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Which countries have access to the Black Sea. Seas washing Ukraine

The sea washes the shores of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. The unrecognized state of Abkhazia is located on the northeastern coast of the Black Sea.
A characteristic feature of the Black Sea is the complete (except for a number of anaerobic bacteria) absence of life at depths above 150-200 m due to the saturation of deep water layers with hydrogen sulfide.

The shores of the Black Sea are scarcely indented and mainly in its northern part. The only large peninsula is the Crimean. The largest bays: Yagorlytsky, Tendrovsky, Dzharylgachsky, Karkinitsky, Kalamitsky and Feodosia in Ukraine, Varna and Burgassky in Bulgaria, Sinopsky and Samsunsky - at the southern coast of the sea. In the north and northwest, estuaries overflow at the confluence of the rivers. The total length of the coastline is 3400 km.

Bays of the northern part of the Black Sea A number of sections of the sea coast have their own names: the southern coast of Crimea in Ukraine, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia, the Rumeli coast and the Anatolian coast in Turkey. In the west and northwest, the coasts are low-lying, steep in places; in the Crimea - mostly low-lying, with the exception of the southern mountainous coasts. On the eastern and southern shores, the spurs of the Caucasus and Pontic mountains come close to the sea.

There are almost no islands in the Black Sea. The largest are Berezan and Serpentine (both with an area of ​​​​less than 1 km²).

The following largest rivers flow into the Black Sea: Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, as well as smaller Mzymta, Rioni, Kodori, Inguri (in the east of the sea), Chorokh, Kyzyl-Irmak, Ashli-Irmak, Sakarya (in the south), Southern Bug ( in the north) .

The Black Sea is the world's largest meromictic (with unmixed water levels) body of water. The upper layer of water (mixolimnion), which lies to a depth of 150 m, is cooler, less dense and less saline, saturated with oxygen, is separated from the lower, warmer, salty and dense layer (monimolimnion) saturated with hydrogen sulfide by a chemocline (the boundary layer between aerobic and anaerobic zones).

There is no single generally accepted explanation for the origin of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. There is an opinion that hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea is formed mainly as a result of the vital activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, pronounced water stratification and weak vertical exchange. There is also a theory that hydrogen sulfide was formed as a result of the decomposition of freshwater animals that died when the salty Mediterranean waters penetrated during the formation of the Bosporus and Dardanelles.

Some studies of recent years allow us to speak of the Black Sea as a giant reservoir of not only hydrogen sulfide, but also methane, which is most likely also released during the activity of microorganisms, as well as from the bottom of the sea.

I live in a country that has access to the Black Sea coast. I love this sea, I like to come to it in the summer and leave all the negativity and fatigue. Traditionally, most people in all countries of the world tend to the sea, which significantly raises the profits of the tourism business.

Countries with access to the sea

Of course, not only tourism brings income to the state, the sea is also transport transportation and a source of various types of raw materials. Many countries have access to the sea, this is an additional plus for their economy. Here are some examples:

The seas of the Pacific Ocean wash the shores of the countries of Asia and Australia, and near the coasts of both Americas, the Pacific Ocean forms large bays.

Landlocked countries

All countries are different from each other, some are rich in natural resources or have a huge territory and access to the sea, and there are countries that do not have such access. In most cases, these are countries that are located far in the depths of a huge mainland.

Of course, this leaves an imprint not only on their geography and climate, but also on the economy, these are additional difficulties in managing the economy and higher transport tariffs. Among such countries are: Mongolia, Slovakia, Bhutan, Vatican, Belarus, Armenia, Chad, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Hungary, Niger, Liechtenstein, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Serbia, Uganda, Czech Republic and others.

No matter how rich the land of this or that state is, the access of this country to the sea does not guarantee economic prosperity.

Connected to the Aegean Sea. The Black Sea is washed by several states at once, in each of which it becomes a popular object of recreation. The coast is a quality resort area with a variety of ways to relax.

The geographical position of the Black Sea

The Black Sea washes the coast of Russia, and its waters belong to six more states. In each of the countries, a considerable number of tourists travel to the sea, wishing to sunbathe and swim in the warm sea water. It is best to relax here from the end of May to the beginning of October, when the water temperature exceeds 20 degrees, and sunny weather contributes to tanning. The geographical position is good not only in terms of recreation, it is of great economic, transport and military importance.

