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City of Feodosia (Russia). History of Feodosia How old is Feodosia

The holiday is full of various events. On City Day, government officials lay flowers at memorial sites. Artists show their own paintings. The art song festival opens. Literary readings are organized. Listeners can meet contemporary authors. Souvenirs from folk craftsmen are sold at the fair.

Museums are preparing an exhibition of exhibits related to history settlement. A parade of pets from the canine union is being organized. Athletes compete in football, weightlifting, and chess. The winners are awarded cups, medals, and valuable prizes.

In the evening, popular bands appear on stage. The holiday ends with colorful fireworks.

According to the charter, Feodosiya City Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July. In 2020 it falls on July 26th.

City information

Feodosia is part of the Republic of Crimea of ​​the Russian Federation. Located on the southeastern coast of the peninsula, near the Black Sea. The economy is represented by enterprises in the service sector, retail trade, health resorts, and food industries.

The E97 and P23 highways lie near the settlement. Sea freight and passenger transport operates. There is a branch of the railway. There are secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. External business relations are blocked by sanctions. The city is highly popular among holidaymakers. It contains historical and architectural attractions.


Feodosia has ancient history. In the 6th century BC. e on the modern territory there were settlements of the Greeks who founded the city. From 355 BC. e. he was part of the Bosporan kingdom. In the 5th century it was annexed to the Byzantine Empire. A century later it was conquered by the Khazars. Soon it was returned to Byzantium. In the 13th century it was under the influence of the Golden Horde. After some time, it was bought by Genoese merchants. The Genoese created the port center of Caffa, from which the colonies of the Northern Black Sea region were controlled. In 1475 it was captured by the Turks.

In 1774 the city passed to the Russian Empire.

IN XIX century trade developed here, thanks to the exemption of trade turnover from duties. In 1892, a railway line was built.

The formation of Soviet power was accompanied by battles with the White Guards. During the Second World War, the settlement was occupied by the Wehrmacht. In the second half of the 20th century. it was a military-industrial complex. In 1991, Feodosia became part of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Since February 2014 it has been occupied by Russian troops. Foreign economic relations are blocked by sanctions.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Feodosia is presented in the form of a scarlet French shield. In its lower part there is an azure field separated by two silver jagged lines with a golden anchor. A golden sun with nine rays rises above it. A silver Genoese tower is depicted on top of the luminary. A purple grape with a green leaf is placed on it.

The structure indicates the ancient history of the settlement. The fruits of the plant symbolize the traditional agricultural direction.

The artistic composition was approved by the decision of the 30th session of the Feodosia City Council on June 30, 2005.


The flag of Feodosia is made in the form of a rectangular panel. The ratio of its sides is 2:3. It consists of five horizontal stripes: red, wavy white, wavy blue, wavy white and blue. The ratio of their widths is 72:3:2:3:20. In the center of the scarlet field there is a coat of arms with a yellow border 1/2 the height of the flag.

