All about car tuning

How I spend free time? An essay on the topic of how I spend my day or my day. Several interesting essays.

In my opinion, summer is the most wonderful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have an excellent opportunity to relax. Summer is also a time of holidays and holidays. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by a pond, in the shade of emerald greenery, splash in warm water. Or you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.

Kebabs. A fire was lit, meat was prepared for frying, and a tent was pitched. While my parents were preparing dinner, I went into the forest to work up an appetite.

The forest was magnificent that day! There was an aroma of flowers, honey and strawberries in the air. Everything around was green, only the tree trunks stood out as bright spots against a dark green background. The birds chirped in their own language, the woodpecker knocked.

Suddenly suspicious sounds were heard. It seemed to me that someone hissed next to me. I turned around and saw. writhing snake! I immediately lost my breath. I didn’t even remember what she looked like because I was so scared.

I began to slowly retreat and then rushed towards our camp. I decided not to tell my mother about everything that happened, so as not to worry her. A little later, after having lunch and having a lot of fun, we packed our things and went home.

Yes. Time flies very quickly. It’s a pity that it’s impossible to repeat those moments and sensations that you experienced during the holidays. But I believe that next summer will also be unforgettable!

Summer is an amazing time. I was looking forward to the holidays with great impatience, and now they have finally arrived.

During the first week of the holidays, I went to an open-air painting with the guys from the art school. We depicted flowers, trees, grass, and much more there. After the open air I went to the village several times. We went there as a family to help our grandparents. Sometimes I stayed in the village overnight. And when I returned home, I visited my girlfriends and went for walks with them.

And then the sultry beach time began. My sister and I went to the beach almost every day, where we swam and sunbathed.

Alas. Summer flew by very quickly! And it's time to go to school again.

This summer has been interesting. The first month of rest was very similar to the previous ones summer holidays, since I was staying in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be incredibly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that the most striking events and indelible impressions of my summer are associated with me.

Time in the village passes slowly, not at all like in big cities. It feels like a whole month has passed, when in fact it’s only a week. My morning usually starts with helping my aunt in the garden. Our village is located far from the village, and tap water is an unheard of luxury. So I go to the well with two old iron buckets. The water there is stunningly clean and very cold. I also help my aunt around the house, but whenever possible I run to play with my friends.

I have good friends in the village. We spend all our free time together. During the hottest time, we sit for hours on the bank of the river. After a swim, we frolic with all our might and look at the passing barges. One day my aunt gave me a hard time because I didn’t come to dinner. But in fact, I didn’t feel like eating at all, because together with my friend Pashka we were baking potatoes in the fire. It's such a pleasure to transfer hot potatoes from hand to hand, and then break them and eat them piece by piece. Do you agree that this is not a bowl of cooked soup? And most importantly - how much romance and happiness there are in these summer days spent as if in another world!

I spent summer evenings in a real wooden hut. As a rule, after dinner my aunt was visited by her friends. Sitting at a large round table, they drank tea. And I was hiding on a large stone stove, or looking at books, or “getting my head around,” as my grandmother liked to say. But to tell the truth, I kept a diary, and, like Robinson Crusoe on a desert island, I counted down the days remaining until I returned to the city.

Sometimes it occurs to me that a village is an island remote from the city, and life on it follows a different rhythm. Either because of the proximity to nature, or perhaps simply because big cities in the endless pursuit of technological progress, we were torn away from a calm, measured life. But be that as it may, I am a city person. Which means my place is there. And yet, every time I leave this quiet island of tranquility, I will miss my village.

Essay on how I spent my summer

Summer holidays always bring pleasant experiences. Lessons, school bells and breaks are left behind, and ahead is the expectation of something good.

My sister and I take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radishes grow in our green bed. We are happy to water and weed our green bed. And it’s very pleasant to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: “What an amazingly delicious salad your vegetables turned out to be!” How smart you are, my girls!”

In the summer there is enough time: you can go for a walk with your girlfriends, go on a visit, and play different games. But most of all I look forward to a trip to the sea with my parents.

I finally learned to swim this summer and I'm very happy about it. I really like the sea. It is so deep and wide, and so mysterious that sometimes it even frightens with its unpredictability.

The sea can be both close and distant, warm and cool. How nice it is to plunge into fresh, cool water on a hot summer day! And swim, dive, splash!

I laid out sea shells on the table. Putting them to my ear, I can hear the sound of the surf. And you can feel the power of the sea wave that flies and hits the stone, throwing a lot of bright salty splashes into my face. I have fun, I laugh with everyone: with my parents, the sea, the sun and the seagulls.

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Comment je passe mes loisirs?

Les loisirs - c'est le temps le plus préféré de chaque personne. Tous les jours on doit répéter les mêmes actions mais quant aux loisirs - c’est tout à fait différent! Quand on a du temps libre, on peut faire tout ce qu’on veut et pas ce qui est obligé.

Maintenant je suis étudiante, c'est pourquoi je dois travailler beaucoup pour faire du succès dans le procéssus d'apprentissage. Comme chaque étudiant, j'adore me reposer et me relaxer avec les amis. Juste au moment quand nous avons le temps libre nous nous réunissons pour passer nos loisirs le mieux!

D'habitude, je ne passe pas le temps libre chez moi: dans la plupart des cas je tâche de partir quelque part. Mes amis, les membres de notre famille et moi, nous préférons aller dans les montagnes: c’est plus facile que planifier le voyage au bord de la mer. Premièrement, l'air dans les montagnes est plus claire et plus sain pour l'organisme humaine. De la manière, nous avons la possibilité de perfectionner notre santé. Deuxièmement, dans les montagnes chaqu'un peut trouver l'attraction le plus intéressant pour soi: ici on peut se promener dans la forêt, se baigner dans la rivière, se bronzer au bord, tester ses connaissances dans les sports extrêmes. Troisièmement, les loisirs dans les montagnes - c’est la romantique: les soirs on peut admirer les étoiles filantes et les matins on peut ressentir l’air fraîche et tiède.

Mais, si un tel cas ne se présente pas, ce n’est pas la frustration pour nous: en restant à la maison, il y a plusieurs moyens de bien se reposer. Par exemple, nous aimons beaucoup participer aux jeux de groupes: cela nous permet de connecter nos efforts, d'apprendre les caractères de chaqu'un et de créer une atmosphère légère et chaleureuse dans la maison.

Malgré la variante choisie pour passer le temps libre, c’est toujours les moments les plus inoubliables et les plus précieux dans la vie humaine!


Free time is a period that every person loves extremely much. Every day we must repeat the same actions, but as for free time, this is a completely different matter! When you have free time, you can do what you want, and not what is required of you.

Today I am a student and therefore I have to work hard to progress in the educational process. Like every student, I love to relax and unwind with my friends. Whenever we have time to relax, we get together to make the most of our free time!

I usually don’t spend my free time at home: most of the time I try to go somewhere. My friends, our family members and I, we prefer a holiday in the mountains: it can be much easier to plan than a trip to the seaside. Firstly, the air in the mountains is cleaner and more beneficial for the human body. Thus, we have the opportunity to improve our health. Secondly, in the mountains everyone can find entertainment to suit their taste: here you can take walks in the forest, swim in the river, sunbathe on the shore, and also test your skills in extreme sports sports Thirdly, free time in the mountains is romantic: in the evenings you can enjoy the falling stars, and every morning you can feel the fresh and gentle air.

But if this opportunity is not available, we are not disappointed: while staying at home, there are many different ways to have a great rest. For example, we really love to take part in group games: this allows us to combine all our forces into a single whole, get to know each other’s characters better and create a light and relaxed atmosphere in the house.

Regardless of which option for spending your free time is chosen, these will definitely be the most unforgettable and most valuable moments in every person’s life!

I usually wake up early around 7 o'clock in the morning. I make the bed, wash my face and do my exercises. After that I have breakfast and go to school. To make it easier to walk along the road, I pick up my friends. We love spending time together and try to be together everywhere.

At school, classmates and interesting lessons await me. Our teacher talks and teaches us different sciences. Most of all I like physical education and mathematics. In physical education, we often play sports games and organize various competitions. And I also like it English language. I take an elective in this subject and participate in competitions. I have won prizes several times and have diplomas.

After classes I usually go to sports clubs or go swimming. I love sports and try to fulfill all the tasks of the coach. After the sections I return home. Having rested a little, I begin my homework. When the homework is done, I try to help my parents with household chores. I can wash the dishes or sweep the floor. I also take care of pets, making sure they have clean water and food. In my free time I usually go out with friends. We have fun, play football or hide and seek.

