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Anomalous hoya-bachu forest in romania. Romania is a mysterious country in Europe Interesting cities of Romania

Mysterious Romania attracts tourists with its history and beauty of natural places. Many of them believe that all medieval castles This country is inhabited by vampires. The legends of Count Dracula excite the imagination of travelers. Gothic castles in the forests, resting with spiers in the sky, as if they are a reflection of national myths.

However, most tourists know Romania as a classic European country. There are many majestic buildings in the capital. The rich and diverse culture of the country is represented in ethnographic museums. Dense forests are most often the territory of a nature reserve or national park. The charm of the cozy atmosphere of small towns in Europe can be found in Brasov, Sibiu or Sighisoara. Each historical region of Romania is attractive in its own way and has its own flavor.

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What to see in Romania?

The most interesting and Beautiful places, photos and a short description.

1. Bran Castle

Also known as Dracula's castle, as during the campaigns the voivode Vlad Tepes-Dracula often stopped here for the night. It was he who was the prototype of the hero of Stoker's novel. Bran Castle was built in the 14th century as a defensive fortress. Subsequently, two defensive towers were added to it. Long labyrinth corridors lead through the premises of the castle, and from the well there is a passage to the underground rooms.

2. Palace of Parliament (Bucharest)

3. Park of King Mihai I (Bucharest)

Founded in 1936. It is located next to Place Charles de Gaulle in an area where there were marshes in the past. Most of the park is occupied by Lake Herestrau. The attractions of the park are the royal residence "Elizabeth's Palace" and the Museum of the Romanian Village. Part of the park is occupied by a recreational area designed for recreation of city residents and travelers. In this part of the park there are paths and benches.

4. Alba Carolina Fortress (Alba Iulia)

An ancient fortress, built in 1715-1738. It is interesting for its unusual heptagonal shape for buildings of this type. Some believe that the architects built it in the form of a star. The fortress was built as a defensive structure during the invasion of the Turks, but it participated in only one battle - against the Hungarians. The walls of the fortress are well preserved, in one of them a hotel was built in the "Middle Ages" style.

5. Sfatului Square (Brasov)

Also called City Council Square. The oldest square in the city of Brasov, a large number of medieval historical buildings and architectural monuments are concentrated on it. Including the interesting building of the town hall of the XV century, which now houses the historical museum. A large number of excursion routes pass through the noisy and crowded square; fairs or mass festivities often take place on it.

6. Historic center of Sibiu

Sibiu is a city in Transylvania, a historical region of Romania. The center of this city is a contender for protection as a UNESCO site. Conventionally, it is divided into two parts. Architectural monuments are concentrated in the Upper Town, where wealthy segments of the population lived. The lower city will show tourists the life of workshops and artisans. The narrow cozy streets of the center turn into squares, where, as a rule, a church is located.

7. Historic center of Sighisoara

The city itself was founded in the XIII century by settlers from Saxony. They built a fortress on a hill, which later formed one of the most beautiful cities preserved from the Middle Ages in Europe. The historic center of Sighisoara is rightfully included in the UNESCO heritage list. Its symbol is the Clock Tower 64 meters high. It was built at the same time as the fortress. Costumed processions and tournaments are held on the square of the center.

8. Lipscany Street (Bucharest)

The street is called the heart of the old city. In the past, fairs and auctions were held on it, and even now there are many different shops on it - souvenir, book, wine, tea. In the evening, bars and restaurants begin to work, an active night life this street. Many buildings in this part of the city were damaged during World War II. And now the most fashionable boutiques of the city are located in the restored buildings.

9. Botanical Garden in Cluj-Napoca

It is the botanical garden of the Babes-Bolyai University. The garden bears the name of the Romanian botanist of this university - Alexander Borza. Research activities are carried out in this popular place among tourists. More than 10,000 plants brought from all over the world grow on 14 hectares of the garden. Some areas are decorated with themed landscapes. A pagoda was built in the Japanese Garden, and ancient Roman artifacts were installed in the Roman Garden.

10. Peles Castle (Sinai)

The ancient castle in the Carpathian region is an architectural monument. After construction in 1914, it was a royal residence. The luxury of the interiors is amazing. Decorations are wall painting, stained-glass windows, carvings. In the park around the palace there is a garden with many sculptures. Currently, the castle houses the Historical Museum. In it you can see a collection of weapons and armor of the Middle Ages, works of art.

