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Guide to Lublin: attractions, restaurants, shopping, hotels. Sights of Lublin (Poland): historical places, excursions Lublin city of which country

I began the story about Lublin joyfully and serenely, we spent very little time there, and the city seemed to me elegant and bright, like a candy wrapper. The sun was shining, tourists were walking along the streets of the Old City, weddings were taking place in the churches. I had a beautiful picture in front of me.

Then, already at home, sorting through the photographs and intending to write a story, I "immersed" in the material, and somehow I felt uneasy.

Each city with a long history lived both prosperous times and tragic ones, each one has a trail of blood. But somehow I was struck by the contrast between the serene sunny town that remained in my memory and the terrible events that Lublin was the scene of.

I'll start with my first impression though.

So we landed in the parking lot. Green grass, park. The park is called Podzamche because it is located under the walls of the castle.

The castle itself is on Castle Hill.

On a nearby hill is the Old Town. The Zamkovy and Gorodskoy hills are connected by a long narrow isthmus.

We climb the stairs to the isthmus and head to the Castle Hill.

The castle looks brand new. In the 19th century it was heavily rebuilt.

Of the old "stuffing", only the donjon tower of the 13th century and the chapel of the Holy Trinity of the 14th century remained.

Climbing the donjon costs 9 PLN. View of the Old Town of Lublin from above

A visit to the chapel of the Holy Trinity is made by sessions. There were no seats for the 12-hour session, we bought tickets for the session at 2 pm (we returned to the castle after walking around the Old Town). The ticket price is 15 PLN.

The chapel is considered one of the main attractions of the city of Lublin because of its unique frescoes. The frescoes are made in the Russian-Byzantine style, although the church itself is Catholic. Such frescoes were ordered by King Ladislav Jagiello. Either because his mother was a Tver princess, or because of an inner attraction, but the Catholic king liked Byzantine paintings.

In general, Ladislav favored Lublin, under him the "golden" age of the city began, and he even gave the right to free trade to Lublin 20 years earlier than Krakow - in 1383.

We cross the isthmus to the neighboring hill

and through the massive Grodsky Gate we enter the Old Town - the historical center of Lublin.

Almost immediately we come across the remains of foundations.

They look neat and left for centuries - for the memory of posterity.

Previously, the Church of the Archangel Michael stood on this site, but in the 19th century it fell into disrepair and was dismantled. They left only the foundations, and above them they installed a reduced copy of the old temple.

From this place you have a great view of the castle.

Here, for the first time, we saw that in some places photographs of people were displayed instead of windows on the houses. Photographs of former residents who died or disappeared during World War II.

We circle the streets of Old Lublin, pass by the portal of the Dominican monastery.

We go to Rynok Square, which is available in almost every old Polish city.

In the center of the Market is an official representative building: the former City Hall, which has housed the Crown Tribunal since the 15th century. The building is bulky, but the eye does not linger on it. The gaze glides along the perimeter, along the row of elegant houses - one prettier than the other.

The most attractive is the lovely blue house with white "curls" - the house of Koponik.

However, the neighbors are good. The facades are decorated with stucco or paintings.

The house of Sebastian Klonovich, a local governor and poet, is decorated with portraits of Lublin writers (including Klonovich himself - he is on the left).

In the gap between the houses rises the Trinitarian Tower, the tallest building in the old city - 64 m.

Passing under the tower, we get straight to the archcathedral Cathedral of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist - a magnificent baroque building, decorated with paintings. During our stay in the cathedral, a wedding was taking place, so we managed to shoot only from the edge.

wedding invitees

Having circled around the Old Town, we approach the Krakow Gate. On the left side of the gate is the tourist office, where you can take a map of the city with a description of the sights.

Krakow gate

Beyond the Krakow Gate begins the Krakow suburb. Old Lublin grew rapidly, new districts appeared outside the fortress walls, and first of all, houses were built along the road leading to Krakow.

The center of the city was shifted to the Krakow Suburb, and in the same place, right behind the gate, in 1828 the building of the new Town Hall was erected - on the site of the Carmelite monastery that had suffered from the fire.

New town hall

The Church of the Holy Spirit adjoins the new City Hall. It was erected in the 14th century at the city hospital. The hospital was not preserved, the church was rebuilt in stone.

Church of the Holy Spirit

On the left side of the pedestrian street there is a fountain that attracts many tourists. A bronze goat, the symbol of Lublin, rests on the fountain with its front legs. On the coat of arms of Lublin, a goat stands on its hind legs in front of a vine.

The goat is the symbol of Lublin

On the right begins a large square-square - Lithuanian Square, or Lithuanian. A black obelisk with golden bas-reliefs is installed on a green hillock - in memory of a historical event. In 1569 in Lublin, in the refectory of the Dominican monastery, the so-called Union of Lublin was signed - about the unification of Poland and Lithuania into a single state, the Commonwealth.

Bas-reliefs on the obelisk, Poland and Lithuania unite

Behind the obelisk there is an equestrian statue of Piłsudski.

The square is closed by three palaces: Czartoryzhskie, Lubomirskie and the building of the Lublin Voivodeship, which now houses the Maria Skladowska-Curie University.

Opposite the obelisk is the Capuchin Church of Saints Peter and Paul, and behind the temple begins Capuchin Street.

