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Scenario for children about Baikal event. Extra-curricular event "Sacred Baikal"





Baikal Day Scenario

Bolshoye Goloustnoye.

Before the start of the holiday, cheerful music sounds, stands are decorated,

exhibition of arts and crafts of residents

Goloustnensky municipal district.

The melody of the song "Glorious Sea, Sacred Baikal" sounds -

This is the signal for the start of the holiday.

Sounds like phonogram and everyone sings a song

"Glorious sea, sacred Baikal" (1 verse and 1 chorus).

1 led: I love sacred lake

Transparent sea Baikal

He is very powerful, wide

Spread among the rocks.

2 Vedas: If minor anxieties showered from your soul after meeting with an ordinary earthly miracle, it means that you met with Baikal.

And we have gathered to experience tenderness and pride for our unique, inimitable land.

The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Head of the Goloustnensky Municipal Formation Zhukova Olga Mikhailovna.

1 led: Motherland begins with memory,

With reverence for their origins

From the coat of arms, the anthem, the Russian banner

With respect for the precepts of the saints.

2 Vedas: Today is an unusual day, today the streets of our country look more elegant than ever. Because today Russia celebrates the day of the national flag! All countries of the world, all states that exist on earth have their own flags. They are a hallmark. The national flag is the history of the country and its present day. A symbol of the unity of the country and the independence of our people. The national flag is raised during solemn events, holidays, and at this time the Anthem of the Russian Federation is always played. And now, under the banner of the Russian Federation, STILL!

(The child solemnly takes out the flag).

After that, the Anthem of the Russian Federation is played.

1 led: We have many guests at the party. The floor for congratulations is given to the chairman of the Irkutsk regional public organization "All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature" Shlyonova Vera Mikhailovna.

The word is given by ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


1 led: The ringing of bells floats over Russia

This chime does not give us rest

Conquers the soul, orders to think.

The word for congratulations is given to priest Sergius, rector of the church of St. Nicholas in the village of Bolshoye Goloustnoye.

2 Vedas: Holy Sea!

Dear Baikal!

There is no equal to you

You sunk into my soul.

1 led: You look around - and the soul is easy

And in the heart - a song

So, freely, widely

And sweetly the song about the native land is sung

And the blood boils and the heart beats proudly,

And with joy you listen to the sound of words:

“I am the daughter of Baikal,

Here is the land of my fathers.

The folklore ensemble "Baikal - Dalai!"

(Sounds a song about Baikal).

2 Vedas: Native Baikal, I live by you alone,

I draw strength from you

I breathe with you.

(The song "Gremi Baikal" sounds.

Music Knyazev. Korchagin's words).

1 led: The sun laughs softly

Shines brighter, hotter

And from the stage the song flows

About my side.

(The song ___________________________________ sounds).

2 ved : There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding pulling hands

Against the sun and winds.

He brought at any time of the day,

Open for us in the heat and chill.

Come in here, be a sensitive heart,

Don't desecrate her shrines.

1 led: What can each of you do?

2 Vedas: First, do not pollute the environment.

1 led: Antoine de Saint-Exupery has this rule: “I got up in the morning, washed myself, put myself in order, immediately put my planet in order.”

2 Vedas: (cleaning the shore of Baikal) _______________________________________


We would like to express our gratitude for participation in the project activities for the protection of the nature of Lake Baikal: These are Mangaskina Faina Petrovna, Kozlova Lyudmila Pavlovna, Zvonova Olga Anatolyevna, Chikalina Larisa Glebovna. Thank you for devoting a lot of time to the protection of Lake Baikal and for shaping a responsible attitude towards nature in our children.

The floor is given to Faina Petrovna Mangaskina.

2 Vedas: Our children study the secrets of the nature of the Baikal region at the lessons of "Baikal studies", "Ecological tourism". The school pays a lot of attention to environmental issues. The guys write projects, participate in various competitions, promotions.

The floor is given to the Deputy Head of the Goloustnensky Municipal Formation Zhukova Olga Mikhailovna.

(Gives gratitude to the director of the school).

1 led: Lake Baikal - the joy of the whole Earth

It is better not to find beauty in the world,

This is a mirror of happiness, love

Please take care of him!

Don't let him offend anyone

Even to my best friend

Protect him like your own mother

And love how expensive the area is.

Baikal will remain forever in our hearts.

With its beauty, it will captivate people forever.

The second part.

"War in People's Memory".

(The melody of military songs sounds).

2 Vedas: Today is a holiday on Baikal,

And the soul is light, but for this day to come

The people who live here have to work hard.

1 led: During the Great Patriotic War

132 warriors stood up for the defense of the Motherland,

56 gave their lives for her.

(The melody "REQUIEM" sounds).

1 led: It's not true that from that war,

Only grave mounds remain

She is alive as long as we are alive.

And twenty years have passed

And forty years have passed

And seventy passed

But we did not warm up from that war

We are merged with her memory and heart.

2 Vedas: And of course, on this festive day, we cannot but congratulate our veteran Vasily Andreevich Belozertsev. Dear Vasily Andreevich, health to you and a peaceful sky above your head!

1 led: There was no war here

To burn bread and huts,

There was no war here.

Where would the soldiers fall.

But there was a war

No easier than that bloody one.

But there was a war

Where the women mowed

But there was a war

But there was a war

Where the boys plowed

But there was a war

where they also died.