11. Corvin Castle (Hunedoara)

An ancient castle of the Hunyadi family, built in the 15th century on the site of a small fort with a single defensive tower. During its existence, the castle has changed more than 20 owners, each of which rebuilt and completed it to his taste. As a result, the architecture represents different styles from the Renaissance to the Gothic Revival. Now the castle houses a museum. The road to it passes through a gigantic bridge.

12. Rasnov Fortress

It was built by the Teutonic Knights back in 1215. Its main purpose was to protect the local civilian population. When threatened with an attack, the villagers took refuge behind the walls of the citadel, which had everything necessary for life - houses, a school, a chapel. In the middle of the fortress there is a well 146 meters deep. According to legend, Turkish prisoners of war dug it in an attempt to save their lives.

13. Black Church (Brasov)

Lutheran ancient church, built in the XIV century. Located in Transylvania. The height of this building in the Gothic style is 65 meters. The church got its name after the fire of the Great Turkish War. The fire covered the walls of the church with soot. The temple is active. But tourists are allowed to go inside and see the ancient artful frescoes, sculptures, as well as magnificent carpets that adorn the interior.

14. Stavropol Church (Bucharest)

A sacred place for many pilgrims. Believers from all over Europe come to the church to see the unique religious artifacts. For example, particles of the relics of the apostles Peter and Andrew. Travelers admire the design of the church. The best traditions of Byzantine and Romanian architecture intertwined in its appearance. The peculiarities of the interior are the exquisite subtlety of the design of frescoes and paintings, as well as the altar.

15. Horezu Monastery

Located in the historical place of Romania - Valahau. Built in 1690. The architecture of the monastery is a magnificent example of the Brynkovyan style, which originated in this area. The internal painting of the church at the monastery was made by the invited master Konstantin. Many of his drawings have survived to this day. The monastery is protected by UNESCO as an object of world cultural and historical value.

16. Churches of the historical region of Moldova

Moldova is a region in the northeast of the country. 8 churches of this area are under the protection of UNESCO. The years of church construction are between 1487 and 1532. Churches differ in different styles of decoration and architecture, they are painted in different colors. Excursion tours the churches of Moldova are popular with travelers, even those who have nothing to do with religion. One does not need to be an expert to appreciate the architectural and spiritual value of these churches.

17. Romanian Ateneum (Bucharest)

A magnificent concert hall in the capital of Romania. Built in 1888 on the initiative of Romanian artists. The Concert Hall is the main venue for the George Enescu Orchestra of the Bucharest Philharmonic. The building was built in the neoclassical style with elements of romanticism. Its architecture contains both columns and a dome with a spire, as well as rich external and internal decor. There is a park around the concert hall.

18. National Museum of Art of Romania (Bucharest)

It is located in the center of Bucharest and occupies the building of the former royal palace. The museum's exhibitions feature exhibits of various subjects - weapons, coins, books, antique clothes and furniture. Particular attention is paid to art objects. The works of local masters are united in the Gallery of Modern Romanian Art and there is a separate exposition of works by masters of painting and sculpture from abroad.

19. Palace of Culture (Iasi)

Under the roof of the Palace of Culture, four museums of the national complex of Moldova and the Center for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage are united. 298 rooms of the palace were provided for their needs. The central hall is decorated with mosaics on the floor depicting animals from the Bestiary. The entrance to the Palace of Culture is through the Clock Tower. The building has survived 14 fires and several extensive renovations.

20. Museum of the Romanian Village (Bucharest)

One of the oldest museums of ethnography in the world. Founded in 1936. The open-air museum is located by Lake Herestrau. On its vast territory there are more than 300 buildings brought from different parts of Romania. They are united in 76 complexes. All types of architecture of villages in the country are represented. The oldest buildings of the museum date back to the 15th century. Wooden and water mills are especially interesting for inspection.

21. ASTRA (Sibiu)

The theme of the complex is devoted to the Romanian civilization. The open-air exposition is a large platform where the life and culture of Romanians are presented. Among the exhibits there are such buildings as farmers' houses, schools, religious buildings. Life is shown clearly - many men and women dressed in national costumes show how the household work is done. It will take about 4 hours to visit this complex.

