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What is parnassus in ancient Greece. Climbing Parnassus

Parnassus (Delphi, Greece) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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In the center of Greece, 180 km northwest of Athens, lie the mountain ranges of the legendary Parnassus. Its highest peaks rise near the famous Delphi. From here you can see impressive panoramas of spruce forests with alpine meadows, flat olive groves with villages, picturesque landscapes of gorges and mountains covered with snow caps. In 1938, a national park was established here with an area of ​​almost 35 square meters. km. Just like thousands of years ago, many people come to the unique natural reserve of Parnassus and the architectural monuments of ancient Greek cities. In winter, sports lovers enjoy skiing on ski slopes resort located 30 km from the village of Arakhova.

Historical information and mythology

In Ancient Greece, Parnassus was revered as a sacred mountain. According to Greek mythology, the god Apollo and his muses lived here. In its foothills the cult temple of Apollo was built and the city of Delphi was founded, which became the center of pan-Greek civilization.

People came here from all over Greece to hear the predictions of the Delphic oracles before making an important decision.

Parnassus is famous for its Kastalsky spring, where, according to legend, the muses bathed. Its waters had healing powers, and after a sip of water and a bath in the Kastalsky spring, a person acquired a poetic gift and inspiration.

After changing eras, military and natural disasters, the greatest temples of the Hellenic period were destroyed and forgotten. It was only at the end of the 19th century that archaeologists from the French Academy rediscovered to the world the remains of a once thriving civilization. Now, according to UNESCO, they are classified as World Cultural Heritage.

What to see

Now the ruins of ancient Delphi are an archaeological park created after excavations. Its most significant monument, the Temple of Apollo, occupied the central part of the complex. According to legend, in the center of the temple was the “navel of the Earth” or omphalos. Only a few Doric columns have survived from the sanctuary of Apollo.

Now the omphalos is kept in the Archaeological Museum.

The first stop before entering the sanctuary of Apollo was made by ancient pilgrims at the sacred Castalian spring. Temple servants, prophetic Pythians and priests took a ritual bath in its waters. All pilgrims also had to bathe in the spring for spiritual purification.)

Today, next to the modern highway, you can see one built back in the 6th century BC. e. bath, which is called Lower Castalia. The second bath, Kastalia Skalnaya, is carved into the rock 50 m higher and closer to the source.

No less interesting are other objects of the park: the Delphic amphitheater, the tholos of Athena Pronoia, the treasury of Athens, etc.

Archaeological Museum of Delphi

The museum houses one of the richest collections in Greece. Exhibits found during excavations are displayed here. For a better idea of ​​what it looked like temple complex Apollo in ancient times, his reconstruction is presented.

Ski resort Parnassus

The Parnassus ski resort, with modern lifts and high throughput (13,600 people per hour), is very popular among Athens residents and tourists from all over the world. Trails of varying degrees of difficulty and length are suitable for skiers of any level. The season is open from December to April.

Practical information

There are regular buses from Athens to Delphi or you can take a taxi. The trip will take approximately 3 hours.

You can stay overnight in the resort village of Arachova or in Delphi.

From Delphi the archaeological site can be reached on foot in about 15 minutes.

Greece is an ancient country, replete with not only visually beautiful, but also historically remarkable places. One of them is Parnassus, a mountain that has not lost its significance to this day, although it has changed its role in the life of Greece.

Why is the mountain called Parnassus?

The etymology of the name of one of the greatest Greek landmarks is very interesting. Disputes between scientists have not subsided to this day. The overwhelming majority of them believe that the mountain received the name “Parnassus” in the pre-Greek era and has Hittite roots. In the language of this people, the word “parna” meant “home, refuge, comfort.” However, some researchers insist that the mountain got its name from the Greek word Παρνόπιος. It can be translated as “locust” - this is one of Apollo’s nicknames: his statues were placed in places suffering from attacks by these insects, in the hope that God would protect the crops.

