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Quiet city. Dreaming of a quiet life? Here is the most calm and quiet city in Russia

Quiet city

The world is big, there are many interesting places in it. Although for whom. One even leaving the house, in the usual, daily seen landscape, will notice something amusing, the other will certainly give exotic, since now anyone is free to fly anywhere, there would be money. Again, everyone has different approaches to choosing a place to stay: someone needs a drive, someone needs a party, someone climbs mountains, and others just want to lie on the sand by the warm sea. I will not hide the fact that I had a chance to travel around Russia and beyond. But, since there is a lot of information on the network, my impressions are unlikely to add anything significant. In addition, before you start to know the world, it would be nice to know your country. Is it worth dreaming about the Louvre for someone who has never been to the Tretyakov Gallery or the Hermitage? Moreover, Russia is not only rich in museums, in terms of natural beauties there is also something to see, something to marvel at. And there are completely unique places: Kamchatka, Baikal, Gorny Altai ... You can list for a long time. About Baikal, for example, who has not heard? Everyone knows that this is the deepest lake in the world and that there is more water in it than in the Caspian, and that it is of extraordinary purity. But how many have seen Baikal? And in winter? I have been honored and I will report to you, friends, an enchanting spectacle, you will not see such a thing on any northern sea. I don’t know why this happens, but Baikal freezes only in the second half of December. Local residents assure: the ice is so clean and transparent that you can see swimming fish through a meter layer. I didn’t check it, didn’t watch the fish through the ice, I won’t lie, but I saw something else. Imagine. The beginning of December 1993, the frost is over thirty, and even from the sea (and the locals only call Baikal) it blows noticeably. I'm standing on a hill, the view is excellent. In front of me is a huge bowl of water, through which even on a clear summer day the view of the other shore does not reach. Which is not surprising: there are forty kilometers to that coast, and the horizon, even if you climb a hillock, is only seven or eight kilometers away. And all this boundless water mass smokes with smoke. More precisely, not smoke, but steam. Air - -30 o C, and water - +4 o C, the temperature difference is huge, because the water is soaring with might and main. Cleanest, transparent air and dense, like a material wall of steam. And since windless days are rare on Lake Baikal, columns of steam do not rise evenly to the sky. They mix, twist into spirals, take on bizarre shapes that you can look at endlessly. In much the same way, we often look at clouds, seeing various figures in them. A very approximate comparison, since the puffs of steam over the winter Baikal make a much stronger impression. You sing beautifully, some reader will tell me, it would be nice to visit, only it will be much cheaper to fly to Thailand than to Baikal, not to mention Kamchatka. And he will be right (unfortunately!). Well, in our country there are many more accessible (both in terms of distance and price) places, one of which I want to talk about. Moreover, you will not find anything about this city on the net, except, perhaps, for scanty background information. Allow me to introduce: the city of Bobrov, the regional center in the Voronezh region, the population is about twenty thousand. I met him back in the last century, in the year 97. My close friend has ancestors from there, so I once joined him. But on the first visit, Bobrov was not impressed, just a district center, of which there are many in Russia. I saw all the charm of this cozy town later, when I began to travel there regularly. It happened so because about seven years ago my friend, having retired, moved there for permanent residence. I bought a house, repaired it, insulated it, made an extension with a bathroom and a toilet, installed water, main gas. In short, it turned out to be a comfortable apartment, but in a private house. And the best thing is that the river is five meters away. The fact is that Bobrov is located on a hill. Not very big, but still noticeable. The lower part of the city descends to the river quite steeply. Approximately in the middle of the slope there is a railway line (there is even a platform), and even lower, along the river bank, there is an extreme street named after the hero of the Patriotic War, the pilot Turbin. And this street is built up exclusively with private wooden houses, which makes it look like a typical village street. And the river, of course. I haven't said anything about the river yet. It is called Bityug, flows into the Don. If you look into the reference book, the river, which seems to be small, is inferior to the Moscow River in all respects (as much as five times as much in terms of spillway!), But when you look from Turbina Street, it doesn’t seem so: Bityug is quite wide in this place, it will be half a kilometer. This is because picturesque islands are scattered here and there along the channel. Small, but densely overgrown with trees. There are, however, clearings - an ideal place for a picnic. And since every second person has boats, swimming, if the desire arises, is not a problem. The banks of the river are very picturesque. The Voronezh region is already a forest-steppe zone, which is why there are no continuous forest areas, only individual groves, which, in my opinion, are more pleasing to the eye than a wall of trees. There are even tourist canoe routes along Bityug. It is clear that fans of extreme sports have nothing to do there: the current is sluggish, no rapids, no rapids. But for those who just want to admire nature, rowing not for the result, but for the hunt, for their own pleasure, this is it. And those who wish are there. While swimming, I saw kayakers more than once. Such a tourist swims up to the beach, pulls out the boat, collects it and hurries up to the train. But the main charm of Bityug lies in the purity and amazing softness of the water. I get up early even on vacation, I do my first bath at eight o'clock, since the nearest village beach is ten meters from the gate of the house. You enter the water up to your chest, and between your legs, just above the very bottom, fry scurry about. Later, when there are more vacationers, the water becomes cloudy, but there's nothing to be done, sand. Clean river sand, of course, is not mud, but still I like morning, early bathing more. The water looks so clean that it makes you want to take a sip. Of course, I did not dare to try: we, the people of the 21st century, know from childhood that one should not drink water from open reservoirs. But tell me honestly, how many places do you know where you can wash your hair right in the river? They exist, of course, but they do not meet at every step and, what is most offensive, there are fewer and fewer of them. Bityug is one of them. In the summer, a good half of the women from Turbina Street wash their hair (and the ladies there tend to have long hair) in Bityug. The water is the softest, which is why the hairstyle turns out to be lush without any air conditioners. I myself have washed in the river more than once, it is much more pleasant than under the shower. Despite the fact that in my friend's house the same river water flows from the shower. I understand with my mind, but the body is still more pleasant in the river. But Bityug is good not only for lovers of sunbathing, but splashing in clean water. Fishermen expanse no less. The only inconvenience is that fishing from the shore is not very handy. It is better to take a boat and swim to the reeds. I myself am not a fan, but I saw fish. And they don’t just sit with a fishing rod, but also return with a decent catch. Previously, beavers settled along the banks of the river (the city was named after them), but nowadays, alas, there are no beavers left, they have been exhausted. But the fish and crayfish failed, which pleases. It is difficult to describe what a pleasure it is: to leave the house in a thirty-degree heat in one swimming trunks and fall into cool (25 degrees, not lower) water. And then, after swimming, fall apart in a sun lounger, in the shade with a misted bottle of beer. Beer in Bobrov, by the way, I only drink local, "Voronezh Zhigulevskoe". The price cannot be compared with Moscow, but the quality is excellent. Well, if there is a desire to use vodka for barbecue, then only Buturlinovskaya, also local. Well, I'll tell you about it separately, it's worth it. Evening is also good. As I already mentioned, Turbina Street resembles a village one. Not only the architecture reminds, but also the daily routine of local residents. After sunset, life stops. As soon as the living creatures (both wild and domestic) calm down, silence falls on you. No not like this. Not silence, but Silence with a capital letter. Occasionally the train will knock and again it is quiet. Fish splash in the river - hear from afar. When my friend and I drink coffee in the fresh air before going to bed, we involuntarily turn to a whisper. You can literally listen to Bobrov's silence. To be honest, I always considered this phrase stupid, something like a worn-out stamp. Until I felt it. Upstairs, in the city itself, not so, Bobrov, although small, but the regional center. And although there are no trams there, and there are noticeably fewer cars than in Moscow, there is no absolute silence in the city. And on Turbina street it happens! Here, perhaps, one of the readers, wrinkling his forehead thoughtfully, will be sincerely surprised: is this a rest? So what's good about it? And this is for someone. At work, I have to communicate a lot and get tired of it. I love my work, I like it, but I get tired. The nervous tension accumulated over six months needs to be discharged. And I get relaxation where it is quiet and calm, where no one gets it. And in this sense, Bobrov is an ideal place, a very calm city. I will not hide, I fly to Thailand with great pleasure, but from time to time it draws me to Bobrov, especially since it is incomparable in terms of money. Nobody is in a hurry there. You don’t even meet a person walking at a fast pace every day, and I’ve never seen a running person at all, except for those who are improving their health. I don’t know why, but as soon as I go out onto the shore of the Bityug, I feel such peace that my lips stretch themselves in a blissful smile. In Moscow, I sleep five or six hours and never, even on weekends, do not rest during the day. Doesn't pull. And in Bobrov something strange happens to the body: after dinner, my eyes begin to stick together and for two hours, at least, I sleep like a groundhog. Plus eight or nine at night. Why is that? Probably because the air is clean and the nerves are not naughty. After spending a week visiting a friend, for two months I feel an unusual surge of energy and almost no nervousness. Then the body gradually returns to its usual Moscow state and I again begin to count the days until the next trip ... Be that as it may, today, on Turbina Street, native Bobrovites, God forbid, make up two-thirds. The rest of the houses were bought up by citizens from other cities (mainly Voronezh residents) and are used as summer cottages. Why not? Fortunately, the cost of living in Bobrov is noticeably lower than even in Voronezh, not to mention Moscow. Five or six years ago it was possible to dine at the "Victoria", the central, at that time, restaurant of the city, for one and a half thousand rubles for four, amazing those around you with a rich order. Around the same time, private taxi drivers tried to give change from fifty rubles. Of course, prices have risen over the years, but so has the quality of life. The level of welfare of citizens of almost any city is clearly visible by cars, especially when you observe the process in development. Seven years ago, a foreign car on the streets of Bobrov was a rarity (like a Mercedes on a Moscow street in the seventies). Today there are quite a lot of them (although so far less than half) and not all of them are second-hand. But even today you can relax in Bobrov qualitatively and cheaply, no matter what you think about it. For those who, like me, believe that it is possible to relax in their homeland (and not necessarily in Sochi or Kislovodsk), enjoying such a vacation, I will give a small transport and logistics information, and only then I will continue. It will not be possible to get to Bobrov from Moscow directly. There seems to be a bus going almost to the destination. Almost, but not quite, because the city is located about ten kilometers from the Rostov highway. Anyway, the bus, in my opinion, is not comfortable, although it is much cheaper than the train. But the train is simpler and more convenient, there are a lot of them going to the southern directions, so there are usually no problems with tickets, even during the holiday season. True, you have to go with a change, a railway line passes through Bobrov, but it, so to speak, is of local importance. It is best to take a ticket to Liski (former Georgiou-Dej), and then transfer to the train. The distance from Liski to Bobrov is forty-five kilometers, an hour by train, thirty minutes by taxi. You can get to Voronezh by local ambulance, but Bobrov is further from there, a hundred kilometers to the southeast. So, we have silence, peace and excellent swimming in clean water (and, if desired, good fishing), but that's not all! What about a natural product? Many products of everyday use in our menu, only homemade. Those who haven't tried it won't understand me. For example, ham. The store has it, of course, and not bad, but why? Why, when a familiar specialist from your pork will make whatever he likes ham, whatever he likes boiled pork. Yes, one that you can never get at a meat processing plant. Have you ever tasted a smoked goose from a young goose that plucked grass yesterday? Have you tried sour cream, which you can smear on bread instead of butter? And the testicles right from under the chicken, which go well even raw, but ... In general, that's enough, otherwise I'll go saliva. But I promised to tell about Buturlinovskaya vodka. Buturlinovka is a neighboring district center just forty kilometers from Bobrov. And there is a vodka factory. Small, but the product gives out, of such quality that no other vodka, whether domestic or foreign, can stand comparison with it. Unfortunately, the Muscovite has no chance to try this drink, it is not produced much, everyone is in place and consumes it. Is it just some Bobrovchan who will visit you and treat you. I admit that with this passage I have deprived myself of several important points from the judges of vegetarians, but nothing can be done about it. Although we are primates, we are predatory animals, and, in my deep conviction, in high latitudes, where winter is longer than summer, one cannot do without meat. As for vodka... Firstly, we are all adults here, and secondly, a quality product cannot harm health. If, of course, the measure to know. Because a sense of proportion is the main quality that distinguishes a reasonable person from an unreasonable person. And the fact that any medicine, if the dose is exceeded, can become poison, any physician will confirm. Those who crave a more active holiday can wander or drive around the area. Nature will please you, believe me. But there are also worthy objects of material culture. First of all, this is a fucking stud farm. It was founded in the town of Khrenovoye (emphasis on the last o) on October 24, 1776 by Count Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov-Chesmensky. In the century before last, it was at this plant that Bityugov was bred, the famous breed of heavy horses, whose name has become a household name. In the 19th century, almost all horse-drawn transport in the Russian Empire was based on the Bityugs (the horses were named after the river, you guessed it). Later, already in Soviet times, when the more successful Vladimir heavy trucks were brought out, Bityugs were no longer bred, and today the breed has practically disappeared. But the plant is functioning, now Oryol trotters and Arabian horses are bred there. However, the Khrenovsky plant is interesting not only for horses, but also for the fact that the entire complex of industrial buildings was designed by the architect Gilardi. Yes, yes, thus. So you can admire the creations of Italian masters not only in St. Petersburg. It is not difficult to get to Khrenovy, only 23 kilometers from Bobrov. In search of peace of mind, it is not necessary to retire to the desert. Clear water is not only in the Maldives, and organic dairy products are not only in the Alps. And the patriot of his country is not the one who often talks about it, but the one who simply loves it. Completed in March 2013

If you like silence and solitude, you are unlikely to choose a metropolis when going on vacation. Especially when there are such calm places in the world where nature and people's lives seem to be a continuation of each other, where the city itself seems to be imprinted in a majestic landscape and is perceived as part of it. They are so harmonious that today I want to exchange our frantic pace of life for the calmness of one of them.

1. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany

Quiet place

Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a charming town on Germany's highest mountain, the Zugspitze. Located at an altitude of 3000 meters, it once represented two settlements, one of which was founded by the Romans, and the other by the Teutons. They were united only in 1936 on the eve of the Winter Olympic Games.

2. Settlement in the Himalayas, Tibet

Quiet place

The mysterious Faroe chain north of Scotland is hardly known to a wide range of tourists. For many years, the islands with their sheer cliffs remained difficult to access. For example, only one staircase leads to the village of Gasadalur, built during the British occupation of the islands during the Second World War. The 18 lucky people who live there now are safely sheltered from all adversity by two mountains 2300 feet high.

5. Colmar, France

Quiet place

Colmar is one of the most beautiful towns in Alsace. Ancient streets and pavements, half-timbered houses, ancient stone buildings - all this creates an indelible impression. In addition, Colmar is the capital of Alsatian wines, and it is not for nothing that the Route du Vin, the Wine Road, originates from here.

6. Camden, Maine, USA

Quiet place

Formerly inhabited by Indians, Camden was colonized by the British in the 70s of the 18th century. During the Civil War, it served as something of a "negotiation point" for the Americans. Now 5,000 inhabitants live in this clean and cozy town, and in summer the ratio of tourists to the indigenous population of the city is 2 to 1.

7. Bled, Slovenia

Quiet place

Sheltered by picturesque mountains, Bled was first mentioned in 1004. It seemed so beautiful to the Holy Roman Emperor that it was presented as the greatest reward to the Bishop of Brixen. The church in Bled is located on an island in the middle of the lake of the same name. The city itself, with a population of 5,000 people, is now one of the most beautiful Slovenian resorts.

8. Manarola, Italy

Quiet place

Manarola is a small fishing town in Liguria, northern Italy. A rainbow of colorful houses sits on a cliff overlooking the wild coastline of the Ligurian Sea. The city's church dates back to 1338, making Manarola one of the oldest cities in the region.

9. Bibury, UK

Quiet place

Bibury is often called the most beautiful city in England, and for good reason. It was first mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086, and since then the town has seemed to be frozen in time. Most of the houses look the same as they did hundreds of years ago, and the river still carries its gray waters along the shady streets of Bibury.

10. Annecy, France

Quiet place

Annecy is probably even more picturesque than the French Alps that surround it. Built around a 14th-century castle, the city is divided by small canals and streams that flow into the beautiful blue Lake Annecy.

11. Goreme, Turkey (Underground City)

Quiet place

Now Gureme is an open-air museum. From the 6th century. until the end of the ninth century. Göreme was one of the largest Christian centers, and there were more than 400 churches in its vicinity. St. Paul found Goreme the most suitable place for the education of the righteous.

12. Tanby, Wales

Quiet place

From the Welsh name of the city, it roughly translates as "Little Fish Fortress". This naturally sheltered town with access to the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean was founded as early as 900 AD. After the Norman conquest of England, the city was fortified with a massive wall to prevent Welsh rebellions. Today it is more famous for its beauties than for its defensive structures.

13. Leavenworth, Washington, USA

quiet calm place

Vestmannaeyjar is a small archipelago south of Iceland with a population of about 4,000 people. The exact date of discovery of the islands is unknown, but it is assumed that the archipelago was discovered by Irish sailors and Vikings at the same time as Iceland. The islands are also famous for being captured in 1627 by the Ottoman fleet and Barbary pirates who drove people into slavery.

15. Queenstown, New Zealand

quiet calm place

Queenstown is located in the southwestern part of New Zealand's South Island. Located on the shores of Queenstown Bay of Lake Wakatipu, a small lake of glacial origin. The city is surrounded by picturesque mountains. In the 60s of the XIX century, gold was found here, and the city experienced a real Gold Rush.

16 Hidden Mountain Village - Jiuzhaigou, China

quiet calm place

Not much is known about these villages scattered across China that once served as strongholds for the military. Now you can only get there on horseback and get a unique insight into the culture of classical China.

17. Shirakawa-go, Japan

quiet calm place

Shirakawa-go is a small traditional settlement famous for its peaked roofs, adapted to withstand heavy snowfalls. The dense, mysterious forests and hills surrounding the village have made the area difficult to live in - except for the small plain where Shirakawa-go is located.

18. Pucon, Chile

quiet calm place

Far beyond the borders of his country, Pucon has gained fame as the "capital of active tourism in Chile." This small town has gained popularity in the travel world thanks to its lake, volcano and the wide variety of outdoor activities imaginable.

19. Morro de Sao Paulo, Brazil

quiet calm place

Morro de São Paulo is one of the quietest island cities in the world. The only way to get to the island is by boat or small planes, which travel regularly from El Salvador. Vehicles are prohibited on the island. The only way to travel long distances there is with a tractor that takes passengers to the beach, hotels or the airport.

20. Amedia, Kurdistan

quiet calm place

Amedia is a small colorful village perched on a hilltop in the Iraqi province of Dahuk. Amedia is 1,000 meters long and 500 meters wide, while being 1,400 meters above sea level. According to legend, Persian sorcerers and priests, who were famous in the art of sorcery, lived in the vicinity of the village. It was from here, according to some researchers, that the biblical three wise men went to Bethlehem to worship and present gifts to the baby Jesus.

Just 20 years ago, Russia was torn apart by economic and military problems, and then it seemed that there were simply no calm cities in the country. Now the calmest city in Russia, as well as its closest pursuers, are trying to do everything so that citizens do not have to worry about their lives and their own health.

The most peaceful and safe city in the country

Sociologists have repeatedly conducted research to identify the calmest city in Russia. The indicators on the level of crime and the number of criminal units in the settlement were taken into account. Surprisingly, in recent years, the undisputed leader of this rating is the city of Grozny.

Despite its sad past, and the military conflicts that tore the country apart 15-20 years ago, now you can live in Grozny without unnecessary worries about your own safety. After the capital of the Chechen Republic was completely rebuilt and restored, blissful peace and tranquility was established here. The crime rate here is really low, and the locals try not to stir up conflicts once again.

The only thing that should be remembered by girls going to Grozny is that the customs of the country are very specific. Muslim culture does not allow women to walk in too revealing clothes, and one should not behave provocatively on the streets of the city, so as not to run into problems.

The newspaper "Kommersant" also conducted research on the search for the safest city in Russia. According to studies, this honorary title was given to Kaliningrad, where the crime rate was surprisingly low.

Some of the safest cities in Russia

Irkutsk, Krasnodar, Belgorod and Podolsk were also included in the list of cities most adapted for a safe and peaceful life, compiled by the Kommersant newspaper. It is believed that these cities not only have a low crime rate, but also create the best conditions for business development.

Sociological studies also place Khasavyut, located in Dagestan, on their list of the most peaceful cities in Russia. It is believed that in a small town there is practically no crime, but the unemployment rate here is quite high, which affects the general economic condition of the town.

It is also noteworthy that sociological studies have shown a low level of security in both Moscow and St. Petersburg. Both cities were not even included in the top twenty of the most peaceful settlements in Russia. Most likely this is due to the fact that due to the large number of the population, it can be very difficult to organize a full-fledged protection of citizens from criminal units. However, the high level of danger of living in the capital and St. Petersburg does not affect the popularity of these cities.

The list of the safest cities in Russia may surprise someone, but these settlements have long proved their honorary status. While it is indeed safe to live in Kaliningrad and Grozny, the overall level of criminal activity in Russia is quite high.