THEODOSIA (translated from Greek “given by God”) (from the 2nd half of the 13th century - KAFA (Kaffa), renamed in 1783), a city in Crimea, a port on the Black Sea. Railroad station. 85.6 thousand inhabitants (1991). Seaside climatic and balneological mud resort. Food, building materials, metalworking industries; furniture, offset factories, etc. Art gallery named after. I.K. Aivazovsky, A.S. Green Literary and Memorial Museum. Founded in the 6th century. BC e. Remains of a fortress from the 14th-15th centuries, the Mufti-Jami mosque (17th century). Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class (1982). Theodosius was founded more than 2530 years ago by the Greeks from Miletus. Thus, on the territory of the ex-USSR, the city’s peers can be counted on one hand. For many centuries, the sea determined the fate of the city, being the basis of its life and growth. The sea here “...wonderful, blue and gentle... you can live on its shore for 1000 years and not get bored,” A.P. Chekhov wrote about Feodosia. “Swimming is so good that, having taken a plunge, I began to laugh for no reason.” That is why Aivazovsky chose this place for the rest of his life. Not only is the sea the decoration of Feodosia, it has a good microclimate. The sun illuminates this corner almost all year round - 2272 hours of solar radiation per year! This is much more than other southern resorts receive. Feodosia has wonderful air: dry, clean, it’s very easy to breathe here, there is no fog at all. Occasionally, on the quietest and hottest days, the sky suddenly becomes cloudy and a torrential downpour hits the city. Often such showers are accompanied by strong thunderstorms. Feodosia, vacation in Crimea Samo geographical position Feodosia largely determined its historical fate. The city was founded by Greek merchants, who founded a trading post here in the 6th century BC on the site of an already existing settlement, calling it Feodosia (translated from Greek as “given by God”). At the end of the 13th century, Feodosia became the possession of the Italian trading city of Genoa. The Genoese called it Cafa, turned it into a mighty fortress, surrounded it with walls, ditches and towers, the ruins of which have survived to this day. Kafa was famous for its port, through which trade routes went to the West and East. The city minted its own coin. At the end of the 15th century, Cafa was captured by the Turks. For more than a thousand years, the city enjoyed the dark glory of a slave trading center. At the end of the 18th century, the city was returned to its ancient name - Feodosia. Those who wish to see Feodosia and its surroundings from a bird's eye view usually climb to the top of Mount Mithridates, located in the southeastern part of the city. From here, Feodosia seems like a large model that you can study for hours and find new interesting details in it. The city is located in an amphitheater at the foot of the mountains on the shore of the bay and along the slopes of the Tepe-Oba hill, covering it from the southeast. This hill completes the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains in the east. On the western side it is closed by the separate Lysaya Mountain. Under the mountain below, spread out at our feet Old city . Here the entire space is built up and the new hardly breaks through the old. The old part is a kind of architectural and historical museum with characteristic features of the Middle Ages. On the eastern side, the remains of massive defensive walls and towers and an ancient bridge over the moat are visible. The thick stone walls of the quarantine, built in the last century to receive Muslim pilgrims traveling from Russia through the port of Feodosia to Mecca and Medina, have been preserved. On Quarantine Hill in the 5th century BC. was the center of the ancient city. Among the medieval monuments, the mosque with the remains of a minaret, built in 1623, attracts attention. In the old part of the city, half of the corner wall of the tower of St. Konstantin. It occupied a special place in the city’s fortification system. This tower was once a castle and an arsenal. It stored weapons and ammunition in case of war. In the city there are Armenian churches built in the 14th-15th centuries. The core of Feodosia - the so-called new part - occupies the eastern half of the city. It grew up after the railroad was built to Feodosia at the end of the last century. This is the busiest part of the city. Its center is the seaside boulevard. This is a place for evening walks, a place for meetings and dates. Nearby, at the foot of the huge Genoese fortress, there is a city garden. In the park, there is a bronze monument to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The poet visited Feodosia in August 1820. From here he headed by sea to Gurzuf. The sculptor depicted Pushkin in full height. The poet's gaze is turned to the pestilence, the beauty and grandeur of which so captivated him during his trip to the Crimea. Every city has a place that is especially loved by its residents and of which they are proud. In Feodosia this is the Aivazovsky art gallery. Its façade is decorated with two memorial plaques: “Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky lived and worked in this house” and “My sincere desire that the building of my art gallery in the city of Feodosia, with all the paintings, statues and other works of art in this gallery, constitute full property of the city of Feodosia, and I bequeath the memory of me, Aivazovsky, to the city of Feodosia, my hometown." At the facade of the gallery there is a bronze figure of the artist sitting on a pedestal with a palette and brush in his hands and peering intently into the sea. Below at his feet there is an extremely laconic inscription “To Feodosius-Aivazovsky”. A literature lover will certainly visit building No. 10 on Galereina Street, where the Alexander Stepanovich Grin Literary and Memorial Museum is located. The great romantic, favorite writer of youth A.S. Green lived in Feodosia for more than 6 years, from 1924 to 1930. This was the writer's second stay in Feodosia. The first was in 1905. It did not bring him joy: he was brought here from Sevastopol as a political prisoner. In the Feodosia prison A.S. Green was imprisoned for revolutionary propaganda among sailors. The Feodosia sea beach with fine, cleanly washed golden sand stretches for one and a half dozen kilometers, almost along the entire coast of the bay of the same name towards Kerch. In the center of the coast of the Feodosia Gulf there is an urban-type settlement (urban settlement) Primorsky (originally it was called Dalnie Kamyshi, then South Point. Total area: 734 hectares. Population: ~18 thousand people), in which the sandy shore of the Golden Beach turns into a pebble one. It is comfortable to lie on the sand here and pleasant to enter the sea along the velvet sandy bottom. It is smooth without potholes, stones, or algae accumulations that interfere with swimming. Swimming is not dangerous for either a child or someone who cannot swim at all. Everyone finds their own depth. The same sand shines through the greenish water with an emerald tint. You look down, as if into the depths of thick light yellow glass. And at the edge of the horizon, the sea is calm and dark, monochromatic, sharply bordering on the sky - just as calm, just as monochrome, but whitish. And the waves splash on the shore affably and joyfully, showering everyone with cheerful splashes. Feodosia is also growing as a multi-profile resort. It is widely used in its health resorts mineral water"Feodosia" for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. The source is located near the city at the foot of Mount Lysaya. The sunbathing season starts in May and ends in November. Special offers of the website: sale of real estate in Feodosia, rental of real estate in Feodosia, vacation in Feodosia.

