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Where is the Dmitrievsky Cathedral. Pre-Mongolian churches of Rus': Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir. End of the 12th century.

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir - the main princely temple, built by the Grand Duke Vsevolod the Big Nest according to the research of N. N. Voronin, in 1194-1197. (There is information that according to chronicle data discovered in the 1990s by T.P. Timofeeva, it was built in 1991). It is one of the brightest, most expressive and famous monuments of the Vladimir-Suzdal architecture of the pre-Mongolian period.

The temple was consecrated in the name of St. Dmitry of Thessalonica - the heavenly patron of Prince Vsevolod Yuryevich, who received the name Dmitry at baptism. Despite the indicated dating, the exact time of construction of the cathedral is unknown. Chronicler of Vladimir, speaking of death
Grand Duke Vsevolod, mentions that in his courtyard he created a “beautiful church” in the name of the holy martyr Dmitry and “wonderfully” decorated it with icons and paintings. That is why a number of researchers attribute the construction of the cathedral to the period between 1194 and 1197.

Only Russian architects were involved in the work on the cathedral - the chronicler emphasizes that for the construction of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, "they were no longer looking for masters from the Germans." However, according to one version, among the builders there were still people from the Balkan Peninsula - Bulgarians, Serbs or Dalmatians. This explains the similarity of the white-stone decoration of the cathedral with the general medieval traditions, which are characteristic not only for
Balkans and Byzantium, but also other European states. In 1197, to the Demetrius Cathedral from the Basilica of St. Dmitry in the Greek city of Thessaloniki (Thessalonica), the main relics were brought - a large icon depicting the saint in full growth, and
a silver chased reliquary, where there was a "shirt" - a piece of clothing soaked in the blood of a martyr. The chronicler reports: “And he brought a tombstone from Selun to the holy martyr Dmitry, who constantly wears myrrh on the health of the weak, put it in that church, and immediately put the shirt of the same martyr.”
Why is the cathedral dedicated to Demetrius? Vsevolod's mother, a Byzantine princess, lived in Constantinople, at the court of Emperor Manuel Komnenos, where St. Dmitry was revered as
patron of the imperial family.

Photo by A.A. Aleksandrov from the book by G.K. Wagner "Old Russian cities".

The modern appearance of the cathedral differs significantly from the original: it survived devastating fires in 1536, then in 1719 and in the 1760s. It is known that as early as the 15th century, repairs were carried out, initiated by the Moscow princes. At the beginning of the 16th century, the cathedral was still considered grand-ducal, but later lost this significance. In the XVI-XVII centuries the cathedral
renovated, partially losing the old structural and decorative elements.

Demetrius Cathedral in the 1830s. Drawing by F. Richter

According to some researchers, the greatest damage was caused to the building in the 19th century and by no means by fire. ; In 1834, during a visit to Vladimir, Emperor Nicholas I drew attention to the extreme dilapidation and poverty of the temple and wished to restore the cathedral to its “primitive appearance”. In 1837-1839, zealous "reenactors" dismantled the gallery surrounding the cathedral from the south, west and north, brought under the level of the arcade-columnar
belts, as well as adjoining towers from the north and south with internal stairs leading to the choirs. These irreplaceable losses not only distorted the appearance of the temple, but also greatly weakened its structure. In the years 1840-1847, repairs were also made inside the building: the walls were re-painted, while the ancient frescoes died, the floor was lowered, a new iconostasis was arranged,
spiral staircase to the choir.

Demetrius Cathedral in 1834. Drawing by F. Dmitriev

Dmitrievsky Cathedral. Plan.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the head of the cathedral on a high drum is covered with a golden helmet. The helmet-like covering of domes is one of the signs of ancient architecture (as a rule, up to the 16th century inclusive).
The main material for construction was white stone - limestone. The facades of the temple are clearly divided into three tiers. The lower one is practically devoid of any decoration, because it was originally closed by single-tier galleries surrounding the cathedral from three sides. Stair towers were located at the corners of the galleries. These galleries and towers most likely appeared or were rebuilt a little later than the cathedral itself and connected the cathedral with
princely palace. They also had white-stone carvings, somewhat different in style, which later, when dismantling the galleries and towers in 1838, were used to repair losses on the facades of the cathedral.

The middle tier demonstrates an arcade-columnar belt with rich ornamentation. The upper tier along its entire plane, from the top of the arcuate-columnar belt to the top, is also decorated with carvings. The columns of the arched belt in this abundance of carvings are perceived as a bordering ribbon; Carvings are also present on the cylindrical drum, on which a gilded dome rises.

However, the constructive integrity is not violated by the decor: vertical pilasters rhythmically divide the facades, subordinating all the carved decoration to the architecture.

There are more than five hundred reliefs on the facades of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral.

Authentic reliefs have been preserved on the western facade, in the central and eastern sections of the southern and northern facades, and on the apses. Many carved stones from the dismantled towers mentioned above fell on the western curtains of the southern and northern facades, and many reliefs had to be made anew. The ancient arcade-columnar belt survived only in
in the western part of the northern facade, the rest of the columns and figures of saints were carved in the 19th century.
The exceptions are 13 columns removed from the towers and sitting saints on the western facade. In addition, stone blocks with sprawling "trees" under the figures of saints were also removed from the towers.

Sculptural decoration of portals. Fragment.

Carved stones on the facades of the temple create a bizarre picture of the world, where Christian images harmoniously coexist with images of pagan mythology and plots of medieval literature.

The carving of the columnar belt depicts a whole gallery of saints, among which there are figures of princes Boris and Gleb. Images of fantastic
animals or plants. The sculptures are separated by carved columns of the arcade belt.

It can be assumed that the main theme of the sculptural design of the cathedral was the theme of power. The southern façade is decorated with a large composition "The Ascension of Alexander the Great to Heaven". This plot, which seems very unusual to a modern observer for decorating an Orthodox church, was extremely popular in Rus', Europe, and the East in the Middle Ages thanks to the Byzantine story "Alexandria", translated into many languages. According to Academician B.A. Rybakov's "Ascension of Alexander" in church sculpture of the second half of the 12th century was equally important Christian images. Alexander is depicted in a wicker box, which is carried on the wings of two griffins. He holds small lion cubs in his hands, acting as a "bait" for griffins. Flying monsters stretch to the bait, thereby taking the king up.This plot was very common in Vladimir-Suzdal art: he
adorned both the original Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir and the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, and symbolized the divine patronage of princely power.

On the northern facade, facing the city, there is a relief “Prince Vsevolod with his sons”. Vsevolod the Big Nest is depicted sitting on a throne, surrounded by his eldest sons Konstantin, George, Yaroslav and Svyatoslav, with the newborn Vladimir in his arms. In total, the prince had twelve sons. This, as you know, was the reason for the emergence of his nickname "Big Nest".

The western wall of the temple is decorated with three reliefs, stylized illustrating the exploits of Hercules. According to one version, the masters of Vladimir borrowed these scenes from Western European culture: they transferred to the walls of the palace temple images that adorned a medieval Romanesque casket, which was kept in the prince's treasury.

King David plays the lute. Relief fragment.

The central place among the characters present in the design of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral is occupied by the figure of King David. It is presented in the decor of the three facades of the temple. In the image of David - a psalmist, shepherd, king, prophet - most likely, the image of Christ is anticipated. The whole created world - animals, birds, trees and herbs - listens to David at the foot of the throne. According to another opinion, the reliefs of the Dmitrovsky collection date back to folk
mythology, pointing to the connection of images with the “Pigeon Book”, the main character of which is King Davil, a kind conjurer of natural forces and an inspired singer. G.K. Wagner, the author of a special monograph on the sculpture of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus', believed that the reliefs of the Demetrius Cathedral did not depict David at all, but his son Solomon, the prophet
and the king, who holds in his hands not a harp, but a scroll. Solomon was considered the ideal of a wise ruler, and that is why Vsevolod sought to decorate his palace temple with images of him.