2 Vedas: The Labor Front helped to forge the Great Victory. And we would like to note the merits and congratulate our home front workers and widows of the Great Patriotic War. It:

    Arefieva Pelageya Andreevna

    Barkhokova Uliana Vasilievna

    Burzaeva Ustinya Buzaevna

    Bardanova Pelageya Petrovna

    Bardanova Alexandra Butukhanovna

    Bortosova Olga Buzaevna

    Belozertseva Agrafena Mikhailovna

    Bortosova Uliana Ivanovna

    Bakhaeva Tatyana Trofimovna

    Bakhaev Petr Alekseevich

    Grigorieva Maria Egorovna

    Galkin Alexey Ivanovich

    Mikhailova Vera Iosifovna

    Manzheev Nikolay Prokopevich

    Petcheev Egor Alekseevich

    Putilova Tamara Ivanovna

    Strekalovskaya Raisa Petrovna

    Bortosova Dora Alekseevna

    Imideeva Fedor Prokopyevna.

1 led: Please accept from us a musical number in honor of the Baikal Day holiday.

The third part

"Good people live on Baikal."

(The melody "My Village" sounds).

1 led: Good people live on Baikal.

They decorate it with their deeds,

I will walk around the village, what is not a house is a toy.

2 Vedas: The owner and the hostess are trying

They are going to the competition.

The floor for summing up the results of the competitions "Best Estate", "Best Palisade" is given to the Deputy Head of the Goloustnensky Municipal Formation Zhukova Olga Mikhailovna (1. Diplomas for the Best Estate; 2. Diplomas for the Best Palisade; 3. Thanks to the sponsors; 4. Thanks for participating in exhibitions of bouquets, crafts, newspapers and photographs).

Block of amateur performances.

Musical numbers.


Fourth part.


1 led: The Baikal land is famous for its heroes!

We invite the heroes to measure their strength.

2 Vedas: The competition "Baikal Bogatyr" is announced. What is a holiday without a national wrestling (The venue is announced, the judge, participants are introduced. Then competitions are held in lifting weights, tug of war, arm wrestling (male and female), volleyball).

The jury sums up the results, reward the participants.

Fifth part.

"Flash - mob" Yokhor ".

Extracurricular event on ecology, grades 6-7

Akopyan Marina Alexandrovna, teacher of biology
The event is intended for teachers of biology, geography, class teachers and educators of correctional schools of the VIII type. Participants are 13-14 years old. This development of the event can be used in extracurricular work in biology, geography or at an extended meeting of a circle in biology or geography.
Topic:"Lake Baikal"
Goals: familiarization with the nature of Lake Baikal, environmental problems and solutions.
- introduce students to Lake Baikal, show its uniqueness, introduce the animal world of the lake, give some historical knowledge about Baikal;
- develop students' speech, memory, broaden their horizons, enrich vocabulary;
- to cultivate love for the Motherland, for nature, respect.
Today at our event we will get acquainted with one of the great lakes of the planet Earth - Lake Baikal (slide No. 1,2,3).
Baikal is too big and mysterious. Let's start with the geographic map. This is Baikal! From space, Baikal has the shape of a young moon (slide No. 4).
Ancient Baikal is visible from space,
Its crescent is azure.
He earned fame on the planet,
Glorified by our stormy times.
How beautiful you are, our father Baikal!
Among the forests sand dunes and rocks.
You stand, not knowing sorrows and troubles
A quarter of a hundred million years.
Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet.
And here is some more information about this lake: (slide number 5)
Baikal is located on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia.
The width of Baikal ranges from 24 to 79 km. The bottom of Lake Baikal is 1167 meters below the level of the World Ocean.
In terms of area, Baikal ranks sixth among the largest lakes in the world.
Length coastline 2100 km.
The depth of Baikal is -1631 m. In terms of depth, Baikal ranks first
among the lakes of the globe. (slide No. 6).
The average depth of the lake is 745 m, the maximum depth of the lake is 1642 m
But this depth is not everywhere. Baikal is not only the deepest lake on Earth, but also the largest storage
fresh water - about 19% of the world's reserves are concentrated in it (slide No. 7).
Among the mountain ranges, near the hills and rocks
The lake-sea spread,
Pearl of Siberia - ancient Baikal,
Whose waves make noise in the open space.
Baikal has no equal lakes on Earth -
It is the deepest and purest!
Beautiful in the morning, in the evening dawn,
In the snow and under the radiant sun.
An average of 336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, and one Angara flows out - a tributary of the Yenisei.
The largest river is the Selenga (slide No. 8.9).
Why do you think Baikal is called Baikal? (slide number 10).
The origin of the name Bai - Kul (Turk.) - the rich lake Baigaal - Dalai (Mong) - the rich fire Bei-Hai (Chinese) - the northern sea of ​​​​Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet, its age is determined at 25-30 million years.
Most lakes, especially those of the Ice Age, live 10-15 thousand years,
and then filled with precipitation and disappear from the face of the Earth.
There are no signs of aging on Baikal, like many lakes in the world (slide No. 11). On the contrary, recent studies have allowed geophysicists to hypothesize that Baikal is a nascent ocean.
This is confirmed by the fact that its shores diverge up to 2 cm per year, just as the continents of Africa and South America diverge.
Baikal legend.(slide number 12).
There is a legend that the father of Baikal had 336 son-rivers and one daughter, Angara, all of them flowed into her father in order to replenish her waters.
But then his daughter fell in love with the young handsome Yenisei, went against the will of her father, who wanted to pass her off as an old Yakut. She fell in love with the Yenisei River and began to carry the waters of her father to her beloved.
In response, Father Baikal threw a huge piece of rock at his daughter and cursed her. This rock, called the Shaman-stone, is located at the source of the Angara and is considered to be its beginning. Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year! (slide No. 13,14,15,16).
Enormous depth, amazing purity and transparency of water, harsh fabulous beauty of the coast.
high waves they break against the rocks with noise and roar, the sound of a powerful surf spreads far (slide No. 17).
Our yacht is approaching the largest island of Lake Baikal - Olkhon Island.
There are 27 islands on Baikal, of which the largest is Olkhon. (slide number 18)
In the myths and legends of the Buryats, Olkhon is called the abode of the formidable spirits of Baikal (slide No. 19).
Here, according to legend, the chief of the khans, Khaan - Khute-baabay, descended from the sky, sent to Earth by the higher gods. Here lives in the form of a bald eagle - a golden eagle, his son named Khan Shubu, who was the first to receive a shamanic gift.
Let's dive into the underwater kingdom of the lake.
How tempting to see with your own eyes who lives in this crystal chamber. (Slide No. 20).
Depth 100 m(slide number 21,22) Gobies and grayling are found at such a depth. Grayling is one of the most colorful and beautiful fish in Russia. Its weight reaches from 500 to 1500 grams. It lives not only in the lake, but also in the rivers of Siberia.
Depth - 150 m(slide number 23)
At such a depth, the omul spends quite a lot of time. The largest size of omul is 50 cm, weight up to 5 kg.
Omul lives up to 25 years. Out of 100 omul eggs, one fish survives.
How long the omul will survive depends on the purity of the water in Baikal. Omul is a large commercial fish weighing up to 3 kg. It feeds on large benthic crustaceans, juvenile fish, and small zooplankton.
Depth 200 m(slide number 24) A sturgeon swims past us - this is the king fish of Baikal. Sturgeons live in Baikal for 50-60 years or more,
reach 100-130 kg of weight. This fish grows very slowly.
Predatory fishing for sturgeon greatly undermined the stocks of the most valuable fish of Baikal.
Now the sturgeon is listed in the Red Book.
Depth 380 m(slide number 25,26) Here it is! This is the golomyanka.
The golomyanka is a viviparous fish, it does not spawn, but live young, which die at temperatures above + 10 C. There is so much fat in the golomyanka that the dead one does not sink, but floats on the surface.
In the past, the inhabitants of the coast of Lake Baikal collected dead golomyanka and rendered fat from it, which was used for lighting and as a remedy.
More than 70% of the inhabitants of Baikal are not found in other water bodies of the planet.
These species include the golomyanka, a pinkish-white, translucent, scaleless fish.
Depth 500 m(slide number 27) Behind the porthole are silver golomyankas and planarians. Very beautiful.
Not only the fish resources of Baikal, but also the fur wealth of the Baikal and Transbaikalia have long attracted immigrants here.
The skins of the Barguzin sable are the most valuable fur in Siberia (slide No. 28).
He deservedly enjoys worldwide fame.
Bushy-tailed squirrels are common in the taiga - another object of fur trade (slide No. 29).
We say goodbye to Olkhon Island.
The peoples who inhabited the shores of the lake called the lake - Baikul, which means "rich lake".
And Baikal is really rich. It is rich in its animal and plant life.
Currently, 1550 species and varieties of animals are known,
1085 plant organisms (slide No. 30,31).
According to the Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there are 2630 species of plants and animals in the lake.
Such an abundance of the organic world is due to the large amount of oxygen in the water. The lake and coastal areas are distinguished by a unique diversity of flora and fauna.
Their inhabitants are 2/3 endemic (i.e. unique), that is, they live only in this reservoir.
Baikal is freshwater, with clear water,
And there are many living creatures in the waters:
Sturgeon, golomyanki, taimen with roach,
Whitefish, omul are endemic to Baikal.
The Baikal seal lives in those waters,
And the shore is a nesting place for birds,
You will see eagles and seagulls flying.
The bears come to feed.
Musk deer lives in the mountains of the Baikal region -
Deer, the smallest in the world,
And the slopes around are covered with taiga,
Rich flora of Siberia. A little about coastal nature.
The taiga comes close to Baikal and therefore the animal world is diverse here. Of course, sable is considered the main game animal (slide No. 32).
On open, grassy areas of the mountains, bears also find a plentiful table - various types of umbrella and legumes. It is in these landscapes and only in strictly defined periods of the year that so many bears can be observed.
The northern shores of Lake Baikal are unique and unique in this respect. (slide number 33)
The appearance of a bear on the shore of Lake Baikal has the character of a massive regular
recurring phenomenon. They can be seen here from the 2nd decade of June, depending on when the ice on Baikal disappears and the summer of caddisflies begins.
Baikal attracts bears with a variety of different food, the lake throws out beetles, dragonflies, mollusks, dead gobies, golomyankas, and sometimes young seals. In a wide strip of the Baikal coast on the verge of two elements - earth and water, inhabitants find shelter, whose life is closely connected with both water and land.
White-tailed eagle, osprey, black kite, several species of gulls nesting on the islands are the main species of birds, without which the shores of Lake Baikal are hard to imagine (slide No. 34,35,36,37,38).
The only representative of Baikal mammals is the seal or the Baikal seal,
having a common ancestor with the northern seal (sl. No. 39).
Scientists suggest that the seal entered Baikal from the Arctic Ocean along the Yenisei and Angara during the Ice Age. Its number is currently about 60 thousand heads. The seal lives for more than 55-56 years, during the life of the female can bring up to 2 dozen cubs. The limbs of the seal are flippers. The front flippers are well developed, with sharp claws.
When Baikal is covered with ice, powerful front flippers are the tool with which the seal makes an outlet in the ice for emerging and inhaling air. Most of the seals appear in mid-March, they are born on ice, in a snowy den, and while they feed on their mother's milk, they do not dive into the water. The cubs have white fur - this is their protective coloration (slide No. 40).
With the transition to eating fish, their color changes: silver-gray in 2-3 months old, brown-brown in older ones. The seal is one of the three freshwater seals in the world. These animals are very curious, often swim up to the ships and look at them for a long time (slide No. 41).
Of course, all the animals can not be counted. There are many of them and they all need protection (slide No. 42,43,44,45).
Another feature of the lake is its transparency - up to 40 meters.
No body of water on Earth has such a high transparency of water (slide No. 46,47,48). And now about the sad. Baikal is a unique lake, but like any natural object, it has its own environmental problems.
In 1996, the lake was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (slide No. 49). Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. In 1966, the BPPM began operating.
As a result, the adjacent territories of the lake began to degrade.
The drying up of the taiga is noted (slide No. 50).
In September 2008, the plant had to be shut down. However, in January 2010, a resolution was adopted that actually allowed the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill to drain industrial effluents into Baikal, burn and store any waste on its shores (slide No. 51).
On March 10, 2010, Russian public organizations announced the creation of a coalition "For Baikal" and the beginning of the collection of signatures for an appeal to UNESCO. (slide No. 52,53). Eastern oil pipeline. (Slide No. 54).
The Transneft company is building the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean oil pipeline, passing in the Baikal region. As a result, the entire unique ecosystem of the lake would have suffered in the event of an oil spill.
On March 18, 2006, a rally was held in Irkutsk against the construction of an oil pipeline. As a result, Vladimir Putin banned this project on April 26, 2006. AT given time An oil pipeline is being built outside the watershed of Baikal. In 1956, the lake was used for hydroelectric power.
It became an integral part of the Irkutsk reservoir. As a result, the water level rose by 1 m (slide No. 55). In addition to industrial enterprises, the lake is polluted with household waste.
Raids are regularly carried out to clean it, but unfortunately it does not become smaller (slide No. 56,57,58).
Baikal attracts tourists from all over the world (slide No. 59). 70 km from Irkutsk is the village of Listvyanka - the most popular tourist destination on Lake Baikal. This is where most cruises on the lake originate.
The Great Baikal Trail runs in various areas around the lake.
Baikal is one on the whole planet,
Another is simply not given ...
We are all yours, my Baikal, children,
And we are destined to live with you!
What are you sad about, beloved Baikal,
What is your surf sighing about?
Or someone evil, relentless
Does he make fun of you sometimes?
And Baikal sighed in response to me:
"I have lived in the world for thousands of years...
Nobody offended me
On the contrary, everyone respected ...
But over the past half century...
I don't recognize the person!
like pure water
He will never need…”
And people need to protect it!
It has been under siege for a long time.