We also love to go to the movies or play computer games. But usually this can only be done on weekends, because on weekdays the whole day is busy. In the evening I usually play chess with my dad. Sometimes we play various board games as a family. Such as, for example, lotto, dominoes or monopoly. When good weather I like to ride a bike with my friends or parents.

On weekends, my family and I sometimes go out into nature or visit. And on ordinary days in the evenings I read interesting books. Most of all I like adventure and fantasy.

Several interesting essays

  • Essay based on Popov's painting The First Snow, grade 7 (description)

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  • Characteristics and image of Lelya in the story by Kusak Andreev essay

    The main character of the work is Lelya, presented by the writer in the image of a young girl who is a student at the gymnasium.

  • The image and characteristics of the Countess in Pushkin's Queen of Spades essay

    One of the main characters of the work is Countess Anna Fedotovna Tomskaya, who is presented by the author as an eighty-year-old old woman

  • When spring comes, the mood always becomes better. The first drops are heard, the day becomes longer and the sun is shining. Spring is a festive time of year. Spring is a time of feminine beauty and charm. In spring, all girls and women are the most beautiful.

  • The image and characteristics of Oblomov in Goncharov’s novel Oblomov essay

    Having written his novel about an inert middle-class landowner, I. A. Goncharov introduced the term “Oblomovism” into the Russian language, on behalf of its main character. It means peacefully passive idleness, meaningless, idle pastime

Basically, planned out in minutes and seconds. I have a lot of things to do and tasks that I must complete. Of course, the most important thing is to attend classes responsibly and gain knowledge.

IN free time from classes, I like to attend sports clubs. At the moment I am enrolled in three sports groups. Twice a week I go to football at a sports football school. Our coach has created several teams that gain the necessary skills and compete with each other.

In addition to football, I attend an equestrian school and learn horse riding. This is my favorite activity. I can communicate with such wonderful animals that will never offend or abuse a person. When I come to class, my faithful friend, the horse Leon, is always waiting for me. He helps me complete all the coach’s tasks, supports me in every possible way and always obeys unconditionally.

Another section to which I devote my free time is related to fencing. The skill of wielding such a dangerous weapon as a sword has always attracted me. Therefore, I persuaded my parents, and they helped me get into such an exciting club.

Thanks to sports training, I got into good physical shape. In school physical education lessons, all the exercises are quite easy for me, I easily cope with the standards and get excellent grades. It's good that I'm so busy with my sports hobbies. I don't have time for pointless wandering around the streets with my classmates. I have a goal in life - to achieve success. And I quickly go to her, escorting her your free time with benefit and interest.

I made a lot of wonderful friends during my classes with whom I keep in constant contact. I have a lot of common ideas with my friends, so our time together is always wonderful, exciting and fun.

Nowadays, only the lazy didn’t write a few words about the past World Cup. And the army of football haters finally breathed freely because... their month of torment was over.

For me, this month was a real fairy tale, which, unfortunately, like an interesting book, came to an end. I tried to absorb this championship as much as possible and I think I succeeded.

This post will not be about the World Cup itself, but about what I remember about it. And also a bunch of photos of my cabbage soup.

Let's go!

For me, the championship started with a trip to the fan zone at Moscow State University for the Portugal - Spain match. And the very next day I went to the match Argentina - Iceland, a ticket for which I especially wanted to buy.

It was then that he started the tradition of taking selfies at games. This is the first selfie.
I wore Italian national team shirts almost the entire tournament. I was often mistaken for an Italian. Like the Russians with “ooh, guys, it’s a pity that we didn’t get to the championship” to the Brazilians with “forza Italia!” The most memorable episode was when an SUV slowed down on the Bolshoi Kamenny Bridge to greet me, walking in an Azzurra Squadra T-shirt.

The match itself was remembered not only for the sensational result. For example, I witnessed Messi take a penalty kick three times. And the second time in front of me he didn’t score the foam.

But the Icelandic “Hu!” I was less impressed live than it was on television.

The second game I visited was Zaruba Germany - Mexico. If the Argentines played with the Icelanders and played at Spartak, then this match took place in Luzhniki, where I visited for the first time after reconstruction.

It was especially nice to go to the games in carriages with broadcasts of other matches. And it was very upsetting when I got into a carriage without screens.

Also, especially at the beginning of the tournament, it was unusual to see fans of the Argentina national team coming out on the Butovskaya line.

I also really liked the idea of ​​bad glasses with individual designs for each game. As a result, I got glasses from all the games (except the first one) that I managed to attend. I liked the price tag of the beer and its taste much less.