It begins in the 6th century BC, during this period the Greeks began to conquer new lands, sailing further and further from their native shores. Nothing is known in this area about the relationship between the Tauri, Cimmerians and Scythians (at that time the indigenous people of Crimea) and the Greeks.
At the end of the 6th century, a small settlement appeared on the shores of the future Feodosia, which served as a transshipment base on the trade route. The mild climate and convenient bay with a wide harbor turn the small settlement into a strategically and economically important center of Greek civilization.
In the third century BC, not far from Feodosia, the Bosporus kingdom was born with its capital in (the ancient name of Ponticopea), in 355 the city passed into the possession of Leron, the first king of the Bosporus. Feodosia is connected by trade ties with Europe and Asia, the movement of goods and slaves makes the city richer from year to year. Over the course of 300 years, the city’s population has been growing rapidly and, according to historians, reaches 6-8 thousand people. For comparison, Moscow, Kyiv, London, Paris are not yet on the world map, only after almost 400 years will Paris be the first to appear with a population of about 1000 people.

In the 4th century AD the city was destroyed after the invasion of the nomadic tribes of the Huns, who plundered and burned the city to the ground. After the destruction of the city, Alan tribes settled on the banks of Feodosia, giving the name to the city of Ardabda.

Throughout the 5th-6th centuries AD. the city passed from Byzantium to the Khazars and back. Constant battles and devastation of the city lead to decline - people move from their homes, and what remains of the great city is a small settlement, which can more likely be classified as a village rather than a great trading city.

While passing through Crimea, Apostle Andrew in the 9th century said that in Feodosia there was not a trace of a human being left.
History of the city of Feodosia until the 13th century it practically freezes, the city falls under the influence of the Golden Horde, but significant changes do not occur until the arrival of the Genoese. The Genoese redeem the coast of Feodosia from the horde and give the name to the city of Caffa.

From the 13th to the 15th centuries, the city was revived, trade flourished on an unprecedented scale, Kaffa turned into the capital of Crimea, the city's population grew to 75-80 thousand people. The city's markets are filled with slaves from different countries and soon Caffa becomes the capital of the slave trade, in the markets you can meet from the old man to the baby, of all colors from all corners of the world. The market went down in history under the name Kan.
After the rapid fall of Byzantium, the city begins to die, trade weakens, and constant clashes with the Ottoman Empire begin.
After the arrival of the Ottoman Empire, the city was renamed Kefe, and mosques and minarets began to grow.
The 16th-17th centuries are spent in the battles of the Russian army against the Crimean Khanate, which leads in 1771 to the capture of Feodosia by Dolgoruky’s troops and in 1783 the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire. The ancient name of Feodosia was returned to the city.

The next impetus for the development of the city was Railway, or rather the section laid from Feodosia, which helped revive the port and, as a result, the city.

With the advent of the new port, heavy industry and light industry begin to develop in the city.
The tourist history of Feodosia begins, The first boarding houses and dachas appear, the resort area is being developed.
During the revolution, the city passed from white to red for a long time until November 1920, when the last units of the white army left the shores of Crimea forever.

The very next year, the first health resort was opened, and medical and health resorts began to develop in the city, which attracted endless lines of tourists. Until the Second World War.
The Second World War introduced regrettable pages into the rather complicated history of the city. Bombings, fierce battles for the city, the liberation of the city from fascist invaders in 1944, left indelible scars on the body of the city, it was destroyed a large number of historical monuments, ancient temples and churches, suffered greatly

Theodosius (God-given) is one of ancient cities Europe, founded by the Hellenes 2543 years ago (VI century BC) on the site of the village of Ardabra (city of the Seven Divinities). Soon Feodosia became a city-state and a trading port, successfully competing with the capital of the Bosporan kingdom, Panticapaeum. The location of the city at the crossroads of trade routes, favorable climatic and natural conditions attracted many conquerors to it, who, on the one hand, contributed to the creation of historical monuments of different nations, and on the other hand, destroyed what was built by their predecessors and brought untold misfortune to the population of the city.

In Ukrainian - Feodosia
Postcode: 295005
Telephone code: +7 36562; +380 6562
Population: 67,700 people (2012)
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History of the city of Feodosia:

In the 4th century BC. (355) Feodosia was annexed to the Bosporan kingdom, playing the role of the largest port exporting grain to Europe.

In the 4th century AD. the city was captured by the Huns, who destroyed it and brought it into decline for many centuries. Nevertheless, even during this period of decline, religious buildings of various nations were built.

In the VII-IX centuries. A Greek temple with a hall in the Byzantine style was built, the foundation of which was used in the construction of the Vvedenskaya Church in 1854. During construction, the ancient style of the temple was not respected; frescoes and stone carvings gave the interiors a pseudo-Russian style. In 1937, a gym was placed in the church, and its ministers were shot. In 1993, the temple was returned to the UOC-MP, and the dome and bell tower were restored.

In 909, a Jewish synagogue was built, which 1000 years later was significantly expanded, and a Jewish school was built next to it. In 1929, the Great Synagogue housed a sportsman's house, and during the fascist occupation - a stable. After the war, the building of the synagogue housed the officers' house, and the former Talmud Torah school became a school.

In the 13th century, the Genoese took possession of the ruins of ancient Feodosia and built new town Cafu, which was repeatedly raided by the Tatars. Therefore, a powerful citadel was built in the city, the ruins of which have survived to this day. The Kafa fortress on the shore of the bay was built in the 1340s. The walls of the citadel, 11 m high with 14 towers, of which the towers of Christ and Clement VI have survived, reliably protected the city.

Some religious buildings of Kafa have also been preserved: the churches of St. George and St. Stephen, the churches of I. the Baptist and I. the Theologian. The Orthodox Greek Church of St. George was built by a Muslim who converted to Christianity, Marquis Aslan in the 14th century. It is located opposite the Kafa Fortress in the Temple Valley. The temple was part of the Monastery of the Victorious and was governed by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The temple displays a history exposition. places of worship The Temple Valley of Feodosia and the model of the Kafa Citadel.

The Church of St. John the Baptist was built in the 14th century. Temple Valley, next to the Temple of St. George. In 1858, the church was reconstructed and renamed the Iveron Church. In the USSR, the temple was turned into a warehouse and is currently transferred to the UOC-MP.

Next to the Iverskaya Church is the Armenian Church of St. John the Theologian, built in the 14th century. in Armenian cult style with excellent acoustics. The doors to the church are decorated with carved ornaments.

The Greek temple of St. Stephen (St. Demetrius) was built in the 15th century. in the Quarantine area behind the wall of the Kafa fortress. The altar and the wall of the temple are decorated with frescoes in the late Byzantine cult style.

