Delta on the shores of the South China Sea. It borders the Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region to the south. Until the eighties of the last century, in fact, it was a small fishing village. After Shenzhen was declared the first free economic zone in May 1980, the city began to develop rapidly. Today, Shenzhen's skyscrapers are on par with those in Hong Kong, and the city continues to expand and grow.


4th place - Guangzhou

  • Population: 12 million
  • Location: southern China, north of the Pearl River Delta
  • GDP per capita: $19 000

Guangzhou, formerly called Canton, is considered the fourth largest city in China and is the capital of the Chinese province of Guangdong. Guangzhou is very developed city in relation to many spheres of human activity: economics, science, technology, politics, culture, education, industry and much more.

Guangzhou is constantly hosting festivals, and whenever you come here, you are sure to attend one or more. The tradition of holding the Flower Festival every year on January 28, timed to coincide with the Spring Festival, dates back to the Qing Dynasty. National Festival Chinese cuisine attracts culinary experts from all over the country to Guangzhou, and tasters from all over the world.


3rd place - Tianjin

  • Population: 14 million
  • Location: northern China, along the Bohai Bay
  • GDP per capita: $16 000

Tianjin is one of the 4 central cities in China, and also one of the largest cities countries. The city is located on the coast of Bohai Bay, and to the north are the Yanshan Mountains. Tianjin is located 120 km from Beijing. In the north, Tianjin borders on Beijing, in the east, west and south - on the cities of Tangshan, Chengde, Langfang and Cangzhou in Hebei Province. Length of sea coastline- 133 km, area 11305 km 2.

600 years of history have merged the ancient with the modern in Tianjin, giving the city a specific appearance with features of the East and West. In the structure of Tianjin, the main one is the urban area, the secondary ones are Tanggu and Jixian County. Within the city there is a water park, Tianhou Palace, Dabeiyuan and Great Mosque; in its vicinity are the Panshan Mountains, Dulesi Temple and the White Pagoda. The city is a tourism gem.


2nd place - Beijing

  • Population: 19 million
  • Location: northern China, surrounded on three sides by Hebei Province
  • GDP per capita: $15 000

Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China. It is the second city in China by population and the largest railway and road junction, as well as one of the country's main air hubs. In addition, Beijing is the political, educational and cultural center of the PRC, while Shanghai and Hong Kong are considered the main economic centers. Beijing is home to former imperial palaces, parks, monasteries and churches. The strict geometric proportions of buildings along the north-south and west-east axes determined the symmetry of the location of the most significant buildings of old and new Beijing in relation to the giant axial lines passing through the center of the Forbidden City.

For two decades after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, there were practically no hotels in Beijing in the Western sense of the word. Today, Beijing is one of the most frequently visited cities and important economic, political and cultural centers in Asia, with a huge number of hotels operating in the city, many of which meet the highest international standards.


1st place - Shanghai

  • Population: 22 million
  • Location: eastern China, Yangtze River Delta
  • GDP per capita: $14 000

Shanghai is a port city located at the mouth of the Yangtze River. It is one of China's most important transport hubs and the largest port in the area. Pacific Ocean. Shanghai is one of the most famous Chinese cities. Previously it was called Eastern Paris, now - the Pearl of the East. This city is the most promising project of the Chinese economy. The city has many monuments of sacred architecture, of all religions, including the Linghuasi Temple, the Temple of the Jade Buddha, the Sheshan Basilica, the Songjiang and Xiaodaoyuan Mosques, the Dongjiadu Cathedral, the Xujiahui Cathedral, the Jing'an Temple, the Ohel Rachel Synagogue, the Church of the Good Shepherd, the Church of St. Joseph and St. Peter's, the Church of St. Teresa and the Blessed Virgin Mary. There is also an Orthodox Church.

Three dozen kilometers from the modern city center is the old Songjiang district with authentic architecture. The Bund is a symbol of Shanghai; street performers and merchants gather here. The cultural and political center of the city is People's Square. The city's theatre, museum and government buildings are located here. In the north of the city there is Hongkou Park, where you can visit the grave of the famous writer Lu Xun. And at the intersection of three streets - Taojiang, Fenyang and Yueyang, a monument to A.S. Pushkin was erected, and this is the only monument in the PRC that is dedicated to a foreign poet.

