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Zhd train schedule and movement. What time do trains depart in Russia

If you are traveling by train in Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok or traveling abroad, then the question arises of what time the train leaves on the ticket. It is worth sorting it out in order, because tickets are sold with different options for departure times.

As stated in Russia before

Time zones first appeared in the 19th century in Great Britain thanks to railways. Due to the complexity of the train schedule, in 1847 a single time zone of the country was introduced. In Russia, a similar thing appeared after the revolution in 1919. Since that time, the schedule of Russian Railways in the USSR has been indicated for Moscow, it remained the same in Russia. The exception is international travel, in which case the hours of arrival at a station in another country are written in local time.

The time on the ticket becomes local

Airlines have long begun to use a single time for internal technical needs, but indicate the local time on tickets. In 2018, Russian Railways decided to follow suit. From August 1, the information will change, departure and arrival will be indicated in local time, even on electronic scoreboards in station buildings. Ticket sales for flights using the new rules began on May 4. Trains departing before 1 August are subject to the old conditions.

Railway tickets with departure and arrival times according to the Moscow time zone are sold for flights until August 1, 2018

In order not to get confused, you should look at the bottom line of the landing document, the old and new versions are different:

  1. An example of the old format: "Time of departure and arrival in Moscow."
  2. The new one indicates local time with time zone specification, for example "21.00 (MSK +3)"

  • How to buy a railway ticket?

    • Specify the itinerary and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the appropriate train and place.
    • Pay for the ticket using one of the suggested methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transferred to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.
  • How to return a purchased train ticket?

  • Can I pay for a ticket with a card? And is it safe?

    Yes, sure. Payment is made through the payment gateway of the processing center All data is transmitted over a secure channel.

    The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international PCI DSS security standard. The gateway software has successfully passed the version 3.1 audit.

    The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.

    The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Buying an electronic ticket to the site is a modern and fast way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.

    When buying an electronic railway ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.

    After paying for boarding the train you need:

    Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be completed by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it's better not to risk it.

The train schedule for the Moscow station displayed on this page is for informational purposes and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

Trains passing the station Moscow

To date, the schedule of trains at Moscow station includes 701 long-distance railway flights, of which 226 are made daily. The minimum train stop time is 0 h 1 m (train on the route Moscow-Yaroslavskaya - Alexandrov 1), and the maximum is 0 h 54 m (flight along the route Mogilev-1 - Arkhangelsk). Most of all in the train schedule arrives from settlements: St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod at 00:35, 23:12, respectively. The trains departing from the Moscow station follow the routes - Moscow - St. Petersburg, Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow - Ryazan, departing at 00:20, 13:18, 07:12, respectively. When planning a trip, you should take into account that the schedule of some trains , such as 273YA Arkhangelsk - Belgorod (arrival - 01:16, departure - 01:41), 133YA Arkhangelsk - Mogilev-1 (01:16, 01:44), 133YA Arkhangelsk - Gomel-Pass. (01:16, 01 :44), 063B Novosibirsk-Glavny - Mogilev-1 (01:16, 01:44) have a special schedule, so it is recommended to check the schedule for a specific date.

Which, however, has already been discussed in various communities.

Russian Railways Holding will change the procedure for displaying arrival and departure times on travel documents for long-distance and suburban trains. From August 1, 2018, only local time will be indicated on railway tickets, which corresponds to the time zone of the passenger's departure, Russian Railways reported.

Currently, Moscow time of arrival and departure, as well as local time, is recorded on the forms.
“For the convenience of passengers, the time of arrival and departure will be indicated on travel documents, specifying how many hours it differs from Moscow. Information on local arrival and departure times will also be displayed on information boards in trains, on platform signs and station electronic clocks.

That is, in fact, since August 1, 2018, the age-old tradition of Moscow time on Russian Railways is becoming a thing of the past. No, of course, all dispatching, service schedules and schedules will remain at the single Moscow time, but all this will no longer be visible to an ordinary passenger. It will be like in aviation, where dispatching is carried out according to UTC, but few passengers know about it.

Why did Russian Railways abandon this tradition? There are three main reasons for this, in my opinion.

Reason #1. Formal.

There is a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01/08/1992 N 23 (as amended on 08/31/2011) "On the procedure for calculating time on the territory of the Russian Federation", the 5th paragraph of which reads:

"... the movement of railway, water and intercity road transport open for public use, as well as the work of long-distance telephone and telegraph communications on the territory of the Russian Federation, is carried out according to Moscow time. The movement of air transport is carried out according to the coordinated universal time. Informing the population about the work of transport and means of communication is carried out according to the time set in the given area."

That is, there is a government decree that must be followed. This is the law. The only strange thing is that, as it turned out, Russian Railways ignored him for more than 25 years ... However, in Russia there are a lot of strange things with the laws ...

Reason number 2. Fight for the client.

Many will say: "Yes, where is the struggle, the passenger needs speed and comfort, and what time is in the schedules - do not care." For a regular passenger, yes, they are used to this feature of Russian Railways and almost never get confused. But those who rarely use the railway may not know about Moscow time in the schedule. Having made a mistake once, he, of course, will receive a negative, and the likelihood that he will use the railway next time becomes lower.
But it is from these small bricks that the general prestige of the railway is formed.

It is not for nothing that most suburban companies that have Passenger Transportation- not a small side activity, but the main income, they switched to local time in the schedules at the beginning of the 2000s. Moreover, they even show dependence: the better things are with suburban transportation in the region, the earlier they switched the schedule to local time. And vice versa, in regions where local authorities and Russian Railways have long abandoned the suburbs, Moscow time has been preserved in the schedule of the remaining electric trains to this day. These are, for example, the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Chelyabinsk Region. Unless the Sverdlovsk region is an exception here: the suburbs are gradually developing, in particular, accelerated flights to neighboring cities (Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky, etc.) have appeared, but their schedule is still Moscow time.

Station Seyatel (Novosibirsk), timetable. long distance trains- Moscow time, suburban - local (MSK+4).

Board at the suburban station of Chelyabinsk. Moscow time and 0 (zero) electric trains coming hours...

I would also like to note that Russian Railways is now trying to follow the path of Europe and develop multimodal transportation based on connecting different modes of transport (train + electric train, train + bus, train + plane, etc.). When buses, commuter trains, aviation are written in schedules at one time, and long-distance trains at another, it is not very convenient for passengers to perceive this, errors are possible due to incorrect determination of the time zone at the docking point, or when recalculating.

Reason #3 (push). Change of time zones in the regions of the Volga region and the World Cup.

In 2016, several regions of the Volga region changed the time zone, moving from Moscow time (where they lived for 25-30 years) an hour ahead. They certainly received a more comfortable light regime, but many residents were unprepared for the difference with Moscow. Since they have long been accustomed to living in the same time zone with the capital, some people have atrophied the "firmware" in their heads with the perception and processing of 2 or more time zones. The conversion from local time to Moscow time and vice versa turned out to be too difficult for such people, and they began to write indignant letters to Russian Railways. The latter went to meet them and in the middle of last year introduced double time in railway tickets (I am talking about this), and now, apparently, they are completing the reform.

There is also a version that the reform was carried out because of the World Cup, so that foreign guests would not get confused. But here the timing does not match. The date announced by Russian Railways for the transfer of schedules to local time is August 1, 2018, and the championship will last from June 15 to July 15, 2018. However, it is possible that in the cities hosting the 2018 World Cup, the schedule reform will be carried out a couple of months earlier. Let's see...

But will the rejection of the single Moscow time in the schedules create more problems and inconveniences?

Such statements in connection with this reform are already heard and sometimes quite actively. I will analyze the most common:

1. Local time in schedules in a country with more than 10 time zones can lead to desynchronization of the railway and, as a result, failures, emergencies and derailments.

This is all either a misunderstanding of the principles of the railway, or notorious speculation. The entire internal "kitchen" of the railway has always worked and will work on a single time, so there will be no desynchronization. What is displayed for passengers does not affect internal dispatching in any way, neither in suburban transportation, nor in aviation (where information in local time has been conducted for a long time) so far not a single crash has been recorded for this reason.

2. A train is not an airplane, it has intermediate stops in different time zones, passengers will be confused along the way without a single time.

Here it is worth analyzing the situation in more detail. First, the question must first be answered, how many passengers cross time zones during the trip at least once?
At first, I honestly tried to find statistics on passenger traffic by destination in order to calculate the number of passengers across time zone boundaries, but in vain. Therefore, only the most general figures. According to the Russian Railways report for 2016 (see here), 101.4 million passengers used long-distance trains (9.2 of them in high-speed traffic). The passenger turnover of long-distance trains amounted to 93.5 billion passenger-kilometers (of which 4.6 in high-speed traffic). High-speed traffic in Russia is available only in one time zone, so we are obviously not interested, if we discard it and divide passenger traffic by passenger traffic, it turns out that the average trip length is 964 kilometers.
And now we look at the map or reference book: the average distance between the boundaries of time zones when driving along the Trans-Siberian Railway is 1200 - 1800 km. The only exceptions are the Samara (MSK + 1) and Omsk (MSK + 3) time zones, which are about 170 and 330 km, respectively, but these are very small regions in terms of population. That is, it turns out that the average passenger does not even reach the border of the time zone. Why does a passenger need Moscow time on a trip if he travels from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok, from Taishet to Irkutsk, from Novosibirsk to Krasnoyarsk or from Perm to Tyumen? It is definitely more convenient for such a passenger to see local time in the schedule.

photo by Andrey Yablonsky

Even if a passenger crosses one time zone during the trip, it is hardly more convenient for him to use Moscow time for this, it is easier to set the clock once - and that's it. And only for those who travel through 2 zones or more, it may be more convenient to navigate according to the single Moscow time on a trip than to remember where the time zone boundaries are and each time adjust the clock according to them. But are there many such passengers? According to my observations, even in long-distance Trans-Siberian trains of the type No. 99/100 Moscow - Vladivostok, there are less than half of them. And in other directions there are simply no such a priori, because almost nowhere else is there more than one hour border on the route. That is, the real share of such passengers, I think, is on the order of a percent. Agree, it is illogical to do what is convenient for a very small, highly specific group (which, moreover, as aviation develops, will only decrease in the future), to the detriment of the rest.

3. Yes, they toil with nonsense, everyone has long been accustomed to it and no one gets confused. Unless the "unified state exam victims" cannot add / subtract a few hours for the conversion from Moscow to local and vice versa.

Well, firstly, "the victims of the Unified State Examination" are also people, and Russian Railways, as passengers, are also important. And secondly, it is a myth that no one gets confused. At a minimum, those who rarely use railways, as well as residents of the Moscow time zone, who find themselves outside it for the first time, are often mistaken, these categories are simply not aware of this feature of Russian Railways.
But sometimes even experienced people make mistakes. Yes, due to absent-mindedness, inattention, accident, but nevertheless it happens. For example, one of my friends, when planning a transfer from a train to an electric train, incorrectly determined the time zone at the transfer point (it changed a couple of months before, but she did not know). As a result, when the train arrived, the train had already left. This is how the error brought down the trip a little. And if the train schedule had local time, such a mistake would not have happened.
Another friend of mine bought a ticket for a train leaving in the middle of the night. He correctly counted from Moscow time to local time, but did not take into account that the ticket had to be bought for "yesterday's" date (when it's 2:50 in Novosibirsk, in Moscow it's still "yesterday"). I discovered this error only during landing (when it turned out that his place was taken). Since the trip was planned for a specific event, it partially lost its meaning ... Yes, in some way, of course, it is my own fault, you need to be more careful, but nevertheless, many people have difficulties because of this.

4. Now, when crossing the border, the conductors will have to reconfigure the time on the scoreboard inside the cars every time. Extra chores, probably sometimes will be forgotten.

Perhaps this is the only real problem. But, firstly, it’s still not worth dramatizing, when moving from west to east, on average, hourly borders go after 21 hours (I counted for the fastest train No. 1/2 "Russia"). Additional fuss almost once a day for a couple of minutes obviously will not overload the conductor with work. Yes, at first they may make mistakes and forget, but I think after 2-3 flights they will get used to it and will do it automatically.
Well, in the future, of course, we need to make this function automatic, with synchronization via GPS-Glonass.

5. But what about those places where the railway passes along the time border, and "jumps" first to one time zone, then to another several times in a short distance?

There are only a few such places throughout Russia (for example, the section Agryz - Naberezhnye Chelny) and there is no intensive passenger traffic anywhere through them, mostly only local. I think that for such lines it is necessary to decide on an individual basis, for example, both time zones should be indicated in the schedules.

That's all. I hope I convinced you that the planned reform is really reasonable and that most passengers will feel a little more comfortable. Yes, of course, it’s a little sad and sorry for the age-old tradition, which was even sung by some foreigners traveling in Russia, but railway need to develop. In the meantime, take pictures of Moscow time on the station clocks and scoreboards, as well as in the timetables in the carriages of long-distance trains - soon it will be history.

Specify the itinerary and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for the ticket using one of the suggested methods. Payment information will be instantly transferred to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.

How to return a purchased train ticket?

Can I pay for a ticket with a card? And is it safe?

Yes, sure. Payment is made through the payment gateway of the processing center All data is transmitted over a secure channel.The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international PCI DSS security standard. The gateway software has successfully passed the version 3.1 audit.The system allows you to accept payments by Visa and MasterCard, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Buying an electronic ticket to the site is a modern and fast way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When buying an electronic railway ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.After paying for boarding the train, you must either go through electronic registration or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be completed by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it's better not to risk it.Print e-ticket you can at any time before the train departure at the box office at the station or at the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it by SMS after payment) and the original ID.