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Do-it-yourself preparation of a bite activator. Super recipe! Flavoring (biting activator) for successful fishing

To make fishing the most profitable in terms of catch, all fishermen, regardless of experience, try to use all kinds of baits and activators. The activators themselves are various spices to enhance the fish's appetite. They are made in the form of tablets or ampoules, and you can also make them yourself.

The activator usually contains the following ingredients:

  • Vegetable oils
  • Aromatic constituents
  • Refuse
  • Spices and amino acids
  • Ingredients of animal origin

Liquid flavors are added to the base in small quantities, usually they are 5-7%. The same proportions are used in the manufacture of an activator with their own hands.

Previously, we answered the question -.

Natural scents for activators

All fishermen know that fish prefer natural smells. Natural flavorings include oils, like sunflower, as well as odorous plants. In another way, they can be called "flavors with their own hands."

There are several types of them:

  1. Garlic. Suitable for carp and bream, it is used in dried form, and different amounts are added depending on weather conditions (up to 5% in summer, and up to 2% in winter). As they try to use a tincture of garlic.
  2. Star anise. Perfectly used for hunting small herbivorous fish. It has an anise aroma and a bittersweet taste. Use it in priority than just anise.
  3. Basil with dill. They are used in reservoirs with a lot of silt and thickets, for catching non-herbivorous fish of a modest size.
  4. Cinnamon. Goes to bream and roach, and regardless of heat or cold and water.
  5. Turmeric. Well suited exclusively for roach, especially in summer.
  6. Thyme. Used for carp species, used in unpolluted rivers.
  7. Coriander. Powder is used, and it is impossible to grind in advance, as it will lose its properties. Goes to bream in any water and in any weather.

Thus, there are many different natural flavors for making your own activators, depending on the type of fish you want to catch.

How to make an activator with your own hands?

In order to properly and well make an activator on your own, you need to build on the weather and the type of fish you are going to catch. But there are also common things for creating an activator yourself.

For example, the manufacture of a fruit activator (flavor)

  1. For 1 liter of water we use 3-4 tablespoons of fruit concentrate
  2. We put on a small fire, wait for boiling and wait 10 minutes
  3. Remove from heat, let cool, the finished mixture can be added to the bait.

And so you can cook garlic bait:

  1. Minced 4-5 garlic cloves through the spadefoot into a container or use garlic tincture (3-4 teaspoons)
  2. Add 1-2 teaspoons of oil sunflower
  3. We mix the components thoroughly.

There are many more recipes on how to make a bite activator at home, since in fact it is just an additive to increase the fish's appetite and attract its attention.


For a bigger catch, fishermen often use flavors. They are in many ways similar to attractants, but they affect the taste preferences of the fish, and not the sense of smell. That is, they make the bait taste more suitable for fish, usually using plant-based amino acids.

Often extracts from plants that attract the attention of fish combine the qualities of both flavors and attractants. It costs less and is easier to dose. Therefore, companies associated with fishing already produce different mixtures with one or another component that is included in the base (vanilla, cinnamon, anise or others).

At the same time, it is important to consider not only what you add to the bait, but also at what time of the year you do it. Solids are added to the dry mixture, and liquids are added to the water, which will be used to dilute the complementary foods to the desired state.

In this regard, convenient aerosol fragrance, as it is easy for them to process complementary foods in portions as needed. Just do not forget that a large amount of flavoring will immediately kill the bloodworm. Therefore, for application, it is necessary to first spray or pour the drug on your finger, and then on the bottom of the dish where the bait is located.

This method is most suitable in winter, and it is better to add liquid flavors before going fishing in the evening. Then the liquid components penetrate well into all complementary foods (crackers, bran, cake) and will not be washed away with water so quickly.


You should not overdo it with the flavors in the activator, as this can scare away the fish. If you plan to find such supplements around you without resorting to buying them in specialized stores, then castor oil, valerian or asterisk and others are perfect.

And also there are flavors of animal origin:

  • Fish fat
  • bloodworm
  • dry blood
  • Canned food.

In addition to liquid products, powders can also be used. The main thing is to choose the right taste and smell for the selected breed of fish in the right reservoir.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Do-it-yourself biting activator for fishing for bream

Each fish needs its own approach.

So for bream, flavors such as:

  • Vanilla
  • Strawberry
  • Various fruit attractants

Almost any fruit flavors are very to the taste of bream, but he prefers vanilla. Which is also suitable for other inhabitants of the reservoir. With the help of the current, the smell will spread very quickly, which means that the fish will soon respond to it.

There are also separate ingredients that can be used in addition to the bite activator for bream:

  • Millet
  • Pearl barley
  • Sweet corn
  • Green pea
  • Small bailes

You can add natural flavors to create the desired activator. So garlic is perfect for bream. Do not forget that powder or liquid mixtures are used within 5 or a maximum of 7% of the total volume, since they are not the main food for fish, but only excite their appetite.

So you can prepare a garlic supplement that will attract a large amount of bream. For example, pour 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic into 200 g of hot water, let stand for 5-6 hours. Use the resulting infusion for 1.5 - 2 kg of complementary foods.

Bait for carp

Since activators are designed to lure fish until the very end of catching, you need to select the smell very carefully.

The timid crucian has smells to which he gives special preference:

  • Vanilla. This smell will attract small and medium crucian most of all, and you should not be surprised if, in addition to it, you pull out a few breams, which are also willing to go for it.
  • Anise. It is enough to add just a few drops of anise oil to bread or semolina, only it is good for summer fishing, and not for winter.
  • Garlic. More suitable for large fish
  • Honey. Sometimes crucians also want something sweet, honey can be added to semolina.
  • Hemp. Use in the event that a completely sluggish bite.
  • Dill. Used in heavily overgrown water bodies.
  • Potato chips. If you want to catch small carp, then they will do.
  • Oat cookies. Crucian is well lured to it, just so that it does not fall apart quickly, add flour.

If you don't want to make your own activator, you can go to a specialty store and choose a liquid or powder activator there. Now the choice of such additives is very large, and for hunting any fish.

bait for carp

For active carp fishing, as well as bream, garlic is a good fit. In addition to tincture, you can add 4-8% anise powder to complementary foods.

Here, for example, is a recipe for carp bait using an activator such as honey:

  • Weed out small immature corn kernels
  • Pour the corn into a container and pour water, leave to soak for 2-3 days
  • Then cook for about an hour, it is important not to turn complementary foods into porridge.
  • Leave to cool
  • Before fishing, add a little honey to make the food fragrant and sweet.

Also, carp are perfectly attracted by the aroma of fresh bread and such a variety of legumes as chickpeas.

roach bait

Roach is a very common fish in Russian waters, and there are a huge number of recipes for baiting it. Here are a few of them:

Recipe one:

  • Table rye - 300 g
  • Breadcrumbs crushed crackers - 300 g
  • Oatmeal - 200 g
  • Ground hercules - 100 g
  • Hemp seed fried ground - 50 g
  • Algae filamentous - 50 g
  • Small maggot - 2-3 matchboxes
  • Grated garlic - half a tablespoon

Recipe two:

  • Ground biscuit about 300 g
  • Breadcrumbs 100g
  • Dry crushed clay - 100 g
  • Bran - 100 g
  • Cumin - 1 pinch
  • Small maggot or bloodworm - 2 or 3 matchboxes

The most favorite smells for natural roaches are the aroma of vanilla or coriander, as well as anise. The smells of almonds, caramel, chocolate, hemp are added to dry mixes.

Pike lure

Since pike is a predatory fish, it prefers smells of animal origin, it is also very picky and chooses only natural flavors. Also, to catch a predator, you can feed not the fish itself, but its food, then it eats other small fish in the reservoir.

As a bait, if you are fishing in water without a current, you can scatter pieces of fish, if with a current, then they must first be weighted with clay.

So, in order to make an activator fishing with your own hands, you need to consider several factors:

  • Lots of natural flavors, so it is not difficult to prepare an activator at home.
  • If you don't want to cook the bait yourself, then to enhance the fish's appetite, purchase an activator in a specialized store, where its choice is large.
  • For pike fishing it is necessary to use only natural smells. or make bait for her prey.

These are the main points for making an activator for catching a variety of fish at home. With its proper manufacture, a good bite will accompany you from the moment you start fishing until it ends.

Not everyone is lucky with a catch on a fishing trip. Therefore, all sorts of tricks and devices are used to attract fish. One of the latest developments is fishhungry biting activator. How does it work and does it make sense to buy it?

Means FishHungry belongs to the class of bait- the so-called attractants. Their main task is to attract fish to the place of fishing. But, unlike other baits, this has 2 directed actions at once:

  1. Attracting individuals in whole flocks;
  2. Increase their appetite.

This bait Sold in packs containing 5 servings. Each serving has a volume 5 ml. And the average price per pack is 1400 rubles. Fishhungry bite activator you can buy on the Internet, on the official website or in stores. Official site for buying bait by clicking on the link.

Important! The manufacturer claims that "Fish Hangry" effectively affects both predatory fish and peaceful representatives. You can use it at any time of the year

Unlike analogues, the action of FishHungry based on synthetic pheromones. These substances are secreted by the fish themselves, and they were identified and artificially synthesized by Italian scientists in 2011.

Initially received pheromones used for faster weight gain fish farm dwellers. And then they began to be used as bait for fishing.

The pheromones used in the product, with the help of which fish usually communicate with each other, make them float to the place use of the bait and eat the food more actively (while swallowing the bait and the hook). In addition to these substances FishHungry also includes:

  1. essential oils;
  2. universal food suitable for different types of underwater inhabitants.

Interesting! According to fishermen's reviews and the manufacturer's promises, the bait works best on large fish.

Physiological mode of action works even in unsuitable fishing conditions- for example, immediately after the spawning period. It is also effective in reservoirs of any type - both freshwater and marine.

Instructions for use

You can use the FishHungry biting activator in several ways:

  1. Add to diluted bait(chopped, cake or mixed fodder). You can simply pour 1 sachet into 2.5 kg of feed, mixing thoroughly. This method is suitable for catching peaceful fish.
  2. Better for Predators dilute the additive(1 serving) in 0.5 liters of water, then pour into food. Also, various nozzles and baits, including live ones, can be dipped into the resulting solution.

If after fishing there is some part of the unused solution, then can be stored up to 2 weeks in a carefully closed container.

Fishhungry biting activator divorce or not

This question most of all torments those anglers who want to try Fishhungry fish bait (hungry fish) but are afraid of being lied to. Moreover, there are enough negative reviews on various sites for this product.

Some believe that under the guise of an innovative development, an ordinary flavor is sold without any benefit.

In fact fish really, under certain conditions, “exchange” pheromones, therefore, there is no mysticism in the use of this substance. Synthesizing them in laboratories is quite realistic, especially since Italian biologists have submitted reports on their discoveries. Another strong piece of evidence is that this additive has been successfully used for fattening fish on farms for a long time.

Note! All this applies only to original products. Read below for rules on how not to stumble upon counterfeit.

How not to fall for a fake

Due to the high popularity of this bite activator, its fakes appear everywhere. Most often, the purchase of counterfeit products is the cause of dissatisfied reviews. To prevent this from happening you need to be very careful when buying:

  1. Check packaging. Original products are sold in plastic packaging, inside which there are metallized bags. The logo and image on the label must be bright and of good quality.
  2. Choose your place of purchase carefully. If an order is made via the Internet, then the seller’s site should not be “one-day” and not arouse suspicion. It is advisable to look for reviews on this particular store so as not to stumble upon unscrupulous scammers. You can buy bait..
  3. Ask for certificates of conformity. Only the original activator has all the necessary documents, which reflect the results of the necessary checks.

Important! Most often, fakes are found in Chinese online stores. Therefore, if you see Chinese goods for "5 kopecks", then this is counterfeit.

Today, bite activators have become extremely popular. They can be found in any fishing store, thus feeding the fish. In fact, the bite activator is a specialized bait, and even professionals note that it has proven itself well. Is it possible to make a bite activator yourself? Yes, it is possible, you just need to understand what exactly can attract fish.

Do-it-yourself bite activator: a step-by-step guide

On sale you can find biting activators in various forms:

  • pills;
  • liquid means;
  • pellets or spools of various sizes and so on.

They are produced by both Russian companies and foreign ones. All of them are quite popular in our country. Of course, it is not at all necessary to purchase a bite activator in a store, you can make it yourself.

Important in this case:

  1. Ingredients (we will talk about it below).
  2. Form (if you make a liquid activator, you will need a good flavor).

An approximate step-by-step guide to preparing bait looks like this:

  • all ingredients of plant origin are collected (for example, corn kernels);
  • they are filled with water and infused for a long time (1-3 days);
  • the mixture is boiled for an hour in a metal bowl;
  • after cooling, various additives are added to the resulting porridge.

Flavors and additives depend on the type of fish that the fisherman plans to catch.

There are a huge number of recipes using natural flavors. After preparing the gruel, you can make small balls out of it or roll up thin sausages, and then cut them into small sticks.

Each fish has its own food preferences. For each species, you can create your own bite activator, given this factor. Rospotrebnadzor plans to ban the sale of activators, in which case the ability to attract fish on your own will be very useful.

For crucian

Carp is one of the most capricious types of fish, the bite of which depends on a large number of factors:

Crucian carp is a bottom fish, but it can often be caught near the surface not far from the shore. This fish feeds mainly on larvae and zooplankton, but all kinds of vegetation are also included in the diet. As a bait, he prefers cereals, bread, all kinds of cereals (when using not corn, but wheat, semolina or pearl barley as a biting activator, it is better to steam them rather than boil them), worms, maggots and bloodworms.

When making a bite activator for crucian carp with your own hands, it would be nice to add natural components to it that have an attractive smell for crucian carp (a couple of pieces to choose from, no more):

  • cocoa;
  • garlic;
  • anise;
  • dill seeds, powdered;
  • vanillin.

Additionally, you can add finely chopped parts of plants such as calamus, reed, cattail, if they are at hand.

The bite activator should be rolled into small balls or used in bulk.

Carp does not like large pieces.

For roach

Roach can be caught all year round, it bites especially well in early spring before spawning. This cautious, but very valuable fish for a fisherman, can reach two kilograms in weight, however, most often there are specimens no more than 500 grams.

As food, he likes to collect insect larvae, caddis flies from the bottom, and hunts for bloodworms. In summer, greens are also included in her diet.

You can prepare a bite activator for roach in various ways.

For example, in winter, simple breadcrumbs scattered on the surface of the water are often famous.

In spring and summer, the activator must contain:

  1. Feed bloodworm in sufficient quantity.
  2. Breadcrumbs (can be replaced with sweet biscuits, grain bran).
  3. Soil from a pond.

The bait should not scare away the fish either with bright smells or with its appearance. It would be nice to create turbidity in the pond. The bite activator will gradually sink to the bottom, attracting larger specimens of roach.

Smells that attract roach:

  • garlic (needs to be rubbed);
  • coriander;
  • nettle;
  • caraway;
  • thyme;
  • chocolate;
  • almond.

Experimentation is always welcome.

For carp

Carp is a sweet tooth, which, unlike roach, does not like fine food.

The gruel for the bite activator will need to be steamed, not boiled.

Both sugar and honey can be added as a sweetener.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Carp is a rather large fish, it rarely bites in spring, but in summer and warm autumn it becomes more active. Of all the fish species, it is the carp that is the most voracious and unpretentious in food. This quality is used in the manufacture of a do-it-yourself bite activator. It can be prepared from both corn and peas (green is welcome), the addition of undercooked potatoes will only enhance the effect.

The main secret of the bait is that the bite activator is made finely dispersed, and the bait is quite large.

There are two types of bait:

As flavorings you can use:

  • garlic;
  • thyme.

For pike

- Predatory and large fish. Spinning and are often used to catch it. After spawning, the bite is especially good.

It feeds on various fish (including large ones), frogs, crayfish, shells, worms and sometimes plants. The use of a pike bite activator must be careful not to frighten it off with too much food.

Sometimes it is appropriate to feed not the pike itself, but the fish that is its food:

  1. Carp.
  2. Roach.
  3. perch.

As flavorings, you can choose one or two, but not more.

The use of artificial additives for this fish is not recommended.

Additionally, a small fish scattered over the surface of the water is used as an activator.

Flavors and natural scents

Earlier, we already indirectly touched on the topic of flavors in bite activators. They are always present. It is important to understand that the use of artificial additives is best limited if the fish is predatory.

Liquid flavors can be used by purchasing them in advance at the store, but fishermen who make their own bite activators prefer to use natural additives:

A huge number of natural additives allows you to save on flavors from stores.

Features of a good activator

It is necessary to use a self-prepared bite activator, adhering to certain rules.

They are developed taking into account climatic and seasonal conditions, as well as according to the behavior of the fish itself.

So the rules are:

  1. As little bite activator as possible, because if you overdo it, the effect will be the opposite.
  2. In autumn and winter, when the water temperature drops, the fish prefers more animal food (worms, bloodworms and fish oil can be added).
  3. In summer and early autumn, the amount of flavoring (whatever you use) should be reduced, because warm water activates these odors, and they may scare away fish instead of attracting them.
  4. You can not use a large number of flavors at the same time, one is enough, a maximum of two.
  5. Most fish species prefer sweet smells in spring and summer.

When using a bite activator for a beginner, it would be good to study in advance the habits of the fish that you want to hunt in the selected reservoir.

You can experiment, change the location and composition of the bait.

This is especially true when catching roach and pike, they are extremely careful and think through each of their actions well.

Alternative: electronic bait

An experienced fisherman knows that when using an activator there is always a danger of overfeeding the fish. That is why electronic baits appeared on the market. They are a device cylindrical shape powered by charger.

It works in this way: getting into the reservoir, the bait begins to vibrate, make sounds and glow. Thus, it affects the fish.

Any predator will be attracted by the vibration and unusual fluctuations.

When using, you need to consider:

  • the depth of the reservoir at the place of fishing;
  • type of fish;
  • other device data specified in the instructions.

Of course, not all fishermen appreciated the latest device. Its cost is not very high, and everyone can try to benefit from the use. However, a bite activator is a great way to attract fish, it's important to use it in moderation.

Fishing is considered an art. First you need to find the fish, then attract it and even catch it. Every day the fish becomes smarter and more cunning, this entails changes in fishing technologies. Manufacturers are constantly improving gear, anglers come up with new fishing techniques and equipment. But the bite activators do not go unnoticed.

Fish biting activators can be divided into several types. The first of these is attractants. Attractants is a special group of substances that attract fish to the place of fishing. The peculiarity of such activators lies in the combination of various components, and there are a lot of such combinations. But it's one thing to get the fish interested, and quite another to get them to take the bait.

Many facts can be cited when the fish revolves around the bait, but does not want to take the bait, and this is due to the fact that attractants do not arouse the fish's appetite in any way. There are cases when specially derived substances collected all the fish from the reservoir and forced it to concentrate in one place, but the fish did not take any of the proposed baits.

Thus, the bite activators can be divided into two subgroups, the first ones are useful for the angler, and the second ones are useless. That is, those that attract fish but do not call her to bite. Although useful things are not always easy.

A positive effect can only be seen when the fish finds the desired food in the baited place. When the concentration of attractants in the bait is very high, the fish just spins around in search of something tastier than your bait.


Biting activators for fishing can have different properties. But it is worth paying attention to two main ones.

  • The first is the ability to attract fish to the place of fishing.
  • The second is the awakening of the fish's appetite and the provocation to bite.

It is desirable that both components are present in your activator, otherwise the fish will simply circle around the nozzle or simply will not approach it.

Side effects in the use of activators, although few, but they are.

  1. The first and most important is the high probability of satiating the fish. If the concentration of the attractant in the bait is very high, then the potential catch will simply eat the bait and will not pay attention to the baited hook offered to him.
  2. The second side effect is the scaring away of fish, this occurs in the case of using fake or expired baits. We will talk about how not to buy a fake below, but you should always look at the expiration date of the bite activator.

Such baits do not harm the environment, since they are derived from natural pheromones, their connection is simply based on an artificial principle. So, you don’t have to worry about the health of the fish in the pond and the purity of its water.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of high-quality fish biting activators is based on two stages (components are selected from them) - first you need to lure the fish to a baited place, and then awaken a feeling of hunger in it. This is achieved through a high-quality selection of compounds and components.

Compounds and ingredients are selected by manufacturers through several years of careful study of the habits of fish (data provided by anglers) and observation of the development of fish by scientists. It is just the combination of these factors that allows you to achieve the desired effect.

TOP of the best bite activators

The best bite activator is a versatile bait that can attract fish to the place of fishing and awaken their hunger. Activators often bribe fishermen with their versatility, because most of them are able to attract predatory and peaceful fish. Using this tactic, you will never be left without a catch, and fishing will turn into an exciting and fun process.

Manufacturers design bite activators to be environmentally friendly, and add ingredients to them that make them able to attract fish to your bait. Substances added to the activators affect the fish's charm system and force it to feed actively.

FishHungry bite activator

(Fish Hangry or Hungry Fish) is one of the most famous nibble activators. Its peculiarity lies in a double action: attracting fish to the place of fishing and provoking it to bite. Also, manufacturers claim that the impact also depends on the size of the fish, the larger it is, the stronger the activator affects it. And this allows you to change the weight of the fish caught in favor of the angler.

Description of FishHungry

FishHungry is considered one of the most popular and most reliable biting activators, but anglers began to bombard it with a mountain of negative reviews, not realizing that they simply used the activator incorrectly, or their fishing conditions simply had a negative effect on this.

The great quality of FishHungry is its versatility. The activator acts on both predatory and non-predatory fish, and it can also be manifested regardless of the season. Also, the bait practically does not deteriorate, it can lie in the locker for several months and will not lose its properties at all.

The price of the FishHungry bite activator on the official website is 1300 rubles, but if you follow the link we provided you, you will get a discount and FishHungry will cost you only 990 rubles. By the way, on the official website you can order the delivery of the bait to Ukraine and Russia.

FishHungry Properties

The action of the activator is based on pheromones, which is what allows not to overfeed the fish, but at the same time to attract it to the place of fishing in maximum volumes. Also, thanks to pheromones, the fish becomes very voracious and will not be able to swim past your nozzle.

Benefits of FishHungry

The list of advantages of the FishHungry biting activator is quite large, however, as well as its disadvantages. But let's not talk about the bad, let's talk about the pros:

  • The activator is absolutely safe from the point of view of ecology;
  • Causes the need for food in any kind of fish;
  • Able to attract even passive fish to the place of fishing;
  • Versatile - it can be combined with different baits;
  • The lure is pretty cheap.

Buy FishHungry (bite activator hungry fish)

ORDER FORM– To buy a FishHungry bite activator (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan), you just need to fill out an application on the website. Enter your phone number and your full name in the appropriate fields.

bite activator Fish XXL made in the form of a spray, unlike the above and its main indicators are holding a place at the fishing point and activating appetite, the fish will have to be lured with bait. Keeping fish in place is achieved through a mixture of flavors that scientists have developed together with experienced fishermen. It took about 3 years to develop the bait in order to achieve the maximum effect from its use.

Description Fish XXL

Fish XXL activator spray was developed by scientists who used the tips of professional fishermen with decades of experience behind them. Anglers claim that some used this spray during international competitions, and won them thanks to it.

The consistency of the activator is very convenient, because the spray can be quickly applied to silicone baits and to dough or other bait for catching peaceful fish. Fortunately, the bait is universal and allows you to positively influence the biting of peaceful and predatory fish.

The cost of the Fish XXL bite activator is only 1980 rubles, but through our link you will receive a nice bonus - a 50% discount, so the bait will cost you only 990 rubles. I assure you that your expectations will be justified!

Properties Fish XXL

The main property of this activator is the effect on the sense of smell of fish. The substances that are in the spray enter the mucous membrane of the fish and irritate its nerve endings, stimulating them to bite and hold in place. It is this strategy that allows you to catch a lot of fish.

Benefits of Fish XXL

Spray activator Fish XXL has many advantages, but we will focus only on the main ones:

  • The product is absolutely environmentally friendly;
  • The bait is relatively inexpensive;
  • You can triple your catch.

ORDER FORM– To buy a Fish XXL bite activator (delivery throughout the CIS), you just need to fill out an application on the official website.

Dry Blooder is the only bite activator developed by the leading European ichthyologists. Their valuable insights into the instincts and traits of different fish breeds have helped create a powerful formula that can deliver a truly epic catch. The activator components of which work in combination, enhancing the effect of each other.

Description of Dry Blooder

The principle of operation of the DRY BLOODER bite activator is based on a combination of albumin and synthesized pheromones. These components provoke an aggravation of the physiological instincts of the fish - they cause an uncontrollable feeling of strong hunger and make it move to a specific point of bite.

  1. Albumin - dry blood. A substance obtained from the dried blood of animals. 95% pure protein, which is the most rapidly digestible food source. It is known that fish are far from gourmets, and instincts make them choose the most simple and effective food to eat.
  2. Synthesized pheromones. They cause a feeling of uncontrollable hunger in the fish, and the fish does not rush to the first food that comes across, but begins to move to the point at which the pheromone hit the water. At this point, she begins to rush to any bait, which will provide you with a high catch.

Properties Dry Blooder

The Dry Blooder bite activator makes the fish feel uncontrollable hunger and makes it move towards the point where the pheromone hit the water. After reaching it, the fish begins to rush to any bait - you just have to catch it.

Aromatic components of blood plasma are effective components of the bait. Its main difference from many different analogues is that the “smell” spreads very quickly over a truly vast territory and the fish simply cannot ignore the signal “served to eat”.

Dry blood DRY BLOODER is available as a powder, which is easy to add to the bait and mix well. In winter fishing, you can apply the Dry Blooder activator directly to the bait, so that after dipping it into the hole, a taste spot forms.

Benefits of Dry Blooder

  • the activator is great for both winter and summer fishing;
  • the composition includes albumin and concentrated pheromones;
  • dry blood is equally effective when fishing in the lake and the river;
  • the fish will not be able to resist, even if it is already full and is far from the bait.
  • it works equally well on both peaceful fish and predatory fish.

Dry Blooder is the most effective for grafting such fish as: carp, crucian carp, tench, roach, and also works well on predators - catfish, pike, perch, ruff, pike perch and chub.

Buy Dry Blooder

ORDER FORM– To buy the Dry Blooder bite activator (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Georgia), you just need to fill out a simple form. After that, the manager will contact you by phone and clarify the terms of the order. You pay the cost of the activator directly at the post office upon receipt, no prepayments!

Double Fish bite activator

Biting activator - is also considered one of the best, it is not prohibited anywhere and provides fishermen with the opportunity to increase their fish catch several times. Manufacturers took up the development of this tool two years ago. And now, after almost a year, the world saw a wonderful bait for fish based on pheromones. As soon as the fish hears the smell of the pheromone, it will certainly rush to it.

Description of Double Fish

If you choose the right bait for the Double Fish bait, then the fish will not only constantly be in the place of fishing, but also constantly swim up to it from all over the reservoir, again thanks to pheromones. Excellent is the versatility of the bait, it is able to lure fish equally well at any time of the year.

This is the world's first bite activator, made in the form of a cream, which is very easy to use even in winter fishing, when the hands are cold and stirring the bait becomes a difficult task. Double Fish also works well on all freshwater predators and peaceful fish.

To buy Double Fish (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) you will have to cook 2950 rubles. But only through the link provided below you have the opportunity to get a fairly large discount and the price of the bait will be only 1390 rubles.

Double Fish Properties

With the help of a pheromone, a feeling of hunger is formed in the fish, namely, a lack of amino acids, in order to restore them, living creatures have to absorb the source of this very pheromone. In winter fishing, this effect is doubled, since the fish have a natural lack of amino acids, and the bait further enhances it.

Benefits of Double Fish

The bait has a number of advantages, let's take a closer look at which ones:

  • Availability (it can be easily bought on the Internet);
  • Low price;
  • Profitability;
  • The activator is absolutely clean in environmental terms;

Buy Double Fish

The Double Fish lure is temporarily out of production, sales have been suspended indefinitely.

Dynamite Effect bite activator

The bite activator is made in Italy. Developed as well as the previous ones, scientists based on pheromones. Only here the main difference is the delivery of the order. By paying a small price, namely 1450 rubles, you will receive 5 bags of bait.

One bag is enough for 10-20 fishing trips, depending on the intensity of the bite. Well, if you choose everything correctly, then it should peck very well, believe me. Each sachet contains 5 ml of liquid activator, which can be used both in summer and spring fishing.

Description of Dynamite Effect

One of the best ways to lure fish and make them bite is to add Dynamite Effect Biting Activator to your bait and bait. This thing will really attract the fish to your hook, moreover, it will also make it peck.

The main thing is to choose the right combination of bait and bait. It's time to write my recommendation and review about it. I could not resist and ordered this activator for myself. I decided to test it on a sluggish gustira and rudd, it was in the spring and the fish did not show much activity.

But as soon as I added a few drops of liquid to the bait (regular sunflower meal mixed with flour and breadcrumbs) and pour half an ampoule into the bait (semolina is prepared according to the classic recipe with vanilla. As the fish immediately came to its senses, I went home with a bucket of rudd, which was successfully salted and eaten with beer.

Dynamite Effect properties

The activator works on both peaceful fish and predators. Friends have repeatedly made “edible silicone” for zander from ordinary lures and caught it quite well. And the fish was always delicious. So you can use the bait without fear.

Benefits of Dynamite Effect

The advantages of bait are mainly as follows:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Availability;
  • Low price;
  • Efficiency.

Buy Dynamite Effect bite activator

ORDER FORM- Buying Dynamite Effect (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus) is easy and simple, all you need is to have access to the Internet. Just go to the site and fill out the order form. You must enter your full name and phone number in the fields, in a couple of minutes a sales manager will contact you and place an order.

I can definitely say that the bite activators are not a scam. All of them work great, but not always, and this is precisely what entails a ridge of negative reviews about similar products on the Internet. When do they work and when don't they? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

First of all, you need to correctly choose the right bait, otherwise no matter how many fish spin around it, you won’t see the catch. This is the mistake most fishermen make. They think that they have a “magic wand” in their hands and the fish will rush almost to an empty hook, but believe me, this is not so.

Fishing success depends on many factors, so do not think that you can do everything with the fish biting activator. It is necessary to take into account every little thing that can affect the bite. Particular attention should be paid to the current, because it can positively affect the bite, with the right choice of bait.

Another very important point is bait. Just spraying the bait with a bite activator will not be enough, it still needs to be added to the bait. Moreover, pick up the bait in such a way that its smell does not interrupt the attractive aroma of the bait.

So I can only say one thing: with the right combination of all components, the bite activators really help to increase the fish catch several times, and sometimes even catch more than the rest. But now, if you choose the wrong gear, then the bite activator will not come to your aid. You should always rely on your own experience and the advice of others, and such gadgets as attractants will be just a nice addition to everything.

 Some fishermen argue that if you do not use biting activators, then there is nothing to do fishing, you can sit at home and not look for adventure. But the vast majority say that using such tricks on fishing is a bad idea and is done not for pleasure, but for profit.

Only one thing can be said for sure, both sides are right, just each in a different way. I'll tell you one thing right now bite activators are not a scam, they work, but everything is different. For each you need to choose the right bait and bait. Let's talk more about this and pay attention to the most popular activators.

So what are activators and how do they work in water? Let's talk about it. A portion of the bait is thrown into the place of fishing (the volume of the portion is agreed with the instructions that are present in each package). After the bait hits the bottom, its action begins. The main task of the biting activators is to attract fish from all over the reservoir to the place of fishing..

Amino acids, fats and other attractants that are part of the activators dissolve in water and create a kind of stain on the bottom at the fishing spot. This spot on the bottom makes the fish look for food, and awakens its appetite, and apart from the baited hook, it has nothing to eat.

You don't have to wait long for a bite. If you plan to fish in a water body with a current, then the smell will gradually spread throughout the water area, so you should cast the bait a little upstream. As for winter fishing, it is even better here - no one has canceled the laws of physics. In cold water, the smell and substances attractive to fish spread much faster.


Biting activators are designed to attract fish and awaken their appetite. It is on them that you should pay attention. Some substances can perform only one function, they will have little effect.

  • The fish will just come to the place of fishing, but will not peck;
  • The fish will peck at everyone except you;

This arrangement will suit few people, so it is better to look for substances that have both properties at the same time. It is about these that we will talk below, in our rating. But first things first.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of activators are not so significant, but still they should be paid attention to. If you inattentively read the instructions (and this is what most of our people do), then you can overdo it with the dosage, therefore, you will saturate the fish and it will not peck.

There is also a possibility of scaring away fish, but if you buy a bite activator on the official website, this will not happen. You can chase a low price and buy an expired or fake low-quality product, then there will be little effect. If he ever will.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the bite activator is extremely simple, and it consists in two stages:

  1. Lure fish to the place of fishing;
  2. Awakening her hunger;

It is not enough just to lure the fish to the fishing point, it must also be forced to peck. And to do all this with the help of one composition is even more difficult. Therefore, scientists for many years, empirically selected a combination of the components of the bite activator and achieved the desired result.

Top 5 best bite activators

The best bite activators are those that fully satisfy the needs of the angler. And everyone's needs are different - some like to catch predatory fish, and some prefer to walk with float rod in search of carp. Therefore, it would be a bad idea to make any generalized rating of bite activators.

We decided to select only the most popular bite activators and consider each of them in more detail, and, of course, leave a review from the site editors themselves (I fished using all the lures described below) and acquaint you with the reviews of the fishermen.

Today, 4 of the most popular bite activators fell under our scope, these are FishHungry (also called hungry fish), Fish XXL activator spray, Double Fish and the sensational bait Dynamite Effect. I think everyone has heard about them and want to know the whole truth.

Once again, I will make a reservation that all the activators in the rating have been personally tested by me and they work. You just need to choose the right bait for them, bait and apply under certain conditions.

FishHungry (Fish Hangry or hungry fish) is one of the best-selling fishing products. Almost all anglers have heard about it, but most have left negative reviews. And only a small part understood how to apply it correctly and respond positively.

This picture makes many fishermen wonder if FishHungry is a scam or not. I'll tell you right away: no. People who do not know how to use a hammer also shout that it is bad, but they are silent about the fact that their hands are crooked. I hope everyone understands what I mean.

With the right approach, following the instructions for use, the FishHungry bite activator works exactly as the manufacturers promise.

Description of the activator

FishHungry is considered the most reliable, most popular and widely used among other bite activators. Some say that this is very much affected by advertising. But if you advertise some nonsense, then no one will actively use it.

The versatility of FishHungry makes many fishermen think. After all, how one composition of the bite activator can equally it is good to attract peaceful and predatory fish, and even regardless of the time of year (it works equally well on summer and winter fishing). Yes, and the composition is thought out to the smallest detail, an open bag of bait can be stored for a long time and it will not deteriorate.


FishHungry, the official website for the sale of fish biting activator, calls its product one of the most significant breakthroughs in the field of fishing and science. Having studied the information, you can see that it has the following properties:

  • Works at a very long distance, attracting fish from almost the entire reservoir to the chosen fishing spot;
  • The fish sharply wakes up appetite and persists for a long time. And most of all, this affects large individuals, which will continuously feed in the place of fishing.
  • Equally effective in summer, winter, autumn and spring fishing. It also allows you to increase the catch of fish in sea and freshwater fishing.


In order to buy the FishHungry bite activator, you just need to fill in simple fields in the form that will open by clicking on the link. Just enter your phone number and name and then wait for the operator to call (they call within 10 minutes).

The price of the FishHungry bite activator reaches about 1300 rubles, but not for visitors to our site. When you click on the link that we provided, the bite activator will cost you only 990 rubles (or 359 hryvnias) for a package that contains 3 bags. note that original product is packaged in packs of 3 sachets. Delivery of the activator is carried out in most major countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan.

Fish XXL is the second most popular, but by no means the most effective. These bite activators are known to all fishermen as one of the best winter activators. But it works just as well in spring, summer and autumn.

But that's not the point, it's a really working bait. We take the classic bait for catching crucian carp (cake + flour) and add a portion of the spray there (the number of clicks on the bottle is determined by the mass of the prepared bait). Done, now you will not go home empty-handed.

You can also process the bait with this activator spray. By the way, it is very convenient for carp fishing. I spray boilies with this composition very often. Best of all, it manifests itself with a combination of the smell of fried chicken and plums.


The Fish XXL bite activator is in no way inferior to the one described above. On the contrary, he wins in some conditions. Its advantage lies in the consistency - the activator is in the form of a spray. It is very convenient for processing baits and bait before casting into the water.

I am writing a personal review: I processed a semolina dressed on a hook with the help of Fish XXL, as a result I caught three times more for my colleagues (they caught about 5 kg per one). Moreover, the crucians in my catch were somewhat larger.


The properties of this bait are no different from the previous one, by the way, we made a rating, selecting all its participants in such a way that they had two, the most important indicators. And the Fish XXL Biting Activator is no exception.

Its properties are as follows:

  1. First, he lures fish from all over the reservoir to the place of fishing, and creates an attractant cloud that keeps her there;
  2. While the fish smells the activator, it develops a feeling of hunger and begins to actively look for food.


Buying the Fish XXL Biting Activator is quite simple, you just need to enter your name and phone number in the appropriate fields of the questionnaire. After that, expect a call from the operator, which will happen in the next 15 minutes.

The price of Fish XXL is about 1980 rubles for residents of Russia (for fishermen from Ukraine it is 763 hryvnias). But we respect our readers and love to please them with gifts. Therefore, we provide you the opportunity to buy a bite activator at a 53% discount. You will have to pay only 990 rubles (359 hryvnias).

The Dry Blooder biting activator is a new and effective activator developed by European scientists and fishermen from all CIS countries. Fishermen gave advice about the preferences of fish of various species, and scientists tried to synthesize substances that would make the fish become more active.

Thanks to the collaboration of researchers, it was possible to make a truly effective tool that can provide a huge catch. The combination of pheromones and albumin (this is dry blood) made it possible to obtain a complex of substances that enhance each other's action.

Description of Dry Blooder

The action of the Dry Blooder activator is based on a combination of the interaction of dry blood and pheromones. The combination of these components provokes a feeling of hunger in the fish, which she is unable to control on her own. The only way out for the fish is to eat the bait on your hook. The main effective means of the activator:

  1. Dry blood, also known as albumin. This is a substance obtained from the natural blood of animals in a natural way. Everyone knows that protein is the most easily digestible substance in the body of humans, fish and animals. Albumin contains 95% protein (protein). Simple and effective food is what fish need.
  2. Synthesized pheromones which start to make the fish feel hungry. Due to the effects of such substances, the fish cannot control the feeling of hunger on its own. She begins to actively move towards the place where the pheromone got into the water and finds your bait there.

Properties Dry Blooder

The Dry Blooder biting activator lures fish to the place of fishing due to the effect on them of a special combination of pheromones and albumin. After feeding the place of fishing, after 10-20 minutes, a hungry fish begins to swim up to your bait. Now the main task of the angler is only the timely hooking and playing the fish.

The most effective components of the bite activator are the aromatic enzymes of the fish plasma. And these components are very different from their counterparts. Their smell just instantly spreads throughout the pond and makes the fish peck.

Dry Blooder is made in the form of a powdery mass that can be mixed into bait or added to baits without much effort. In ice fishing, it is best to treat the bait itself with the Dry Blooder activator so that after it is immersed in the water, an attractive smell spot is created.

Benefits of Dry Blooder

  • undeniably works on fishing in summer and winter;
  • includes only natural, concentrated pheromones and dry blood;
  • albumin works great when fishing on the river and lake;
  • attracts fish from a huge area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir;
  • the bite activator is universal and equally well attracts predatory and non-predatory fish.

Dry Blooder works best to attract peaceful fish of the following species: carp, crucian carp, tench, roach. If we talk about a predator, then she excels when fishing on catfish, pike, zander, chub, perch and ruff.

Buy Dry Blooder

In order to buy the Dry Blooder bite activator in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus or Kazakhstan, you just need to fill out a simple application on the official website, which is located below. And then wait for the call of the manager to clarify the delivery data.

Video review about the activator biting dry blood

I think it would be better to see once than to read 100 times. I offer you a video in which an angler with many years of experience talks about the properties of this bite activator and how to use it correctly in order to catch a lot of big fish.

The Double Fish bite activator is no less famous in fishing circles, although it is made in a not so familiar form. It's like a set for fishing. When buying it, you will receive a package containing an attractant bait and a special mixture for processing the bait. Quite an interesting approach to fishing, isn't it?

A very convenient thing, since you often have to catch a predator (and bait is not used there), processing only a wobbler, silicone bait or lure. This is where the advantages of Double Fish manifest themselves, first of all - this economy.

Once we smeared this mixture on a spinner, and took the second one exactly the same, while Double Fish was not used. So there were no bites on the processed bait. And with the same scheme of the experiment with silicone baits, the result was the opposite - they only pecked at the treated bait. So it's always worth checking, combining and experimenting.


Many buyers write reviews about the use of this bait. It was tested on various water bodies: rivers, canals, lakes, bays, seas, and even at different times of the year in winter and summer. She worked hard the main thing is to observe the proportions when cooking.

All this is indicated on the lapel of the package, it clearly describes when, how and why it is worth processing baits or baits, or adding this bite activator to the bait. Even a beginner who later does not want to disclose will cope with its use. experienced fishermen your secret to successful fishing.


The composition of the activator, which is completely identical to the natural pheromone of fish, released from them during their life. Awakens her instinct to eat intensely. Everything happens at the physiological level and the fish swims up to the baited place even from the most distant parts of the reservoir, after which it begins to violently grab the bait.


The purchase process is very simple: just click on the link provided at the bottom of this paragraph, then fill out the order form (indicate your name and phone number in the appropriate fields) and wait for the operator's call to clarify the delivery address.

Residents of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus can buy the Double Fish bite activator. The price for the set is 2950 rubles and 848 hryvnias, respectively. But we again give you a gift in the form of a discount, by clicking on our link you will receive a fishing kit for only 1390 rubles or 399 hryvnias.

A sensational bait, every angler has heard about this activator. Some say that the fish pecked at the bait he processed just like dumbfounded. An interesting fact is that it attracts peaceful and predatory fish.

It has been repeatedly noticed that the pike begins to very greedily grab the wobblers, which were poured with Dynamite Effect. Even after the spawning zhor, no such activity of the predator was noticed. Yes, and white fish reacts quite well to it.


The dynamite effect bite activator is produced only in liquid form. These are 5 bags (made of foil), small in size, and each of them is filled with the composition. The volume of each sachet is 5 ml. So for one fishing trip, only half a bag will be enough.

Once again, I focus your attention on the fact that the Dynamite effect is made only in the form of a liquid. Beware of fakes and order goods by mail only on official sites.


Active biting of fish under any weather conditions and in any reservoir is provided by the impact on the instincts of the fish at the physiological level. Dissolving in water, the activator releases pheromones, and the fish, on an instinctive level, begins to actively absorb their source.


Here, too, everything is extremely simple: click on the link below, fill in the appropriate fields of the questionnaire and wait for the consultant's call to clarify the data for delivery, which is carried out to Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Delivery is carried out by courier directly to your home. This process takes from 1 to 10 business days and is completely free. The price of one package (5 ampoules of liquid bite activator) is only 1450 rubles.

I can state unequivocally: Fishhungry, Fish XXL, Double Fish and Dynamite Effect bite activators are not a scam and they work great. Understand that we have an authoritative resource that is visited by a lot of readers every day, and among them there is a significant proportion of permanent ones. We do not allow ourselves to write about what we have not tested on our own experience.

This also applies to this article, all 4 activators were tested by me personally, and a couple of my friends. Their effect is ambiguous and they will manifest themselves on the positive side only with the right combination of all components.

Successful fishing depends on many components. Therefore, those who think that they will buy an activator and it will be possible to fish on a stick with a rusty hook are mistaken. The baits described above only help to strengthen the bite.

And the main task of the fisherman remains the right choice of fishing technique and tactics, the selection of gear and the choice of the place of fishing. Therefore, to everyone who bought a bite activator, but it does not work. After that, they immediately go to fishing forums and websites, describing its inoperability there. I can only say one thing: it's about you, not the bait.

Combine the right gear, choose a place to fish according to generally accepted rules, approach the process of fishing with full seriousness. And only after that add the purchased mixture to your bait and bait. Believe me, the effect will not keep you waiting.