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Crimea, Feodosia, Ordzhonikidze village. Ordzhonikidze Crimea

Useful information for tourists about Ordzhonikidze in Crimea - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Ordzhonikidze is an urban-type settlement, which is located in the southeast of the Crimean Peninsula, between Koktebel Bay and Dvuyakornaya Bay. The village is located on the territory of the Feodosia City Council and is washed by the Black Sea on all sides. The distance from the village to Feodosia is 8 kilometers.

Ordzhonikidze is an environmentally friendly place, since there are completely no industrial productions that would disturb the environment.

At the end of the 11th century, on the site of the current village there was an Armenian monastery and the Kaygador fortress. In the Middle Ages, the village was called Provato - the Genoese port was located here. In 1937, before the settlement was given its current name, certain parts of its modern territory were called Dvuyakorny and Provalnoye (today it is the military town of Dvuyakorny). Today the village is called Ordzhonikidze. In 2007, the authorities of Ordzhonikidze, in order to attract the attention of tourists, wanted to give the village the name Zurbagan.

Since 1990, the village of Ordzhonikidze has been developing as a resort area. Good transport links and proximity to Feodosia give the village prospects in this direction.

Holidays in Ordzhonikidze are varied and full of impressions. Here you can ride catamarans, jet skis, diving, mountain biking or horseback riding, and fishing enthusiasts can book a boat for sea fishing trips. In addition, there is a paragliding club on Mount Klementyev, where flights on hang gliders, gliders, paragliders and airplanes are conducted, and experienced instructors work.

Ordzhonikidze is a cozy corner on the southeastern coast of Crimea, which is the most suitable place for a quiet and relaxing holiday. Here you can enjoy the cleanest intoxicating air and look at the beautiful sea.

The water off the coast of Ordzhonikidze is one of the cleanest on the entire Black Sea coast - this has been proven by hydrological studies carried out in all coastal zones of the Crimean Peninsula. The cleanliness of the water off the coast of this village is largely facilitated by the absence of ports and industrial enterprises in the area, as well as the favorable geographical location of Ordzhonikidze and the good self-purification of the sea.

In the village of Ordzhonikidze there are several excellent beaches: sandy, pebble, pebble-sand and rocky. All of them are not very large, isolated from each other and free. But all these beaches have one difference - crystal clear water. That is why many holidaymakers with children come to the resort every year, as well as tourists who prefer a leisurely holiday.

A unique feature of the village is that from any area of ​​the village you can get to the sea in 5-10 minutes, and the presence of two bays separated by a cape (Provato and Dvuhyakornaya) provide the opportunity to choose a beach that will be protected from large sea waves during windy weather.

On the embankment of the resort village of Ordzhonikidze there is a full range of recreational services. There is plenty of entertainment for children and adults. There is a small swimming pool with water machines especially for children, and along the shore there are retail outlets with delicious ice cream and soft drinks.

When vacationing in the village of Ordzhonikidze, there are no problems with housing. There are recreation centers, sanatoriums and children's camps here. In addition, the village has private mini-hotels, a tent camp, and rooms for rent.

On the territory of the village of Ordzhonikidze there is an Orthodox Church of St. Dmitry Solunsky. With an organized excursion you can visit a unique geological monument - the extinct volcano Kara-Dag.

This small, cozy and well-groomed Crimean village, named after the Georgian Bolshevik Grigory Ordzhonikidze, has long been called Ordzho by the common people.

Ordzhonikidze has the status of an urban village and belongs to the suburbs of the city of Feodosia. Orjo is located at the base of the rocky cape Kiik-Atlama between Koktebel and Feodosia, about ten kilometers from both. Minibuses run regularly from Feodosia to Ordzhonikidze.

From the side of Koktebel, the coast of the village is washed by the waters of the Black Sea Provato Bay (part of the Koktebel Bay), and from the side of Feodosia - by Dvuyakornaya Bay.

Cape Kiik-Atlama protects the small valley in which Orjo is located from winds and the bay from storms. Here you can always choose the sea, as they say, depending on the situation. If the sea is stormy on one side of the cape, then on the opposite side, as a rule, it is completely calm.

Over the past centuries, nature in the Ordzhonikidze region has been subject to minimal human influence, and you can immediately see and feel it: picturesque natural landscapes, fresh air, clean sea. By the way, according to hydrological studies - on the coast of the village of Ordzhonikidze - the purity of sea water is one of the best in Crimea.

In addition, the village of Ordzhonikidze is a “dead end”, no transit transport passes through it, it is always quiet and peaceful here. Yes, and in general, Ordzhonikidze is a very quiet place, which will appeal more to tourists who prefer a quiet “vegetable” holiday.

Holidays in Ordzhonikidze (Crimea)
As a resort town, the village of Ordzhonikidze began to gain popularity relatively recently.

During Soviet times, the village was closed to visitors from outside the city, since there were two military-industrial complex enterprises located here. In the 90s of the last century, production fell into decline, and Ordzhonikidze simply had no other alternative but to seriously engage in attracting tourists.

Over the past years, the initial tourism infrastructure has developed: private hotels, cafes, resort goods stores, and attractions have appeared. However, in Orjo you still cannot see the vibrant nightlife and bustle of large resorts. Large entertainment centers (dolphinarium, water park, etc.) are located in neighboring Koktebel.

Ordzhonikidze is a place for a relaxing holiday without pretensions to excess. Accordingly, prices for rental housing and all related services are lower here than in Feodosia, Koktebel and many other places along the Crimean coast.

In total, there are 7 sanatorium-resort and tourist institutions operating on the territory of the village: 3 recreation centers, 1 boarding house and 3 children's health institutions.

Ordzhonikidze beaches
Orjo is surrounded by numerous beaches with varying degrees of crowding with tourists.

In Ordzhonikidze, beaches can be chosen to suit every taste. There are many beaches with very rocky cover, and some of them are made up of concrete slabs. But there are also absolutely excellent places where a wide sandy line goes straight to the sea. And on these fairly well-equipped beaches with a good selection of beach activities, you can fully enjoy sunbathing and swimming to your heart's content.

Behind the cape, already outside the village, a line of bays with pebbles begins, separated from each other by sections of capes. There are beaches for nudists here.

There are excellent places in Ordzhonikidze for a wild holiday right by the sea. Every holidaymaker will certainly choose their favorite beach. For lovers of sea hunting and diving, this is simply paradise. There are bays with huge, algae-covered underwater boulders of volcanic origin.

Among other things, in many bays located in the coastal zone of the village, there are deposits of healing volcanic clay, which heals joints, skin and removes toxins from the body. So, while relaxing in Ordzhonikidze, you can combine business with pleasure for your health.

Neighborhoods and attractions of Ordzhonikidze
The local landscapes are very unique: the steppe Crimea in this area is experiencing bizarre metamorphoses, gradually turning into a mountainous one.

The breathtaking mountain and seascapes annually attract artists, photographers and writers, as well as creative intellectuals and true connoisseurs of beauty.

While vacationing in Ordzhonikidze, you can climb around the surrounding area, visit both Koktebel and Feodosia, or, for example, go on an excursion on a tourist boat to the foot of the ancient extinct volcano Kara-Dag, majestically sleeping by the sea.

Holidays in Ordzhonikidze - a resort village near Feodosia

The village of Ordzhonikidze can rightfully be called a true pearl of the southeastern part of the Crimean Peninsula. It is located between two enchanting places: Dvuyakornaya Bay and Koktebel Bay, right on the azure shores of the magnificent Black Sea, in a majestic environment of picturesque mountain ranges.

Excellent reviews about holidays in Ordzhonikidze are more than deserved: stunning landscapes, excellent landscaping, quiet shimmering seas and its endlessly cozy sand and pebble beaches surprise every single resort-goer. A wonderful view is created by countless forts and steep cliffs that drop sharply to the sea. Just eight kilometers from the village there is a beautiful city where anyone can go on buses that regularly pass through Ordzhonikidze.

Embankment of the resort village of Ordzhonikidze in Crimea

An intricate cape with the unusual name Kiik-Atlama is located in the middle of this Crimean resort village and protects it from cold winds and storms. Thanks to this, in windy weather the bay is unusually transformed and represents an amazing phenomenon: on the one hand it is quiet and unusually smooth, and on the other it is covered with wonderful waves, crashing on the ground with mesmerizing beauty.

Beaches of the village of Ordzhonikidze near Feodosia

Holidays in Ordzhonikidze, Feodosia, take place in the most picturesque places: throughout its entire radius there are various bays, bays and beaches. Each of the local beaches here is different from the others: the coastal area can be either pebbly, sandy or mixed, the bottom is strewn with sand, small pebbles or large boulders, densely overgrown with vegetation. Despite the huge difference in the character of the beach places, in any of them the water is crystal clear and transparent. This is because there are no industrial sites, major ports or other potential sources of pollution nearby. Each of the resort guests will find a place for swimming, whether he is an extreme diver, a nudist, an elderly vacationer or a young and zealous tourist.

Beach in the resort village of Ordzhonikidze

The administration of the resort village carefully provided for the arrangement of the beaches: large canopies create shade for relaxation, showers and changing cabins are available to each swimmer. For a fee, tourists are offered sun loungers and sunbathing mattresses for temporary use. In addition, bored holidaymakers have the opportunity to take a walk on the sea on a boat or catamaran or take a “breezy” ride on a banana boat. A beach holiday in Ordzhonikidze, Crimea, is characterized by unbridled fun, a sea of ​​joy and positive emotions.

Climate and natural features of recreation in the village of Ordzhonikidze

The favorable location of the sea surface and magnificent foothills in the village of Ordzhonikidze make its climatic conditions especially favorable for vacations. It is generally accepted that the climate in this resort settlement is dry and warm, sometimes even hot and arid. Adaptation to the heat is minimal, and tolerance is extremely easy, which contributes to the most comfortable holiday in Ordzhonikidze with children.

Ordzhonikidze village in Crimea from a bird's eye view

The air that fills the quiet streets and parks of Ordzhonikidze is incredibly healthy - steep rocks and mountains emit a delicate aroma of spices, and sea breezes bring salty vapors into the lungs, filled with iodine and vitamins so necessary for our bodies.

As for the seasonality of the holiday, you can swim in the sea waves of the resort for quite a long time - from May to October. Winter here is mild, not cold or severely frosty.

Recreation center "Flamingo" Ordzhonikidze - a good place for a comfortable stay

The magnificent recreation center "Flamingo", located in the expanses of the village of Ordzhonikidze, consists of two buildings for accommodating tourists, which stand majestically surrounded by beautiful landscapes and trails.

The first dormitory building of the Flamingo recreation center is a stone building of one floor with twelve rooms that can accommodate up to forty people at a time. The rooms are classified according to the number of beds: there are four rooms for two, six rooms for four and one room each for a single holidaymaker and for groups of five people.

Recreation center "Flamingo" in the resort village of Ordzhonikidze

Rooms for four and five guests have an increased degree of comfort: they are equipped with refrigerators, air conditioners and TVs. Resort guests staying in the remaining rooms only use their own washbasins and shared amenities located on the floor.

The second building of Flamingo is more comfortable: it is a beautiful large two-story building with European decoration and compliance with all construction standards. Each of the sixteen rooms is triple, with comfortable plumbing, TV, air conditioning and refrigerator.

Meals here are three times a day, but enhanced: highly qualified chefs work hard for the benefit of delicious meals for respected visitors.

