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An ominous damn cemetery what the locals say. Mystical places and anomalous zones of Russia

The Devil's Cemetery or Devil's Glade is one of the most mysterious anomalous zones in Russia, about which there are many rumors. This disastrous place is located on the border of the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, in the remote Angara taiga, where the Kova River flows into the Angara. Not far from this place is the village of Ust-Kova. It was from the residents of this village that the first information about the Devil’s Cemetery was received.

Presumably, this anomalous zone arose in 1908, shortly after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. The meteorite itself fell 400 km north of this place. More than a century has passed since then, but the story of the anomaly’s occurrence is firmly entrenched in the memory of eyewitnesses and was passed down from generation to generation until it was recorded by journalists in every detail.

In the year the meteorite fell, residents of the village of Ust-Kova discovered a strange and ominous hole in the ground in the taiga forest, similar to a crater from a giant shell. Black smoke was pouring out of the pit, and there was such intense heat around it that it was impossible to get closer. It was from the moment the pit was formed that the area acquired anomalous properties. After some time, the entire clearing around the hole burned out, and a large black round bald spot formed. The trees around her were charred. All living creatures caught in this disastrous circle died immediately, and soon the clearing was covered with the corpses of animals and birds. Because of this, the clearing was nicknamed the Devil's Cemetery.

Since then, no vegetation has grown in the clearing; the earth has remained black, loose, covered with ash. There was no snow on it, so even in winter it was easy to find. Anomalous zone initially it was a burnt area of ​​taiga with a diameter of 15–20 m and an area of ​​200–250 m2. At first it was round, then, over time, according to eyewitnesses, its shape changed, the anomalous zone stretched out and became oval.

Local residents avoided this place for a long time. And the next mention of the Devil’s Cemetery appeared only 12 years later, in 1920. Over such a long period of time, the terrible impressions gradually faded from memory. People began to decide again to approach the lost place. There was no longer any smoke or unbearable heat around the clearing. But on the black soil, the bones of dead animals, bleached by time, were clearly visible. Of course, no one dared to enter the clearing itself. Yes, she herself didn’t seem to let anyone come to her. As soon as they approached the Devil's Cemetery ten meters, people began to feel pain throughout their bodies - their teeth ached, their joints ached, their heads began to hurt. As they approached the clearing, the pain increased, and along with it, people developed an irrational feeling of fear, panic, and causeless horror.

But life in the surrounding villages went on as usual. Near the ruined clearing there was a convenient path for pasturing cattle. And one day it happened that, due to the shepherd’s oversight, several shelters wandered into the Devil’s Cemetery. He rushed after him, but froze in horror - the poor animals died a few moments after they found themselves in a disastrous clearing. No, they did not burn or char, as was the case in the first years after the formation of the anomaly. But when several fellow villagers, overcoming body aches and terrible fear, managed to drag the corpses of the cows to a safe place, they saw a strange phenomenon. The meat of the dead animals acquired an unnatural bright red color. Subsequently, similar observations were recorded more than once. All animals that died in the anomalous zone had the same color of meat.

After this incident, it was decided to move the road for pasturing cattle 3 km away from the old one, passing near Devil's Glade. And next to it, a sign was cut out on the tree - an image of the devil and an arrow showing the direction towards the black spot.

Years passed. After the Great Patriotic War, residents of the Angara villages were resettled to more populated and developed areas on the banks of the Amur. The anomalous zone was forgotten for several decades. But in the 80s. last century, against the backdrop of a general fascination with everything unknown and supernatural, someone remembered the old story of the Devil’s Cemetery, and researchers of anomalous zones awoke a burning interest in it.

Numerous expeditions of enthusiastic enthusiasts began to prepare, who for a long time tried to find the Devil's Cemetery in the remote taiga. It was difficult to do this; there were almost no landmarks left. The villages located near the ominous place had already disappeared by that time. And no written documents have been preserved about the location of the anomalous zone. I had to search almost blindly, relying on the stories of former residents of those places, retold and distorted dozens of times.

It was possible to find the Devil's Glade only in the 1990s. This turned out to be possible only for one of many expeditions - a group from Vladivostok led by Alexander Rempel. The clearing changed, became smaller, and slowly began to be overgrown with grass. But its anomalous properties still remained. People, approaching her, still experienced causeless fear and pain throughout their bodies. Dogs that ran into a clearing for a few minutes returned from there lethargic, exhausted, and refused food for a long time.

The negative impact on people’s well-being was so great that no one dared to enter the clearing itself. People who wandered through the taiga for several weeks in search of an anomalous zone, who spent considerable money on equipment for the expedition, gave up at the very last moment. They decided to postpone the exploration of the clearing until the next day, thinking that they would rest and gain strength. However, the next morning it turned out that all members of the expedition began to have health problems. Some had swollen knee joints, others experienced muscle numbness, and still others experienced sharp pain in the spine. To all this was added moral depression, a depressed state of mind, a sudden outbreak of irritability and anxiety. This alone speaks volumes about the power of the destructive impact of the anomaly on the human body and psyche. All that the expedition members were able to do was photograph the Devil’s Cemetery from a distance and take some measurements in its surroundings. The expedition leader reported that when approaching the anomalous zone, the compass malfunctioned, and the device recording electromagnetic radiation began to show the maximum value. This led researchers to believe that everything mysterious phenomena, occurring in the Devil's Cemetery area, are caused by a colossal anomaly of the magnetic field in this place.

The Devil's Cemetery or Devil's Glade is one of the most mysterious Russian anomalous zones, about which there are numerous rumors. It is located on the borders of the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk regions, in the remote Angara taiga, where the Kova River flows into the Angara. Not far from this place is the village of Ust-Kova. For the first time, information about the Devil's Cemetery was received from the residents of this village.

Initially, the Devil's Cemetery was a scorched area of ​​taiga with a diameter of 15–20 m and an area of ​​200–250 m². At first it was round, but over time, according to eyewitnesses, its shape changed, the anomaly stretched out and became oval. Coordinates (57°45’19″N 100°44’54″E).

From the history

According to assumptions, this anomaly could have arisen in 1908, shortly after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. The meteorite itself fell 400 km north of these places. More than a century has passed since that time, but the history of the emergence of the anomalous zone is firmly entrenched in the memory of eyewitnesses and began to be passed down from generation to generation until journalists recorded it in detail.

From eyewitness reports

In the year of the Tunguska explosion, residents of the village of Ust-Kova found a mysterious and ominous hole in the ground in the taiga, resembling a crater from a huge shell. Black smoke was pouring out of the pit, and the heat near it was so intense that it was impossible to get closer. It was from the time the pit appeared that the area acquired anomalous properties. After some time, the entire clearing around the hole burned out, leaving a large black bald spot with a round shape. The trees around the clearing were charred. All living creatures that fell into this gloomy circle immediately died, and soon the clearing was covered with the corpses of animals and birds. Because of this, the clearing was nicknamed the Devil's Cemetery.

Since that time, all vegetation stopped growing in the clearing; the earth remained black, loose, covered with ash. The snow did not fall on it, therefore, especially in winter, it was not difficult to find.

The clearing didn't let you in

The local population avoided these places for a long time. And the next mention of the Devil’s Cemetery appeared only 12 years later, in 1920. During this time, the terrible impressions began to fade from memory. People began to decide to approach the anomalous zone again. There was no longer any smoke or unbearable heat around the clearing. And on the black soil, the bones of dead animals, bleached by time, were clearly visible. Of course, no one dared to enter the clearing itself. Yes, she herself didn’t seem to let me get close to her. As soon as you tried to get within ten meters of the Devil’s Cemetery, a person began to feel pain throughout his whole body - his teeth ached, his joints ached, and a headache began. When approaching the lost place, the pain increased, and along with it, the person had an irrational feeling of fear, panic, and causeless horror.

Semyon Polyakov, resident of Karamyshevo:

“My grandfather chased the elk and came to this disastrous place. Sokhaty jumped out onto the flat top of the ridge, then into a clearing and before our eyes, he fell through and burned. There was a lot of heat"

I. Ermakov, resident of Karamyshev:

“My father took me to the clearing in 1926 or 1927. He did not allow me to approach the place, but through the tree branches it was clear that the trees near the clearing were charred, the clearing itself was covered with bones and skulls. The father said that something fell from the sky here, it is underground and there used to be a hole here. Afterwards, the hole began to be covered with branches and grass... This happened ten years ago, but for several more years the cattle and animals fell through, and then they remained in the clearing and did not disappear anywhere.”

From the story of an experienced hunter

This story was published in the local newspaper “Soviet Priangarye” in 1940. The hunter’s grandfather came to Devil’s Glade together with a local agronomist. There they saw only bare ground without vegetation. They broke the green branches and laid them on the ground. The branches withered unnaturally quickly, as if fire had been brought to them.

Dead cows

And life in the surrounding villages went on as usual. Near the ruined place there was a convenient path for pasturing cattle. And one day it happened that, due to the shepherd’s oversight, several cows wandered into the Devil’s Glade. He tried to catch up with them, but froze in horror - the poor animals died a few moments after they got to the Devil's Cemetery. No, they did not catch fire or become charred, as happened in the first years after the formation of the anomalous zone. And when several local residents, overcoming body aches and a sense of fear, managed to drag the corpses of the cows to a safe distance, they saw a strange phenomenon. The meat of the dead cows had an unnatural bright red color. Over time, similar observations were recorded more than once. All the animals that died in this anomaly had the same color of meat.

After what happened, the road for pasturing cattle was moved 3 km away from the old one, passing near the Devil’s Cemetery. And next to it on the tree there was a sign carved - depicting a devil and an arrow pointing in the direction of the Devil's Glade.

The years went by

At the end of the Great Patriotic War, residents of the Angara villages were resettled to more populated and developed areas on the banks of the Amur. The anomaly was forgotten for several decades. But in the 1980s, amid a general fascination with everything unknown and mysterious, someone remembered the story of the Devil’s Cemetery, and researchers of anomalous zones developed a professional interest in it.

In search of the Devil's Cemetery

Numerous expeditions of researchers began to equip themselves, who for a long time tried to find the Devil's Glade in the remote taiga. But it was difficult to find it; there were almost no landmarks left. The villages located near the lost place had already disappeared at that time. And no written references to the location of the anomaly have been preserved. They searched almost blindly, relying on the stories of former local residents, retold and distorted dozens of times.

They were able to find the Devil's Cemetery only in the 90s. last century. This turned out to be possible only for one of many expeditions - a group from Vladivostok under the leadership of Alexander Rempel. The clearing changed, decreased in size, and slowly began to be overgrown with grass. However, its anomalous properties still remain. People, as they approached her, still began to experience unreasonable fear and pain throughout their bodies. Dogs that ran into a clearing for a few minutes returned lethargic, exhausted, and refused food for a long time.

From real expedition reports

The reports of search expeditions note strange facts.

One of the research groups came across glowing pillars and photographed them. The pillars suddenly disappeared, and the film was empty.

After examining a small taiga area, all the researchers in the group’s watches began to lag by 20 minutes.

During a halt, all the research instruments of one of the groups failed and the clocks stopped. After leaving the parking lot, the mechanisms began to work again.

One of the groups could not leave the rectangle measuring 2 x 4 km for 2 hours. All researchers began to feel severe weakness, the pulse dropped to 40 beats per minute. And only when the group was able to barely escape from this place, everyone felt a colossal surge of energy and quickly managed to cover 20 km to the base camp without stopping.

Researchers discovered a local magnetic anomaly, but were unable to examine the area. All members of the group felt a sharp deterioration in their health and began to have headaches, but after leaving the zone everything went away immediately.

The impact of the anomaly on humans

The negative impact on people’s well-being was so great that no one dared to enter the clearing itself. The researchers, who wandered through the taiga for several weeks in search of a lost place, and spent a lot of money on equipment for the expedition, saved at the very last moment. They postponed the examination of the anomaly until another day, hoping to rest and gain strength. But in the morning it turned out that all members of the expedition had health problems. For some, their knee joints began to swell, for others, their muscles became numb, and for others, sharp pains appeared in their spine. In addition, there was added moral depression, a depressed state of mind, and unexpected irritability and anxiety.

This alone can already indicate the power of the destructive impact of the anomalous zone on the human body and psyche. All the researchers did was photograph Devil’s Glade from afar and take some measurements in its surroundings. The expedition leader reported that while approaching the anomaly, the compass malfunctioned, and the device that recorded electromagnetic radiation began to show the maximum value. Researchers have suggested that all the strange phenomena occurring in the black spot area are caused by a colossal magnetic field anomaly in this area.

The version about the impact of the geomagnetic anomaly is the main one today. Only its origin is unclear. Most researchers believe that the anomaly is somehow connected with the Tunguska meteorite.

It is located in the basin of the Kova River, which flows into the Angara. This place has other, no less gloomy names, such as the Devil's Glade, the Deadly Place, the Glade of Death and the Devil's Cemetery. Be sure to visit the Krasnoyarsk Territory - the Devil's Cemetery will impress you.

What do eyewitnesses say about the clearing?

Amazing things are said about the mysterious clearing. According to some descriptions, it has a round shape, according to others - L-shaped. Its diameter is either 100, 200, or 250 meters. In this place there is radiation of an unknown nature, which has a detrimental effect on all living things. There is no grass here, only bare earth. The trees are withering, their branches have a charred appearance. People develop a feeling of inexplicable fear and a severe headache begins. Animals that visit the clearing die.

It tells about the numerous corpses of animals in the clearing itself, which for some reason do not rot, but at the same time it is also mentioned large quantities bones. The meat of the animals that died here became a bright crimson color. The Devil's Cemetery (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia) scares even the bravest tourists.

Where did the cows go?

Cow drivers who were driving a herd through the taiga said that they had to come close to a mysterious clearing. They were looking for two lost animals and discovered a place with bare ground where the runaways from the herd lay already dead. The dogs, in the excitement of the chase, ran out into the clearing, but immediately ran away with a terrible squeal and died a few days later. The drivers were not allowed into the clearing by a local hunter, who said that this was the very Devil’s Cemetery. He immediately took them away, saying that death awaited everyone there.

Locals avoid the Devil's Cemetery. Horror stories people hear about this place everywhere.

Hunter's Stories

From the story of an experienced hunter, which was published by the local newspaper “Soviet Priangarye” in 1940, it follows that his grandfather came to the Devil’s cemetery together with a local agronomist. There they saw only bare earth without vegetation. They broke green branches and laid them on the ground. The branches quickly withered, as if fire had been brought to them.

There are too many stories like these to simply ignore. But there are no real eyewitnesses. A generalization of all the information contained in the stories allows us to draw some still preliminary conclusions about the existence of a place where anomalous phenomena are observed. Are you interested in the Devil's Cemetery (Krasnoyarsk Territory)? You will find out where it is from our article.

Facts and true stories

In June 1984, materials from the Siberian Academy of Sciences of the USSR relating to the period from 1908 to 1979 were declassified and then published.

  1. A place called the Devil's Glade or the Devil's Cemetery is home to anomalous phenomena. It is located 400 km from the place where the Tunguska explosion occurred. The first information about this zone appeared in the 20s of the last century and accumulated until 1928.
  2. The zone is approximately located at a distance of 60 to 100 km from the confluence of the Kova tributary into the Angara River, if you follow northeast direction at an azimuth of 35. To reach this place, it is necessary to cover part of the path by water, and the remaining 45 km can only be walked on foot through the so-called mshars, that is, through raised swamps overgrown with forest. In order to move along them, you need experienced guides from among the local residents. But all the people here do not come closer than 2 or 3 km to the clearing. They stop and give the group the opportunity to independently overcome this distance and find a clearing. After returning from the expedition, the guides first go to the church and only then go home.
  3. In materials regarding geometric parameters, it is noted that the clearing is shaped like the letter “G” with dimensions of 730 meters in length and 230 meters in width. Its elongated part is directed in the same direction as the fallen trees in the fall zone of the Tunguska meteorite. However, the shape of the clearing is also described as a circle with a diameter of 110 meters.
  4. Other indicators indicate that seismic activity remained normal in this area throughout the period since its discovery, starting in 1908. The background radiation was also within normal limits. But it is noted that low-frequency acoustic vibrations could have a negative impact on plants and animals. They occurred during small changes in seismic activity. For this reason, only small shrubs, herbaceous plants, mosses and mushrooms could grow in the clearing, which quickly died as activity increased. The death of animals is explained by exposure to acoustic vibrations ranging from 0.75 to 25 Hz.

Top secret

An analysis of declassified academic materials showed that the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Devil's Cemetery) hides the following secrets.

  1. General information about Devil's Glade was taken from eyewitness accounts. Moreover, most of the narration was led not by the eyewitnesses themselves, but by other people.
  2. The materials describe in detail the path to the place of the anomaly with azimuth indications, but the exact coordinates of the clearing itself are not indicated. There is not even an approximate description of where this place can be found.
  3. Information about the features of the clearing is taken from the reports of several expeditions that examined the area where the Tunguska meteorite fell. The first such expedition was organized only in 1927.

It is possible that the very fact of classifying the materials on the Devil’s Cemetery was caused by the need to hide from the public the inability of official science to explain incomprehensible phenomena. Such anomalous places in Russia always cause a lot of controversy. The Devil's Cemetery is a little-explored territory.

Research by scientists

The published declassified materials gave an incentive to journalists, scientists, researchers, tourists and simply adventurers to start their own investigations and try to find the Devil's Glade itself, or at least understand what it is. At the same time, some directly connected the Devil's Cemetery with others considered it as a separate object, others simply fell into fantasy, but everyone went their own way.

The damn cemetery in the Krasnoyarsk Territory still remains one of the scientists have put forward so many versions that others are confused and do not see where the truth is.

Coordinates and search for anomalies

One after another, expeditions went into the taiga to search for a mysterious place. Theoretical work began to boil in research centers, ufologists began to look for traces of extraterrestrial civilizations, and so on.

As a result, various expedition reports, theoretical studies by scientists and various assumptions by amateur researchers were published. Many are attracted by the Devil's Cemetery (Krasnoyarsk Territory). The coordinates (57°45"19"N 100°44"54"E) will be useful to those who are not afraid to go in search of answers.

Real reports

The reports of some search expeditions noted strange facts.

  1. After examining a small area of ​​the taiga, all members of the search group lost their watches by 20 minutes.
  2. At a halt at one of the groups, all research instruments stopped working and the clock stopped. After leaving the resting place, the mechanisms started working again.
  3. The group discovered the glowing pillars and photographed them. The pillars suddenly disappeared, and there was nothing on the photographic film.
  4. Researchers found a local magnetic anomaly, but were unable to examine the area. All members of the group felt worse and had headaches, but after leaving the zone everything went away.
  5. One of the groups could not leave the 2x4 km rectangle for two hours. All members of the group felt severe weakness, the pulse dropped to 40 beats per minute. And only when the group barely escaped from this place, everyone felt a colossal surge of energy and quickly covered 20 km to the base camp without stopping.

So, from the reports it follows that some groups still managed to approach places similar to the Devil’s Glade, but no one was able to examine it. Most expeditions did not find anything similar to the Devil’s Cemetery.

Versions of scientists

Fans of horror stories go on entire expeditions to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The damn cemetery still attracts with its abnormality. Scientists put forward their own versions of this strange behavior of plants and animals.

  1. According to geologists, a fire could have occurred underground in coal deposits. This was the reason for the appearance of a hot clearing. Plants died from fire, animals from carbon monoxide. There are many coal deposits in these places, sometimes they even almost come to the surface. And if the clearing was in a pit, then everything could have been like this. But according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses, the clearing should be on a slope, and this casts doubt on the version of an underground local fire.
  2. Scientists A. and S. Simonov believe that there is a strong variable in the clearing. Under its influence, an electric current passes through the blood. Animal and human blood is a good electrolyte. At high current values, it coagulates, blood clots form, blood circulation stops, and the animal dies. The same fate awaits man. But if it is located near the zone, then disruption of normal blood circulation will lead to headaches, muscle numbness and even a micro-stroke. This version could suit scientists studying the Krasnoyarsk region. The damn cemetery, therefore, is just a field with alternating magnetic poles.
  3. Supporters of the Tunguska meteorite version claim that the cause of the appearance of anomalous zones was the destruction of a cosmic body at an altitude of about 20 km above the earth. This explains the absence of a crater, which would necessarily have formed as a result of an impact with the ground. The fragments of the cosmic body became sources of anomalies.

Other similar zones

Scientists remind that in addition to the famous Kursk magnetic anomaly, there are other such places on planet Earth. There is a similar place in Siberia. It is called the East Siberian Magnetic Anomaly. Thus, it is possible that the still incomprehensible phenomena in the Krasnoyarsk Territory have a completely simple explanation.

To this day, the place where the Devil's Cemetery or Devil's Glade is located has not yet been found. This means that the search for it will continue, and the time will come when researchers will tell what it was. The Devil's Cemetery (Kezhma, Krasnoyarsk Territory) will cause panic and cause controversy among scientists for a long time.

Devil's Polyana is considered one of the most disastrous places in Russia. It is also called the Devil's Cemetery and the Glade of Death. This anomaly appeared after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. It is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, not too far from the site of the meteorite fall. The glade is marked on the map, however, unlike Arkaim, they will not offer excursions and hotel room. Locals prefer to stay away from the dead place. There are guides among them, but they do not come closer to him than two or three km, explaining the way and leaving him to cover the further distance on his own. Not every group of researchers was able to find the anomaly. Many returned with nothing. Old-timers say that the clearing has a round shape. However, sometimes there are references to the fact that it can take an L-shape, that is, it slightly changes its outline, and perhaps even its size. Judging by the stories of people who visited it scary place, the diameter of the anomaly can range from hundreds to three hundred meters. This also confirms that she changes sizes from time to time.

The clearing is not covered with grass; in this place you can see completely bare ground. They say that the plants die there. This applies to both animals and people. More than once cows wandered into the anomalous territory. They were found dead. Despite the fact that corpses do not decompose for a very long time, animal bones were seen in the clearing. Local residents used hooks to pull out the corpses of animals that had not made it far. According to them, the meat of the cows acquired an unnatural scarlet color. No one has tried to eat it. Trees that stand too close to the geopathogenic zone are charred. Not far from it, the vegetation is withering away. On the approach to the Devil's Cemetery, people develop unreasonable fear and anxiety, their health worsens, and headaches occur. Several times the hunters' dogs accidentally ran onto the bare, scorched earth. After a few seconds they screamed and turned back, and a couple of days later the animals died. Representatives of search groups claim that near this strange anomaly there are interruptions in the operation of equipment. One of the expeditions discovered that the watches of all participants in the expedition were twenty minutes behind. There is also a cessation of operation of mechanisms - watches and research instruments. After a change in dislocation, they return to normal, which means that near Devil’s Glade there are several anomalous places with unknown properties.

Researchers have repeatedly found local small anomalous areas in these places. In particular, these are magnetic anomalies, exposure to which is fraught with deterioration in well-being and headaches. There are also large areas several kilometers in size. While on one of these, tourists noted that their pulse dropped to 40 beats per minute and severe weakness appeared. After leaving the strange area, a sharp surge of strength appeared, the group walked 20 km without stopping. Particularly curious local residents they tried to throw fresh green branches, plucked from trees, from afar onto the empty ground of the Devil's Cemetery. According to their stories, the greenery immediately withered. It looked as if fire had been brought to the branches. This area is poorly explored - there are few people willing to risk their lives. It is interesting that researchers who decide to travel to a terrible place always go to the local church on the way back and read prayers.

This place is located in Krasnoyarsk region, in a swimming pool tributary of the Angara - the Kova River, four hundred kilometers from the site of the Tunguska meteorite fall. There are other names for the anomalous place - Devil's Cemetery, Devil's Cemetery, Glade of Death, Lost Place.

The clearing has a round shape, its diameter is about two hundred meters. Some unknown factors (possibly radiation, evaporation) act in the clearing, killing all living things. The ground in the clearing is bare, there are no plants. The trees around are stunted and charred. People experience overwhelming fear and severe headaches. Animals and birds that find themselves in the clearing die.

They say that one day shepherds driving cows accidentally found themselves next to a clearing, as they were looking for two cows that had strayed from the herd. They came out to a clearing and saw a bare place where their dead cows lay. The dogs that were with them, by inertia, jumped out into the clearing, but rushed away howling and died a few days later. Fortunately for the shepherds, they were taken away from there by a local hunter who saw all this, saying that this was the same Devil’s Glade, and everyone would die there.

Local residents try to avoid this terrible place. According to a local hunter, freshly cut branches thrown into a clearing dry out and become charred before our eyes.

At the end of the 1980s, the archives of the Siberian Academy of Sciences were published, containing documents from 1908, from which it followed that Devil's Glade is a geopathogenic zone. Research into this anomalous zone has been carried out since the 1920s. In order to get to this place, you need to walk part of the way by water, then about 50 kilometers on foot through swamps covered with forests (msharas). Local guides are needed to navigate the moshars.

Local residents do not approach the lost place closer than two kilometers; they stop, let the researchers go to the clearing and wait for them to return. Returning from a trip to the clearing, the guides first go to church and only after that head home.

The area experiences frequent low-intensity seismic activity, which produces low-frequency sound waves that negatively affect animals and plants. These fluctuations have led to the fact that only mosses and lichens grow in the clearing, which, however, also die with increased activity. The death of animals occurred due to exposure to infrasonic vibrations with a frequency of up to 25 Hz.