Cities in China are not usually separate administrative units. Due to this reason, the population of the city is difficult to estimate - statistics usually give the population completely related to the city municipality.

List of cities in China

This territory sometimes turns out to be several times larger than the population of an average city. There are a huge number of cities in China, most of which have ancient history.

However, in modern China, the term “city” is considered to refer to settlements meeting certain standards, this includes the size of the city and the level of its infrastructure.


  • Aksu – 阿克苏 (ākèsū) – city district and river. Aksu (Aksu, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China
  • Altai - 阿勒泰 (ālètài) - a city county in the north of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the administrative center of Altai County, part of the Ili-Kazakh Autonomous Region, China
  • Anda - 安达 (āndá) - a city county in Suihua Urban District, Heilongjiang Province, China
  • Anqiu – (安丘市) – prov. Shandong
  • Ankang - 安康 (ānkāng) - a city district in Shaanxi Province, China
  • Anqing - 安庆 (ānqìng) is a city district in Anhui Province, China.
  • Anyang - 安阳 (ān yáng) - prov. Henan, China


  • Baoding - 保定 (bǎodìng) - a city district in Hebei Province
  • Baoji – 宝鸡 (bǎojī) – a city in Shaanxi Province, China
  • Buhe (Chinese: 埠河市)
  • Beihai - 北海 (běihǎi) - a city district in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China
  • Bengbu – 蚌埠 (bèngbù) – city, province. Anhui, China
  • Benxi - 本溪 (běnxī) - urban district in the province. Liaoning, China


  • Weifang - 潍坊 (wéifāng) - a city district in Shandong Province, China, the birthplace of kites


  • Ganzhou – 赣州 (gànzhōu) – prov. Jiangxi, China
  • Kaohsiung - 高雄市 (gaōxióng shì) - a city in southwest Taiwan
  • Gejiu – 个旧 (gèjiù) – prov. Yunnan
  • Hong Kong – 香港 (xiānggǎng)
  • Gongzhulin - 公主岭 (gōngzhǔlǐn) - mountain. Gongzhuling County (Siping, Jilin Province, China)
  • Guilin – 桂林(guìlín) is a city district in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China.
  • Guiyang - 贵阳 (guìyáng) is a county-level city in Guizhou Province, China.


  • Dalian – 大连 (dàlián)
  • Dandong - 丹东 (dāndōng) - province. Liaoning, China
  • Datong – 大同 dàtóng – prov. Shanxi, China
  • Dongtai – 东台 (dōngtái) – prov. Jiangsu
  • Deyang - 德阳 (déyáng) - urban district, Sichuan Province, China


  • Rizhao - 日照(rìzhào) - urban district of Shandong Province, China


  • Yibin - 宜宾 (yíbīn) - Yibin (urban district in Sichuan Province, China
  • Yinchuan - 银川 (yínchuān) - a city district in Ningxia Hui Autonomous District. district, China
  • Yichang - 宜昌 (yí​chāng) - a city district in Hubei Province, China
  • Yichun - 宜春 (yíchūn) - a city district in Jiangxi Province, China
  • Yiwu – 义乌 (yìwū) – prov. Zhejiang. Here is the world's largest wholesale market, Futian 福田市场


  • Kaifeng – 开封 (kāifēng) – prov. Henan, China
  • Karamay – 克拉玛依 (kèlāmǎyī) – (Karamay, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China
  • Karashar – 喀喇沙尔 (kālāshāěr) – Xinjiang Uyghur auto. district, China
  • Kashgar - 喀什 (kāshí) - a county and city in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China
  • Korla
  • Kowloon - 九龙 (jiǔlóng) - peninsular part of the urban area of ​​​​Hong Kong, China
  • Ghulja – 固尔札 (gùěrzhá) – Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. district, China
  • Kunming 昆明 (kūnmíng) is a city district, the administrative center of Yunnan Province, China.


  • Lanzhou - 兰州 (lánzhōu) - a city district in Gansu Province, China
  • Linxia - 临夏 (línxià) - a city in the Chinese province of Gansu
  • Linhai – 临海 (línhǎi) – mountains. Linhai County, Prov. Zhejiang, China
  • Linhe - 临河 (lín​hé) - an area of ​​urban subordination of the Bayan-Nur urban district of the Autonomous Region Inner Mongolia China
  • Lishui - 丽水 (lìshuǐ) - a city district in Zhejiang Province, China
  • Longyan (龙岩)
  • Lhasa – 拉萨 (lāsà) – Tibetan auto. district, China
  • Leizhou - 雷州市 (léizhōu) - a city county in Guangdong Province, China
  • Liuzhou - 柳州 (liǔzhōu) - a city district in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
  • Lianzhan
  • Lianyungang - 连云港 (liányúngǎng) - prov. Jiangsu, China
  • Liaoyang - 辽阳 (liáo yáng) - city county in the province. Liaoning, China


  • Majie
  • Machen
  • Meizhou - 梅州 (méizhōu) - a city district in Guangdong Province of China
  • Mianchang, Guangdong
  • Mianyang - 绵阳 (miányáng) - a city district in Sichuan Province, China
  • Mudanjiang - 牡丹江 (mǔdānjiāng) - a city district in Heilongjiang Province of China


  • Nanjing (Chinese: 南京, pinyin: Nánjīng, pallet: Nanjing) - in Jiangsu province 江苏
  • Nanning - 南宁 (nánníng) - a city in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China
  • Nanping – 南平 (nánpíng) – prov. Fujian, China
  • Nanchang - 南昌 (nánchāng) - a city in Jiangxi Province, China
  • Nanyang - 南阳 (nányáng) - prov. Henan, China
  • Neijiang - 内江 (nèijiāng) - a city district in Sichuan Province, China


  • Beijing – 北京 (běijīng) – capital of China
  • Pingliang - 平凉 (píngliáng) - a city district in Gansu Province, China
  • Puning – 普宁 (pǔníng) – a city in the province. Guangdong


  • Sanya - 三亚 (sānyà) - a city in Hainan Province, China
  • Xian – 西安 (xī’ān)
  • Sinai – 西奈 (xīnài) – Sinai Peninsula, Sinai
  • Xining - 西宁 xīníng - prov. Qinghai, China
  • Xinyang - 信阳 (xìnyáng) - urban district in the province. Henan, China
  • Xichang - 西昌 (xīchāng) - a city in China, Sichuan Province
  • Suzzatun
  • Siping - 四平 (sìpíng) - a city district in Jilin (Girin) Province, China
  • Xuzhou - 徐州 (xúzhōu) - a city district in Jiangsu Province
  • Xiamen - 厦门 (xiàmén) - Xiamen, Amoy, Amoy - a city in Fujian Province, China


  • Taipei – 台北 (táiběi) – city in Taiwan
  • Taiyuan – 太原 (tàiyuán) – prov. Shanxi, China
  • Tangshan - 唐山 (tángshān) - a city district in Hebei Province, China
  • Tongliao - 通辽 (tōngliáo) - a city district in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (PRC)
  • Turfan - 吐鲁番 (tǔlǔfān) - a city and county in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. district, China
  • Tianjin - 天津 (tiānjīn) - city and administrative region, People's Republic of China


  • Urumqi - 乌鲁木齐 (wūlǔmùqí) - the administrative center of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China
  • Wuhan - 武汉 (wǔhàn) - a city in Hubei Province, China
  • Wuzhou - 梧州 (wúzhōu) - a city district in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China


  • Fuzhou - 福州 (fúzhōu) - the administrative center of the province. Fujian, China
  • Fuyang - 阜阳 (fùyáng) - a city district in Anhui Province, China


