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Lovcen, Cetinje, Njegos Mausoleum - maxi Montenegro excursion. Mount Lovcen and Njegos Mausoleum in Montenegro (photos, reviews) Lovcen National Park Montenegro

National Park Lovcen (Nacionalni park Lovcen) was registered in 1952 as a special environmental zone of Montenegro. This park is located at the junction of two climatic zones - Mediterranean and continental, which contributed to the development of a rich fauna with numerous endemic species of animals and plants. 1/3 of the existing varieties of flora on the territory of Montenegro grow here.

The park area is also home to many animals: wolves, bears, wild boars, foxes, deer, rabbits, hedgehogs, voles, about 200 species of birds, 11 species of reptiles, and a huge number of different types of insects. The two highest peaks stand out in the Lovcen Mountains - Štirovnik (Štirovnik), 1,749 meters above sea level, which can only be climbed with special equipment, and Jezerski vrh (Lake Cross) -1,657 meters above sea level, where it is located.

Lifehack: In the summer, when visiting the city of Cetinje, Lovcen National Park, the Njegus residence, do not forget to take outerwear and wear jeans. The temperature difference between the hot coast and Cetinje can be up to 10-15 degrees. In winter, snow is possible here, especially at the top of the Njegos Mausoleum.

Lovcen National Park is beautiful at any time of the year. Driving along the mountain serpentine, you will see how the surrounding nature changes. If you just walked along the embankment on the coast and admired the palm trees, magnolias, and acacias, then here you will already find a real forest of northern latitude.

How to get to Lovcen National Park?

Lovcen National Park can be reached in two ways, from the city of Cetinje, as well as from along which part of the caravan route passed. You can plan a trip by car with an initial visit to Cetinje, then national park Lovcen, and down the old Kotor road, also called the Royal Road. A descent consisting of 25 loops awaits you. For some this may seem extreme, but the view of the Bay of Kotor will hide the possible difficulties of this mountain serpentine.

By car or taxi from Cetinje you can get to (Ivanova Korita), a picturesque plain in the mountains, where there is also an extreme park “” with ropes stretched on the trees, structures along which you can pass trails of varying difficulty levels.

Entrance to Lovcen National Park is paid - 3 euros per person.

Of course, it’s better to see it once than to hear about it a hundred times!

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Lovcen (Cetinje, Montenegro) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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The heart of Montenegro beats on one of the two peaks of Mount Lovcen - Jezerski vrh, which is not far from Kotor. From here you can see this entire tiny beautiful country from the emerald waters of the Boka Kotorska to the harsh peaks of Durmitor and the surface of Lake Skadar. That is why its owner Petar II Njegos bequeathed to bury him here, so that he could always admire his beloved homeland. Shepherd, monk, metropolitan, prince, warrior, poet was an incredibly charismatic personality. Every Montenegrin considers it his duty to visit his mausoleum at least once in his life and bow to the memory of his great countryman.

A little history

At the beginning of the 18th century, Montenegro was the first of the Balkan states to separate from the Ottoman Empire and defended its independence for a long time. The political system was a theocracy; 18-year-old Petar II Njegos, who took the place of ruler according to the will of his uncle Petar I, took monastic orders. In just 20 years of rule, he managed to overcome the custom of blood feud that was corroding the people and direct all his energy to the fight against the Turks. His poems became folk songs. The Njegosh Chapel was first destroyed by the Austrians during the First World War, and the Italians completed their work in 1942. The mausoleum was erected in 1974 under a unified Yugoslavia.

We are a ray of light, enveloped in darkness. Happy is he who lives through the ages by deeds; it was not in vain that he was born in this world!..

Petar II Njegos. Mountain crown

Perth II Njegos Memorial

A serpentine with 25 turns winds along the slope of Mount Lovcen, but does not rise to the very top. A staircase of 461 steps leads from the parking lot to the mausoleum, half of them in a tunnel cut into the rock mass. According to the idea of ​​the author of the project, Ivan Mestrovic, this is a symbol of the long and difficult path to freedom traveled by Montenegro. The entrance to the mausoleum is guarded by two caryatids in national Serbian clothes. Behind them, in a hall with a high dome, stands a monument made of black Lovchen granite. Njegosh is deep in thought about something, and behind him a mountain eagle spreads its wings. The Italian government donated 220 thousand gold tiles for the ceiling. The tombstone in the crypt under the monument is decorated with a double-headed eagle and an Orthodox cross - symbols of secular and spiritual power, and the short word “Njegos”.

They say that Ivan Metrsovic, who fled from the Croatian Ustasha fascists to America during the war, asked Joseph Broz Tito to send him a circle of goat cheese and prosciutto from the village of Njegosi, the homeland of the great Montenegrin, as a fee.

From the mausoleum, a narrow paved path leads to the neighboring peak Shtirovnik, where there is an observation deck. In clear weather, the entire territory of Montenegro within the borders of the 19th century is truly visible from here. It is worth bringing warm clothes, it can be very hot on the shore, but at an altitude of 1700 m the wind chills to the bones. And hold the children’s hands, there are no fences along the path, there are deep abysses nearby.

The surrounding beauty has made this place very popular among newlyweds for their wedding ceremony. The local marriage certificate is valid in the Russian Federation.

Lovcen National Park

Lovcen National Park

The slopes of Mount Lovcen and the surrounding valley have been declared a protected area. The rare combination of sea and mountain climates makes the local clean air healing. On the territory of the park there is the village of Njegosi, every house in which “breathes” the Middle Ages. It is famous for Montenegrin delicacies - goat cheese and prosciutto, “the food that Njegos loved.” The largest valley in the park is Ivanova Korita, where cold springs flow from the ground. Water collects in natural pools and flows from one to another, forming numerous cascades. A balneological hospital for those suffering from pulmonary diseases has been opened here.

There is an Adventure Park in Ivanova Korita. Rope trails are hung along the trees, designed for children and adults. Here they teach you archery, ride ponies, and rent bicycles and ATVs for traveling along 7 trails in the forest. There is also a paintball court. There is a hotel and a campsite nearby where you can pitch a tent or camper. Camping is prohibited in the rest of the park.

Practical information

Location: Mount Lovcen. GPS coordinates: 42.399865, 18.837529.

How to get there: by taxi, car or bus with an organized group from Cetinje following the signs to Lovcen National Park; distance 20 km, travel time 40 minutes.

The mausoleum is open from 9:00 to 19:00, seven days a week, ticket price is 3 EUR. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

From the top of the Jezerska Peak mountain in Lovcen National Park there are beautiful views of most of Montenegro. From here you can see the Bay of Kotor and Mountain peaks. In his will, Peter II Njegos, the beloved and revered ruler of Montenegro, asked to be buried at the top of this mountain. Work on the construction of his mausoleum was completed only by 1974. Now it is one of the most visited places in the country. There is a tourist center in the park, here you can get a map showing the main tourist routes of varying complexity.

Mount Lovcen and its surrounding valley are included in the protected area. Mountain and sea climates are successfully combined here. In these places you can breathe clean air with healing properties. In the national park there is the village of Njegosi with medieval buildings. Locals offer tourists to try popular Montenegrin delicacies - prosciutto and goat cheese. The largest valley here is Ivanova Korita with springs gushing out of the ground. The water creates natural pools that form a chain of cascades. People come to the local balneological sanatorium to treat their diseased lungs. There is also a hotel in the national park Ivanov Konak.This hotel is chosen by people who want to enjoy the local beauty. There are paths around this hotel and bike rentals are available.

On the territory of Ivanova Korita you can relax in. The trees there are equipped with rope courses that both children and adults can overcome. From this place you can go into the forest on an ATV or bicycle, which are rented at the rental office. Here they play paintball on a specially equipped area, ride ponies and do archery. You can stay at a hotel or campsite with space for tents. It is not possible to set up camps in other parts of the park area.

The mountain slope is equipped with a serpentine road that leads to this iconic place for all Montenegrins. There is a parking lot in front. Next, travelers need to overcome a staircase with 461 steps. Near the entrance you will see two caryatids in national Serbian clothes. In the hall there is a monument, for the manufacture of which black granite was used. The stone lord is thinking about something, and behind him is a mountain eagle with outstretched wings. The Italians donated 220 thousand gold tiles, which lined the ceiling, for the construction of the mausoleum. There is a crypt with a tombstone topped with a double-headed eagle, an Orthodox cross and a short inscription “Njegos”.

Excursion Maxi Montenegro

Adults (12+) – 35 euros

Children (4 – 11) – 20 euros

Children (0 - 3) with a seat - 20 euros

During the sightseeing tour you will get acquainted with the history and traditions of Montenegro. Visit the former capital of Cetinje and where the Hand of St. John the Baptist is kept - the three fingers of the right hand with which he baptized Jesus Christ. In the village of Njeguši you will taste prosciutto (smoked pork ham), delicious Njeguši cheese and local mead, and, if desired, rakia. On the way to Lovcen you will see Boka Kotor Bay from above. IN Lovcen national park on the second highest mountain range of Montenegro (1650 m) there is the mausoleum of Peter II Petrovic Njegos, the ruler of Montenegro. From the observation deck near the mausoleum a beautiful panorama of Montenegro opens.

Lovcen National Park on the map

How to get to Lovcen National Park

You can get to Lovcen Park by car, taxi or with a tourist group by bus. Public transport doesn't come here.

By car

You need to get to the nearest city to the park - Cetinje, then on the streetLovćenska leave the city towards the national park. This road leads to Lovcen. The road to the mausoleum is a narrow serpentine road; in general, the road is quite difficult, so it is better for an experienced driver to drive. Before entering the mausoleum has a small parking lot.

By taxi

Take a taxi to Lovcen Park to visit the mausoleum will cost 20-25 euros. It is better to take a taxi in Cetinje. The taxi driver will wait for you in the parking lot at the entrance and take you back to the city.

To travel to Montenegro you will need medical insurance

Excursion Jeep – Safari in Montenegro

Adults (12+) – 70 euros

Children (0 - 11) with a seat - 45 euros

Children (0 - 3) without a seat - free

On Wednesdays

This excursion is for those who love leisure. The trip takes place in the Biogradska Gora National Park. You will enjoy the national park in a completely new way. You will see why Belasitsa is declared one of the most beautiful national parks Europe. Excursionpasses through places where it is impossible to travel by bus or regular car. This is one of the most interesting sightseeing tours in Montenegro with active recreation.

Excursion to Albania (Tirana and Shkoder)

Adults (12+) – 40 euros

Children (0 - 11) with a seat - 20 euros

Children (0 - 3) without a seat - free

On Mondays and Thursdays

G citizens of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus no visa required for a trip to Albania. You will visit two ancient cities of Albania - Shkodra and Tirana. Shkodra is a city with a rich historical and cultural heritage and is one of the main cities in the country. Sightseeing tour A guide from Albania will guide you around Shkodra. Next you will head to the capital of Albania - Tirana. The main attractions of Tirana are Skenderbek Square, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Cathedral of the Resurrection and the Ephem Bey Mosque. You will have time for guided sightseeing, lunch and shopping.

Paragliding over Budva and Sveti Stefan

Adults and children (7+) – 65 euros


A paraglider is an ultra-light aircraft that launches with the help of human legs. The difference between a paraglider and a parachute is that a paraglider is designed for flight only. Paragliding in Montenegro takes place in tandem with experienced licensed instructors. The flight starts over the Budva Riviera on Mount Braichi, which is a 15-minute drive from Budva/Becici/Rafailovici. Within 30-45 minutes you will enjoy a free flight with beautiful views of Montenegro. Then head down to the beach in Becici.

Diving in Montenegro

One dive - 44 euros

Two dives - 75 euros

Snorkeling – 12.5 euros


Diving in Montenegro is popular. Jacques If Cousteau once said that in his life he had never seen purer and more transparent water than the Adriatic from Montenegro and Croatia. The transparency of the water reaches 55 - 60 m. Diving in these places is known throughout Europe. In the coastal waters you can swim among reefs and corals, explore several interesting archaeological finds: sunken Austro-Hungarian and German ships, underwater caves, submarines, ships and various fish.

Hello all readers! In this article I will talk about one of the most exciting excursions in Montenegro - a trip to Mount Lovcen. You can do it on your own, like us, or as part of an excursion group. is located in the park of the same name and is a symbol of Montenegro.

The content of the article:

Lovcen National Park

Lovćen Park is located in a mountainous region called Dinara. Its territory is impressive in its scale and amounts to 6220 hectares. On the southern side there is the Budva - Cetinje highway, and on the northern side there is the old road to Kotor, along which we drove. The park became a national park in 1952. Entry into the reserve by car is permitted. The fee is symbolic - 50 cents. In Lovcen Park, two climatic zones intertwine - Mediterranean and continental, which gave rise to a variety of flora and fauna.

The most popular attractions of the park are Mount Lovcen, which is a symbol of Montenegro, the mausoleum and village of Njegosi, and the mountain lake Ivanovo-Koryto.

You cannot pitch tents in the park, but if you agree in advance with the park administration (located in Cetinje), you can spend the night in the Ivanovo-Koryto valley, which is located halfway to the top of Mount Lovcen.

Mount Lovcen - our trip by car

We planned a trip to Lovcen last time, but didn’t have time to make it. Two years later, fate brought us back to the beautiful Balkan expanses and thus gave us the opportunity to realize a trip to Mount Lovcen.

From Budva to Lovcen you can go two routes - through Cetinje (42 km), or Kotor (52 km). We chose the second option because it seemed more interesting to us than the first. We drove a car that we had previously rented in Budva.

A common service and quite affordable. Many tourists use it to get around the country, and Montenegro really has something to see!

Trip to Mount Lovcen- one of the most exciting adventures. The fact is that the ascent to it is a narrow serpentine road, on which it is problematic to miss a passenger car, not to mention buses. There is nowhere to turn, because there is a mountain on one side and a steep cliff on the other. It will be difficult for faint-hearted and inexperienced drivers to travel along such a road. My heart sank at the sight of an oncoming bus. It's good that Victor is an experienced driver. He deftly maneuvered along the serpentine road and skillfully pressed himself to the side of the road. I probably wouldn’t be able to drive up the mountain. Especially with my phobia of fear of heights, which I tirelessly fight and even win in some skirmishes.

On the way to the mountain there are observation platforms where you can enjoy an excellent view of. The higher we climbed, the more beautiful the views became.

Mount Lovcen is topped by two peaks, Stirnovnik and Ezerski Peak. First - highest point mountains. Its height is 1 thousand. 749 meters, and Yezersky Peak - 1 thousand 657 meters. The entrance to the peak of Shtirovnik is closed; there is a radio relay military base there. You can’t get there, but Ezerski Vrh is open to the public. The mausoleum of the ruler of Montenegro, Peter II Petrovich Njegosi, is installed on it.

Mausoleum of Njegos on Mount Lovcen

At the top of Jezerski peak erected Mausoleum of Peter II Petrovich Njegosi, ruler and patron of Montenegro. Locals call this place Saint Olympus. According to the beliefs of believers, every Montenegrin should visit the shrine at least once in their life.

The ruler's tomb was erected by Prince Danila in 1855 at the request of Njegosi himself. Unfortunately, the original appearance of the mausoleum has not been preserved. A few years after the destruction, it was re-erected in the same place, thereby honoring the memory of the honored king. A tunnel and 461 steps lead to the tomb. There are incredibly beautiful views from here, and it is no coincidence that Njegosi chose this particular place.

Nearby, at an altitude of about 900 meters, surrounded by mountains on three sides, there is an old Njegusi village. Place of origin and reign of the Njegosi dynasty. Peter II Petrovic Njegosi and the last of the rulers of the Kingdom of Montenegro, Nikola I Petrovic Njegosi, were born here. Their houses have been preserved in the village, now converted into museums. The village of Nugushi is famous not only for its noble dynasty, but also for Montenegrin delicacies such as prosciutto, cheese and honey. Marvelous! Only about 20 people live in the village. I have never seen such small villages before! But despite this, people are still busy.

In the village of Njegusi you can buy the freshest prosciutto and watch it dry in a special room called sushara. Preparing this delicious delicacy is a long process. It starts back in November.

First, pork legs are rubbed with salt and dipped in a special marinade. The legs lie in it for about 15 days. After which they are washed with water and placed under a press for 3 weeks. Then the pork legs must be smoked for 4 months and then dried in the so-called dryer.

How quickly can prosciutto be eaten and how long does it take to cook it?! I adore Montenegrin delicacies: cheese, meat, olives, wine... mmm, you can swallow your tongue.)) For anyone whose appetite has worked up, I suggest you don’t stop and continue to salivate in the article.

With its magnificence, Mount Lovcen earned honor from the newlyweds. Neat observation decks with breathtaking views have become an excellent place for wedding ceremonies and photo sessions.

Many agencies offer to choose Lovcen for an outdoor ceremony. It seems to me that this place is ideal for a celebration.We chose it as one of the locations for our wedding. It was witha fairy tale that has become reality!

Please note that the air temperature at the top of Mount Lovcen is lower than in the city. So don't forget to take warm clothes.

By car

There are two roads to Mount Lovcen. Through the former capital of Montenegro, the city of Cetinje (42 km) or from Kotor (52 km) along the old road to the top. The first route is easier, since the track is wider there. Follow the signs for Lovcen National Park. Travel time is approximately 40 minutes. Distance 20 km.

We chose the second option (from Kotor along the old serpentine road), but the road is difficult for new drivers.

By public transport from Budva to Lovcen

There is no public transport to Lovcen. You can take it from Budva to Cetyne (cost about 4-5 euros), and from there you will have to take a taxi (up to 30 euros).

Walking to Lovcen

You can walk from Cetyne to the top of Mount Lovcen (mausoleum). The ascent will take approximately 4-5 hours. Suitable for active and experienced tourists.

With an excursion from Budva to Lovcen

A huge number of companies offer excursions to Mount Lovcen, Cetyne and the village of Njegusi. The cost of the excursion is approximately 25 euros.

In addition to group excursions, you can take individual ones. Its cost is more expensive than usual, but it has its advantages. It includes a car with a driver (guide). The excursion is conducted personally for you, without crowds of tourists and rush.

Useful tips (Mount Lovcen, Montenegro)

GPS coordinates of the Njegosi Mausoleum:

42.399865, 18.837529

Opening hours of the Njegosi Mausoleum:

from 9:00 to 19:00 seven days a week, ticket price - 3 euros.

  • The air temperature at the top of Mount Lovcen is lower than in the city. So don't forget to take warm clothes.
  • Wear more comfortable shoes.
  • Take a camera, phone, drone, etc. to capture the surrounding beauty.

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Of the two prongs of Mount Lovcen, the highest is the Stirnovik peak at 1749 m - telecommunications equipment is located there and access to it is prohibited. And the Jezerski peak, 1657 m high, is beautifully crowned by the Mausoleum of Peter II Petrovich-Njegos (069 050024 opening hours: 08:00-21:00, entrance 2 euros). The road from Cetinje to this tomb is 20 km of loops and bends, with a new picturesque view opening up at each turn. If you visit there during a thunderstorm, you will get an unforgettable experience. The landscape is harsh and mostly desert, but there are also islands of vegetation: pine, birch, hornbeam, beech, juniper, sycamore and even wild rose. Camping is prohibited here, but accommodation can be arranged in advance in Cetinje (069 027052) - you will be accommodated for the night in a mountain house in Ivanovo-Korita, halfway to the top. There are rumors that there are plans to expand this hotel and house the National Park office here. Montenegrins call the magnificent Jezerski Peak and the tomb so dear to them their Mount Olympus - this is a symbol of the Njegoš people and a sign that tells everyone who enters that the heart of the country is inaccessible. In World War II, the Italian army tried to shoot this burial place with guns, but Mount Lovćen and the mausoleum were not damaged, maintaining a long tradition of invincibility.

At the entrance to the tomb, which was opened to the public on July 28, 1974 by Veljko Milatović, Chairman of the Presidium of the Socialist Republic of Montenegro, stand two Montenegrin caryatids made of Jablanica marble (each of them weighs 7.5 tons). From the mausoleum there is a slippery (even in dry weather) a short path to a rotunda with an all-round view, which is built in the form of a threshing floor. They say that on a very clear day you can see Italian coast, however, so far no one has succeeded in doing this.

This mausoleum was built by Prince Danila in 1855 in the church that Njegos himself built. All Montenegrins consider this man the embodiment of everything that is sacred to them.

How to get to Lovcen

There is no public transport to Lovcen National Park. The nearest bus station is in Cetinje. If you are not traveling to the mausoleum as part of a tour group or by car, you have two options - taxi or walking. The main road leading to the top comes from the north-west of Cetinje - this is Lovcenska Street. Krstac and Ivanova-Korita are connected by a short road, recently re-paved. A taxi from Cetinje to the mausoleum, which will climb up and wait for you, will cost you from 30 euros. Entrance to the territory of the national park costs 0.50 euros - you can pay in Belosi, on the road from Cetinje to Jezerski; In addition, it is planned to build another entrance for visitors traveling from Krstac.

If you walk, you will get from Cetinje to the mausoleum in 4-5 hours, and if you take a shortcut, as logic dictates, then a little faster. From Bukovitsa, near the village of Njegushi, a marked path leads to the top. It will take you three hours to get to the very peak. There are 461 steps leading from the parking lot to the mausoleum. Here and there the steps are crumbling; There is no wheelchair access.