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Where is Madagascar located? Republic of Madagascar: history, attractions, interesting facts. Scientific facts about Madagascar - what interesting things are hidden in the island of baobabs Interesting facts about Madagascar for children

M adagascar is one of largest islands on the globe. In area it is second only to Greenland, New Guinea and Kalimantan.

The island is located east of the African mainland and is separated from it by the rather wide Mozambique Strait. Madagascar stretches from north to south for almost 1,600 km, and its total area is 597 thousand square meters. km. The southern part of the island is crossed by the Southern Tropic.

Madagascar was colonially dependent on France for a long time, but the struggle for independence of the Malagasy people was crowned with success.

The huge island of Madagascar is a kind of continent in miniature. Its shape, geological structure, unique flora and fauna, the amazing diversity of ethnic types of population and their customs represent to some extent a mystery for scientists that has not been solved to this day.

Thanks to its isolated island position, Madagascar is a kind of unique nature reserve, where many species of animals and plants are preserved, found nowhere else on Earth. Of the 12 thousand plant species, 10 thousand are found only in Madagascar.

Some scientists believe that Madagascar is a fragment of the ancient continent of Gondwana, others - a piece of land that miraculously survived from the legendary continent of Lemuria, which sank in the depths of the Indian Ocean.

The climate of Madagascar is extremely diverse. In different parts of the island on the same day there can be warm sunny weather, raging heat, stuffiness, freezing temperatures, and tiresomely long rain.

The fauna in Madagascar is ancient and endemic, and therefore stands out as an independent Madagascar zoogeographic region. There is no large predators, and among the small ones, civet (mongoose), insectivorous tenrecs, bats, and many reptiles and insects are common. There used to be many different species of prosimians, including lemurs, but now there are only a few of them left.

The capital of Madagascar - Antananarivo - is located among the brick-colored mountains, hills and green valleys of the Imerina plateau, at the northern spurs mountain range. The capital's quarters are located at an altitude of 1250 to 1470 m, and the city seems to float above the island.

Most of the island is occupied by the High Plateau with the most high peak- Mount Marumukutru, which has a height of 2876 m. The landscapes of the High Plateau enchant with the green waves of hills that stretch far beyond the horizon. Here and there, extinct volcanoes rise with round craters filled with water. Vast flowering valleys alternate with flat-bottomed depressions, swampy and damp.

The island's population is divided into three types: first - short, similar to the Vietnamese and Japanese; the second - tall black men with curly hair; the third is mixed, with chocolate skin, curly hair, a short, slightly flattened nose. This diversity is explained by the fact that in ancient times Madagascar was the object of migration of many peoples: they migrated from Indonesia, from India, from African countries, from Arab countries and etc.

The name Madagascar gave the island in the 13th century. the famous Marco Polo, although the Malagasy continue to call their island Tani-be, which means “great”.

Archaeologists in many places in Madagascar find skeletons of the “elephant bird” - apiornis and its eggs with a capacity of up to 8 liters. This bird was described in the Arabian Nights and Marco Polo wrote in his Book on the Diversity of the World. Then at the end of the nineteenth century. The skeleton of a gigantic bird was discovered, the height of which reached 2 m 68 cm. This skeleton is located in the Natural History Museum in Paris. The mighty wingless bird lived on the island until the 7th century. At one time, indigenous people used the shells of Epyornis eggs as vessels for storing drinking water.

Among the plants, the most famous is the “travelers tree”, or the ravenala palm, in addition to tamarinds, pandanuses, rosewood and ebony trees, and various types of rubber vines. The coconut palm grows on the east coast, and the fan palm grows on the west coast. In the south, in the savannas, the baobab grows, and among the thorny bushes the candelabra tree is often found. Mangroves are common on the western low-lying coast.

There are two seasons on the island: in winter there are long rains, in summer - the monsoon period, when cyclones approach every now and then. A cyclone is usually preceded by calm, windless weather, when even the cicadas fall silent. By noon, the sky is covered with low clouds, a heavy wind bursts from the east into the thickening twilight darkness, and a waterfall falls from the sky, illuminated by flashes of lightning, cutting the sky from horizon to horizon. Deafening thunderclaps shake the island. The hurricane knocks down giant trees, tears off roofs from houses, and destroys thatched huts. Residents of mid-latitudes cannot even imagine such storms.

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Many, of course, have watched the cartoon "Madagascar" and its sequels, but few are familiar with the real country in which the events of the animated film take place. Located approximately 400 kilometers east of mainland Africa, Madagascar is an isolated and... mysterious country, still aloof from mass tourism. This exotic country is actually one of the most vibrant and intriguing places on the planet.

Madagascar has always been a source of inspiration for many wonderful documentaries and feature films. If you've seen one of these and fallen in love with this amazing island nation, then this post is for you! And if you haven’t watched it, but are interested in finding out what everyone is so excited about, then you simply have to check out these 25 interesting facts about Madagascar that you didn’t know until now!

25. From a political and geographical point of view, Madagascar now belongs to Africa, but it was originally part of Asia. About 88 million years ago, the island separated from the Indian peninsula due to the prehistoric breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana.

24. Because native plants and animals have evolved in relative isolation, Madagascar has become a true nature reserve, rich in biological diversity: more than 90% of Madagascar's flora and fauna are endemic.

23. Occupying an area of ​​587,000 square meters. km, Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world (after Greenland, New Guinea and Borneo).

22. Currently, Madagascar is home to more than 24 million people, mostly rural, of whom 69% live below the poverty line, set at $1 a day.

21. From 1897 to 1960, Madagascar was part of the French colonial empire, and even today French is one of the country's two official languages, although most Madagascar residents use Malagasy as their primary language.

20. Also known by its colonial French name "Tana", the city of Antananarivo is the capital of the state and largest city in the country. This metropolis of 1.6 million people, with its many modern buildings, factories and commercial properties, is the political, economic, educational and cultural center of the country.

19. Madagascar is a true botanical paradise: almost 15,000 species of plants grow here, including 170 species of palm trees (3 times more than in the entire African mainland) and 860 species of orchids.

18. However, the most symbolic plant of Madagascar was the baobab. There are only 9 species of this bizarre tree on our planet, 6 of which can only be seen in Madagascar.

17. Madagascar was once a popular vacation spot for European pirates and was rumored to be home to the independent free pirate republic of Libertalia. According to the stories, the pirates abandoned their national identity and called themselves "Liberi", creating their own system of government and laws. They allegedly fought against the monarchy, the inequality of people and money, freeing prisoners and releasing slaves.

16. In Madagascar, many traditional entertainments have been preserved, such as Moraingy - a type of hand-to-hand combat popular in coastal regions, Savika - a kind of rodeo with the participation of wild zebu bulls and Fanorona - a board strategy game, widespread in mountainous areas.

15. The President of Madagascar, who took office in January 2014, has the longest surname among all heads of state in the world: Hery Rajaonarimampianina.

14. Almost 80% of the world's vanilla production comes from. The country's other key agricultural resources include coffee, lychee and shrimp.

13. Madagascar is home to more than 100 species and subspecies of lemurs, including the legendary creature known as the aye-aye, a large nocturnal primate famous for its bizarre appearance and unusual method of obtaining food known as “bump foraging.” .

12. Despite being the most important biodiversity hotspot on the planet, Madagascar also suffers from deforestation. It is estimated that after humans arrived on the island, more than 90% of the original forest was destroyed (as a result of logging, poaching and environmental pollution).

11. The most popular sport in Madagascar is rugby. The country is currently ranked 41st in the world by World Rugby and boasts an impressive number of registered players (over 22,540) and rugby clubs (over 410).

10. Although the predominant religion in Madagascar is Christianity (introduced by missionaries), most residents still worship the cult of ancestors, believing in the magical power of deceased ancestors and relatives. Even modern Malagasy consider deceased relatives to be part of the family. Many of them bury their dead in coffins, which they then carry high into caves and cliffs (so that they are closer to their ancestors, who are already in heaven).

9. While Madagascar may not be at the top of lists of top African travel destinations like the Seychelles or Mauritius, it does boast some breathtaking beaches.

8. A French sport called petanque has always been popular in Madagascar, in which large metal balls are thrown as close as possible to a small wooden ball. In 1999, the Malagasy even became the world champion in petanque.

7. Many Malagasy people believe in the existence of witches and mermaids. To protect yourself from their evil spells, it is recommended to carry chickpeas (lamb peas) in your pockets and throw them at the witches.

6. Madagascar is a surprisingly diverse country. Its landscape varies greatly - from rain forests and (the highest point is at an altitude of 2876 meters above sea level) to deserts and rice fields.

5. Every year, tropical cyclones cause damage to the infrastructure and local economy of Madagascar, not to mention the loss of life. For example, in 2004, Cyclone Gafilo killed 172 people, destroyed the homes of 214,000 people and caused more than $250 million in damage.

4. Archaeologists estimate that the earliest tribes to settle Madagascar arrived on the island in successive waves between 350 BC. and 550 AD, although some scholars are skeptical about dates earlier than 250 AD. In any case, these data allow us to call Madagascar one of the very last large land masses on our planet that was inhabited by people.

3. Once upon a time, Madagascar was home to elephant birds, representatives of the apiornis family, which were one of the largest birds that ever lived on our planet. According to some estimates, Madagascan apiornis weighed up to 500 kg. These flightless birds became extinct at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries for unclear reasons, although one of the main suspected reasons is that they were destroyed by humans.

2. Madagascar is home to numerous reptiles, including 80 species of snakes, and none of them are poisonous.

1. Despite the popular Pixar children's cartoon, Madagascar does not actually have lions, giraffes, hippos, penguins or zebras.

The island nation of Madagascar is located in Indian Ocean, but geographically it belongs to Africa. It is entirely occupied by the state of the same name. Here you can find very strange and unusual customs and traditions, but Madagascar is very interesting from the point of view of a curious tourist. People come here not to lie on the beach, but to comprehend the unknown.

  • Madagascar is the largest state on the planet, occupying one island.
  • More than 90% of the animal and plant species found in this country are found nowhere else on Earth.
  • Residents of Madagascar practice the cult of dead ancestors. Every 7 years they remove deceased relatives from the crypt located in the courtyard of the house and dress them in new shrouds. For this event, a festive meal is prepared, music is played, and the deceased is supposed to communicate politely and kindly.
  • This island is inhabited by ants, nicknamed “Draculas” because of their feeding habits - adult individuals of these insects are not able to digest solid food, so the larvae digest the food for them, and the ants then bite through their skin and suck out the blood.
  • A football match took place in Madagascar, during which the most goals were scored in the history of this sport. The team, which lost a chance at the championship due to a referee's error, spent the entire next match throwing balls into their own goal as a sign of protest - 149 in total.
  • Scientists believe that Marco Polo gave Madagascar this name by mistake. In his memoirs, he mentioned this place, which he had heard a lot about, called Madeigascar. However, the researchers came to the conclusion that the traveler confused everything and in reality described not the island, but the Somali port of Mogadishu and its environs. The distorted name of this city turned into the word “Madagascar” ().
  • One of the American museums houses a piece of fabric measuring 3 square meters, woven from spider webs - spiders were caught for 4 years in Madagascar for this purpose.
  • In Madagascar, there is a moth that replenishes the lack of fluid by drinking the tears of sleeping birds ().
  • In the Madagascar jungle there lives a frog that can, if necessary, change the color of its skin from light blue to dark brown ().
  • One of the queens of Madagascar sent her subjects to execution for appearing in her dreams without prior warning.
  • In Antananarivo, the capital of the island, since the mid-19th century it was forbidden to erect buildings made of stone - the only stone building for many years was the royal palace.
  • Madagascar is the largest producer and exporter of vanilla. When large corporations began to abandon the use of natural vanilla in favor of artificial vanillin, this was a heavy blow to the island's economy.
  • This island arose as a result of the collapse of the supercontinent Gondwana, and it separated not from Africa, as many people think, but from India ().
  • The soil in Madagascar is red because it contains a lot of iron and aluminum.
  • The inhabitants of Madagascar observe many strange traditions inherited from their ancestors. For example, it is forbidden to wash dust in houses, and in some regions a son is forbidden to shave until his father dies.
  • Madagascar is the fourth largest island on Earth. It is twice the size of Britain and can accommodate five Icelands on its territory.

The desire to discover something new, previously unknown, perhaps even exotic and extreme, is present, according to statistics, in 87% of all inhabitants of the planet, from childhood to people with senile rheumatism. This new and exotic may well include amazing country- Madagascar. This is a country for those who long to discover new territories, unexplored corners, trample their fresh path in this distant land, or take a nap on the beach, wrapped in pure White sand and, as if listening to a lullaby, dreaming to the sound of the surf. It even received unique features of the time.

The island is full, as if in a fairy tale, with numerous nature reserves, coral massifs and unique rivers. Don’t think that because this is some unexplored island in the ocean, it means there are terrible conditions and primitive tribes here. It's just the opposite! Thanks to its modern hotel infrastructure, Madagascar has been visited by even the most famous film and television stars for several decades now. Anyone, even the most skilled traveler, arriving in Madagascar, the capital of Antananarivo, will be 200% amazed and shocked. I promise you this!

Interactive map of attractions:

Geographical data

As we all know, Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean and borders the east coast of South Africa. They are separated from each other only by the Mozambique Strait. The total area of ​​Madagascar is quite large; this island is the fourth largest in the list, giving way to Greenland, New Guinea and Borneo. The length of the island is about 1600 km, while its width reaches only 600 km. The capital of Madagascar is the city of Antananarivo, which will be discussed further in our article.

There is an extinct volcano in Madagascar, which is highest point, almost 3000 m. The entire central part of the island is occupied by the high mountain plateau of Anjafi. All the mountain ranges present on the island are rich in various natural materials such as gold, iron and copper. The plains located near the coast are very fertile due to their marshy structure. Due to its favorable geographical location, the flora and fauna of Madagascar are very diverse. This fact led to the island being called the “small continent”.

Climatic conditions

The climate of the island primarily depends on the formation of the southeast trade wind and the South Indian anticyclone. As a result, the island of Madagascar presents 3 climatic natural areas, among which:

  • on the east coast there is a monsoon tropical climate,
  • southern part - desert arid air,
  • and the central region is temperate marine.

Precipitation in Madagascar is very low throughout the year - no more than 350 cm for the southern part of the country, and no more than 150 cm for the central region. It is believed that the most favorable period for traveling to Madagascar is the beginning of April to the end of October. In winter, that is, from November to March, it often rains, accompanied by strong hurricanes. In general, the climate varies greatly throughout the island and average temperatures can vary. Of course, this minor fact does not prevent the huge entry of travelers and tourists into Madagascar at any time of the year. But when choosing a vacation in Madagascar, it is better to consult with a tour operator who will accurately determine best time for visiting and relaxation.

World of animals and plants

Earlier we said that the island of Madagascar is dominated by three climatic zones, which are quite favorable for the reproduction and prosperity of diverse species of exotic animals. Keep in mind that Madagascar contains a whopping 5% of all the world's animals and various plants, of which a whopping 80% live on the island. In other words, imagine that out of 36 species of all mammals, only 32 live perfectly on this island. Therefore, Madagascar is considered a “small continent”.

The most popular mammals on the island are lemurs. Even the smallest inhabitant of the planet knows about this fact from the famous cartoon of the same name. As a result of human factors and various natural phenomena, lemurs have long disappeared from the territory of Europe and America, but, probably, they will not disappear anywhere from Madagascar. There are a lot of different reptiles on the island, including poisonous ones, but if you adhere to certain rules of behavior, you will not be in any danger. Among plants, baobabs are very popular in Madagascar, which do not grow anywhere else in the world. Quite a rich world of large butterflies and amazing orchids. In general, herbal and animal world will appeal even to those ignorant of these areas.

How to plan the perfect holiday in Madagascar

Considering the fact that Madagascar is an island in the ocean, the first thing you need to do is decide on transport to enter its territory. Of course, the most convenient way would be to fly. There are, of course, lovers of yachts or steamships, but by choosing this type of transport for transportation, you doom yourself not only to extra costs, but also to possible difficulties.

Having decided on transport, immediately select the hotel where you will stay. The hotel infrastructure of Madagascar has developed greatly in recent years, but in order for your place of residence to meet all your requirements, it is better to explore the proposed conditions with painstaking and attentiveness, so as not to encounter stupid and unpleasant accidents.

After choosing a hotel, it is also advisable to find a decent local resident who will accompany you during your trip if you want to experience the natural beauties of Madagascar. Moreover, not all the indigenous inhabitants of the island love foreigners for their depraved nature and alienation from nature. In general, if you take into account the above recommendations, your vacation in Madagascar will be remembered for a lifetime!

The most important attractions of Madagascar

In order to feel the spirit of primeval nature and feel the strength and faith of local residents in the ancient gods, you, as a traveler, need to visit the following places.

The first place to visit is national park Zombice-Vohybasia. As a result of the fact that the entire park is located on limestone soil, all types of reliefs are unique. The variety of wild vegetation is amazing, and the canyons and grottoes, unusual in their structure, will surprise even the most sophisticated tourist. The park is the main attraction, revealing the world of primitive Africa with its majestic forests and fertile lands. In addition to primitiveness, you can also find traces of the 19th century with the construction of Catholic churches and the burial places of old pirates.

A similar spectacle is available on a small island near Madagascar called Nosy-Boraha. You will find a huge number of lemurs only in the forests of Zenavo. The famous baobabs and didiers grow there. If you want to get to know the life of the local residents better, it is recommended to visit the town of Antsirabe, where production factories and workshops will open before you in all their splendor.

Beautiful and interesting places in Madagascar

Beautiful places will most likely be of interest to newlyweds who want to not only spend Honeymoon in Madagascar, but also to celebrate the celebration itself with colorful dances and chants. The most suitable resort for such purposes would be magnificent resort Sainte-Marie, which is a must-see even for ordinary tourists. According to most visitors, this paradise, which fills everyone's heart with love. There are quite decent restaurants and hotels here.

Traveling on yachts will also give you an unforgettable experience, and first of all, from the sight of humpback whales. There, not far from the island, diving enthusiasts will be able to enjoy the most beautiful underwater world, where, together with sea inhabitants: lobsters, turtles and moray eels, an amazing world will open up to you!

The Kirindy Forest is also an interesting place. It differs in that it is dominated only by dry, deciduous plants, which inexplicably somehow appeared on an island with a humid climate. This place does not have normal conditions for living and long-term research, but it is simply necessary to spend at least a few hours here in order to deepen your knowledge of Madagascar.

Always remember when visiting Madagascar that this is an island with a special culture and tradition, so when communicating with local residents, you must adhere to certain rules.

  • If you are invited to a home or ceremony, be sure to bring some kind of gift with you. It may even be a bottle of wine, but it will be necessary for offerings.
  • If you are invited to a ceremony of remembrance of spirits, then under no circumstances think about refusing. You must understand that you have been given the great honor of attending such an event. Remember that foreigners are prohibited from visiting all sacred places called “necropolises”! Smoking, fishing, and eating pork are also prohibited near these places.
  • Women are strictly forbidden to wear trousers on the shores of sacred lakes. Know that prostitution in some areas of Madagascar is very developed. If you meet a woman walking alone within the local settlements, then she is a representative of an ancient profession. Other, decent women always go accompanied by a brother or friend.
  • Beware of swimming in the ocean far from the beach. Such carelessness can lead to serious consequences.

National dishes of Madagascar

Like any other exotic country, Madagascar is famous not only for its resorts, but also for its amazing dishes. Basically, the menu in restaurants includes rice dishes with various types of sauces. For the inhabitants of Madagascar, rice is the main dish, which is even added to some salads. For example, all tourists are recommended to try herbal salads combined with “ro” rice and shrimp salad, also combined with rice.

A delicacy that you will not try anywhere in the world is a dish made from zebu cow meat. It lives only in Madagascar and pleases not only with its excellent meat, but also with rich milk.

Restaurants in Madagascar often offer pork dishes, which, surprisingly, are prohibited from being eaten in some sacred places. However, pork with eel or meat stew with vegetables are very popular among tourists.

For dessert, it is preferable to try local persimmon, lychee or guava. But the most favorite delicacy will be sweets made from coconut, which is included in many flatbreads, pudding and some pies. The variety of drinks will also please any traveler. It is more preferable to order juices from freshly squeezed exotic fruits. To satisfy your alcoholic cravings, we recommend drinking Tuaka Gras rum or Trembu coconut wine.

The island of Madagascar is sometimes referred to as Africa, and this is partly true. The peoples inhabiting Madagascar are similar to Africans, but there are plenty of other differences. However, this island, which broke away from the mainland millions of years ago, is fraught with many natural wonders that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

  1. The island of Madagascar is the fourth largest island on the planet.
  2. More than ninety percent local species flora and fauna are endemic, that is, they are not found anywhere except Madagascar.
  3. The entire territory of the island is occupied by the Republic of Madagascar.
  4. There are two official languages ​​in Madagascar - French and Malagasy.
  5. Madagascar is the world's first producer of vanilla.
  6. It is a well-known fact that when the Coca-Cola company abandoned natural vanilla in favor of artificial vanilla, it had a strong negative impact on the country’s economy (see).
  7. The Republic of Madagascar gained independence in 1960. Before this, the island was a French colony.
  8. Two religions predominate on the island - ancestor worship and Christianity.
  9. The written form of the Malagasy language is based on the Latin alphabet, although it was first written in Arabic.
  10. The basis of Madagascar cuisine is rice.
  11. The most popular sport in Madagascar is football.
  12. Military service in Madagascar is compulsory and lasts for one and a half years.
  13. There are active natural plague foci in Madagascar.
  14. Madagascar is sometimes called the "Great Red Island". Its soil actually has a reddish tint.
  15. The first human settlements in Madagascar arose about two thousand years ago.
  16. In the 70s of the last century, Russian was taught in schools located in the capital of Madagascar.
  17. Every house in Madagascar has a spider web because... You can’t remove it - it’s taboo.
  18. The national currency of Madagascar is the Ariary. What is characteristic is that this is not a decimal currency (see).
  19. The wife is in charge of the budget in Madagascar families.
  20. In some regions of Madagascar, there is a tradition that a son cannot shave while his father is alive.
  21. Perhaps the biggest fear of a typical Madagascar is not being buried after death in the family crypt.
  22. Some species of moths living in Madagascar drink tears from sleeping birds and crocodiles at night to replenish natural fluid losses in the body.
  23. The population density in Madagascar is only 33 people per square kilometer.
  24. More than forty percent of Madagascar's territory is covered by forests.
  25. It is not customary to leave a tip in any establishments in Madagascar.
  26. Madagascar's largest predator is the fossa, an animal that looks like a bizarre cross between a cat and a dog.