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Mystical phenomena on Olkhon Island. Mysterious and mystical sights of Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal is known not only for its beautiful view and depth, but also as one of the most mysterious and mysterious places on earth. Since ancient times, the local population worshiped shamanic spirits and made sacrifices for them. Inside this post you will get acquainted with these legendary places and find out how to get to them.

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Lake Baikal known not only for its beautiful view and depth, but also as one of the most mysterious and mysterious places on earth. Since ancient times, the local population worshiped shamanic spirits and made sacrifices for them. Inside the post you will get acquainted with these legendary places and find out how to get to them.


Cape Ryty is located on the western shore of Lake Baikal, opposite the widest point of the lake. For the local population, this place is sacred and forbidden to visit. Under no circumstances does any of the natives agree to land here on the shore.

Some believe that this place was once ancient city, as evidenced by the artificial stone wall. Others talk about an increased radioactive background. To this day, ancient prohibitions are observed on Rytoy: you cannot cut down a tree or shoot an animal, otherwise the local spirit will be disturbed.

There are no trees and no settlements on the cape, single boats sail past without moistening to the shore, and do not reach this place automotive road, and there is not even a path along the coast. For unknown reasons, a taboo was imposed on visiting the cape by the local population, and this ban still applies in our time. Residents studiously avoid visiting it, calling it a cursed place, but once they get into conversation, they can tell many mysterious things. stories associated with this sacred area. It is worth adding that this cape is part of the territory of the Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve, and in order to land here, you need special permission from the administration. The reserve regime, combined with local shamanic prohibitions on visiting the sacred cape, did their job: only rare individuals dare to go deep into the gorge, and their stories about the mysteries of Ryty turned it into the main anomalous place on Lake Baikal. In recent years, many legends have been formed around this area. Branch fault of the river gorge. Rita has anomalous features, and since ancient times, visiting it has been taboo by local residents. There are no big reasons to violate these prohibitions now; there is no point simply for the sake of curiosity to enter a “terrible and sacred place” where angry gods live, the sons of the deity Ukher, who send strong winds and cast spells on visitors to their home. Shamanic spells still operate in our time; this is easy to verify by tracking the fate of people who violated the centuries-old ban and entered the gorge. Many of them died prematurely and suddenly. According to local customs, you cannot drive past this place without honoring the spirits of Ryty.


At the source of the Angara River there is a rock protruding in the middle of the river. In ancient times, local residents of the Angara region endowed the Shaman Stone with miraculous powers. According to ancient beliefs, this was the habitat of the owner of the Angara - Ama Sagaan noyon. Particularly important shamanic rituals took place on the Shaman Stone, oaths were taken here and prayers were made in order to remove a false accusation or defend one’s honor; a criminal was brought here at night and left alone over a cold, freezing stream, so that by morning he would confess to his crime. If by morning , water didn’t take him, if he didn’t die from fear and the freezing breath of Lake Baikal, he was forgiven. Evidence of the veneration of the sacred stone is the bottom strewn with coins around the Shaman Stone.


Cape Khoboy (in Buryat khoboy means “fang, molar”) is the northernmost cape on Olkhon Island. The spectacular columnar rock, reminiscent of a sharp fang in appearance, from the sea side, has a pronounced resemblance to the profile of a female head with a bust, as on ancient Greek galleys from the east and west.
The local name for the rock is Virgo. There is a Buryat legend, according to which this is a petrified Buryat woman who, out of envy of her husband, asked the Tengris for the same palace as the one granted to her husband. Tengrii with the words: “As long as there is evil and envy on earth, you will be a stone” - they turned it into a rock.
Cape Khoboy has now been chosen by various spiritual schools as a place of meditation. On its northern side, these “representatives” did not hesitate to leave a legacy, leaving in the most prominent place the Roerich sign - a red circle with three dots inside. But the true, hidden sign of the island is not this at all. As a symbol of shamanic legends on the northern edge of a monolithic rock, not visible from land and falling into the water, inaccessible to person height, two huge eagle nests are stacked in the crevices of the cape. According to Buryat legends, the first person to receive the shamanic gift was the son of the formidable master-spirit of Olkhon Island, who lived in the form of a bald eagle. The veneration of this bird as the spirit of the island has survived to this day.

Cape Khoboy is associated with a legend about a dragon, which, flying over the sacred lake, dropped its fang. Having fallen on Khoboy, a fang mythological animal went deep into the ground, leaving a characteristic mark on the outlines of the island. Some scholars suggest that this legend is associated with memories of the fall of a certain space body (possibly small meteorite), which happened many thousands of years ago. It was precisely such a local catastrophe that could have caused the strong geomagnetic activity manifested in this part of Olkhon. Parapsychologists who often visit Khoboy note a constant powerful release of astral energy in the area of ​​the cape, which is associated with numerous cases of the appearance of ghostly substances here. Locals They claim that sometimes on the cape you can meet the spirits of your dead ancestors or even see your own previous incarnations. The spirit of the White shaman emerging from the waters of Lake Baikal became especially famous. It is believed that seeing a spirit is a sign of great luck.
The place is notable for the polyphonic echo that is reflected from the monolithic rock. Rare and relict herbs are found here. In winter, you can explore the grottoes, fabulously decorated with splashed ice and transparent icicles. They are located at the level of the water's edge, their entrances are oriented to the north. In the rocks, at water level, on the cape, there are grottoes up to 22 meters long; they can only be viewed in winter from the ice.

So what are Initiated foreigners looking for at the bottom of Lake Baikal? I'll reveal the Secret. They are looking for a stone-crystal, or in modern language - a FLASH DRIVE, the contents of which are priceless, in good hands it can change the Essence of humanity, save the world from impending cataclysms and disasters, but in bad hands - it’s better not to think about it...
"Until the end of the Darkness of Svarozh, he will be buried (he) in the darkness of the depths. And people will forget about him, and there will be no way to him until the end of the Darkness... ...But the time of Purification will come, the Svarog Circle will turn, illuminating the Earth with its Light, people will remember , where is the Ancient Wisdom and about the stone, in which is the Eternal Knowledge. Will reveal it to the Lightthe soul is Righteous and the unprecedented Power of the stone of Eternal Knowledge will flow through the Holy Land of the Great Family. And they will know (Slavs) Ancient Wisdom and hidden Natural Powers, which were not previously known, but having learned, they will soon cope with troubles, both Earthly and Heavenly. Evil enemies will wash themselves with blood, washing away their evil from themselves. Then the bird of heaven will sing, calling the Supreme Priest with the Stone of Wisdom of the Great Family..."

Home Mystery of Lake Baikal.

Against the general background of events, almost no one finds the increased attention of some foreign organizations to Lake Baikal strange.
On the contrary, new “joint” projects on Lake Baikal are signed and those started are continued. There are GOALS for which money is always available, in any crisis. These are usually super important goals, aren't they?
So what are Initiated foreigners looking for at the bottom of Lake Baikal? I'll tell you the SECRET. They are looking for a gray nondescript stone-crystal, or in modern language - a FLASH DRIVE, the contents of which are priceless, in good hands it can change the fate of humanity, save the world from impending cataclysms and disasters, but in bad hands it is better not to think about it.