Historical landmark

At one time, Mount Parnassus was considered the favorite peak of the gods, which they visited for recreation and from where, with the highest probability of an answer, one could contact one of the inhabitants of Olympus. The ancient Greeks called this place the navel (center) of the Earth. On its slopes there was located (and to a certain extent still preserved) the world-famous Delphic sanctuary, which received the oracle of Apollo - the Pythia. A miraculous spring is also located here, and at the foot of it were carried out, glorified by ancient Greek authors. Moreover, when Zeus was angry and decided to flood the earth to destroy humanity, Deucalion, the son of Apollo, on the advice of his father, built a ship (there is an analogy with Noah, however, besides Deucalion there was only his wife) and after ten days of travel he landed at the top of Parnassus. The sacrifices made to Zeus appeased the god, and the human race was revived.

Parnassus is a mountain that since ancient times was considered a refuge of muses and an inspiration of poets, even after the extinction of Hellenic culture. With its mention, the study of ancient Greek in schools began until the 19th century.

Modern value of Parnassus

To begin with, we note that it is now considered not a single peak, but the entire chain to which it belongs. In modern times, Parnassus is the mountain on which it is located National Park with an area of ​​3.5 thousand hectares. On the territory of Greece it is the largest and oldest, with the richest collection of fauna and flora.

Since 1976, Mount Parnassus has been an attractive and wonderful ski resort. It is named after its location and is the largest and best equipped in Greece. The ski season here is open from early December to mid-April. The ski center offers twenty pistes. Of these, 20% are difficult, which even some professionals cannot overcome, and the rest are approximately equally divided into easy, for beginners, and moderate, for fairly experienced skiers. It is curious that the prices for a day of skiing are quite affordable: for an adult - 15 euros, for children 5-17 years old - 14, and for old people and children - just one euro.

A special feature of the resort is the absence of hotels. This nuance in some way makes it even more attractive: for an overnight stay, people go to the historically and aesthetically attractive Delphi or the very interesting resort village of Arachova, which is famous, in addition to its lively nightlife and cuisine for all tastes, hand-made carpets and exclusive cheeses and wines.

Where is Mount Parnassus located?

The current starting point is the resort of the same name, which is very much loved by the capital’s residents: it is located only 150 kilometers from Athens. In general, Mount Parnassus in Greece lies on the northern coast and acts as a natural border between Locris, Phocis and Boeotia. Geographically, this mountain range belongs to central Greece.

A funny geographical fact is that Mount Parnassus also exists near St. Petersburg. Moreover, there are two of them in this area. One, since 1755, has been located in and the second - on the Pargolovskaya manor, where even the metro station near the St. Petersburg version of the Greek mountain is called “Parnassus”. Despite the fact that they are not located in Greece, they are tourist attractions and are visited by visitors from all over the world.

In Hellenic Greece, there were many myths and legends dedicated to the twelve Olympian gods, their servants or heroes. As a result of these beliefs, it was built a large number of various temples, and individual natural objects were elevated to the rank of sacred. For example, there are only three sacred mountains in Greece: Olympus, where, according to ancient Greek mythology, the gods led by Zeus lived, Parnassus - the favorite mountain of the god Apollo and his muses, as well as Athos (this mountain became sacred after being adopted by Greece Orthodoxy, on its territory there is a so-called Autonomous Monastic State).

Geographical location of Mount Parnassus

Mount Parnassus in Greece is the “center of the earth.” According to legend, two eagles met near this mountain, released by Zeus simultaneously to different parts of the world. The stone over which they met was called omphalos and was preserved in the temple of Apollo at Delphi on Mount Parnassus.
Strictly speaking, Mount Parnassus is not exactly a mountain, but a whole mountain range, which is an integral part of the Pindu mountain range and extends in the direction from south to east. The highest point of the Parnassus mountain range is Mount Liacoura, whose height is 2457 m above sea level.
At an altitude of 570 meters above sea level on the southeastern side of Mount Parnassus is the city of Delphi. Small, with an area of ​​only about 315 sq. km and a population of no more than 2.5 thousand people, the city of Delphi, however, is world famous and is even on the list World Heritage, due to the fact that in its place are the ruins of the temple of Apollo (as well as many other ancient buildings) and the famous Delphic oracle. The Pythian Games were previously held in the Delphi region of Mount Parnassus, which, according to legend, was started by Apollo himself.

