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What to take on vacation in the UAE. What to take with you to the UAE

When preparing to leave for the UAE, it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of the climate of this state. It is enough to bring comfortable and convenient clothes with you to feel as comfortable as possible during your vacation. If you are thinking about what to take in the UAE, use our recommendations.

Necessary things

In a country with hot weather, you will have to protect yourself from the scorching sun. Therefore, among the most necessary things, you must definitely include a hat, sun spray and dark glasses. It is worth considering that in all buildings in the UAE, including shopping centers and restaurants, air conditioners operate at full capacity. Therefore, take a thin sweater, long-sleeved shirt or cape with you so as not to get too cold in the room.
Consider the cultural traditions of the country. Try to dress in such a way that things completely cover the body. Closed clothing is indispensable for going outside the hotel. Revealing outfits can cause discontent among local population. If you are planning to visit United Arab Emirates between October and mid-spring, put a warm sweater in your suitcase. In winter, the evenings are cool. The air temperature there does not drop below +15 degrees, but if there is a breeze, the weather seems cold. The tourist will need a guidebook and an Arabic-Russian phrasebook.

What medicines are best to take with you

Be sure to bring flu and cold medicines. Due to the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, tourists often catch colds. When going on vacation, take drugs to normalize digestion, from poisoning, eye and ear drops, painkillers, plasters, antibiotics and antiseptics. Necessary medicines can be bought in UAE pharmacies. But it is better to have them on hand than to run around looking for the right drugs. If you are taking medication as prescribed by a doctor, and they contain narcotic substances, then you must tell the customs officers about this. Otherwise, you will have to pay a hefty fine.

What to take in the UAE for a child

Suitable sunscreen is essential. Be sure to prepare a headdress for the child. The first aid kit should contain funds that will quickly help the baby in case of a cold or poisoning. Pack a light jacket or sweater for air-conditioned rooms in your bag. In the UAE, you will need bathing accessories: a mask, a swim ring, goggles, fins, etc. There are a huge number of wonderful water parks and beaches in this country.

Before traveling to the UAE, you need to decide what clothes, shoes, documents, medicines, money and other items to take with you.

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Before traveling to the UAE, you need to decide what clothes, shoes, documents, medicines, money and other items to take with you. This should be approached responsibly, since I really would not want to be upset because some object or thing was left at home.

What clothes to bring

What medicines to take with you

The list of medicines is a rather individual thing, but still there are the most important medicines that must be in your suitcase:

  • burn remedies;
  • headache remedies;
  • remedies for indigestion and heartburn;
  • drops for ears and nose;
  • cold remedies;
  • preparations for emergency treatment of wounds - hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green;
  • related: bandage, cotton wool, plaster (including antibacterial).

This list may also include prescribed drugs, but there are narcotic drugs in the composition - do not forget to notify customs about this.

How much money to take

Here you should decide what exactly you want to buy in the UAE and how to spend your time. The total cost part consists of $300-400 for food, excursions, restaurant meals and other expenses.

P.S. You won't need an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain, as this phenomenon is extremely rare here.

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Your vacation is coming up and you are planning to spend it in the UAE? Then it is important for you to know what you should take with you on vacation in the UAE. The United Arab Emirates is an amazingly beautiful country, considered a real paradise on earth, attracting tourists from all over the world. Magnificent landscapes, high-quality service and worthy service, unsurpassed local cuisine - all this will be remembered for many years. But so that the vacation does not become the strongest disappointment, you need to take care in advance of what your luggage will consist of.

- One of the main steps is to collect the necessary documents - passports, medical insurance, vouchers. The amount of money depends on what you plan to spend it on and on the type of tour. As a rule, if you have purchased a last-minute all-inclusive package, then food costs will be less. But you should provide for additional costs for excursions and all kinds of souvenirs.

- The United Arab Emirates is an incredibly sultry country, and therefore you should definitely buy sunscreen, a hat, glasses and, of course, burn remedies.

- The main place in your suitcase should be given to a first aid kit with all the necessary drugs for first aid. If you have any chronic diseases, then make sure that the necessary drugs are enough for the entire vacation. In addition, there must be antipyretics, painkillers, drugs for motion sickness, poisoning and allergies, as well as brilliant green, iodine, bandages, adhesive plaster.

- If you go on vacation in the winter, then take a light jacket or sweater with you. In the summer, you will not need them, so do not stuff your bag with unnecessary things. But light clothing made of cotton fabrics will be a must. At the same time, do not forget that the UAE is a deeply religious country with its own customs and traditions, so make sure that the clothes are not too revealing. Don't forget about swimwear. There are a lot of beautiful well-maintained beaches and huge water parks in the UAE, and each hotel, as a rule, has its own swimming pool.

- Do not forget about hygiene products - those that you usually use.

- From cosmetics, it is best to purchase waterproof products. It is advisable to put a moisturizing and nourishing cream, lip balm in the bag. But tonal and other corrective means you are unlikely to need. Don't forget the mirror and hair accessories.

- If you smoke, then take care of the supply of tobacco products in advance, because the prices for them in the Emirates are simply fabulous, and besides, they can not be purchased everywhere.

- Get a phrase book and a guidebook, they will help you to facilitate communication, because not all people, even hotel workers, speak English, and even more so Russian.

- From the equipment, do not forget to take a camera, camcorder, chargers for them.

– In order to somehow brighten up your leisure time during the flight, you can take books, newspapers or crossword puzzles with you.

Having collected all the necessary things in advance, you can be calm in the well-being of your vacation. Enjoy your holiday in the UAE!

Resort selection

If you are visiting the UAE for beach holiday, then first of all you should pay attention to the resorts of Ajman, Fujairah and Sharjah. The latter, by the way, is also known for its sights, as well as wide opportunities for shopping. Also, tourists like to visit Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which, in addition to a beach holiday, offer a wide excursion program.

Brief information about the country

The UAE, or the United Arab Emirates, is located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula. The state is washed by the Ottoman and Persian Gulfs.

The capital of the UAE is the city of Abu Dhabi, located in the emirate of the same name. Other major cities are Dubai, Sharjah, Al Ain, Ajman and Ras Al Khaimah.

Time in the UAE coincides with Moscow.

The climate in the UAE is very hot, with little rainfall. There is no snow even in winter, so the seasons are divided only by air temperature. From December to February there is a relatively cool winter with temperatures up to +20 °C. Also in winter it is windy and it often rains. In other months it is much hotter, in July the temperature sometimes reaches +50 °С.

The official language in the country is Arabic. Many speak English, in tourist areas you can meet Russian-speaking staff and see signs and menus in Russian.

The official religion in the UAE is Islam, the majority of the population there are Muslims. Among the immigrants there is a small proportion of Hindus and Christians.

holiday seasons

· High season - from October to April. In winter, between holidays, ticket prices drop slightly, and best months October, November, March and April are considered for relaxing on the beach;

· Low season - from June to August. Summer in the UAE is too hot for a comfortable stay, but the prices are much lower;

· Beach season - you can swim all year round, even in winter, although the water is a bit cool in winter;

Sale season - January-February and July-August - is best time for shopping in the Emirates.

What you need to know and do before you travel

There is no need to vaccinate before traveling to the UAE. Remember that the UAE is a Muslim country, so don't bring too many revealing clothes with you. Be sure to pay attention to whether you are traveling to the country during the month of Ramadan, which falls in mid-to-late summer - in this case, you will have to behave with particular restraint. Be sure to bring sunglasses and cosmetics that will protect your skin from the sun's rays.


You can get to the Emirates by plane. Direct regular flights to Dubai are made from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk almost daily. From Moscow you can also fly directly to Abu Dhabi. The flight from Moscow will take five hours, and from St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk - about six hours.

Charter flights to Dubai, Abu Dhabi and some other resort cities depart from most major airports in Russia.

Passenger transportation to the UAE is carried out by such airlines as Aeroflot, AeroSvit, Somon Air, I Fly, Emirates Airlines and some others.


In flight, be sure to figure out what to do with yourself - you can read a book or watch a movie on your laptop. If you plan to sleep, then take a sleep bandage with you - they may run out on the plane, and most likely you will not be able to sleep without a bandage. If you are flying during the day, you can also take earplugs.

Visa, Customs

A tourist visa to visit the UAE can be issued either through a travel agency or tour operator, or at a UAE consulate if you have an inviting person from the Emirates. Sometimes a visa is issued through a hotel or an airline - in this case, the same documents are required as when applying for a visa through a travel agency. A visa can also be issued at the Dubai Visa Application Center, but this is a rather complicated procedure.

To apply for a visa through an intermediary, you need to provide documents in electronic form:

Scanned passport, valid for at least three months after the end of the trip;

· Questionnaire in English or Arabic;

· Scanned color photograph 3x4;

· Married women under 30 who travel to the country without a husband or have different surnames with their spouse require a copy of the marriage certificate;

· A copy of the birth certificate of the child, if he enters the country.

An unmarried woman under 30 may be denied a visa. To avoid this, it is better to go on a trip with your mother or father. If a married tourist under 30 books a room alone in a two- or three-star hotel, she will have to pay a deposit of $1,500 to the travel agency.

The consular fee for a visa in the UAE is 70-75 dollars. A visa is usually processed within 4 working days. It is impossible to extend a tourist visa, it is valid for 30 days.

You can enter and exit the UAE on a tourist visa through the same airport. In addition, visas are not issued to those who have an Israeli passport.

You can import 2,000 cigarettes, two kilograms of tobacco or 400 cigars, as well as two liters of wine and two liters of strong alcohol into the country duty-free. It is also allowed to import items for personal use in reasonable quantities. It is forbidden to import goods made in Israel and South Africa, weapons, pornography and propaganda literature. The importation of narcotic and psychotropic things is strictly punished by the local court. Be careful with the import of medicines - many medicines that are sold in Russia even without a prescription are banned in the UAE.

Stay in a foreign country


The UAE is a country very popular with tourists, so there are many hotels of different categories in all resorts.

The cost of staying at a hotel is affected by both the season and certain amenities in the hotel itself: the presence of a nearby beach, etc.

The check-out time in the hotels of the UAE is 12 am, at this time tourists are evicted from their rooms.

Usually only in hotels you can buy alcohol, especially for the month of Ramadan. Also on the territory of the hotel there are more free morals than even in resort towns. This does not apply to the Emirate of Sharjah - you cannot buy alcohol anywhere here, and the rules of conduct are especially strict.

In the UAE, you can rent a room or a villa, which will be somewhat cheaper than a hotel room.


Food in the UAE is quite expensive, so food in cafes and restaurants is quite expensive. For example, lunch in an inexpensive cafe will cost 200-500 rubles per person. Eating in hotels, if meals are not included in the price of the tour, is quite expensive. Also, even if you take an all-inclusive tour, meals are likely to be very scarce.

Please note that a high price does not guarantee good quality of food and service - be sure to read the reviews of tourists.

Muslims do not drink alcohol, so you can usually buy it only in hotel restaurants - they do not sell it in ordinary catering establishments. To save on alcohol - take it with you or buy it in duty free.

Buffet in the hotel


Mostly people go to the UAE for a beach holiday. Most of the major cities and tourist centers are located on the coast, and almost the entire coast is a well-maintained civilized beach. There are both city beaches and those that belong to hotels. The latter tend to be cleaner and less noisy.

Thanks to the sea in the UAE, almost all types of active water recreation are available to tourists. This is especially true of the emirate of Dubai with its yachting, opportunities for fishing and surfing, etc. Diving is also widespread in the UAE, although here it is quite expensive. Standard water sports are also available, such as water skiing.

In addition to outdoor activities on the water, the UAE offers tourists horseback riding, active sports and much more.

The Emirates are well suited for families with children. There are several water parks that will be equally fun for both kids and their parents. In general, water parks in the UAE are definitely worth a visit, even if you are traveling without children - this type of recreation is very popular here.


In general, the UAE is a fairly young country, so there are not so many attractions here. Nevertheless, fans of excursions will definitely find something to see. In addition, most of the major cities are located on the coast, which means that sightseeing holidays can be combined with beach holidays. Tour prices start at $35 and sometimes reach $100.


The leaders in shopping in the UAE are the emirates of Sharjah and Dubai. You can buy well in Abu Dhabi. In other emirates, if you wish, you can also buy a lot of interesting things, but you shouldn’t go there specifically for shopping.

In the Emirates, you can bargain in markets and small shops, or you can shop in a civilized manner in huge shopping malls - as you like.

Market in the UAE

Dubai Airport is home to the world's largest duty-free shopping center, where you can buy everything at ridiculous prices. In Dubai, in general, very low prices for goods, since the import duty there, in principle, is very small. And in the port of Abu Dhabi there is a free economic zone, where goods are also sold at very low prices. In general, it is better to come to the markets in the UAE for impressions, and not for shopping - you can easily be deceived there, and prices will not be much lower than store prices.

Mostly branded items are brought from the UAE: clothes, shoes, watches, jewelry, interior items. Here you can find goods of any brand, and at a very low price.

If you want to buy a typical "Emirati" product, you can buy a gold bar (they are small) or gold jewelry. Aromatic essences and spices are also sold here, which will be an excellent souvenir. You can bring copper products, silk fabrics, a hookah, an Arabic coffee pot or a camel wool product from the UAE.

What to do in the UAE

· Take a helicopter tour over Dubai - the only way you can appreciate the scale of this city;

· Visit Ferrari World - a huge theme park with rides and all sorts of entertainment;

· Visit the Yas Waterworld water park, which has several unique water attractions;

· Visit the Dubai World Cup races;

· Look at the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, which looks amazing both during the day and at night, in the light of artificial lights;

Arrange luxurious shopping in shopping malls in Dubai;

· Drive a jeep through the desert.


Medicine is very well developed in the UAE, so tourists can count on qualified medical care, of course, for money or insurance. Pharmacies in the UAE are very good, it is easy to buy the necessary medicines in them.

The main problem of tourists in the UAE is sunburn and sunstroke. Do not stay under the scorching sun for a long time, always wear long sleeves and hats, be sure to use sunscreen when on the beach. Also be careful with overly spicy local dishes - you can earn indigestion. Water can be drunk only bottled, vegetables and fruits should be washed before use.


The UAE is the safest Arab country. For comparison, it is ranked 33rd in safety out of 153 countries, while France is ranked 36th and Russia is 147th. Pickpocketing in large cities has become more frequent recently, but it will be enough to follow basic safety rules - just do not wear with original documents and large sums of money.

The main danger that awaits tourists is non-compliance with local moral standards and laws.

It is forbidden to swear and show rude gestures on the streets - you can end up in jail. The same awaits you for kissing in a public place and walking in skimpy clothes or a swimsuit around the city. Be sure to carry a photocopy of your passport with you, as documents are often checked. Drinking alcohol and being intoxicated on the street is also prohibited. Girls are not recommended to be on the streets alone - you can not be afraid of harassment from the locals, but certain problems and misunderstandings still sometimes arise.

Actions in case of emergency

In case of an emergency, you should immediately contact a police officer - the problem will be immediately resolved. If you have lost your documents, please contact the embassy by phone or in person.


To call from the Emirates to Russia, you need to dial 9-007-city code-phone number. To call the Emirates from Russia, you need to dial 8-971-city code-phone number.

Major city codes:

Abu Dhabi - 02;

· Al-Ain - 03;

· Dubai - 04;

· Ras Al Khaimah - 07;

Korfakan - 070;

Sharjah - 06.

Official contacts

· Ambulance and police - 999;

· Fire service - 997;

· Embassy of Russia in Abu Dhabi - 02-6723516.


The currency of the United Arab Emirates is the dirham, which is equal to one hundred fils. One dollar is equal to approximately 3.6 dirhams, and this rate has been holding for many years. Currency can be exchanged at a hotel or exchange office. It is not very profitable to exchange in hotels. Exchange offices in the UAE are usually open from 8 am to 8 pm.

If you do not plan to do shopping, but will only eat out of the hotel and visit a few excursions, then 700-800 dollars will be enough for you for seven days, along with taxi rides. If you want to relax more luxuriously and do more shopping, then take more money with you.


Public transport in the UAE is very poorly developed - the local population usually travels by car. There are buses in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but their routes are very confusing. It will be more convenient for tourists to travel by taxi.

It is easy to rent a car in the UAE - you only need an international license for this. Often local drivers do not follow the rules of the road, so be careful.


Tipping in the UAE is not obligatory, moreover, it is often included in the cost of a cafe bill and amounts to 15% of the order value. You can leave a couple of dollars for the maids at the hotel. But at the reception you do not need to give money.


The climate in the UAE is very warm, so don't take too many clothes with you. At the same time, keep in mind that you won’t be able to walk around the city in shorts and a T-shirt - in the UAE there are strict clothing standards. Everyone, especially girls, should dress very modestly, not bare their bodies and not wear translucent T-shirts and other similar clothes. In resorts, girls can wear fairly long shorts and skirts; in provincial cities, on the contrary, they should dress as closed as possible. Swimwear is only acceptable on the beach.

National features and traditions

The UAE is a religious country, so you should be especially careful here. If you follow the traditions, then there should be no problems - otherwise you can stumble not only on a misunderstanding of the local population, but also on a fine or imprisonment.

All basic actions must be performed with the right hand - the left is considered "unclean". When entering a house or mosque, you must take off your shoes. Men should be greeted with a bow, shaking hands is not accepted here. You can't run on the streets. Also, do not walk in front of Muslims who are praying. Photographing local residents is prohibited. Women should not let their hair down in public places.

Especially strictly all these rules should be observed in the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims, which begins in mid-late summer. At this time, it is not even worth talking loudly or chewing gum on the streets.

The local religion must be treated with special respect, not to interfere with those praying and not to offend their shrines. Talking about religion with the locals is better not to start at all.

sheikh zayed mosque



To take out carpets and jewelry, you need to have a receipt from the store where they were bought. It is forbidden to export objects of the country's historical heritage, fruits and seeds of palm trees, wild animals. Everything that is prohibited for import cannot be exported from the country either.