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Papaya and algae: what children are fed in different countries. Holidays in China with children How to feed a child in China

China: a story about the features of tourism and recreation. Useful information about China for the traveler.

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There is an opinion that China is not quite suitable for families with small children, but this is not at all the case. In China, there are a large number of resorts, the climate and conditions of which meet all the requirements of children's recreation. For a carefree holiday with young children, the resorts of Hainan Island are perfect, which are replete with first-class hotels, sandy well-maintained beaches and all kinds of entertainment. Lovely vacation awaits you both in Weihai, located in the east of the Shandong Peninsula, and in the resort region of Wudalianchi. When choosing a place to live, it is important to consider the age of the child.

If the kid is under 5 years old, he is unlikely to be interested in rich excursions to museums and attractions, so for tours to China with preschoolers, it makes sense to go to the seaside resorts of the country. But 7-8 years old is the right age to get acquainted with the culture and history of the country, so for older children you can find sightseeing tours with accommodation in large cities. And, of course, going on a trip with a baby is only worth it if he is completely healthy.

In China, there are a large number of resorts, the climate and conditions of which meet all the requirements of children's recreation.

Entertainment for children

By purchasing trips to China, you can be sure that your child will never be bored. Beijing Disneyland, Beihai Park, Peace Park, Dino Beach, the Museum of Insects and Reptiles, the Museum of Science and Technology in Shanghai, as well as dolphinariums, water parks, oceanariums - all the entertainment can not be listed.

Resting on Hainan Island, you can go to the island of monkeys, visit the oceanographic exhibition, visit the Silk Salon. Kids will also enjoy the Butterfly and Sea Shell Museum, as well as an excursion to hot springs where you can swim in pools with coconut milk. There is something to do with the baby in Baidakh. A visit to the safari park and botanical garden can take a whole day. Tigers, lions, bears, wolves and wild boars live in the safari park almost in natural conditions. Feeding squirrels, monkeys, peacocks, giraffes, ostriches will give an unforgettable experience to the child - it is very exciting and completely safe. The Botanical Garden will surprise you with a variety of plants, a tropical garden where exotic plants grow, and a pet park. An amusement park with many attractions will be a nice addition. It is better to plan a walk to the Lantern Park and the Olympic Park in the evening. With the onset of darkness, the park of lanterns turns into a real fairy tale: in the light of numerous lanterns of the lake, a roaring dragon, a magical castle with labyrinths look especially mysterious. The Olympic Park is known for its huge singing fountain and colorful laser show.

Almost all sights of China that are interesting for a child are available for independent visits, which is especially convenient for families with small children in order to follow the daily schedule familiar to the child. The main thing is not to forget the business card with the address of the hotel, if you suddenly need to return to the hotel by taxi.

By the way, in all tourist places in China, be it a museum, an attraction or a zoo, the children's tariff is determined by the height of the child.

If the height of the baby is less than 120 cm, then the entrance for him is free, if the child does not exceed 140 cm, then the ticket will cost half the price, for children taller than 140 cm, a full ticket is purchased.

Beijing Disneyland

Hotels for families

Anyone who has ever planned a vacation with children knows how important it is to think through all the little things. Not the last place in these efforts is the choice of a hotel in which all conditions for the child's stay should be created. China can rightly be proud of the abundance of comfortable hotels oriented towards family holiday. All family hotels in China are equipped in full compliance with international quality standards, and the organization of children's leisure is well thought out in them. The hotels suitable for families with children offer children's pools with safe slides, a games room and a playground with attractions adapted for kids. You can find family hotels in almost all popular Chinese resorts. The good news is that trips to China for children are usually offered at a bargain price.

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What to feed a child

Many parents, when purchasing sightseeing tours to China, are worried about what the child will eat there. And this is quite logical, because traditional Chinese cuisine is famous for its spicy sauces, unusual combinations of flavors and an abundance of spices in dishes. Children's stomachs, and even completely unusual for such food, are unlikely to like the specific taste of Chinese dishes.

Chinese chefs keep up with the times, and today almost every restaurant offers a wide range of dishes for children.

It can be boiled rice with vegetables without spices, steamed chicken breast, duck in a sweet sauce or tender shish kebab. There are also restaurants in China that specialize in Russian cuisine and include cutlets, mashed potatoes and even borscht on the menu. In addition, in Chinese supermarkets you can buy traditional adapted baby food: baby milk and yoghurts, cookies, juices.


Even within the same country, it is difficult to find parents who feed their children in exactly the same way. However, some trends can still be traced. The climatic conditions and cultural traditions of each country have a great influence on the diet of children.

Asia: porridge with seaweed

AT India, Japan, South East Asia wheat is hard to find, but it grows well there rice. Therefore, at 4-6 months, the child is introduced to rice porridge, to which new ingredients are gradually added. In India, these are mainly seasonings - cumin, cinnamon, in Japan - seaweed, dried fish and vegetables.

Also, Japanese children have been trying traditional miso soup almost from birth. Older children are given natto (fermented soybeans), vegetables fried in soy sauce, fish and seafood, lotus dishes, burdock root, carrots. But sushi from raw fish is not included in the diet for children under a certain age.

AT China, Vietnam, Thailand and neighboring countries, rice is also the basis of the children's diet, as well as local varieties of pumpkin, green beans, bamboo shoots, seaweed, fish, shrimp, coconut milk, which is added to . Meat - chicken and pork.

It may seem that our diet is much more diverse, because in addition to rice we have buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, oatmeal. But in Asian countries there is such a variety of various varieties of rice and its combinations with other products that you definitely cannot call a boring children's menu.

Africa and the Middle East: papaya breast milk

In African countries, vitamin A-rich foods are used as the first complementary foods. sweet potatoes, cornmeal porridge, a little later - a pumpkin. During weaning, milk is mixed with papaya. They say that children like the taste of this fruit, and they are more willing to refuse in favor of it.

AT Israel many mothers from breast milk transfer the child immediately to solid food, bypassing the period of mashed potatoes and smoothies. And there they are very tolerant towards small children: forcing a child to eat by cunning, or even worse - by force, is considered unacceptable.

USA and Canada: sweet potato and sandwiches

It is difficult to talk about the peculiarities of nutrition in all states, after all, they are very different, but the preferences towards what we call fast food (sandwiches, burgers, nuggets, hot dogs, pizza, pancakes, cereals) are very noticeable. Of course, we are talking about children older than 3-4 years.

Babies, just like ours, in addition to breast milk, are given cereals (barley, oats, rice), which are specially enriched with iron and other essential trace elements. Vegetables popular with American children are pumpkin, sweet potato(sweet potatoes), carrots and green peas. But there are practically no children's dairy products (kefir, curds, children's yoghurts) in the USA.

Once a friend from the USA came to visit me. She was the first time in Russia and was very surprised at how I eat. She flatly refused to try the morning oatmeal, scrambled eggs and vegetable salad and generously smeared a piece of loaf with chocolate paste. Then I asked what her children eat. “Usually cereal with milk (it’s good), sandwiches, pasta, pizza, hot dogs. Once a week they are required to eat vegetables, although it can be difficult to force. Of course, the experience of one mother is not indicative: in the USA, the movement for healthy eating is stronger than anywhere else, however, as we can see, everyone has a different idea of ​​​​healthy eating.

In Russia, as a rule, the opposite is true. The main food is soups and salads, but from time to time parents spoil the child with fast food. By the way, it can be home. Try to cook healthy. The fillet for it is fried in a pan without adding oil in special frying sheets, and pita is used instead of buns.

AT Canada fast food is treated less loyally. Children are fed with cereals, vegetable purees and fruit cocktails. Of meat, turkey is especially popular.

Western Europe: snails and lasagna

In France cereals and cereals are not considered healthy food, so babies are fed mainly with light soups and vegetable purees, and after a year soft cheeses appear in the diet. If porridge is prepared, then from quinoa or amaranth rich in vegetable proteins. No one will be surprised oysters and snails in the diet.

