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Holidays in Cyprus. Useful information about Cyprus What seas and oceans wash Cyprus

“What kind of sea is in Cyprus?” - This question was the first one my friend asked after we returned home. And without hesitation, remembering my first impression, I answered Warm! And then he thought and said, no, not warm, but Hot! During our short stay (only seven days!) in Cyprus, I had to swim in the sea near Limassol, Larnaca, Ayia Napa, and Protaras.

But I have never seen such warm water as we had during the first days of our holiday, on the beaches five kilometers east of Larnaca, except maybe in the shower!

We arrived at the hotel after midnight, and naturally it was too late to go swimming, and after five hours on a hot and stuffy bus and three on the plane, we had absolutely no energy left, so we had to settle for a shower and go to bed. But the first thing my wife and I did in the morning was go to the sea. And why not go? If you open your eyes, glance out the window, and there it is, the Mediterranean!

The sea near Larnaca.

And after walking these four hundred meters (our hotel was not far from Larnaca, in the second line from the sea), I took off my clothes, and expecting to feel the morning coolness, I stepped into the sea... but that was not the case. The water is so warm that you hardly feel it, except perhaps the resistance while moving. A special feature of the beaches east of Larnaca is the presence of protective dams or breakwaters that, with small gaps, stretch at a distance of 100 - 150 meters parallel to the shore. The sea here is shallow - you have to go seventy to eighty meters to the depth, and it is also protected from the run-up, warmed by the hot Cypriot sun up to thirty degrees, or even more!

What other sea is there in Cyprus? Clean and transparent. Despite the fact that in the sea near Larnaca the beach and bottom are made of fine volcanic ash, the water was absolutely transparent, and the bottom was clearly visible to a depth of several meters, well, in general, wherever we managed to swim. And only on days of strong excitement did the water become a little cloudy in the shallows.

Sea in Limassol.

About the same sea in Limassol. Here, too, breakwaters have been built along the coast, and the bottom is covered with the same brownish, clay-like volcanic ash, only there are more stones, and the water is cooler than in the shallow Larnaca Bay. On the day of our visit to Limassol, the Mediterranean Sea was very agitated, it seemed that a storm had passed somewhere, so a strong surge muddied the water a little, but despite this, and the proximity of the largest port, and Limassol has the largest port in Cyprus, it remained absolutely clean , unlike Crimea, where after a storm heaps of garbage float in the sea.

Sea in Ayia Napa.

The sea in Ayia Napa is also Mediterranean, but a little different. The coast here also seems to be composed of volcanic rocks, but they look more like frozen magma than ash, as in Larnaca. The rocks appear to be very strong, but they are easily destroyed by the sea, and therefore the sand on the beach and in the sea around Cape Greco is coarse, light, even golden, and the water is clean and transparent no matter how rough it is. And the turquoise color of the sea in Ayia Napa is so bright and sparkling that no camera can reproduce this magical picture!

Everything said above can also be applied to the sea near Protaras.

The sea near Paphos.

Well, and finally, what kind of sea does Paphos have? The city of Paphos, unlike Larnaca, Limassol and Ayia Napa located on the south coast, faces west. So the waves, driven by the wind across the entire width of the Mediterranean Sea, and maybe even peeking in from the Atlantic, roll onto the shore in a continuous sequence. So there is almost always surf here, and the sea near Paphos is deeper because the color of the water is rich - blue, indigo, turquoise.

The seashore near Paphos is rocky, steep in places, so entering the water is difficult, although there are sandy beaches.

What is the sea like in Cyprus or a little geography.

What is the sea like in Cyprus? Of course, you will say Mediterranean, and you will be right. Cyprus is a fairly large island, located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, about seventy kilometers from Turkey in the north, a hundred from Lebanon in the east and 380 km from Egypt in the south.
Yes, the Mediterranean, but it is quite large and its shores are densely populated by different peoples, and accordingly, historically, parts of the sea received their names.

