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Where is the highest point on our planet? (5 photos). Where is the highest point on Earth? The highest point on earth is in the mountains


There are many highest peaks on planet Earth. People conquer them, sing them, and study with interest where the highest mountains are. One of these places is called Everest - this is the highest mountain in the world, known not only for its height, but also for numerous ascents in attempts to conquer it, hundreds of lives lost and an interesting history of exploration. In addition to it, there are 13 more mountains that have exceeded the mark of 8000 meters.

The highest mountains

The list of the largest mountains on planet Earth includes 117 names. It includes most of the highest peaks, which number more than 7200 meters. Most of them are located in Asia, in the Himalayas - a chain stretching from India to Bhutan. The ranking opens with the highest peak on earth - Everest. The highest mountains on earth also belong to the Himalayan eight-thousanders: Annapurna, Dhaulagiri, Kanchenjunga, Karakorum, Lhotse, Makalu, Manaslu, Nanga Parbat, Chogori. Let's pay attention to those mountains that are located on other continents of the world:

  • In first place is Everest (Chomolungma), 8848 meters. It is located in the central Himalayas.
  • The American mountain Aconcagua from Argentina takes second place and reaches 6961 m.
  • In Alaska there is Mount McKinley, 6168 m.
  • The famous Kilimanjaro from Africa takes fourth place thanks to its 5891.8 meters.
  • Elbrus, popular among climbers, is located in the Greater Caucasus. Height - 5642 m. Its first conquest in the Caucasus Mountains dates back to 1829.
  • Vinson, whose height is 4897 meters. This is the highest peak in Antarctica.
  • Mont Blanc is the largest peak in Europe. Reaches 4810 m.
  • Kosciuszko is a mountain that Australia can boast of. Height - 2228 meters.
  • Pyramid of Carstens (4884 m). Refers to the highest peaks of Australia and Oceania.

The highest peak in the world

Any height on land is usually measured from sea level, which determines which mountains are the highest. Since its position is constantly changing, a constant average annual indicator is taken as a basis. It does not depend on water fluctuations, ebbs, flows and evaporation, therefore it is an accurate mark. The elevation above this level is calculated vertically from the mountain, the position of which is determined to the average surface level. Thus, it was revealed that the largest points on the earth reach almost 9 thousand meters.

What is the name of

The highest mountain in the world is part of the Himalaya mountain belt, located on the Mahalangur Himal mountain range and is known by the names: Chomolungma, Everest, Sagarmatha, Chomo Kankar. The first name was given to the mountain by the inhabitants of Tibet. It means Goddess of Peace or Divine Mother. The second name, Everest, appeared in 1856. The mountain is named after Sir George Everest, who was the first to conquer it. The European name was preceded by the local name Chomo-Kankar or Queen of Snow White. Sagarmatha is a Nepali word that means Mother of the Gods.

Where is

The Himalayas have gathered in their chain the highest mountains in the world. This is Everest, which is located on the border of Nepal with the border of China. There is a smaller peak in Nepal, and the highest one in China. Everest is the crown of the main ridge of the entire chain. Around the base of the mountain is the national park of the country Nepal - Sagarmatha. In the same region there is a base camp from where you can begin your ascent. The closest settlement where the base for climbers is located is also located on Nepalese territory. This is the village of Lukla.

What height

There are two highest points on Chomolungma: the southern one, whose peak reaches 8760 meters from sea level, and the northern one, which is the main one, reaching 8848 meters. On the southern slopes and on the eastern side, the mountain consists of sheer cliffs that are not even covered with snow. The northern slopes reach 8393 meters. Because of these three sides, Everest has the shape of a triangle. From the ground to its highest point, the mountain stretches upward for three and a half kilometers.

Climbing history

Although the mountain is characterized by harsh natural conditions, temperatures exceed -60 degrees and strong winds constantly blow, climbers regularly try to conquer Chomolungma, one of the most difficult peaks. The history of ascents began in 1921, but the mountain did not give up immediately. The first to reach the top was an Englishman, in whose honor the mountain bears one of its names. This dates back to 1953. Since then, four thousand more people have climbed. Every year 400 people storm Chomolungma. Of the total number of climbers, 11% have died and continue to die.

The highest peak in the world

Long before Everest became the answer to the question of what the largest mountain in the world is called, it was the extinct Chimborazo volcano in the Ecuadorian Andes. The top of the volcano is located at the farthest distance from the center of the Earth. According to the navigation satellite system, with which measurements were made in 2016, the volcano reaches a height of 6384 meters from the center of the Earth. Based on this indicator, Everest loses three meters to it and takes second place. The length of the Himalayan peak is 6381 meters.

Data from the 2014 Global Earth Model, where brighter colors indicate points farthest from the Earth's center

Based on some recent measurements, it has been found that the polar radius of the Earth (that is, the distance from the center of the planet to one or another pole) is 6356.8 kilometers, while the equatorial radius (from the center to the equator) is 6378.1 kilometers. In other words, objects located along the equator are 22 kilometers farther from the center of the Earth (geocenter) than objects located at the poles.

Naturally, it is worth taking into account some topographic changes in certain areas, where some objects located near the equator are closer to the center, and others are further from the center of the Earth, compared to other objects in a particular region. The most notable exceptions are the Mariana Trench (the deepest place on Earth, 10,911 meters deep) and Mount Everest, whose altitude is 8,848 meters above sea level. However, these two geological features represent very little difference when considering the overall shape of the Earth. The difference in this case is only 0.17 percent and 0.14 percent, respectively.

Highest point on Earth

In fairness, we note that Everest is indeed one of the highest points on our planet. The height at its peak is 8848 meters above sea level. However, due to its location in the Himalayan range (27 degrees 59 minutes north of the equator), it is actually lower than the mountains located in Ecuador.

Mount Chimborazo

It is here, where the Andes mountain range is located, that the highest point on planet Earth is located. The height of Mount Chimborazo is 6263.47 meters above sea level. However, due to its location (1 degree 28 minutes south of the equator) in the highest protruding part of the planet, its total height from the geocenter is about 21 kilometers.

View of Mount Everest from the top of Kala Patthar

If we consider the issue in terms of distance to the geocenter, Everest is located at a distance of 6382 kilometers from the center of the Earth, while Chimborazo is located 6384 kilometers. The rounded difference is only about 3.2 kilometers, which at first glance may seem quite insignificant. However, when it comes to the titles of “the very best”, you need to be precise.

Of course, even after such explanations, there will be people who will confidently say that Mount Everest is still the highest point on the planet, if we consider its height from the foot (base) to the peak. Unfortunately, they are wrong here too. Because in this case, the title of tallest mountain goes to Mauna Kea, a shield volcano located on the island of Hawaii. The height of the mountain from the base to the very top at Mauna Kea is 10,206 meters. This is the highest mountain on our planet. However, most of the mountain goes several thousand meters deep into the ocean, and therefore we can only see its peak at 4207 meters.

However, those who consider Everest the highest mountain according to its height above sea level will be right. If we consider its height as height above sea level, then Everest is truly the tallest mountain in the world.

What do nature lovers, travelers and adventurers have in common? They all know how to appreciate the natural beauty of the world, and for good reason. You don’t need to be an ardent naturalist to appreciate all the natural riches of our planet. In the end, this is the only way we can thank her for an interesting and mysterious world. We offer you a list of the ten most outstanding geographical objects on our planet.

As you might have guessed, now we will talk about Everest - the highest point on the globe. The height of Everest is 8844 meters above sea level. This peak is on every decent adventurer's bucket list. First discovered in the 1850s, the mountain was named after Surveyor General George Everest, who, ironically, never saw the peak. Despite all the romanticism of the idea of ​​conquering this peak, climbing Everest is a rather dangerous activity, which has already claimed the lives of several people.

9. The lowest point on earth

The lowest point on the globe is the Dead Sea, which is 434 meters below sea level. Moreover, over the past 40 years it has dropped even lower (almost 25 meters). One of the most interesting phenomena of the Dead Sea is the bloom of red algae, due to which it suddenly changes its color. This happened in 1980 and 1992.

8. The northernmost point of the planet

No, this is not the North Pole. From the point of view of the entire globe, this would be the North Pole, but not from the point of view of land - this is the island of Kaffeklubben (Greenland), located in the Arctic Ocean. This island is located 443.3 kilometers from the North Pole and was first discovered by Robert Peary (an explorer of the American part of the Arctic) in 1900. The name was coined by the Danish researcher Lauge Koch in 1921. No matter how strange it may sound, but Kaffeklubben translated from Danish means “Coffee Club”; today, few people can explain what exactly Lauge was guided by when coming up with such a name.

7. The southernmost point of the planet

This time it really is the South Pole, located in Antarctica. This place rises only 100 meters above sea level, although the ice cover here reaches a thickness of 2700 meters. Fun fact: At the South Pole, you can only witness the sunrise and sunset once a year, in September and March respectively.

6. The most remote island on the planet

Bouvet Island is one of the loneliest islands in the world. It is located in the South Atlantic Ocean and is a territory of Norway. This is a completely volcanic island, and its central part is completely covered with an ice crust. In fact, it is a huge extinct volcano. was first discovered by Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier on January 1, 1739, and a little later was named after its discoverer. The island is uninhabited, its area is 59 square kilometers, and its height above sea level is 935 meters.

5. The largest island

The largest island in the world is Greenland. Its surface area is 2,166,086 square kilometers. Initially, the island was under the control of Denmark, but from 1979 to the present day it is a separate state with its own government and parliament. Due to unfavorable living conditions, Greenland's population is only 57,000. Most of the island is covered with ice, which in some places reaches a thickness of 4 kilometers. And although the fisheries resources here are already quite depleted, the melting of glaciers has come to the aid of local residents, exposing easily accessible mineral resources and providing them with a new source of livelihood.

4. The deepest river

The deepest river in the world is the Congo, located in west-central Africa and flowing into the Atlantic Ocean. Its depth in some places reaches 220 meters. It is the second longest river in the world, following the Amazon. Previously it was known as Zaire. The total length of the river is 4,700 kilometers, which makes it the 9th longest river on the planet in the world.

3. The youngest island

Niijima Island is a small volcanic island located in the Philippine Sea. It was created by a volcanic eruption in late November 2013, 163 miles south of Tokyo. This once again proves that the surface of the Earth is constantly changing, but despite the fact that everyone expected Niijima to disappear soon, he, contrary to public opinion, remained in his place.

2. Longest cave network

The Mammoth-Flint Ridge cave system is located in the US state of Kentucky. It is the longest network of caves in the world, covering an area of ​​approximately 52,830 hectares, which is twice the size of the second largest underwater network, San Actun, located in Mexico. This is an amazingly stable cave system formed in a layer of limestone. At the moment, the explored part of the caves is 630 kilometers, and it is increasing every year.

1. The point farthest from the center of the planet

No, this is not Mount Everest. The farthest point from the center of the Earth is Mount Chimborazo, an extinct volcano in Ecuador. The height of the mountain is 6268 meters, and although it is not the highest mountain, its location on the equator makes it so. The mountain is located 1 degree south of the equator, and since our planet is flattened at the poles, the equator is the “thickest” place on our planet.

Not everyone can travel around the world in search of the highest mountain in the world, but it is quite possible to take a virtual trip.

The highest mountains in the world

How far will a person have to travel to reach the highest point on our planet? Which mountains are recognized as the highest on Earth? Who conquered them first and what difficulties await them on the way to the top? You might also be interested in learning about the longest mountains in the world.


Height: 8485 m.
A country: China/Nepal
Mountain system: Himalayas

Our rating opens with the Tibetan “Black Giant” Makalu - one of the five highest “eight-thousanders”. Europeans learned about this snowy beauty back in the middle of the 19th century, but the first expedition to its peak was launched only a hundred years later. This is because in those years the hearts of brave climbers were captivated by its closest neighbor, Everest, and the peak of Makalu remained “in the shadow” of this giant and was “defeated” only in 1955. The legendary ascent was made by the French under the leadership of Jean Franco.


Height: 8516 m.
A country: China/Nepal
Mountain system: Himalayas

There are not so many points on the map of our planet that have surpassed the 8-kilometer mark in height. Mount Lhotse is one of them. Its last peak (Lhotse Middle) was conquered by climbers only in 2001. The first to set foot on this pointed rocky peak were members of a Russian expedition led by V. Kozlov and N. Cherny. The main peak was conquered in 1956 by a group of Swiss climbers while climbing neighboring Everest. But the eastern wall of Lhotse remains unconquered to this day.


Height: 8568 m.
A country: India/Nepal
Mountain system: Himalayas

The third highest point on our planet is located on the Kanchenjunga mountain range, which, in turn, belongs to the Himalaya system. Kanchenjunga has five peaks, hence the name, which translated from Tibetan means “Five Treasures of the Great Snows.” The highest is Main Kanchenjunga (8568 m). However, three more of them rightfully bear the proud title of eight-thousander: Yalong-Kang (8505), South (8491) and Central (8478).

The first attempt to conquer the wayward peak was made in 1905, but was unsuccessful. Having gone three quarters of the way, the group led by Aleister Crowley turned back. Only in 1955 the Englishmen Joe Brown and George Bend were able to reach the main peak.

There is a legend among the local population that Mount Kanchenjunga is a woman, and therefore hates in advance all girls who set foot on its slope. Only one woman has been to its summit, Englishwoman Ginette Harrison, who climbed in 1998.


Height: 8611 m.
A country: China/Pakistan
Mountain system: Karakoram

The second highest mountain in the world after Everest also belongs to the Himalaya mountain range. Chogori, known among mountaineers as K-2, lies on the border between Pakistan and China. The letter “K” means “Karakorum”, and “2” is the serial number of the peak, which was assigned to it by the traveler Colonel Montgomery in 1856.

According to statistics, every fourth person who dares to conquer the top of Chogori is doomed to death. That’s why this peak has another name – killer mountain. The legendary Russian climber Pyotr Kuznetsov found his final refuge on its slopes.

The highest mountain is Everest

Height: 8848 m.
A country: Nepal/PRC
Mountain system: Himalayas

The highest mountain peak in the world is Chomolungma, better known to us as Everest. It is located in perhaps the most “philosophical” part of the earth - in Tibet. This majestic snow-capped pyramid has amazed many generations of travelers, and even now, when the summit of Everest has been conquered several times, it inspires thousands of brave climbers to pack their things and set off on a long journey to the top full of deadly dangers.

Everest, one of the most beautiful places in the world, is part of the Himalaya mountain system. The mountain is located between Nepal and China, but its peak is still located in China, in the Tibet Autonomous Region. According to various sources, the height of Everest ranges from 8844 to 8852 meters.

This data is constantly changing. In the spring of 2010, Chinese residents officially recorded the highest mountain at 8848 meters. And in 2016, scientists “proved” that the summit of Everest is actually 4 meters lower than the stated height. By the way, it has already been proven that Chomolungma grows annually by about five millimeters due to the movement of lithospheric plates, at the junction of which Everest is located.

The tallest mountain on the planet has quite a few names. The people of Tibet call Everest the “Mother of the gods of the earth” (“Divine (qomo) mother (ma) of life (lung)” - Chomolungma). But the Nepalese call it Sagarmatha. It means "Forehead of Heaven" or "Mother of the Gods." Well, the name “Everest” was given to the mountain by the British in honor of George Everest, who headed the geodetic survey of British India in 1830-1843. A few years after the scientist’s death, in 1856, his successor Andrew Waugh proposed giving the mountain the name Everest. By the way, it was he who presented data from a study of the heights of “Peak XV” and confirmed that this is probably the highest peak in the whole world.

History of climbing Everest

The first time a person climbed the highest mountain was on May 29, 1953. The pioneers of Everest were New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpas (Sherpas are one of the peoples of Nepal) Tenzing Norgay. They passed through the South Col along the route that the Swiss had explored shortly before. The conquerors took oxygen equipment with them on their hike. The team itself consisted of 30 people. In May 1982, 11 climbers from the Soviet Union climbed this “roof of the world.” They climbed the southwestern slope, which had previously been considered impassable. The Ukrainians Mikhail Turkevich and Sergei Bershov especially distinguished themselves during the expedition - they were the first in history to climb Everest at night.

Well, in 2001, an amazing feat was accomplished - a blind American named Eric Weihenmayer climbed the mountain. Before this ascent, he had already visited all the highest peaks of all seven continents, and he had also visited the highest mountains of Russia. In this way, the man wanted to prove that all the tasks that seem unattainable to people are actually achievable. Another Everest record was set on May 14, 2005. Test pilot Didier Delsalle of Eurocopter became the first in the world to successfully land a helicopter on a mountain peak.

Three years later, the oldest man climbed to the top of Chomolungma. He became 76-year-old Nepalese Bahadur Sherkhan.

Two years later, the youngest person appeared on the peak of Everest, 13-year-old American citizen Jordan Romero, who conquered the peak with his father. Previously, this record was assigned to a 15-year-old boy.

Another unusual ascent was made by a group of Nepalese. 20 people went on a risky expedition to collect waste that climbers leave on the slopes. They collected approximately 1,800 kilograms of garbage.

The dangers of Everest

Every year about 500 people try to reach the top of Everest. They are not afraid that at night the air temperature there can drop to -600 C, and the wind literally knocks them off their feet - its gust speed reaches 200 meters per second. However, according to some estimates, about 5 thousand climbers have already climbed the highest mountain. Each rise takes approximately 2 months. At this time, the period of acclimatization and installation of camps begins. By the way, during such a hike, travelers lose weight by an average of 10-15 kilograms.

And one more difficulty, although insignificant compared to the previous ones. States on whose territory the approaches to the mountain are located request a large sum of money for the right to climb to the top of Everest. The authorities also establish the order of departures for mountaineering companies. You will have to pay the least amount for climbing Chomolungma from Tibet. Well, it’s better to try to conquer the peak in spring and autumn, since the monsoons are not so active at this time.

Travel companies quote different prices for a trip to the mountain from Nepal: on average from 20 to 60 thousand dollars. On the Chinese side, this can be done cheaper: you will have to spend about 4.6 thousand dollars per person. It is worth adding that these funds are used to purchase an ascent attempt, but do not at all guarantee a successful result.

How much does it cost to conquer Everest?

Experts say that the success of the expedition depends on the weather and the team’s equipment. Before climbing Everest, you must undergo acclimatization. The most difficult thing, experienced people say, is the last three hundred meters of the way to the top. Climbers call them the “dead zone” or “the longest mile on Earth.” In this area you need to go through a very smooth and steep rocky slope, which is covered with snow. But the main obstacle is not the slippery surface, but the rarefied air, which literally overshadows the climber’s consciousness.

Pay for a dream

Thousands of climbers have tried to climb Everest. Some paid for this with their lives. From the time the peak was discovered until today, more than two hundred people have died during expeditions. According to some reports, this most often happened due to lack of oxygen. Sometimes people died in avalanches, on descents or ascents, due to heart failure or frostbite.

The dead climbers who are found are buried by the people of Nepal. They sincerely follow age-old traditions and do everything so that the souls of steeplejacks find peace. According to beliefs, if a special solemn ceremony is not held to “save the souls of the dead,” then the dead climbers will not find peace and will wander on the “roof of the world.” And local climbers set off to the top of the highest mountain only with talismans and rituals, so as not to meet the spirits of Chomolungma.

The Dark Side of Everest

According to Nepalese Buddhist and professional guide Pemba Dorja, in May 2004, on his journey to the top of Everest, he took with him a medallion with the image of the Dalai Lama and an amulet from a Buddhist monastery. The man climbed to the peak in a record 8 hours and 10 minutes. And in the “dead zone”, which is located at an altitude of 8 kilometers above sea level, he met the shadows of people who extended their hands and asked for food. The Nepalese is sure that if he had not had the amulets, he would not have returned alive.

Alternative record holders

In 2016, scientists shocked the public with the news that Everest was no longer the highest point on the planet. The earth, according to them, has the shape of a geoid - a figure flattened at the poles and convex at the equator. This means that if you measure the height of a mountain from the center of the earth, then the mountain ranges located along the equator will have an a priori advantage in height. Of course, such messages only caused the surveyors to laugh loudly. But – for the sake of interest – we present below data on the “new record holders”.


Height: 6384 m.
A country: Ecuador
Mountain system: Andes

Having measured the height of Everest from the center of the Earth and compared the data obtained with the height of the extinct volcano Chimborazo, scientists found that the latter “bypasses” the Tibetan giant by 4 meters. However, the fact that the top of Chimborazo is the most distant point from the center of the Earth was discovered back in 1998.

Mauna Kea

Height: 4205 / 10203 m.
A country: USA
Mountain system: –

The Mauna Kea volcano protrudes 4.2 kilometers above the surface of the Pacific Ocean - an impressive figure. But this, as they say, is only a small part of the iceberg. Most of its base is hidden under water, and the total height of the mountain is 10,203 meters. Therefore, if we take into account solely the distance from the foot to the top, and not the height of the mountain above sea level, then Mauna Kea can safely be considered the highest mountain in the world.
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Mountain peaks covered with eternal snow have always attracted people with their grandeur, grandiose beauty and a certain secret that hides behind their inaccessible slopes. Let's look at what is the highest mountain in the world and where it is located. There are peaks on Earth that reach 8 km in height.

The highest point on Earth

The highest mountain in the world is Chomolungma, commonly known in the West as Everest. Located on the territory of the majestic Himalayas, rightly called the Roof of the World. This is part of the Mahalangur-Himal mountain range, where, in addition to Everest, there are several dozen more picturesque peaks exceeding the 7000 m mark.

Chomolungma has a pyramidal outline with steep southern and high northern slopes. Translated from Tibetan, the name means “Divine Mother of Life Energy.” The largest mountain received such a beautiful name in honor of the Tibetan goddess Sherab Zhama, who personifies unconditional and all-consuming maternal love. It was proposed by researcher Andrew Waugh, who was the successor of J. Everest.

Interesting information about Chomolungma:

  1. Altitude above sea level – 8848 m.
  2. The first successful ascent was March 29, 1953.
  3. The number of climbers who managed to conquer the peak is 8306 (some of the climbers climbed more than 1 time).
  4. What is the name of the highest mountain in the world in Nepali - Sagarmatha.
  5. The English name Everest was given to the peak in honor of J. Everest, who headed the geodetic department of India, which at that time was under British rule.
  6. Abnormal weather: strong winds often blow at the top of Chomolungma, the speed of which can reach 200 km/h. The air temperature in the cold season sometimes drops to -60 ºС.
  7. The average time to reach the peak is 2 months.
  8. The best time for mountaineering is mid to late spring and early autumn.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to conquer the most inaccessible peaks of the Earth, which allowed them not only to test their endurance and strength, but also to get closer to the great and boundless space. The majestic Chomolungma is especially popular among climbers.

Every year, about 500 experienced climbers and true brave men try to conquer Everest. However, only a few manage to do this. The top of the Earth is conquered by few. It is impossible to reach it even by helicopter. Climbers who decide to climb this picturesque peak must undergo extensive training and carry high-quality specialized equipment.

Note! Everest in the Himalayas is not only the most beautiful peak in the world, but also one of the most dangerous.

According to official data, in 2012, approximately 260 climbers and extreme sports enthusiasts who tried to conquer this peak did not reach their goal. Their lives were tragically interrupted on the slopes of this mountain. Most of the bodies were never found. Despite this, every year many daredevils desperately try to conquer the highest point in the world.

Useful video: the highest mountain in the world


The highest point on our planet is located on the territory of the most famous part of the Mahalangur Himal - the Khumbu range. In addition to Chomolungma, there are 2 more peaks, exceeding 8 thousand meters.

In which country is the largest mountain in the world located? Qomolangma is located on the border line between Nepal and Tibet (currently an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China).

The highest point in the world is hidden under a layer of ice and snow. To get to it, you will need expensive equipment, which, unfortunately, does not guarantee the success of the ascent.

It is worth noting that the location of Mount Everest lies part of the Nepalese Sagarmatha Ecological Park. Translated from Sanskrit, the name means “Divine Mother”. Almost the entire territory of the park consists of deep gorges and difficult terrain.

Interesting! A huge number of legends and traditions are associated with Chomolungma. It has long been revered as a place of power.