One of the most tragic events in the history of Kafa was the plague epidemic that began in 1347 in the camp of the Golden Horde hordes that besieged the fortress. The Tatars catapulted the corpses of their soldiers, stricken by the “Black Death,” over the walls of the fortress into the city, spreading the epidemic to it. Fleeing from the plague on ships, the population of Kafa landed in the cities of Europe, spreading the epidemic. As a result of this epidemic, 75 million people died in Europe. To this day, Feodosians call the area of ​​the city in which the ruins of the fortress are preserved Quarantine, and the area adjacent to the sea is called Chumka.

Medieval Cafe with a population of 100 thousand people. was a cosmopolitan city. Therefore, Catholic and Orthodox churches, Armenian churches, Muslim mosques, synagogues, and monasteries were built in the city, some of which have survived to this day. For example, the Armenian Church of Surb Sarkis, built in 1330, has survived to this day. In the fence of the church, in a sarcophagus made of white marble (author sculptor Biojoli), the romantic of the sea, the best European moraine painter, “virtuoso of clouds and air” Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is buried. There is an entry in the church book that Gevork Ayvazyan and his wife Hripsime had a son, Hovhannes Ayvazyan. The inscription on the sarcophagus is made in ancient Armenian. Nearby is the crypt of the artist’s second wife, an Armenian by nationality. The stone Armenian Church of Archangel, built in 1408 in the style of the Italian Middle Ages, has also been preserved. Next to the church it is planned to erect a monument to the brother of I. Aivazovsky, scientist-historian, orientalist, linguist, philosopher G. Aivazovsky.

In 1475, the city was captured by the Turks, turning it into the capital of the Crimean province of the Sultan, which was called Keffe, Crimea-Istanbul or Kuchuk-Istanbul. Having destroyed a number of Genoese buildings, the Turks built mosques, minarets, oriental baths, incl. the Tower of Constantine that has survived to this day, the Mufti-Jami Mosque with an 8-sided minaret, restored in 1975, and an Armenian fountain indicating the date of construction in 1586.

Residents of the city were turned into living goods, which were sold in the slave markets of Istanbul and Mediterranean countries. This was repeatedly prevented by the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who stormed the fortress and destroyed the Turkish fleet, freeing the slaves.

In 1771 the city came into the possession of Russia and was again renamed Feodosia. During the battles for the city, it was again heavily damaged. The 3-century Turkish occupation and the battles for its liberation turned Feodosia into a desolate town without greenery, with the ruins of a fortress and hundreds of shacks among the ruins and ashes. During the restoration of the city, objects are being built to attract tourists:

  • In 1811, according to the design of I. Aivazovsky, the first museum was built with 70 thousand exhibits and dioramas of the city landscape.
  • In 1911, the Milos mansion was built in the style of ancient Greek neoclassicism with a sculpture of the Venus de Milo, ancient statues, fountains, and caryatid columns. Currently, the mansion houses a sanatorium building.
  • In 1914, the Stamboli mansion was built in the neo-Moorish style with a 4-tier tower, dome, galleries, grottoes, mosaic glass in the windows, and a fountain with figures of angels. In 2013, the mansion housed a museum of underwater archeology, which exhibits objects from sunken ships from ancient to modern.
  • Only in the 90s of the 19th century was the Dzhankoy-Feodosia railway and port built, returning Feodosia to the significance of a major port. But the remains of ancient structures (Kaf fortress, Turkish bastion, Sultan-Selim mosque, Turkish baths) were dismantled to provide materials for newly built objects. The development of the city's economy was combined with the development of tourism.

The October Revolution and the civil war led to new destruction of religious buildings - the A. Nevsky Cathedral, ancient temple St. Mikhail. But after the civil war, the conversion of nationalized dachas into health resorts and sanatoriums began. Feodosia is becoming not only an industrial city, but also a center of tourism.

There is an Aivazovsky gallery in the city, which houses 417 paintings by the outstanding marine painter. Only in the secret room of the gallery, for a sponsorship fee, can you see the artist’s mystical painting “On the Death of Alexander III,” which has never been exhibited anywhere.

The money museum is very popular, where you can see all the issues of money of the Bosporan kingdom, the only Tatraobol coin in the world from the 4th century BC, a 1 million dollar bill. USA.

