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What is the highest mountain in Australia? The highest mountain in Australia. highest point in australia highest mountain in australia name

Australia is the most mysterious continent covered with legends. Even some couple of hundred years ago, they knew about him only from legends and did not suspect about his beauty. Very surprising for Europeans was the fact that the seasons in Australia are diametrically opposed to the usual ones.

And everything that is connected with this small continent is interesting and unusual, ranging from landscape features to the richness of flora and fauna. The highest mountain in Australia is also no ordinary. Perhaps, for a sophisticated inhabitant of the foothills, it will not seem like something grandiose, but it cannot be deprived of its charm and unusualness.

Despite the fact that the Australian continent is mostly dominated by plains, there are also mountain landscapes. The East Australian Mountains and the Great Dividing Range stretch for three and a half thousand kilometers. They picturesquely go around the mainland, turning it into a deep green bowl.

The highest mountain in Australia is located in the Australian Alps. The average height of the peaks of this massif reaches seven hundred meters. Only in one place do mountains rise more than two thousand meters. The highest peak in Australia is Mount Kosciuszko, which has a height of two thousand two hundred twenty-eight meters.

Since the adjacent hills are slightly smaller than it, there is not much difference. Nevertheless, this mountain peak is very harmonious and picturesque. There is snow at the very top for six months of the year, and the temperature reaches minus ten degrees. But, despite the external severity, this mountain range is very picturesque.

This peak gained its fame in 1840. It was discovered by the Polish explorer Count Strzelecki. The name of the mountain is also symbolic, it received it in honor of Tadeusz Kosciuszko, a Polish hero who is also widely known in Belarus and America.

It is hard to imagine that earlier the neighboring peak was called Mount Kosciuszko. This lasted until those times, until they found out that it was twenty meters lower than the neighboring one. Then the mountains changed names, and everything fell into place.

The local population, which is very small on the continent, only one and a half percent, believe that the highest mountain in Australia is a sacred place and is called Tar Gan Zhil.

Mount Kosciuszko is one of the seven highest peaks that climbers seek to conquer.

Winter sports on this peak are accompanied by beautiful views that open from the highest point.

The highest mountain in Australia attracts tourists from many countries who visit it and admire the landscapes that stretch at the foot and for many kilometers around.

Most of Australia, of course, is occupied by plains, lowlands and plateaus. However, there are also mountains on the mainland that are located in the eastern part Green Continent.

Mountains of Australia unusual and varied, but relatively low and occupy only about 5% of the total area of ​​the mainland.

If you are interested in what mountains are located in Australia, then you need to know that on the Green Continent there are East Australian mountains, which start from the north of Cape York and end on the island of Tasmania.

Besides, Great Dividing Range is located on the mainland, dividing parts of the continent.

He formed millions of years ago and plays an important role in creating the climate of the mainland, the history of its colonization and the development of the animal world of the continent.

On average, the peaks of the eastern coast of Australia rise 700 meters above sea level, but there are also maximum points. Eg, Mount Kosciuszko, whose height is 2228 meters. The minimum height of the mountains is observed in the northern part, and in the south the mountains are wide and high.

Because of this, Australia interesting not only for tourists who want to visit exotic nature with unique flora and fauna, but also for lovers of extreme recreation, namely climbers who conquer the peaks of this country.

To understand how unusual the landscape of Australia is and how diverse the highlands can be within the same country, we invite you to know about the ten highest mountains in Australia.

Mount Bishop and Clerk and Mount Gower

Mount Australia called Bishop and Clerk is located in the northern part of the country and is the highest point of the island called Middle Hill. mountain height 324 meters.

The mountain got its name because it looks like a bishop carrying a miter. The most popular tourist route in the area is the Bishop and Clerk Mountain Hike, which takes three to five hours and is 12 km round trip.

It is important to know! Bishop's and Clerk Mountain has been named one of the top 10 best day trips on the Green Continent by Australian Traveler magazine.

Mount Gower or Mount Gower is a tall mountain in Australia, which is a landmark and the highest elevation of the volcanic mysterious island of Lord Howe, which is approximately 20 million years old. The mountain is also known as the Big Hill, and its height is 875 meters.

Conquer Mount Guaer, which Lord Howe Island is proud of, is loved by tourists who prefer to relax through hiking. Moreover, you do not need to have special climbing skills to climb to the top of Mount Gover. The route is more than eight hours and is a real test of endurance.

Mount Warning

Mount Warning is located in the center of Byron Bay and dominates 1159 meters.

The hill is also known as Vollumbin. The mountain is an ancient extinct volcano.

Mountain climbers come here from March to November, since at this time the ascent to the top of Mount Warning is most favorable in terms of weather conditions.

To get to the top of Wollumbin, you need not only to be in good physical shape, but also to be excellent. know the technical rules of rock climbing.

In addition, travelers it will be interesting not only climbing to the top of Mount Warning, but also the surroundings of this extinct volcano. There are a number of national parks and protected areas, including the UNESCO site - Lamington National Park.

St. Mary's Peak

St. Mary's Peak, or as it is also called St. Mary's Peak, falls under the category of large mountains of Australia and is one of the highest peaks in South Australia. St. Mary's Peak rises at 1171 meters above sea level, and the mountain is located on the northwestern side of the Villepena Pound valley.

St. Mary's Peak is part of the Flinders Rangers National Park. You can climb to the top of Mount St. Mary's Peak along a short 7-kilometer trail or a long one - internal trail over 20 km long.

Attention! The trails leading to the top of Mount St. Mary's Peak are difficult to pass and require some training and experience, so not every tourist can go through them.

In the culture of local indigenous people, St. Mary's Peak plays a special role. Aboriginal people believe that the peak of the mountain is the head of the ancient snake Akurra, whose body turned to stone, forming the northeast wall of Villepin Pound.

Mount Kosciuszko and other high mountains of Australia

Mount Kosciuszko in Australia was discovered in 1839. Its height is 2228 meters.

Unlike Mount Warning, it is best to climb to the top of Kosciuszko November to March.

This elevation is one of the most attractive tourist locations, as it is very convenient to climb and enjoy the view from the mountain.

There are several routes that do not require special preparation and every traveler can master them.

In addition to the above-mentioned hills of the Green Continent, the massive oval-shaped rock of orange-brown color is also famous all over the world. Mount Uluru in Australia, which is located in the center of the country. Its height is 348 meters.

Also worth noting are the following high mountains of australia that boast beautiful views:

  • A mountain that is an extinct Ngungun volcano with a height of 253 meters;
  • Mount Pyramid Walsh height 922 m, which is the main attraction of the Vurunuran National Park;
  • Mount Barney with a height of 1372 meters, which is located in the southeastern part of Queensland;
  • Jagged Cradle Mountain with a height of 1545 meters on the island of Tasmania;
  • Mount Feathertop with a height of 1922 meters in Alpine National Park.

Interestingly, the mountains of Australia diverse in their landscape and nature. Some of the heights of the Green Continent are burnt out volcanoes, others are rocks with a history of more than 20 million years, others are picturesque cliffs with rich flora and fauna.

One way or another, climbers and hikers from all over the world come to the mainland and its islands to feel the primevalness and danger of primeval nature.

Many travelers strive to visit the most entertaining places in the country where they go. These include the highest point of this mainland - Mount Kosciuszko.

Where is the highest peak in Australia located?

Mount Kosciuszko is located in the south of the mainland, in the state of New South Wales, near the border of the state of Victoria. There is the Australian Alps mountain system, of which this peak is a part. The height of the highest point is 2228 m, but it does not differ much from the nearest mountains, since they are not much lower than it.

On the map of the mainland of Australia, the highest point of this continent can be found at the coordinates: 36.45 ° south latitude and 148.27 ° east longitude.

Mount Kosciuszko is part of the national park of the same name. On its territory, tourists are interested in huge lakes and thermal pools, the water temperature in which is constantly kept at + 27 ° C, as well as beautiful alpine landscapes. Despite the fact that this national park is recognized by UNESCO as a reserve of the biosphere, as it is home to many rare species of plants and animals, a large number of excursions are organized around it.

You can get to Mount Kosciuszko only by private transport or as part of an organized tour. This is due to the fact that regular buses do not go to those places where you should climb to the top on foot (Charlotte's Pass) or by cable car (Threadbo village).

History of the tallest mountain in Australia

The Australian indigenous people (Aborigines) called this mountain Tar-Gan-Zhil for many centuries and treated it as a shrine, so no one just went there. This rule still exists for them, but there are very few of them left on the Green Continent.