Children's menu in Germany not much different from ours. Unless local mothers prefer lean types of meat, such as rabbit and even pigeon. Oddly enough, rice is also popular among German women.

At Swedes has its own unique children's product - welling. This is a milk-grain mixture, similar to liquid oatmeal, which was invented almost by the Vikings.

Italians very early they offer children what they eat themselves - pasta and lasagna, and some parents even allow them to drink coffee. Few people bother with vegetable purees, here it is believed that the child should be accustomed to adult food as soon as possible. But the advantages of the Italian menu can be called an abundance of soft cheeses - ricotta and mozzarella, which are rich in proteins and easily digestible.

AT UK and Iceland one of the main children's dishes, of course, is oatmeal. It is cooked in milk or water, and in the finale, maple syrup, fruit and butter are added. Much attention is paid to foods high in vitamin D: due to cloudy weather and the constant lack of sunlight, it is this vitamin that is most often lacking in the children's body.

Latin America: coffee with milk

At 2-3 years old, many parents allow their children to drink coffee with milk. For us, this sounds a little strange, but in Brazil believe that coffee is rich in antioxidants and helps the child focus. Even children in Latin America love banana bread, soft cream cheese and chocolate milk.

Is this your first time going on holiday with your child abroad? Why not choose China, which will definitely be of interest to children of all ages. Both adults and kids will be happy warm sea, exciting excursions, national cuisine and great shopping.

By the way, for adults, China provides great opportunities to earn extra money for the family budget, for example, fashionable dropshipping. Dropshipping, what is it? You can profitably buy Chinese goods and resell them - it's easy and does not require a lot of effort. So think on vacation and about the opportunity to profitably replenish the family piggy bank.

Sea in China

The sea in China has a grayish-yellowish hue. It's hard to collect shells here as a memory of the trip, but the children enthusiastically build castles of the finest sand on the shore.

In addition, the Yellow Sea is very warm, and even the smallest can bathe in it, and this is its main advantage. Right on the beaches, hardworking Chinese sell various souvenirs for mere pennies, and you and your children can buy something to remember the Yellow Sea. The sea is very calm, gentle, and only sometimes there are small waves on it. Adults will not be bored either - they are provided with various water activities and attractions.

What to feed children?

Chinese national cuisine is specific, and therefore many mothers are concerned about the question of how they will feed their children. But the cunning Chinese have long adapted to the abundance of Russian tourists with small children. Therefore, mothers do not have to worry about food for their child.

You can easily order boiled chicken, duck, rice dishes in almost every restaurant. In many cities in the country there are Russian restaurants, in which, of course, the dishes are slightly different from what we are used to, but, nevertheless, are quite suitable for children's food during your trip to China.


There is interesting feature in China - children up to 120 cm tall go on a tour for free. Children between 120 and 140 cm tall pay half price for the tour. Well, children above 140 cm must buy an adult ticket. Therefore, with kids, in some respects, going on excursions is even beneficial.

There is something to see in China - there are wonderful zoos, various attractions, and botanical gardens. And what is the most beautiful Chinese architecture, historical monuments, monasteries! In China, everyone will be interested - both adults and children.

Found some interesting foreign studies on breastfeeding in other countries, so look forward to a series of publications on breastfeeding in Australia, Iran, India and Lebanon in the near future.


A study on the situation with breastfeeding in China was published last year, although the data in it is already quite old. However, they are interesting. The primary aim of the researchers was to describe changes in breastfeeding and to summarize breastfeeding rates, duration, and reasons for stopping breastfeeding before and after complementary feeding. Here is what they write.

Breastfeeding rates dropped in the 1970s as breast milk substitutes became available, and bottomed out in the 1980s. The situation has worsened especially in big cities. Breastfeeding rates began to rise in the 1990s, and since the mid-1990s, in most cities and provinces, including small areas, four-month-old babies on mixed breastfeeding have had about 80%.