A. Green Museum recreates the romantic world of the heroes of his works.

The fascist occupation caused another major damage to the city. This heroic period is reminded by established monuments in the city:

  • the Monument of Glory in the Jubilee Park with the Eternal Flame in honor of the soldiers who died for the liberation of the city;
  • in 1966, an anti-aircraft ship gun was installed, which covered the Kerch-Feodosia landing force with fire, which liberated Feodosia from the enemy in 1941;
  • in 1959, a monument was erected to the 13-year-old partisan intelligence officer Vita Korobkov, who was shot in 1942 along with his partisan father; a street was named in honor of the schoolboy hero in Feodosia and high school. On the street Korobkov opened a museum of the Tsvetaev sisters;
  • on the grave of the paratroopers who died in 1942, an obelisk was erected on the city of Mithridates;
  • in 1967, a monument to the victims of fascism was erected over the mass grave of 6,000 townspeople whom the fascists shot and threw into an anti-tank ditch.

In 2012, an observation deck on the city of Mithridates and the Nemo Dolphinarium were opened

Tourists are attracted to Feodosia not only by the sights, but also by other factors:

  • the geographical location of the city on the western shore of the Feodosian Gulf and the slopes of Mount Tepe-Oba;
  • favorable climate with average air temperature in July +24°C, in February +30°C;
  • possibility of swimming in the sea from May to October;
  • availability of the best mineral waters in Europe and healing mud lakes Adzhigol;
  • healing mountain-sea microclimate;
  • “golden” beaches 15 km long;
  • numerous sanatorium-resort, tourist and health institutions;
  • the opportunity, within a 55-kilometer excursion, to visit exclusive resort centers - Koktebel, Shchebetovka, New World, Old Crimea;
  • availability of enotourism with tasting of unique wines.

Feodosia(translated from ancient Greek as “given by God”) is a resort city in Eastern Crimea. Founded by Greek colonists from Miletus in the 6th century BC and changed its name several times - Feodosia - Ardabda - Kaffa (Kefe) - Küçük-Istanbul (Little Istanbul and Crimea-Istanbul) - Feodosia.

There are several assumptions why the city was named Feodosia. One of them is that the name was chosen in honor of the leader of the founders, Theodeos. Another version of the appearance of the name says that after prolonged storms and the inability to land on the rocky shores, exhausted sailors found a bay where they were able to land on shore and founded a settlement calling it “God-given.”

In the middle of the 3rd century AD, Theodosia received a new name Ardabda (“city of seven gods”), when the Alans were expelled from the city by the Goths. Küçük Istanbul - the city received this name during the Ottoman era, which emphasized its importance and large population. The Mufti-Jami Mosque, built in 1623, is a reminder of those times.

From the 2nd half of the 13th century, the city was restored under the Genoese name - Caffa. In 1783, after the inclusion of Crimea into Russia, Catherine II returned the ancient name of Theodosius to the city, and in 1787 she personally visited it.

In 1892, with the active assistance of I.K. Aivazovsky, the Dzhankoy - Feodosia railway line was laid. This made it possible to significantly increase the turnover of the commercial port, and the city received a new impetus for development. Feodosia had already become a Crimean resort, offering wonderful sandy beaches, mild climate, vineyards and surroundings with numerous ancient monuments. People of different nationalities and religions live in the city.

The population of Feodosia is 100 thousand inhabitants, including urban residents - 67.9 thousand (2018).

Seaside climatic and balneological mud resort.

Geographic coordinates: 45°2" north latitude, 35°23" east longitude.

The Feodosia sea beach with fine, cleanly washed golden sand stretches for one and a half dozen kilometers, almost along the entire coast of the bay of the same name towards Kerch.

Feodosia is also growing as a multi-profile resort. Its health resorts widely use Feodosia mineral water to treat diseases of the digestive system. The source is located near the city at the foot of Mount Lysaya.

The sunbathing season starts from May and ends in November, but best time for a beach holiday in Feodosia - summer. June and September are usually characterized by a soft sun tan, and July and August are characterized by warm seas.