Capuchin Church of Saints Peter and Paul

We cross it to Narutovitsa Street in order to see one of the early churches of Lublin - Mary the Victorious. It was built in 1426 by Ladislav Jagiello in honor of the victory in the Battle of Grunwald.

Church of Mary the Conqueror

Opposite the church is the Julius Osterva Lublin Theatre.

Along Narutovitsa Street, past the Bernardine Church of St. Paul and the Jesuit Church of Peter (it seems that the churches of all orders are gathered on this piece of land), we enter the Cathedral Square and again find ourselves in front of the Trinitarian tower.

You can climb the tower for 7 zł.

The tower houses a museum of religious art.

From above, wonderful views of the historical center of Lublin open up.

We pass through the Old Town and exit through the Grodsky Gate.

There is a castle ahead. There are dips on both sides of the isthmus.

On the right, in the lowland between the hills, there is a park area. To the left, a row of neat houses lined up in a semicircle, and in front of it was a parking lot.

Former Jewish Quarter

Once Podzamche was closely built up. The Jewish quarter was located here.

The first Jews appeared in Lublin in the 14th century. They were not allowed to live in the city itself, they began to build under the fortress walls, settling in the space between the Castle and City hills.

No matter what Polish cities I visited (large ones, of course), in the end it always turned out that at a certain period of time this particular city was the capital of the state.

Lublin also visited the official capital of Poland - not for long, however, only six months: from July 1944 to January 1945, until Warsaw was liberated.

And in the 16th and 17th centuries, Lublin was the unspoken capital of Polish Jews. It was called "Polish Jerusalem". The first Jewish printing house was opened here (1547), synagogues were built, educational centers arose.

In 1656, Cossacks and rebels of Khmelnytsky entered Lublin. As a result of the pogroms, the Jewish quarter was destroyed.

But the Polish nobility was in dire need of borrowed funds and, as best they could, contributed to the revival of the Jewish community and the restoration of the Jewish quarter.

From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th, the Jewish population in Lublin made up more than half of the urban population. Before the start of the Second World War - about a third. Gymnasiums teaching in Hebrew and Yiddish, libraries worked in the city, newspapers were published, a theater was opened with productions in Yiddish.

In September 1939, Lublin was occupied by the Germans. A Jewish ghetto appeared in the city.

“Maidan” is a Turkic word, but it is widely used in Eastern Europe. "Maidan" is a square, an open place. Majdanek is a small wasteland. There was such a place on the outskirts of Lublin.

In July 1941, Himmler arrives in Lublin. It was decided to organize concentration camps along the border with the Soviet Union to accommodate Soviet prisoners of war.

Such camps became especially relevant after the Kyiv operation, when 4 Soviet armies, about 450 thousand people, were surrounded. Actually, the prisoners of war who arrived built the barracks. Maidanek grew. It occupied an area of ​​270 hectares and included 22 barracks.

From March 1942, Jews from Poland and Slovakia began to be brought to Majdanek. Furnaces are up and running. The last batch of prisoners - about 300 people - was destroyed a few days before the arrival of Soviet troops in Lublin.

Now in Podzamche nothing reminds of the fact that once there were residential areas. There is a memorial complex Majdanek on the edge of Lublin, but in the city itself you will not find a single sign, not a single commemorative plaque or pillar, as if a page had been torn out of the story with meat. Well, some people lived in our city, there were many of them and very energetic, they lived for a long time, six centuries, then they stopped living. They have nothing to do with our history of Lublin.

I reread the booklet I had taken from the tourism office. Just one phrase "During the Second World War, the Nazis destroyed the Jewish districts of Podzamche and Wieniawu and killed most of their inhabitants."

It is written that in April 2007 Lublin received the status of a historical monument. In total, 10 objects in Poland have this status: Chelmno, Gdansk, Kazimierz Dolny, Krakow, Lublin, Poznan, Torun, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zamosch. About palaces, churches, castles - it is written. That a part of an alien culture was torn out, traces of the presence of an alien way of life in this place were destroyed - not a word.

Left a residue in my soul. That's the truth - the feeling that I was among the scenery. They showed the beautiful tip of the iceberg and removed the terrible from the eyes. I don’t advocate at all in order to specifically pedal, press on pain points - who needs it, he will go to Majdanek. But to pretend that nothing happened is somehow dishonest.

“And the Madonna walked through Judea!
And everything is lighter, thinner, thinner
With every step the body became...
And Judea roared around
And I didn't want to remember the dead.
But shadows lay on the loam,
And shadows lurked in every span,
Shadows of all bottles and treblinkas,
All betrayals, betrayals and crucifixions ... "
(A. Galich)

Useful websites to prepare for your trip

- a city from which we did not expect anything. They sluggishly looked through Trip Advisor, received zero useful information and did not find a single sensible report from the all-knowing Google. More and more transit, slip and passage. Just before leaving, I unexpectedly received a Facebook message including an overview of drinking establishments and interesting surroundings. It was he who turned out to be the most valuable of the entire heap of network garbage.

I will try to fill the vacuum and tell you a little about why, when and for how long to go to Lublin and its environs and how much this trip costs. What to see along the route except. Where to cross the border, what to see in Przemysl And Krasiczyn. Where to eat, what to drink and travel budget.

Lublin. Why and why?

Close, inexpensive, tasty, boring and beautiful. This is the answer to the question above. 600 km. from Kyiv, no gas stations in the expensive European Union and everything else is tolerable for the money. Except we capture Krasiczyn (Krasiczyn) And Przemysl (Przemysl).

Route details described in section

Border crossing. Here the people of Kiev have two options. First, in any case, we go along the Varshavka (M-07) to Kovel. Next are two options. The first option is shorter - straight along the "Varshavka" to the Yagodin crossing. It is famous for smugglers, customs bribe takers and long lines as a result.

"... I tried this option in the summer when I went with friends to , do not want anymore.

Second option for 50 km. longer. We turn to Vladimir Volynsky, from there to crossing Ustilug. Many profile sites vied with each other to praise this transition for short queues, lack of bribes and queues from local smugglers. Including due to the unification of Ukrainian and Polish customs. Basically, in my mind crossing Ustilug drew antipode to Yagodin.

As it turned out, only in the imagination. Yes, there are no bribes, no smugglers, but the queues remain. Two and a half hours in relative passive.

after a couple of hours with stops. Hotel Lawendowy Dworek far from the center, but bribed with free parking and the same breakfast. It didn't happen to live there. Our guardian angel decided otherwise and sent us an overbooking. Get upset? Lucky! In return, a good tourist-class hotel was offered, 10 minutes from the center, somewhat reminiscent of the Kiev Tourist, only a little better. True, parking and breakfast were paid. We are not offended. Hotel Victoria, I recommend it to car travelers who like parking at the hotel. IN old city there is no such.

Relative insurance against overbooking can be an advance payment, which we almost never practice.

- this is a pedestrian small old town, which consists of one main street, begins Krakow gate and ends city ​​gate behind which is Lublin Castle. In front of the Krakow Gate, which is more beautiful with a tower, is located. In principle, this is almost everything you need to know about the geography of the city.

The pastime is simple. During the day we admire the old city, old buildings, churches, we go into the fortress. All this is worth nothing, for the money only museums that were not included in the plans. In addition, we love to just wander the streets, go into the gates, sit in coffee houses. During the day there is a mandatory lunch. At first, the restaurant was unlucky, a publicized tavern Selsko Anelsko turned out to be a tourist waste. Don't go there and don't always trust Trip Advisor .

In the evening, the obligatory city photo session and a light meal, which consisted mainly of drinks, and the drinks were mostly beer. In addition to it, local bison is good, but it is better at lunch, with sausages with cabbage and zhurek soup.

And let me immediately list all those few sights that are rich and that you have time to explore in a few hours.

Firstly, This Old city- a dungeon under the city court near the Krakow Gates (center of the photo), a pharmacy museum, the Krakow and City Gates, the Dominican church, the cathedral, the Trinitarian tower - it is the most beautiful there (with a green dome in the photo), in addition, you can climb it, New Town Hall and Carmelite Monastery.

Secondly- it's the same Old city in which there are many interesting gateways and even a few “abandons” that EU funds have not reached.

Third, fortress, it is too glossy and seems like a new building. You need to watch it during the day...
... and in the evening.

Fourth, , which is adjacent to Old city and consists of one main street with shops, restaurants and a pedestrian area and side streets with the same set. An hour's walk will suffice.

To shops in Krakow suburb no need to go in, shopping elsewhere - Lublin Plaza (Lublin Plaza), ul.Lipowa,13- located very close to the hotel Victoria, where we lived. Another place for shopping Galeria Lubelska, ul. Vitosa, 6.

If there is time left, you can go down to the river Bystrica, there is also a museum of the Majdanek concentration camp, which I won’t say anything about, I didn’t go.

It is easy to navigate on the map of the city, which we take at the hotel. It's free. And my guiding star is always with me :)

Transport. It is unlikely to be needed if you live near the city center, and it makes no sense to live in Lublin anywhere else if you are not transiting. Urban transport - buses and trolleybuses that are pleasant in the same style, which can be transformed into buses, in which case the horns are lowered and the trolleybus switches to fuel.

Currency exchange. It is interesting, in the rest of Poland I did not notice this. Kantor is a place where the currency is changed, rates are hung on the wall, for example $1 = 3.84 zt. This course is everywhere. In addition, a sign hangs on the window - "I will give a caked course." We are interested, the aunt-cashier says that she will give me as much as 392 zt. for $ 100, and this is 6 zt (an extra glass of beer ...) 3.92 against 3.84. This scheme works everywhere, not everyone advertises the service, so ask. Why so - remained a mystery, I did not receive coherent information from my aunt in the window.

Housing. Lublin is full of hotels within 3-5 km. from old town, they are cheaper than the central ones and cost 15-30 euros per room. It is worth adding and renting a hotel in the Old Town or 10 minutes walk from it, it will cost 35-50 euros for good conditions. 4-5 star hotels will cost 70-80 euros per night.

In the very old town of Lublin The housing situation is as follows. There is a choice of hotels from hostels to 5 *. Many pubs and restaurants offer lodging, ground floor pub or restaurant, higher floors Pokoje(accommodation), there are not many in booking - in the "off-season" there are always places there.