This is exactly what the National Action Plan for Child Development has set. It set out to achieve 80% breastfeeding by the year 2000 (based on provinces) and promote breastfeeding only from 4 to 6 months. So, on average, the duration of mixed breastfeeding in most Chinese cities and provinces was 7-9 months.

Breastfeeding rates in China for children 4 months old. Gray indicates exceptional GW, white - any other. The results in the graph are summarized and are based on 16 published studies covering 1994-2004.

In the state plan until 2010, they decided to raise the bar to 85% of nursing mothers throughout China. At the same time, however, the type of feeding (exclusive or mixed) was no longer mentioned.

In the 90s, the first "" (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative) also appeared in China, and in 1992-1998, 6745 of them were created in large or medium-sized clinics and 3475 in small ones. In Beijing, breastfeeding rates began to rise after the introduction of this initiative in 1992. The same growth of these indicators was observed in other regions of China.

Why Chinese moms didn't want to breastfeed?

P.S. Who has experience of living in China - share your observations, plz!

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In Russia, it is customary to give small children cereals, fruits and vegetables as complementary foods, and when it comes time to introduce meat into the diet, it is usually either chicken or turkey. Have you ever thought about what mothers from Mexico and China feed their children? We invite you to look into the plates of tiny inhabitants of various countries of the world.


The menu for babies here often includes veal, rabbit meat and fennel. They are also given mashed potatoes from cabbage, broccoli and other vegetables with a pronounced smell, while fairly neutral potatoes are rarely used to feed children. Bulgarians are guided by a very unusual logic that if a child gets used to strong tastes, then it will be easy for him to fall in love with weaker ones.


In a country where sausages and beer take pride of place in the diet of adults, great attention is paid to the nutrition of children. The Germans are very picky about the menu of their kids and buy only the leanest meat (for example, pigeon or rabbit). From vegetables, pumpkin, potatoes are most often used, and from cereals - rice.


In the United States, as probably everyone knows, there has been a problem with the nutrition of the population for many years, and this is confirmed by the fact that more than 50% of Americans are obese. If we talk about the smallest inhabitants of the country, then in this case the percentage is, of course, somewhat lower, but it also causes serious concern about the health of children. In recent years, American doctors have sounded the alarm and urged parents to take care of the quality nutrition of the younger generation. Therefore, more and more mothers here prepare food for their children themselves, and do not buy ready-made cereals in stores, which often contain too much sugar and carbohydrates. From vegetables, sweet potatoes are very popular here, from meat - lean chicken, and from fruits - apples and prunes.


Perhaps you think that Japanese children eat raw fish from birth? Actually it is not. Their diet is mainly based on rice, boiled white fish, spinach and burdock root (it tastes very good and resembles both potatoes and parsnips).


In the past few years, exotic cuisine has become very fashionable in Canada, so the inhabitants of this country often prepare cocktails for their children from various tropical fruits. Of meat, turkey is the most common, of vegetables - sweet potatoes, and of cereals - young corn.


Obviously, most Poles want their children to grow up to be big, strong and powerful heroes. How else to explain that from a very early age, kids are taught to eat “serious” food such as hearty meat soup with the addition of veal and vegetables, pork goulash with vegetables and noodles, or minced meat with the addition of boiled meat?


Little Mexicans are really lucky, because it is always warm in their country, and therefore the season of fresh ripe fruits lasts all year round. Moms here feed their babies healthy mashed tropical fruits like mango and papaya. Such food is not only tasty, but also extremely rich in vitamins and minerals.


Many people believe that Chinese kids eat only rice and soy sauce, but this is not at all the case. Most mothers in this country prepare delicious homemade food for their babies. They try to make sure that the food is nutritious, but at the same time easily absorbed by the body, for which they use chicken meat, lean fish, asparagus, bamboo shoots and Chinese cabbage. In addition, the little ones are given to drink herbal teas made from a mixture of chamomile, lime blossom and other healthy plants.