Levant Sea

The eastern part, the waters of which plow the island of Cyprus, received the name Levantine Sea from the ancient French levant, which means sunrise, east. In general, the concept of “Levant” is quite broad - a crossroads or meeting place of the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa. In the Levantine Sea, the Cilician Sea is respectively distinguished, located in the north, between Turkey and Cyprus, and in the south, towards Africa - the Cyprus Sea. Well, towards Asia Minor the Levantine proper. So Cyprus can be called the island of four seas.
The Levantine Sea is warm, in winter the temperature does not fall below +15 degrees, and in summer it warms up to + 28.

Dead Sea in Cyprus.

And the sea in Cyprus is dead, not quite of course, there are shrimps, crabs, sea turtles, octopuses, sometimes a fish flashes in the water column, and at the bottom there are bushes of algae and even corals.

But of course there are not enough living creatures. If you have ever dived in the Black Sea, you will understand. And the whole point is the high salinity of the water and the lack of organic matter, which is usually carried into the sea by rivers. The fact is that the rivers of Cyprus do not flow to the sea. Most of them dry out along the way. And those that could reach the sea are blocked by dams and give up their moisture to reservoirs. And if we add high air and water temperatures to the lack of desalination effect of rivers, it turns out that the salinity of water in the waters of the Cyprus Sea reaches 40 grams per liter, which is 10 percent higher than the salinity of the ocean. So there are not enough fish in the sea of ​​Cyprus, and therefore dolphins and sharks do not swim here. If the absence of the former is somehow not pleasing, then the absence of the latter is very pleasant, especially for divers.

This is the sea in Cyprus, warm, clean, very transparent and very salty, not very rich in living creatures, but very desirable and alluring!

The main center of attraction for the bulk of tourists here is the endless, clean and, importantly, safe sea. Let's see where Cyprus is located on the world map and what kind of sea there is.

What sea is Cyprus located on?

If the first part of the question: “where is it” can be answered unambiguously, then the second part – “what kind of sea is there” – will not work. Formally, from a geographical point of view, the shores of the island are washed by the Mediterranean Sea. However, some of its parts have their own unofficial name. Yes, on to the south is the Cyprus Sea, in the northeast - Cilician, in the east - Levantine.

Geographically, Cyprus belongs to the Asian part of the world, and not to the European part, as most people are used to thinking. Despite the fact that one of them is Greek, there is little associated with this country. In fact, part of the state’s territory is controlled by Turkey and Great Britain. And the nearby countries are Egypt and Syria.

Interactive location map of Cyprus: (You can zoom in and out by clicking on + or -)

Climatic features of Cyprus

The tourist season on the island lasts from to. In the spring-summer period, the water temperature can reach a maximum of plus 30 degrees. This is facilitated by the peculiar terrain, replete with shallow waters.

With the arrival of autumn, the water in the sea cools down, but not rapidly, but gradually, which makes it possible to extend the holiday season. But even in winter and early spring, the waters of the Mediterranean Sea have a relatively comfortable temperature.

The Mediterranean Sea that surrounds Cyprus is completely unique and is famous for three main qualities:

1. Cleanliness.
2. Security.
3 . An abundance of strange living creatures.

The purity of the Cyprus Sea is an amazing phenomenon. Moreover, we are talking not only about the environmental component, but also about the transparency of the azure waters. In some places, even at a depth of a hundred meters, you can see the beauty of deep-sea marine life in great detail. As for the environment, everything is at the highest level, which is confirmed by a special EU quality certificate - Blue flag .

It is safe to be on the Cyprus coasts - it is impossible to meet sharks, sea urchins, or jellyfish here. But other, harmless inhabitants of the deep sea are worth admiring - lovers will be able to see rare fish, shellfish, crabs, turtles and even coral reefs. The only trouble is that an “encounter” with some types of algae growing on the wild beaches of the island can result in a minor burn.

Where to relax in Cyprus

So, we found out which sea Cyprus washes, now is the time to find out for this or that type of vacation.

The most famous resorts in Cyprus are and. Here, most tourists are attracted primarily by the snow-white sandy shores, gently sloping shallows, and clear water. Fans of active recreation (diving, fishing, windsurfing) will love the beaches, where the water is cooler, but the richest deep-sea world is. There is a beach nearby Aphrodite, attractive to tourists - after all, it was here, according to myth, that the goddess of beauty once emerged from the foam of the sea.