Out of old habit, I tried to leave all the games a little earlier than the end of the match, but they say that at the World Cup there was no such terrible theme of waiting to leave your sector.

I also attended the opening day of the Football Park on Red Square, where I took part in all sorts of activities.

The most pleasant discovery during the World Cup was the Croatian Football Festival, which I accidentally found out about while going to the neoclassical class at the Central House of Artists.

This is the most intimate and cozy place to watch World Cup matches. It was here that we were able to watch the games Argentina - Croatia, Uruguay - France, Brazil - Belgium and Croatia - England.

I’m especially glad that I was able to experience this tournament not only through matches in my home city. There was also a “one-day trip” to my beloved Nizhny Novgorod.

We traveled one day because... housing prices went through the roof during the World Cup. I had an idea to rent housing in Dzerzhinsk, but, apparently, I was not the only one who had such an idea, and the price tag for housing there was also at the level of hotels in Amsterdam.

Unfortunately, free tickets there was no longer a train. We rode to Nizhny in a Lastochka full of foreign fans. We returned on the Swift. Well, at least I had plenty of free access to the subway using my FAN ID.

I really liked the Nizhny Novgorod stadium. Even more than the updated Luzhniki and Spartak. How can you not fall in love with a stadium where there are toilets at the entrance to each (!) sector?!

Nanotechnology at a new stage.

Yes, by the way, we went to Nizhny for the match England - Panama, in which the most devastating score of the entire championship took place - 6:1.

With Zabivaka.

On the day of the game it was very hot (36°). After the game, we took a shuttle to the beautiful Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, where we had a bite to eat at the Sovok noodle shop.

There was little time before the return train and we did not go to the FIFA Fan Fest. Paul Oakenfold performed there in the evening.

The Panamanians, despite the crushing defeat, were surprisingly positive.

About going to the match Denmark - France I wrote a separate post.

The last game I went to was Serbia - Brazil on Spartak.

I made a few miscalculations while purchasing tickets. Firstly, it was necessary to take more tickets when it was possible to buy category 4 tickets. Secondly, there was no need to stand out and think that it would be possible to buy a 4th category ticket for the semi-final or final, but choose the bird in your hands and take 4th category tickets (and completely use up the quota of 7 games) for another capital match (Portugal - Morocco, Belgium - Tunisia or Poland - Senegal). But everyone is strong in hindsight.

It’s worth mentioning separately about ticket categories. If you wanted to sit relatively in the center, then only the first, most expensive, category of tickets would provide such a guarantee. The difference between categories 2, 3 and 4 was minimal. From the photo you can compare that, for example, the 4th category at the game in Nizhny Novgorod was more pleasant in terms of viewing than the 3rd category at the Denmark - France game (and there I was generally sitting in the 2nd category sector). And because the review was good everywhere, then best tickets In terms of price/quality, they were, of course, category 4 tickets.

Everyone has already noted the organization of the tournament. I would like that going to football in Russia would continue to be a holiday, but it is unlikely that in the future we will have to deal with such an organization when holding games.

I also managed to stop by the FIFA World Football Museum at Hyundai Motorstudio. Unfortunately, I learned about David Trezeguet’s visit there too late, but managed to sign up to watch the semi-final match between France and Belgium.

The museum itself is small, but quite cozy.

Unfortunately, one of the two projectors burned out and watching the match was not so comfortable.

I watched the Belgium - England match (the one for third place) at the FIFA Fan Fest.

The final, France - Croatia, was watched in Gostiny Dvor because Rain was expected and I didn’t want to watch the game in the open air. And it was just a stone's throw from Nikolskaya.

Already at the playoff stage, when teams began to leave the championship one after another, the feeling of August from childhood appeared. When you have three months of vacation, but two of them are already behind you and you feel the approach of September inexorably. And it seems like there’s still a whole month of rest ahead, but it’s still a little sad.

The month-long holiday has ended, leaving behind an incredible amount of impressions. In terms of results, for me this tournament was worse only than the 2006 World Cup. Almost the main disadvantage of the tournament in my eyes was the non-participation of the Italian team. So I would probably go to her games even in Saransk. In almost every other respect, it was the best World Cup in history. And it’s extremely pleasant that it took place in Russia.

Such events happen once in a lifetime. And we are very lucky that we took part in all this.

I'm sad now. But it’s better to be sad about what happened than to regret what didn’t happen.