The shape of the Black Sea resembles an oval.

The greatest length from coast to coast along the axis is 1,150 km, the greatest depth is 2,210 m. This makes the sea in demand for lovers of deep diving. The Crimean peninsula is located in the northern part of the Black Sea. The sea delimits the European and Asian parts of the continent. An interesting feature is the lack of islands.

The Black Sea had many names, it was called Russian, more than 20 names are known in total. There are several versions of the appearance of the modern name, each culture adheres to its own versions. According to one version, the north on the maps used to be indicated in black, and the Black Sea is located just in the north. Another gloomy version connects the name of the object with the history of its appearance - in its modern form, the Black Sea was formed 7,500 years ago, with the formation of a connection with the Mediterranean Sea, salty sea water got into it. This led to the extinction of many freshwater inhabitants.

Scientists attribute the name to the fact that objects raised from the bottom are black. The reason is hydrogen sulfide at a depth of 200 meters. Among the reasons are black silt thrown ashore and severe storms (even desperate sailors found themselves leaving ports in bad weather). Among the Turks, a version is widespread that the sea got its name because of the recalcitrance of the coast, when trying to conquer local cities, one had to face fierce resistance.

Tatya on 177 7

4 years ago

The Black Sea is surrounded by several countries, these are the countries of Europe and Asia: Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Abkhazia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria. The longest coast of the Black Sea belongs to Turkey, then the length of the coastline of Russia, then Ukraine.

Tanye tta

3 years ago

The Black Sea washes such countries as:

  1. Ukraine
  2. Russia
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Türkiye
  5. Romania
  6. Abkhazia (partially)
  7. Georgia (partially)

On the map, everything is perfectly visible.


  • The area of ​​the Black Sea is about 422,000 square kilometers.
  • The average depth of the Black Sea reaches 1,240 meters.

Gladi us74

2 years ago

The Black Sea - due to its location, is the most important "transport artery". At all times, it was precisely because of the “dominion” on the Black Sea that dozens of large and “not very” conflicts flared up.

The Black Sea has been a “disputed territory” between Russia and Turkey (Ottoman Empire) for centuries.

Through the Bosphorus- The Black Sea connects with the Sea of ​​Marmara, and there, further through the Dardanelles, with the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

Kerch Strait connects the Black Sea with the Sea of ​​Azov.

By of the Black Sea is the border between Europe and Asia.

Countries that washes the Black Sea (7 countries):

  • Russia
  • Ukraine
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • Turkey
  • Georgia
  • Abkhazia (not recognized by many states)

The total coastline of the Black Sea is 3400 km

More than 100 rivers will flow into the Black Sea, which flow through the territories of 18 states. The largest of them are the Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, as well as smaller Mzymta, Rioni, Kodori, Inguri (in the east of the sea), Chorokh, Kyzyl-Irmak, Ashli-Irmak, Sakarya, Southern Bug.

More than 200 cities are located on the Black Sea coast.

p\s Another uniqueness of the Black Sea is that there are practically no islands in it.

Sveta S

2 years ago

The Black Sea is located on the border of Europe and Asia, more precisely, people have laid such a conditional line along the Black Sea.

In geography, the sea is considered an inland sea, which belongs to the basin of the Atlantic Ocean (through the Sea of ​​Marmara and the Mediterranean).

The area of ​​the sea is more than 400 thousand km2. The largest rivers flowing into the Black Sea are the Danube, the Dnieper and the Dniester.

Countries that have access to the Black Sea are called the Black Sea camps.

So, let's start from the northwest and move along the sea coast: Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Georgia, Abkhazia, Russia.

On the shores of the Black Sea in different countries there are many resorts and health resorts. The Black Sea region attracts tourists and vacationers with its comfortable climate, rich history and architecture.

lady v

3 years ago

The Black Sea is another inland basin connected to the ocean only through a few narrow straits, which is typical only for the European part of the Eurasian continent. The Black Sea washes the shores of 7 countries, among which Russia should be mentioned first of all. Russia has four major ports on the Black Sea - Sevastopol, Kerch, Novorossiysk and Tuapse, as well as the resort cities of Yalta and Sochi. Further, the Black Sea washes Abkhazia with the port city of Sukhum, Georgia, and Turkey. Then comes the Bosphorus Strait, which connects the Black and Marble Seas, followed again by Turkey and the city of Istanbul. Further, the Black Sea washes Bulgaria, the cities of Varna and Burgas, Romania, the city of Constanta and Ukraine, the city of Odessa.

morel juba

2 years ago

For convenience and for better orientation and clarity, I present the following image:

The Black Sea is very well depicted here, and those countries that the sea washes are also very well visible. So the Black Sea washes Turkey - the largest territory, also Russia and Georgia, the sea washes Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria, as well as partially recognized Abkhazia.

Nikol ai Sosiu ra

2 years ago

The Black Sea belongs to the Atlantic Ocean basin. This is an inland sea.

The sea is surrounded on all sides by different countries. Several straits connect the Black Sea with the Sea of ​​Azov and the Mediterranean Sea.

The countries that wash the Black Sea include: Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Turkey.

Nelli 4ka

2 years ago

From the north, Ukraine borders the Black Sea, and, thanks to the Crimea, Russia, of course. Russia also envelops this sea from the east. Below it is bordered by no man's Abkhazia, Georgia. South of the Black Sea was taken by Türkiye. Well, from the west we see European countries: Bulgaria, Romania.

Vanes saTururu

2 years ago

Countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania have access to the Black Sea. The Black Sea is also a transport corridor connecting many countries. It also gives clean air and a lot of fish.

Alexi ven

3 month ago

The Black Sea, despite its relatively small size, is surrounded by a fairly large number of countries. these countries include 6 Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria.

Once the Black Sea was freshwater, and was supplied with water through the Manych River from the Caspian Sea, which was also freshwater and replenished with fresh water from the Mansi Sea through the Turgai lowland. After the breakthrough of the Bosphorus Strait, the waters of the Black Sea began to become salty.


4 years ago

Indeed, the waters of the Black Sea wash the coasts of seven countries: Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and the partially recognized Republic of Abkhazia. Moreover, Turkey is located in both Europe and Asia.

All these states are clearly visible on the map.

This small country is located in the southeast of Europe. In the east, Moldova has a border with Ukraine, in the west, Romania adjoins it. The state was located in the interfluve of the Dniester and the Prut. Moldova currently has no direct access to the sea. The area of ​​the state is almost 34 thousand square meters. km.

The relief of the country is quite complex: it is a hilly plain, which is dissected by river valleys. The average height above sea level is about one and a half meters. The maximum height is just over 400 meters (Mount Balanesti). Moldova boasts deposits of gypsum, limestone, sand, gravel. There are not too solid deposits of gas and oil on the territory of the republic.

The proximity of the sea largely determines the climate of Moldova: mild winters, long and hot summers. During the observation period, the maximum temperature once exceeded 42 degrees Celsius. The average annual rainfall usually does not exceed 500 mm.

The territory of the country includes a rather narrow strip on the left bank of the Dniester in its lower and middle reaches (the so-called Transnistria). But Moldova lost actual control over this territory back in the 90s of the last century. The country at all times gravitated towards the Black Sea and adjacent regions. To some extent, the problem of access to the sea coast is removed by the presence of access to the Danube River.

Sea access for Moldova

In March 2009, the country's first seaport was opened on the basis of the Giurgiulesti port complex. The first sea route was the line to Istanbul, along which the passenger ship "Princess Elena" set off.

Thus, through the Danube River, Moldova has access to the sea and can establish direct communication with all coastal countries of the Black Sea region. The opening of the new port immediately changed the image of the country in the international arena and its geopolitical status. Now Moldova, with reservations, can be considered a maritime power.

At the same time, the leadership of the republic developed a plan for the creation and maintenance of a highway that would connect the new sea gates with other regions of the country.

Work on the construction of the port complex began in 2005. The project was created with the support of investors from Azerbaijan and Belgium. An oil terminal was built on the territory of the complex, the construction costs of which exceeded $30 million. The construction of trade and grain terminals is also envisaged.