  • Hailun
  • Haikou – 海口市 (hǎikǒu shì) – the administrative center of Hainan Province, China
  • Hailar – 海拉尔 (hǎilāěr) – prov. Heilongjiang, China
  • Hami – 哈密 (hāmì) – Hami County (Kumul Kumul, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China)
  • Haining – 海宁 (hǎiníng) – city, province. Zhejiang, China
  • Hangzhou – 杭州 (hángzhōu) – city, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Hanzhong - 汉中 (hànzhōng) - a city district in Shaanxi Province, China
  • Khotan – 和田 (hétián) – Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. district, China
  • Huadian - 桦甸 (huàdiàn) - a city county in the southeast of Jilin Province, China
  • Huai'an - 淮安 (huái'ān) - urban district in the province. Jiangsu
  • Huaihua - 怀化 (huái huà) is a city district in Hunan Province, China.
  • Hualien – 花莲 (huālián) – Hualien city (Taiwan)
  • Hulan Ergi – 富拉尔基 (fùlāěrjī) – Fulaerji, Hulunyerg, Hulan Ergi (city in China)
  • Hohhot – 呼和浩特 (hūhéhàotè) – author. district Int. Mongolia, China
  • Hebi – 鹤壁 (hèbì) – prov. Henan, China
  • Hefei - 合肥 (héféi) - a city district in Anhui Province, China


  • Jiegu
  • Jinan - 济南 (jǐnán) - the administrative center of Shandong Province, China
  • Jingdezhen - 景德镇 (jǐngdézhèn) - a city in Jiangxi Province, China; also called the capital of porcelain
  • Jining - 济宁 (jìníng) - a city district in the Chinese province of Shandong
  • Jingmen - 荆门 (jīngmén) - a city district in Hubei Province, China
  • Jinzhou – 晋州 (jìnzhōu) – prov. Hebei, China
  • Jixi - 鸡西 (jīxī) - a city district in Heilongjiang Province, China
  • Zunyi - 遵义 (zūnyì) - a city district in Guizhou Province, China
  • Qingdao – 青岛 (qīngdǎo) – a city in Shandong Province, China
  • Qiqihar - 齐齐哈尔 (qíqíhā’ěr) is a city in Heilongjiang Province, China.


  • Changde - 常德 (chángdé) - a city district in Hunan Province, China
  • Changchun - 长春 (chángchūn) - a city of sub-provincial significance in Jilin Province (Girin), China
  • Changsha - 长沙 (chángshā) - a city and urban district in Hunan Province, China
  • Chaocheng
  • Chaozhuang
  • Chaoyang – 朝阳 (cháoyáng) – prov. Liaoning, China
  • Zhangjiakou – 张家口 (zhāngjiākǒu) – prov. Hebei, China
  • Zhangye - 张掖 (zhāngyē) - a city district in Gansu Province, China
  • Zhanjiang - 湛江 (zhànjiāng) - Guangdong Province
  • Zhaotong - 昭通 (zhāotōng) - a city district in Yunnan Province, China
  • Zhumadian - 驻马店 (zhùmǎdiàn) - a city in the province. Henan, China
  • Zhengzhou - 郑州 (zhèngzhōu) - a city district in Henan Province, China)
  • Chifeng – 赤峰 (chìfēng) – Ulanhad Ulanhad; Inner Mongolia Autonomous Republic, China
  • Chuguchak – 楚古查克 (chǔgǔchákè) – Xinjiang Uyghur auto. district, China
  • Chongqing - 重庆 - (chóngqìng) - city and administrative region, People's Republic of China
  • Chengdu - 成都 (chéngdū) - a city in Sichuan Province, China
  • Chengde - 承德 (chéngdé) - a city in Hebei Province, China
  • Chenzhou - 郴州 (chēnzhōu) - a city district in Hunan Province, China


  • Shangqiu – 商丘市 (shāngqiū shì) – a city in the province. Henan, China
  • Shanwei - 汕尾 (shànwěi) - a city district in Guangdong Province of China
  • Shantou - 汕头 (shàntóu) - a city in Guangdong Province, China
  • Shaoguan - 韶关 (sháoguān) - urban district in the province. Guangdong, China
  • Shaou - 邵武 (shàowǔ) - a city of the county level of Nanping Urban District, Fujian Province)
  • Shaoyang - 邵阳 (shàoyáng) - a city district in Hunan Province, China
  • Shashi 沙市区 (shā​shì​qū) is a district of Shashi, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, China.
  • Shengzamen
  • Shenyang (Mukden) - 沈阳 (shěnyáng) - a city in Liaoning Province, China
  • Shijiazhuang - 石家庄 (shíjiāzhuāng) - administrative center, urban district of Hebei Province, China
  • Shuangcheng – 双城 (shuāngchéng) – a city in the province. Heilongjiang
  • Shenzhen - 深圳 (shēnzhèn) - city, Guangdong Province, China


  • Yunkou
  • Yuncheng - 运城 (yùnchéng) - a city district in Shanxi Province, China
  • Yueyang - 岳阳 (yuèyáng) - a city district in Hunan Province, China


  • Yangjiang - 阳江 (yángjiāng) - a city district in Guangdong Province, China
  • Yanji – 延吉 (yánjí) – main city in Yanbian-Korean Aut. district, prov. Jilin (Girin), China
  • Yarkand - 莎车 (shāchē) - a city in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. district, China

In the eastern part of Asia is the majestic state of China. All over the world they know that there is a unique flavor and traditions here, amazing story. The country also ranks first in the world for the most densely populated cities.

It is very difficult to define the very concept of “city” in China, because it has 2 concepts - as a geographical unit or as a city in general.

If we talk about cities by population, then there are 913 cities in the country with up to 53 thousand inhabitants, 463 cities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants, 229 cities with more than 200 thousand inhabitants.

How many million-plus cities are there in China?

The number of Chinese cities with a population of over a million is growing every year and as of 2018 there were 103 of them. Data provided by the University of Virginia. Statisticians also claim that by 2025 their number will almost double and reach about 200 cities. The reasons for such rapid urban development are considered to be special policies for urban development and improvement of urban infrastructure.

Smallest city in China

Xichang is conventionally considered the smallest Chinese city. It is home to 126 thousand inhabitants. It is often visited by tourists, because just 62 km from it there is a cosmodrome, which attracts visitors so much. There used to be an observatory here. Because of this, Sichan received a second name - the lunar city. There are also many archaeological sites here - ruins of buildings, drawings on rocks. The oldest discovered artifacts date back to the Stone Age (the period of the first dynasties of China).

The largest city in China

The city of Chongqing shows the highest indicators in terms of area and population. It is located in the southwestern part of the country. The height above sea level is 400 m. Officially, 34 million inhabitants are registered in the territory. The total area of ​​the city is 82.3 thousand sq. km. If we talk about population density, then per 1 km. 412 inhabitants live. Located in 8 time zone. The main nationalities that inhabit the city are Han, Tujia, and Miao.

This is an ideal place for rice cultivation due to the fertile land here. The city also has one of the largest ports in the country. Chongqing has landscapes of unique beauty: the navigable Yangtze River is surrounded by mountain ranges.

The most populous city in China

The city with the highest population density in China is Shanghai – per 1 km2. A record number of residents was recorded - 7290 residents. Few tourists believe that not so long ago this was a small fishing village. And today it is a huge port city with a combination of Western and Chinese traditions.

The largest cities in China by population, megacities

For several decades, China has held the world championship in the number of megacities and cities with the largest population.

With a population of 34 million, it ranks first among densely populated cities. The population density is low due to the large size of the city - 82.3 thousand sq. km. Oddly enough, most of the population lives in the suburban area. Chongqing is located near the Yangtze River.

Just 5 years ago it was not a big city. Everything began to change after investments began to be made in the development of industry. In addition, infrastructure and tourism are well developed here. Vacationers are attracted by the fact that there is a mountainous area nearby, there are fascinating fogs in the mornings, and travel agencies offer amazing cruises along the Yellow River.


The city with 25 million inhabitants is considered the largest in the country in terms of the number of residents. In terms of area, it is in second place, because the capital is in first place. The population density is one of the largest due to the relatively small area - 6.3 thousand sq. km. The Yangtze River flows not far from the metropolis, and the city itself is divided into two parts by the Huangpu River.

This is very beautiful city with a lot of attractions, which is why it received its second name – “Eastern Paris”. Although 100 years ago it unofficially had an indecent name due to the rampant crime, prostitution and the spread of drugs among the population.

The investment, banking, and industrial sectors are best developed in Shanghai. Here you can observe an amazing combination of European culture and the peculiar traditions of China.

The northern capital has a huge size (16.8 thousand km2) and a population of 22 million. And for good reason, because it is the capital of a rapidly developing country. More than 3,000 years ago, there were only a few small settlements on the site of modern Beijing.

The city has many attractions; it is considered the largest industrial center, where not only goods are produced, but also research is carried out - technological and scientific. Due to high air pollution, tourists do not stay here for long.

Beijing is home to the second largest airport in the world.

One of the most picturesque and largest metropolises in China, located along the Bohai Bay (where the Yellow River and Yangtze River meet). Number of inhabitants – 15.5 million. Area – 11.7 thousand sq. km. The city arose in the early 12th century due to the fact that warehouses were built there.

After Beijing officially became the Chinese capital, Tianjin received its name and was recognized as "the city that guards the heavenly ford." Already in the 14th century, huge defensive systems and the highest luxurious temples 8 meters high were built here. The city is often used as a starting point for tourist tours across China.

The city has several other unofficial names: “city of 5 rams” and “flower city”. The latter name was given for a reason, because the area is located in a subtropical climate near the Pearl River, where many flowers constantly bloom. As of 2017, about 14.4 million inhabitants lived here. The total area of ​​the city is 7.4 thousand sq. km. Refers to cities with high population density.

The settlement arose more than 2000 years ago near the local port. The main “pride” of the city for a long time remains the hyperboloid television tower, whose height is more than 600 m.

The rapid production of various goods (electronics, clothing, toys, plastic products) prompted permanent exhibitions and Chinese fairs.

The population of the city is 14.5 million inhabitants. The city itself is located at the mouth of the Minjian River and is the capital of Sichuan Province. Area – 14.3 thousand sq. km. If you compare it with other cities, this is the only settlement that grew up in the western part of mountainous and arid China. The main factor that influenced the settlement of people in this area was the proximity of the Sichuan Reservoir.

The first inhabitants appeared here in the 6th century BC. The city quickly became popular, since the best brocade masters were located here. Today, industry is developing rapidly here, but the city has managed to maintain a moderate pace of life.

Located within the Zhujiang River Valley. The territory was developed by colonists from China in the 3rd century BC. Up to 16th century AD it was a small settlement. Only at the beginning of the 17th century was it possible to obtain city status. Today the population in the city is about 12 million, about 500 thousand are foreigners. One of the most diverse cities in China national composition. A sharp increase in the number of residents began in 1980, as soon as the construction of the Shenzhen SEZ began.

Today the area of ​​the city is 2050 sq. km. Rapid development is taking place primarily due to the fact that Zhenshen is surrounded by megacities.

The total area of ​​the city is 2.4 thousand sq. km. The population is about 11 million. Although statisticians claim that not all of them officially live here, some simply come to work in factories and factories. The city is located in the Pearl River Delta in a picturesque area and today is considered one of the most developed cities in China in industrial and economic terms.

Such a sharp leap in development is possible thanks to the rapid restructuring of the economy towards the production of computer equipment. But today the city is not considered the richest, because low-paid specialists live and work here. The best of them managed to travel to Hong Kong, Beijing or Shanghai.

Tourism is also well developed here, because the Guanyin Sanctuary is located in Dongguan - the most revered and popular place not only among Buddhists, but also representatives of other faiths. There are sculptures of deities that pilgrims from all continents want to worship.

The city of China, known as the educational, high-tech and financial center of the state. On an area of ​​8.6 thousand sq. km. 10.5 million people live. It is located in the central part of the country, where the Hanshui and Yangtze rivers merge.

The transport system is well developed here, and city guests assure that local residents very friendly and always ready to help guests. Due to its favorable geographical location, the city has played an important role in the Chinese economy for more than 2.5 thousand years.

Located in the northeastern part of China (the capital of Liaoning province). The city's population exceeds 8 million inhabitants. They live on an area of ​​almost 13 thousand sq. km. It has the status of a commercial and industrial city. It is one of the ten largest Chinese cities.

During the Manchu period, Shenyang was even the capital of China. In the 20th century, for several years it belonged to the territories occupied by the Japanese.

The main historical attraction of the city is the emperor's palace.

Main cities of China

The top ten most important cities in China include Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Tianjin, Hanzhou, Shenyang, Nanjing, Shenyang, Suzhou.

Major cities of China on the map

The most big cities arose where there were favorable good transport routes, a raw material base or a waterway.

Chongqing is the largest city in China. According to various sources, up to 40 million people live there. The city is comparable in size to Austria; it stretches 450 kilometers long and 470 kilometers wide. Of course, not all 82,000 sq. km of Chongqing are built up, but the matter is fixable. Construction here is proceeding at a fantastic pace. I looked at the photos from 2010 and didn't recognize Chongqing! Behind last years a bunch of new bridges, skyscrapers and overpasses were built here. The year of development of Chongqing is like 20 years for Moscow.

01. Among other things, Chongqing is a large industrial center. The city is home to hundreds of factories, from chemicals to automobiles. As a result, the city is covered in smog almost all year round.

02. Noon on a sunny day.

03. Most of the skyscrapers you see in the photo have appeared here over the past 10 years.


05. Old buildings are being actively demolished, and skyscrapers will take their place.


07. In the city center there is a very small pedestrian zone with a dozen expensive boutiques.

08. There are still old neighborhoods on the banks, but they are already being replaced by modern residential complexes

09. Old Chongqing

10. In a couple of years he won’t be left.

11. All old things are being demolished. For now the city looks like a big construction site.

12. Individual old houses are preserved and rebuilt for tourists. But this remake is of no interest.

13. In general, Chongqing is a completely uncomfortable city. You can come here only on business. Well, or for 1 day, like me, look at the construction successes of the Chinese.

14. Embankment

15. The city center is located at the confluence of the two rivers Jialingjiang and Yangtze. The water level in the rivers varies depending on the season, so the embankments are very high.




19. The city is located on steep terrain. This, by the way, is the only large city in China where there are almost no cyclists. You can't go up steep hills.

20. River

21. New business district, built in 2 years

22. The main attraction is, of course, the fantastic overpasses that entangle everything here.

23. Embankment.

24. Overpasses go on stilts right along the shore

25. Through old residential areas.



28. Old bridges

29. New bridge, just opened


31. Chinese landing stage, note that there are 2 elevators on the right side of it). Here it is - scope!

32. The city has 2 metro lines and 2 monorail lines.

33. At the entrance to the metro they sell all sorts of junk. Just like ours at Vykhino station.

34. There are McDonald's kiosks in the subway that sell drinks and ice cream.

35. The list of prohibitions on the subway is impressive.

36. The monorail train has 4 cars.

37. You can walk inside and even sit on the accordion


39. The city has cool 3D navigation.


41. Local cuisine is represented by all sorts of entrails, paws, heads and even pig snouts.

42. Sale of cigarettes. All Chinese cigarettes have very beautiful packs. They must overflow. Smoking is a status thing. You will be immediately identified by looking at the pack. One of the most expensive cigarettes is “Zhonghua” (“China”), costing almost 500 rubles per pack!

43. Carrying children

44. Fruit traders

45. There is also in the city cable car from one shore to the other. Local landmark. Previously, when there were not so many bridges, it served a transport function, but now it is more like an attraction.



48. Chaotianmen Bridge is an arch bridge with the longest span in the world. The total length of the bridge is 1.7 km.


50. Downtown

51. Chongqing was also led by Bo Xilai. He did a lot to develop the city's infrastructure, built bridges, cut 2,000 city officials and took care of the people. Under Bo, Chongqing organized choral singing of revolutionary songs and mass marches to places of military glory of the CCP. The people loved Bo very much. He was predicted to have a place in the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, and possibly the chair of chairman. But it didn’t work out. Bo Xilai's wife was accused of organizing the murder of a foreign businessman and sentenced to death; Bo himself was expelled from the party and given life imprisonment for corruption. This is China.