Journey to Mount Parnassus

When going on a tour of Greece and planning a trip to Delphi, Mount Parnassus, you should not limit your visit to this area to one day. Mount Parnassus makes an indelible impression, so you can stay longer here, especially if the trip is organized in winter.
Of course, the main historical attractions are concentrated in the area of ​​the Delphi settlement on Mount Parnassus, but, having enriched yourself with cultural knowledge and impressions, you can also explore natural attractions. In 1938, a national natural park of Greece was organized on Mount Parnassus; its territory covers a huge area - more than 3.5 thousand hectares. Wonderful relict trees and plants covering the slopes of the mountain are preserved here, as well as a rich fauna: many species of birds of prey, wolves, wild boars, foxes, weasels, etc. There are also a large number of caves here, beautiful waterfalls and springs, the most famous of which is the Kastalian spring, located in the Delphi region of Mount Parnassus.
In addition to Delphi, traditional Greek villages located on Mount Parnassus are also interesting to visit, where you can learn more about the life of the population, which in these parts has changed little over the centuries.

Mount Parnassus - for risk lovers

For those who like to relax actively, Mount Parnassus is organized ski resort, which operates from December to early May. The resort is located near high point Mount Parnassus at an altitude of 1600 - 2250 meters. Hundreds of people come here every year to ride alpine skiing and snowboards at amateur and professional levels.
You can also take hiking tours along the slopes of Mount Parnassus. Various routes with difficulty corresponding to category E4 have been developed and tested here.

What is Parnassus? For many years (and even centuries) this word has been synonymous with art and cultural figures. In ancient times, this was the name of the mountain from which, in fact, it all began. We will present you with legendary and more prosaic details about her.

What is Parnassus?

The name Parnassus dates back to pre-Greek times and, apparently, refers to the Hittite-Luwian languages. Their word parnassas is supposed to be derived from the word for "house" or "temple" and is interpreted as "the mountain where the god dwells."

However, there is another version, according to which the name is the Paleo-Balkan word “locust” - an epithet denoting Apollo. It was with this god, the patron of the arts, that the ancient Greeks associated the mountain. Subsequently, the term was transferred to cultural figures themselves.

In the 19th century, the literary movement of the Parnassian school arose in France. It included Théophile Gautier, Leconte de Lisle, Georges Leconte, Sully-Prudhomme. Their work was close to Verlaine, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, and in Russia their poems were translated by Bryusov, Voloshin, Bunin, Zhukovsky, etc.

Mountain in Greece

Parnassus is one of the largest mountain ranges of mainland Greece and belongs to the greater Pindus massif. It is located in the central part of the country, and stretches from the top of Eta to the Gulf of Corinth. Territorially belongs to the nome (prefecture) of Phocis.

On the slopes of the mountain there is the modern city of Delphi, as well as the ruins of the ancient village of the same name. Nearby are the villages of Itea and Arachova. The top of Mount Parnassus is forked. The highest peak, Liakura, has a height of 2547 meters, the second peak, Tiforea, reaches 2395 meters.

The foothills and slopes of the mountain are covered with Mediterranean vegetation, which with height turns into coniferous forests and alpine meadows. Like most other massifs, this one is composed of limestone rocks and has bauxite deposits. Due to the climate and fairly high altitude, the rocky peaks are consistently covered with snow from December to April. In winter, the Parnas ski center opens here.

Myths of the mountain

What is Parnassus? Ancient Greek shrine, shrine of Dionysus, Themis and Gaia, abode of Apollo and the nine muses. There are many myths associated with this mountain. Hellenic pilgrims visited it to pray to the gods and learn about the future, and ritual celebrations were held near the Corycian cave.

According to legend, Zeus, the head of the Olympian gods, decided to send a flood to sinful people. As in the biblical story, not everyone died. Deucalion and his wife managed to escape. On the advice of his father, he built an ark. On the ninth day of the voyage, the ship stopped at Mount Parnassus. Deucalion made a sacrifice to Zeus, and he allowed the human race to be revived.

Another story is connected with Apollo - the god of arts and healing, patron of the muses. He killed the evil serpent Python, who wrapped Parnassus in nine rings and did not give its inhabitants peace. Apollo shot about a hundred arrows at him, after which Gaia sent him into exile for 8 years. In honor of God, an oracle was founded in Delphi, where a priestess or Pythia predicted the future.

The mountain and its surroundings

To see with your own eyes what Parnassus is, you can go along one of walking routes. They start from Delphi and Arachova or from the south-eastern slopes of the mountain. Along marked paths you can reach the Corycian Cave or Corikion Androna, dedicated to Pan. It is located at an altitude of 1370 meters, and it takes about 4 hours to walk to it.

Continuing the path, you can reach the top of Liakura. At night, tourists often stop at the small village of Kalivya, which is a forty-minute walk from the cave. Paths lead upward from the village of Titorei, located on the other side of the mountain. From the top there are dazzling views, good weather The Peloponnese and Mount Olympus are clearly visible.

A significant part of the massif is Parnassus National Park. Cephalonian spruce trees grow here, and foxes, wild boars, wolves, badgers, vultures and golden eagles live here. On one of the mountain slopes is the village of Arachova with interesting Greek architecture. Locals famous for making handmade carpets.

Below, at the foot of the mountain is the village of Itea. It is located on the very shore of the bay, eight kilometers from Delphi. In the past it was a prosperous trading port, now it is a typical tourist town. Nearby there are extensive olive groves that guests of Itea love to visit.


The ancient city of Delphi, located on sacred mountain in Greece, it was considered not only the main place of divination, but also the “Navel of the Earth,” which symbolized the omphalos stone. The city was considered a pan-Greek sanctuary, and the local oracle had influence on political and religious life.

The ruins of Delphi are located at an altitude of 700 meters, nine kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth. The remains of the temple of Apollo and Athena, an amphitheater, a gymnasium and a stadium are still preserved here. Around the 6th century BC, the city hosted the Pythian Games - the second large-scale event after the Olympics.

Modern Delphi is located near archaeological sites. This is a very small town that can be easily explored on foot. Of course, from a tourist point of view it is of little interest; people stop there in order to see the ancient village and the mountain itself.

Parnassus (Mountain in Greece)

Name = Parnassus (mountain)

Comments =
Height = 2457 m
Location = Delphi city, Greece
Coordinates = 38°31′58.80″ N. w. 22°37′0.12″ E. d.

Parnassus(_el. Παρνασσός, Παρνησός) - a sacred mountain in Greece (in Phocis), associated like Olympus, Helikon, Kiferon, with mythical legends and known for the location of the Delphic oracle on it.

Mount Parnassus was considered the center of the earth (_el. ὀμφᾰλός γῆς), just as Delphi was recognized as the center of the Panhellenic state in religious terms.

In a broad sense, Parnassus refers to the mountain range starting from Eta and heading to the southeast, like the border of Locris and Boeotia with Phocis; this mountain range reaches all the way to the Corinthian Sea, called Kirfis (now Sumalies). Its highest point is Delphic Parnassus, with the peaks of Tiphorea and Lykorea (now Liokura, 2459 m), as a result of which it is called double-peaked. Parnassus is covered with forest, and its peaks are covered with snow. At the Delphic temple there were many gorges and cliffs; here was also the famous Castalian spring (_el. ἡ Κασταλία), dedicated to Apollo and the muses, as a result of which Parnassus itself was considered the seat of the muses.

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    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language- (Παρνασσός, Παρνησός) a sacred mountain in Greece (in Phokis), associated like Olympus, Helikon, Kiferon, with mythical legends and known for the location of the Pythian oracle on it. Mount P. was considered the center of the earth (όμφαλος γής), like... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

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    - Parnassus mountain in Greece, in mythology the stay of the muses, in ancient and European culture a symbol of poetry, poetic recognition (“took a place on the literary Parnassus,” etc.) Parnassus is the old name of the mountain of Mount Sutro (English) in California Parnassus, ... ... Wikipedia- Parnassus (Παρνασσος), in Greek mythology: 1) the habitat of Apollo and the muses. Identified with mountain range in Phocis. At the foot of P. were the Phocian cities of Chris and Delphi with the famous oracle in the temple of Apollo, as well as the Castalian key... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology