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All lakes on the physical map of the world. Great Lakes of North America (USA and Canada): photo, video, where the great American lakes are located on the map

The lake is an object. This is an area filled with water and completely surrounded by land. The lake is separated from any rivers or runoff that feed or drain it. The lake is not part of (the sea) and therefore is different from the lagoon, and it is also larger and deeper (although there is no clear scientific and legal distinction).

There are more than 100 million lakes on our planet, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is almost 4% of the surface of our planet, not counting glaciers and. Lakes can form as a result of tectonic, volcanic, or even glacial activity, but deliberate and accidental human activity has also created and destroyed many lakes. Lakes are important for living organisms and act as objects. They can be fresh water or salt water.

Although there are many notable lakes on the planet, this article lists the 10 largest lakes in the world, in descending order of area, with the main characteristics and location on the map.

Caspian Sea - 371 thousand km²

Caspian Sea on the map

The Caspian Sea is the largest closed inland body of water on Earth, which is classified as the world's largest lake or full-fledged sea. It is located east of the Caucasus Mountains and west of the vast steppes of Central Asia. The Caspian Sea stretches for almost 1200 km from north to south and covers an area of ​​about 371 thousand km². Its surface is located at an altitude of about 27 m below sea level. The maximum depth is 1025 m. The sea contains about 78.2 thousand m³ of water, which is approximately 3.5 times more than the volume of water in the Great Lakes. The sea washes Kazakhstan in the northeast, Turkmenistan in the southeast, Iran in the south, Azerbaijan in the southwest, and Russia in the northwest.

Caspian Sea

Due to the current influx of fresh water, the Caspian Sea is a more freshwater lake in its northern parts and saline near Iran, where the drainage basin contributes to poor flow. At present, the average salinity of the sea is about 12‰. More than 130 rivers supply water to the Caspian Sea, with the Volga River being the largest. There is no outflow of water in this sea, so its volume is reduced due to evaporation. Thus, the Caspian is an indoor basin with its own water level, which does not depend on.

Upper Lake - 82.1 thousand km²

Lake Superior on the map

Lake Superior is not only the largest lake in the system, but also the largest freshwater lake in the world. Bounded to the east and north by the province of Ontario (Canada), to the west by the state of Minnesota (USA), and to the south by the states of Wisconsin and Michigan (USA), it connects to Lake Huron via the St. Marys River. The lake is 563 km long (from east to west) and its greatest width is 258 km (from north to south). The upper lake has an average height above sea level of 180 m and a maximum depth of 406 m. The volume of the lake is 12 thousand km³, and the area is 82.1 thousand km². Annual fluctuations in the lake level are less than 30 cm.

lake superior

Lake Superior receives water from approximately 200 rivers, of which the Nipigon (to the north) and St. Louis (to the west) are the largest. The main islands of the lake are Isle Royale, Apostle Islands, Michipicoten Island and St. Ignace Island.

Lake Victoria - 68.8 thousand km²

Lake Victoria on the map

Lake Victoria is the world's largest lake, as well as the second largest freshwater lake, with a total area of ​​68.8 thousand km³. Lake Victoria is the main reservoir of the Nile, located mainly in Tanzania and Uganda, but bordering Kenya.

There are 84 islands in the lake. The Kagera River is the largest and most important of the lake's tributaries. The only outflow of Lake Victoria is the Nile River.

lake victoria

Lake Victoria has the shape of an irregular quadrangle. Its greatest length from north to south is 337 km and its greatest width is 240 km. The coastline exceeds 3220 km. The surface of the lake is 1,134 m above sea level, and the deepest recorded depth is 82 m. More than 200 species of fish live in Lake Victoria, of which tilapia is the most economically important. The Lake Victoria region is one of the most densely populated in; several million people live within 80 km of its shores.

Lake Huron 59.6 thousand km²

Lake Huron on the map

Lake Huron is the second largest of the Great Lakes of North America, bounded in the west by the state of Michigan (USA), and in the north and east by the province of Ontario (Canada). The lake has a length of 331 km from northwest to southeast, and its maximum width is 295 km. Its surface area is 59.6 thousand km². The tributary to the lake comes from Lake Superior (via the St. Marys River), from Lake Michigan (via the Strait of Mackinac), and from numerous streams. Water from Lake Huron flows into the St. Clair River, Lake St. Clair, and the Detroit River before reaching Lake Erie (the fourth largest lake in the Great Lakes).

lake huron

With an average height of the water surface (176 m above sea level), the lake reaches a maximum depth of 229 m. Many islands are located in this lake, and among them there is Manitoulin, the largest island on Earth, located in a fresh lake.

Forestry and fishing have been important economic activities in the Lake Huron region, and many resorts are located along its shores.

