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The largest cities in the world in terms of population and area. The largest capitals in the world Beijing is the largest city in the world

The largest settlements of the Russian Federation are traditionally chosen according to two criteria: the occupied territory and the population. The area is determined by the master plan of the city. Population - by the All-Russian population census, or Rosstat data, taking into account births and deaths, if they are relevant.

The largest cities in Russia by population

There are 15 largest cities in Russia with a population of more than 1 million people. According to this indicator, Russia ranks third in the world. And their number continues to grow. More recently, Krasnoyarsk and Voronezh have been included in this category. We present you the top ten most densely populated Russian cities.

Population: 1,125 thousand people.

Rostov-on-Don became a million-plus city relatively recently - only thirty years ago. It is the only one among the ten largest cities in Russia that does not have its own subway. Its construction in 2018 will only be discussed. While the administration of Rostov is busy preparing for the upcoming World Cup.

Population: 1,170 thousand people.

In the penultimate place in the list of the largest cities in Russia in terms of population is the administrative center of the Volga region - Samara. True, starting from 1985, the population preferred to leave Samara as soon as possible, until the situation improved by 2005. And now the city even has a small migration increase.

Population: 1,178 thousand people.

The situation with migration in Omsk is not brilliant - many educated Omsk residents prefer to move to Moscow, St. Petersburg and neighboring Novosibirsk and Tyumen. However, since 2010, the population in the city has been steadily growing, mostly due to the redistribution of the population in the region.

Population: 1,199 thousand people.

Unfortunately, Chelyabinsk is experiencing problems with livability: residents complain about the abundance of dirt, giant puddles in spring and summer, when entire microdistricts turn into something like Venice due to broken storm sewers. It is not surprising that about 70% of Chelyabinsk residents are thinking about changing their place of residence.

Population: 1,232 thousand people.

The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan rightfully bears the title of one of the most comfortable cities in Russia. This is probably one of the reasons why the city has experienced a steady population growth since the mid-90s. And since 2009, Kazan has become a plus not only due to migration, but also in terms of natural growth.

Population: 1,262 thousand people.

ancient and very beautiful city is not going through better times in terms of the number of residents. The peak was in 1991, when its population exceeded 1,445 thousand people, and since then it has only been falling. A slight increase was observed only in 2012-2015, when the population increased by about 10 thousand people.

Population: 1,456 thousand people.

The "Capital of the Urals" became a million-plus city exactly 50 years ago, in 1967. Since then, having experienced a population decline in the "hungry 90s", the city's population has been growing slowly but steadily. It is rising, as in all large cities of Russia, mainly due to migrants. But not the ones you think about - the replenishment of the population mainly (more than 50%) comes from the Sverdlovsk region.

Population: 1,602 thousand people.

The third place in the list of the largest cities in Russia is occupied by the center of the Novosibirsk region. In addition to the status of "millionaire", the city can also boast of entering the top 50 cities in the world with the longest traffic jams. True, Novosibirsk is hardly happy with such a record.

However, unlike traffic jams, things are more or less successful with the demographic situation in the city. Novosibirsk is implementing a number of regional and state programs aimed at increasing the birth rate and reducing mortality. For example, at the birth of a third or subsequent child, a family is awarded a regional certificate for 100,000 rubles.

According to the city authorities, if the current dynamics of population growth continues, then by 2025 the number of inhabitants of the Novosibirsk region will increase to 2.9 million people.

Population: 5,282 thousand people.

The cultural capital of Russia, where polite intellectuals bow to each other, raising their berets, and where such beasts as “bun” and “curb” live, demonstrates a steady increase in both area and population.

True, it was not always so; since the end of the USSR, the population preferred to leave St. Petersburg. And only since 2012, positive dynamics began to be observed. In the same year, the five millionth inhabitant was born in the city (for the second time in its history).

1. Moscow

Population: 12,381 thousand people.

It is unlikely that the answer to the question: "What is the largest city in Russia?" came as a surprise to some. Moscow is the largest city in Europe in terms of population, but is not included in the first.

More than 12 million people live here, and if we add to this the population of the Moscow suburbs, who regularly travel to Moscow for work and shopping, the figure is more than impressive - 16 million. Due to the current economic situation in the country, the population as a modern Babylon and the territories adjacent to it will only increase. According to experts' forecasts, by 2030 this number may reach 13.6 million people.

Muscovites are traditionally not happy with "come in large numbers", and "come in large numbers" shrug their shoulders: "I want to live, and I even want to live well."

The largest cities in Russia by area

It would seem that the list of the largest cities in Russia in terms of area should coincide with the list of the most populated cities, but this is not so. In addition to the simple population, the area of ​​the city is influenced by many factors - from the historical way of increasing the territory up to the number of industrial enterprises within the city. Therefore, some positions in the ranking can surprise the reader.

Area: 541.4 km²

Opens the top 10 largest cities in Russia Samara. It stretches along the western bank of the Volga River for more than 50 km with a width of 20 km.

Area: 566.9 km²

The population of Omsk exceeded one million people back in 1979, the territory near the city is large and, according to the Soviet tradition, the city had to acquire a metro. However, the nineties broke out, and construction has been going on neither shaky nor rolls since then, but in general nothing at all. There is not even enough money for conservation.

Area: 596.51 km²

Voronezh became a million-plus city quite recently - in 2013. Some areas in it are almost exclusively a private sector - houses, from comfortable cottages to village ones, garages, vegetable gardens.

Area: 614.16 km²

Thanks to the historically established radial-ring building Kazan is a fairly compact city with a convenient layout. Despite its size, the capital of Tatarstan is the only one millionaire in Russia that completely recycles its waste and has managed to maintain a more or less favorable environmental situation.

Area: 621 km²

The only regional city that is not administrative center and a millionaire, Orsk seems to be included in this rating by mistake. Its population is only 230 thousand people, which occupy an area of ​​621 km2, with a very low density (only 370 people per km2). The reason for such a vast territory with a small number of inhabitants is a large number of industrial enterprises within the city.

Area: 707.93 km²

Residents of Ufa live spaciously - each has 698 m2 of the total area of ​​the city. At the same time, Ufa has the lowest density of the street network among Russian megacities, which often manifests itself in huge multi-kilometer traffic jams.

Area: 799.68 km²

Perm became a millionaire in 1979, then in the nineties, due to a general decline in the population, it lost this status for more than 20 years. Only in 2012 was it possible to return it. Permians live freely (population density is not too high, 1310 people per km2) and green - the total area of ​​green spaces is more than a third of the citywide.

Area: 859.4 km²

Although Volgograd became a million-plus city relatively recently - in 1991, however, in terms of the size of the territory, it has long been one of the top three. The reason is the historically developed uneven urban development, where apartment buildings, village houses with plots and empty steppe spaces alternate with each other.

Area: 1439 km²

Unlike the compact radial-beam "old" Moscow, St. Petersburg is freely spread out at the mouth of the Neva. The length of the city is more than 90 km. One of the features of the city is the abundance of water spaces, occupying 7% of the entire territory.

1. Moscow

Area: 2561.5 km²

And unconditional first place among the largest cities in Russia is given to Moscow. Its area is 1.5 times larger than the area of ​​the second place in the rating, St. Petersburg. True, until 2012 the territory of Moscow was not so impressive - only 1100 km2. So it has grown significantly due to the annexation of the southwestern territories, the total area of ​​​​which reaches 1480 km2.

Most of the Russian population is concentrated in cities. In total, there are more than 1,100 thousand of them with official status. But only 160 of them have a population of more than 100,000 people. And a tenth of them - 15 pieces - are millionaires, that is, they are home to more than one, but less than two million people. The two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - are multi-million cities, that is, they are home to more than two million people. But not only these, but also other largest cities in Russia deserve a special story.


Moscow is the capital of Russia, today and in some other periods of the country's history. It is the largest settlement in the world and one of the largest in the world. Now about 12 million people live in it, and the total agglomeration, taking into account the suburbs, is even more - 15 million people. The total area is about 250 square kilometers. This means that the population density is 4823 people per square kilometer. It is difficult to say when this city was founded, but the first mention of it dates back to the beginning of the 12th century.

Moscow is a multinational city. Only about 90% of its population, according to official figures, are Russians. About 1.5% are Ukrainians, the same number are Tatars, slightly less than Armenians. Half a percent - Belarusians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians. Dozens more nationalities have smaller diasporas. And although representatives of various nationalities do not always get along peacefully, Moscow has become a real home for millions of people.

St. Petersburg is often called the second capital of Russia, the northern or cultural capital, and so on. He also has many beautiful epithet names - northern Palmyra, northern Venice. And although the population of this city is significantly inferior to Moscow (5 million against 12), as well as age (3 centuries against 9), in terms of glory and significance for the country, St. Petersburg is in no way inferior to it. It is also inferior in terms of area, population density and many other parameters. But on the other hand, St. Petersburg is one of the "longest cities" - it "hugs" the Gulf of Finland.

It should be noted that St. Petersburg is unique in many respects. Of all the non-capital cities, it has the second largest population. During the years that this city was the capital of the empire, it became the most important for world culture. The Hermitage, the Russian Museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Peterhof, the Kunstkamera are only a small part of its attractions.

The list of the largest settlements in the country continues with Novosibirsk, the administrative center of the Siberian Federal District, the most populated city in the northern part of the country. It is also a business, commercial, industrial, cultural and scientific center not only in Siberia, but throughout Russia.

Novosibirsk is a millionaire, but much fewer people live in it than in the previous two cities - “only” a little more than one and a half million. At the same time, it should be taken into account that Novosibirsk was founded relatively recently - in 1893. This city is distinguished from others by a rather harsh climate with sharp transitions. In winter, temperatures can reach 50 degrees, while in summer, sometimes the bars rise to 35 degrees. The total temperature difference throughout the year can reach a record 88 degrees.

Yekaterinburg is considered not only one of the largest cities in the country, but also one of the most comfortable and comfortable for life. It is the center of the Ural Federal District and is often called the capital of the Urals.

Ekaterinburg can be attributed to the ancient cities of the country. After all, it was founded in 1723 and received a name in honor of Empress Catherine the First. In Soviet times, it was renamed Sverdlovsk, but in 1991 it returned its name.

This is the case when Veliky Novgorod, older and titled, is significantly inferior to its younger namesake - Nizhny Novgorod. Residents of Russia often call him simply Lower, for brevity and not to be confused with the Great.

The city was founded in 1221 and during this time has become the administrative center of the Nizhny Novgorod Federal District, a major economic, industrial and cultural center with a population of 1,200 thousand people.

Kazan is the sixth city in the ranking in terms of population, but in many ways it surpasses even larger settlements. Not without reason, it is called the third capital of Russia and even officially registered this brand. She also has several unofficial titles, for example, "The capital of all the Tatars of the world" or "the capital of Russian federalism."

This city with more than a thousand years of history was founded in 1005 and recently celebrated such a major anniversary. Interestingly, the decline in population, which affected almost all cities, even many millionaires, did not affect Kazan, and it continues to increase its population. The national composition is also remarkable - almost equally Russians and Tatars, approximately 48% each, as well as a few Chuvashs, Ukrainians and Maris.

Many people know this city from the song "Ah, Samara-town". But they forget that in terms of size, this "town" ranks seventh in terms of population. If we talk about the agglomeration, then it is much larger than that of many other cities, and has 2.5 million inhabitants, which is the third largest in the country, after Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Samara was founded in 1586 as a guard fortress by decree of Tsar Fedor. The location of the city turned out to be successful, and the city grew every year. In the Soviet years, it was renamed Kuibyshev, but then returned to its original name.

The internet is full of jokes about the toughest city in the country. A new round was opened by the fall of a meteorite, which occurred just in its center. But not everyone knows that this city is the most compact metropolis in the country, one of the leading metallurgical centers, a city with excellent roads. In addition, it is in the TOP-15 cities of Russia in terms of living standards, TOP-20 in terms of environmental development, TOP-5 in terms of the number of new buildings put into operation. It even ranks first in terms of housing affordability. And all this concerns the "harsh" Chelyabinsk.

It is worth noting that the city continues to develop. Until recently, it was ranked ninth in the ranking, and now it has risen to eighth with a population of 1,170 thousand people. Its national composition is quite diverse. Most - 86% are Russians, another 5% - Tatars, 3% - Bashkirs, 1.5 - Ukrainians, 0.6% - Germans, and so on.

Omsk is the ninth most populated city in the Russian Federation, but it has not always been this way. When the small fortress was founded in 1716, only a few thousand people lived in it. But now there are more than 1,166 thousand of them. But, unlike many other millionaire cities, the Omsk agglomeration is extremely small - only about 20 thousand.

Like many other cities in Russia, representatives of various nationalities live in this city. Most of all, of course, Russians - 89%, another 3.5 - Kazakhs, 2% each - Ukrainians and Tatars, 1.5% - Germans.

Rostov-on-Don, like Nizhny Novgorod, which we talked about above, has its own "namesake" - Veliky Rostov. But Veliky is significantly inferior to it in size: Rostov-on-Don, albeit the last number, is in the TOP-10 largest cities Russia, the Great has only about 30 thousand inhabitants, although it is several times older.

Now you know which is the largest city in Russia, where it is located and how many people live in it. But in addition to the ten listed in the country, there are five more millionaires: Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Vladimir and Voronezh. The rest are trying very hard to enter this prestigious list, and some may soon succeed.

The very first cities in the history of mankind arose during the period of transition from the primitive communal system to the slave-owning system, precisely when the deepening took place and part of the population, which had previously been occupied only in agriculture, switched to handicraft work. Craftsmen and masters, together with representatives of the class of gentlemen (priests, representatives of state power, large landowners, etc.), for whom the conditions for a more comfortable existence were mainly created (palaces, primitive water supply, road construction, meeting areas, amphitheaters, etc.) concentrated in areas convenient for life, for example, near reservoirs, in valleys, etc. Of course, these were not large cities, but only small settlements. The other part of the population remained to live outside their borders and was engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

In the future, because of the wars between different peoples, fortress walls began to be built around the cities. This was done in order to protect the population from enemy hordes. This is how big cities began to appear. They were destroyed from time to time, but were built again on the same place. There is a belief that the territory on which the city was erected was predetermined by the Almighty. This means that these settlements will stand forever, regardless of anything.

Top 10: the largest cities in the world by population

This list includes by population, excluding suburban residents.

1. The first in this list is Shanghai (PRC). This is the city where the headquarters of almost all the world's largest corporations are located. According to demographic studies, it is he who is the largest city on the planet in terms of population. It is located in the Yangtze Delta and is the world's largest seaport. Its population at the end of 2012 is 23,800,000 people.

2. The second major metropolis is the Chinese capital of Beijing. It is the largest cultural and scientific center of the country. Its population is 20,693,000 people.

3. At this place on the list, Bangkok is the capital of Thailand - the kingdom of Siam. The population of this metropolis is 15,012,197 people.

4. Tokyo is the capital of the Land of the Rising Sun. It is the main administrative, financial, industrial and cultural center of Japan. It is located on the island of Honshu. Despite the fact that, together with the urban agglomeration, this is the largest in the world, it only ranks 4th in this list, since its population is 13,230,000 people.

5. Another big city - Karachi, economic, but not official. It is only slightly inferior to Tokyo in terms of population. There are 13,205,339 people living in Karachi.

6. More recently, this city was known to the world under the name of Bombay, but today it is Mumbai - the financial capital of India. Population - 12 478 447 people.

7. Another Indian metropolis, the capital of India - Delhi, is also among the ten largest cities in the world. Its population is 12,565,901 people.

8. Our white-stone beauty according to the results of last year - 11,979,529 people. This is the largest scientific and cultural center for the entire Russian-speaking world, as well as one of the most expensive cities on the planet.

9 and 10. This top ten also includes two American metropolitan areas: Sao Paulo (11,316,149), The largest city Brazil, and Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. The population of the latter is 10,763,453 people.

Large cities of the world by area

  1. Sydney.
  2. Kinshasa.
  3. Buenos Aires.
  4. Karachi.
  5. Alexandria.


The major cities of the world included in these two lists may constantly change places over time, and other fast-growing metropolitan areas may also be added to them, since the dynamics of population growth, as well as expanding borders, are unpredictable.

What does "big city" mean to you? A million inhabitants, two, maybe ten or even thirty? See the photo gallery of the 20 largest cities in the world by population.

(Total 20 photos)

1. In 20th place in terms of population is Dhaka - the capital of Bangladesh.

2. Buenos Aires occupies 19th place, 14.3 million people live in the capital of Argentina.

3. 18th place: Kolkata is the largest city in India with 15.7 million people.

4. 17th place: Cairo - the capital of Egypt - the number of inhabitants is 17.3 million.

6. Beijing has 16.4 million inhabitants, placing the Chinese capital in 15th place in the ranking.

7. 14th place: Osaka - 16.8 million people live in one of the largest cities in Japan.

8. Los Angeles is in 13th place in terms of population with 17 million residents.

9. The capital of the Philippines - Manila - in 12th place among the largest cities in the world with 20.7 million inhabitants.

10. The Indian city of Bombay, which is home to 20.8 million people, ranks 11th in the ranking.

11. On the 10th place is the largest city in Pakistan - Karachi. It is home to 21.1 million people.

12. 9th place: the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, it is home to 21.1 million people.

14. 7th place: Indian Delhi - 23 million inhabitants.

15. The 6th place in terms of population is occupied by the Mexican capital - Mexico City - 23.2 million inhabitants.

16. The 5th most populated city in the world is Shanghai. This largest Chinese city has 25.3 million inhabitants.19. In 2nd place, Guangzhou is the largest Chinese city with 25.8 million people.

20. The largest city in the world in terms of population is Tokyo. The capital of Japan is home to 34.5 million people. Tokyo is the undisputed leader in our ranking and will remain so for a long time to come.