Find a cheap hotel in Lublin

Budget city hotel in Lublin can be found through the booking system Hotels Combined, a service I use myself. The advantage of the service is that it compares the prices of dozens of booking systems - you just have to choose the best offer, including everyone's favorite

Rent apartments in Lublin

This is an option for those who love a budget vacation, while maintaining the comfort of home and personal space.

To rent an apartment(apartments) via - Lublin for 1-2 nights.

Food. There is no culture of a regular family trip to a restaurant. Most Poles eat at home. Therefore, when looking for a place to dine, you should not focus on the locals, there are simply no such places in the center or there will be very ordinary tasteless food.

Most rely on reviews trip advisor, i wrote about it, when he ran into a bad place, which did not prevent the terrible quality of the cuisine from taking the 15th line of the rating. Reviews are a lottery, it is better to trust the reviews of people you know or rely on intuition. One way or another, all delicious places are located in the center or not far from the city center.

We liked "Ceska Pivnica", "12 stolov", "Sv. Michal", "Mandragora"- it's all in old city. For reference - at the exit from in the Warsaw direction there is tavern Bida. A good lunch for two with drinks and delicious food costs around 70-100 zt. ($20-$25), a budget lunch will cost half as much.

"... I also advise you to read Lublin: where to eat, where to drink, what you can pass by

- a pub, the number of drinking establishments per unit area is not lower than in Munich or Prague. The beer is excellent, both local and Czech. And just when choosing a pub, you should pay attention to places where locals hang out. Only on Tuesday evenings in popular pubs there may not be a free table.

Pubs I recommend "At the Photographer", "Czech brewery", "Saint Michal". "At the photographer's" I especially recommend it for a large selection of unique beer, it costs a little more here than elsewhere (12 zlotys versus 7 zlotys in other establishments), but this is the case when you don’t need to save.

beer price- 7-8 zlotys, in the Pub "At the Photographer" - 11-12 zlotys. Many pubs are a door at the level of the basement, without a porch and bright signs, right behind the door - a sharp descent down which turns into a bar, each Pub has its own individuality and its own atmosphere, besides beer they also serve food, but you should not expect taste shocks , as well as from all Polish cuisine. Popular with locals pub-brewery beer house, we did not get there - it was crowded and this is on Tuesday!

I'll say it again - it's beer and the atmosphere, all this against the backdrop of antiquity, people come here for it.

After we had planned a pretty town Kazmierzh Dolny, 30 km. in the direction of Warsaw, but the weather insidiously intervened and declared war on us without warning - thick sleet began to fall at above zero temperatures and a cold wind, for a couple of hours we felt like polar explorers. They surrendered without a fight and drove towards the border, Przemysl and Krasiczyn. There weather websites promised warm, dry and even afternoon sun. And this is a little less than two hundred kilometers. Didn't cheat and thanks for that.

Krasiczyn (Krasiczyn)

Krasiczyn village ideal for a transit overnight and a very pleasant place - hills, beautiful nature, budget hotels and the indiscreet Krasicki castle dissonant with all this. I wanted something smaller and not so pompous. I liked the palace-castle, but for some reason did not arouse strong enthusiasm and desire to return.

It seemed very touristy and disposable. However, if you choose a place to spend the night between the neighboring Przemysl And Krasichin, an additional plus for Krasiczyn for nature and rustic atmosphere. Housing prices are about the same, at the level of 20 euros for a double room per night in small private hotels.

Lublin from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Lublin.

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Cities, like people, often have nicknames in addition to official names. Joking or respectful, they seem to reflect the warm attitude of neighbors to these parts. Perhaps this is how they treat Lublin in Poland, which is often called the “Goat City” or “Small Krakow”. After all, this wonderful city is as beautiful and original as Krakow, and at the same time (yet) it is not oversaturated with tourists. But Lublin is called the “Goat City” because of the white goat depicted on its coat of arms, about to feast on the vine.

The location of the city historically determined its closest connection with its neighbors: Ukrainians and Belarusians. Even city signs remind of this, some of which are written in these Slavic languages. In addition, in Ukrainian and Belarusian, in addition to Polish and English, an information brochure about the Lublin Voivodeship, Brest and Volyn Regions - the "Euroregion Bug" is published every month.

In communicating with local residents, those who do not know Polish will also be helped out by Ukrainian and Belarusian: there are many students who speak these languages. In addition, almost all young people speak excellent English, but older people can still answer you in Russian.

How to get to Lublin

Lublin is located in the valley of the river Bystrica. But it cannot be reached by water, as well as by air - there is no airport in the city. It remains to get on the ground. For example, on your own or rented car. Everything is clear here: hire a car (from 20 EUR per day, depending on the place of rent and car class), and then follow one of the autobahns to the place. If you are coming from Warsaw, then the whole trip along the route 17 or E372 will take you about 2.5 hours. Prices on the page are for September 2018.

Railway communication with Lublin is excellent. You can get to it by train not only from Warsaw (journey time 2.3 hours, ticket price from 9.60 EUR to 15) and other Polish cities, but also from neighboring countries. For example, from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine: from Kyiv, Lvov and Odessa there are several flights that will take the tourist to Lublin. But from Belarus you will have to get to this city with transfers, changing the train and bus.

You can get to your destination by direct bus from Warsaw in 3.5 hours, paying 5-6 EUR. There are also direct flights to Goat City from other EU countries and from Ukraine.

Search for flights to Warsaw (nearest airport to Lublin)


City transport in Lublin is represented by trolleybuses and buses. Tickets for them are sold at kiosks at public transport stops, the most expensive (prices depend on whether the municipal bus or private) costs about 70 euro cents.

With regret, we warn you that Lublin pickpockets are also happy with tourists, but in their own way, so you should not lose your vigilance in transport.

In summer, the city authorities launch several sightseeing trolleybuses especially for tourists. You can ride them on Sundays, for only 1-1.5 EUR. The routes start from the Krakow Gate, are marked with different colors and take from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the subject of the tour.

Hotels in Lublin

Hotel prices in the city start at an average of 43 EUR (for example, in Campanile Lublin rooms from 35 EUR per night). Of particular note is the Bramma cafe, where you can stay overnight in a cozy and tidy room for 27 EUR. Breakfast is not included in the price, but in a cafe it would be somehow illogical. And, of course, in such large hotels as prices start from 48 EUR (this is how much an economy class single costs, a double - already from 66). I must say that, despite the high quality of service and fame, the slightly more expensive Vanilla hotel, located in the same area, has recently been ahead of the Lublinianka rating.

Budget accommodation in Lublin is still rather scarce, but there are a couple of hostels with prices from 9 EUR here - these are Lublin and Guest House Wytchnienie.

Cuisine and restaurants in Lublin

Cafes and restaurants are literally at every step. No wonder: the city is large, not only for tourists, but also for students. And the eternally hungry students need to be fed hearty and cheap. That is why all kinds of pizzerias, cafes, pubs and restaurants abound in the city. So choose any institution you like and sit down at a table, getting ready to eat well for about 6-7 EUR.

In more reputable establishments, such as the Magic restaurant, prices are higher and one dish will cost so much. Although everything is planned there in such a way that even for this amount you can join the local cuisine. Speaking of local cuisine! Be sure to try cebulage - an incredibly delicious wheat cake with poppy seeds and onions. You really will not taste this anywhere else, this is an exclusively Ljubljana dish. You can drink local beer Perla (in the cold season it is heated with spices) or use a glass of local vodka infused with herbs for cebulage.

Shopping and shops

Modern supermarkets and shops are concentrated in large shopping centers in Lublin. The most famous of them are Olympus Gallery, Plaza Center, Centrum (even two, on Krakow Suburb Street and Thomas Zahn Street). All things of famous Polish brands, a variety of electronics and more can be bought here. If you want to buy gizmos with national flavor or in vintage style, then go hiking through the numerous souvenir shops of the Old Town.

Entertainment and attractions of Lublin

Probably everyone who remembers a little bit of history knows that during the Great Patriotic War, a fascist death camp, Majdanek, operated within the city. Now a memorial complex has been opened on this terrible place, where many peaceful Jews and Slavs were killed. If you want to visit it, please note that some of the exhibitions are not suitable for children. Entrance to the museum is free, you only need to pay for the car park if you are traveling by car.

Other attractions in Lublin are much more peaceful. Of course, first of all it is architecture. The Lublin Castle, built in the 14th century, the Cathedral, the Krakow Gate, the Crown Tribunal (a marvelous urban legend is associated with it), the Holy Trinity Tower, the Church of the Dominican Order - the list can go on for a long time. And there is also a botanical garden, many parks and museums: the city museum, the museum of the poet Jozef Chekhovich and the wonderful open-air museum of wooden architecture. In addition, as in every venerable old city, Lublin has an underground passage, where tourists are now allowed.

The city in which one of the most powerful states of the 16th century was formed. A city where student laughter is heard more often than local conversations. A city where you want to create and do great things. Have you thought about Paris, Vienna or Krakow? Not only! We are talking about Lublin - a small city with a rich history. Once upon a time, Lublin protected other Polish cities from the Tatar invasion, was an important trading center, the place where they signed that very union. Now the functions of the city are simpler. Every year thousands of students come here to study not only from Poland, but also from Ukraine, Belarus or Russia. Due to its proximity to the border, a good airport and favorable prices for air and bus tickets, Lublin has already become a favorite for budget travelers. Therefore, if you happen to be in Lublin for the weekend and think that there is nothing to do in this city, you are greatly mistaken. Sights, bars and significant historical places - in a fresh guide. The official tourist slogan of the city is: "Lublin is a city of inspiration" (Lublin - miasto inspiracji). We explain why this is true.

Guide content:

The best way to get to Lublin from Minsk is through Brest - it's more economical and you spend less time. If you like to travel by train, then take the train Brest - Terespol (€ 3-4), from Terespol take a minibus to the city of Biala Podlaska (€ 2), from there take a minibus straight to Lublin. By the way, it is more profitable to buy tickets online - from € 2.50.

If you do not want to make all these transfers and you would rather read a book or sleep, then take the direct bus Brest - Lublin (€ 13).

If these methods do not suit you, then go BlaBlaCar, the price of a trip here depends not only on the driver, but also on your mood and ability to communicate.

You can get from Kyiv to Lublin by bus for €15-17, but the best option is BlaBlaCar from (about €6).

The main transportation option in the city is trolleybuses and buses. A one-way ticket is € 0.93, but you can only buy it from the driver. To save money, it's better to take 2 hours for € 1.17 and ride everywhere. Some buses in Lublin also run at night.

Unfortunately, Uber is not yet working in Lublin, but if you really need it, call Radio Taxi 919 Lublin or Ale Taxi Lublin .

Kujawska Rooms (Kujawska 26). The newest hostel in Lublin, which has been operating since September. And, although it is located far from the Old Town (almost 10 km), the design here is still one of the best. Minimalism in its purest form, and a lot of wood and space. Rooms are designed for a maximum of three. There are rooms for two, and if you really want to be alone, then for 1. A place will cost € 9.50 in a triple room and € 15 in a single room.

Folk Hostel (Krakowskie Przedmieście 23) If you are an avid party-goer, this is the place for you. Due to the location in the very center of the pedestrian street, parties in the nearest bars here until the morning. If you are coming with your family, it is better to look for something else. And so you are already waiting for spacious and clean rooms, soft pillows and friendly staff. A bed in a dorm will cost from € 10.

Hostel Krolewska (Krolewska, 6). Nice hostel in a historic building. Due to its location (and this is the very center), the windows of the rooms overlook the Gothic watchtower or the boulevard. Some rooms have balconies - you can arrange nightly gatherings with a glass of wine with the best views. Here you can also borrow a bike for € 3. A place in a 6-bed room is € 9, a double room is € 23.

Cent Hostel (Ewangelicka 6). Another hostel in the very center of the eastern capital of Poland. An ideal option for students and fans of large-scale parties, as local pubs and music clubs are within easy reach. If you want to drink coffee, there is a cafe for you on the lower floor of the hostel. For a bed in a 5-bed room you will have to pay € 10, a double room - € 25.

LoLek Hostel (Bernardyńska 9). Clean and cozy hostel in the very center of Lublin, just 300 meters from the Old Town. If you are a fan of high ceilings and spacious rooms, this option will appeal to you. The advantage of the hostel is a great place to park your car in a private yard. As well as friendly staff who will help, tell you everything, and also feed you cookies. Get ready to pay € 10 for a bed in an 8-bed room, € 23 for a double room.

Hotel Grodzka 20 (Grodzka 20). A hotel with an uncomplicated name and stylish Scandinavian interiors like from the picture. Located in the very center. Excellent breakfasts, fast internet and airy snow-white towels. Prepare € 56 for a double room.

Very often Lublin is called, and this is not in vain - the city has something to show. It is most logical to start acquaintance with it from the main attraction - Lublin Castle (Zamkowa 9). Here you can get a free map of the Old Town and a description of all the sights. The Historical Museum, the Museum of Art and Painting are also here, you don't need to go far. The museum displays the work of the famous Polish artist Jan Matejko. There is no better way to get acquainted with Polish culture. Choose what your heart desires.

The castle also deserves special attention. chapel of st. Trinity (Zamkowa 9). Despite the fact that the chapel is Catholic, the paintings and frescoes on it are made in the Russian-Byzantine style. No wonder the National Geographic magazine once included the chapel among the seven wonders of Poland.

If you are already tired of being indoors and just want to breathe fresh air, then climb the castle tower and enjoy the panorama of the city. From the tower you have a wonderful view of Castle Square, one side of which is built up with colorful stone houses. Ticket price - € 2.

If you have already seen everything in the castle, head straight down the street to old town. Everything here is imbued with the spirit of the Middle Ages: from narrow streets to small cracks in old buildings. And, although some people complain that some houses are long overdue for repairs, Lublin stubbornly proves that the main goal of the city is to convey the authenticity of the Middle Ages. Another indisputable plus of Lublin is that there are practically no crowds of tourists. Here you can safely walk without fear of being in someone's family photo, in history on a periscope, or even worse - in a crowd of package tourists. Everything is calm here, no big city fuss for you. I just want to say, they say, relax, take it easy.

On the way to the Old City, you will pass through Grodskie gate (Grodzka 21). In ancient times, this place served as a transition between the Christian and Jewish parts of the city, now there is "NN Theater". If you wish, go to an exhibition dedicated to the conditions of the pre-war life of the Jews. This place is a must for those travelers who are looking for Jewish roots.

If you are very interested in Jewish topics, then visit Old Jewish cemetery (Kalinowszczyzna) . This is the oldest Jewish cemetery that has been preserved on the territory of Poland. During the Second World War, it survived the bombing, so on many gravestones you can see holes from shells. To get there, you have to try. Although the site is a tourist site, it is only accessible to organized groups or on special occasions. If options 1 and 2 do not suit you, then you need to ask for the key to the cemetery at the hotel Hotel Ilan (Lubartowska 85) .

If you are already a little tired and want to sit down, head to the Parish Church Square or just the ruins Church of St. Michael the Archangel (Plac po Farze). This is a place where you can just relax, think about the eternal and enjoy a great view of the castle. And here you can also see that in some places on the houses, instead of windows, vintage photographs of people, former residents, are displayed. Many mystical stories are connected with this location - the church has always been unlucky. That invasion of the Mongols, then a fire, or even the bell tower collapsed. In the 19th century its facade was finally covered with cracks, and the dangerous building was ordered to be demolished.

When you are in the center, be sure to go to Dominican monastery (Złota 9) also known as the Basilica of St. Stanislaus, bishop and martyr. This is not just one of the must visits, but also the real pride of Lublin residents. What functions did the monastery perform in the past: there were barracks and a puppet theater named after. Andersen. By the way, this year the basilica celebrated its 763rd anniversary - the monastery is also one of the oldest buildings in the city.

If you like to explore the city from the heights, but the view from the chapel of St. Trinity was not enough for you, then climb on trinitarian tower (Krolewska 10). This is the tallest building in Lublin - 64 m high. Initially, it was smaller, but in the XIX century. the Italian architect Corazzi added a bell tower. Thus, the tower became not only the belfry of the cathedral, but also an observation deck. If you look at it from below, you can see how the building visually divides the city into two parts. Another undoubted plus of the Trinitarian Tower is that it has retained its original image to our time. Hang your backpack on your shoulders and run upstairs. Don't be lazy, it's worth it!

If you suddenly want to remember your student years and hang out hard, come to Miasteczko Academician (Mariana Langiewicza). As in any college town, there are always some events going on here. They will accept you as their own, even if you graduated from the university 10 years ago. The main thing is to grab something, preferably stronger.

4 km from the center of Lublin there is a former Nazi concentration and extermination camp Majdanek (ul. Droga Męczenników Majdanka 67) . One of the few places that has preserved evidence of Nazi crimes. Almost everything is left in the form in which they contained it. Several barracks, a crematorium and gas chambers have been opened in the concentration camp, the walls of which have preserved the blue plaque from Zyklon-B and traces of the nails of people trying to get out. Being there, it is difficult to contain emotions, trembling willfully run through the skin.

If you have more free time, be sure to go to Kazimierz Doln s, a small town 45 km from Lublin. The place is very colorful. The special architectural appearance of the city was provided by the Armenians and Jews who lived here. It is interesting that there are no modern counters and sheds on the Market Square, all goods are placed directly on the ground. Renaissance stone houses, natural landscapes, the banks of the Vistula River - there is definitely something to visit and see here.

Another symbol of the city that is worth your attention - Krakow gate(Bramowa 2). These are the remains of the defensive walls of the XIV century. Everything would be fine, but these gates are a real mix of styles: the lower part retained the features of the Gothic style, the middle one - the Renaissance, and the upper one - pure baroque. Currently, in the room of the tower, which is above the gate, there is the Museum of the History of Lublin.

There are many beautiful modern buildings in Lublin, which are so lacking in Minsk. Pay attention to the cultural center (Centr Spotkania Kultur), the building of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Maria Skladowska-Curie University, Lublin Science and Technology Park.

When the weather is nice, ride your bike to the lake Zemborzyckie. The locals really love this place. People come here to relax with family and friends. The sun, water and nature around - what else do you need on a hot summer day?

If possible, visit also Palac w Kozłowce. Some 30 km - and you are already in a little fairy tale. The castle is very beautiful, like from a movie about Cinderella. Therefore, be sure to go, maybe you will find your prince or princess.

Macaroon Spaghetti & Salad (Obrońców Pokoju 23) . Italian pasta for every taste - all possible forms and sauces. Delicious, fast and cheap. Huge portions, which are more than enough for even the most hungry travelers.

If you want a very tasty kebab, go to U Mustafy Kuchnia Syryjska (Nadbystrzycka 30). Here you can taste the national Syrian dishes and even try something from the menu for vegetarians. If you are too lazy to go for a kebab, then he will come to you himself. Just order online.

Tu Burger (Marii Curie Skłodowskiej 38) . The ideal format of the establishment if you like juicy tall burgers. With meat, salad and vegetables, with cheese, chicken and mushrooms, with bacon, cucumbers and canned vegetables, and all this is filled with sauces.

When you're hungry like a wolf, boldly rush into

One of the most visited cities in Poland, Lublin offers its guests not only the widest range of attractions, but also an unforgettable cultural experience. Many people call it the “City of Festivals” because every year a new event of this type appears here. Tourists can watch and even take part in some of them: the festival of poetry and the Night of Museums, the jazz festival and the festival of folk dance.

There are many attractions in Lublin, in addition to festivals, nightclubs and restaurants. An excursion to this beautiful Polish city involves visiting the following places:

On the outskirts of the old town is the Lublin Cathedral, built in the Baroque style from 1586 to 1625. The architects of the building are Jan Marion Brenardoni and Josef Brixio.

The church has 1 nave, and the frescoes that adorn it were realized by the court painter Josef Mazher. The most significant sights of the cathedral are: the painting “Weeping Virgin Mary”, the “Whispering Hall”, so named because of the unique acoustics, as well as a collection of clothes and embroidery of the 18th and 19th centuries.

The most valuable religious site in Lublin is the Dominican monastery complex, founded in 1342 during the reign of Casimir the Great.

From its very foundation, the monastery has become a place of pilgrimage for Catholics, because the relics of the Holy Cross, brought here from the East, found shelter here. On the territory of the complex you can visit 2 chapels: the Chapel of the Firlei family, where the tombstones of members of this family are located, as well as the Tyszkiewicz Chapel, with impressive Renaissance stucco work.

Location: Złota - 9.

The largest and oldest synagogue in Lublin was founded in 1567 in honor of Rabbi Salomon Luria. Over time, a whole complex was created around it: a community, a yeshiva, Bet Midrash, a slaughterhouse. It accommodated about 3,000 people who could pray quietly.

Location: Yatechna - 3.

The Lublin Museum was founded in 1906. Since 1957 it has been located in the Lublin Castle. The permanent collections of the museum are:

  • An art gallery highlighting the Danish artist Henrik ter Bruggen's Pilate Washes His Hands.
  • Exhibition of decorative and applied arts.
  • Collection of paintings on the history of Poland.
  • Gallery of Polish painting of the 20th century.
  • Gallery of paintings by artists of Lublin.
  • Sculpture room.
  • Numismatics.
  • Military exhibition, where ancient and modern weapons are exhibited.

The Museum of the Province of Lublin is known nationally and internationally.

Location: Zamkowa - 9.

In the suburbs of Lublin there is a former concentration camp, converted into the Majdanek Museum. Established in November 1944, the museum, in addition to organizing exhibitions, holds many educational and academic events. Tourists here have the opportunity to visit 11 buildings, as well as 2 monuments erected in 1969 in honor of the prisoners of Majdanek: the mausoleum and the Monument of the Martyrs.

Location: Ul. Droga Męczenników Majdanka - 67.

The purpose of the literary museum located in the old town is to collect, preserve, provide access to manuscripts, publications and scientific materials relating to the life and work of the poet Józef Czechowicz. The museum's collection is divided into 2 parts: the first deals with the childhood and youth of the poet, and the second introduces his work.

Location: Złota - 3.

Occupying an area of ​​more than 27 hectares near the road leading to the capital, the Lublin Village Museum is an open-air museum. It was opened in 1979 and represents a series of architectural monuments from the province of Lublin.

In addition to visiting the permanent exhibitions, guests of the village can take part in festivals held here annually, taste wines and beers produced by local winemakers and brewers, and enjoy traditional delicacies in rustic-style restaurants.

Location: aleja Warszawska - 96A.

Located at the Krakow City Gate, once part of the fortifications of Lublin, the museum of the city's history was founded in 1979. Its permanent exhibition tells about the evolution of the ancient Lublin settlements from the 6th century to 1944.

Its exhibits are: archaeological finds and icons, portraits of important personalities of the city and rare publications, a collection of souvenirs and photographs. The upper part of the ancient gate rises 33 meters above street level. An observation deck is equipped here, from where you can see almost the whole of Lublin.

Location: Plac Władysława Łokietka - 3.

Housed in a former Gestapo prison, in a building adorned with a large clock, the Martyrdom Museum is dedicated to those who were martyred here during the Nazi occupation. Here you can see the corridor and cages, which acquired a wartime appearance after restoration work carried out by the Office of Monuments Preservation. In addition, here you can get acquainted with materials related to 167 young anti-fascists who went missing during the war.

Location: Uniwersytecka - 1.

Lublin's most sought-after attraction, the Lublin Castle is located on a hill in the northeastern part of the Old Town. This hill was first fortified in the 12th century. The stone wall of the fortress, which has survived to this day, was built in the 13th century, during the reign of Casimir the Third.

Throughout its history, the fortress was a royal residence until 1826, a prison until 1954, home to an art gallery and a museum. In the 14th century, one of the most striking monuments of medieval architecture in Europe, the chapel of the Holy Trinity, was built outside the walls of the fortress.

Location: Zamkowa - 9.

Built during the reign of Casimir the Great, the Chapel of the Holy Trinity was a royal church for a long time. The frescoes that adorn it are highly valued by collectors because of their unique style, which harmoniously combines Catholic and Orthodox influences. They are the fruit of fruitful collaboration between 2 artists: Kirill from Bulgaria and Yushko from Russia.

Location: Zamkowa - 9.

The Grodzka Gate connects the Old Town with the Jewish Quarter and is part of the fortification of Lublin. They were renovated and rebuilt in the 18th century in the Renaissance style. In 1944, they were given over to the School of Fine Arts, and later - to the studio theater. Today the Jewish Gate is the headquarters of the theater "Osrodek Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN".

Location: Grodzka - 21.

In the middle of the main square of the Old Town, surrounded by 15th-century villas, is the Old Town Hall, which once housed the “Court of the Crown”, founded by King Stefan Batory.

Originally built in 1389 of wood, the building was rebuilt in 1575 in the Renaissance style, in 1680 in the Baroque style, and in 1781-1787 in the Classicist style. Today, the registry office is located in the Old Town Hall, and music concerts, conferences and official meetings are held in the tribunal hall.

The dominant architectural element of the Old City is the Trinitarian Tower. This neo-gothic structure was restored in 1819 by Antonio Corazzi.

Today, the tower is home to the Museum of Religious Art, founded in 1975. It is the highest observation deck in Lublin, offering a colorful view of the Old Town, the main square, the Krakow Gate. This review can become accessible to the most daring tourists who have managed to overcome a narrow, steep, zigzag staircase to the top. The winners are waiting for an enchanting spectacle and, as a bonus, the opportunity to take a unique selfie.

Location: Krolewska - 10.