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Egyptian pyramids presentation. " Egyptian pyramids"

The work was done by Artem Sutunkov, a student of grade IX MKOU secondary school 13. EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS A community that knows everything about you Subscribe!

Egyptian pyramids These are the greatest architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt, among which one of the "seven wonders of the world" - the pyramid of Cheops and an honorary candidate of the "new seven wonders of the world" - the Pyramids of Giza. Pyramids are huge pyramid-shaped structures used as tombs for pharaohs.

Precursors of the pyramids During the period of the first dynasties, special "houses after life" appeared - funerary buildings. They were built by the first pharaohs. The oldest royal burial buildings dating back to the times of the 1st dynasty were built from adobes - unbaked bricks made of clay and river silt. They were built at Nagadei Abios in Upper Egypt, and also at Saqqara. In the ground part of these buildings there were chapels and rooms with grave goods, and in the underground part there were actually burial chambers.

The largest pyramids of Egypt Pyramid of Cheops (IV dynasty): size 230 m, height -146 meters. Pyramid of Khafre (IV Dynasty): 215 m and 144 m Pink Pyramid of Sneferu (IV Dynasty): 219 m and 105 m Bent Pyramid of Sneferu (IV Dynasty): 189 m and 105 m 94 m Pyramid of Menkaure (IV dynasty): 104 m and 66 m Pyramid of Djoser (III dynasty): 121 m and 62 m

Pyramid of Cheops The largest is the pyramid of Cheops. Initially, its height was 146 m, but due to the fact that now there is no lining of the pyramid, its height has now decreased to 138.8 m. The length of the side of the pyramid is m. The construction of the pyramid dates back to the XXVI century BC. The construction is believed to have taken over 20 years.

The quality of the finish of the pyramids Some pyramids that have retained the facing, allow you to see the quality of the surface treatment of the stone. In addition, the large blocks are fitted so that there are no gaps between them, and the leveled outer surface often forms an ideal plane, despite the fact that this plane is at an angle to the base. When leveling the surface of the stones at the entrance to the pyramid of Menkaure, the outermost stones were not completely leveled, and the edge of the leveling line passes continuously through the masonry stones, which suggests that the surface of the blocks was leveled after the stones were laid.

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Presentation slides

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Egyptian pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids are the greatest architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt. When referring to the Egyptian pyramids, as a rule, they mean the Great Pyramids located in Giza, not far from Cairo. The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty. This pyramid is still the largest architectural creation of human hands. At the base, it is a square with a side of 227.5 meters. The height during construction is 146.6 meters, and now the pyramid is 9 meters lower: the upper stones fell during earthquakes.

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The Pyramid of Cheops

Even in ancient times, the pyramids of Giza were considered one of the seven "wonders of the world." But even today they are able to hit anyone. The largest of them is the pyramid of Cheops, the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty. This pyramid is still the largest architectural creation of human hands. At the base, it is a square with a side of 227.5 meters. The height during construction is 146.6 meters, and now the pyramid is 9 meters lower: the upper stones fell during earthquakes. The construction of the pyramid (and it was completed around 2590 BC) took 2.3 million stone blocks weighing two and a half tons each. The total volume of the pyramid is 2.34 million cubic meters. The faces of the pyramid are oriented to the cardinal points, and their angle of inclination to the base is 51o52 ". The entrance is on the north side. Separate blocks, according to the Arab historian Abdel Latif (XII century), fit so precisely to each other that it is impossible to slip between them knife blade.Inside the pyramid of Cheops there are no inscriptions or decorations.There are three burial chambers.The burial chamber of the pharaoh is a room about 11 meters long, five meters wide and almost six meters high.The walls of the tomb are finished with granite slabs.The red granite sarcophagus is empty "Neither the mummy of the pharaoh nor the grave goods were found. It is believed that the pyramid was plundered in ancient times. On the southern side of the pyramid there is a structure resembling a ship. This is the so-called Solar Boat - one of the five on which Cheops was supposed to In 1954, a boat 43.6 m long, disassembled into 1224 parts, was discovered during excavations.It was built of cedar without a single nail and, as evidenced by traces of silt preserved on it, before the death of Cheops was still floating on the Nile .

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"Horizon of Khufu" is the name of the Pyramid of Cheops.

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Pyramid of Khafre

The second largest pyramid of Giza belongs to the pharaoh Khafre. It was built 40 years later than the first one. Sometimes it seems that the pyramid of Khafre is even larger than that of Cheops. In fact, it is slightly smaller. The side of the square base of the Khafre pyramid is 215 meters. Height - 136 meters. However, in ancient times, like the pyramid of Cheops, it was 9 meters higher. The angle of inclination is sharper than that of the first pyramid: 53o8". Here, the entire complex of structures is more clearly visible, consisting of a temple in the valley, a road, a temple of the dead and the pyramid itself. The lower temple, in which 25 statues of pharaohs once stood, is known for that here, on the threshold of the kingdom of the dead, Khafre was mummified

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Pyramid of Menkaure

The pyramid of Menkaure completes the ensemble of the great pyramids of Giza. Its construction was completed in 2505 BC. This pyramid is much smaller than its predecessors. The side of the base is 108 meters, the original height is 66.5 meters (today - 62 m), the angle of inclination is 51o. The only burial chamber of the pyramid is carved into its rocky base, emphasizing the greatness of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre. The latter are not difficult to distinguish from each other: at the pyramid of Khafre, near the top, a white basalt lining is partially preserved.

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
  • The Egyptian pyramids are the greatest architectural monuments of Ancient Egypt, including one of the "seven wonders of the world" - the Cheops pyramid and an honorary candidate for the "new seven wonders of the world" - the Pyramids of Giza. The word "pyramid" - Greek, means a polyhedron. In total, 118 pyramids were discovered in Egypt (as of November 2008). Pyramids of Egypt

    The Bent Pyramid is an Egyptian pyramid in Dahshur, the construction of which is attributed to Pharaoh Snorf (XXVI century BC). To explain the non-standard shape of the pyramid, the German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt (1863-1938) proposed his " augmentation theory". According to her, the king died unexpectedly and the angle of inclination of the faces of the pyramid was sharply changed from 54 ° 31 "to 43 ° 21" in order to quickly complete the work.

    The Pink Pyramid - at the time of its construction in the 26th century. BC e. which was the tallest building on earth. It is second in size only to the two Egyptian pyramids at Giza. The name is due to the fact that the limestone blocks that make up the pyramid acquire a pink color in the rays of the setting sun. The entrance through the sloping passage on the north side descends into three adjoining chambers accessible to the public. This pyramid is attributed to Snofru because his name is inscribed on several blocks of sheathing in red paint.

    The Step Pyramid at Saqqara is the oldest large stone building in the world. Built by the architect Imhotep in Saqqara for the burial of the Egyptian pharaoh Djoser c. 2650 BC e. The core of the tomb is made of limestone blocks. The size of the pyramid is 125 meters × 115 meters and the height is 61 meters.

    The Great Pyramids are the pyramids of the pharaohs Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin located in Giza. Unlike the pyramid of Djoser, these pyramids do not have a stepped, but a strictly geometric, pyramidal shape. The walls of the pyramids rise at an angle of 51° (Pyramid of Menkaure) to 53° (Pyramid of Khafre) to the horizon. The edges are precisely oriented to the cardinal points. The pyramid of Cheops was built on a massive natural rocky elevation, which turned out to be in the very middle of the base of the pyramid. Its height is about 9 m.

    The largest is the pyramid of Cheops. Initially, its height was 146.6 m, but due to the fact that now there is no lining of the pyramid, its height has now decreased to 138.8 m. The length of the side of the pyramid is 230 m. The construction of the pyramid dates back to the 26th century BC. e. The construction is believed to have taken over 20 years. The pyramid is built from 2.5 million stone blocks; no cement or other binders were used. On average, the blocks weighed 2.5 tons. The pyramid is almost a monolithic structure - with the exception of several chambers and corridors leading to them.

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    The Great Pyramids are part of the vast Giza necropolis. Next to them are several small pyramids, where the wives of the pharaohs, the tombs of priests and high officials are buried. At the foot of the Giza plateau are the funerary temples and the Great Sphinx.

    Features of the structure of the pyramids

    Each of the great pyramids also had a triune complex: the lower funerary temple - the road - the upper funerary temple. But this complex has been preserved in a more or less complete form only at the pyramid of Khafre. The stone-paved road from the lower temple, where embalming was carried out, to the upper one, where they said goodbye to the pharaoh before burial, stretched for more than half a kilometer. Near the lower granite temple, devoid of a roof, lie the ruins of the temple of the Sphinx. And behind them, the ancient guardian of the pyramids, the Great Sphinx, turned his gaze to the east. The Sphinx, a resting lion with a human head (Mamluk soldiers shot off its nose), is the largest monolithic sculpture. Its length is 73 meters, height - 20 meters. It is believed that the sphinx was carved during the construction of the Khafre pyramid, and its face bears the features of this pharaoh.



    The mystery of the pyramid shapes

    In ancient times, earthlings knew about the influence of architectural forms on a person and considered architecture not only as a creation of a form, but also as a kind of sacred essence. Today, scientists have found that structures with gabled roofs have the most beneficial effect. Various places of worship have a peculiar pyramidal effect: Christian churches, cathedrals, Buddhist temples, mosques... Bioenergetics claim that an ecologically clean and energetically strong field is created around such structures.

    For the first time, the effect of the pyramid was discovered when studying the Egyptian pyramids, the mystery of the origin and purpose of which for mankind still remains unsolved. However, it has been proven that the pyramids have a strong energy impact that affects all living beings and even inanimate objects.

    The Egyptian pyramids are one of the wonders of the world, and no wonder, because the idea that people armed with only simple mechanical devices built such huge structures that continue to amaze us, although millennia have passed since their creation. Looking at these marvelous monuments of the era, one gets the impression that time bypasses them, or maybe it was the magic of the sphinx that stopped him, glorifying the greatness of the pharaoh. Mysticism and reality, myths and facts are so tightly intertwined on the stone steps of these silent giants that you begin to believe in myths and doubt the facts.

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    One of the seven wonders of the world - EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS

    Pyramids - "dwellings of eternity" of the pharaohs:

    • The Pyramid of Cheops
    • Pyramid of Khafre
    • Pyramid of Menkaure
    • Rock tombs and temples of the Middle and New Kingdoms
    • Abu Simbel - the pearl of Egyptian architecture
    • Architectural buildings of the Late Kingdom
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    Great Pyramids. Giza

    Egypt 2575 - 2465 BC e.

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    The pyramid of Cheops reaches a height of 146 meters. Its thickness was cut through only by corridors leading to the burial chamber. The architect Hemiun supervised the construction of the pyramid of Cheops.

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    The pyramid itself required 20 years of work. She is square. Each of its sides is equal to 146.26 m and its height is the same size. The stones are polished and carefully fitted, each of them is not less than 9.24 m.

    The architect Hemiun supervised the construction of the pyramid of Cheops.

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    Pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser

    Egypt 2630 - 2611 BC e.

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    At the time of its construction, this structure was the largest in the world.

    This tomb became a model of a burial structure, in which, according to the canons, three main tasks were solved: keeping the ashes of the deceased incorrupt, preserving the tomb and feeding so that it could exist.

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    The second pyramid of the complex belongs to the successor of Cheops - Pharaoh Khafre. The pyramid of Khafre was almost as tall as the pyramid of Cheops. Its height was 143 meters, and the length of the side was 215 meters. Because of this ratio of height and length of the base, it seemed more slender. The base was faced with Aswan granite.

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    Great Sphinx. Giza.

    Egypt 2750 BC

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    The Great Sphinx was erected simultaneously with the pyramid, for the pharaoh of the IV dynasty - Khafre (Khafre). The Sphinx is made in the form of a lying lion. His face reproduces the features of the pharaoh himself. In fact, the sphinx is an image of the sun god. To the side where the Sun appears, and the sphinx is looking.

    • A striped royal scarf is depicted on the head of the sphinx, above the forehead - uraeus - a sacred cobra. According to the beliefs of the Egyptians, the cobra protected kings and queens with its breath.
    • The face of the sphinx was previously painted brick, and the bands of the kerchief were blue and red.
    • It rises between two temples dedicated to the cult of this deity.
    • When creating the sculpture, the Egyptian craftsmen used the original form of the limestone rock.
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    Statue of Pharaoh Khafre, fragment

    Egypt 2500 BC e.

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    In ancient Egypt, two types of images of royalty were developed. Seated and standing. The portrait of Pharaoh Khafre belongs to the second type. This type is characterized by the articulation of all parts of the figure at a right angle. Hands are usually folded on the hips or rest on the chest. The legs are parallel to the bare feet. The symmetry in this case is perfect.

    The monarchs are depicted bare-chested, dressed in a pleated skirt and with their heads covered with the double crown of Lower and Upper Egypt.

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    The pharaoh is depicted with his head protected by the open wings of the god Horus, from whom he was believed to be descended. The torso forms a single block with the throne, and the arms are pressed to the torso.

    Pharaoh statue carved from superhard diorite

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    The son and heir of Khafre - Mikerin - owns the third pyramid. The tomb itself and the structures around it were not completed during the life of the pharaoh. Subsequently, his son hastily finished them. It was the last of the great pyramids.