The current name of the peak (Kosciuszko) appeared thanks to the Polish traveler Pawel Edmund Strzelski. It was he who discovered in 1840 the two highest peaks standing side by side, and decided to name the highest point in Australia after the freedom fighter of the Polish people - General Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

But during the ascent of Strzelski on the mountain, a curious incident occurred. Since he climbed a neighboring mountain (now called Townsland), which is 18 meters lower than the highest point in Australia. This error occurred because in those days there were no instruments capable of measuring height accurately, but the sizes of mountains were estimated visually. Therefore, then this peak was called Kosciuszko.

Then, when the height of the mountains was measured, it turned out that the neighboring one was higher. The state government decided to change the names of the peaks, because their discoverer really wanted the highest point in Australia to bear the name of the Polish revolutionary and the hero of the struggle for freedom in the United States.

Due to the peculiarities of writing the name of the mountain in Latin letters, the Australians call this peak in their own way: Koziosko, Kozyuosko, etc. Mount Kosciuszko, as it is the most the highest point of one of the continents of the planet Earth, is included in the list of the highest peaks in the world. It is often visited by climbers and ski lovers. The former often come during the Australian summer (this is from November to March according to our calendar), and the latter - in winter (from May to September).

The ascent to its top is well equipped, there is a convenient road and a modern lift, so you do not need special skills to conquer it. This is also facilitated by the gentleness of its slopes, the absence of large crevices from the cliffs, as well as large vegetation. But the lack of difficulty during the ascent is compensated by the magnificent landscape that opens from the top of Mount Kosciuszko.

The mysterious country “on the other side” of the globe has broken many world records in various industries. Australia is the only state that occupies the entire continent; it still has the longest fence (more than 5 and a half thousand kilometers; built to protect against the largest pasture in the country (34 thousand sq. Km); it owns the longest reef - the Great Barrier; Australia is the only continent where it does not have the most poisonous snakes; this continent is the lowest of the existing ones ... The list can be continued for a long time. The question of which mountain in Australia is the highest can be answered, but the highest peak in the world in another transcription ) is not. However, he distinguished himself among others, equal.

Where is located in Australia

Since it is already clear which mountain in Australia is the highest, let's figure out where it is located. In the southeast of the mainland, there are the Australian Alps, which themselves represent the highest Australian ridge and include the highest Australian mountain - Kosciuszko Peak. Its height reaches 2228 m.

In addition to being a popular ski resort, these places are known for cattle breeding, both breeding and slaughter. From here come the largest deliveries of lamb and fine wool. The dams, lakes and hydroelectric stations included in the Snowy River project contribute a considerable share to the welfare of the state.

Funny cases with the name

The beginning of the story with the name of the peak was quite standard: a Polish explorer by the name of Strzelecki, who was the first to climb the peak and decided that it was the highest in Australia, named it after Andrzej Kosciuszko, who became a national hero not only of the traveler's homeland - Poland, but also of the USA, Belarus and Lithuania, and besides, an honorary citizen of France. However, some time later it turned out that the neighboring rock is higher, albeit only 20 meters. Out of respect for the hero of several countries, the names were reversed. So earlier Kosciuszko Peak was called Mount Townsend.

And that's not all curiosities with the name of the summit! Before it received its modern name, it was called Tar-Gan-Zhil and was considered sacred. Some residents still mention the old name. In addition, they pronounce the new as they read - Koziosko, from the English spelling Kosciusko.

What is remarkable about the peak

It is no longer interesting which mountain in Australia is the highest, it is more important that it is located in the Australian Alps. And this mountain system is famous for the fact that it snows much more than in Switzerland. Therefore, among tourists, skiers are primarily interested in Kosciuszko Peak. Although people who are indifferent to this sport were not left offended: you can ride the lift to the top, admiring the magnificent scenery, or you can take a hiking tour along a convenient and safe road.

It is an integral part of the National Park bearing the same name. A pleasant part of the park are numerous thermal pools and lakes, warm even in the snowy season. So lovers of swimming do not neglect this opportunity.

Geographic paradox

In fact, it is not entirely correct to ask which mountain in Australia is the highest. Do not forget that the country occupies not only the mainland, it also owns the islands surrounding it. And if you do not share them with the continental part, it turns out that the largest mountain in Australia is a snow-covered volcano called Mawson Peak, which is located on Heard Island. The island itself lies between Africa and Australia in the Indian Ocean. And the volcano has a height of 2745 meters, which is more than half a kilometer higher than the "growth" of the Kosciuszko peak.