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What do the flags on the beach mean? Colorful travel tip: beach flags

Tourists are exploring more and more new beach areas, but not everyone is aware of what the colors of the flags that lifeguards set on the beaches mean.

The color of the flag planted on the beach encodes important information for tourists. Flags can be combined, then the information encrypted in them is summed up.

1. Blue flag.

A patterned blue flag or simply a sky blue flag is usually flown on a beach that has been accredited to 27 points. In fact, the presence of such a flag is a certificate of quality for the beach. Placing such a flag is prestigious and many resorts are fighting for the presence of a blue flag on their territory. The flag sometimes indicates the year in which the flag was received. Beaches are certified every year; a commission comes to the country and inspects beaches in a row, determining compliance with the agreed upon criteria. The Ministry of Tourism of any country cheerfully reports on the number of blue flags received.

In Europe, beaches are certified before the start of the summer holiday season.

There are no beaches certified by blue flags in Russia and Ukraine!

2. Red flag.

A red flag with or without inscriptions has a clear meaning: prohibition to enter the water at all.

Even if the sea (ocean, river, lake) seems quiet to you, do not think that the flag was installed by accident or that someone forgot to remove it.

The reasons for setting a red flag may be:

Storm or high tides,

The presence in the water of predators dangerous to humans (for example, sharks, alligators, sea or river snakes, etc. “evil creatures”, and in Africa - lakes where encounters with malarial mosquitoes are likely),

Strong tidal currents leaving the shore that threaten to drag you into the open sea/ocean, where you will become exhausted and may die,

The beginning of the hunting period for nocturnal inhabitants, and therefore a dangerous period for swimming (usually night),

The presence of a zone of quicksand,

Presence of whirlpool zone

and a myriad of other reasons.

If there is a red flag, be sure to consult with rescuers, local merchants or local residents about the reasons for placing it.

Always ask the locals if swimming is allowed here!

It is unnecessary to remind you about the ban on swimming on beaches or shores where there are no lifeguard booths - there is simply no one to warn you about the possible danger.

Usually red flags are installed at a distance of 50 meters from each other. But even one such flag should be enough to get you back to the pool or hotel.

3. Yellow flag / Orange flag.

Lifeguards work on the beach. Swimming is not recommended; you can enter the water, but most likely there are waves and under certain circumstances, rescuers have the right not to let you into the water.

For Russia, Ukraine and the countries of the former socialist bloc, such a flag only means that there are lifeguards on the shore and therefore swimming is allowed.

4. Blue flags, often triangular (Vietnam).

Swimming is allowed, but there is a risk to life. Often these flags indicate the presence of strong open water roughness.

5. Green flag.

Swimming is allowed. Usually it is not installed at all.

6. White flag.

Swimming is allowed. Usually set as the antithesis of a black flag.

7. Black flag/ball.

A black shark flag is often flown in areas where the risk of shark attacks is particularly high (in some countries the shark flag is red or simply red).

For Russia, Ukraine and the countries of the former socialist bloc, such a black ball means a ban on swimming altogether.

8. Purple flag.

The ban on swimming due to the presence of toxic jellyfish in the water, which came to the shore due to annual migration or heavy rains.

Yellow and purple flags one above the other are typical for US beaches and mean a warning about the presence of jellyfish, stingrays or sharks in the water that are dangerous to humans. In any case, when swimming you need to be extremely careful and not swim far from the shore.

9. Checkerboard black and white flag (usually there are 2).

An area reserved for surfers and other sports disciplines. Swimming in such an area is not recommended, since you can get injured from colliding with athletes or their equipment.

10. Yellow-red flag (usually there are 2).

Many tourists vacationing at famous seaside resorts have probably already noticed that lifeguards working on the beaches continually plant flags of various colors on the shore. As you might guess, this is done not for the sake of decorating the coastline, which can already be very picturesque, but for a practical purpose - warning local residents and foreign tourists about the state of the sea on a particular beach and the degree of its danger for swimming. Currently, the beaches of most resorts in the world use a danger warning system, which is generally accepted, so knowing the meanings of certain flags will be useful to you not only while on vacation in Thailand, but also when traveling to other countries of the world.

All tourists vacationing at sea should know that not all of the flags installed on the beaches signal danger, because some of them, on the contrary, indicate that the sea condition is ideal for swimming, and some flags simply inform about certain features of the beach. If we talk specifically about Thailand, for example, then warning and information flags are complemented by inscriptions in seven languages ​​at once, the choice of which is due to the presence of a large number of tourists visiting the country and speaking these languages. Russian-speaking tourists are also not deprived in this regard, because in addition to Thai, Chinese, English, French, Korean and German, Russian is also used. The choice of languages ​​for warning signs on beaches in other countries is often much more limited.

However, it is not at all necessary to come close to the flags on the beach and read the inscriptions, because according to international standards, the colors of warning and information flags are somewhat reminiscent of the familiar colors of traffic lights. Therefore, if you are relaxing on one of them near Pattaya and see a green flag, this means that swimming is completely safe and the sea is calm at the moment. If a yellow flag is installed on the beach, then you should be vigilant while swimming, as there is some danger. If you cannot resist the temptation to swim in the sea when there are yellow flags, try not to do it completely alone, because in the event of an unforeseen situation there will be no one to save you.

A red flag hanging on the beach (as you might guess) means that the current sea state is assessed as dangerous, so swimming is prohibited. Most often, the red flag is flown when the sea is very rough. If not one, but two red flags are hung or installed on the beach (next to each other), then an increased level of danger emanates from the sea. The most common reason for placing two red flags on beaches is the presence of dangerous underwater currents. For example, this phenomenon is often observed on the beaches of Phuket during the low season on this island. You can read more about this in the article. If there are two red flags on the beach, it is prohibited not only to swim, but also to simply enter the water, even if it seems quite harmless on the surface.

The presence of yellow-red flags on the beaches indicates that swimming is allowed within the beach areas fenced by these flags, which are guarded by the water rescue service. But it is better to exercise some caution. Even greater caution should be exercised when a purple (or dark blue) flag is seen on the beach, which signals the presence of hazardous marine substances in coastal sea water that can harm human health. For example, stinging jellyfish have been spotted near the beach. Often a purple flag may be flown together with flags of other colors, such as yellow. In this case, the meaning of the flags of both colors is combined.

The presence of a brown flag hanging on the beach indicates that the sea water on the beach is seriously polluted, so swimming there is undesirable. Pollution can be either domestic or industrial, so those who care about preserving their own health should avoid water procedures on this beach. A black and white flag often causes unreasonable anxiety among vacationers at sea, but in reality it only signals that surfing is allowed on the beach. The area for this type of water sport is usually fenced on the beach on both sides, and on the beach itself there are signs that explain which areas are reserved for surfing and which for regular swimming in the sea.

And finally, a blue (light blue) flag installed on the beach signals the exceptional cleanliness of the water and the well-groomed territory of the beach itself. Most often, blue flags can be seen at European resorts, seaside resorts in Turkey and Egypt. I didn’t notice such flags in Thailand, although this does not mean that the water is not clean enough. Most likely, the Thais are simply saving money, because due to the huge number of clean beaches with crystal clear water, they would have to produce a considerable number of such flags every year :)

I hope that after reading this article you will always know what certain flags on the beaches mean and will follow their instructions for your own safety and to avoid unpleasant incidents that will mar your independent holiday in Thailand or your holiday at any other resort in the world.

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When you go abroad with a worthy mission - to get a nice bronze tan, you don’t immediately, but you pay attention to some strange flags hanging there. As it turns out, they are there not just for beauty (although they add brightness and festivity with their appearance). In fact, each color of the flag (on the beach) and even its shape has a certain
important for holidaymakers.

For the convenience of vacationers, the meaning of the same flags on the beaches of different countries is the same.

Classification of flags.

Blue flag (maybe with a pattern).

Beaches marked with the Blue Flag are beaches that have passed 32 international criteria for environmental cleanliness, meaning that the beach is well equipped and freely accessible to vacationers.

The blue flag also comes with an additional pattern in the form of white stripes. This means that this beach is characterized by increased comfort.

There are almost no beaches approved by the Blue Flag award on the territory of Russia and Ukraine. The maximum that can be seen on the beaches of these countries is the Blue Flag with a pattern of shells (most often, three shells). This flag only denotes a luxury beach.

Green flag.

Entry into the water is permitted. The water is calm, the wind is within normal limits.

If a beach is equipped and clearly maintained, but has no visible flags, it is presumably worthy of a green flag.

Yellow/orange flag.

There will be waves or strong currents in the sea today. The lifeguards present on the beach may (at their discretion) prevent vacationers from entering the water.

Red flag.

Swimming is prohibited today.

Double red flag.

Increased degree of danger. Entry into the water is prohibited.

Variants of danger for which a red flag may be raised:

Purple/blue flag.

Animals or other living creatures that are dangerous to life and health (sharks, stingrays, jellyfish, snakes, etc.) have appeared off the coast.

Brown (sometimes orange) flag.

The local beach or coastal area is polluted. For example, an oil slick was discovered off the coast of a beach.

Black flag or ball.

Shark attacks on humans have been recorded in the waters of this beach. It is strictly prohibited to enter the water.

Black and white flag (can be a checkerboard pattern).

This is how surfing spots are marked. It is not advisable to swim in the area limited by such flags in ordinary swimming trunks - you may run into a surfer.

Flag with a black circle on a yellow background.

On US beaches within the area marked by these flags, riding heavy boards (surfing) is prohibited.

Red-yellow flag.

These flags on the beaches of the USA and Australia mark the area controlled by lifeguards. Outside the area marked with red and yellow flags, vacationers in the water are responsible for themselves.

Blue triangular flag.

Similar flags are common on the beaches of Vietnam. They indicate that there is a certain danger in the waters of the designated beach: strong waves or currents.

White flag.

You can swim in the waters of the beach where such a flag stands.

"Shark" flag.

In addition to the above colored flags, flags are also installed on beaches that indicate the degree of threat from sharks in coastal waters. The flag has an outline of a shark and a different color background: green, red, black and white.

Do you pay attention to the color of the flag on the beach where you come to swim and sunbathe?

Today there is an international classification of beach flags, thanks to which you can indicate the cleanliness of the beach or existing dangers. Let's figure out what each color means and learn how to read these encrypted messages to tourists.

Blue flag, with or without pattern

The Blue Flag is a pride and a coveted prize for any beach. It indicates that the beach has successfully passed testing according to 27 international criteria, it is clean and meets environmental standards. If the flag has a pattern of white stripes, it means it is a luxury beach. European beaches are assessed annually, before the start of each season. Otherwise, the year of receipt may be indicated on the flag.

Green flag

You can safely go into the water, the sea is calm. This is the most standard sign; often it is not installed at all.

Yellow/orange flag

You need to be careful - on such a beach there are moderate waves or there are undercurrents. As a rule, there are lifeguards on duty at the beach and they have the right not to let you into the water if there are dangerous waves.

Red flag

Swimming is prohibited.

Double red flag

The danger is increased - entering the water is strictly prohibited. The reasons can be very different - from a storm, the beginning of the hunting season for local animals and sharks, to strong low tides that can drag them into the open sea or ocean, and even quicksand.

Purple flag (sometimes blue)

Evidence of the activity of dangerous marine animals in the coastal zone - stingrays, jellyfish, sharks.

Brown flag

The beach is polluted.

Black flag or ball

High probability of shark attacks.

Black and white checkerboard flag

There are areas for surfers on this beach and areas for surfing in the sea. Swimming is not recommended due to the possibility of injury in a collision with an athlete.

Red and yellow flag

This color of the flag indicates that the beach has certain boundaries within which lifeguards are on duty. As a rule, two such flags are installed, which delineate the boundaries of the zone. Lifeguards have the right to prohibit you from swimming outside the boundaries. If you swim outside a certain area, lifeguards are unlikely to be able to help you.

Black circle on a yellow background

In the US, this flag means you can't surf here.

Blue triangular flag

This flag can often be seen on the beaches of Vietnam. He says that there is a certain danger on this beach - most likely strong waves or underwater currents.

White flag

Swimming is allowed.

Shark flag

It is a green, black, red or white flag with a silhouette of a shark. Determines the threat level of shark attacks along the coast.

Every year people die at sea, and often this happens on well-maintained beaches where there are lifeguards. To protect yourself from possible troubles, I advise you to read this article and remember what the flags on the beach mean.

Surely, while relaxing at seaside resorts, you have more than once seen waving flags of different colors above rescue booths or towers. They help vacationers understand what dangers may be present at sea.

As a rule, all beaches in the world use a single generally accepted danger warning system, but there are minor differences, which we will discuss later. The most important thing to remember is that the color warning system of flags is similar to the warning system at traffic lights: green - allowed, yellow - attention, red (brown or black) - prohibited!

What do the flags on the beaches of Russia and the former USSR mean?

In the countries of the former socialist camp, only two flags are mainly used: yellow and black.

Yellow flag

A yellow flag on a beach in Russia simply means that swimming is allowed. Lifeguards work on the beach.

Black flag or black ball

The meaning of flags on the beaches of the world

Blue flag

This is a beach quality certificate. This flag is hung on the beach, which has undergone a special 27-point inspection. Certification takes place every year, before the start of the swimming season. Having such a flag is very prestigious. As far as I know, there are no such beaches in Russia and Ukraine.

Green flag (or white)

Safe sea, swimming allowed. There are no restrictions.

Yellow flag

Swimming is allowed, but there is a danger to life. Rescuers are working. It is not recommended to go into the water alone.

Yellow-red flag

Safe swimming area guarded by lifeguards.

Red flag (or black)

A red or black flag, sometimes with inscriptions or drawings, means a complete ban on swimming. The reasons may be different: storm, quicksand, sea predators, whirlpool and others.

Purple flag

This flag warns of the presence of dangerous sea creatures in sea water that can cause harm to human health.

Brown flag

Swimming is prohibited. The water is polluted.

Sometimes you can find several flags hanging, in such cases the information is summarized. Often, before entering the beach you can see a sign describing the meaning of the flags. That's basically all you need to know. Be careful and do not ignore the warnings of rescuers.