This peak is believed to be the abode of the gods. It is also directly related to space. In addition, Everest is the habitat of souls who have not found rest in the other world. Some climbers claim that they saw ghosts during their ascent. The fact is that under the thickness of the ice of Chomolungma there are stored a huge number of bodies of climbers who never managed to reach their goal. Therefore, Everest is often called the cemetery of the Himalayas.

Top rating

Almost every person knows that the highest point on Earth is Chomolungma. However, few people know which mountains are in second or third place in terms of height. It is worth noting that other eight-kilometer peaks are no less interesting than Everest.

All the highest mountains are located in southern and central Asia. They exceed 7500 m. In total, there are 14 mountains on the planet, rising above the surface of the earth by more than 8 thousand meters.

NameHeight, mLocationInteresting information
1 Chogori8611 Baltoro Range (Pakistan), Karakoram mountain system.This is the northernmost eight-kilometer peak in the world. Today there are 10 routes leading to it. Technically, the climbing routes to this peak are much more difficult than to Chomolungma. The number of successful expeditions is 45.
2 Kanchenjunga8586 On the border of India and Nepal, on the territory of the Greater Himalayas.The highest peak of the ridge of the same name. It is also one of the most dangerous routes to climb. According to Nepalese legend, Kanchenjunga is a mystical woman who kills all climbers who try to conquer her peak.
3 Lhotse8516 Mahalangur Himal Massif, Greater Himalayas, Tibet.This is one of the most beautiful and most inaccessible Himalayan peaks. Only 25% of ascents to Lhotse are successful.
4 Makalu8485 Mahalangur Himal mountain range, Central Himalayas.Several good climbing routes lead to the peak of the mountain. Climbing Makalu is very difficult. Only 30% of expeditions achieved success in conquering the peak.
5 Cho Oyu8188 Mahalangur Himal, Greater Himalayas.This peak was the first to be conquered without the use of oxygen cylinders. Today there are several excellent routes leading to its summit.
6 Jaulagiri I8167 Nepal, Main Himalayan Range.The highest point on the ridge of the same name. Translated from ancient Sanskrit, its name means “White Mountain”. The number of successful expeditions is 51.
7 Manaslu8163 Mansiri Himal, Nepal.The highest peak of the mountain range of the same name. The name Manaslu means “Mountain of Spirits” in ancient Sanskrit. This peak is located on the territory of a magnificent and environmentally friendly National Park. There is a trekking route around it, which can be completed in about 2 weeks.
8 Nangaparbat8126 Northwestern part of the Himalayas.This is one of the most difficult and dangerous mountain peaks for mountaineering.

In Sanskrit, the name of the mountain sounds like Diamir, which means “Mountain of the Gods”.

9 Annapurna I8091 Nepal, territory of the Himalayas.This is the highest point of the ridge of the same name and the most dangerous peak for climbers. The number of successful expeditions to the summit is only 36. The number of tragic accidents during the ascent is approximately 32% of the total number of attempts. Despite this, Annapurna became the first eight-kilometer peak in history to be conquered by man. A successful ascent took place in the middle of the last century, several years before the conquest of Chomolungma. In ancient Sanskrit, the melodious name Annapurna means “Goddess of Fertility.”
10 Gasherbrum I8080 Karakoram, Baltoro Muztagh Range, Pakistan.This is the second highest mountain in the picturesque and inaccessible Karakoram. It also has another name - Hidden Peak, which in English means Hidden Peak. Translated from the Balti language, the name of the peak means “Beautiful Mountain”.
11 Broad Peak8051 It is part of the multi-peaked Gasherbrum mountain range. This is the third highest point in the Karakorum.
12 Gasherbrum II8034 Karakoram mountain system, Baltoro Muztagh range, Pakistan.It is part of the multi-peaked Gasherbrum ridge. This peak has graceful contours and steep slopes. It is covered with eternal snow.
13 Shishabangma8027 Langtang mountain range, Central Himalayas, Tibet.This is the smallest eight-kilometer peak in the world. It consists of three peaks.

Useful video: top 10 highest mountains in the world


To summarize, we can say that the highest point and one of the most inaccessible peaks in the world is Everest in the Greater Himalayas. This majestic peak is located at the intersection of two Asian countries - Nepal and Tibet. It has long attracted climbers, researchers, creative individuals and true romantics.

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