Once upon a time, the famous Kaigador fortress was located in these parts. In a later period, the settlement a few kilometers from Feodosia turned into a closed town. Only later did this wonderful place in the southeast of Crimea acquire the status of an international health resort. Ordzhonikidze, which at one time they tried to rename Zurbagan, in the current era cannot imagine itself without a constant influx of vacationers. The amazing azure of this part of the Black Sea waters is an object of pilgrimage for numerous vacationers. It should be noted that even without diving into the pond there is something to see here. Just look at the mountain ensemble adjacent to the beautiful coastline. Perhaps the miraculous blocks do not look miniature at all, but it is the elegance of the rocky sculptures that amazes various observers. As for the flow of people, you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Despite the growing interest in this wonderful corner in the vastness of the famous autonomy, crowds on the beaches cannot be expected. The number of guests is quite moderate, although it increases with each new season. Yes, resisting the charm of these territories is a hopeless undertaking. An atmosphere of comfort, personifying the ideal alliance of the province with the resort metropolis - this is probably what a successful enterprise should look like on the lands of the legendary peninsula.

We're going south!

There is a great temptation to go on vacation in this village. Ordzhonikidze may not flaunt a well-promoted “brand,” but he is not lackluster either. Accordingly, the authorities of the peninsula did not have the moral right to leave the beautiful resort without high-quality highways. Moreover, many of the regional routes contain the name of a given geographical feature. In short, transport arteries are represented here quite widely. So, transfer from anywhere in the republic will not add any hassle.

  • Having moved to the Crimean peninsula by plane, you can get from Simferopol airport by any means (public transport, taxi).
  • The construction of the Crimean Bridge also made it possible to travel to the outskirts of Feodosia by any type of transport (bus, taxi, personal vehicle).
  • An official taxi from the airport will cost you approximately 2 thousand rubles (of course, a bus will cost much less).

Wind and sun - a wonderful day

It is known that this village is located close to Koktebel. And the glory of the former “Planersky” as a very windy (in the literal sense) Crimean corner has reached our days. However, the indicators of squalls are far from hurricane-like. Tourists do not experience any discomfort due to this. The bright sun seems to calm the storms, not allowing people to spoil their planned vacation. In general, the climatic conditions in Ordzhonikidze are never criticized, since the weather here is quite predictable.

  • Despite the constant wind, this part of the Black Sea water area warms up by mid-May.
  • The temperature of +28 in the expanses of Ordzhonikidze can last until the beginning of October.
  • Showers in Ordzhonikidze are extremely rare - the few rains here are warm.

Beach Hills

The beaches of Ordzhonikidze have a unique structure. The hilly landscape surrounded by beautiful rocks is considered perhaps the most picturesque in the vastness of the Crimean peninsula. In short, a body of water on the shore of a beautiful bay is likely to evoke extremely positive emotions among tourists.

  • Ordzhonikidze has a huge number of wild beaches - it should be noted that they are all quite clean.
  • The surface of the beaches here is combined - pebbles mixed with sandy soil.
  • The entrance to the water here is quite convenient (it is usually flat).

Hotel stay

The demand for the resort areas of the Ordzhonikidze village, of course, cannot be imagined without quality service in the hotel industry. High-level apartments added economic bonuses to the place a few kilometers from Feodosia. By wisely approaching the legacy of the Soviet Union and updating the real estate base with new buildings, “eastern Crimea” has become a very serious player in the tourism market, including the international one.

  • Tourist bases offer rooms, focusing on any budget, but the enormous break from the Soviet past does not prevent one from finding an adequate price tag here - approximately 1,400-1,700 rubles per day.
  • Mini-hotels also strive for comfort at an affordable price - around 1,300 rubles per day.
  • Country houses and a room in a city apartment usually cost a tourist about a thousand rubles.

Legacy of the past

Ordzhonikidze is very rich in attractions. Moreover, in this context, we can’t talk about monuments to Lenin that are traditional for the territories of the former Soviet Union. There are more interesting buildings on the outskirts of Feodosia. Antiquity, the era of the Great Patriotic War and other episodes of history are forever recorded in the Crimean chronicle. We recommend expanding your recreation area and visiting not only the Black Sea coast.

  • As the name suggests, one of the most famous monuments to Sergo Ordzhonikidze is installed in the village.
  • There is also a local history museum here.
  • A memorial obelisk with an eternal flame was installed at the sites of WWII battles.