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Portugal country area. Full description of Portugal

Portugal is located in the very west of the Iberian Peninsula. Its official history goes back more than 900 years. Portugal is considered one of the oldest countries in the world that has managed to keep its borders unchanged. Its only neighbor is , with whose borders lie in the north and east. In other directions, Portugal is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This country is visited annually by tourists who enjoy all the possibilities of recreation provided. Many of them prefer to go to Madeira to fully enjoy the constantly warm climate, or to the Azores. For most of those traveling to this country for the first time, it is very important to find out what language is spoken in Portugal.

At the beginning of the 8th century, the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by Arabs and Berbers, who were called Moors. Part of the population went north, thereby keeping their language and dialect pure. And those who remained submitted to the Arabs and changed the official language to the language of the conquerors. Such people were bilingual and were called Mozarabs, that is, “subordinate to the Arabs.” Thanks to them, not only Portuguese, but also Arabic was enriched with new words. Arabic words that entered the Portuguese language mainly denoted new objects and concepts and were nouns.

Since the 15th century, the country began to discover previously unknown lands. In world history, this time is known as the “Age of Discovery.” Portugal paved the sea route to the mysterious India, made some of the African states and regions, as well as Brazil in South America and other islands, even Macau, currently a special administrative region of China, its colonies. Of course, such an active policy to seize new territories could not do without the spread of Portuguese as the main language for all colonies. Therefore, it is considered official for countries such as Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde and other small countries and individual areas.

Features of the Portuguese language

Portuguese belongs to the Romance languages ​​of the Indo-European family. To be even more precise, to the Ibero-Roman subgroup. Portugal has a written language based on the Latin alphabet, which is currently one of the most widespread, and consistently ranks 6-8 in the world in terms of the number of speakers. It is spoken by more than 200 million people. All people who speak this language, consider it their native language or define it as official in their country and are able to communicate in it are united by a single term - Lusophones. The word comes from the name of the Roman province of Lusitania, located in ancient times on the territory of Portugal. All territories of Portuguese-speaking countries and regions are usually called Lusophonia.

Portuguese is considered a pluricentric language. It is spoken in several independent states and communities, and each of them separately develops its own norms. But Portugal and Brazil differ in their varieties of Portuguese. Moreover, there is a noticeable tendency for the European version to move closer to the Brazilian one, and the Portuguese language is becoming monocentrized. There are also creolized varieties of Portuguese spoken in some countries in Africa and Asia.

The closest language to Portuguese is the modern Galician language, from which it originated. Galicia is the northwesternmost autonomous region of Spain. Another very close language is Spanish. However, the composition of vowel sounds, among which there are open and closed, brings it closer to French and Catalan (a linguistic variant of Spanish).

Interestingly, in 2008, the Portuguese Parliament decided to change the spelling to bring it closer to the Brazilian version of the Portuguese language, since its rules were closer to the real pronunciation of words and phraseological units.

It will be interesting for tourists and guests of the country to know that the residents of Portugal, in addition to their native language, are fluent in English, French and, of course, Spanish. Moreover, Spanish-speaking staff are often involved in hotel services, while in the capital and other large cities - English-speaking staff. In a number of areas neighboring Spain, many Portuguese can speak Spanish fluently, and almost everyone understands it. But the Spaniards have a much more difficult time learning the language of their western neighbor. Residents of the Azores have a good command of English, and its knowledge is typical for people of all ages. In addition to Portuguese, the country has another official language - Miranda. It is commonly spoken in Miranda do Douro and surrounding areas. In order to understand what language is spoken in Portugal, you need to remember that on January 1, 1986, the country joined the European Union, and in 2002, the euro was approved as the currency. All these factors have significantly influenced the life of the Portuguese; the influx of tourists has increased, and in connection with this, communication with people who have come from various parts of the planet has increased.

The Republic of Portugal is a small state with a warm climate, picturesque nature and rich history. This is the westernmost country in Europe, on whose territory one of the extreme points of the Eurasian continent is located. What characterizes the geographical location of Portugal? You will find photos and descriptions of the main features of the country in our article.

"Warm Port"

Portugal covers an area of ​​just 92,151 km2 and is the 109th largest country in the world. It appeared on the world stage as an integral and independent country in 1143, turning from a county into a kingdom.