Relief of arcade-columnar belt. Fragment

The New Testament theme is represented by the images of saints in an arcade-columnar belt and in medallions, as well as twelve horsemen. It is difficult not to note that with all this, most of the reliefs are devoted to non-church subjects.

According to some researchers, the animal world of the reliefs of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral is essentially an "aristocratic" animal world, which acquired the significance
heraldic emblems of the nobility.

And indeed, the princely coats of arms of the XII-XIII centuries often contained images of leopards, pardus (leopard cats) and other heraldic creatures.

Therefore, there is an assumption that not representations of folk mythology are embodied on the walls of the cathedral, but images that came from the world of medieval literature - the princely nobility was familiar with them. Such plots were unknown to the common people and
incomprehensible, surprised and even frightened. In addition - and it is worth paying attention to - initially the cathedral stood behind a white stone wall and only those who had access to the princely court could admire its carvings.

Address: Russia, Vladimir, st. Bolshaya Moskovskaya, 60
Start of construction: 1194
Completion of construction: 1197
Coordinates: 56°07"45.2"N 40°24"39.3"E
Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation


Short story

As early as the beginning of the 12th century, the Suzdal land was a backwater in the north-east of Rus', but already at the beginning of the 13th century it became a principality, playing a decisive role in the life of the country.

Under Vsevolod the Big Nest, the Vladimir-Suzdal principality reaches its highest power. In commemoration of the heyday of the Vladimir land, Vsevolod decided to build his “personal”, court temple in the princely court, a hundred meters from the Assumption Cathedral.

General view of the cathedral

Between 1194 - 1197, the prince erected a church, decorated with white stone carvings, and consecrated it in honor of his heavenly patron - Dmitry Solunsky. In those days, the princes had two names: princely and Christian, given at baptism. Vsevolod got the name Dmitry. For having many children, Vsevolod received the nickname "Big Nest". By the time the cathedral was built, the son of Dmitry was born to the prince, which was another reason to consecrate the temple in honor of the Great Martyr Dmitry.

Demetrius Cathedral - reliquary reliquary

Since ancient times, Saint Dmitry was revered as the patron saint of warriors. According to his life, Dmitry served as proconsul in the Greek city of Thessaloniki (another name is Thessalonica, modern Thessaloniki). In addition to the tasks of administration, the proconsul had to defend the city from the barbarians and exterminate Christianity. Defending the borders, Dmitry proved himself to be a talented commander, but angered the pagan emperor Galerius by preaching the Christian faith. Dmitry was stabbed with spears in prison, and after the execution, his body was thrown to the wild beasts, but they did not touch him, and the Christians of Thessalonica buried the remains of the earth.

Southeast facade of the cathedral

While in Thessalonica, the Christian emperor Constantine (306-337) founded a church at the place of execution of the great martyr, in which the relics of Demetrius of Thessalonica are kept to this day. After 8 centuries, Vsevolod the Big Nest, creating a court temple, traveled to Thessaloniki and brought relics from there. The icon of the Great Martyr Dmitry, written, according to legend, on his coffin board, and a piece of clothing soaked in the blood of the saint were chosen as the shrines of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral - a monument of white stone architecture

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir is a Byzantine type of church with four pillars and three semicircular apses. The building is crowned with a gentle gilded dome and an openwork cross. from slotted gilded copper with a weather vane in the form of a dove. The chronicle reports that Vsevolod invited Russian architects to build the temple and "did not look for masters from the Germans." However, not only Vladimir carvers worked on the decoration, but also Greek craftsmen, so the white-stone decoration of the cathedral is dominated by elements typical of Western medieval basilicas.

Northeast facade of the cathedral

The masonry technique, decorative false arches on the facade, perspective portals and windows are borrowed from Romanesque architecture. Initially, the cathedral was surrounded by galleries that connected it with the grand ducal chambers. The passage was dismantled in 1837 - 1839, during the restoration carried out by order of Emperor Nicholas I. Due to the abundance of white stone carvings covering the walls of the temple and the drum of the dome, Dmitrievsky Cathedral is called "a poem in stone", "a carpet of stone patterns." 566 carved stones create a bizarre picture of the world, where Christian motifs are intertwined with pagan images. On the walls of the temple, the earthly world is presented in all its diversity: real and mythical animals, warlike horsemen, psalmists and saints are depicted here. Carved compositions glorify the greatness of the Prince of Vladimir, as wise as King David, fearless as Alexander the Great and strong as the biblical hero Samson. The main sculptural composition is David the musician, who is listened to by animals and birds. The lions and doves surrounding the king symbolize heaven and earth, and, therefore, David appears in the miniature as the representative of God on earth and personifies the idea of ​​a God-protected state.

Southwest facade of the cathedral

On the northern facade of the cathedral, you can also see the creator of the temple himself: one of the zakomara depicts a man sitting on a throne with a baby on his knees. This is Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest with his youngest son. The figures of the elder sons are carved next to him. Dmitrievsky Cathedral is much more beautiful outside than inside. Its interiors are modestly decorated. Of the ancient frescoes of the 12th century, only a fragment of the Last Judgment painting, made by a Greek master and his Russian assistant, has survived. The temple is small, because it was built exclusively for the princely family and was not designed for parishioners and pilgrims. The wide vaults and the calm rhythm of the supporting arches give the interior decoration an austere solemnity.

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Rus' was a great state whose lands were occupied large area. Not surprisingly, some of them were empty and no one cared about them. This also applies to the Suzdal land. At the beginning of the 12th century, no one really knew anything about this lot. But already from the beginning of the 13th century, it became a principality, which played a very significant role in the history of the state. It reached its highest development during the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest. In honor of marking such a flourishing land, it was decided to build a court church in the princely courtyard, not far from the Assumption Cathedral.

Construction history

The construction of the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir took place between 1194-1197. The built church was decorated with white stone carvings. The name was given to her in honor of the heavenly patron Vsevolod - Dmitry Solunsky. In those years, the main feature was that the princes had 2 names: Christian and princely. The name Dmitry was given to him at baptism. Since he was from a large family, he was nicknamed "The Big Nest".

Before starting the construction of the temple, the prince became a father, and this was another factor for the consecration of the temple in honor of the Great Martyr Dmitry.

If we take historical facts, then this is an approximate brief description of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir. As already noted, the construction fell on the heyday of the Suzdal principality. It was built only by the best craftsmen and used the best building materials. The basis of its walls was white limestone. In 1197, work on its construction was completed. The prince decreed there, as well as a leather jacket with a shirt on which was the blood of a martyr.

In 1237 the Mongol-Tatars plundered the cathedral. At that time, they brought a lot of grief to the entire principality. But the troubles did not end there for the damaged and looted cathedral. He survived three more fires and again endured robberies.

In 1837-1839, Nicholas 1 ordered the "restoration" of the cathedral. According to him, the temple was to acquire its original appearance. As a result of such actions, the most interesting parts of it were destroyed: galleries and stair towers.

In Soviet times, it was only a monument of ancient Russian art. In 1919, a decision was made to close it for worship. In the 20th century, this building has experienced many restorations. The last ones were held in 1999-2004. On given time services are not held in the temple. And the cathedral belongs to the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. Tourists can visit it as a museum exhibition.

There is a lot of information about this cathedral. But among them are the most Interesting Facts about Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir:

  1. The reliefs that adorn the white-stone cathedrals carry a certain meaning that was known to people 200-300 years ago. It is very difficult for contemporaries to understand the meaning. One can only assume that it says about the Garden of Eden and the kingdom of heaven.
  2. This building was built of white limestone. Around it were galleries, which at the western corners turned into stair towers.
  3. The cathedral survived fires three times, but at the same time it was restored again and again.
  4. Among the memories of him in the annals it is said that the rarest shrine from Thessalonica itself was brought to the temple. It was the tomb of the martyr Demetrius. Many spoke of numerous healings taking place then.

Address and how to get there

The address of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral of Vladimir is as follows: Russia, Vladimir, Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street, 60. The most important thing is to get to the city. There, every local resident will be able to help you find your way to the temple.

This cathedral is included in the excursion routes of many travel agencies. Although the temple is not active and you will not be able to visit the service or light a candle, but its beauty will win you over. In its exposition, the most unique are the frescoes, as well as the interior of the cathedral. It must be remembered at least that not many such ancient structures have survived to this day. And while there is an opportunity, it is worth admiring them.

God bless you!

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There are many ancient temples on the Vladimir land that amaze the traveler with their beauty and, at the same time, brevity. And today my story will be about one of them - the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir.

Demetrius Cathedral, as we see it today, is the result of the “restoration” of 1837-1839 and subsequent works designed to at least partially correct what was destroyed by the Nikolaev “experts of the Russian style”. Initially, the cathedral at the level of the first tier was surrounded on three sides by galleries, and from the western facade there were two stair towers in the corners.

When exactly the Dmitrievsky Cathedral was built is unknown. Historians believe it was between 1194 and 1197. The customer was Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest (1154-1212), who created a “beautiful church” in his courtyard in the name of the martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica, his heavenly patron. The cathedral was built mainly by Russian masters, although people from the Balkan Peninsula were also involved in the work. As a building material, white stone was used - limestone, which became the "calling card" of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality.

In 1197, relics were brought to the Demetrius Cathedral from the Basilica of St. Demetrius in Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki) - a “coffin board” (a large icon) depicting a saint in full growth and a silver chased reliquary, in which there was a “shirt” (a piece of clothing, soaked in the blood of a martyr).

In 1237 the cathedral was looted and damaged by the Tatars, then burned in 1536, 1719, 1760s. Until the beginning of the 16th century, the Cathedral of St. Demetrius was considered a Grand Duke's, but then lost this status. In the 16th-17th centuries, it was “renovated”, as a result of which the ancient decorative and structural elements were partially lost. If the restoration of 1837-1839 distorted the appearance of the cathedral, then the work of 1840-1847 inside the building destroyed the ancient frescoes and not only: the floor was lowered, a new iconostasis was arranged.

After the revolution, the cathedral was closed and transferred to the Vladimir Museum. In 1918, the Commission for the Preservation of Monuments of Painting under the leadership of I.E. Grabarya under the choirs discovered frescoes of the 12th century with scenes of the Last Judgment. In 1937, restoration work began, which was continued during the Great Patriotic War. One of the main tasks for the restorers was the problem of the preservation of the white stone. In the course of work in 1999-2004, the white stone was covered with a protective plastic mixture, drainpipes were installed, the cross on the dome was replaced, and a special microclimate was created inside the cathedral, allowing this outstanding monument to be preserved.

Currently, the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, and there is a museum inside.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, western facade

External appearance of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral

Demetrius Cathedral is distinguished by the clarity of the composition. In its type, it is close to the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. It is a classic cross-domed three-apse temple, one-domed and four-pillared. Being the center of the grand ducal palace, it embodied the idea of ​​the might of the grand ducal power.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, south facade

The cathedral is built of white limestone. The facades are clearly divided into three tiers. The lower one is devoid of decoration, as in the past it was closed by galleries. The arcuate-columnar belt of the second tier is richly ornamented. It sort of separates the “earthly”, lower part of the temple from the upper, “heavenly”, material and spiritual. The upper belt and cylindrical drum are richly decorated with carvings. The drum, which is crowned with a helmet-shaped golden dome, is also decorated with carvings. It is no coincidence that the cathedral was called the “stone poem”, “precious casket”.

566 carved stones adorn the walls of the cathedral. They can be considered endlessly: fantastic plants and animals, people. Not all of them have survived to our time in their original form - many of the reliefs were restored in the 19th century or assembled from dismantled towers. A connoisseur of art will see here a lot of foreign motifs - once common in the Balkans, Byzantium, Western Europe.

The southern façade is decorated with the composition "The Ascension of Alexander the Great to Heaven", a plot extremely popular in the Middle Ages in the Christian world. The northern facade is decorated with a relief "Prince Vsevolod with his sons". The Western Wall illustrates the exploits of Hercules. In the decor of all three facades of the temple there is a figure of King David, who, according to a number of researchers, anticipates the image of Christ. According to other researchers, this is King Solomon.

When looking at carved sculptures, you can't always find analogies from the real world. Rather, it is a fantastic mountain world inhabited by unknown creatures. At the same time, there are quite recognizable earthly characters.

The whole cathedral is permeated with symbolism. So, for example, birds symbolize the family, lions - the state, lion masks on the top of the drum symbolize the princely affiliation of the cathedral.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral, detail of the western facade

Demetrius Cathedral, detail of the arcade-columnar belt

The interior of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral

There is now a museum inside the cathedral. This provides the ideal temperature and humidity to preserve the unique white stone. In addition, the absence of traditional elements of interior decoration allows you to see the entire majestic structure of the temple.

Vaults and drum of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral

The capitals of the inner pillars are decorated with lions.

The surviving fragments of the fresco of the Last Judgment of the 12th century under the choirs in the western part of the temple are unique. It depicts the apostles sitting on thrones, behind whom are angels. Perhaps the author was a Greek master. Some researchers believe that there were two authors: Greek and Russian origin.

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir was erected under the Grand Duke Vsevolod the Big Nest in the 12th century, when the Vladimir principality was at the zenith of its glory. Dmitrievsky Cathedral is one of the most outstanding buildings of that time, famous for its white stone decoration, thanks to which it is often compared with a "precious casket" and a "stone poem".

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

Vladimir, st. Bolshaya Moskovskaya, 60.

How to get to the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

The temple is located in the very center of the city. You can walk from the railway and bus stations in 15-20 minutes: walk two blocks along Kommunalny Spusk to Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street. Turn left and follow Bolshaya Moskovskaya street.

Within walking distance are the main attractions of Vladimir, for example, the Golden Gate and the Assumption Cathedral.

Working hours of the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir in 2019

  • From 10:00 to 19:00
  • Days off - June 11, 25 and 26, July 9 and 23, August 6, 20 and 28, September 3 and 17

The cost of tickets to the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir in 2019

  • Adults - 150 rubles
  • Children under 16 - free of charge
  • Children from 16 years old and students - 100 rubles

From the history

By the end of the XII century, Kyiv lost its former importance, while the Vladimir-Suzdal principality was at its peak. Dmitrievsky Cathedral has become the personification of the strength, rise and power of the Vladimir land.

The temple was erected by Prince Vsevolod III, who was called Vsevolod the Big Nest for his many children - he had 12 children. At that time, the princes had two names - princely and Christian, which they received at baptism. Vsevolod III received at baptism the name Dmitry Solunsky, in whose name he decided to build a temple.

The exact date of the construction of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral has not been established: according to historians, it was built by Russian craftsmen in the period from 1194 to 1197.

The temple was erected as the palace church of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. The building was located in the Grand Duke's courtyard, surrounded by palace buildings that have not survived to this day, but traces of them were discovered during the restoration carried out in the 19th century.

During the invasion of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and the capture of Vladimir in 1238, the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, like the main temple of the principality - the Assumption Cathedral, was looted and set on fire. In subsequent years, the temple was devastated several times by the Tatars, Lithuanians and Poles.

A great loss for the cathedral was the transfer in 1380, at the behest of the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich, of his main shrine - the tomb of St. Dmitry of Thessalonica to the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow.

In the reign of Ivan the Terrible, extensions of white stone were made to the temple. They were located on three sides, they had side chapels:

  • In the northern part - a chapel in honor of St. Nicholas
  • In the south side - in honor of the beheading of John the Baptist

In the western part there was a porch.

In 1807-1808, repairs were carried out, as a result of which the iconostasis was updated, and the wooden roof was replaced with an iron one. At the same time, a bell tower was built above the ancient aisles, and a porch with columns was built on the western side of the temple.

In 1834, Nicholas I, during a visit to Vladimir, ordered to destroy the old outbuildings and return the temple to its original appearance. In 1837, the restoration was completed and the Dmitrievsky Cathedral appeared in all its ancient beauty.

For a long time the temple remained cold and services were held in it only in summer time. In 1883, the cathedral warden, merchant V.N. Muravkin built a small belfry nearby with a gatehouse, in which there was an oven. Pipes led from it to the temple, through which warm air flowed. Thanks to this, divine services began to take place all year round, it became dry in the temple and thus, a favorable atmosphere was created for the frescoes.

outdoor decoration

white stone carving

The white-stone carving of the cathedral was created by Vladimir carvers who worked together with Bulgarians, Dalmatians or Serbs. Therefore, in the white stone decoration you can see the plots common in the Balkans, in Byzantium and throughout Europe.

In total, about a thousand carved stones are installed on the facades, representing a bizarre picture of the world: these are images of Christianity, heroes of folk myths and plots of medieval literature.


In terms of plan, the Dmitrievsky Cathedral is an oblong quadrangle, the narrow sides of which go to the east and west.

The facades of the building are divided into three tiers:

  • The lower façade is unfurnished, which is explained by the fact that earlier it was covered with galleries on three sides. In addition, from the western facade, at the corners of the galleries, there were two stair towers. These galleries and towers were also decorated with white stone carvings. But, unfortunately, to date, these buildings have not been preserved.
  • On the middle tier are white-stone carved figures of saints, including princes Boris and Gleb, bizarre plants, figures of fantastic animals and birds, in a word, a real fairy tale in stone
  • The upper tier, which has narrow high windows, is completely covered with carvings.

The gilded dome has a flat shape, reminiscent of a heroic helmet. Above is an openwork cross made of gilded copper.

Temple facades

  • The composition "Ascension of Alexander the Great to Heaven" is made on the southern facade of the temple. This plot was very popular in Rus', in Europe and in the East. The plot is based on two griffins carrying a king sitting in a wicker basket on their wings. In the hands of Alexander is a bait for griffins in the form of little lion cubs. Griffins reach for the bait and thus carry the king into the skies
  • On the northern facade you can see the relief "Prince Vsevolod with his sons", depicting Prince Vsevolod III, thanks to whom the temple was built. On his knees he holds a newborn son, and around him are his other sons.
  • On the western facade there are scenes depicting the exploits of David and Hercules.

In each of the facades, the central place is occupied by the figure of King David, whose image is the key to understanding the symbolism of the white stone carvings of the cathedral. All the characters in the reliefs of the Dmitrievsky Cathedral are an illustration of the lines of David's psalm "Let every breath praise the Lord!"


Admiring the numerous patterns on the facades of the temple, you expect that we will be met with similar decoration inside. However, at present, the interior of the temple is quite modest.

At the same time, initially the vault of the ancient cathedral was completely painted with frescoes and, probably, the worshipers literally took their breath away from the splendor of church painting.

The restoration carried out in 1843 made it possible to discover under the vaults of the choir the remains of a fresco painting of the 12th century, depicting one of the best compositions - scenes from the Last Judgment. To date, only fragments of this painting have survived:

  • In the central vault under the choirs, you can see the figures of the 12 apostles-judges on thrones and angels behind them.
  • In the small vault under the choirs, scenes of paradise are depicted: trumpeting angels and the apostle Peter leading the holy wives to paradise, the prudent robber, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as well as the Mother of God on the throne.

The frescoes are made in delicate halftones - light green and blue, greenish-yellow and bluish-gray. The faces of the apostles are distinguished by strict beauty, portrait features and individuality. Judging by the style of painting, it was made by two painters - Greek and Russian.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral is small, because it was built as a "house of prayer" for the princely family and was not designed for a large number of parishioners. Its inner space is filled with air and light, everything here is permeated with solemn calm and tranquility.

Official website of the Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

It is part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve:

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir is one of the masterpieces of architecture in North-Eastern Rus'. In 1992, the architectural monument was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.