22. Merry Cemetery

Located in the village of Sepyntsa. A unique feature is the attitude to the death of local residents, they do not regard the death as a gloomy and tragic event. And the tombstones of the graves at the Merry Cemetery are bright and colorful, with original drawings and poems. Often they depict the life of a deceased person, its most striking episodes. The cemetery is accessible to visitors at any time, thousands of tourists come here every year.

23. Salt mine in the city of Turda

Salt springs in this area have been known for a long time. The first mention of them dates back to 1075. In 1992, tourists were allowed inside the mine, and the object quickly gained popularity among travelers. In addition to visiting the salt "palace" - as the cave is often called, a wellness center was founded in it. There are gyms and treatment rooms. Excursions to the underground lake are popular; you can sail on it by boat.

24. Southern Carpathians

This part of the Carpathian mountain system is called the Transylvanian Alps. The highest mountain is Moldoveanu - 2544 meters. It is located on the Fagaras mountain range. The slopes of the mountains are covered with forests, and at the beginning of summer there is still snow on their peaks, there are large glacial lakes. More accessible for hiking is Mount Tympa near the city of Brasov. The tourist infrastructure is well developed on its slopes.

25. Scarisoara Cave

Large ice cave in the Apuseni mountains. Romanians call it a natural wonder of their country. The cave was formed about 3500 years ago, its exploration began at the beginning of the 20th century. Even now, access is not open everywhere for tourists, as scientists continue to work in it. For visitors, the descents and ascents are equipped with stairs. The total length of the cave is over 700 meters. The temperature in it does not exceed 0 degrees.

26. Mud volcanoes in Buzau

They are located on the territory of a natural reserve. Appeared as a result of an earthquake in 1977. 4 craters almost daily erupt streams of mud containing many chemical elements. Mud flows, drying up, form unusual landscapes with deep cracks, similar to the surface of the moon. For tourists on the territory of the reserve there are several hotels and sites for setting up tents.

27. Bucegi Sphinx and Bebele

Rock formations that are included in the list of natural wonders of Romania. Located on the territory of the Buchedgi Natural Park at an altitude of more than 2000 above sea level. The unusual shape of the rocks is due to erosion and wind. The figure of the Sphinx from a certain angle really resembles the figure of a mythological animal. Babel is Romanian for "old women", but it's a little more difficult to see the outlines of old women.

28. Retezat

National park, UNESCO protected area. Located in the mountains, the highest point is Mount Peleaga - 2509 meters. The landscape of the park is diverse - mountain peaks and alpine meadows, rocks and pine groves. Among the rich alpine flora there are many large predators - a wolf, a brown bear, a lynx. Of the birds in the park, 120 species are represented, including golden eagles, eagle owls, and vultures. Reptiles are represented by poisonous vipers.

29. Iron Gate Nature Park

The park got its name because of the area in the Danube valley, where the Carpathian and Staro Planina mountains converge. Near this territory are the borders of Romania, and. The fast flow of the Danube in this area is used by the hydropower complex, dams have been built. The territory of the national park is more than 60,000 hectares. More than 1000 different plant species grow here, including relict ones.

30. Monument to King Decebalus

The bas-relief of the king and the great commander was carved into the coastal rock. It is one of the highest of its kind in Europe. The sculpture is 40 meters high and 25 meters wide. 12 sculptors-alpinists, as well as auxiliary workers, worked on the creation of the monument. The initiator of the creation of the monument was the historian Joseph Draganu. The creation of the monument took 10 years and cost about a million dollars.

31. Sarmizegetusa

This place was the residence of the kings of Dacia - ancient state. It also combined the functions of a military and religious center and was one of the defensive fortresses of King Decebalus. The entire complex of fortresses is a UNESCO heritage site. The fortress is located in the mountains of Transylvania at an altitude of 1200 meters. Sanctuaries are an important part of Sarmizegetuz. But during the raids of the Romans, almost all the temples were destroyed.

32. Transfagaras Highway

Alpine road, laid between Wallachia and Transylvania in 1974. About 6000 tons of dynamite were spent to pave the way in the rocks. Currently considered one of the most beautiful roads peace. It leads through beech groves and a waterfall with mountains in the background. Near the highway is the "residence of Vlad Dracula" - the fortress of Poenari. For travelers, the road is open only for a few warm months of the year.

33. Bicaz Gorge

Located in the Eastern Carpathians. Between the high rocks of the gorge flows a mountain river, in which trout is found. In Romania, the Bicaz Gorge is the longest and deepest. Part of the road along it is a serpentine. On one side there are steep cliffs, on the other side there is a sheer cliff. Near the gorge you can see Lake Krasnoe, formed as a result of the blocking of the river bed after a collapse.

34. Danube Delta

It is the second largest in Europe. Most of it is located on the territory of Romania, and it is she who is recognized by UNESCO as a natural heritage site and taken under protection. This area is protected. The landscape of the delta is diverse - there are sand dunes, and thickets of reeds and willows, and swamps. Many small rivers and streams flow through the wetlands of the reserve. There are many animals of the Red Book.

35. Mamaia Beach (Constanta)

The Mamaia resort is considered the most expensive and famous resort in Romania. Luxury hotels and health centers have been built near the beach coastal zone. The beach is 8 km long and 200 meters wide. The sand is soft and velvety, golden in color. The beach infrastructure is well developed. There is a rental of jet skis and water skis, mini-football and volleyball courts are equipped. Thanks to the breeze on Mamaia Beach, there is no sweltering heat.

Romantic and mystical Romania is known to many for Transylvania and Count Dracula. But this is only a small part of what awaits in this beautiful country. The amazing republic boasts medieval castles, the Black Sea coast, clean beaches, lakes, the majestic Danube, ski and medical resorts. We will talk about this later in the article.

General idea of ​​the country

Romania, with Bucharest as its capital, is located in the southeastern part of Europe. The neighbors of the state are Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Serbia and Bulgaria. The country has long understood that the name of Count Dracula alone will not go far. Therefore, in recent years, tourism infrastructure has been rapidly developing in Romania, new hotels are being built, new projects are appearing in the country's resorts.

Modern Romania will delight guests with interesting excursion programs, trendy and updated hotels, beautiful nature mountain ranges, warm sea. The weather in Romania is influenced by the temperate continental climate zone, while the eastern regions are influenced by the sea. Winter in the country is mild and sunny, but sometimes there are frosts, summer is warm and humid. bathing season on the Black Sea coast lasts from May to September, and skiing in the Carpathians - from December to April.

How to get to Romania from different CIS countries

Several times a week there are direct flights from Moscow to Bucharest. The average flight duration is 2.5 hours. Every day, planes from Kyiv and Minsk land at the airports of Bucharest and Timisoara. There are no direct flights from Kazakhstan to Romania: you will have to fly with a transfer in Moscow, Kyiv or Minsk.

IN summer time fast trains leave from Moscow via Kyiv to Bucharest every day. Traveling from Russia on this transport will take about two days, and from Ukraine - 31 hours. In winter, trains run to Romania several times a week. Modern buses and taxis run from the capital's airport to Bucharest itself.

The Black Sea coast of Romania is famous for its flat bottom and clean, well-maintained beaches. Presented seaside resorts of this wonderful country will appreciate the developed infrastructure and affordable prices:

  • Constanta is considered the largest Black Sea port and a great place to relax. The third largest Romanian seaside resort attracts travelers with interesting sights, entertainment centers, a cathedral, a mosque, museums, a planetarium and a dolphinarium.
  • Near Constanta is the popular Mamaia. The resort is located on a sandy spit that separates the Black Sea and the large freshwater lake Syutghiol. oldest city will please with a long coastline, wide beaches, numerous hotels, amusement parks, the only water park in the country, discos and bars. Every summer, Mamaia hosts a music festival. Unlike other places for sea ​​recreation in Romania, this resort is more expensive, due to the high level of comfort.
  • Lovers of family, calm and secluded holidays will love the resort of Jupiter, located an hour's drive from Constanta. Vacationers come here to admire the picturesque bay, soak up the wonderful beaches and escape from the bustle of the city.
  • The southernmost resort in Romania is Mangalia, which is known for its beautiful sandy beach, thermal springs, mineral drinking water, therapeutic mud, a natural park and a stud farm where you can ride a horse. Next to Mangalia lies Saturn. This resort has lower prices.

The most luxurious resort on the Romanian coast is Neptune Olympus, located near Mangalia. The coastal zone of the town borders on a coniferous forest, thanks to which healing from lung diseases is carried out. Neptune-Olympus will delight tourists with sports grounds, a summer cinema, an amusement park, numerous shops and boat trips.

Ski resorts in Romania

The small but pretty resort of Sinai attracts tourists with its rich history and ancient architectural sights. The direction owes its name to the monastery, which was built in the area by the end of the 16th century. The hallmark of the town is the beautiful Peles Palace with a picturesque park.

Ski and toboggan runs are suitable for both beginners and experienced skiers. Sinai often serves as a venue for international winter sports competitions. The resort with a developed infrastructure will delight you with restaurants, bars, discos, a skating rink, a swimming pool, interesting excursions and picturesque nature with clean air.

The trendy resort of Poiana Brasov is located in a sunny valley. Well-equipped trails are built on the southern slopes of the Carpathian mountain Posrevaru. Tourists get here on horseback or sleigh, the air is of unique purity. Fans of bobsledding, cross-country skiing, luge, ski jumping and paragliding come to Poiana Brasov. Vacationers will be able to have a good time in the swimming pool, sports center, sauna, restaurants and ice rink. There are excursions to the legendary Bran Castle, which was built by Vlad Tepes himself in the 15th century.

Predeal is the highest mountainous Romanian city. The slopes of the resort are protected from the wind by a dense forest, which creates pleasant and comfortable conditions. Local ski tours are known in Europe and are popular. On the territory of the resort there are the best tracks of the country. The main feature of the area is that the ski base never closes and receives thousands of tourists.

Top things to do in Romania, how to spend time

Romania is rich in all kinds of entertainment. Entertaining excursions to ancient places and sights, cycling through mountain ranges, historical performances related to Count Dracula. We must not forget about the sea, ski and spa resorts. In the capital of Romania, Bucharest, tourists can admire the ancient architecture, visit city museums, taste delicious local cuisine in the country's best restaurants.

The seaside resort of Constanta is famous for its aquarium, which is located next to the famous casino building. The local aquarium is considered the first and largest in Romania. Visitors will be able to admire marine life from the Black and Mediterranean Seas. The aquarium is divided into three sections: representatives of the exotic underwater world live in the last section.

The northeastern city of Iasi is famous for its Palace of Culture, which looks like a French castle. The building was erected at the beginning of the last century, on the site of the ruins of the burnt royal court. During World War II, the Palace of Culture served as a warehouse and barracks for soldiers. Now this place houses museums, where exhibitions and cultural events are regularly held.

The surroundings of the city of Timisoara are known for the ancient Rekas vineyards, which were planted more than five centuries ago. The wines are famous all over Romania, and have been repeatedly awarded at international events with quality and taste marks. Excursions are constantly held on the territory of the vineyards, after which tourists visit wine cellars and workshops. In addition, each guest can bring the taste of the best wines home without any problems.

Sights of Romania, where to go

Transylvanian Brasov is known for the Black Temple and ancient churches, the historical museum and the medieval Town Hall. Not far from it is the city of Sighisoara, where Vlad the Impaler was born. It is worth visiting the museum, which is located in the building of the Clock Tower, a Gothic church.

The largest Black Sea resort in Romania, Constanta, except for the sea and beach holiday, proud of the sights. Guests of the city are obliged to admire the ancient Roman wall, the monument to Ovid, the ancient Genoese lighthouse, the cathedral and the church. Fans of cultural recreation will see unique exhibits in the museums of the history of nature, navigation, ethnography, and astronomy.

The surroundings of Bucharest attract attention with the monastery, the "Lord's Church", the ruins of the castle of Count Dracula, the ruins of the Zhidov's palace, reserves with salt caves and the colorful town of Tirgu Jiu. Tourists come to Gorj County to visit the oldest Romanian monastery of Tisman.

The hallmark of the mountainous county of Maramures is the "Merry Cemetery", located in the town of Sepynets. This attraction is considered the only memorial building on the planet where death is depicted in the form of painted crosses and cheerful carved monuments.

The Romanian people have always been friendly and sociable, so tourists in the country can safely walk even at night, without fear of hooliganism and harassment. In terms of security, Bucharest is ahead of many European capitals. Fraud and petty theft rarely happen, and even then far from the main attractions. Despite the rarity of checks, it is better to walk the streets with a copy of your passport or driver's license. Military installations, bridges, ports and government buildings are not allowed to be photographed.

Due to the large amount of chlorine in tap water, intestinal disorders can occur, so it is better to boil or buy bottled liquid. Modern buses, trolleybuses, trams and taxis run along the city streets. Bucharest has a subway system. Despite good organization, metropolitan transport is often crowded. You can rent a car at the airport or a major hotel. This will require credit card and an international driving licence.

Reviews of tourists about a trip to Romania

Marina: For me, Romania has always been considered a country of contrasts and ancient legends and legends. During the trip, the influence of the European Union was felt, but this does not prevent Romanians from dressing in national costumes, listening to their native music and observing folk traditions. Romania is quite large in area, each region has its own characteristics.

Mountain Transylvania in terms of the richness and beauty of nature will give odds to the central and coastal regions of the country. In the homeland of the famous Vlad the Impaler, there are numerous architectural and historical sites. I really liked the excursions to Bran Castle, where Dracula lived, the Peles Royal Palace and the medieval fortress city of Sighisoara.

Irina: Before the trip, Romania was associated only with Dracula and gypsies. There are really a lot of the latter in the country, so you should not be surprised by the begging gypsy children on the streets of cities. In terms of the beauty of nature, the cleanliness of streets and roads, Romania is similar to Russia. However, Romanian cities differ in color from other Balkan countries. The locals were pleasantly surprised by the kindness and friendliness. You should definitely visit the legendary Bran Castle, the main thing is to visit this place at night.

Valeria: A trip to Romania will delight history lovers: various medieval architectural monuments have been preserved here, which give the country a fabulous atmosphere. The city of Brasov, which is famous for the castle of Count Dracula, gave special emotions. The City Historical Museum is interesting with exhibits and exhibitions. In Bucharest, at an affordable price, you can order an interesting a tourist route along with an English speaking guide.

Mysterious Romania is known to the whole world for Transylvania and Count Dracula, who was the hero of many films. However, we must not forget about other features of this country: wonderful sea and ski resorts and mineral springs, thanks to which the Carpathian balneological places of rest are always filled with tourists.

Video review: Romanian resorts

Gothic churches, medieval castles, charming cities wrapped in the mysterious landscapes of Southeast Europe... Romania is full of stunning places that are worth seeing for any traveler. From the underground theme park Salina Turda to the macabre Dracula's castle, here are the best travel destinations in this country.


This is a small medieval town in Transylvania with charming streets, colorful houses and amazing historical center. But be careful: Sighisoara is also the birthplace of Vlad the Impaler. According to legend, the city is literally teeming with ghosts.

Lacu Roshu (Red Lake)

Despite the name, the water in Lacu Rocho is the most ordinary, however, once here, you will be so absorbed in the stunning mountain views that you won’t even remember the semantics.

Bran Castle

Bran Castle is located in the Carpathians, on the border of Transylvania and Wallachia. It is also known as Dracula's Castle due to its resemblance to the fortress described in Bram Stoker's novel.

Transfagaras Highway

The Transfagaras Highway is considered to be one of the most beautiful and exciting roads in the world. Laid through the Carpathians, it is literally dotted with sharp turns and long S-shaped descents.

Salina Turda

This is a unique theme park located in one of the oldest salt mines in the world. At a depth of 120 m, tourists can play bowling, take a boat trip on the lake and even ride a Ferris wheel.


The Romanian version of Stonehenge is the remains of the capital of ancient Dacia, built in the 1st century AD. e. under King Decebalus and destroyed by the Romans in 106.

Statue of King Decebalus

An imposing 40-meter statue of the face of King Decebalus rises on the Romanian side of the Danube. The statue looks like it was created by the people of the ancient world, but in fact it was erected in 2004.

Palace of Culture in Targu Mures

The Palace of Culture was rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century and is now a fine example of Art Nouveau architecture with bronze busts and numerous stained glass windows.

Lake Balea

This glacial lake is located at an altitude of more than 2000 m in the central part of the Fagaras mountain range. Balea is known for its extraordinary scenery and two chalets open to tourists all year round.

ice hotel

The Ice Hotel is another attraction of Lake Balea. It offers its guests an ice restaurant, a bar, rooms and an igloo. Nearby there is also an ice church where you can get married and have children baptized.


Chahlau (1907 m) is one of the most famous mountain ranges in Romania. It is attractive with stunning views of the Eastern Carpathians, as well as rich flora and fauna.

Merry Cemetery in Sepınce

You may think that all Romanian necropolises are terrifying in appearance, but this is not entirely true. The graves of the Merry Cemetery with colorful handmade crosses do not look gloomy at all.

Danube Delta

The Romanian part of the Danube Delta is home to over 300 bird species, many beautiful beaches and vast wetlands.

Corvin Castle

This 15th-century Gothic fortress has enough creepy features to rival Bran Castle: massive walls and a drawbridge on the outside, dungeons and torture chambers on the inside.


Timisoara is the third most popular tourist destination in Romania after Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca. The city is attractive for its magnificent squares, luxury hotels and festivals.

Casino Constanta

The Constanta Casino was opened in 1910. Now this Art Nouveau masterpiece overlooking the Black Sea is one of the most beautiful abandoned buildings in Romania.


Located in the southwest of the country, this national park famous for its picturesque waterfalls and dazzling blue lakes.

Vidraru Dam

The Vidraru Dam, built in 1966 on the Arges River, is a breathtaking sight, as is the lake of the same name that appeared thanks to it.

Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest

It is the second largest administrative building in the world after the Pentagon. The Palace of the Parliament has 12 floors and 1100 rooms.


Visiting Brasov is like traveling back in time to the Middle Ages. Numerous clock towers and Gothic churches remind of the era that has sunk into oblivion.


The history of the city goes back to the XII century, when the Saxon settlers mastered Transylvania. Sibiu is full of buildings with German architecture that serve as a reminder of its founders.

Radovan's Forest, located in Dolj County, is crossed by a road where accidents often occur, although the road section is straight.

According to local residents, there is only one explanation: the “bride of Radovan”, the ghost of a young woman dressed in a wedding dress, appears in front of the drivers, terrorizing those who walk in the forest at night.

This legend has several variants. Some say it is the ghost of a girl who came from Moldova to earn money for her family, but hanged herself in Radovan's forest, believing she was pregnant, which was a disgrace at the time.

As a suicide, she was not buried according to Christian custom, and her poor relatives could not take care of the grave, so her soul did not find peace.

Other locals say that the ghost of a girl appears in the forest of Radovan, whose fiancé died right before the wedding. She was waiting for him dressed in a wedding dress, and the news of his death made her jump into the well, but even after death she did not stop looking for her beloved. That is why the bride appears only in front of the cars of unmarried guys.

National Road 7: Tragedies Instigated by a Dead Bride

Another bride looking for her fiancé and car accidents are the center of the legend associated with the national road 7. Here, near Gaesht in Dymbovica County, several decades ago, a girl died on her wedding day. The fault was an accident in which her fiancé also died. Since then, many accidents have occurred in this area, especially near the cross erected by the family in memory of the young bride.

Within just two years, 12 unmarried men died near this cross, which makes the locals think about the curse of the bride, who, for some unknown reason, could not leave this world and leave with the groom.

Longgang Hill: Ghost Soldiers

Located between the villages of Sarka and Longgan in Yasi County, Longgang Hill is famous for its mysterious phantoms that appear to travelers. Locals tell stories about this area, not always pleasant legends about ghosts that haunted them for several kilometers, hovering next to them above the road.

It seems that soldiers who died during the First World War were buried in a mass grave in this zone. Since they died without communion and candles and were buried without religious ceremony, their souls did not find peace, so they demand from travelers to do for them what is supposed to be, that is, to order a memorial service.

Hoya-Bachu Forest - Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania

The forest near the city of Cluj-Napoca has long been known for the mysterious events that take place here, and is even considered a gateway to another dimension. Named " bermuda triangle Transylvania", the forest is one of the most active regions in the world in terms of paranormal activity.

Legends arose after a shepherd disappeared into the forest along with his flock, and no one was able to find either him or even part of the sheep. This was only the first mysterious disappearance in the Bachu Forest. Now both locals and tourists avoid this area, which only attracts thrill-seekers.