Due to the peculiarities of the geographical location of Portugal, its territory was never empty and was inhabited even before our era. At various times, Lusitanians, Romans, Visigoths and even Arabs lived within its borders. Its location on the coast contributed to the development of the state as an important seaport at the intersection of trade routes between continents. Even the name of the country comes from the Roman name of the settlement Portus Cale, which is translated from Latin as “Warm Port”.

During the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, it was from Portugal that the first trade and research expeditions were sent towards Africa, Asia, North and South America. The navigators of this country discovered Brazil, and St. Helena, Mauritius, the Tristan de Cunha archipelago, Madagascar, opened the sea route to Japan. Later, the Portuguese kingdom owned dozens of colonies in Africa, the North Atlantic, Latin America, Southeast Asia and the Persian Gulf.

Today the country is a parliamentary republic. It is home to 10.3 million people. In terms of the number of inhabitants, Portugal surpasses Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and Austria, but is inferior to them in economic development. It is part of the Schengen zone, is a member of NATO, the UN, the EU, the OECD and the Commonwealth of Portuguese-speaking countries.

Geographical location of Portugal (briefly)

Portugal is located in southwestern Eurasia, occupying one sixth of the Iberian Peninsula. It also includes several islands located in the waters of the Atlantic. The island of Madeira is 600 km away from it, and the Azores is 1500 km away.

The geographical position of the country of Portugal on the mainland is characterized by isolation. Of all the European land states, it borders only Spain, which occupies the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. From the west and south, Portugal is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and related to it. On the other side of the bay, about 250-300 kilometers from the country, is Morocco.

Portugal is strongly stretched from north to south. In this direction its length is 550 kilometers. From west to east it is much more compact and on average its width reaches 180 kilometers. About 40 kilometers from Lisbon is Cape Roca, the westernmost point of Eurasia.

Due to its proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar and Portugal it has always been considered strategically important. That is why its territory is used as a springboard for the deployment of NATO military bases, in particular on one of the Azores islands - Terceira. NATO headquarters is located in the city of Oieras, near Lisbon.

  1. Portugal is considered a mono-ethnic country; almost 90% of its inhabitants are ethnic Portuguese.
  2. The country has Muslims, Hindus, Protestants, Buddhists, but 90% of its inhabitants profess the Catholic religion.
  3. Colonial times have not passed without a trace. Today, Portuguese is spoken in 8 more countries: Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique, East Timor, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Sao Tome and Principe.
  4. American surfer Garrett McNamara in 2011 conquered the largest wave in Portugal with a height of 23.77 meters. The achievement is included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  5. According to international marketing law, the title “port” can only apply to those drinks that are produced using special technology in the Douro River valley near the city of Porto.
  6. Lisbon is home to the world's oldest bookstore, Livraria Bertrand, which opened in 1732.


The geographical location of Portugal is one of the most significant factors influencing its natural and weather conditions. Its entire territory lies within the subtropical zone, an area of ​​Mediterranean climate type.

The Canary runs along the entire western coast of the country. It makes the climate cooler and the weather more unpredictable than in the rest of the Mediterranean. Despite this, the average temperature of the Portuguese coast is +20 ˚С.

In winter, a lot of snow falls across the country. However, the lack of significant disadvantages prevents it from sticking around for long. Most precipitation falls in the mountains and mainly in the winter months. Summer can be quite dry. The driest months of the year are August and July.

Nature of Portugal

The marginal, border geographical location of Portugal is fully reflected in its natural complexes. It’s as if two worlds have merged in the country: Central European and North African. This is expressed both in landscapes and in representatives of the local fauna.

In the north and central parts of Portugal there are mountains and forests, consisting mainly of coniferous trees. Mostly pine trees grow here, but there are oaks and eucalyptus plantations. Animals are represented by wild boars, Iberian lynxes and wolves, foxes, bears, and wild forest cats.

The south of Portugal is dominated by rolling plains covered with evergreen hard-leaved shrubs. In this part there are desert and semi-desert species close to African ones, for example, lizards, chameleons, wivers, genets, and various snakes.

The coast of Portugal is slightly indented and is broken only by the estuaries of rivers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. In the north, mountains come close to low-lying sandy beaches; in the south there are many lagoons and small bays. The country's shores are home to many waterfowl, and the waters washing them are inhabited by dolphins, sperm whales, shellfish, shrimp, anchovies and sardines.


Traditionally, Portugal is an industrial-agrarian country, the main focus of which is on the clothing, cotton, wool industries, production of port wine, olive oil and canned fish. Recently, tourism and the service sector have gained great importance.

The country has about 600 thousand hectares of oak plantations - the source of almost half of the world's cork bark. Portugal's eucalyptus groves are an important source of raw materials for the paper industry. In addition, the country mines uranium, tungsten, pyrites, coal, produces cement, tiles, petrochemical products, and builds ships.

Despite the favorable conditions, Portugal in 2017 was in approximately 43rd place in terms of GDP in PPP terms among the countries of the world. In Europe, it is inferior not only to Switzerland and Austria, but also to Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Estonia. The local market is closely linked with the Spanish state in the transport, banking and energy sectors. Business development and the influx of investment are largely hampered by strict government regulation.


Due to the peculiarities of Portugal's geographical location, its largest cities are located on the coast. The country's largest populated areas are Lisbon and Porto. Both are listed as global cities and are key elements of global trade and economics.

Lisbon has a population of approximately 550,000 people (the metropolitan area is approximately 2.3 million). It is the capital of Portugal, as well as the largest port, transport and economic hub of the state. It is one of the oldest European cities and was first mentioned back in 205 BC.

About 220,000 people live in Porto (about 2 million in the metropolitan area). In the past, it was the capital of Portugal, but now the city is simply a major industrial center and port. It is best known for the production of port wine. The old city center is a cultural treasure and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Portugal shares the Iberian Peninsula with Spain, and is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and south of the country. Its long coastline, sunny climate and relaxed Portuguese lifestyle make the country a very attractive holiday destination. The special attractiveness of the country lies in the fact that, being part of modern Europe, Portugal has preserved rural enclaves on its territory, where time has stopped running and where ancient traditions still flourish.

Geographical position:

A state in southwestern Europe, in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. It borders on Spain in the north and east, and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and south. The northern part of the country is occupied by the low mountains of the Serra da Estrela (height up to 1991 m), the southern and central parts are occupied by the Portuguese lowland, hills and lowlands.

The Azores Islands (Ilhas dos Acores, Islands of the Hawks) are a small (area about 2.3 thousand sq. km) archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, lying 1,460 km from the coast of Europe and 3,750 km from North America. This autonomous region of Portugal consists of 9 large islands and many small islets and reefs, grouped into three groups: eastern (São Miguel, Santa Maria and Formigas Islands), central (Faial, Pico, São Jorge, Terceira and Graciosa) and western (Flores and Corvo). The archipelago is of volcanic origin, so the terrain on all the islands is mountainous, replete with cones of extinct volcanoes, old lava fields and crater lakes. Earthquakes are also common. The highest point - Mount Pico (2351 m) is located on the island of the same name.

The total area of ​​the country is 92 thousand square meters. km.


Lisbon is the capital, largest city and main port of Portugal. Portela International Airport is located in the north of the city. Lisbon is the westernmost capital of continental Europe. The city occupies an advantageous position on the southwestern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, at the wide mouth of the Tagus River, 15 km from the Atlantic Ocean. The city's districts stretch along the Lisbon coastline, stretching from the river mouth to the beaches of Alentejo. Modern high-rise buildings of the metropolis closer to the outskirts are replaced by picturesque fishing huts, united in small villages. In winter the average temperature is +9 degrees, in summer +24. The surroundings of Lisbon are rich in vegetation, including: maritime pine, eucalyptus, evergreen shrubs (maquis).


The population of the country, including the Azores and Madeira Islands, is 10.56 million people. About 70% of the country's population is concentrated in the coastal zone. The urban population predominates. The most typical for Portugal are small cities with a population of no more than 10 thousand people.

Nationally, the population of Portugal is homogeneous. 99% are Portuguese, whose language belongs to the Romance group. The basis of the Portuguese ethnic group are the Lusitanians, one of the ancient Iberian tribes.


Portuguese is the official language of countries such as Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Macau and some other African countries. Portuguese writing is based on the Latin alphabet. The Portuguese language was formed as a result of the symbiosis of the medieval Gallic-Portuguese language and provincial Latin. It still retains remnants of the Celtic language. Currently, the Portuguese language is presented in two versions - European and Brazilian. They differ at the level of phonetics, vocabulary and spelling. European Portuguese is used in Angola and Mozambique.


Time difference with Moscow: -3 hours for the mainland, -5 hours for the Azores


Monetary unit: euro, euro (denoted €, or EUR according to the ISO standard), there are 100 cents in 1 euro.


Portugal is a country of Catholics. The Catholic denomination has existed here for many centuries. Back in the 12th century, the first Portuguese king recognized the Catholic religion as the official religion of the country. The spread of Christianity began with the conquest of the lands by the Romans. Therefore, the spiritual life of the Portuguese depends on the strong influence of the church. Almost ninety-four percent of the Portuguese are Catholic.

There is a very small percentage of Protestants in Portugal, and an equally tiny percentage of people professing other religions. But approximately five percent of the country's residents consider themselves atheists. Despite this, they celebrate religious holidays with their believing friends and relatives.

However, public opinion polls show that religious Portuguese are very zealous in all matters of religion and speak unfavorably of atheists.

The north is considered the most Catholic part of the country. It was here that the expulsion of the infidels of the Catholic religion - Muslims and Arabs, who captured small parts of the country - first began.

Manners and customs

In Portugal, you should not yawn or stretch in public, and it is also not recommended to raise problematic issues about family and children in conversations with people around you. And under no circumstances should you show the Portuguese that you doubt that Portugal is a great country that has made a significant contribution to world history. The fact is that the residents of the country are very careful about the historical past of their state and are immensely proud of it. Which is especially understandable, given the more than modest position of Portugal in today's world.

Also, in no case should you compare the inhabitants of Portugal with their Spanish neighbors in conversation. Indeed, they have a clear commonality in language, character, customs and culture, but the Portuguese themselves have a very negative attitude towards such conversations.

Portugal is a modern Mediterranean country filled with a lot of interesting traditions and customs, among which you can get the most vivid impressions from celebrating a traditional Portuguese wedding. In addition, there is a lot in common between the Portuguese and Russians, especially regarding the original customs regarding the New Year celebration.

However, let's start with the most interesting details. Also, as in many Mediterranean countries, in Portugal, where winemaking was the most ancient activity, the grapevine is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. In addition, in Portugal it is a symbol of good health and family warmth. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the Portuguese pay tribute to grapes on New Year's Day. It is believed that by eating a grape at the chime of the New Year's clock, they will fulfill their wishes. That is, each stroke of the clock is accompanied by the eating of one grape. At the same time, every resident of Portugal makes one wish. As a result, during the 12 strokes of the New Year's clock, everyone can make 12 of their most cherished wishes.

Wedding traditions are no less interesting. The peculiarity of this nation is that people here get married quite early. The average age of the bride is 16 years old, while grooms are usually 19-20 years old. It is this age of the bride and groom that, according to the Portuguese, is most suitable for starting a family. After all, the girl can already give birth to healthy offspring and is a virgin, and the guy is already mature enough to ensure the financial well-being of the family.

At the same time, the young couple sets a wedding date and begins to prepare for the celebration. In this case, a week before the wedding, the couple visits friends and gives them wedding invitations. The Portuguese call the pre-wedding week "Neuvush". In addition, when “visiting friends” at Noivush, the bride had to carry a new basket filled with freshly baked bread, which the bride presented along with the invitation. In response to this, the invitee had to give the bride some kind of gift, be it a tablecloth, towel, bed linen, etc. Refusing bread is considered bad manners and can be regarded as disrespect for the young couple.

And finally, the Portuguese winemaking traditions are very interesting and diverse. After all, winemaking and fishing are the oldest crafts that have fed this country for many centuries, or even millennia. At the same time, it is impossible not to say that many of the traditions of this people were adopted from the ancient Phoenicians, who brought the first grapevine to Portugal.

Subsequently, pagans who worshiped a variety of gods, including the god of wine, had a great influence on the formation of new customs. The most interesting thing is that each era brought its own features and new shades to the traditions and customs of Portugal. At the same time, they played a special role in changing technological processes in wine production, thanks to which we can now enjoy a wide range of unique Portuguese wines.

Fighting a bull is both a breathtaking spectacle and a game of human superiority over nature. This type of fight has several names, the most common of which is bullfighting. However, few people know that bullfighting is the ancestor of the ancient Roman tauromachy. After all, it was the ancient Romans who had fun watching bull fights, which became a logical continuation of gladiatorial games. Speaking about Portuguese bullfighting, it is impossible not to note that this is truly a truly vibrant theatrical spectacle with its own actors and scenery. This is simultaneously greatness, fear, pride, and pain. When the bull wins, we worry about the bullfighter, and if the bull is killed, we feel sorry for him. And most importantly, none of the spectators even suspects what long and grueling training precedes this colorful performance.


The Portuguese love holidays very much. At the same time, they celebrate both international holidays and their own. The passion for the holidays is due to the fact that the Portuguese have a cheerful and playful disposition, and most importantly, they do not miss the opportunity to meet with friends and gather a crowd of noisy relatives in their home.

The first holiday of the year is New Year, and the Portuguese have their own interesting customs to celebrate this event. First of all, every Portuguese washes the windows of their house until they shine before the New Year. At the same time, New Year's Eve itself passes differently for urban and rural residents. For example, townspeople love to gather in city squares on New Year's Eve and exchange mutual congratulations. At the same time, everyone already has a table set at home, to which guests are invited. New Year's morning is a time to visit church, and after that you can continue to celebrate again.

An equally interesting holiday is the carnival in Portugal. It takes place annually on the Tuesday preceding Ash Wednesday. For example, in 2010 it fell on February 22, although its date can fluctuate during February-March and depends on when Easter is celebrated. The most interesting thing is that the carnival itself lasts several days, and Carnival Tuesday is the final day of the holiday, when the Portuguese prepare for Lent.

Being very religious, the Portuguese are very sensitive to any Catholic holidays, but Catholic Good Friday, which they call Good Friday, has a special role among them. On this day, theatrical performances depicting the torment of Christ take place in many cities.

April 25 is a great national holiday in Portugal - Freedom Day. After all, it was on this day in 1974 that the famous revolution of the red carnations began, fighting against the tyranny of Salazar. This is one of the few revolutions that is also called bloodless, because the revolutionaries did not use violent methods in their struggle for freedom.

On May 1, while many peoples of the world celebrate Labor Day, Portugal celebrates a holiday that has a rather original name - the Great Meltdown Festival. This day is special for the Algari province, where residents decorate fishing gear and boats with flowers symbolizing renewal. On this day, they pray that their area will not be affected by drought and that there will always be plenty of water. This tradition is due to the fact that this region is very dry.

May 7 is also a holiday dedicated to water. It is called the Day of the Man of the Sea and attracts with its colorful performances and abundant feasts, which are mainly dominated by fish and seafood dishes.

On June 10, Portugal Day is celebrated here, which is declared a public holiday and a non-working day. It was first celebrated in 1580.

On June 13, Lisbon residents celebrate another holiday - the Catholic Day of St. Anthony, established in honor of Anthony of Lisbon.

But the favorite Portuguese bullfight has a special warm day - August 13, 2 weeks after which the Wine Festival is celebrated in Portugal.


If you are a fish lover, then Portugal's cuisine is made for you. After all, Portuguese cuisine is a real cuisine for a gourmet who loves seafood and fish dishes cooked with various spices and delicious sauces.

Portugal is located on the seashore, so the dishes here are almost all connected with the sea. Lots of dishes from squid, sardines, cod, tuna and other seafood. Here you can taste crab croquette and much, much more.

Sauces are the highlight of Portuguese cuisine. They are very diverse and unique. In Portuguese cuisine, rice is used in many dishes. It is not just served as a side dish to the main dish, but is also used to prepare desserts. Rice with cinnamon, vanilla and lemon zest is simply delicious. Rice is also baked with eggs and even used to make cakes.

First courses in Portugal are also very unusual. The most interesting thing is that in Portugal there is cabbage soup! They are even prepared in the same way as real Russian cabbage soup. Therefore, if you see such a dish on the menu, don’t worry, it’s really cabbage soup. Translated from Portuguese, this dish is called green hot.

Portugal is famous for its cheeses and olives. True, in the cafe here you can be served such a simple dish as pumpkin soup with egg, and for dessert you will be offered a simple cream. A very tasty dessert from Aveiro. It is made by adding whipped cream and cinnamon.


All Portuguese beaches are public. The waters of the Atlantic Ocean are not as warm and calm as on the Mediterranean coast in Spain, neighboring Portugal, but they are quite suitable for swimming. For the safety of tourists, a special warning system about the state of ocean waters has been developed. If the flags on the beach are red, then the ocean is rough and vacationers are not allowed to swim. And if they are yellow, then you can swim, but you should be very careful. The flag is green - you can swim completely calmly.


Many tourists who come to Portugal on holiday prefer to travel around the country in a car. This is very convenient, because between most cities in Portugal there are high-speed highways covering almost the entire territory of the country. Car gas stations are quite common on the roads, so you won’t have any problems with refueling on the road. For one liter of gasoline in Portugal you will have to pay 90 euro cents.

Traffic police are not too strict with vacationers from other countries, but it is better not to tempt fate and not break the rules. In this case, you definitely won't have any problems.

In resorts such as Estoril, Algarve, Madeira, and other not too big cities, you can park your car for free. However, in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, in Porto, other fairly large cities in the country, as well as in places of historical and cultural monuments, you will have to pay for the opportunity to park on a weekday during the daytime.

Traffic in the country is on the right.

If the blood alcohol content exceeds 0.5 g/p, then the driver is prohibited from driving.

Driving speed in a populated area should not exceed 50 km/h, on highways - 120 km/h, and on main roads there is a speed limit of 90 km/h.


Tipping for the Portuguese has not yet become as mandatory as for the Spaniards, but if you are satisfied with the quality of service in a hotel, restaurant or taxi, then it is recommended to leave a tip. They will be approximately 10 percent above the amount of the invoice you received.

Shopping and souvenirs

What is the best thing to buy in Portugal.

Portugal leads among all European countries in terms of the quality of footwear produced, and in terms of production volumes it is in second place. The best shoes can be found in the north of Portugal, near the city of Porto. It is made by hand, using only the highest quality leather. Shoe models produced in Portugal are somewhat unique, but always correspond to the latest fashion trends and classic styles.

The price of gold in Portugal is the same as in other European countries. Meanwhile, according to experts who deal with the precious metal, the quality of gold sold in Portugal is somewhat higher.

It is recommended that tourists pay attention to the clothes that are produced in the country. Outfits from Portuguese designers are a combination of avant-garde and youthful orientation of the models. If you want to look stylish and trendy, then these clothes are for you.

Where and how to call from Portugal

Like any civilized country, in Portugal you can talk to any corner of the Earth from any street machine. To call someone within the country, you need to dial a nine-digit number. Typically, machines on the streets are either coin-operated or card-based, but modern models allow you to use two payment methods at once. For calls within the country, it is better to use PT (Portugal Telecom) cards, which can be purchased at any newspaper outlet. They come in three types, and differ in the number of impulses: 50, 100 and 150 - the more, the more expensive. Cards with 50 pulses are more likely to cause failures, so it’s better to immediately buy 100- or 150-pulse cards.

With calls outside the country, things are a little different. MUNDI LESTE, as well as GALAXY for 5 euros, will allow you to communicate with any Russian city for more than an hour. To make a call, you will need to strictly follow the instructions placed on the card under a special protective layer that must be erased. Those who do not speak foreign languages ​​are given the opportunity to receive recommendations in Russian.

The most common network in the country is TMN, and for domestic calls it is better to purchase a SIM card from this operator. It is quite easy to identify it: at the beginning of the number there are numbers 96. Phones start at 93 from the Optimus operator, and at 91 from Vodafon. Communicating on the same network is always cheaper than communicating between different operators, no matter what tariff you choose. Descriptions of tariffs can be found in any specialty store in the form of specially printed brochures, and choosing the right one is not difficult. On weekends and holidays, the conversation can be much cheaper.

Within the country, all numbers starting with the number 2 belong to the Portugal Telecom (PT) network, toll-free numbers start with 800, and numbers with 808 indicate a reduced rate. Emergency numbers are available on every pay phone and are, of course, free to dial. If you need an ambulance, firefighters or police, there is only one number - 112.

English language proficiency is quite common in Portugal, especially among young people. Starting a conversation with a good morning (Bom dia) or good afternoon (Boa tarde) will help you get information from any local resident, especially since they love to talk. For help or advice, you can contact any store, restaurant, or simply ask a police officer a question. The lunch break in most retail outlets is between 1 and 3 p.m., but everything is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Portugal, or more precisely the Portuguese Republic, is the westernmost state on the Iberian Peninsula of southwestern Europe. This is the most beautiful country with a cheerful character, mild climate and the best ecology in southern Europe. Portugal took its name from its own city, Porto.

The total area of ​​the country is 301,338 square km. The capital of Portugal, Lisbon, with an area of ​​84 square meters, is located on the coast of the Tagus River.

Let's find Portugal together

Portugal borders Spain to the east and north, and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean to the south and west. The northern part of Portugal is mountainous, while on the southern side of the state the terrain is flat with extensive lowlands. The highest height in Portugal, up to 1993 meters, is Mount Estrela, which is simply adored by visiting tourists. Portugal is endowed with two fairly large deep rivers – the Douro and Tagus.

How to get to Portugal

To come to Portugal you need a Schengen visa for the period of your stay in the country as a tourist. Having such a visa, all you have to do is purchase a ticket to the desired city in Portugal. The flight from Moscow to Lisbon takes about 5 hours 40 minutes. You can also get to Portugal through neighboring Spain. This will be the most economical option for tourists.


After arriving in Spain, you can use any ground transport to easily get to Portugal. But don’t forget about customs control at the border with the state.


The climate in this country is subtropical, with a clear influence of the vast ocean. The northern part of Portugal, especially its mountainous terrain, is characterized by high humidity; to the south it decreases, the climate becomes dry, with long and warm summers. In general, summer in Portugal is quite dry and hot, with intense heat in early June.

The south of Portugal is ideal for a tourist holiday, where summer literally never ends, and the number of sunny hours per year reaches 3000. In the mountains, the climate is cool, and in the winter season snow stays here for several months. In the western area, the swimming season lasts only 90 days, with a water temperature of +18 °C; on the southern coast, the water warms up to +21 °C, where many tourists flock.

Portugal is famous for its gorgeous sandy beaches, but the west coast of the country cannot boast of an ideal resort holiday due to the cold water currents of the Atlantic. The south, on the contrary, is filled with luxurious resorts, interesting towns and villages. Due to the distance from the Canary Current, the water here warms up better. Winter is warm and sometimes it rains. But they are not tropical in nature, as in the same or in the state of Goa.

Most popular resorts

Every year, Portugal is visited by a huge number of tourists, attracted here by its amazing nature, architectural monuments, delicious national cuisine and turquoise sea.

The nature here is truly beautiful and pristine - majestic mountains with centuries-old forests, groves with mighty beeches and eucalyptus trees, a rich and unique world of flowers, trees, rivers and lakes. Despite the fact that many tourists prefer Spain to Portugal, the latter can offer tourists an equally interesting, active and inexpensive holiday.

Resort places


The main attraction of Portugal is FATIMA - a sacred place located north of Lisbon. This place began to be considered sacred after a Moorish princess converted to Christianity, according to legend, there. In addition to historical monuments, tourists can enjoy magnificent beaches;


The capital of the described friendly sunny Portugal. Coming here, guests enjoy visiting the most interesting museum of electricity, where they tell about the secrets of science in a fascinating way, they can get acquainted with the numerous parks and squares of the city, visit the best restaurants and cafes in Lisbon;

It’s a pretty calm place, namely an island, where it’s possible to swim even with small children. The beaches in Ilha de Tavira are amazingly white, clean and wide. Passengers are transported to the island by a convenient and comfortable ferry.

Portugal is a small, but very beautiful, colorful and friendly country. A trip to Portugal will leave you with good and positive emotions and memories. And you will want to return to this sunny country again. There is a lot to admire and see in Portugal. This place enchants literally at first sight, from its excellent national cuisine to its incredibly clean and beautiful beaches.

Holidays in this country can be both extreme and active, and quiet, family and measured. How to relax is up to you to choose. If you want to experience a completely new atmosphere, then Portugal is waiting for you with its arms open. By the way, a holiday in Portugal is cheaper than in Italy or Spain.