What I will tell you could be considered a legend or a beautiful fairy tale if... I had not collected many facts confirming the information in my archive.
I’ll start with a retelling of an ancient legend, because nowadays legends come to life and even stones begin to speak. And one legend sometimes changes the course of development of human civilization.
So, the “Characters of Light” read:

"...And Chernobog tore off the first Security Seal, the Seal from the Ancient Knowledge of the World of Arlegs, and Knowledge spread widely throughout the Worlds lying below the World of Arlegs, right down to the very depths of Hell...".

No matter how fantastic the legend is, but... such a Repository of Pure Knowledge (First Knowledge) is as real as libraries and museums in our world. In general, as a result of the raid, the robbers managed to steal part of the Knowledge and then distribute it throughout all the worlds, as we say, in the form of pirated copies.

But any Knowledge can be used both for Good and for Evil, depending on the level of spiritual development of the one who owns it.
Using it for Good, our ancestors lived beautifully for hundreds of thousands of years and were considered almost gods.

What if the Higher Knowledge is used for Evil?
There was such a thing in the history of the Earth - invasions of the Grays (entities of the Dark Worlds), to combat which two military campaigns of our Ancestors were carried out in Dravidia (the territory of modern India), to the place of their localization, from where the bloody cult of Kali-Ma spread across the planet (memory of These events are preserved by Old Slavonic and Indian legends).

During his first trip to Dravidia in Summer 2817 from S.M.Z.H. or 2692 BC, the Aryan tribes made the first attempt to stop HUMAN SACRIFICES and stop the worship of GODDESS KALI-MA.

Having expelled the priestesses of the GODDESS KALIMA - THE BLACK MOTHER from the temples, they returned home. The entire campaign from start to finish took seventy-six years; the Aryan tribes returned to their homeland in Summer 2893 from S.M.Z.H. or 2616 BC
The success of the first campaign was incomplete, since the gray crystal of Kali-Ma was not found, and after some time the bloody cult in Dravidia flourished with renewed vigor because after the departure of the Aryan tribes, the Dravidians and Nagas returned to the old traditions.

Therefore, a new, second campaign of the Aryan tribes to Dravidia was required, which, for a number of reasons, took place only six hundred and ten years later in Summer 3503 from S.M.Z.H. or 2006 BC

The second campaign in Dravidia was fundamentally different from the first.
Some of those who came REMAINED FOREVER in Dravidia and began to form a civilization that is now known as Indian civilization.

Khan Uman, the High Priest of the Light Cult of the Goddess Tara, who led this campaign, was appointed Spiritual Advisor to the king of the forest people of the DRAVIDS and NAGAs. This is what the Slavic-Aryan Vedas tell us about this:

8.(72). Other Clans of the Great Race
will spread throughout the face of Midgard-Earth...
and they will cross the Himavat Mountains...
So that they stop bringing
The victims are terrible, bloody,
To your goddess - BLACK MOTHER
And you have found new Divine Wisdom
and Vera...

SNAKE-DRAGONS from the WORLD OF NAVI - this phrase talks about snake-dragons from the World of Navi:

FIRSTLY, The Old Testament also speaks of the Serpent who seduced Eve, remember: “The woman said: THE SNAKE HAD DECEIVED ME, AND I EATED”. Both the SLAVIC-ARYAN VEDAS and the OLD TESTAMENT speak of the SNAKE (YAH), manifesting itself through the WOMAN (n), PRIESTESS (c) of the GODDESS KALI - EVE.

That is why the Slavic-Aryan Vedas talk about SNAKES-DRAGONS - ESSENCES OF EXTINCTION SPECIES OF REPELLING - DINOSAURS, which many peoples called DRAGONS. In all Russian folk tales and legends, DRAGONS were called SNAKES-GORYNYCHI.

The second campaign in Dravidia brought complete success. Kali-We crystal (flash drive) containing Ancient Knowledge, including gaining full power over the peoples, was finally found and seized.

The stay of our troops in Dravidia was long while all the supporters of the foreign cult were identified. The prisoners were rounded up and sent into long exile
Let us return again to the text of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas:

13.(77). Lies and unrighteous flattery

they will capture many edges of Midgard-Earth,

as they did on other Earths,
in many worlds during times
of the past Great Assa,
but they will be defeated,
and exiled to the country of the Man-Made Mountains,
where will people with skin color live?
Darkness and the descendants of the Heavenly Family
who came from the land of God Nya.
And Human children will begin to teach how to work
them, so that they can grow their own grains
and vegetables to feed their children...

After the defeat of the Aryan tribes during the second campaign in Dravidia by the troops of BLACK MAGICIANS, most of whom were women - priestesses of the cult of the BLACK MOTHER, the Goddess KALI-MA, the surviving supporters of the black cult were - “...EXPORTED TO THE COUNTRY OF MAN-MADE MOUNTAINS...” i.e. . in Egypt

Deprived of a source of Knowledge, they no longer posed a real danger. Already in the next generation that grew up, what remained of their former superpower was an ordinary ritual primitive. And how could it be otherwise, since from now on it was not the First Knowledge that was transmitted, but only its interpretations.

So we finally got to the main thing. The main base of the Slavic-Aryan army was located in the Tibet region, from there the victors returned to their homeland in Rasenia with a stop in the south of Lake Baikal, which was then called sea ​​x "Aryan.

There was a good reason for this - the Great Dragon (China), who was planning to take revenge for the past defeat.
The appearance of a huge Aryan army at its borders, and then on the shores of Lake Baikal, quickly cooled the warlike ardor of the strategists of the Celestial Empire.

And it was there, on the shores of the Aryan Sea - Baikal, that the fate of the Kali-Ma stone was decided.
He was buried in the depths of Baikal until the end of the Night of Svarog (i.e. until the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century). To the honor of our Ancestors, over all the past millennia, information about the location of the crystal stone remained a Secret for the enemies. This continued until the sixties of the last century.

But those who again and again dreamed of world domination did not sleep. Over the past millennia, they have searched the length and breadth of India in search of the “magic” Stone, how many expeditions have visited the mountains of Tibet, how many of them have perished there, as well as in the Arctic and Antarctic - you can’t count them all.

The emperors of Rome and China, the fathers of the Holy Inquisition, Napoleon, Hitler, etc. were looking for it. etc. - they didn’t find it... Only in the morning did they come to their senses for Svarog - they were looking in the wrong place. And time is running out.

And a black flock under the guise of “conservationists”, “science” and “tourists” rushed to the shores sacred Baikal, storing ancient Mystery. Crazy money was offered for a piece of Baikal land. By hook or by crook they strive to make it in time, because their last years are numbered.

It is difficult to believe and fully understand who and what we are dealing with. Meanwhile, gentlemen, the fairy tales are over.
There is that very war of the worlds, Light and Darkness, about which mountains of worthless spectacular films have been filmed. Reality is scarier than any movie, even though we live without knowing how precarious the thread by which we hang over the dark abyss is. It’s true what they say: the less you know, the better you sleep, right?

Meanwhile, the development of tourism in the Lake Baikal area is in full swing. Well, okay, all people have jobs and families have prosperity.
Let them look for the flash stone at the bottom of Lake Baikal. Let them search longer, because the longer they search, the more they will spend, the less time they will have.
They won't find it, although the legends don't lie. They won’t find it in Baikal, even if they sift the entire bottom with a sieve. Because Baikal and the Sacred Lake know how to keep their secrets.

Here's a riddle for you: it was thrown to the bottom of Lake Baikal, no one touched it, and suddenly... it disappeared. Guess it at your leisure. If you haven’t guessed right, I’d like to think that they won’t guess either.

By the way, about the second stone.
Until the very end it was kept in Hyperborea (Arctida, Daaria), although it left the mainland a couple of times. Once legendary Apollo brought him to Olympus.

Shouldn't have done this. For there, without asking, for the sake of curiosity, a frivolous Pandora had the imprudence to include this rare miracle.
And while the adults did not understand what had happened, while they were in a hurry to turn off the crystal, a vast vision over the mountain, revealing the hidden secrets of the Universe, penetrated with First Knowledge into the very depths of the consciousness of the people in its area of ​​​​action...

The crystal was returned to Hyperborea, but is it any wonder that soon discord began because of the people on Olympus - as a result, Olympus was quietly and imperceptibly deserted. At the same time, the former glory of Greece faded away. And young Pandora went down in legends as the one who opened the vessel of Evil (the so-called Pandora's box).
I said and say: A PART OF KNOWLEDGE IS SOMETIMES WORSE THAN COMPLETE IGNORANCE. And in general, good and evil are two sides of the same coin.

When Hyperborea (Daaria) went under water, the crystal was kept in Asgard for a long time. In recent centuries, it has been reliably preserved by the true Guardian Priests of ancient Knowledge. They have been stored for the last decades. The hour will strike and the Wisdom of First Knowledge will again be revealed to a new humanity, ready to accept it for the Good.

Following the trail of the crystal of Eternal Knowledge

In recent months, working with my archive, I have increasingly had to travel to areas adjacent to Lake Baikal (Irkutsk Territory and Buryatia) in search of compelling arguments for the information I have.
And, excuse me, it’s not so easy for a person “from the street” to get into the same State Archives of Ulan-Ude, for example.
Increasingly, although very carefully, we have to turn to outside help. Of course, on the site I only publish information that can be given in the public domain.

So, what evidence of the real existence of the stone-crystal I managed to collect.
The first thing I did was go to the Internet for specific information. When you know what to look for, it’s found quickly. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas, ballads, legends of India and Tibet showed that, in general, the events themselves took place. I think there is no need to give quotes and excerpts from legends; just type a query in the search bar - there is a lot of information about the second campaign in Dravidia.

The situation with the crystal stone of the Black Goddess Kali-Ma was much more difficult. There is no information anywhere, nothing to grab hold of at all. I know that there SHOULD be, but there is nothing - zero.

I had to take a different route - start from the beginning. That is, from Arctida (Hyperborea). And the most interesting thing began when V.N. Demin’s book fell into my hands" Secrets of the Russian people". In it I found the following:

"A. V. Barchenko(1881 -- 1938) - one of the tragic and mysterious personalities of the twentieth century. The bearer of the Great Secret, he, apparently, took it forever to the Other World..."

Barchenko (and he was not the only one - there was a whole community of guardians of ancient Knowledge) had, read and understood ancient texts written in “ideographic” writing.
Moreover, it appears that photographs of these texts have been preserved. Perhaps they are the treasured key that will unlock the doors to such hidden places of hoary antiquity, which only yesterday the most unbridled imagination could not even dare to dream of...

"...One of the hidden sub-goals of the Kola expedition (A.V. Barchenko) was in search of a mysterious stone, no more no less than from Orion. This stone was supposedly capable of accumulating and transmitting psychic energy over any distance, providing direct contact with the cosmic information field, which gave the owners of such a stone knowledge of the past, present and future. This question also occupied the academician Bekhterev. In any case, he was aware of Barchenko's intentions. ... Barchenko was once again convinced of his assumptions when he unexpectedly encountered a Russian hermit from the deep Kostroma forests - the keeper of the Ancient Secret Knowledge."

Well, I have no reason not to trust Professor V.N. Demin. He writes what he knows. So, does this mean that Bekhterev was interested in the same question? I wonder who else? The answer is nearby, read:

"The same knowledge was possessed by Nicholas Roerich, when, together with his wife and sons, he was preparing an expedition to Altai and Tibet. Actually, Roerich was looking for the same thing in Central Asia as Barchenko was looking for in Russian Lapland. And it seems that in the beginning they had the same source of information. Even personal contacts between them, most likely, were: in 1926 in Moscow, when Roerich brought the Message of the Mahatmas to the Soviet government (another of the mysterious episodes of history, but already associated with the Roerich family)."

Yes, most historians and biographers, apparently, really believe that the Roerichs, and Barchenko, and even before them Helena Blavatsky(yes, she too), among other things, they were looking for the well-known “stone from Orion”.

Then, I apologize, this raises more questions than answers.
Firstly, why look for him if he is in Tibet? Even the Roerichs brought a piece of it...
And then, well, they found it and what next? Etc. And most importantly, if the stone is in Tibet, then why the devil A.V. Barchenko went to look for him in the North?

By the way, after the failure in Tibet, Hitler also sent an expedition to the North, following in the footsteps of Barchenko. Coincidence?

Meanwhile, it was A.V. Barchenko who knew much more than others, because knew how to read the most complex ancient writings, knew ancient history, was an extraordinary psychic... even in his dying manuscript (he was arrested and executed in 1938) he did not write everything...

And if you think about it, why does he need a stone from Orion, which is also called Grail? After all, he was a serious scientist, a pragmatist, focused on results, and not an adventurer, and he also acted on a government mandate.

It is also known that he maintained contact with guardians of the most ancient Russian Tradition, studied with them and regularly received new information.
Here he, A.V. Barchenko, understood well the difference between the stone from Orion and the stone-crystal of Ancient Knowledge. And he knew that by chance about 4000 years ago it turned out on Earth two crystal stones.

It was one of them, the one that was in Hyperborea, that he wanted to find.
But after the beginning of 1927. the keepers of the most ancient Russian Tradition accepted the academician into their midst, he completely “forgot” about the Hyperborean stone, henceforth directing all his efforts to search for the second (the Kali-Ma stone), the trace of which was lost in the region of Tibet, where 4000 years ago the Russian-Slavic celebrated the Victory army.

Let's not find out the reasons for his "forgetfulness", but let's see what he does next.
And then he corresponds with a Buryat Buddhist scholar Tsybikov.
An archive of letters from Barchenko to Tsybikov is actually kept in Ulan-Ude. And only in these letters there is evidence that in search of a crystal stone, A.V. Barchenko came from Tibet to Lake Baikal.

Suddenly, after a genuine interest in Shambhala and Tibet (and Tsybikov, under the guise of a monk-pilgrim, visited almost all the shrines of Tibet), Barchenko carefully begins questioning about the presence of ancient runic signs in the coastal zone of Lake Baikal(Tsybikov was also familiar with runic writing), about ancient sites and burials 4 thousand years ago , etc...

And only here, having found this, do you begin to understand the seriousness of the find. No, it was not for nothing that my attention was drawn to the personality of Academician Barchenko.
He received information from the Guardian Priests, I received it in a different way, but both of them speak unambiguously: the legend is now becoming a fragment of our rich history, and the mysterious stone-crystal is becoming more and more real.
Academician Barchenko only had to find the place where the “command” and the high priests of the northern army were located and, I think, he would have reached the stone.
But... providence (or the Higher Powers) intervened, because it was not yet time. According to the prophecy of the Priests who decided the fate of the crystal stone:

"...Until the end of the Darkness of Svarozh, he will be buried (he) in the darkness of the depths. And people will forget about him, and there will be no way to him until the end of the Darkness...
...But the time of Purification will come, the Svarog Circle will turn, illuminating the Earth with its Light, people will remember where the Ancient Wisdom is and about the stone in which is the Eternal Knowledge.
The Righteous soul will reveal its (stone) to the Light and the unprecedented Power of the stone of Eternal Knowledge will flow through the Holy Land of the Great Family. And (people) will know the Ancient Wisdom and the hidden Natural Powers, which they did not know about before, and having learned, they will soon cope with troubles, both Earthly and Heavenly.
Evil enemies will wash themselves with blood, washing away their evil from themselves. Then the bird of heaven will sing, calling the Supreme Priest with the Stone of Wisdom of the Great Family..."

Ultimately, when both crystal stones are “turned on,” there should be a Golden age. So, like it or not, eh Russia will have to fulfill its special mission.

Following the trail of the mysterious stone

After the publication of the previous chapters, I received responses from very serious people...
You know, the funny thing is that while our “learned” men are either gently or threateningly demanding my archive for study, their strange foreign “colleagues” are offering the same thing, but for a lot of money.
Yes, some threaten, others buy... God, how familiar it all is, nothing has changed in thousands of years. Everything is the same: threaten - buy - kill, and then again - back to nothing.

Thus, Academician Barchenko paid with his life, including for hiding the “unhealthy” interest in Baikal from the USSR government - it became dangerous, that’s what it’s all about. Thus a very important episode in our history ended.

By the way, among the letters I received were alarmed messages from people living in the coastal zone of Lake Baikal.

They write about mysterious 2.5-meter underwater swimmers, foreign scuba divers, and there are many reports of their appearance in the 1960s. some UFO base at the bottom of the lake.
Yes, and according to my information, something similar existed there, but by 2000. the station is gone, and the UFOs that now regularly visit the lake area are of obvious terrestrial origin.
I think people who know will agree with me. I am not a supporter of mysticism, I have an aviation education, I know space technologies and I can distinguish the terrestrial from the extraterrestrial. In general, let them search.

But closer to the topic.
It was necessary to move on. We come to the most unexpected turn of events.

Remember, I said that a flash stone “will not be found in Baikal, even if they sift the entire bottom with a sieve”? It is interesting to know what was the mistake of all the would-be seekers? The fact is that they taught geography and history poorly.

If you asked the keepers of ancient legends, they would say that Baikal was not always the same as it is now, once it was a big sea. Is it true?
And in 2009, another scientific expedition of our scientists to Baikal took place. By the way, the last two seasons have been “studying” the bottom of Lake Baikal, 2009-2010 was the year of the most extensive research (here is a short, laconic note ...Even deep-sea robots). But I am more than sure that neither the president nor our honest scientists even know ALL the reasons for such interest in the secrets of the bottom of Lake Baikal.
Not that level...

And in the new expedition there will again be some inconspicuous “gray Mouse”, whose task, if successful, will be to “accidentally wave his tail” so that the desired “pebble” falls... and disappears. Just think, alone when there are so many finds around. How many times has this happened...

But one of the conclusions of the 2009 expedition was important to me:
Contrary to popular belief, the modern outlines of the lake's shoreline are relatively young, about 4,000 years old.

This is exactly what I was looking for. Yes, the Northern Priests knew what they were talking about:
"...and there will be no way to it..."

Taking into account the conclusion of our scientists, we can already say that by the time the Aryan army returned after the second campaign in Dravidia coastline Lake Baikal was already changing, the sea was becoming shallow, and the priests noticed this.

And we already know that at that time the army was stationed in the very south of Baikal (the X-Aryan Sea). So where was it on the modern geographical map?
Obviously not where Slyudyanka or Tankhoi are now. But to the south is the Khamar-Daban mountain range?

So he confused newcomers who were unfamiliar with the peculiarities of this area. But in vain.

Firstly, the ancient Priests KNEW much more than modern scientists and did not randomly choose a place to locate troops tired on a campaign. We needed a place that gave people strength.

Let's take a look at the map; in the southeast of Khamar-Daban, the Yablonovy Range mountains begin. According to ancient legends, somewhere here, in the depths of the earth, there is something extremely important - a SOURCE OF POWER. What it is? Let us turn to the text “Source of Life” (part of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas) and N. Levashov’s book “Russia in Crooked Mirrors”. Further, in order not to bore you too much, I will simply give a short selection of excerpts:

"That is why the Light Forces placed an additional SOURCE OF LIFE on our planet..."

"A treasured source fed the race,
what was preserved in the ancient tracts...
The Gods foresaw the Darkness on Midgard,
and the RACES decided to help their DESCENDANTS... ...
... ... A SOURCE WAS PLACED in the bowels of the earth.
Access to it is hidden in ancient tracts.
IN THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH he accumulated strength,
appearing on the surface in different places.
But the Eternal Source of Divine Power
Not in every region did the Holy Race flow.
But only in places where, according to legend,
The gods invested the forces of life in Midgard..."

“Thus, in the Dark Times, on the Night of Svarog, the Source of Power, placed by the Light Hierarchs in the bowels of Midgard-Earth, was mainly active. The time when the Source of Power was placed in the planetary bowels is also indicated....
...the placement of the Source of Power in the bowels of our planet occurred earlier than this date, i.e., at least 112 thousand years ago,
... There were regions where compensation was only insignificant, and in these regions the Dark Forces began to gain the upper hand, turning people into slaves, into “biorobots.”
There were regions where the Source of Power not only neutralized the evolutionary difference, but also created favorable evolutionary conditions."

"Like the Source of Life, it gives strength to everyone
people, Gods and various plants.
What does he reveal in the Essence of everyone,
what gifts does he bestow on life...
He reveals hidden powers in the Gods,
empowers people according to their thoughts..."

"... In the area of ​​the X"Aryan Sea there was one of such zones, according to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas. ... For the Slavic-Aryans, these places were sacred much earlier."

By the way, there have been attempts in history by enemies to find this SOURCE.

One such attempt took place just when the Northern army was returning home from Dravidia.
But always, at all times, such attempts have been stopped, are being stopped and will be stopped. For every secret has its own “shelf life”, its KEEPERS and the Person to whom the ancient secret is revealed.
What I once again became convinced of myself after the publication of the beginning of this material, I will say about it below, but for now I will continue the selection of excerpts:


"This happened in that distant time
When Rasa was returning from Dravidia.
They returned to their Belovodye,
To the native hearths and to the Source of Life.
For a long time the Race walked past rare villages,
Koi met in that ancient Arimia.
After all, Slava once lived among the Arims
And the Gods visited the Celestial Land...."

"And so, returning to our native mansions,
Dark news came from the Native Side.
The enemies secretly invaded the borders
Destroying the Shrines near the Aryan Sea.
so that the Rasichi will forever lose their strength..."

Note: Arimia (Great Dragon, Celestial Empire) in those days was called the Great Country of the Yellow People - Ancient China.
Consequently, the Northern army from Dravidia to the Haari Sea actually moved along the borders with Ancient China.
Well, is the enemy’s plan now clear? It’s simple: deprive the battle-weary army of the Source of Power - and you’ll see, there would be a chance to take revenge. But...

“Six days later, the sent knights reached the ruined and burned ancient sanctuary. Seven circles - 112 knights rushed in pursuit.”

"Seven circles hastily rushed on their way
tirelessly racing on golden-maned horses.
Six days later, BY THE X'ARYAN SEA,
We saw a fire in the ancient sanctuary.
They piled all the bodies of those killed on the floors,
and the sacred fire was lit according to ritual.
Having performed a funeral feast for the defenders of the Light,
Two squads rushed to search for enemies.
One was headed by Irislav the Many-Wise,
and distant knights were next to him.
Their detachment strove to reach the EASTERN LANDS,
There the Rasichs found traces of the enemy,
leading to the ancient SOURCE OF LIFE.
But the enemy did not see those treasured paths,
along which the Magi walked to the Source."

“It turns out that the knights overtook the enemies in the valley, between Lake Baikal and the Yablonov Ridge. The rest of the knights, led by Darislav, walked along the ridge along the only paths known to them and cut off the path of retreat for the enemy. The Rasichs knew all the passages through the ridge, and they knew where the enemies would run after the blow of Irislav’s knights.
The surviving enemies were met and destroyed.
It is curious that after the defeat of the Sanctuary, the raiders went in search of an exit to the Source of Life, could not find it, and were overtaken by Irislav’s knights.
Thus, the Third Message indicates the approximate location of the exit of this Source to the surface (most likely very powerful) - in the valley lying southeast of Lake Baikal and north of the slopes Apple Ridge"

Note: The location of the SOURCE OF POWER indicated by N. Levashov almost coincides with my information. It’s just that Levashov clearly copied the outlines of Lake Baikal from modern maps, although, in general, he was faced with a completely different task. Meanwhile, the formation of Baikal continues to this day, scientists know this, the terrain will change more than once.

My search for information led me to the local history department of the Central Library of the Selenginsky District of Buryatia. There I found what I had been looking for for so long.

"Once upon a time, 4-5 thousand years ago, the lowlands of the Selenga region with its lakes were most likely part of Lake Baikal.", and just at its southern end.
And “the topographic relief of the area was different from the modern one.”
Then the time came when the water left, leaving a small swamp, i.e. The Khaari Sea was rapidly shallowing.

There are more reliable facts about this, as well as about the fact that then, simultaneously with a further new increase in the water level of Baikal to the modern level, the lakes of the Selenga region of Buryatia were filled with water.
Somewhere there is even an underground channel from the lakes of the Selenga region to Baikal (at least from two of them: Lake Gusinoye, the second largest after Lake Baikal, and Lake Shchuchye. Lake Shchuchye also has identical microflora to Baikal.).
And, despite the difference in altitude, the chemical composition of the water of these lakes in the mid-20th century was identical to that of Baikal. It is also of interest that from time immemorial these places have been considered sacred.

Here is one excerpt from the “History of the Selenginsky District”:

“The Moldavian boyar Nikolai Spafariy, the Dutchman E.I. Eades, the German scientists I.G. Gmelin and G.F. Miller, Johann Georgi and many others visited the land of Selenga and left their memories. In 1830-1832, under under the leadership of Shilling Pavel Lvovich, a Russian inventor and orientalist, a large scientific expedition to Eastern Siberia took place. Shilling visited the temple on Goose Lake. When describing Goose Lake, its sacredness is constantly noted. The French explorer Labbe Paul, who specially came to get acquainted with the datsan and lamas, reported : "... on the shore of Goose Lake, which the Mongols... call the Sacred Lake, there is the monastery of Bandido Hambo Lama." (We are talking about the famous Tamchinsky datsan). Popov I.P. writes: "When we began to descend from the mountain, a landscape unfolded before us wide valley with blue lake... Many geese, ducks and other birds nest in the reeds of the lake. Lamas ask not to shoot this game, because... The lakes here are considered sacred."

From everything I found (here I publish only a part), it is logical to conclude that the Northern Army could be located, according to the modern map, only in the Selenga region of Buryatia, because:

1) the southern tip of the Haari Sea was exactly here 4000 years ago, and
2) somewhere here in those days there was an exit of the Source of Power to the surface of the Earth.

All that remains is to try to find traces of this site so that the last doubts disappear. That's what I do. By the way, we managed to find something, but this information is more likely for professionals.

Remember in the middle of this page when I said about Guardians?
In the process of my search for real evidence, after the publication of the first materials, I was found by an elderly man who called himself Vedagora, Guardian of the path to the Crystal of Knowledge.

He not only confirmed my information, but also supplemented it with details, which I will not present here.

As he said, they have been waiting for three summers (it looks like it’s me) and now it has come true.
This man is not alone. So it happens - for almost three years, only precaution prevented me from taking on the secret of the crystal stone, although I really wanted to. I guessed and later only became convinced of how invaluable this material is. I had to convey this secret to you - and today I give the last thing that can be given openly.

We can already say openly: What foreigners have been looking for for thousands of years in the mountains of Tibet and in India, and then at the bottom of Lake Baikal - this ancient artifact has been waiting in the wings for 4000 years in the Selenga region of Buryatia.

And for those who still don’t understand why they were looking in the wrong place, let me explain.
India - understandable, because the main events took place there. But there remains more evidence that the Priests of the Northern Army took the flash stone with them.

When this was revealed, all the evidence was confiscated (the last one was when India was a British colony), and the search began in mountainous Tibet, because it was there that the “headquarters” of the Northern Aryan Army was located, and there was a general gathering there before returning home.
It was believed that somewhere in Tibet the ancient flash drive was hidden or was still being kept as a holy relic.
This was the most logical thing, which is why the search took so long there. But everything that was found turned out to be WRONG.

The priests of the North knew their business - the secret was kept for a long time, until the twentieth century.
Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, it was Academician A.V. Barchenko who was the first to get the ball rolling; he finally reached Lake Baikal.

Barchenko died in 1938, but a trace remained somewhere.
Already on April 26, 1939, two men in the uniform of NKVD officers entered a remote Transbaikal taiga hut.

The elderly woman was shot immediately, and her husband was interrogated for two days and then, having achieved nothing, he was finished off.
The son, returning from hunting, found the very end. He could not save his father, but the killers were not far from the well-aimed bullets of an experienced hunter... Having buried his parents, the son waited a long time for his arrest. But no one came for him. The last thing he heard through the wide open door was how these two demanded that their half-dead father give them no more and no less than the STONE FROM ORION...
So Vedagor told me about his father and grandfather...

Sorry, I can’t give you more details...

Very interesting sights and educational information about the majestic Lake Baikal, which is known throughout the world as one of the most mysterious and mysterious places on our planet. I recommend reading it.


Cape Ryty is located on the western shore of Lake Baikal, opposite the widest point of the lake. For the local population, this place is sacred and forbidden to visit. Under no circumstances does any of the natives agree to land here on the shore.
Some believe that there was once an ancient city on this site, as evidenced by the artificial stone wall. Others talk about an increased radioactive background. To this day, ancient prohibitions are observed on Rytoy: you cannot cut down a tree or shoot an animal, otherwise the local spirit will be disturbed.
There are no trees and no settlements on the cape, single boats sail past without moistening to the shore, there is no road reaching this place, and there is not even a path along the coast. For unknown reasons, a taboo was imposed on visiting the cape by the local population, and this ban still applies in our time. Residents studiously avoid visiting it, calling it a cursed place, but when they talk, they can tell many mysterious stories associated with this sacred area. It is worth adding that this cape is part of the territory of the Baikal-Lena Nature Reserve, and in order to land here, you need special permission from the administration. The reserve regime, combined with local shamanic prohibitions on visiting the sacred cape, did their job: only rare individuals dare to go deep into the gorge, and their stories about the mysteries of Ryty turned it into the main anomalous place on Lake Baikal. In recent years, many legends have been formed around this area. Branch fault of the river gorge. Rita has anomalous features, and since ancient times, visiting it has been taboo by local residents. There are no big reasons to violate these prohibitions now; there is no point simply for the sake of curiosity to enter a “terrible and sacred place” where angry gods live, the sons of the deity Ukher, who send strong winds and cast spells on visitors to their home. Shamanic spells still operate in our time; this is easy to verify by tracking the fate of people who violated the centuries-old ban and entered the gorge. Many of them died prematurely and suddenly. According to local customs, you cannot drive past this place without honoring the spirits of Ryty.


At the source of the Angara River there is a rock protruding in the middle of the river. In ancient times, local residents of the Angara region endowed the Shaman Stone with miraculous powers. According to ancient beliefs, this was the habitat of the owner of the Angara - Ama Sagaan noyon. Particularly important shamanic rituals took place on the Shaman Stone, oaths were taken here and prayers were made in order to remove a false accusation or defend one’s honor; a criminal was brought here at night and left alone over a cold, freezing stream, so that by morning he would confess to his crime. If by morning , the water did not take him away, if he did not die from fear and the freezing breath of Lake Baikal, he was forgiven. Evidence of the veneration of the sacred stone is the bottom strewn with coins around the Shaman Stone.


Cape Khoboy (in Buryat khoboy means “fang, molar”) is the northernmost cape on Olkhon Island. The spectacular columnar rock, reminiscent of a sharp fang in appearance, from the sea side, has a pronounced resemblance to the profile of a female head with a bust, as on ancient Greek galleys from the east and west.
The local name for the rock is Virgo. There is a Buryat legend, according to which this is a petrified Buryat woman who, out of envy of her husband, asked the Tengris for the same palace as the one granted to her husband. Tengrii with the words: “As long as there is evil and envy on earth, you will be a stone” - they turned it into a rock.
Cape Khoboy has now been chosen by various spiritual schools as a place of meditation. On its northern side, these “representatives” did not hesitate to leave a legacy, leaving in the most prominent place the Roerich sign - a red circle with three dots inside. But the true, hidden sign of the island is not this at all. As a symbol of shamanic legends, on the northern edge of the monolithic rock, not visible from land and falling into the water, at a height inaccessible to humans, two huge eagle nests are stacked in the crevices of the cape. According to Buryat legends, the first person to receive the shamanic gift was the son of the formidable master-spirit of Olkhon Island, who lived in the form of a bald eagle. The veneration of this bird as the spirit of the island has survived to this day.

Cape Khoboy is associated with a legend about a dragon, which, flying over the sacred lake, dropped its fang. Having fallen on Khoboy, the fang of the mythological animal went deep into the ground, leaving a characteristic mark on the outlines of the island. Some scientists suggest that this legend is associated with memories of the fall of a certain cosmic body (possibly a small meteorite) that happened many thousands of years ago. It was precisely such a local catastrophe that could have caused the strong geomagnetic activity manifested in this part of Olkhon. Parapsychologists who often visit Khoboy note a constant powerful release of astral energy in the area of ​​the cape, which is associated with numerous cases of the appearance of ghostly substances here. Local residents claim that sometimes on the cape you can meet the spirits of your dead ancestors or even see your own previous incarnations. The spirit of the White shaman emerging from the waters of Lake Baikal became especially famous. It is believed that seeing a spirit is a sign of great luck.
The place is notable for the polyphonic echo that is reflected from the monolithic rock. Rare and relict herbs are found here. In winter, you can explore the grottoes, fabulously decorated with splashed ice and transparent icicles. They are located at the level of the water's edge, their entrances are oriented to the north. In the rocks, at water level, on the cape, there are grottoes up to 22 meters long; they can only be viewed in winter from the ice.


One of the most mysterious Baikal places is the Shamanka rock on Cape Burkhan, consisting of white marble, granite and quartz.
The shaman was previously called the “stone-temple”. The first explorers of Lake Baikal - in particular, the famous Russian explorer Vladimir Obruchev - noted that this place evoked superstitious horror among the Baikal Buryats. No one except the shaman had the right to approach the sacred place. If need forced them, then the horses’ hooves were wrapped in felt and leather so as not to disturb the peace of the owner of Lake Baikal with their clattering noises. Women were supposed to walk around the rock two miles away.
A cave runs right through the Shamanka rock. By the standards of speleologists, it is not that big: it is about 12 meters long, up to 4.5 meters wide, and in some places 6.5 meters high. However, it was this cave that became the center of cult worship.
The Buryats were sure that Ezhin, the owner of Lake Baikal, lived in the cave of the Shaman Rock. Ancient legends tell about 13 northern noyons - the sons of the divine Tengris, who descended from heaven to judge people and chose different places of residence. The eldest and strongest of them, Khan Khute-baabay, settled in the cave of the Shaman Rock.

According to the testimony of residents of the village of Khunzhir, located near Cape Burkhan, for centuries the cave was visited by shamans of many peoples who inhabited ancient Siberia. Priests of pagan religions performed rituals in the cave related to the cleansing of ancestral karma and the removal of curses; falling into a trance, they were able to contemplate pictures of the past and future.


Since time immemorial, Bogatyr, the cape of the largest Baikal island, Olkhon, has been of great attraction for the servants of shamanic cults. The ancient name of the cape - Fiery - is due to the fact that the first Russian travelers who sailed to the island at the end of the 16th century unexpectedly saw a huge pillar of fire shooting up in front of them from the Baikal waters to the sky. The fiery wall seemed to prevent foreigners from entering the sacred land of the island. A similar phenomenon on the Cape was noted from time to time later.
According to the words of the Buryat shaman Weirbek, it is known that at Cape Bogatyr it is customary to perform rituals associated with the spell of the elements of power: fire, wind and water. Until the first quarter of the 20th century, it was customary among the leaders and elders of local tribes and villages to bring newborn male babies to the Cape. It was believed that once in this place, the future leader or warrior acquired special physical and spiritual strength and received longevity.


Not far from Baikal, on the way to the Tashkiney valley, surrounded by dense forest and hills, there is a small lake Shara-Nur, which means “Yellow Lake” in Buryat. It received this name for the cloudy color of the water, extremely saturated with hydrogen sulfide. For this reason, these days the pond attracts people suffering from joint diseases. They say that the disease disappears without a trace after several baths of the patient in the waters of Shara-Nur. In former times, the local population was afraid to dive into the lake, because they believed that a giant yellow snake, Shara-Kaaya, lived in it.
Local legends say: once upon a time in these parts there lived a brave hero who angered the evil spirit Erkin by not giving him his beautiful sister as his wife. As punishment, the evil spirit turned the hero into a huge snake, commanding him to live forever in the waters of the lake and feed on lake carrion and human flesh. It is believed that this is why the bodies of drowned people are never found in Shara-Nur - they are eaten by Shara-Kaaya. True, according to scientists, Shara-Nur, located more than 100 meters above sea level, is connected to Baikal by a network of underground tunnels, through which the bodies of drowned people escape along with the flowing water. However, even today, local hunters and fishermen claim that they sometimes hear sounds coming from the muddy waters, similar to the growl of an unknown giant creature.


The highest mountain on the territory of the Agin Buryat National District - Alkhanay (1665 m) - is associated with the history of Buddhism and the name of Genghis Khan.
This is one of the Buddhist shrines of the Buryats. At its base is the Temple of the Greater Good. One of the interesting things here is a natural grotto, in the roof of which there is a crack that goes deep into the rock, and water oozes out of it, which is considered healing. Believers drink water and make offerings of grain or coins.
Astrological calculations of Buddhist monks showed that this particular peak is the place where people visit the middle world, the world of the Most High, where the gods live. And the main patron of the highest point of Alkhanaya is the deity Demchog - one of the five main Buddhas, whose name translated from Tibetan means Eternal Good.

Since ancient times, the Buryat and Mongol tribes have spiritualized these places. There are 12 shrines on Alkhanai. The most revered of them is Uuden Sume (Gate Temple). This natural arch in the rock, according to the lamas, forms a channel connecting our world with Shambhala. A meter-high stone parapet surrounds the path along which pilgrims walk to the temple. Pilgrims lift stones from the path and thus make the path easier for those following them. Under the arch there is a suburgan - a small Buddhist stupa built in 1864.


The legendary place associated with the name of the great warrior is the Table of Genghis Khan (“Chinggis khaanay sheree”) in the area between the Ugutere and Barun-Khandagai rivers. It is a huge boulder, on which, according to legend, ancient writings were written. Located in the foothills of Tunkinskie Goltsy, 4 km west of the former Khandagatai datsan. Its dimensions are 8x6x1.5 m, the shape is ovoid below and flat on top.
On the north side there is a “stone chair” measuring 3x1.5 m. A revered place for Buddhist and shamanic rituals by local residents.
The word “sheree” is very important: it is not just a table, but a throne.


Sacred Evenki place. It is located in the central part of the Vitim Plateau, on the eastern edge of the Malo-Amalat depression, on the left bank of the Bagdarinka River. At the foot of the White Mountain is the center of the Bauntovsky Evenki district - the village. Bagdarin. The village is named after the mountain - its Evenki name is Bagda-ure (white mountain).
The height of the mountain is 170 m. It is composed of light gray dolomites, and therefore appears white from a distance. The steep southwestern slope is completely devoid of soil and vegetation. The upper part is decorated with a number of steep, bizarre rock outcrops in the form of towers, pyramids, and pillars.
White Mountain has the status of a sacred place. Since ancient times, prayer rituals have been performed here with sacrifices intended for the majestic and omnipotent spirit of the mountain.


Press - highest point Olkhon is a mountain 1276 meters high above sea level. It is located in the east of the island, on Cape Izhimei.
“Izhimei” has its roots in the word “ezhin,” meaning “master of the area.” The shamanic mythology of the ancients speaks of the god of thunder, the offspring of the Divine Sky itself, who wished to live near the famous Olkhon shaman Nagre-bo. Later, the palace of Mount Zhima passed to a couple of shamans, Ugete-noyon moved closer to the water's edge.
The aborigines honor the mountain and treat it as a shrine. According to legend, gods and spirits lived on Zhima. The top of the mountain was previously crowned by a hut made of wood; there was also a pine hut created by the hands of Olkhon shamans. The embodiment of the spirit of the mountain is a gray-haired and bearded old man. Local residents often told stories about lost travelers who were helped to reach people by an ancient elder.
The ascent and descent of the mountain will take all day, and the trail as such simply does not exist. You will have to walk, picking your way through dense forests and there will be no sources of water on the way. Therefore, it is worth taking the life-giving moisture with you.


A mountain near the village of Tory, Tunkinsky district of Buryatia, north of the Irkut River. Associated with the cult of the sacred ancestor of the representatives of the Buryat tribal union of the Bulagats Bukha Noyon - an earthly deity, patron of the elements of earth and pastures, cattle breeding. The cult of Bukh Noyon was later adopted by the Hongodors. Currently, all Tunka Buryats perform shamanic and Buddhist rituals at this place.


On the right bank of the Anga River, just two kilometers from Lake Baikal, eight kilometers from the village of Elantsy, a dome-shaped mound 42 meters high rises above the valley. The outlines of the mound, composed of gneisses, granite pegmatites, and quartz veins, seem to be man-made, although so far geologists have not found signs indicating that these slabs were brought here by people. There are no characteristic o-cult pyramidal piles of stones on Mount Erd or nearby, which would indicate that in ancient times stones were brought or brought to Mount Erd during some holiday.
Mount Ekhe-Yord is located on the same straight line from Malaya Erdinskaya Sopka to sacred mountain on the shore of Lake Baikal, opposite these two hills, on the rocks on the left side of the Anga River valley, rock paintings depicting animals are well preserved. The antiquity of the drawings is also evidenced by the fact that the lower ones are covered with sedimentary rocks. Ancient drawings include a large number of images of running deer and drawings of horned people.
Here, starting in 2000, after a break of a hundred years, the Festival of the Indigenous Peoples of Baikal (Erdyn Games) is held every four years. Oral traditions about the games were preserved mainly by the Olkhon Buryats. Generalized information about them is as follows. Games were held either once a year, in the spring, in May, when the ground was covered with fresh greenery, or twice a year, in spring and autumn. The main event at the games is the multi-day circular dance Ekhor around the Ekhe Erd hill. To cover the entire perimeter of the hill with dancers, you must have at least 700 participants. When so many people did not gather for the festivities, the games were considered unsuccessful, and those who came left. In accordance with this, and in general, the year was considered unsuccessful, not bringing happiness and benefits to people. When a lot of people gathered, up to 2-3 thousand people, the games took place for several days, and the Ekhor dance was danced around the hills both day and night, and during the holiday the dancers wore out several pairs of shoes. During the holiday, only shamans climbed to the top of Mount Erd; no one else had such a right.


Most of the sacred places of Lake Baikal are located on the legendary Olkhon Island, which is a center of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. Cape Khoboy, Shamanka Rock, Cape Bogatyr, Mount Zhima, and Lake Shara-Nur are located here. On the way to Olkhon Island, crossing the unearthly landscape of the Tazheran steppe, you can turn to the sacred mountain Ekhe-Erdo.
You can get to Lake Olkhon from Irkutsk by car along the Kachugsky tract.
By car: along the Kachugsky tract from Irkutsk through the settlements Oyok, Ust-Ordynsky, Bayandai, Oblique Steppe, Elantsy, Sakhyurte (MRS). The distance to the ferry crossing in the village of Sakhyurte is 250 km along an asphalt road. The ferry service operates daily from 7:30 am to 10:00 pm with an interval of 30 minutes from May to October. From the crossing to the village of Khuzhir, an improved gravel road with a length of 45 km has been laid.
By bus: from May to October to the village. Khuzhir (Olkhon Island) has a regular bus service via the ferry crossing. Departure from Irkutsk daily at 10.00 from the bus station (Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsii str., 11 Bus Station stop, tram No. 4). Travel time 8 hours. In the opposite direction from Khuzhir the bus departs at 8:45 a.m.
By water: you can get to the village of Khuzhir from Irkutsk on the ship “Barguzin”. Departure in the summer (from mid-June) daily at 9.00 from the Raketa pier in the Solnechny microdistrict (Raketa stop, bus No. 16). Travel time 6 hours. VKontakte

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We are in website We simply love secrets, riddles and legends. And Baikal is just a treasure trove of such stories. Many of the local myths border on the crazy, but some of them can be explained scientifically.


More than once during their lives, local residents, when going out on boats to fish, encountered realistic pictures depicting something that should not have been there. The most common mirages are castles, ancient ships and islands. Scientists explain this phenomenon simply: the deep waters of the lake never warm up, remaining cold even in the hot summer, and the air above the surface is warm, which creates resonance. Air layers of different densities refract the sun's rays, which is why pictures are formed. Locals call them “golomenitsa”. This is a phenomenon on Lake Baikal in which it is possible to see objects on the horizon that are actually located 40 kilometers away.


Baikal ice presents scientists with many mysteries. Thus, in the 1930s, specialists from the Baikal Limnological Station discovered unusual forms of ice cover, characteristic only of Lake Baikal. For example, hills are cone-shaped ice hills up to 6 meters high, hollow inside. In appearance, they resemble ice tents, “open” in the direction opposite to the shore. The hills can be located separately, and sometimes form miniature “mountain ranges”.


Not only mirages occur near Olkhon Island, but also an eerie funnel that forms spontaneously regardless of meteorological conditions. To see it, you need to move in a south-eastern direction from the island; about 30 kilometers from it there is a place called the Devil's Funnel. A couple of times a year, it is here that, when there is complete calm, the elements begin to rage, forming a rotating column of water.

Scientists offer several versions of the causes of the phenomenon. One of them is based on the assumption of local dips in the bottom of Lake Baikal with the formation of cavities that quickly fill with water, which leads to the formation of a whirlpool on the surface.

According to another theory, it is at the point where the funnel is formed that a collision of two local countercurrents occurs. The directions and strength of these currents depend on the time of year and weather, so that under certain conditions the water flows move strictly towards each other. This interaction of countercurrents can indeed lead to very powerful whirlpools.

Witch circles

On the road to the salt lake Shara-Nur, 3 kilometers from the western coast of the island, you can encounter an interesting phenomenon - the mysterious Olkhon circles. They appear spontaneously in fields that have never seen arable land. There are no signs of trampling, on the contrary: along the border of a perfectly smooth circle, a strip of richer and taller grass appears - it is especially noticeable on usually dry areas of the ground. Mysterious crop circles are known to people different countries- they even came up with the name “witch circles” because, according to legend, they appear here because of the round dances of witches. Researchers have so far determined that the intensive growth of plants in rings is not associated with soil characteristics or underground water sources.

Rings on ice

Satellite photographs of Lake Baikal spring ice Sometimes you can see dark rings with a diameter of 5-7 kilometers. Such a ring was first seen in a satellite image taken in April 1999. The ring was located opposite Cape Krestovsky (not far from the village of Buguldeika). Presumably, the formation of circles is associated with emissions of natural flammable gas (methane) from the many kilometers of sedimentary layer of the bottom of Lake Baikal. In summer, in such places, bubbles rise from the depths to the surface, and in winter, “steam holes” with a diameter of half a meter to hundreds of meters are formed, where the ice is very thin or completely absent.

Baikal has fascinated many people for centuries. But, at the same time, not every person knows exactly what secrets and wonders this lake keeps. Many researchers who at one time tried to study the secrets of Lake Baikal note that over time there are not fewer of them, but, on the contrary, more and more.

Baikal is one of the most mysterious and mystical places on the ground. There is a very high density of anomalous zones from a physical point of view, a large number of historical monuments and sacred places, which have been worshiped by the local population for many centuries. There are many secrets and incredible events associated with the lake, which do not always have a scientific explanation or are documented.

This review does not aim to confirm or refute the accuracy of media reports, eyewitness accounts, etc. This is a kind of encyclopedia of Baikal secrets and wonders. Which of them is true and which is the fruit of someone’s imagination, inspired by the beauty of Lake Baikal, is for the audience to judge.


More than once during their lives, local residents, when going out on boats to fish, encountered realistic pictures depicting something that should not have been there. The most common mirages are castles, ancient ships and islands. Scientists explain this phenomenon simply: the deep waters of the lake never warm up, remaining cold even in the hot summer, and the air above the surface is warm, which creates resonance. Air layers of different densities refract the sun's rays, which is why pictures are formed. Locals call them "golomenitsa". This is a phenomenon on Lake Baikal in which it is possible to see objects on the horizon that are actually located 40 kilometers away.

Baikal ice presents scientists with many mysteries. Thus, in the 1930s, specialists from the Baikal Limnological Station discovered unusual forms of ice cover, characteristic only of Lake Baikal. For example, hills are cone-shaped ice hills up to 6 meters high, hollow inside. In appearance, they resemble ice tents, “open” in the direction opposite to the shore. The hills can be located separately, and sometimes form miniature “mountain ranges”.


Not only mirages occur near Olkhon Island, but also an eerie funnel that forms spontaneously regardless of meteorological conditions. To see it, you need to move in a south-eastern direction from the island; about 30 kilometers from it there is a place called the Devil's Funnel. A couple of times a year, it is here that, when there is complete calm, the elements begin to rage, forming a rotating column of water.

Scientists offer several versions of the causes of the phenomenon. One of them is based on the assumption of local dips in the bottom of Lake Baikal with the formation of cavities that quickly fill with water, which leads to the formation of a whirlpool on the surface.

According to another theory, it is at the point where the funnel is formed that a collision of two local countercurrents occurs. The directions and strength of these currents depend on the time of year and, so that under certain conditions the water flows move strictly towards each other. This interaction of countercurrents can indeed lead to very powerful whirlpools.

Witch circles

On the road to the salt lake Shara-Nur, 3 kilometers from the western coast of the island, you can encounter an interesting phenomenon - the mysterious Olkhon circles. They appear spontaneously in fields that have never seen arable land. There are no signs of trampling, on the contrary: along the border of a perfectly smooth circle, a strip of richer and taller grass appears - it is especially noticeable on usually dry areas of the ground. Mysterious crop circles are known to the peoples of different countries - they even came up with the name “witch circles” Since, according to legend, they appear here because of the round dances of witches. Researchers have so far determined that the intensive growth of plants in rings is not associated with soil characteristics or underground water sources.

Rings on ice

In satellite images of Lake Baikal, dark rings with a diameter of 5-7 kilometers can sometimes be seen on the spring ice. Such a ring was first seen in a satellite image taken in April 1999. The ring was located opposite Cape Krestovsky (not far from the village of Buguldeika). Presumably, the formation of circles is associated with emissions of natural flammable gas (methane) from the many kilometers of sedimentary layer of the bottom of Lake Baikal. In summer, in such places, bubbles rise from the depths to the surface, and in winter, “steam holes” with a diameter of half a meter to hundreds of meters are formed, where the ice is very thin or completely absent.

Dragon Fang

According to legend, one day a dragon flew over the lake and dropped its fang over the island of Olkhon. The fang fell on Cape Khoboy, pierced deep into the ground, leaving a clear imprint in it. Locals believe that this is their amulet. However, scientists are convinced that the depression was formed due to the fall of a cosmic body.

Glowing water

The glow of Baikal water was discovered by the leading researcher at the Irkutsk Institute of Physics and Technology, Viktor Dobrynin, back in 1982. Research shows that almost any water is a source of light. But, for example, distilled glows weakly. The one from the tap fades quickly. And the most intense glow is in Baikal. Here it can last a month. To catch light streams invisible to the eye, highly sensitive devices that were specially created are used. Studies have also shown that the glow of water is non-uniform and loses intensity at depth, and its brightness decreases from November to mid-January.