Lake Michigan - 58.0 thousand km²

Lake Michigan on the map

Lake Michigan is the third largest of the five Great Lakes of North America and the only one entirely located in the United States of America. In fact, this is the largest lake that is located on the territory of one country. Lake Michigan is bordered by Michigan to the east and north, Wisconsin to the west, Illinois to the southwest, and Indiana to the southeast. Lake Michigan is connected to Lake Huron via the Strait of Mackinac to the north. The lake has a length of 517 km, the maximum width is 190 km, and the area exceeds 58 thousand km².

lake michigan

With an average surface height of 176 m above sea level, the lake has a maximum depth of 281 m. About 100 tributaries enter the lake, only a few of them are of significant size. At the northern end of the lake are all the islands, the largest of which is Beaver Island.

Lake Tanganyika - 32.9 thousand km²

Lake Tanganyika on the map

Lake Tanganyika is the second largest lake in East Africa. It is the longest freshwater lake in the world (660 km) and the second deepest (1436 m) after Lake Baikal in Russia. The surface area is about 32.9 thousand km². This lake is shared between Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Zambia and Burundi. Its waters are usually brackish. Although fed by a number of rivers, the lake is not the center of a vast drainage basin. From Lake Tanganyika, water flows into the Congo River system and, ultimately, into the Atlantic Ocean.

lake tanganyika

Lake Tanganyika is located on the line separating the flower regions of East and West Africa, and oil palms, characteristic of the flora of West Africa, grow along the shores of the lake. Rice and subsistence crops are grown along the coast, and fishing is important. and crocodiles abound, and life is varied.

Lake Baikal - 31.7 thousand km²

Lake Baikal on the map

Lake Baikal is the oldest and deepest (1642 m) freshwater lake in the world, located in the southern part of Eastern Siberia. The lake also contains the largest volume (23.6 thousand km³) of fresh water among all the lakes of the Earth, which is almost 20% of the world's freshwater resources. The lake covers a huge area of ​​31.7 thousand km². More than 300 rivers and streams flow into Lake Baikal. Olkhon Island is the largest in the lake. In 1996 Lake Baikal was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lake Baikal

Because of its extraordinary economic importance, Baikal is often called the "Pearl of Siberia". The scenic landscape of the lake and its stunning landscape, combined with its UNESCO World Heritage status, attract tourists from all over the world to this place. The lake is also the site of important geological, biological and environmental research.

The lake hosts an amazing array of flora and fauna, including 1,085 plant species and 1,550 animal species, of which 80% are endemic.

Big Bear Lake - 31.2 thousand km²

Big Bear Lake

Big Bear Lake is the fourth largest lake in North America and the eighth in the world, covering an area of ​​31.2 thousand km². The lake is located in the Northwest Territories of Canada, near the Arctic Ocean, 200 km south of the Arctic Circle. The lake is about 320 km long, 175 km wide and its maximum depth is 446 m.

Big Bear Lake

Although the Great Bear Lake has a significant stock of fish, commercial fishing is prohibited due to their low recovery of populations living in its cold depths. Most of the local flora and fauna tend to be concentrated along the lake's shoreline.

Previously, mining near the Great Bear Lake led to significant. However, it currently poses the greatest threat to the lake's ecosystem.

Lake Nyasa - 29.6 thousand km²

Lake Nyasa on the map

Lake Nyasa, also called Lake Malawi, is the ninth largest lake in the world and the third largest in Africa. The middle line of the lake and its northern and eastern shores make up most of the border of Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique. Its length from north to south is 584 km, its width varies from 16 to 80 km, and its area reaches 29.6 thousand km². The surface of the lake has a height of 472 m above sea level, and the depth is 704 m.

Lake Nyasa

Nyasa is fed by 14 rivers, the largest of which is the Ruhuhu River; the only outflow is the Shire River. Hundreds of fish species have been recorded in the lake, many of them endemic and isolated from the Zambezi fauna by the Murchison Falls. Commercial fishing exists at the southern end of the lake. However, the deterioration has had adverse effects on wildlife in the lake; excessive silting disrupts the feeding and reproduction of fish, reducing their number. In addition, heavy fishing, the use of nets and the neglect of the ban on fishing during the breeding season, have also had a detrimental effect on fish populations.

Great Slave Lake - 27.2 thousand km²

Great Slave Lake on the map

The Great Slave Lake covers an area of ​​27.2 thousand km², which makes it the fifth largest in North America and the tenth largest in the world. This lake is also the deepest in North America. It is located in the south of the Northwest Territories of Canada, near the border with Alberta. This lake is about 500 km long and 50 to 225 km wide. Its coastline recedes from large bays, often with rocky slopes, and contains many islands. The waters of the lake are extremely clear with a maximum depth of over 600 m. The lake is fed by several rivers, of which the Slave River is the most important. From the lake, water enters the Mackenzie River, which eventually flows into the Arctic Ocean.

Great Slave Lake

This lake has long supported the fishing industry, but the main regional economy has been the extraction of gold and other minerals. Tourism has also become important. Linking the Mackenzie River and the Slave River, the lake is an integral part of the water route, although it is ice-free for only four months of the year. However, in winter, its frozen surface is used as an ice track connecting the administrative center of Yellowknife on the north shore with other regions.

Russia is rich in water resources. The number of salt and freshwater lakes is about two million, and the number of large rivers and small streams in Russia exceeds 2.5 million. Do you want to choose the most comfortable place for hunting, fishing or recreation? Or get to know the natural area where you are going to go for a weekend or vacation? The section of the Internet portal "VELESOVIK", dedicated to the lakes and rivers of Russia, will help you with this.

Russia is one of the most water-provided countries in the world. Quantity lakes of Russia is slightly more than 2.700.000, and the number of rivers reaches 2.500.000 This opens up great opportunities for people who cannot imagine their lives without trips to fishing, hunting or just to the bosom of nature to relax from the daily bustle of a big metropolis.

Find all lakes of Russia on the map can be on our website. We decided to get to know the deepest lake in Russia Baikal or Ladoga, or Taimyr? Use the articles about large and small, about salty and fresh water, about beautiful and scary lakes that are prepared for you by experienced travelers. And then you will arrive at the shore of the reservoir, knowing exactly where it is better to put up a tent, and where the local fish bite best. See full list of lakes in Russia with a description and characteristics of each of them can any visitor to our site.

Number of rivers in Russia is also impressive, and their total length is about 12.5 million km. Moreover, more than 200 rivers exceed 500 km in length, and almost 3 thousand - 100 km. Dozens of species of fish live in these reservoirs, which differ from each other in appearance, habits, and fishing methods. Do you want to prepare before your trip to the Don or Amur? Explore map of rivers and lakes, read the articles in this section of the Internet portal "VELESOVIK", and you will feel like a fish in water on any Russian river.

In addition, on the Internet portal "VELESOVIK" You will find comprehensive information regarding the most popular and rarely visited forest areas. Including places convenient for recreation, hunting methods and a lot of other useful information. In Russia, various forests cover 45% of the territory of Russia. Four-fifths of all forests are coniferous, the rest are broad-leaved. Therefore, information about the forests of Russia is also important.


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Lakes, rivers, forests

Abagyar (Kuyan-Yar) Lake

Lake Abazhyar (on the maps it appears as Kuyan-Yar) is located in the Gornomariysky district, in the Republic of Mari El. The nearest settlement to the reservoir, the village of Shary, is located 4 km west of Abagyar. From Yoshkar-Ola, the capital of the republic, this village can be reached by car, having overcome 140 km. The route from the lake to the city of Cheboksary will be 120 km. Further from the village of Shar you will have to get on foot, since there are no dirt roads towards the reservoir. What is the best way to go, you need to ask the locals.

Mari El Resp

Karas and 12 more

Agashkul (Agachkul) Lake

Lake Agashkul (Agachkul) is located in the Sosnovsky district of the Chelyabinsk region. The reservoir area has good transport accessibility: a kilometer from the western coast lies the Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk highway, on the south side there is a highway to the Kunashaksky district. From the southwestern, southern and northern sides, the reservoir is surrounded by settlements: Sultaeva, Sakkulovo, Etimganova. The distance from to Lake Chelyabinsk is about 60 km.

Chelyabinsk region

Woodcock and 15 more

Azhabachye Lake

Lake Azhabachye is located on the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, in the Ust-Kamchatsky region. 35 km to the north-east of the lake there is a settlement - the port of Ust-Kamchatsk. In summer, from this village you can get to the lake by water transport along the route: Ust-Kamchatsk - the Kamchatka River - the Azhabachya channel - Lake Azhabachye. The lake can be reached by helicopter. But you can't get there by car. For lovers of hiking, you can consider the option of going to the lake along the valleys of the Kamchatka River and the Azhabachya duct.

Kamchatka Krai

Pink salmon and 12 more

Azbay Lake

Lake Azbay is located in the Chelyabinsk region, on the territory of the Yetkulsky district. On the way to the lake, you should focus on the village of Lebedevka, which is located 1.3 km away. northeast of the reservoir. Further from the village to the lake there is a dirt road, and by car you can drive close to the reservoir from the south and south-west sides. The distance from the regional center - the city of Chelyabinsk to the lake is 75 km. The distance from the center of the neighboring Sverdlovsk region, the city of Yekaterinburg, to Lake Azbay is 320 km.

Chelyabinsk region

Goose and 8 more

Aibat Lake

Lake Aibat is located in the Chelyabinsk region, on the territory of the Etkulsky district. 5 km. to the east of the reservoir is the village of Pokrovka, you can easily get to it by car or bus, but then you have to walk on foot. In good weather in summer, you can drive from the village of Ustyantsevo, through the fields along dirt roads to the western shore of the lake. The distance from the regional center - the city of Chelyabinsk to the lake is about 100 km. The distance from the center of the neighboring Sverdlovsk region, the city of Yekaterinburg, to Lake Aibat is 320 km.

Chelyabinsk region

Gus and 11 others

Aydykul Lake

Lake Aydykul is located in the Kunashaksky district of the Chelyabinsk region. From the regional center of the village of Kunashak to the lake about 30 km. On the coast of the lake are located the settlements of Barakova and Kubagushev. There is a tourist base on the western coast of the lake. The distance from the regional center of the city of Chelyabinsk is 120 km, and residents of Yekaterinburg can get to the lake, having overcome 180 km.

Chelyabinsk region

Woodcock and 15 more

There are more than two million freshwater and salt lakes in Russia. The largest lakes in the European part of the country include Ladoga (17.87 thousand km²) and Onega (9.72 thousand km²) in the northwest, Lake Peipsi (3.55 thousand km²) on the Estonian border, as well as the Rybinsk reservoir ( 4.58 thousand km²) on the Volga north of Moscow.

Narrow lakes from 160 to 320 km in length are located behind the dams on the Don, Volga and Kama. In Siberia, similar artificial lakes are located on the upper Yenisei and its tributary, the Angara, where the Bratsk reservoir, 570 km long, is one of the largest in the world. But they are all insignificant compared to Lake Baikal, the largest reservoir of fresh water on the planet. With a length of 636 km and an average width of 50 km, the surface area of ​​Lake Baikal is 31.72 thousand km², and the maximum depth is 1642 m.

There are countless smaller lakes, located mainly in the poorly drained lowlands of the Russian and West Siberian Plains, especially in the more northern regions. Some of them reach significant sizes, in particular, Lake Beloe (1.29 thousand km²), Topozero (0.98 thousand km²), Vygozero (0.56 thousand km²) and Lake Ilmen (0.98 thousand km²) on the territory of the European north-west of the country, and Lake Chany (1.4-2 thousand km²) in south-west Siberia.

List of the largest lakes in Russia

We present to your attention the 10 largest lakes of the Russian Federation with a description, photo and geographical location on the map of the country.

Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is the world's largest inland water body (area: 371 thousand km²). It is called a sea, not a lake, because the ancient Romans who arrived in this region discovered that its water was salty and named it the sea after the tribes of the Caspian who lived near the shores of the lake. The Caspian Sea borders the following five countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran. The main river feeding the lake is the Volga, which provides about 80% of the inflow of the Caspian Sea, and the remaining 20% ​​falls on other smaller rivers.

The Caspian Sea is rich in oil and natural gas deposits, but these are under development. Also, the extraction process is hindered by the problem of dividing the natural resources of the lake between the five countries bordering it. About 160 species and subspecies of fish from 60 genera live in the Caspian Sea and the deltas of the rivers flowing into it. About 62% of the species are endemic.


Baikal is the deepest (1642 m), the oldest (25-35 million years) and the most voluminous (23.6 thousand km³) of all lakes in the world, it is a superstar reservoir in the field of hydrology, geology, ecology and history. Today, Lake Baikal contains about 20 percent of the fresh water on the Earth's surface, which is comparable in volume to the entire Amazon River basin. Baikal has 27 islands, including one over 70 km long (Olkhon Island).

More than 1,500 species of animals live off the shores of the lake, 80% of which are found nowhere else on the planet. The most famous representative of the Baikal fauna is the seal, which lives exclusively in fresh water. According to some reports, the population of seals is about 100,000 individuals. Also near the lake there are such large predators as wolves, which occupy the top positions of the Siberian food chain, feeding on deer, birds, rodents and smaller predators.

Ladoga lake

Lake Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, located in the north-west of Russia, 40 km east of St. Petersburg. The area of ​​the lake is 17.87 thousand km², the volume is 838 km³, and the maximum depth at a point to the west of Valaam Island it reaches 230 m.

The depression of the lake appeared under the influence of glaciers. The northern shores are mostly high and rocky, and are also separated by deep, ice-covered bays. The southern shores have many sandy or rocky beaches, mostly low, slightly concave, overgrown with willow and alder. In some places there are ancient coastal embankments covered with pine trees. The largest tributaries are the Volkhov, Svir and Vuoksa rivers.

48 different species of fish were found in the lake, of which the most common are roach, carp, bream, pike perch, perch and smelt. Of the 48 species, 25 are of commercial importance and 11 are in the important food fish category.

Lake Ladoga also serves as a key stopping point for migratory birds of the North Atlantic Flyway, which typically mark the arrival of spring.

Lake Onega

Lake Onega is the second largest lake in Europe, located in the north-west of the European part of Russia, between Lake Ladoga and the White Sea. It covers an area of ​​9.72 thousand km², 248 km long and up to 83 km wide. The greatest depth is about 127 m.

The basin of the lake was formed by the movement of the earth's crust and glaciers. The high rocky shores in the north and northwest are composed of layered granite and covered with forest. There are deep bays in Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga and Pevenets. The southern shores are narrow, sandy, often swampy or flooded. Lake Onega has about 1650 islands, covering a total of about 260 km², usually in the northern and northwestern bays.

The lake is home to over 40 species of fish, including vendace (a small member of the salmon family), smelt, burbot bream, pike, perch, roach and salmon. Many types of fish have significant economic value.


Taimyr is the second (after Baikal) largest lake in the Asian part of Russia, located in the central regions of the Taimyr Peninsula. It is located south of the Byrranga mountains, in the zone.

The lake and tundra zone is a popular destination for birds such as geese, swans, ducks, buzzards, peregrine falcons and snowy owls. Lake Taimyr is home to a large number of fish, including grayling, muksun, char and whitefish. Although the area is relatively remote, depletion of stocks of certain commercial fish species is still observed.

Taimyr is famous for the largest population of reindeer in Eurasia. Also in this region there are such animals as argali, arctic fox, wolf and lemmings. In 1975, the area was re-introduced.

The lake and its environs have been included in the Taimyr Nature Reserve since 1983. Scientists have found plutonium in the sediments of a lake believed to have entered Taimyr via wind-blown radioactive particles from nuclear tests conducted on Novaya Zemlya during the Cold War.


Lake Khanka has an area of ​​4 thousand km², of which approximately 97% is located in Russia. The maximum depth of the lake is 10.6 m, and the average volume is 18.3 km². The lake is fed by 23 rivers, 8 of which are in China, and the rest in the territory of the Russian Federation. The only outflow is the Sungacha River, which flows east to the Ussuri River, which forms the international border, and flows north where it joins the Amur River.

Khanka is famous for being home to the highest diversity of birds in the entire temperate zone of Eurasia. At least 327 species of nesting, wintering and migratory birds have been sighted in the lake area.

Chudsko-Pskovskoe Lake

Lake Peipus-Pskovskoye is the largest transboundary and fifth (after Ladoga, Onega, Swedish Venern and Finnish Saim) lake in Europe, located on the border between Estonia and Russia. It occupies 3.6% of the total area of ​​the Baltic Sea basin. A total of 30 islands are located on Lake Peipus, and another 40 in the delta of the Velikaya River. Most of them rise only 1-2 m above the water level, and often suffer from floods.

About 54 species of coastal aquatic plants grow in the basin of Lake Peipus-Pskov, including reed, calamus, reeds and various herbs. 42 species of fish live in the waters of the lake, such as smelt, vendace, bream, perch, pike, roach and whitefish. Wetlands serve as important nesting and feeding grounds for migratory birds such as swans, geese and ducks that migrate from the White Sea to the Baltic Sea. The region is home to one of the largest swallow colonies in Estonia.


Ubsu-Nur is the largest lake in Mongolia in terms of surface area (3.35 thousand km²), as well as the largest salt lake in the country. The Ubsu-Nur basin is one of the most important biodiversity poles of Eurasia. Although most of the lake is in Mongolia, its northeastern shores are located in the Tyva Republic of the Russian Federation.

The lake is shallow, very salty, and is the remnant of a large sea that existed several thousand years ago. The basin covers an area of ​​about 70 thousand km² and is one of the best preserved natural steppe landscapes on the continent. It is here that the northernmost part of the desert and the southernmost part of the tundra meet.

Reed and freshwater river deltas serve as resting and nesting sites for numerous migratory birds. Over 220 species of birds can be found around the lake, including the black stork, osprey, white-tailed eagle, whooper, and black-headed gull. About 29 different species of fish live in the waters of the lake, one of which is suitable for human consumption. The mountainous region is home to Mongolian gerbils, wild sheep and the Siberian ibex.


Although Lake Chany is not well known outside of Siberia, it is one of the largest lakes in the country. Chany is a shallow lake with salty and constantly fluctuating water, the level of which can vary from season to season and from year to year. The lands of the lake basin serve as pastures for cattle.

In terms of area, Beloe is the second (after Onega) natural lake in the Vologda region, and the third (after the Rybinsk reservoir). It is one of the ten largest natural lakes in Europe. The lake has a relatively round shape with a diameter of 46 km. Its area is 1.29 thousand km², and the basin area is about 14 thousand km².

The lake is famous for its fish stocks, the most famous delicacy is the Belozersky smelt. The forage base and high level of oxygen create favorable conditions for the life of many species. The following fish species are common in the waters of the lake: perch, pike, bream, ruff, sabrefish, roach, bleak, burbot, chub, rudd, whitefish, ide, tench, asp, dace and gudgeon).

Table of 10 largest lakes in Russia

lake name Area, km² Volume, km³
Dimensions, km Maximum depth, m
Average depth, m
Caspian Sea371000 78200 1200 by 4351025 208
Baikal31722 23615 636 by 79.51642 744,4
Ladoga lake17870 838 219 by 125230 46,9
Lake Onega9720 285 248 by 83127 30
Taimyr4560 12,8 - 26 2,8
Khanka4070 18,3 90 to 4510,6 4,5
Chudsko-Pskovskoe Lake3555 25 width 5015 7,1
Ubsu-Nur3350 35,7 85 to 8020 10,1
vats1400-2000 - 91 to 887 2,1
White lake1290 5,2 46 to 3320 4

This list of 50 breathtakingly beautiful lakes will surely add to your knowledge and broaden your horizons! This is a list of the most famous lakes in the world, but some may not be familiar to you.

Lake Victoria - Lake Victoria
69485 km2 (26828 sq mi). The largest lake in Africa. It is a border lake, and.

Lake Tanganyika - Lake Tanganyika
32,893 km2 (12,700 sq mi). The lake is not only the 6th largest lake in the world, but it is also the second deepest lake in the world at 1,470 m (4,820 ft) and the longest lake in the world at 676 km (420 miles). Lake Tanganyika is divided between four countries - Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Zambia.

Moraine Lake, Canada - Moraine Lake

Lake Pinatubo, Philippines - Lake Pinatubo
Formed only recently (in 1991) after the monsoon, this crater lake sits atop Mount Pinatubo, an active volcano in the Philippines.

Lake Annette, Canada - Lake Annette

Laguna Colorada, Bolivia - Wikiwand Laguna Colorada, Bolivia
Located 4,200 meters above sea level in southwestern Bolivia, Laguna Colorada gets its bright red color from pigment deposits and algae beneath its surface. It is an extremely shallow lake with an average depth of 50 cm.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia /
Located in Croatia, the Plitvice Lakes are actually 16 separate bodies of water, and are divided into upper and lower basins of natural dams made up of moss and algae.

Spotted Lake or Kliluk (Spotted Lake), Canada
In Osoyoos, British Columbia, a 38-acre natural phenomenon is a lake that has one of the highest concentrations of minerals in the world.

Dead Sea, Jordan /
The name can be deceiving - in fact, this is the deepest hypermineralized lake in the world. It has a salt concentration 8 times that of the ocean, making it extremely difficult to drown.

Sheosar Lake, Pakistan
Lake of Deosai National Park, in the alpine steppe of the Tibetan Plateau.

Riffelsee, Switzerland
The Riffelsee is an incredible view of a mirrored surface with the Matterhorn in the background.

Peyto Lake, Canada
Peyto Lake is a glacial lake in Banff National Park in the Canadian Rockies. Bill Peyto belongs to the category of colored lakes. The lake has a bright turquoise color, due to the large amount of icy mountain flour sliding into the lake.

Lake Solbjornvannet, Norway

Mirror Lake, California - Mirror Lake - a small, seasonal lake near Tenaya Creek Canyon in the US National Park, Yosemite.

New Zealand also has Mirror Lake, which has amazing reflective properties, like a mirror. It is one of the great lakes of Asia: Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan), Uhua-Khai (China), Inle (Myanmar), Biwa (Japan), Tonle Sap (Cambodia) and Lake Toba in Sumatra (Indonesia).

Horseshoe Lake, Canada - Horseshoe Lake

emerald lake, Canada - Emerald Lake

Lake Plastiras, Greece - Lake Plastira - Lake Plastiras, Greece
An artificial lake in Greece holds up to 400 million cubic liters of fresh water and is one of the highest in Europe.

Mystic Lake, Montana - Mystic Lake
The largest lake in the Beartooth Mountains of Montana offers several world-famous hiking trails and incredible views.

Yamdrok Tso lake, Tibet - Yamdrok Tso Lake
This lake in Tibet has over 72 km of peaks and is surrounded by snowy mountains.

Lake Malawi, Tanzania - Lake Malawi / Malawi and Mozambique (Malawi and Mozambique) 30044 km2 (11600 square miles). The lake is divided between Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi. Africa's second deepest lake, this tropical reservoir has more fish species than any other lake on Earth.

Lake Louise, Canada

Lake Isabella, Colorado - Lake Isabelle, Colorado
A popular tourist destination, Isabel Lake is an incredible view of the Navajo and Apache peaks.

Crater Lake, Oregon - Crater Lake, Oregon

Barclay Lake, Washington - Barclay Lake, Washinton

Mono Lake, California - Mono Lake
This shallow desert lake of California's Mono County was formed over 760,000 years ago, and has an ecosystem very similar to the Colorada Lagoon.

ancient underground lake reed flute, China - Reed Flute Cave. This is a limestone cave in Guangxi, China. Age over 180 million years. Since the 1940s, it has become famous all over the world because of the colorful caves around the lake.

Loch Rea(Loch RI or Loch Ríbh) - the geographical center of Ireland, the middle mountains. Loch Ree is the second largest lake on the River Shannon after Loch Derg. The other two major lakes are Loch Allen to the north, and Loch Derg to the south. The province of Leinster in County Roscommon Lake is popular with Irish monster legends.

Loch Ness lake(Loch Ness, Scotland) Scotland. Loch Ness (Gaelic: Loch Nis) is the second largest Scottish lake in terms of surface area after Loch Lomond, but due to its great depth, it is the largest lake in Scotland by volume of water. The deep, freshwater Loch in Scotland is located about 23 miles (37 km) southwest of Inverness. The lake is known for its Loch Ness monster. Also of interest to tourists is Urquhart Castle east of Drumnadrochit, the lighthouses at Lochend (Bona Lighthouse) and Fort Augusta.

Lake Okanagan is a large, deep lake in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada. The lake is 135 km long and 4-5 km wide. Its interesting feature is the legend of the Demon Lake Ogopogo or Naitaka, and the famous terraces, which are formed by the periodic lowering of the predecessor, glacial Lake Penticton. The maximum depth of the lake is 232 m in the area of ​​Grant Island (called "Whiskey Island" or "Seagull Island" by the locals)

Lake Labynkyr(Labynkyr Lake), Yakutia
This mystical lake is located near the Pole of Cold in the territory of Oymyakon uluss. Legends say that a monster lives deep in the water. It attacks dogs, deer and even humans. History tells how once a monster destroyed an Even caravan.

Lake Kanas(pinyin: Kanasi Hu) in the shape of a crescent is a lake in the Altai Prefecture of Xinjiang Province, China. The lake is located in a valley in the Altai mountains, on the border with, Mongolia and. The lake was formed 200,000 years ago, during the Quaternary period, as a result of the movement of a glacier. The Kanas River, flowing out of the lake, merges with the Hemu River, forming the Burkin River, which itself is a tributary of the Irtysh River. Ethnic Tuvans and Kazakhs live in the Kanas valley.

Lake Kok-Kol(Kok-Kol lake) Mysterious lake in Zhambyl region, Kazakhstan. From time to time, the mysterious lake makes some strange sounds, and sometimes you can see signs of ripples, as if a huge creature is drifting inside the lake. Locals believe that the lake is bottomless. Indeed, when hydrographers measured its depth, they could not find the bottom. But, they discovered many channels. This explains the constant water level, despite the fact that nothing flows from the lake and does not flow into it.

Aral Sea(Kazakh: Aral Tenizі; Mongolian: Aral tengis; Tajik: Bahri Aral; Persian: دریای خوارزم Daryâ- you Khârazm) was a closed lake between Kazakhstan in the north and Uzbekistan in the south. The name translates roughly as "sea of ​​islands" (more than 1100 islands were scattered on its waters). The catchment covers parts of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Formerly one of the four largest lakes in the world with an area of ​​68,000 km2 (26,300 sq mi), the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s after the rivers that fed the lake were redirected based on Soviet irrigation projects. The drying up of the Aral Sea is called "one of the worst environmental disasters on the planet"

Lake Storshen(Swedish pronunciation: Storsjön, lit. "Great Lake") is the fifth largest lake in Sweden, located in the province of Jämtland (Jämtland). From Storsjön flows the river Indalsälven and the lake contains the main island Frösön. The city of Östersund lies on its eastern bank, opposite Frösön. Storsjön is considered to be the birthplace of the sea creatures Storsjöodjuret.

Lake Champlain— Lake Champlain lies directly on Burlington, the border between the US and Canada. At the northern end is the historically interesting Fort Ticonderoga. On Lake Champlain cruises and ferries to Vermont and New York.

Lake Natron is a saline and soda lake in the Arusha region of northern Tanzania. The lake is located near the Kenyan border in the eastern rift branch of the East African Wetlands of International Importance. Lake Natron is a basin in the Ramsar Valley, fed mainly by central Kenya's rivers and hot springs. The unusual color of the water is created by cyanobacteria. Because of the high evaporation rates, salt-loving microorganisms begin to thrive.

Lake Tahoe, the largest alpine lake in North America, known for its cobalt blue waters and surrounding snowy peaks. Lake Tahoe is the state border between the states of California and Nevada, and the popular resort of the Sierra Nevada.

Lake Lucerne- among the most beautiful lakes in Switzerland, it stands out with its amazing panorama of the snow-capped peaks of the Alps, such as the Eiger and the Jungfrau. The lake is served by vintage steamboats that have been plying here since the 1800s. In spring, the Lake Lucerne basin is fed by Mineralbad streams from the top of Mount Rigi.

pigeon lake(Dove Lake) in Tasmania, Australia. Serene Dove Lake is a national park attraction near Cradle Mountain. This lake is the home of the legendary Tasmanian Devil.

Lake Como, Italy - Just 45 minutes from bustling Milan. Lake Como is one of the favorite vacation spots of the rich and famous.

Lake Bled- one of the most charming sights of the Old Continent. Lake Bled of the Julian Alps (Slovene: Bled, German: Veldes) is located in Slovenia, near the borders with Italy and Austria.

Lake Synevyr- the largest and most famous lake of the Ukrainian Carpathians. The lake is located in the Gorgany mountain range, in the upper reaches of the Terebly River. The lake has its own beautiful legend about lovers.

The list of the most famous lakes in the world can rightfully include unnamed:

  • Lake Ohrid in the Balkan Mountains (located between the Republic of Macedonia and Albania)
  • Lake Saimaa (Finland)
  • Ladoga/Onega/Chudskoe (Russia)
  • Balaton (Hungary)
  • Annecy (France)
  • Garda / Iseo (Italy)
  • Wastwater (England)
  • Sogne (Norway)
  • Killarney (Ireland)
  • Hallstattersee (Austria)
  • Königsee / Obersi (Germany)
  • Jokulsadlon (Iceland)
  • Laguna Verde (Bolivia)
  • Lençois Maranhenses (Brazil)
  • Nakuru (Kenya)
  • Tekapo (New Zealand)
  • Lagunas Altiplánicas (Chile)
  • Laguna Bacalar (Mexico) and many others.

Great Lakes- a group of five lakes in the east of North America on the US border with Canada; the largest group of freshwater bodies on Earth. 2/3 of the water area is in the United States, and 1/3 is in Canada. The lakes are connected to each other by a series of rivers and straits. They are included in 1000 popular sights of the world according to our website.

The formation of these reservoirs began more than 10 thousand years ago as a result of tectonic processes. The total area of ​​the water system is about 768 thousand km². The largest and deepest is Lake Superior. It has a border location: partly located in Ontario (on the Canadian side) and partly in Minnesota (on the United States side). Along the St. Marys River, it merges with neighboring Huron, which is inferior to it in size by almost 20 thousand km².

The water in the Upper is so cool that even in summer it does not warm up more than 4 ºC. It has a lot of commercial fish. The third body of water in the system is Lake Michigan. Unlike his "brothers", he completely falls on the territory of the United States. Ontario is considered to be the smallest lake in the system. With an area of ​​just under 20,000 km², it is the world's 14th largest source of fresh water. With the help of the St. Lawrence River, it is connected to the ocean. It is a navigable lake with many port cities. Another lake, the fourth largest, is Erie.

Trout, sturgeon, whitefish and other fish species are found in all lakes of this system - more than 170 species in total. Coastal cities include Toronto, Chicago, Michigan, Buffalo, and others. Along the entire perimeter of reservoirs, the area of ​​​​navigation is developed, both for passenger and freight traffic. The climate in the vicinity of the lakes is moderately humid with characteristic atmospheric differences. The best season for water walks is autumn or the so-called "Indian summer".

Photo Attraction: Great Lakes

Great Lakes. Lake Superior

Great Lakes. Lake Michigan

Great Lakes. Lake Huron

Great Lakes on the map:

World around 4th grade

Seas, lakes and rivers of Russia

The shores of Russia are washed by the seas of the Arctic, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. The largest lakes in Russia are the Caspian Sea, Baikal, Ladoga, Onega. The largest rivers are the Volga, Ob, Yenisei, Lena, Amur.

Using the map in the textbook, sign on the contour map (The world around us grade 4, pp. 30-31):

option 1 - Russian seas;
option 2 - lakes and rivers of Russia.

Ask a student sitting next to you to check your work.

Use the map in your textbook to determine which oceans the seas listed below belong to. Mark using the notation:

Seas of the Arctic Ocean— Barents Sea, Chukchi Sea, Laptev Sea, Kara Sea, White Sea, East Siberian Sea
Seas of the Pacific Ocean— Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Sea of ​​Japan, Bering Sea
Seas of the Atlantic Ocean— Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Sea of ​​Azov

Our inquisitive Parrot considers himself the best geography expert in the world. Here are some of his statements. Are they true? Circle "Yes" or "No".

Great Lakes of North America on the map

If not, write the correct answer.

a) The largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea. Answer: YES
b) The deepest lake in the world is Ladoga. Answer: NO Baikal
c) The largest lake in Europe is Onega. Answer: NO Ladoga
d) Lake Onega and Ladoga are connected by the Svir River. Answer: YES
e) The Neva River flows out of Lake Ladoga, on which St. Petersburg stands. Answer: YES

This is the task Seryozha and Nadia offer you. Among these letters are the names of the largest rivers in Russia. Find them and paint over with pencils of different colors.

Using the map in your textbook, determine which rivers these cities stand on. Connect the names of cities and rivers with lines.

Cross out the odd place name in each listing. Explain (verbally) your decision.

a) Baltic Sea, Caspian Sea, White Sea, Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The Caspian Sea is a lake, all other seas
b) Volga, Ob, Baikal. Lena. Baikal is a lake, everything else is a river
c) Baikal, Ladoga, Onego, Svir. The Svir is a river, everything else is a lake.