Cyprus is a small island, whose area barely exceeds 9 thousand sq. km. A favorite place for tourists who prefer the mild Mediterranean climate.

Having chosen Cyprus as a holiday destination, it is simply necessary to know which sea washes this paradise. Because it is the Mediterranean Sea that is famous for its warm waves and comfortable beaches, and Cyprus offers good service, a relaxing holiday and impressive scenery. The main role in creating such a tempting picture undoubtedly plays a special water area.

The water area of ​​Cyprus - which sea is it washed by?

Many people have heard the opinion that in addition to the Mediterranean Sea, the waters of Cyprus also include the Cyprus Sea, but is this really so and if so, where exactly is it located?

Geographically, the island is located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, finding Cyprus on the map, which sea washes it leaves no doubt - the Mediterranean. However, the vast water area of ​​the island is divided by geographers into several objects. Among them is the Cyprus Sea, which in turn is divided into the Cilician (in the northeast) and Levantine (in the east) seas. Simply put, Cyprus is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, but Cyprus is its eastern part.

Holidays in Cyprus. Advantages and disadvantages

The positive and negative characteristics of a holiday in Cyprus are basically based on its water area. It is gratifying that its influence is fundamentally beneficial:

  • Clean, warm, calm water;
  • high salt concentration (good for health);
  • lack of algae, jellyfish, sea urchins (due to salt);
  • absence of dangerous shark species.

When choosing Cyprus for a scuba diving holiday, which sea washes this island and its salinity should also be taken into account. There are also disadvantages. A high concentration of salt makes it very difficult to scuba dive and admire the beauties of the underground world. And sea fishing will end with just a walk and a catch of a few small fish.

The island's climate is conducive to a wonderful holiday, and it is not surprising that the life expectancy of Cypriots is much higher than that of residents of other European countries. In summer, the island is dry and hot - from +25C to +40C, while winter is mild and warm with rain and temperatures from +10C to +20C. In the winter months, snow appears in the mountains, and you can go snowboarding and skiing, so resorts the Olympos area actively welcomes outdoor enthusiasts.

The best time to relax on the island is, of course, summer, as well as September, when it is no longer so hot, but the sea is very warm. It is most comfortable in coastal areas, while in places far from the sea it is still hot, up to +40C.

Where to stay in Cyprus

The most expensive hotels in Cyprus are located in Paphos and Limassol. These are five-star resort complexes on the seashore, where tourists will be offered not only comfortable rooms and all-inclusive meals, but also additional services - from fitness centers and spas to boutiques and even their own beaches. The most famous are Alion Beach Hotel 5* in Napa, Amathus Beach Hotel Limassol 5* in Limassol, Elysium Hotel 5* in Paphos.

Four-star hotels are mainly located in the resorts of Protaras and Paphos. All-inclusive and half-board options are available. The rooms are equipped with a refrigerator, telephone, and TV. On the territory there are swimming pools, water slides, shops, beauty salons. Most popular hotels - Constantinou Bros Athena Royal Beach Hotel 4* in Paphos, Crystal Springs 4* in Protaras, Mediterranean Beach Hotel 4* in Limassol.

Three-star hotels can be found in any Cypriot resort. They are located on the second and third coastlines. Due to the distance from the sea, tourists are offered lower prices for rooms, while the atmosphere in such hotels is usually calm, the rooms are also equipped with air conditioning, TV, refrigerator, and telephone. Transfer to the beach can be arranged. Meals mainly include breakfast or breakfast with dinner. If you decide to stay in a three-star hotel, pay attention to Dionysos Central 3* in Paphos, Estella Hotel & Apartments 3*, Faros 3* in Ayia Napa.

Popular resorts in Cyprus

Kolossi Castle - a medieval symbol of Cyprus

Stone walls soaring to the skies, solemn silence and a feeling of medieval power - this is how Kolossi Castle appears to tourists. Despite earthquakes and wars, which caused significant damage to the architectural complex, the fortress itself still makes a strong impression!

The island of Cyprus cannot boast of being large in size when compared with other islands on the planet. Its area, amounting to just over 9 thousand km², is much smaller than the area of ​​Greenland (more than 2 million km²). But Greenland is the largest island on Earth. And if we consider the Mediterranean region, then Cyprus closes the top three there, second only to Sardinia and Sicily.

Cyprus, what kind of sea is there?

There are resorts popular among tourists on the island of Cyprus. A wonderful climate, warm waters, beautiful scenery and clean beaches make up a good place for a relaxing holiday. The island fully meets these parameters. The surrounding water area is of great importance in the formation of good climatic conditions in Cyprus. The island is washed by the Mediterranean Sea. But perhaps many have heard about the Cyprus Sea. It is logical to assume that it is somewhere nearby. Why is there such confusion? Let's try to figure it out.

Cyprus is really located in the Mediterranean Sea, more precisely, in its eastern part. But the water area of ​​this sea is so large that geographers divide it into several more water bodies. And one of them is the Cyprus Sea, on whose territory the island of the same name is located. But that's not all! Cyprus, in turn, is also divided into seas: Cilician (northeastern part) and Levantine (eastern part).

Thus, when wondering which sea Cyprus washes, you can get two answers at once: the Mediterranean and the Cypriot. Both of them will be correct, because the Cyprus Sea is part of the Mediterranean.

Climatic characteristics of the sea

The Cyprus Sea has a whole set of unique characteristics that affect the climate of the entire island. And basically, this is a beneficial effect. But the coastal area also determines some characteristics of the sea. And this also has a positive effect on the surrounding waters. So, the Cyprus Sea:

  • salty,
  • warm,
  • clean,
  • calm.

Cyprus is washed by the Mediterranean Sea and it is the saltiest. This is mainly because the only river that flows into the Cyprus Sea is the Nile. Consequently, the freshwater influx is low and the salt concentration is high. Of course, it is not the same as in the famous Dead Sea, in which fish and plants cannot live (in fact, that’s why it got its name). But the salty water of the Cyprus Sea is also not very comfortable for many living organisms. This results in the absence of algae. Also, in the coastal waters you will not find jellyfish and sea urchins, which can cause injury to swimmers. Sharks that are dangerous to humans also do not swim to the shores of Cyprus. So high salt concentration has a positive effect on coastal safety.

But there are also disadvantages from salt water in the Cyprus Sea. Schools of colorful fish will not please those who like to scuba dive and explore the beauty of the underwater world. Fish and seafood on the island are mainly imported, since catching on an industrial scale is difficult to organize. But do not be afraid that the gifts of the ocean in Cyprus will not be entirely fresh; transportation from nearby regions takes a little time. In addition, there are special fish farms set up right in the sea. From them, the freshest fish reaches the kitchens of local restaurants almost immediately.

Cyprus offers traditional entertainment: sea fishing. But tourists shouldn’t expect a big catch. You especially shouldn’t have any illusions about the size of the fish you catch. But for avid amateur fishermen, the process itself is important, so this can turn out to be quite enjoyable entertainment. And you can get a lot of pleasure from a boat trip.

The Cyprus Sea is the warmest part of the Mediterranean. This determines the long beach season. It is comfortable to swim here from May to October; the water temperature at this time does not drop below +23°C. But often the sea warms up already in April and remains warm until November. So it could be even longer.

All tourists note the cleanliness of the coastal waters. Transparent water allows you to see the bottom even at great depths. This is partly due to the lack of algae. The beaches of Cyprus are also clean, despite the fact that they are very different in composition. Some are sandy (and there are some with imported sand), some are sand-shell, some have pebbles. The cleanliness of the water and coastal area is one of the parameters that allows beaches to be awarded the “blue flag” special distinction. More than half of all beaches in Cyprus have received this award.

Many resorts in Cyprus are located in bays and are protected from the winds. This determines the calm nature of the surrounding waters. There are few waves here, so even kids feel comfortable in the sea. But what is considered an advantage for some can be a serious disadvantage for others. The too calm water of the Cyprus Sea is not suitable for surfing. Although board rentals are available in almost all resort areas. It will be even more convenient for a novice surfer to comprehend the basics of this sport. But for professionals it is better to choose another sea for training.