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Cambodia. Lost Paradise with Sergei Tsigal

A sensational discovery was made by a group of archaeologists in Cambodia - an ancient lost city was discovered in the impenetrable jungle, which was searched for more than a dozen years.
The exact location of the city, until recently, was hidden from the general public, thanks, among other things, to the inaccessible terrain covered with minefields and swamps, as well as hidden in dense forests, unfriendly settlements of Khmer ethnic minorities: tribes far from civilization and professing animism.
Not so long ago, I came across a lidar survey map of part of Phnom Kulen Mountain. There was fragmentary information and coordinates of one of the objects the ancient city of Mahendraparvata, located just 27 km from Wat Phrea Ang Thom, on Mount Kulen. Using the scarce information about the location of the ancient city, we deciphered the map and, superimposing it on the GPS, planned a walking trek along the excavation route. In this article you can see the results of our walking expedition to the area of ​​the ancient city of Mahendraparvata, carried out on February 23 and 24, 2016. We set out along the route early in the morning. The entire area around the ancient city is overgrown with impenetrable rainforest.
In the forest there are paths blazed by poachers who extract valuable tree species, as well as by sappers who clear mines in some areas.
Plateau Kulen d about recent times was a stronghold of the Khmer Rouge and became available to archaeologists only in the 1990s. You can read about the history of the Khmer Rouge in the article
There is currently no way to visit the excavation area by car.
Paths in the forest give way to swampy areas and thickets of yellowed grass, in which there is a full range of venomous snakes living in this region.
Pedestrian trekking along the route is complicated by clearing the area and careful tracking of reptiles. We chose not to think about mines, relying on the fact that archaeologists, as well as activists from the demining group, had gone this way before us.
The first 25 kilometers we did not meet a single living soul along the route. Only giant silent trees hiding centuries-old secrets of ancient civilizations.
Suddenly, a clearing opened up to us with a characteristic mark of the ubiquitous Apsara fund, from which we concluded that we were already close to the first object:
The main secret is in discovery ancient cities in Cambodia lies in the fact that on the territory of the Kulen Plateau, as in the main part of the country, the terrain is exceptionally flat, and any mound or unevenness on the earth's surface is nothing more than an archaeological object covered with sediment of sand and withered foliage.

Excavations of an ancient city in Cambodia

Any such irregularities indicate the presence of a human settlement.

Intuition did not deceive us, and now, a clearing with the first archaeological objects opened up to our eyes:

There were five rectangular prasats (brick towers) in the clearing, of which only one has survived:

Inside the towers and in the area around, we found these artifacts

By the similarity in size, these two elements resemble a certain installation with a lid.

with characteristic high-tech processing.

The purpose of these objects is not entirely clear, as well as the reason why such elaborate and difficult doorways were installed in simple brick structures.

After a thorough inspection of the nearby area, we discovered three more dilapidated complexes, consisting of similar brick towers, on a laterite platform.

In each of them was a stone artifact unlike the others. It could be ancient wells, water purification systems or something else.

These structures have long since disappeared into the jungle, leaving only traces of mounds and depressions that are easy to see among the trees and overgrowth, and which are hidden by the moss-covered ruins of the temple.

The mounds are several meters in diameter and to the untrained eye look like ordinary natural hills. However, archaeologists know that they mean much more.

Scientists suggest that the population the ancient city of Mahendraparvata died out due to lack of water - land resources were exhausted and not restored, and people had to leave in search of territories conducive to the prosperity of life.

Moreover, the mysterious objects of the ancient city that have stood for centuries, the unique, technologically skillful stone carving, and unparalleled engineering structures, the intended use of which has not yet been solved, are a mystery.

You can read about the intended purpose of some artifacts in the article:

The territory of the ancient city of Mahendrapura has not yet been explored by land. In the destroyed towers, complex, processed in a high-tech way, mysterious structures have been preserved.

The most interesting objects were found 6 kilometers to the north:

Archaeological maps assure that this is nothing more than a quarry in which stone was mined for the construction of Angkor.

On the lava that has frozen thousands of years ago, artificial recesses and perfectly even cuts are clearly visible:

From the stone mined in these quarries, the gigantic structures of ancient Angkor were built.

A laterite pyramid rises in the center of a kilometer-long territory, lined with cut lines and rectangular trenches.

The pyramid is crowned with a destroyed brick prasat, inside which, nevertheless, another mysterious installation has been preserved:

Let me lay out some historical versions of what it is:

Archaeologists are sure that this building is called


(ancient Ind. yoni, “source”), in ancient Indian mythology and various currents of Hinduism, a symbol of the divine generating force. Cult yoni seems to date back to the earliest period of Indian history.

Within Indian culture, worship yoni most clearly seen in the mythology and rituals of Shaivism and related sects, where yoni revered in conjunction with the corresponding male symbol - linga(creativity) as a natural energy that contributes to its manifestation, as well as a way to obtain "sacred" healing water.

The water that falls on the top of the Linga and flows into the Yoni is considered sacred and endowed with healing properties.

All found Yonis have this perfect treatment

A rather interesting fact is the presence under each "Yoni" mine, going vertically underground. In some natural depressions, you can see mines covered with sand and compressed leaves.
In these photos you can see, perhaps the last of the untouched mines, which we cleared a little of the cultural layer.
Some information from the press about the discovery and research in the area of ​​the ancient city of Mahendraparvata:

The ancient city of Mahendraparvata, which disappeared in the wilds of the tropical forest, was previously known only from legends.

Mahendraparvata, or "Mountain of the Great God Indra", - this name has been conveyed to this day by an inscription on one of the ancient temples, discovered 40 kilometers from this place. In 2013, in the jungles of Cambodia, Australian archaeologists using the Lidar laser system discovered an ancient lost city.
Ancient city in Cambodia, lost 1200 years ago on a misty mountainside, archaeologists have tried to find it repeatedly. So, in 1936, the expedition of the French archaeologist and art critic Philippe Stern explored the Kulen plateau. He discovered previously unknown temples and statues of Vishnu and described the area as the first mountain temple complex. But only an expedition of scientists from the University of Sydney finally managed to find the ancient city itself.
The organization of the study was supported by the Cambodian government APSARA (Authority for the Protection and Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem Reap), which is responsible for the protection of the archaeological sites of Angkor and the entire province of Siem Reap.
archaeological expedition, the purpose of which was to find Mahendraparvata city, were led by Damian Evans of the University of Sydney and Jean-Baptiste Chevans of the Archeology and Development Foundation (London). The team presented preliminary results in June 2013. An important feature of the expedition was the use of the Lidar device attached to the helicopter to scan the Kulen area and then mark the city on the map. The results of the first land expedition of a group of Australian archaeologists are mentioned in the article:
The survey of the territory with the help of "lidar" is the frequent emission of signals from the generator and the measurement of the time of their return. The slightest change in time is instantly calculated by the system.
Later, 30 more previously unknown temples were discovered using Lidar technology. “Suddenly, a whole city appeared before us, the existence of which no one suspected. The impression cannot be expressed in words,- says Evans, not hiding his amazement. In addition, scientists have discovered a complex network of roads, dams and ponds that formed the infrastructure of the city. While scanning the area, the laser radar also found numerous hills scattered throughout the city.
According to the preliminary assumption of archaeologists, these are temple and burial mounds. “What we saw is similar to the central part of the city. There is still a lot of work ahead, we need to learn more about this civilization.- said the leader of the expedition.
discovered ancient city of Mahendraparvata historians refer to the era of the Khmer Empire in Cambodia. The name Mahendraparvata, meaning "Mountain of the great Indra", was first discovered by scientists in the inscriptions on the temple of Ak Yum in the Angkor region. The period of the foundation of the city refers to the reign of Jayavarman II, who is considered the founder of the Khmer empire. During excavations of an ancient city in Cambodia, scientists came to the conclusion that the city he founded was one of the three capitals of the empire, among which were also Amarendrapura and Hariharalaya. According to Dr. Evans, the decline of civilization could be due to deforestation and problems with water supply. The expedition team dated the founding of Mahendraparvata to 802 AD. Thus, the city was founded before the famous Angkor Wat by about 350 years. Recall that Angkor Wat is a giant Hindu temple complex in Cambodia, dedicated to the god Vishnu. It is one of the largest places of worship ever built and one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. You can read more about the history of Angkor Wat in the article: Thus, thanks to modern technology, today scientists have managed to unravel the mystery of the history of the Khmer Empire. However, despite the significance of the discovery, the most important finds are probably still ahead of archaeologists.
The main goal of our mission was achieved - this is an indisputable proof of the existence of a long-destroyed the ancient city of Mahendraparvata which each of you can see and touch with your own hands.
In the bed of a dried up river, you can see the so-called cultural layer, in which fragments of ceramics and other artifacts stand out.
These findings will help shed light on the history of human civilization.

By special order, we carry out trekking walking tours to the excavations of the ancient city of Mahendraparvata, as well as one-day excursions on motorcycles with a driver, as part of individual tours:

Miracle of the world. Angkor city forgotten in the jungle (video)

Continuation. Start: 1. Pattaya - Aran. 2. Aran-Siem Reap.

Having agreed with the tuk-tuk driver in the evening, in the morning we set off to explore the greatest miracle of the world and the pride of the Khmer civilization, the temple complex of Angkor, a city forgotten in the jungle. This is a giant Hindu temple complex in Cambodia. It is one of the largest religious buildings ever built and one of the world's most important archeological monuments. Built in the 9th to 12th centuries. For 4 centuries, different monarchs each built their own temple or terrace, or completed the previous ones in connection with a change in the cult.

The tuker arrived for us exactly as agreed at 9-00. Later, I concluded for myself that I had to leave for Angkor early, from 6-30 to 7-30, but I didn’t want to get up so early after the previous busy day. We explained to the driver that we were going to have breakfast and then to Angkor. In general, I concluded that if you ask a tuker to show you a hotel or a place where you can have a bite, or just tell him to stop by to buy water on the way, he will only take you to his relatives and friends, or those places where he is at least 10 cents of commissions will fall, completely without reflecting your wishes and interests. If you want to save money, then you yourself must clearly understand where to go. Here is a simple example. I asked him to stop somewhere on the way to Angkor, buy a couple of bottles of water with me. He drove through all the shops along the way, then turned off somewhere, into pickles, wandered among the huts and stopped at a merchant on the street, where I was offered to buy water at $1 for a 1.5 liter bottle. Yesterday I bought this water at the store he passed by for 60 cents. And you can take it from shopkeepers for 50. I categorically stated that the price was too high and named the price of the market. The carrier swallowed, but did not argue. Since neither I nor the seller probably have a small dollar coin and did not want to waste a lot of time on water, I offered $ 1.5 for two bottles and a deal. Keep in mind, here you will be bred for every cent. By the way, I received change from two dollars in local Riels. The rough rate is 4000 reaels for 1 dollar, in official places up to 4100. Be careful - they don’t want to take torn and tortured dollars, but they give change.

Finally, we moved to the mysterious and mysterious, covered with the dust of time and the lianas of the jungle, the majestic architectural monument of ancient civilizations, the temple complex of Angkor.

The best way to start your trip early followed by a break for lunch. Return to the hotel, relax in the pool, and closer to 15 hours, repeat the conquest of the temples. By 18:00, choose the top point of one of the temples to watch the sunset. In these places, sunset always occurs at the same time, around 18-30. As I understand it, on the territory of the complex it is problematic with normal nutrition. And if you decide not to return, take food with you, everything will be much more expensive here. Also, there is never too much water. Even if you take a significant supply, you are unlikely to stay on the way back.

To meet the dawn, it is worth visiting the remote Banteay Srei, Koh Ke or the nearby Angkor Wat and Ta Prohm. Sunsets are best seen at Angkor Wat, Phnom Bakeng, Pre Rup, East Mebon and Ta Keo. Sitting on a stone heated during the day by the sun's rays, imagine how the people who built them a thousand years ago met the sunset, hear the voice of an ancient civilization, the noise of battles.

The main thing is not to forget to fully charge the batteries of photographic equipment and free up space on flash cards.))) Alcoholic drinks are not recommended, the sun and heat will do their job and disable them, and when examining these stairs, skill is needed. Therefore, in any case, it is better to put all things and equipment in a backpack when ascending and descending. The stairs of the temples are very steep, the steps are narrow, at this time the hands should be free for safety net. When visiting Phnom Kulen, Kbal Spina, Banteay Chma, and Koh Ke, look out for signs along the roads and trails that say “Danger! Mines". Not all territories are cleared here, so it is better to take a conductor or guide.

Ancient Angkor is a city forgotten in the jungle, located almost 6 km north of the modern settlement of Siem Reap. Separate temples are several kilometers apart from each other, and the whole complex occupies more than 200 sq. km. That's why on foot you won’t walk, but many dare to ride bicycles (you can rent it in some guest houses), but for this you need to study the map well. And keep in mind that it is 12 km to Siem Reap and back, and you will wind at least 8 around the complex, plus on foot, are you ready for such a marathon?
Entrance to the temple complex is allowed from 5.30 am to 5.30 pm local time, the box office is open from 5.00 am, and from 5.00 pm you can buy a ticket for the next day and, as a bonus on this ticket, have time to enjoy the sunset in any temple for free on the current day.

Our tuk-tuk driver took us to the ticket office. Price ticket for 1 day visits to any temples of Angkor $ 20 per person, children under 12 years old are free. The price for a 3-day ticket is $40, and for a week of studies $60. Moreover, now there is an indulgence ticket for 3 days can be used during the week, the days may not go in a row if you are waiting for good weather or decide to relax. A ticket for 7 days can be used for 1 month. Beware - torn, soaked, lost tickets lead to the purchase of a new one, and being on the territory without a ticket leads to a $100 fine.

The cashier takes a picture of you and issues a ticket with your photo, at the entrance to each temple the ticket is checked - they look at the date and photo. If you want to get a ticket with your beautiful photo in good quality as a keepsake, you can bring your own in the size of a passport and it will be applied to the ticket (they laminate only for $ 60). Try not to be at the box office at 7.20-8.00 - this is the peak time when tourists are brought in from Korea, Japan and China. A lot of them. So many. And all of them without prepared photos, respectively, the procedure is delayed and you can enjoy the queue for a ticket to Angkor, the wonder of the world, for quite a long time. We are not such early birds, we left the hotel at 9.00 - there was no queue at the box office, we got tickets in 5 minutes.

Again we go to our tuk-tuk, on the map we agree with the driver what we want to have time to see for today and which route we will move on. On the standard map of Siem Reap for tourists, on the reverse side is a diagram of Angkor, where the large and small circles are indicated. By and large, you can slowly move within 3 days. Within 1 day it is possible to catch only a small circle.

There are usually three main itineraries to visit.

One day.

If you have one day to visit the temples of the great Khmer civilization, you will have to get up before sunrise and drive to Angkor Wat. Near the temple, without entering its central territories, you meet the dawn and immediately go to Bayon, stopping at the southern gate of Angkor Thom along the way. After visiting Bayon, you can see Bapuon, Pimeanakas, the terraces of the Elephants and the Leper King. If you have finished before lunch, then you can have time to drop into Pre Can and its long suite of rooms. The second part of the journey will pass through the Angkor Thom Victory Gate and Ta Koe Temple. Next - Ta Prohm, lost in the jungle, and at the end of the trip, go from the opposite, eastern side of Angkor Wat. Walk through the entire temple (about 2.5 km), climb to the central platform with towers, see galleries with carved bas-reliefs. If you have time before sunset, climb Phnom Bakheng and watch as the most famous temple of Cambodia disappears in the last rays of the sun.

Two days.

A two-day itinerary is preferable. Based on the itinerary of one day, you get more time to explore the temples on the first day. Start the morning of the second day in Banteay Srey (37 km from Siem Reap), and on the way back visit Ta Som, Nick Ping and Pre Can.

Three days or more.

With such a margin of time, you become the master of the temples, there is a unique opportunity to choose three options for inspection. First: You are using the two-day option tour, just combine a trip to Bentei Srey with a visit to the sacred mountain of Phnom Kulen with waterfalls and the Thousand Lingam stream. In the following days, you capture Roluos, and also visit Tonle Span Lake with water villages. The rest of the time, you revisit the places you like.
Second option. Slow, gradual inspection of the temples day after day, one after the other.

Third option. Inspection of the monuments of Khmer architecture in chronological order by the time of construction. 1. Day - Roluos, Koh Ke, Bentey Srei (before Koh Ke you can stop by Ben Melia). Day 2 - Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm, Ta Keo, Angkor Thom (Terraces, Bapuon, Pimeanakas, Bayon). Day 3 - Anchor Thom Gate again Bayon, Pre Can, Nick Pin and after lunch Tonle Sap.

The last two options are interesting in that you seem to be immersed in the atmosphere of an ancient civilization, start to live and think like local residents, at the same time, at any moment you can turn off the chosen route and lay your own, unknown to this day.

We decided to see first Prasat Kravan, Ta Prohm, Bayon, Baipon and, in the evening, Angkor Wat, with a break for lunch.

Prasat Kravan- look at the beginning. Interesting, but if you are not an orientalist, after Ta Proma or Bayon you will not be impressed. There are many bas-reliefs here. Only 5 prasats standing in one line, entrances from the east side. If you stand 1-2m from the central tallest building and look up, an incredible illusion is created that prasat is falling on you.
Built in 921, it is unique in that the bas-reliefs are carved directly into the brickwork. On the bas-reliefs you can see Vishnu, either riding Garuda, or with indispensable attributes in his hands: a lotus, a mace, a chakra and a shell. We spent about half an hour here. It is better to visit in the morning, then the lighting is more interesting.

Ta Prom- here the tuker will have time to rest properly, you will not leave this amazing place quickly. When we drove up - several groups of barangs came out to meet us (in Tae farangs, here barangs are all people of non-Asian appearance) completely stunned - we asked the tuker "What's wrong with them?" - he replied: this is normal, everyone goes out like that, you just see the temples of our Gods - he proudly declared.

And right. A temple built in 1196 by King Jayavarman VII in honor of his mother, whom he identified with the Goddess of Wisdom. Conceived as a monastery and university, the temple consisted of 39 prasats and more than 800 brick and stone structures. Left at the mercy of the jungle in the 15th century, after the fall of the Khmer empire, it began to look even more bewitching. Trees sprouted through the walls and wrapped around the top of the buildings - such a landscape was ideal for filming films about the tomb raider, the locals call this place - Angelina Jolie. In the 20th century, a program to restore the temples of Angkor began, and then they opened Ta Prohm among the jungle.

They decided to only strengthen and support it a little, but on the whole leave it in the form it was found by the researchers - now we can see in it how nature takes over everything.

We take a few photos. Here it is especially not easy - a lot of people, especially the Chinese. They are everywhere. They strive to take pictures everywhere, they generally have some kind of photo cult. They film everything. In general, everything. In the most interesting places, especially near the temples overgrown with trees, people line up for a good shot. The Chinese run in without a queue and break the entire exposition.

Here, too, amazing bas-reliefs are everywhere.

Further bayon. The famous gem of Angkor Thom. It is better to drive straight to Bayonne, because. from the gate of Angkor Thom, it is located about 1.5 km. The best time to visit is early morning - there are fewer tourists and the dawn beautifully illuminates the towers. Or at sunset, it's also beautiful, but there are a lot of tourists.

There are about fifty towers in the temple, on which there are 200 huge faces.

The faces on the four sides of the tower speak of the omnipresence of the Buddha, whose prototype was the founder of this temple, King Jayavarman VII, who identified himself with God.

It is said that at different times of the day, faces have different expressions from kind and peaceful to angry and terrifying.

Restoration of the lost parts of faces has not yet yielded results, tk. there is no technology for such precise stone turning as during the construction of these temples! None of all the world's experts without concreting, cementing, etc. did not figure out how to fasten these huge cobblestones. The photo shows that the left, restored part of the face breaks the symmetry. In contrast to the unrestored faces with the complete identity of the left and right sides, which surprises scientists.

This is simply incredible, with our development of civilization, science and technology, with the presence of laser technology. What other technologies have not been mastered by modern homo sapiens in order to catch up with the knowledge of the 11th-12th centuries.

Amazed, we spent about 2 hours here. Went up to levels 2 and 3. We saw guardian monks.

The little son greeted the giants with pleasure.

From here we decided to go to dinner. I explained to the driver that it was time to go to the hotel, and then we would return to Angkor Wat and continue sightseeing. Then I didn’t think at all that this would cause a discussion with the tuker in the future and be a reason for begging for money. We returned to our guesthouse, ate, and rested in the pool. As it turned out, a lot of young people from different European countries live in our guest house, and in the afternoon almost everyone fell out to relax in the pool, so the tank was full, but it was quite fun. Although the temperature of the heated water tended to body temperature))).

At 15-00, a tuker drove in, we moved on to continue the inspection. He drove to Angkor Wat and said: everyone, you wanted to come back here after dinner, please. For lunch, we left Angkor Thom, which is a couple of kilometers further, and planned to return there. I began to explain to him that we had interrupted the tour elsewhere and wanted to return there. He parried, you said Angkor, here he is, and Angkor Thom is further away and, like, you have to pay extra for gasoline. I was starting to get annoyed with this arrogance. Yesterday the price was agreed for the whole day with a break for lunch at the hotel. I explained to the tuker that he was very upsetting my disposition towards him, and I would be ready to pay only 10 dollars out of 15 for spoiling the mood and the excursion. Realizing that money cannot be squeezed out, but you can also lose it, the tuker moved on with a frustrated look. He was unlucky with travelers from Russia, where you sit on us and get off.)))

inspected Bauphon.

There are several restrictions when visiting this temple, children under 12 years old are not allowed, etc.

The temple was built as a five-stage pyramid of three tiers. This is a temple-mountain, personifying the sacred mountain Meru. During its heyday, the dome of the temple was covered with copper plates.

Bapuon was built by King Udayadityavarman II (Udayadityavarman II), who ruled from 1050 to 1066, and was the center of the former capital - the city of Yashodharapura. Restoration work has been going on for more than half a century, the temple looks dilapidated and not all places are open to the public.

The temple is located 200 meters northwest of Bayon, south of the Royal Palace and about 10 kilometers from the center of Siem Reap. Usually, it becomes the next object for inspection after Bayon. You can spend no more than half an hour here. If you don't have much time to see all the sights of Angkor Thom, then Bapuon might be worth skipping. There are few people here due to ongoing work.

Despite the foregoing, from the site of the central tower (third tier) a panoramic view of the surrounding area opens, in particular, the towers of Phnom Bakeng are visible from the south side, and Pimeanakas from the north. For good photos, it is better to choose the first half of the day or sunset.

Looked into Pimeanakas.

This so-called "heavenly temple" has no bas-reliefs.

Dedicated to Hinduism, built inX-XI centuries under Rajendravarman II (ruled 944-968), after restructuring under the reign of Suryavarman I (ruled 1002-1049) served as a temple at the royal palace. At the beginning of the 20th century restoration work began on cleaning the temple, some stairs were supplemented with wooden ones for ease of viewing.

There is a nice little pond nearby.

Nearby are two more small, not so popular Temples, which are why they are less trampled by tourists. Preah Pitu And Prasat sur Prat.

Inside the bas-reliefs, so clear, symmetrical and all different.

It's dangerous to enter, but soooo interesting.

Despite the clearing that has been going on for more than half a century, the jungle is advancing.

Surrounded by greenery, the buildings look exotic and bewitching.

The twelve towers of Prasat sur Prat served as a kind of court. One of the disputants sat on one tower, the second on another. Whoever gets sick first - he was wrong in the dispute. Such is the judgment of heaven. Yeah, under the local sun, it's no wonder both sides of the lawsuit will blister in a few days.

Moved to Ta Keo outside of Angkor Thom.

Temple mountain. Built as the center of the new capital Jaendranagari.

Ta Keo began to be erected under Jayavarman V, but was never completed.

Built of sandstone with a jeweler's precision of fitted blocks, it is oriented to the East and is dedicated to Lord Shiva.

To visit no more than half an hour, better in the first half.

For dessert left the most famousangkor wat.

This is the symbol of Cambodia, it is depicted on the national flag.

It is considered one of the largest human settlements of the pre-industrial era.
I was struck by the abundance of tourists at the entrance. The hope of seeing a majestic and secluded place quickly melted away. Crowds of tourists scurried back and forth, as if on the main street of the city at rush hour. Such fuss does not at all encourage one to think about the connection of times, about the spiritual meaning of being and about the greatness of ancient architects. What to do, apparently, the time for solitude in this great place has been lost and the ruthless feet of mass tourism, barbarously erase the stone pavements of the great temples to the ground.

I can advise you not to buy anything at the entrance to Angkor Wat. Prices here are three times more than you can find going deep into the temple. For example, one brisk young man offered me a guide to Cambodia in Russian for $25. I saw the same ones in the shops next to the temple already for 10. The calculation is simple - tourists, not having time to adapt to local economic conditions and, in anticipation of meeting with a piece of great history, cannot adequately assess the price level. For a tourist, in principle, 25 dollars is not that much money, but the reality is that here it is a huge capital.

Angkor Wat, originally dedicated to the god Vishnu, from the point of view of architecture combines the typology of the Hindu temple-mountain, representing the mythical Mount Meru - the abode of the gods

and a typology of galleries characteristic of the architecture of later periods.

The stones that make up the structure are extremely smooth, almost like polished marble.

Surprisingly, without mortar, the stones are so tightly fitted to each other that the seams between them are sometimes impossible to find. Stone blocks sometimes do not have any connections and are held only by their own weight.

Modern estimates were made, according to which it turned out that the construction of only one temple of Angkor Wat in our time would take more than one hundred years. However, Angkor Wat was begun shortly after Suryavarman II's accession to the throne, and completed shortly after his death, that is, no more than 40 years later.

The temple consists of three concentric rectangular buildings, the height of which increases towards the center, surrounded by a wall 1.5x1.3 km along the perimeter and a moat with water, the length of which is 3.6 km. The inner structure contains five lotus-shaped towers. The 65m high central tower is very impressive. The total area of ​​Angkor Wat is 200 hectares. On its territory there are such small buildings.

In the 15th century, it ceased to be used and was abandoned. Opened to European civilization in 1860.

One of the first Western visitors to the temple was António da Madalena (Portuguese monk), who visited it in 1586, he described what he saw as follows: “this is such an unusual structure that it is impossible to describe it with a pen, especially since it does not look like any other building in the world. It has towers and ornaments and every subtlety that human genius can imagine."

Khmer temples were not a meeting place for believers, but served as the dwelling place of the gods, and access to their central buildings was open exclusively to representatives of the religious and political elite. Angkor Wat is distinguished by the fact that it was also intended for the burial of kings.

The architecture of Angkor Wat is organically combined with its sculptural design. Bas-reliefs on the themes of Hindu mythology, the ancient Indian epics "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata", as well as on the theme of Khmer history are placed on three tiers of the bypass galleries of the temple.

The most remarkable are 8 huge panels on the first tier with the compositions “Churning the Milky Ocean” (churning the milky ocean with a mountain to get the divine drink of immortality and gaining power over the universe), “The Battle of Kurukshetra” and others, the total area of ​​​​which is 1200 m 2. The walls of the second tier are decorated with about 2000 figures of celestial maidens - apsaras. By and large, all surfaces, columns, lintels and even roofs are covered with carvings.

The outer wall of 4.5 meters is surrounded by a moat 190 meters wide.

The passage to the temple is carried out along an earthen embankment from the east, and from the west along the crest of a sandstone dam. The entrance from the west is the main entrance, and perhaps in the past there was a wooden bridge instead of a dam. Each of the cardinal directions has its own gorupa (a gate tower that serves as an entrance to the temple complex). Accordingly, the western group is the largest, it consists of three, now destroyed, towers.

Most of the space is now covered with forest. The western group with the temple is connected by a 350-meter stone road (platform) with a balustrade in the form of Naga figures. The road has six exits to the city on each side. A cruciform terrace, guarded by lion figures, connecting the stone road to the complex itself and the ponds were added later.

On this we, for a start, finished our acquaintance with ancient Khmer and world history. We returned to the room by 19-00 and went for a walk around the city at night. Are you here

  • Good luck friends!

    Angkor Wat (Temple City) is an ancient city near the city of Siem Reap, 322 km northwest of Phnom Penh (Cambodia), which was forgotten for a long time in the jungle. It was first discovered in 1601 by the Spaniard M. Ribandeiro, secondarily by the Frenchman A. Muo (1861).

    Angkor Wat, covering an area of ​​2 million m2, consists of 72 main monuments, the construction of which was started in 900.

    It is the center of a huge temple complex dedicated to the king of the Angkor Empire, Suryavarman II, whom the Khmers considered the earthly incarnation of the god Vishnu. The temple was built by the architect Preah Pushnuk around 1150.

    Angkor Wat is famous for the symmetrical arrangement of buildings (which is almost inexplicable for Khmers who do not know the laws of balance), the amazing placement of five towers in the form of lotus buds (the highest is 65 m) in relation to the facade (a traveler always sees only three towers when approaching). An unusual three-level terrace with covered galleries, the surroundings of the temple with columns, a stone fence and a 180 m wide moat - everything speaks of the gigantic scale of the building. It is estimated that the construction of this complex took as many stones as the pyramid of Pharaoh Khafre in ancient Egypt. Angkor Wat is included in the list of sites protected by UNESCO. It is famous for its art paintings on stone, which occupy a total area of ​​more than 2 thousand m2. Reliefs on mythological, historical and everyday themes adorn the walls hundreds of meters long. The Pol Potites caused irreparable damage to the architectural monument, destroying many sculptures that are now being restored.

    Angkor Wat is considered the largest religious building ever built.

    angkor photo

    In the morning, something very special awaits us at the residence of the Buddhist patriarch. Only for those who have a dream, the monks will perform the Sroi Tek ritual. Now your dreams will definitely come true!

    Then we will take a leisurely look at the Royal Palace and the Silver Pagoda - these are the main attractions of the city.

    But our dinner is again completely unusual: the hospitable Irina, one of the “first Russian Cambodians,” is waiting for us in her restaurant. Irina will tell guests about local fruits and teach them how to properly serve a Cambodian fruit dessert. This is delicious! And very unusual! It's not good to reveal other people's secrets, but what moonshine Irina makes from pineapple...

    Memories of the terrible times of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Now is the time to wander through the markets of Phnom Penh - the Yellow and the Russian market. Exhausting shopping! But, on the other hand, how to return home without gifts and souvenirs?!

    Departure Sihanoukville. To the ocean! To the beach! In the sun!

    Today we will interrupt your lazy beach holiday to meet Nikolai Doroshenko - the owner of Snake House, the prototype of one of the heroes of the Golden Section movie. He will talk about the fauna of Southeast Asia, introduce snakes from his living "collection". He will teach you how to handle them and even ... "milk" them to collect poison. The most daring can even (don't be scared: strictly optional!) experience a snake bite.

    You can also dine at the Snake Restaurant.

    Sea, beach, bliss! And how do you like the idea to ride on the most interesting islands? Coral reefs, snorkeling, fishing? Do you want to stay sunbathing on the beach? Your choice, of course, but...

    Departure to Phnom Penh International Airport. Flight to Hanoi 17-50 - 21-00, hotel accommodation. Night in Vietnam.

      Departure from Moscow at 19-00 a / c airline Vietnam airlines.

    • Arrival in Saigon at 08-45 am, Flight Saigon - Siem Reap 12-00 - 13-00.

      Arrival at the airport of Siem Reap, accommodation at the hotel.

      Take a breath after a long flight. Wander the streets, take your first pictures, feel the flavors of Southeast Asia.

      In the evening we start: we are waiting for dinner to the tunes of the national dance show.

      Angkor was once a huge city, the capital of the mighty Khmer empire. Its ancient majestic monasteries have been preserved, testifying to the strength of the spirit and faith of the ancient Khmers. For example, Angkor Wat, the main Hindu temple.

      After lunch - Khmer dance class. You don’t have to learn right away, but you will definitely admire the ancient, very beautiful, most complex temple art.

      Journey to Beang Mealea Temple and Koh Ke. Beng Mealea translates as "Lotus Lake". This is the second largest temple in Cambodia, it has been preserved in its original form and is buried in the jungle: a fabulous picture! Koh Ke is an ancient city, one of the capitals of the Great Khmer Empire. The main temple of the city of Prasat Thom is a seven-step pyramid, very similar to the Mexican ones.

      There is no restaurant on the territory of Beang Mealea, but we will take care of a delicious picnic - perhaps the most unusual in your biography. On the way back to Siem Reap, local residents are waiting for us. In one village, we learn all the secrets of Cambodian moonshiners who make rice vodka. And in the other, we will help the family in the preparation of palm sugar, the raw material for which, as the name implies, is palm sap.

      In the evening you will enjoy a Khmer massage session.

      Journey to the sacred mountain of Phnom Kulen. We will visit an ancient and very beautiful pagoda, wash ourselves in the Thousand Lingams stream, take pictures against the backdrop of the waterfalls of Mount Kulen. Visit the Pink Temple of Banteay Srei.

      And in the evening, upon returning to Siem Reap, we will practice the art of cooking Khmer cuisine.

      Departure to the capital of Cambodia - Phnom Penh. On the way, we will stop at Sombor Prei Kuk to see the temples of the pre-Angkor period, similar to the inverted Mexican pyramids. .

      On the way to lunch, you can try the world-famous local delicacies: fried field cockroaches, tarantulas, scorpions stuffed with worms or deep-fried locusts. Don't be scared! The most impressionable will be offered quite ordinary dishes.

      Having reached the capital, we will check into a hotel and go for a walk around the city

    The Kingdom of Cambodia - the Lost City and snow-white beaches - note to the tourist. Useful articles on the "Subtleties of tourism".

    For many Russian tourists, holidays in Cambodia have become quite popular and a priority. A tour to Cambodia will impress even the most sophisticated traveler.

    Cambodia is a state located in Southeast Asia in the south of the Indochina peninsula, bordered in the east by Vietnam, in the north by Laos, and in the northwest by Thailand. The shores of the country go to the Gulf of Thailand of the South China Sea. Cambodia is rich in unique monuments of religion and architecture. One of the main attractions is the ancient temple complex of Angkor Wat, which annually come to see from all over the world.

    Angkor Wat is the largest temple complex in the world, a unique monument of religion and culture, awarded the right to be depicted on the national flag of Cambodia. Every year, Angkor Wat is visited by more than two million people from different parts of the world, constantly admiring the incredible beauty and grandeur of the grandiose religious building.

    The name of the temple is fully consistent with its monumental splendor: the name Angkor Wat in translation means the phrase "city-temple". It is often referred to as the best example of traditional architecture, a monument that laid the foundation for the Khmer canons of building. However, the history of the temple is complex and confusing. According to some assumptions, Angkor Wat does not belong to the heritage of the Khmer civilization, since it is an atypical building for them. Today it is known that the temple complex of Angkor Wat was built in the 12th century, during the reign of King Suryavarman II in the Khmer Empire.

    By purchasing tours to Cambodia, you get a unique opportunity to choose an excursion route or combine relaxation on the snow-white beaches of Cambodia with sightseeing.

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    After wonderful excursion programs to the ancient temples of Angkor, you should go on vacation on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand, to the resort town of Sihanoukville. It is the largest city in the country located on the sea. Sihanoukville is very young, it arose in the 50s of the 20th century and played the role of a large deep-water port, and later, twenty years later, it turned into an elite seaside resort. The rapid development of Sihanoukville began around the 1990s and continues now, it is constantly building new high-class hotels and improving the necessary tourist infrastructure. The beaches of Sihanoukville are famous for their fine golden sand and azure clear waters of the sea. There are almost no nightclubs, discos and similar entertainment here, but in Sihanoukville you can feel the spirit of real Southeast Asia, see its stunning natural beauty and colorful national traditions. The resort offers visitors many opportunities for water sports and a wide range of excursions, including trips to nearby islands where you can enjoy sea fishing. It is best to start your acquaintance with the nature of Cambodia with a trip to Ream National Park. For many tourists, tours to Cambodia with sea holidays are a great opportunity not only to get acquainted with the traditions of the ancient Khmers, but also to feel the beauty of the best beaches.

    Ream is one of the largest national parks in the country, at the same time well protected and the most comfortable for guests. The park is located southeast of Sihanoukville, not far from the city, and occupies a vast territory on which several ecosystems are located at once. Here you can see plants of the marine coastal zone, tropical and mangrove forests. Ream Park is a habitat for many species of animals, including those that are under the threat of complete extinction and have been taken under state protection. On special trails in the park, you can take walking tours and watch colorful butterflies and amazing birds, some of which are found only in Cambodia or Southeast Asia.