Baikal and its neighboring ranges are increasingly being used for recreation by the population.
Tourist bases and rest houses are being created along the shores of the lake (slide No. 60).
Baikal is a miracle, a living organism,
And people need to protect it!
Factories, villages, "wild tourism" -
Already he was taken under siege.
The sacred Baikal rages and makes noise
And throws waves at us, crumpled,
As if Baikal's soul hurts
For what we leave to posterity ...
We, the current generation, must preserve this wealth, protect the nature of Baikal - this means protecting its shores, the nature of the entire drainage basin (slide No. 61).
Do not offend, people, the sea!
Baikal also wants to live:
Play with the wave, arguing with the winds
And faithfully serve people!
Protecting Baikal is a holy cause:
His fate is in our hands!
Nature herself told us
May native Baikal live for centuries!
And I believe: Baikal will be
Glory to Russia to grow!
And our descendants will not forget
Give due credit for this.

Everyone knows about Lake Baikal. And it is to this lake that our script for children is dedicated. preparatory group and their parents. An interesting scenario with tasks about Lake Baikal and about nature. With the help of this scenario, you can conduct classes for children on the topic of Baikal.

Program content:
Generalize, systematize children's knowledge about Baikal.
To develop cognitive interest, a sense of admiration, love for the lake.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards the flora and fauna of Lake Baikal; love for the native land, to learn to appreciate its beauty.

Material: Illustrations and photographs about Baikal (flora and fauna of Lake Baikal); video about Baikal; musical accompaniment; jug with Baikal water.

Preliminary work: Watching the video cassette "Baikal"; acquaintance with the legends of Baikal; memorizing poems about Baikal with children, learning games, making crafts from natural materials.

Host, Baikal, Angara (adults), children

Entertainment progress

Educator: Severe and majestic Baikal. He keeps many secrets and mysteries. Not everyone opens them. You need to be well acquainted with him, have a bright head and a pure heart, so that he reveals his secrets. And this lake for us, Siberians, is the dearest and most beautiful.
Angara River - clean waters,
the islands along it are all wooded,
The islands on it are all in currants,
there is nothing more beautiful than my homeland.
Scarlet dawns are burning above you,
The Angara River is Baikalov's daughter!

Music sounds. Angara enters. He walks around the hall, shows himself, his beauty.

Angara: I am the queen of sparkling waters
I am the beauty of the wild;
My waters rush forward
Fast to the north, shining proudly.
Between hills and rocky cliffs,
Now, shining, now menacingly dark,
I rush from where Baikal beats,
To the wide wave of the Yenisei.

Baikal: I am a gray-haired old man Baikal,
I saw you right away
If you came with good
Found friends here.
If you want to offend the vodka,
You won't see the beauty.
Why did they complain to us?

Children: With good! With good!

Child: We have heard a lot about Baikal as a rich lake, a pearl lake. We learned a lot about you, Baikal.
Baikal: I also know a lot about you. And today with my daughter Angara, we invited you and your parents to KVN.
Angara: We have come up with many interesting and difficult tasks for you. If you complete them all, then prove that you are real Siberians.
Baikal: And so on the way!

Children together with their parents are divided into two teams by lottery.
The teacher invites Angara and Baikal to act as a jury. Further, KVN is led by the teacher himself.

1st task.
Educator: “Find Lake Baikal among other lakes along the contour” (several contours are offered) and the “floors of the lake” settled down. Guys, you probably remember that the lake has "floors" on which plants and animals are located. Now you need to correctly populate the floors with animals.
2nd task.
Educator: Baikal had five assistants, winds - heroes, each did his job. Winds of different directions on Baikal have their own names.
Sudden storm wind, most ferocious and dangerous (Sarma);
Longitudinal winds (Kultuk, Verkhovik - the middle and southern parts of the lake)
The wind sung in a folk song (Barguzin)
Wind blowing across Lake Baikal (Shelonnik, southeast)
3rd task.
Educator: The fauna of Baikal is rich and diverse. The underwater inhabitants of the lake are encrypted in puzzles. And who is the odd one out here? Guess! (Epishura, ant, caddis flies, sculpin, molluscs, amphipod, seal).
So that our guests do not get bored, Baikal and Angara have prepared puzzles for you.
Baikal: Guys! I give you a Baikal stone! Let's play a game with him. We will pass it around and say any word about Baikal.
The game "Chain of words" (with a pebble) is being played.
Children, standing in a circle, pass a pebble from hand to hand and name a word that refers to Baikal - omul, cedar, pine, golomyanka, taiga, seal, Angara, taimen, wild rosemary, etc.
4th task. Endemics of Baikal.
On our planet there are animals and plants that are found only in a certain area. They are called ... (children can say). There are also endemics on Baikal.
Each team is given a card (seal, golomyanka). Make up a riddle story about an endemic for another team.
5- task.
Educator: Guys, you are real Siberians, you know your land. Answer the mini quiz questions.
Which of the lakes is Baikal's twin? (According to the origin and size of the basin, Lake Tanganyika in East Africa can be considered. Unlike Baikal, the water of this lake contains a lot of magnesium salts).
What is the name of the river that flows out of Lake Baikal? (Angara).
How is cedar different from elfin cedar? Cedar is a tree, and elfin cedar is a shrub. The cedar grows mainly in the forest, and the dwarf pine grows in the highlands; cedar cones are larger than those of elfin cedar.
What edible berries grow on Baikal? Lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, cloudberries, honeysuckle, cranberries, stone fruits.
What are the main pollutants of Lake Baikal? Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, Selenginsky Pulp and Paper Mill, r. Selenga.
What poisonous mushrooms do you know? Fly agaric, pale grebe, false honey agaric.
Which river is the largest tributary of the lake? Selenga.
What are the oldest organisms living in the lake? Sponges.

And now a musical break.

1. We live in Baklashi (All)
Drying, gingerbread chewing.
And ditties about Baikal
We will sing to you now.
2. We live on Baikal (Dima Ch.)
We sing songs together.
Join us in a circle
And sing ditties.
3. I was born in Siberia, (Ksyusha K.)
Near Baikal.
Since childhood, the wave has rocked us
Willpower was tempered.
4. Called to visit Baikal, (Ksyusha P.)
I shouldn't have gone!
Now would be distant
The bride is transbaikal.
5. I'll go and take a walk (Anya Ch.)
On green grass.
The harmonists played
I went for a ride.
6. There are two roads beyond Baikal (Valya P.)
One has to be broken
To our gentlemen
They were not taken to fight!
7. We swim in Baikal. (Vanya P.)
We drink holy water here.
We will always be healthy -
We will bring joy to people.

6- task.
There are no less beautiful and amazing plants on Baikal. Nowhere on Earth are there such beautiful birds and animals as on Baikal. Birds surprise us with their singing, animals with their majesty now remember them.
Crosswords "Animals" - "Plants" to teams.
Crossword "Birds" - for guests.
7th task. Poster in defense of Baikal.
Mankind has a hard time learning lessons and admitting its mistakes. Rights proverb
“What we have, we don’t keep, but when we lose it, we cry.”
I suggest using waste material to make a poster in defense of Baikal and present it creatively.
While the guys and their parents are preparing posters in defense of Baikal, I offer our guests a little warm-up.

Task for guests:
Which taiga plant can be called a rose? Rose hip. This is the ancestor of all cultivated varieties of roses.
How many months a year does a groundhog sleep? eight
How do ants communicate with each other? Ants communicate by touching each other with different parts of the body - antennae, head, legs. Also, sometimes they use chemical signals.
In the summer, in the very heat, ground squirrels are almost invisible in the places where they usually live. Why? In the heat, these rodents are attacked by thermal stupor. This is also a kind of hibernation only in summer. They doze in their burrows, waiting for the heat to subside.
Why do hazel grouses take "ant" baths? Formic acid helps the bird fight feather mites.
Angara: And now the guys will tell poems about Baikal.

1 child: Alyosha K.
And what is it, such blue,
Cold as ice, transparent as glass?
Perhaps this sky is hooked on the pines,
Glass rolled over the rocks and onto the ground?
2 child: Valya P.
And what is it, such gold,
Shiny like a mirror blinding your eyes?
Perhaps the sun lay down to sleep under the rocks,
Does it lie wearily with its eyes closed?
3 child: Vanya P.
And what is it, all the time in restlessness,
Perhaps it is a cloud stuck among the rocks?
And this is not a cloud, and this is not the sky,
And this is not the sun, but Lake Baikal!
Educator: Well, Father Baikal! We all completed your tasks, the guys proved that they are real Siberians!
Baikal: Yes, you pleased me with your knowledge, I see that you love and know your native land.
Educator: The children have prepared gifts for you. You accept our gifts, and do not forget us!

Children give their gifts to Baikal. (Crafts made from natural materials, decorated pebbles, a beautifully decorated garbage bag - so that Baikal is always clean)

Angara: And you, father, have not forgotten anything? How can you let such good guys go home without gifts?
Baikal: Oh yes, I completely forgot! And in parting, I give all the guys my pure Baikal water. Drink it, it is very tasty and healthy.

Angara brings out a transparent jug with pure Baikal water. Baikal and Angara treat children with water. Children try Baikal water, thank you.

Baikal: And now it's time to say goodbye.
Return to your waters
You love your planet!
And do good only on it!

The song "Glorious Sea - Sacred Baikal" sounds
Baikal and Angara say goodbye and leave.

« Lake Baikal»

Prepared and conducted:

M.A. Hakobyan - teacher of biology

Topic: « Lake Baikal».

Goals:- introduce students to Lake Baikal, show its uniqueness,

introduce the animal world of the lake, give some historical

knowledge about Baikal;

To develop students' speech, memory, broaden their horizons, enrich


Cultivate love for the Motherland, for nature, respect.

Today at our event we will get acquainted with one of the great lakes of the planet Earth - Lake Baikal ( next №1,2,3).

Baikal is too big and mysterious. Let's start with the geographic map.

This is Baikal! From space, Baikal has the shape of a young moon (sl. No. 4).

Ancient Baikal is visible from space,

Its crescent is azure.

He earned fame on the planet,

Glorified by our stormy times.

How beautiful you are, our father Baikal!

Among forests, sand dunes and rocks.

You stand, not knowing sorrows and troubles

A quarter of a hundred million years.

Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet.

And here is some more information about this lake: (sl. No. 5)

Baikal is located on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia. The width of Baikal ranges from 24 to 79 km. The bottom of Lake Baikal is 1167 meters below the level of the World Ocean. In terms of area, Baikal ranks sixth among the largest lakes in the world. The length of the coastline is 2100 km.

The depth of Baikal is -1631 m.

In terms of depth, Baikal ranks first among the lakes of the globe.

(sl. No. 6).

The average depth of the lake is 745 m, the maximum depth of the lake is 1642 m

But this depth is not everywhere.

Baikal is not only the deepest lake on Earth, but also the largest storage of fresh water - it contains about 19% of the world's reserves (sl. No. 7).

Among the mountain ranges, near the hills and rocks
The lake-sea spread,
Pearl of Siberia - ancient Baikal,
Whose waves make noise in the open space.

Baikal has no equal lakes on Earth -
It is the deepest and purest!
Beautiful in the morning, in the evening dawn,
In the snow and under the radiant sun.

An average of 336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, and one Angara flows out - a tributary of the Yenisei. The largest river Selenga (words №8,9).

Why do you think Baikal is called Baikal? (sl. No. 10).

Origin of the name Bai - Kul (Turk.) - a rich lake

Baigaal - Dalai (mong) - rich fire

Bei-Hai (Chinese) - North Sea

Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet, its age is determined at 25-30 million years. Most lakes, especially those of the Ice Age, live for 10-15 thousand years, and then they fill up with sediments and disappear from the face of the Earth. There are no signs of aging on Baikal, like many lakes in the world ( next №11).

On the contrary, recent studies have allowed geophysicists to hypothesize that Baikal is a nascent ocean. This is confirmed by the fact that its shores diverge up to 2 cm per year, just as the continents of Africa and South America diverge.

Legend of Baikal.(sl. No. 12). There is a legend that the father of Baikal had 336 son-rivers and one daughter, Angara, all of them flowed into her father in order to replenish her waters. But then his daughter fell in love with the young handsome Yenisei, went against the will of her father, who wanted to pass her off as an old Irkut. She fell in love with the Yenisei River and began to carry the waters of her father to her beloved. In response, Father Baikal threw a huge piece of rock at his daughter and cursed her. This rock, called the Shaman-stone, is located at the source of the Angara and is considered to be its beginning.

Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year! (sl. No. 13,14,15,16). Enormous depth, amazing purity and transparency of water, harsh fabulous beauty of the coast. High waves break against the rocks with noise and roar, the sound of a powerful surf spreads far (sl. No. 17).

Our yacht is approaching the largest island of Lake Baikal - Olkhon Island.

Baikal has 27 islands, of which the largest is Olkhon. (sl. 18)

In the myths and legends of the Buryats, Olkhon is called the abode of the formidable spirits of Baikal. (sl. №19). Here, according to legend, the chief of the khans, Khaan-Khute-baabai, sent to Earth by the higher gods, descended from the sky. Here lives in the form of a bald eagle - a golden eagle, his son named Khan Shubu, who was the first to receive a shamanic gift.

Let's dive into the underwater kingdom of the lake.

How tempting to see with your own eyes who lives in this crystal chamber. ( sl. No. 20).

Depth 100 m. (sl. No. 21,22)

At such a depth there are gobies and grayling. Grayling is one of the most colorful and beautiful fish in Russia. Its weight reaches from 500 to 1500 grams. It lives not only in the lake, but also in the rivers of Siberia.

Depth - 150 m. (sl. No. 23)

At such a depth, the omul spends quite a lot of time. The largest size of omul is 50 cm, weight up to 5 kg. Omul lives up to 25 years. Out of 100 omul eggs, one fish survives. How long the omul will survive depends on the purity of the water in Baikal.

Omul is a large commercial fish weighing up to 3 kg. It feeds on large benthic crustaceans, juvenile fish, and small zooplankton.

Depth 200 m. (sl. No. 24)

A sturgeon swims past us - this is the king-fish of Baikal. Sturgeons live in Baikal for 50-60 years or more, reaching 100-130 kg of weight. This fish grows very slowly. Predatory fishing for sturgeon greatly undermined the stocks of the most valuable fish of Baikal. Now the sturgeon is listed in the Red Book.

Depth 380 m. (sl. №25,26)

There she is! This is the golomyanka.

The golomyanka is a viviparous fish, it spawns not caviar, but live young, which die at temperatures above + 10 C. There is so much fat in the golomyanka that the dead one does not sink, but floats on the surface. In the past, the inhabitants of the coast of Lake Baikal collected dead golomyanka and rendered fat from it, which was used for lighting and as a remedy.

More than 70% of the inhabitants of Baikal are not found in other water bodies of the planet. These species include the golomyanka, a pinkish-white, translucent, scaleless fish.

Depth 500 m. (sl. No. 27)

Behind the porthole are silver golomyankas and planarians. Very beautiful.

Not only the fish resources of Baikal, but also the fur wealth of the Baikal and Transbaikalia have long attracted immigrants here.

Skins of the Barguzin sable - the most valuable fur in Siberia (sl. No. 28). He deservedly enjoys worldwide fame.

Fluffy-tailed squirrels are common in the taiga - another object of fur trade (sl. No. 29).

We say goodbye to Olkhon Island.

The peoples who inhabited the shores of the lake called the lake - Baikul, which means "rich lake". And Baikal is really rich. It is rich in its animal and plant life. Currently, 1550 species and varieties of animals, 1085 plant organisms are known. (sl. No. 30,31).

According to the Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, there are 2630 species of plants and animals in the lake. Such an abundance of the organic world is due to the large amount of oxygen in the water.

The lake and coastal areas are distinguished by a unique diversity of flora and fauna. Their inhabitants are 2/3 endemic (i.e. unique), that is, they live only in this reservoir.

Baikal - freshwater, with clear water,
And there are many living creatures in the waters:
Sturgeon, golomyanki, taimen with roach,
Whitefish, omul - endemic to Baikal.

The Baikal seal lives in those waters,
And the shore is a nesting place for birds,
You will see eagles and seagulls flying.
The bears come to feed.

Musk deer lives in the mountains of the Baikal region -
Deer, the smallest in the world,
And the slopes around are covered with taiga,
Rich flora of Siberia.

A little about coastal nature. The taiga comes close to Baikal and therefore the animal world is diverse here. Of course, sable is considered the main game animal. (sl. No. 32).

On open, grassy areas of the mountains, bears also find a plentiful table - various types of umbrella and legumes. It is in these landscapes and only in strictly defined periods of the year that so many bears can be observed. The northern shores of Lake Baikal are unique and unique in this respect. . (sl. No. 33)

The appearance of a bear on the shores of Lake Baikal has the character of a mass regularly repeating phenomenon. They can be seen here from the 2nd decade of June, depending on when the ice on Baikal disappears and the summer of caddisflies begins. Baikal attracts bears with a variety of different food, the lake throws out beetles, dragonflies, mollusks, dead gobies, golomyankas, and sometimes young seals.

In a wide strip of the Baikal coast on the verge of two elements - earth and water, inhabitants find shelter, whose life is closely connected with both water and land. White-tailed eagle, osprey, black kite, several species of gulls nesting on the islands are the main species of birds, without which the shores of Lake Baikal are hard to imagine (sl. No. 34,35,36,37,38).

The only representative of Baikal mammals is the seal or Baikal seal, which has a common ancestor with the northern seal (sl. No. 39). Scientists suggest that the seal entered Baikal from the Arctic Ocean along the Yenisei and Angara during the Ice Age. Its number is currently about 60 thousand heads. The seal lives for more than 55-56 years, during the life of the female can bring up to 2 dozen cubs. . The limbs of the seal are flippers. The front flippers are well developed, with sharp claws.

When Baikal is covered with ice, powerful front flippers are the tool with which the seal makes an outlet in the ice for emerging and inhaling air.

Most of the seals appear in mid-March, they are born on ice, in a snowy den, and while they feed on their mother's milk, they do not dive into the water. Cubs have white fur - this is their protective coloration. (sl. No. 40). With the transition to eating fish, their color changes: silver-gray in 2-3 months old, brown-brown in older ones.

The seal is one of the three freshwater seals in the world. These animals are very curious, often swim up to ships and look at them for a long time. (sl. No. 41).

Of course, all the animals can not be counted. There are many of them and they all need protection. (sl. No. 42,43,44,45).

Another feature of the lake is its transparency - up to 40 meters. No body of water on Earth has such a high transparency of water.

(sl. No. 46,47,48).

And now about the sad.

Baikal is a unique lake, but like any natural object, it has its own environmental problems. In 1996, the lake was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. (sl. No. 49).

Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill. In 1966, the BPPM began operating. As a result, the adjacent territories of the lake began to degrade. The drying up of the taiga is noted (sl. No. 50).

In September 2008, the plant had to be shut down. However, in January 2010, a resolution was adopted that actually allowed the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill to drain industrial effluents into Baikal, burn and store any waste on its shores. (sl. No. 51).

On March 10, 2010, public organizations in Russia announced the creation of a coalition "For Baikal" and the beginning of the collection of signatures under an appeal to UNESCO.

(sl. No. 52,53).

Eastern oil pipeline. (sl. №54). The Transneft company is building an oil pipeline "Eastern Siberia - the Pacific Ocean", passing in the Baikal region. As a result, the entire unique ecosystem of the lake would have suffered in the event of an oil spill. On March 18, 2006, a rally was held in Irkutsk against the construction of an oil pipeline. As a result, Vladimir Putin banned this project on April 26, 2006. At present, the oil pipeline is being built outside the watershed of Baikal.

In 1956, the lake was used for hydroelectric power. It became an integral part of the Irkutsk reservoir. As a result, the water level rose by 1 m ( sl. No. 55).

In addition to industrial enterprises, the lake is polluted with household waste. Raids are regularly carried out to clean it, but unfortunately it does not become smaller ( sl. No. 56,57,58).

Baikal attracts tourists from all over the world (sl. 59). 70 km from Irkutsk is the village of Listvyanka - the most popular tourist destination on Lake Baikal. This is where most cruises on the lake originate. The Great Baikal Trail runs in various areas around the lake.

Baikal is one on the whole planet,

Another is simply not given ...

We are all yours, my Baikal, children,

And we are destined to live with you!

What are you sad about, beloved Baikal,

What is your surf sighing about?

Or someone evil, relentless

Does he make fun of you sometimes?

And Baikal sighed in response to me:

“I have lived in the world for a thousand years…

Nobody offended me

On the contrary, everyone respected ...

But over the past half century...

I don't recognize the person!

Like pure water

He will never need…”

And people need to protect it!
It has been under siege for a long time.

For what we leave to posterity ...

Baikal and its neighboring ranges are increasingly being used for recreation by the population. Tourist bases and rest houses are being created along the shores of the lake. (sl. No. 60).

Baikal is a miracle, a living organism,
And people need to protect it!
Factories, villages, "wild tourism" -
It has been under siege for a long time.

The sacred Baikal rages and makes noise
And throws waves at us, crumpled,
As if Baikal's soul hurts
For what we leave to posterity ...

Do not offend, people, the sea!

Baikal also wants to live:

Play with the wave, arguing with the winds

And faithfully serve people!

Protecting Baikal is a holy cause:

His fate is in our hands!

Nature herself told us

May native Baikal live for centuries!

And I believe: Baikal will be

Glory to Russia to grow!

And our descendants will not forget

Give due credit for this.

There will be a file: /data/edu/files/i1452781907.ppt (presentation "Lake Baikal")

"Lake Baikal - the pearl of Siberia".

"A miracle of nature in every respect" L.S. Berg

Baikal is the pearl of Siberia.

It is unique, our Baikal.

To him, the most beautiful in the world,

Everyone strives: both old and small.

Its waters are pure, transparent,

They have no equal in depth.

Such a monument, nature, produced into the world.

And three hundred rivers noisy, fast,

Thresholds and mischievous,

Carry streams of violent waters,

From ledges, falling, steep.

But only one has the right

For the waste of good

Originates from Baikal

Swift Angara.

N. Naimushin

The UNESCO organization has established 506 natural World Heritage Sites, including Lake Baikal. It is located on the territory of our region, which is a matter of special pride.

Baikal is located in a very ancient basin. The basin of the lake was formed as a result of a break in the earth's crust (graben), i.e. is of tectonic origin. Most deep lake. It is located at an altitude of 453 m above sea level. Despite the fact that the age of Baikal is large, movements of the earth's crust are still taking place on the territory of the basin and its shores. Earthquakes are observed to this day. The Buryats witnessed the sinking of part of the lake coast. Proval Bay was formed. The earthquake was magnitude 9. The rocks of the shores of Lake Baikal are crystalline, the shores are mountainous.

Russians appeared on the shores of Lake Baikal in 1643 - one of the winterers, Cossack Pentecostal Kurbatov Ivanov, went to Baikal and discovered the island of Olkhon. The records “The Life of Archpriest Avvakum” contain interesting information about the lake. Archpriest Avvakum himself visited Lake Baikal in 1656.

Let's test your knowledge and identify experts on Lake Baikal. Please sit in groups. I ask a question, you discuss it, if the group is ready, then you give a signal with a signal card. If you suddenly answer incorrectly, then the group that was second in line answers. The number of points in the group is taken into account.

Round 1 - theoretical.

    What is the largest river flowing into Baikal?

    What is the name of a viviparous fish that does not have scales?

    The strongest hurricane wind on Lake Baikal with a speed of 60 m/s?

    Name the age of Baikal.

    How many islands are on Baikal?

    70% of the organisms of the lake are found nowhere else. What are their names?

    Why is Baikal so deep?

    What does Lake Baikal mean?

    What is the thickness of the silt at the bottom of the lake?

    Where is the warmest place on Lake Baikal?

    Why are there rarely clouds over Baikal?

    What is the approximate thickness of ice in winter on Lake Baikal?

    Does the whole Baikal freeze over?

    What caused the change in the color of water in Baikal?

    What benthic animal living in Baikal is the “relatives” of sea shrimp?

    What are the largest and smallest fish living in Baikal?

    What is the life span of an omul?

    What are the sources of lake pollution?

    Where is the Baikal Museum located?

    What is the name of a baby seal?

Round 2 - literary.

Students present poems about Baikal of their own composition (examples of work).

Strigun Arina. Team "Rachok Epishura"

How beautiful you are, our father Baikal!

Among forests, sand dunes and rocks.

You have many animals

And not simple, but most of the honorary ones.

Epishura and the seal...

We are not too lazy to come to you

You are pure, transparent as a crystal

A long time ago you became wise.

Preserving Bakal is a holy cause:

His fate is in our hands

Nature itself told us

So that native Baikal lives for centuries.

Plakhotnikova Victoria. Team "Young naturalists"

Baikal is mighty and strong,

It is the cleanest on earth.

He is very wise and smart

You won't find this anywhere.

We love and keep him

We drink water from it

We thank him

We will not kill animals in it.

It's full of animals

And fish, crustaceans, seal.

We are responsible for them

And every day, we are not too lazy to stand up for them!

Nerpa team.

In the ranks of mammals

living in Baikal,

Only a seal hit -

Model of someone else's "coat of arms".

I spent the night on the ice once

In the car, in a winter sleeping bag.

And the seal - even without boots,

And even without a bathing suit.

On the ice under the snow in the lair

Raises its offspring.

She has many entertainments -

As a result of perseverance.

First the hole will make

In his harsh hut.

Then dives boldly

Follow the fish closer like this.

Dives like a bathyscaphe

In the depths of the dark sea

Sometimes sleeping under water

Floats into deep places.

Round 3 - artistic. Teams present drawings about Baikal. Examples of student work.

Round 4 - creative. The teams defend their layout of Lake Baikal.