Portugal is a small European country, but its nature is very picturesque. Travelers will need only 3 days to travel around it. If you want to get to know the country’s natural landscapes better and get in touch with its culture, you need more time.

Portugal on the world map is the westernmost state on the Eurasian continent. The state is inhabited by the Portuguese, among whom black immigrants from Africa predominate.

Portugal on the physical and political map of the world and Europe in Russian

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You can view the location of the country in the world in large detail, as well as a detailed map of the country with cities, using online maps.

Where is it located and who does it border with?

Portugal is located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, The Portuguese Republic borders on the east and north, and the western and southern parts of the state are washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

Portugal includes archipelagos located in the Atlantic Ocean.

Madeira Island, part of Portugal, is considered one of the most popular among travelers, it is located approximately 580 km from North Africa. Also an autonomous region of Portugal are the Azores.

How to get there?

There are 20 air terminals in the Portuguese Republic, of which international only:

  • Portela(capital of Portugal, Lisbon);
  • Ponta Delgada(Azores);
  • Porto named after Francisco Sa Carneiro(near Porto in the northern part of the country);
  • Faro(Algarve province, 6.5 km from Faro);
  • Funchal Madeira now Aeroporto Cristiano Ronaldo (16 km from Funchal).

From Russia they can arrive in Portugal by three air routes: via Lisbon, Porto and Funchal Madeira. Other airports are not open to Russians.

You can purchase a plane ticket using this search form. Enter information about cities of departure and arrival, date And number of passengers.

Country information

When planning to visit Portugal, plan a route for yourself, what historical sights and interesting places you would like to visit.


In the 12th century Portugal has become independent state, until this time its history was inseparable from the history of the entire Iberian Peninsula.

The life of the country is inextricably linked with the sea, the ruling monarchs supported research and development of technology, as a result, the greatest geographical discoveries were made, and Portuguese expansion began.

In 1500 the discoverer Pedro Alvares Cabral proclaimed himself its ruler. Military operations have unfolded on Portuguese territory more than once. At different times it was controlled by the Romans, Moors, Spaniards, and French.

Total information

The total area of ​​the country is 89 thousand km². The population exceeds 10 million 273 thousand people. Mostly Portuguese people speak Portuguese. A small part of the population uses the Miranda language. The currency of Portugal is the euro, and there are paper bills and coins in circulation.

Climate and weather

The territory of Portugal lies in subtropical climate zone. Weather conditions are influenced by topography and the cold Canary Current.

Stands out several climate zones:

  1. For northwest characterized by heavy rains, mild winters and short summers;
  2. on northeast countries have cold, longer winters with snowfalls, and hot summers;
  3. V southern part Portugal has mild winters and dry summers with little precipitation.

Coldest month– this is, the average temperature ranges from +3 degrees in the northeastern part to +11.9 in the south.

Hottest months are July and August, the average temperature is +19-23.4 degrees. There are 3,000 sundials in Portugal every year.

Resorts are concentrated in the south, where water temperature warms up to +21 degrees.


The tourism industry plays an important role in the Portuguese economy. There are 15 objects in the country included in UNESCO World Heritage.

Resorts - photos

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In Nazaré 2 main ones: Chapel of Memory and Church of Our Lady. According to legend, the chapel was erected on the spot where the sacred relic, the Black Madonna, was found. The square structure was built in the 12th century. The Church of Our Lady appeared later in 1377, it was built because there was not enough space in the Chapel of Remembrance for everyone who wanted to pray to the Black Madonna.

The Church of Our Lady was rebuilt several times; today it is a Baroque structure.

Aguas-Libres Aqueduct– a kind of visiting card of the capital city. The structure is presented in the form of a string of stone arches rising to a great height. The technical structure was erected in the 18th century.

Lisbon has Belem Tower, included by UNESCO on the World Heritage List. It is located at the mouth of the Tagus River. This building is made in the exotic Manueline style.

Tourists holidaying in Lisbon have the opportunity to visit Palace of Queluz, where the kings of Portugal once lived. The luxurious complex was built in the 18th century and was used by members of the royal family as a summer residence.

The exact location of Portugal on the world map is in this video: