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Biting in April at rates. Fishing in the spring - useful tips from an experienced fisherman for successful fishing

In April, life in the reservoirs, to the delight of the angler, is extremely active. Fish come to the surface of the water to breathe in oxygen, the amount of which in the reservoir was limited all winter due to the thickness of the ice. Most fish species begin their spawning season and look for places to lay their eggs and raise their fry.
In April, pike, carp, carp, roach, perch, sturgeon, and sterlet spawn. Pike rarely change their habitat in the reservoir, so if last year you were lucky and you attacked the trail of this fish, return to where there was a rich catch. While hunting, pike keeps to coastal grassy areas, where there are a lot of small fish.
When fishing in April, it is best to catch pike with baits with fry, which should always be in motion, and with a lure. Pike in April is also well caught by spinning. Use minnow, perch, roach and other medium-sized fish (no more than 10 cm long) as live bait. The pike is perfectly caught after the ice drift. This fish loves light and warm water. Most best time for effective pike fishing with zherlitsy - early morning. During the day, it is almost impossible to catch a pike in this way. You can leave the vents overnight, checking the catch in the morning. Spinning pike can be caught at any time of the day.
Night fishing of burbot continues near the coast. It worsens, and then the biting of the pike on the live bait and the lure stops. This means that she has started spawning. Until the last days of ice standing, zander pecks well on baubles, mainly at depths of 4-6 m, better in the morning and evening hours. Often mixed with pike perch comes across a large perch. Medium and small perch are caught at shallow depths (1-1.5 m) near the grass on small spinners with a nozzle. No less successful is fishing in April for mormyshka and float fishing rods. After the opening of the rivers and the flood, as soon as the spring waters begin to decline, you can catch burbot at night on crawling out, a bunch of worms, chicken intestines, and small live bait at night with bottom fishing rods.
In small rivers that are quickly cleared of turbidity, it is very interesting to fish for ide, chub, roach, scavenger, podust, dace, large minnow on dung worm, bloodworm, caddisfly, bark beetle larva. In the same rivers, fish bite well on float and bottom fishing rods, on the same nozzles. With favorable, warm weather from the third decade of fishing in April in shallow, well-heated reservoirs, you can catch crucian carp on a red dung worm. By the end of the month, it is recommended to fish from the dams on the biri “floating” from a spinning rod for pike perch and asp on bleak, small chub or dace. In small, brightened rivers, you can successfully hunt with spinning.
Fishing in April on lakes and large reservoirs begins after the disappearance of ice and sedimentation of turbidity, usually on the 10-15th day after the start of fishing on rivers. At the end of April, spawning of perch is observed after the end of ice drift in rivers and with the disappearance of ice in lakes and large reservoirs. The beginning of pike spawning is in the second decade. Ruff spawning - in the second, sometimes in the third decade. Closer to the north, these dates shift somewhat.

Fishing calendar. April

(A. G. Goryainov, The Big Book of an Amateur Fisher)

There is a flood on the rivers, but by the end of the month the water gradually begins to brighten, its level in the rivers decreases. During the day, the sun can shine brightly, and at night it freezes.

In April, the spring run of fish to spawning grounds begins. She loses her caution, as they say, goes ahead. The turbidity that has appeared in the rivers makes it approach quiet, clean places near the banks. Almost any fish willingly enters the old channels, channels, ide goes into small rivers. Spawning soon. Duck in search of food, perch, dace, gudgeon, chub.

In the reservoirs of the southern regions, heat-loving fish are becoming more active. Biting resumes, crucian wakes up. By the end of the month, the zhor of spawned pike begins here. It should be caught in pits below riffles, on sandbanks, on quiet reaches near banks overgrown with vegetation, in places flooded with spring water, in shallow bays. Good results are also given, on live bait float rod this predator is best caught near thickets of aquatic vegetation. Large ide, roach, podust, silver bream, bream, perch, medium-sized asp can peck at the bark beetle, worm and caddisfly. Usually, fish in April gather near spawning grounds - these are oxbow lakes, channels, bays with developed aquatic vegetation, banks overgrown with shrubs, wide streams. It is better to choose places with a quiet current, below the riffles, near the mouth shallows. Tackle should have a very sensitive float and a small sinker. Worms, bloodworms, bark beetles, caddisflies are used as bait. At this time, burbot feels good. Continuing to actively feed, it goes to the depths near the steep banks.

In central Russia, after pike spawning, perch spawning begins. The water subsides, and its spawning often takes place in the floodplain, in flooded willow bushes or other vegetation. With the first clarification of the water in the riverbeds, dace and dace begin to spawn on the stones. In the water cleaner - ide, choosing rifts clogged with soil deposits, floodplain spills and channels, and with a drop in water level - asp. In stagnant, closed and low-flowing reservoirs, where ice still holds, they continue to fish from the ice with a mormyshka and float fishing rods. Perch, roach, ruff, small pike are taken for an active game with jigs, and it is better to catch bream and blue bream with bait on float fishing rods or use a smooth game with jigs at the very bottom.

In the northern regions of the country, pike and zander are still caught on vents in April. Live bait can be tempted and. On the Karelian lakes, perch takes well from under the ice. It approaches the border of algae at depths of 1–2 m. Pike perch stays deeper: flocks hunt at depths of about 5 m.

At night, everywhere continues to take burbot. It is caught in the same places as in winter, and on the same baits. If there is no ice anymore, they use snacks or summer vents. Pike takes well immediately after spawning, and then takes a “break” for two weeks and goes to rest in quiet places. They catch it at this time on live bait, using donks and vents, but the bite is weak and unreliable.


The first thing to remember at this time is the deceptiveness and deceit of spring ice. History remembers the case when, in April 1242, the German team arrived at the mormyshka fishing competition, which took place on the ice of Lake Peipus. The decision of the disciplinary commission under the leadership of Ch. judge A. Nevsky, the German team in full force was disqualified for a gross violation of safety regulations while on the ice and numerous violations of the boundaries of the sector and the fishing zone. The protest filed was rejected, not without casualties. But they could have competed for a prize, as a result, the combined team of fishermen from the Novgorod and Vladimir regions was recognized as the winner ... So be careful on the April ice. Once again from April 1, friends!

Fishing in April… From ice to open water

After the ice has melted in some parts of the reservoirs, it becomes possible to open the fishing season with spinning, float and bottom gear from the shore or from a boat. However, in most regions, from April 20, fishing using boats will be banned.

Let's look at the features of April fishing, as well as the choice of gear, lures and fishing methods, taking into account weather conditions and the physical state of the water.

Perch fishing in April

Catching a perch on the last ice seems to be a simple matter, it is much more difficult to find it on a pond. And the larger the reservoir, the more labor-intensive it is. We have to drill a lot of meter-long ice, move over considerable distances, feed holes, pick up tackle and wiring. You can catch perch at the beginning of April, for example, on a jig - it’s warm and your hands don’t freeze anymore. For equipment, it is recommended to choose the lightest rod, because. you will have to make many frequent small-amplitude “trembling” movements, holding the rod with three fingers in an almost vertical position.

There are a lot of options for non-baits, these are “devils”, “uralochki”, “goats”, “nymphs”, “bugs” and “ants”, “cobras”, “shackles” and “bastard”, more here: Bezmotylka for beginners: Tips , secrets and techniques of fishing . No less effective can be caught on a mormyshka with a nozzle of animal origin (bloodworm, mormysh, etc.). Spinners and balancers are also used for perch fishing.

With the ice melting, large winter flocks of medium-sized perch break up into smaller ones, which patrol along the coast in search of food. To catch them, you can use spinning mormyshkas, micro-jigging lures, small spinners (a bombard is suitable to increase the casting distance). For short-range fishing, you can use float gear, and a worm and maggot will do as a nozzle. For hunting deep perch (it still hardly leaves the wintering pits), I usually use a retractable leash or classic jig lures.

Catching zander and pike in April

In April, the window of opportunity to catch a toothy predator from the ice on the vents closes. The April pike on the last ice can be very active, by the way, the record, so far, “mother” pulling 14 kg was caught by me in April on a vent on a small river 20 meters wide, at a depth of no more than half a meter. We sweated, I remember, while they were drilling ... And here is another example of successful fishing for vents:.

"Distribution" of pike perch in our Ob reservoir also usually falls on the first or second decade of April. You can seduce him with winter baubles and balancers, and most importantly, search and search again for the cherished dumps, pits and braids.

On the river, however, a short but often very productive season begins. In a short period of time, you can have time to restore the skills of fishing with spinning lost during the winter, experience the whole gamut of feelings from inspiration from the first evil zander and pike bites, to disappointment caused by bitelessness, annoying gatherings and breaks in gear. As S.S. Gorbunkov "I should have been in his place ..."

Silicone of medium and "marine" sizes, mandulas, foam rubber fish, wobblers, etc. are in use.

Burbot fishing in April

In April, you can still catch burbot, both from the ice, for example, “by knocking”, and in open water on a jig or bottom tackle. Once I happened to catch "by knocking" under the "strict guidance" of the Suzun natives. They brought me under the steep bank of the Ob, showed me where to drill, with the words: “Here he has a hole”, gave me a “log” with a wound fishing line and a “mormyshka” of cyclopean size. They said - "Knock!" and dispersed into the darkness.

Thirty minutes later - a blow to the "log" - further as if in a fog. I only remember that the head is already visible from the hole, but it doesn’t go further - it got stuck, wrapped itself in a ring, how I tore it out - I honestly don’t know. That burbot was eaten by the whole family for a long time, and since then I can’t look at canned cod liver. No matter how much after that I consciously tried to catch “by knocking” from the ice, I was not lucky. From the boat I caught on the bottom tackle on a kitchel (aka mymra) if you understand what I mean, or I took burbot in the by-catch for a jig - but this is more of an accident.

It is necessary to know well the places, burbot habits and time of fishing. The author of these news: "Burbot on the feeder and Burbot on the feeder-2 apparently solved the riddle of the burbot, for two successful fishing trips, this is already a pattern:

Roach fishing in April

Roach ... To begin with, in order not to cause confusion, let's understand the ichthyological terminology, taxonomy and classification of fish species of the carp family. The family includes more than 2000 species, and if crucian carp, carp, chub, tench or sabrefish are easy to distinguish from minnow, minnow or silver carp, then with roach, chebak, dace, ram, roach, bleak, silver bream, everything is much more complicated.

For example, L.P. Sabaneev, when describing these species, argued that, among other things, "... the rudd is much more beautiful than the dam, which is usually covered with mucus ...", which, in my opinion, is not a very objective sign for classifying species. And if we take into account the numerous dialects of the “great and mighty” (scrapper, roach) and the local names of the same species of fish (from “top melter” to “sikl” to denote a harmless bleak), then there is complete confusion. Here is a link to a serious study set out in the monograph Who is a Chebak? .

Clarity can only be made by a thorough visual inspection (the number of rays on the fins, their location) and an autopsy to count the number of pharyngeal teeth, which is a significant criterion for classifying individual species. It is clear that there is no time to engage in such “systematics” on fishing. Therefore, all of the listed dace, chebak and rudd and roaches will be referred to as "bel" and "roach". In addition, I believe, and many ichthyologists will agree with me, that the same spawning time of closely related species belonging to the same family (especially Cyprinidae) facilitates interspecific (and even intergeneric) crossing of cyprinids in natural conditions.

There are known hybrids of grass carp and goldfish (silver carp), rudd and bleak, bream and silver bream, roach and bream, etc. Some of them are capable of reproduction and are often taken for independent species. And the color of the scales, fins and eyes, and even the shape of the body of the "white fish" can vary depending on the age, composition of the water and other living conditions.

I won’t reveal a secret, saying that catching “roach” on the last ice is a very exciting activity, starving fish on good days fearlessly take any bait offered to it - dough, maggot, bloodworm, worm and steamed cereals. The opportunity to try fishing happiness is available not far from the city. As an example, the message of one of our users dated April 17, 2017.

In a fit of excitement, especially on the river, take due care, the ice floe on which you are located can be torn off the coast, and then you will drift like “Chelyuskinites” under the guidance of O.Yu. Schmidt in April 1934, and it’s not a fact that there will be a modern Lyapidevsky to save you.

With the ice melting, we inventory and debug float gear that has become dusty during the winter, light feeders, primitive “pioneer” snacks, major plugs with a side nod and ultralight “spinning rods”, and look forward to “dunk” and “knock down” the shore.

Catching crucian, carp and carp in April

Catching crucian or carp in April from the last ice is an interesting and very exciting activity. And if the weather is favorable, then pleasant. The crucian pecks at bloodworms, maggots, worms and baits of plant origin, you can play with a mothless. Carp and carp can not disdain and spinner. A real fishing eldorado for lovers of catching these types of fish opens in the first - second decade of April on the lakes of the western part of the region - Blagodatny, Sartlan, Chany and others

If you can’t travel far (work, life), follow the “news from the reservoirs”: within a radius of 10-50-100 km from the city there are a lot of places where you can catch both crucian and carp on the last ice.

A separate, big topic is catching carp and carp in liquid water - both a float rod and bottom gear will be used. Every self-respecting fisherman conjures up his “secret” bait, multi-component baits are created, someone rolls boilies on their own, in stores, stern bearded men in camouflage buy a bottle and ... Bonduelle sweet corn, causing sincere bewilderment of saleswomen. But this is more of a May story...

Sharing experience...

The author, when writing this article, set himself the goal of entertaining the reader a little, partly wanted to make the public deepen their knowledge and look at least at Wikipedia, tried to find answers to some questions that cause controversy among anglers, wanted to talk about his own, albeit not very rich fishing experience. Experienced anglers will most likely find my advice trite, but if the reflections I have set out will encourage someone to acquire and improve fishing skills, to seek knowledge about the habits of fish and how to catch them, I will consider my task completed.

Old-timers and neophytes, I think that the reading audience of the site will be interested to know your opinion about what was written, we will be able to take into account your experience of April fishing if you share it in the comments.

Every lover fishing knows that fishing in the spring is primarily characterized by the revival of rivers and reservoirs. If the weather outside is clear and warm, then you can count on a good bite of white fish and a predator, which begins immediately after melt water enters under the ice. With the arrival of the long-awaited spring, asp, perch and pike have spawning time, which lasts almost until May. Fishing in March, especially after the fifteenth, is the time for successful float fishing for barbel, carp, ram, roach, bream and, of course, carp.
Fishing in the spring with a float rod for a dung worm or bloodworm in rivers with a smooth course allows you to get a good catch of large roach, bream and bream. On small spinners with nozzles from a worm, bloodworms or small fry, ide, pike, pike perch, chub and perch are excellent.
Of course, the most interesting fishing in March will be on large rivers. If the weather conditions are favorable, then from the middle of the month the biting of fish in large reservoirs and lakes intensifies. But in rivers with the first intensification of the current and the appearance of turbidity, the fish categorically refuses to take nozzles.

Fishing in the spring, namely in the month of April, is the time to go fishing in the wiring, as the white fish begins to feed heavily before the upcoming spawning. It is followed by representatives of predatory fish species. In the central zone of the Russian Federation, many rivers are already completely free of ice by the end of March, but on some large reservoirs and lakes, fishing in April is still possible from ice. Near the shores of reservoirs, night fishing for burbot continues. The biting of such a predator as a pike on a lure and a live bait gradually subsides. In the evening and morning hours at a depth of 4-6 meters until the last days of ice formation, pike perch and large perch bite well on the lure.
In small rivers, where the water becomes very clear very quickly, fishing in the spring is a good time to fish for roach, ide, bream, chub, podust, large gudgeon and dace. At the end of April, many anglers use spinning rods to catch asp and zander, as well as small dace or chub. In small streams, where the water has already become light, they successfully fish with the help of spinning. Fishing in April on large rivers and lakes is possible in about a couple of weeks after the start of fishing in the rivers.

In May, you can fish well for rudd, bream and roach. By the end of spring, in late evenings and at night, catfish begins to take on a large creep. On large reservoirs, rivers and lakes, spinning or circle fishing becomes much more effective. Fishing in May is invariably accompanied by increased biting of podust and perch on fry or worms. After the twentieth of the last month of spring, chub and roach fishing can be carried out on greenery. Fishing in the spring can also be carried out on jig from rafts, boats and mill dams. It is recommended to fish from the shore only for those who have a fairly long rod. Of course, fishing in May will bring a sufficient catch only if the angler knows best places for such an experience. These include snags, "windows" of aquatic vegetation and piles. With the advent of May, anglers note the cessation of biting of spawning fish species. Only those individuals that have already spawned or are still preparing for spawning continue to feed. The exceptions here are the chub, gudgeon, podust and roach. Fishing in the spring ends in May, but immediately, the period of active summer fishing begins!

Fishing in the spring compared to angling various types of fish in the summer and autumn has several significant differences. If you don't know what fish are best to catch in the spring, then it will be useful for you to know the following. From about the end of March, when the level of the rivers is still low, and the upper layers of the water have already warmed up quite well, such predators as asp, pike perch and pike peck perfectly. In April, catfish wakes up from hibernation. Fishing in the spring is the time when, due to insufficiently high water temperatures, the fish stay in the depths, closer to the bottom pits. In spring, it is recommended to fish at a depth of up to 5 m by trolling on wobblers. If the goal is to catch pike perch, then in this case it is more expedient to cast directly to the exits from the pits. You can still successfully “drag” pike perch on a jig across the brows.
Knowing everything about what kind of fish is best to catch in the spring, you can successfully catch bream, ram, silver bream, rudd and sabrefish on the bottom. This fish will bite well on an ordinary earthworm. By the way, from the end of March, white fish is taken well with a float rod, and bream prefers to take it with an elastic band or a feeder.
Whatever fish is chosen for fishing, every angler who owns some information can easily organize a successful fishing at any time of the year, and certainly fishing in the spring will not upset him.

Carp is one of the most unpretentious types of fish. It can live in lakes, slow-flowing rivers, ponds, and even wetlands. Fishing for crucian carp in the spring begins immediately after the water in the reservoirs warms up to a temperature not lower than + 15ºС. This happens at the beginning of May, but small reservoirs with a muddy bottom may be an exception, which, for various reasons, warm up earlier. Fishing in the spring for crucian carp must be carried out without fail, taking into account the unpredictability of this fish. An angler who decides to go on a spring fishing must have the most complete set of baits with him. However, fishing for crucian carp in the spring most often begins with a bloodworm and any other baits of animal origin. The optimal characteristics of the tools, without which fishing is impossible in the spring, will be as follows: a rod with a length of 4 m, a fishing line with a diameter of 0.22 mm, one hook, a spinning reel and a light float. As for bait, when fishing for crucian carp, it is best to use a mixture of bloodworm and earth taken from the intended fishing site. Another indispensable item for such fishing is a landing net. With it, it is much easier for the angler to pull out large prey.

For most spinners, pike fishing in the spring is one of the most enjoyable activities. In spring, it is customary to start catching pike immediately after the last ice melts. The predator's zhor falls on March, as it is practically the first to spawn. Fishing in the spring from the ice is carried out on winter vents or on sheer lure, but after the ice has melted, it is more expedient to catch it with a spinning rod.
As for the choice of places for fishing, pike fishing in the spring will bring you the desired catch if you decide to go to a reservoir with already cleared or not yet muddy water. For spring pike fishing, it is recommended to choose places on small rivers with a fast current. As a nozzle, use a wobbler or a medium-sized shiny lure. Fishing in the spring should be carried out mainly on a spinning rod with a test of 10-20 grams. Instead of an ordinary fishing line, it is worth taking a braided line, since when fishing in the spring, the angler often has to forcefully release his tackle from the hooks. Also, fishing for pike in the spring is unlikely to be successful enough without a heavy inertial reel. The range of baits used in the spring is quite wide from spinners to various types of fish.

From many fishing enthusiasts, you can often hear a categorical statement that fishing for carp in the spring is nothing but a waste of your time. However, it is in spring that rather large specimens can be caught (in spring, the weight of carps increases significantly due to caviar and milk). Fishing in the spring for carp is usually carried out as far as possible from coastline, but if you fundamentally fish only near the shore, then you will have to constantly make sure that your fishing rod is out of the way and you are not in a straight line from the bite. The quality of carp bite is influenced by many factors, such as bait size, current, fish size, time of day, etc. Fishing for carp in the spring brings a good catch when using a bottom rod, not a float (carp feel much more confident at depth). Fishing for carp in the spring should be accompanied by a careful choice of gear. Since the water in the pond is clear, it is advisable to choose a low-visibility fishing line, such as fluorocarbon line. But the hooks are supposed to cling dark. As for spinning, it is important to properly set up the reel in it, since carp always bite with resistance. Carp are often fed in the spring, but little by little. As bait, you can take boilies, worms and corn. Despite the fact that the carp is not only very cunning, but also cautious, fishing in the spring attracts amateurs and professionals with its excitement.

Fishing in the spring will be most successful when using baits of animal origin - worms, caddis flies, bloodworms and maggots. Until the May holidays, bloodworms are the most common bait for fishing in the spring. When choosing a bloodworm, each angler must pay attention to the following points. A good bloodworm easily folds into a ringlet and has a darkish tint. For fishermen, in addition to bloodworms, the traditional bait for fishing in the spring is nothing more than maggots. Fish species such as silver bream, bream, roach and ide respond well to such a nozzle. In spring, adult white-yellow fly larvae are of the greatest interest to fish. As for the caddisfly (butterfly larvae), it is considered an ideal all-weather bait that can be used in all water bodies without exception.

Bait for spring carp fishing should be made taking into account several aspects on which the productivity of fishing directly depends. Here, a special place is given to the quality of bait. Carp mixture should be additionally enriched with proteins. Most carp anglers use homemade bait, of which there are a great many varieties, from exotic tiger nuts to regular potatoes. Fishing in the spring using potatoes as a complementary food will be very effective both on rivers and ponds. Slightly undercooked small potatoes can be used whole, but large ones are best cut into cubes. Another good bait for spring fishing is canned corn. Bait manufacturers produce special flavored corn for carp fishing. She performed admirably in muddy waters.

Modern anglers can choose absolutely any gear for fishing in the spring. There is such a wide assortment on the shelves of stores that many sometimes simply do not know what exactly is worth buying. So, you are planning to go fishing in the spring and you have not yet been able to decide what kind of tackle to take with you? Now everything will become clear. Tackle for fishing in the spring is usually divided into spinning, fly fishing, as well as float and bottom fishing rods. Float rods are the most widely used because of their ease of use and versatility. On such a fishing rod, you can catch almost any kind of fish from early spring to late autumn. As for spinning, it is better to take it with you to those anglers who prefer to catch predators on moving baits.

In April, in the middle zone of our country, spring fully comes into its own. The snow almost completely "comes off", exposing the ground, the air "smells" of spring. Only on the northern slopes of hills and ravines, and in the dense forest, can one see wet, dirty spots of former snowdrifts. In other places, they have turned into numerous streams that flow through hollows and ravines into rivers and lakes, raising their level. So April is the month of big water.

But this is also a time of great contrasts. “Sun, snow and rain interspersed,” wrote phenologist D. Zuev. The change of sunny days by blizzards and frosts is called by the people "April inventions" from time immemorial. The voice of streams falls silent at night. a thin film of ice, and under it - thawed earth. Frosty night in the moonlight. The bluish shadows of unclothed trees lie on fragile snowdrifts. Only at the beginning of April you will see such special nights - soft, radiant, full of rustles of awakening nature ”(“ The Seasons ”, M., 1963).

Well now on the ice! True, now it is not on all reservoirs - it has already descended on most rivers and streams, and on reservoirs and lakes it is kept mainly in the northern regions of the country. The sun shines brightly and you can easily get a tan, but you just need to protect your eyes from it - take dark glasses with you.

In early April, fishing with winter gear continues: on, float and live bait fishing rods, but by the end of the month, more and more often on the banks of rivers and streams you can meet fishing enthusiasts in wiring. This is an interesting, running way - an angler sometimes travels many kilometers in search of good places. For such fishing, you need to dress lighter, pick up a light, slender and reliable rod.

In April, in those places where it is allowed, fishing begins in another active way - spinning, both on a lure and on a dead fish.

On small rivers, the water, especially in the second half of the month, noticeably brightens, and fishing is successful. However, if the depth is shallow, the fish gets scared and can go to other places where the water is high and is just beginning to clear of turbidity. In such areas, they are looking for fish near the shore - under the bushes, near last year's grass, in small bays.

In stagnant water bodies, when large rims form, you can catch burbot with bottoms. The nozzle is the same as at other times of the year: live or dead fish, a bunch of worms, chicken intestines, etc. If the water is not transparent enough, this will not affect the bite - the burbot has a very well-developed sense of smell.

In the southern regions, ice drift on large rivers ends earlier, the water begins to clear, and its level drops. Well, they usually say about the end of April: the high water was raging. The day is noticeably longer. And the fish is now interested in food, mainly in the mornings and evenings, and not all daylight hours - during these hours it has time to get enough.

April is the month when the fish bite perfectly on the caddis larva. In rivers and streams, larvae are found at the bottom, on stems, sunken branches, etc. They are stored in a large glass jar in a cool place. Water is changed more often. Fishing larvae are taken in a wooden box, shifting wet grass.

fish spawning schedule

This time is very important in the life of fish: many of them begin spawning. The main condition, among others, for the start of spawning is sufficient heating of the water. A cold snap can delay or temporarily stop spawning.

Carp, bream need calm water and fresh vegetation, salmon fish need a fast current and dense ground. Spawning begins in the south of the country, and ends in the north:

  • in the south it spawns in March - April, and in the north - in the second half of May, when the water warms up to 7-8°C;
  • in pike, spawning begins when the ice has not yet passed, and sometimes even under the ice, and ends in late April - early May at a water temperature of 3-6 ° C;
  • grayling spawns soon after ice melts at 5-6°C;
  • ide - in April - May (water temperature, 3-4 ° C);
  • rudd - in April - May (18 ° C);
  • asp - in April - May (9-10 ° C);
  • tench - in June - July (19-20 ° C);
  • podust - in the second half of April - early May (6 ° C);
  • bleak - at the end of May, June and even the beginning of July (15-16 ° C);
  • - from the end of May to the end of June (16-17°С);
  • bream in the south of the country - from late April to early June (12-13°C);
  • - from April to June (5-18°С);
  • golden and silver carp - in May - July (14 ° C);
  • zander - in April - May (18-20°C);
  • sabrefish - from early May to mid-June (18-19°C);
  • - from the end of March, sometimes until May (6-6.5 ° C);
  • the chub starts spawning in April and ends in the second half of June (14°C);
  • carp spawns from late April to May (18-20°C).

Experienced anglers accurately determine the time of spawning of fish, referring to folk signs. So, it has long been known that the ide begins to spawn when buds swell at the birch, and small bream, perch and roach - when these buds bloom, trout - when the birch leaves turn yellow. In a medium bream, spawning coincides with the flowering of bird cherry, and in a large bream, with earing of rye. Elder and pear blossoms - madder begins to spawn, in catfish it passes during the flowering of wild rose, and in carp - simultaneously with the flowering of iris.

During spawning, the fish especially needs protection - after all, the fate of its offspring is being decided. That is why, in April, fish protection inspectorates and fishing and sports organizations begin to hold months and two months, when fishing is either severely limited or completely prohibited. During this period, various changes are made to the rules of fishing, which every angler must know well and strictly observe.

Spring is a rather difficult period for catching crucian carp. The fact is that the fish has just awakened from hibernation and has a hard time coming to its senses, often reluctantly interested in the bait. However, if April has come and with it a great desire to go fishing, then you should not deny yourself this. The main thing is to know and take into account a number of points that will help not to be left without a catch.

Despite the low activity of crucian carp in April, knowing some of the rules for catching it at this time, you can ensure a good catch.

April - it's time for the first fishing trip

In Siberia and in the north of our country, as a rule, almost until mid-April, all reservoirs are covered with ice. In these regions, the first thaws occur just at this time. Therefore, open water fishing begins no earlier than the first days of May. Only the early arrival of spring can contribute to the fact that the inhabitants of these territories will be able to sit with a fishing rod on the pond at the end of April.

However, in the south and in the central part of Russia, April is a truly spring and warm month, when you can successfully catch carp. The water in rivers and lakes gradually warms up and is saturated with oxygen, which makes the fish begin to feed. But at this time, crucian carp are still inactively moving around the reservoir. They try to stay mostly closer to the bottom and in those areas where they spent the winter.

Successful fishing for crucian carp in April depends on the right gear, the location found on the pond, food and bait.

Where is the best place to catch crucian carp in April

First of all, the spring sun warms up shallow water areas, where the depth varies between 30-70 cm. Here the first underwater vegetation appears, where the fish are looking for small crustaceans and insect larvae that have fallen into the water. Therefore, it is best to catch crucian carp in such shallow water with a float rod.

Since crucian in April is looking for something to profit from near the coast, you can catch it with a bait

It is also good to find a small bay surrounded by reeds, cattail or last year's grass. Very fond of crucian snag, flooded trees or bushes hanging over the water. But on a windy April day, you can get the opposite effect. Since the fish will be frightened by the noise from the vegetation swaying in the wind.

Often in April, especially in the first half of the month, crucian carp still keep at a depth, away from the coast. It can be both large individuals weighing from 0.5 to 1 kg, and small fish collected in fairly large flocks. Hiding in pits and depressions at the very bottom of the reservoir, crucian carp can protect themselves as much as possible. Most of the fish avoid the coastal part, because the water at this time is quite transparent due to the lack of vegetation, and any predator (birds, pike, etc.) can easily notice it.

To the aid of the fisherman come long-distance casting gear. For example, which can be caught in areas of about 30-50 m from the shore. If real fishing for you is only fishing with a float rod, then in order to achieve a good result, you will have to pay special attention to the equipment.

If in shallow water the crucian has not yet begun to peck, then feeder tackle is used to catch it at depth.

Tackle for fishing for crucian carp in April

In the middle of spring, lake fish are distinguished by increased caution. The slightest rustle or improperly assembled tackle can frighten her away. Given the following recommendations, you can effectively catch crucian carp even in early April:

  • Use light floats, weighing no more than 1.5 grams. The color is not very bright, especially at the bottom. In terms of shape, floats with elongated antennas (up to 20 cm) are recommended due to greater sensitivity and less resistance when biting. Thus, such tackle will be imperceptible even for very cautious fish.
  • So that fishing does not end due to a break in the equipment, choose a fishing line with a thickness of 0.14 to 0.18 mm. Tensile strength up to 3-4 kg. Of course, meeting a crucian of this size is a rarity, but catching a kilogram copy is quite real. Considering, moreover, that the fish resists extremely actively in the spring, such a thickness of the fishing line is just right.
  • Don't use a large sinker. To begin with, you can put a pellet weighing 0.3-0.5 grams. If there is no current, and the float does not blow to the side, then there is no need to add a large load. The lower the weight of the sinker, the more inconspicuous the rig is, and the bite itself is much more confident.

Properly selected tackle is the key to successful fishing

  • If you plan to fish with a float rod, then choose the length of the leash based on the strength of the current (if any) and the wind. It is best not to make them longer than 10-15 cm, because the crucian at this time keeps as close to the bottom as possible. The optimal thickness of the fishing line for leashes is 0.1 mm.

If you take into account all these tips, then April fishing will give you pleasure and will delight you with a solid catch.


Catching carp in April is a rather complicated process. The fish are not as active as in summer, so in addition to properly mounted gear and the chosen place, you will need a balanced bait. Otherwise, fishing may end in vain. The fact is that crucian carp can stay literally a meter away from the equipment, without paying attention to it without a bait field.

What is the most effective bait in April when catching crucian carp? What should be included in it? In fact, the same components as in the summer. The main thing is that they emit a pleasant and natural smell. For example, steamed millet, oatmeal, finely chopped canned corn, boiled potatoes, breadcrumbs, black bread, etc. Groundbait with sweet tastes and unusual smells is more suitable for the summer period.

Oatmeal can be used as a complementary food for crucian carp in April

If you use a dry store mix, then be sure to mix it with the ingredients listed above. The best bait has proven itself, made right on the shore with the addition of water from the reservoir itself, where you will fish. It has a more “native” smell for fish and will not scare away its unusual composition. If the bait contains a little bloodworm, maggot or chopped worms, then not a single crucian can resist such a “delicacy”.

Let's move on to another important point. Bait when catching carp in April should be the same color as the bottom. That is, a little cloudy and dark. A few handfuls of cake or local soil can help with this. Naturally, the bait should not contain bright components, such as green peas, grated berries, etc. We have already said that fish are extremely shy in spring and objects of an unusual color at the bottom can confuse them.


What is the best bite in April for crucian carp? Naturally, these are animal nozzles - maggot and worm. Bloodworm is sometimes an ineffective bait due to the fact that it is present in any pond in fairly large numbers. Often in April, it’s good to catch a “sandwich” - corn + worm or maggot. Large carp are often attracted to bait in the form of small pieces of fat on the hook.

In April, crucian carp will be well caught on maggots

From vegetable baits, we single out bread, in which you can add a few drops of valerian or flavoring with a natural smell - garlic, dill, anise, etc. Rarely, but it happens that at this time the crucian pecks on the dough with the addition of semolina or on the so-called "talker" . A lot depends on the water and the weather. When the water has warmed up to 10-15 ° C, then fishing is no different from summer fishing. You can try to catch crucian even on pearl barley or steamed peas.

Features of April fishing for crucian carp

If you are going to sit with a fishing rod on the pond, remember that in April, unlike in summer and late spring, crucian carp are not so active in the morning and evening. Best of all, he pecks during the day, when the sun is shining brightly and the weather is warm and calm. It does not matter if you are fishing in a small pond or a large body of water, the bites will be very careful, in many ways hardly noticeable even with a light rig and a sensitive float.

Crucian in April most often attaches itself to the bait for a long time, tasting it. Therefore, the float can swing or sink a little for several minutes, and then rise again. Be ready to hook the fish, but take your time. In 80% of cases, crucian carp will slowly but surely drown the float and lead it to the side. Do not make too sharp hooking, and the fish will definitely be on the hook.

An important point is the correct fishing of crucian carp, because. he can break easily

I would like to immediately warn you that fishing for crucian carp in April requires special endurance from the angler.

At this time of the year, you should not expect a stable and active bite. Even optimally selected gear, effective bait and a whole arsenal of bait will not insure that all fishing will be reduced to the painful expectation of a bite. But the result is not important, but the process itself!

Be sure to be patient and remember that fishing in April is notable for the fact that you can catch large crucian carp, which will take a special place among all your trophies.

About spring fishing for crucian carp will be discussed in this video: